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Speech readiness of first-graders for school. What is speech readiness for school? Scheme for studying a child’s speech readiness for school



Speech is not an innate ability of a person; it is formed gradually, along with the development of the child. The richer and more correct a child’s speech, the wider his capabilities in understanding reality, the more active his mental development occurs.
By the time the child enters school, parents need to pay attention to the development of the preschooler’s speech.
A child’s readiness for schooling is largely determined by the level of his speech development.

What is a child’s speech readiness for school?

Special criteria school readiness are presented to the child’s acquisition of his native language as a means of communication. Let's list them.

1. Sound side.

Your child should have a clear, correct pronunciation of all sounds.

2. Formation of phonemic processes.

1. Sufficiently well-formed and developed phonemic processes

- the ability to distinguish sounds by sonority-dullness (barrel - kidney), hardness-softness (can - squirrel), whistling - hissing (juice - shock), words that differ in one sound.

2. Skills in analysis and synthesis of the sound-syllable composition of a word:

Be able to isolate a given sound from a word (whether there is such a sound or not);

Be able to identify the first and last sounds in words;

Be able to determine the location of sounds, as well as their number and sequence of sounds in a word.

Be able to determine the number of syllables in a word. The child must be able to select pictures with a given number of syllables.

3. Vocabulary should be age appropriate.

Child's vocabulary up to 3500 words. The child must be able to generalize and classify objects into groups: not only seasons, vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, berries, etc., but also hats, fabrics, dishes, transport, professions, tools, indoor plants, geometric shapes, school supplies, know wintering and migratory birds, what the young animals are called.

4. Have grammatically correct speech.

Be able to use various methods of inflection and word formation (table - table, carpet - rug, cherry jam, pineapple juice - pineapple).

Be able to form and use singular and plural nouns in speech (ear - ears, leaf - leaves, a lot of pencils, stumps, foxes).

Match nouns with adjectives (brown skirt, brown coat).

Correctly use relative and possessive adjectives in speech (fox tail, bear ear).

Be able to use not only simple, but also complex prepositions, etc. (from under the table, from behind a tree).

5. Coherent speech

Be able to coherently, consistently, and clearly and accurately formulate the main idea of ​​a statement. Use linguistic means appropriate to the type of statement.

Possess the skill of complete and brief retelling, composing a descriptive story, a story based on a picture, a series of pictures, from personal experience.

Know the norms of speech etiquette: use accepted norms of polite speech (address in accordance with the age of the interlocutor, listen carefully to him, ask questions, construct statements briefly or broadly).

6. Fine motor skills.

Since at school the child will have to master a new, difficult activity for him - written speech, his hand must be ready. Masterly pressing buttons on game consoles and toys in preschool childhooddoes not implythe proper level of development of small muscles of the hand, the presence of the necessary tone.

Often, learning to write causes the greatest difficulties and problems for children. In order to avoid this, you need to resolve the issue of readiness to write directly by hand. To do this, you can trace cells in a notebook, draw circles in them, make ornaments from sticks, sculpt from clay, plasticine, perform movements with small objects (mosaics, construction sets, stringing beads, tying ropes, cutting with scissors). It is necessary to teach the child to sit correctly at the table, hold a pen, and focus attention.

Communicate with your children! It is not the quantity, but the quality of communication that is important. Ask questions that cannot be answered with monosyllabic answers. Take a break from your endless problems and talk to your baby.

Create conditions in the family that are favorable for the general and speech development of children;

Carry out targeted and systematic work on the speech development of children and the necessary correction of deficiencies in speech development;

Do not scold your child for speaking incorrectly;

Correct incorrect pronunciation unobtrusively;

Do not focus on hesitations and repetitions of syllables and words;

Encourage your child to have a positive attitude during classes with teachers.

It is necessary to take into account the importance of the child’s speech environment. Speech should be clear, clear, and literate; parents need to actively contribute to the accumulation of children’s vocabulary as much as possible.

However, parents often do not pay due attention to the fight against one or another speech disorder. This is due to two reasons:

1) parents do not hear the speech deficiencies of their children;

2) do not attach serious importance to them, believing that with age these shortcomings will correct themselves.

But the time favorable for correctional work is lost, the child leaves kindergarten for school, and speech deficiencies begin to bring him a lot of grief. His peers make fun of him, adults constantly make comments, and mistakes appear in his notebooks. The child begins to feel shy and refuse to participate in the holidays. He feels insecure when answering in class and is worried about unsatisfactory grades in the Russian language.

In such a situation, critical remarks and demands to speak correctly do not give the desired result. The child needs skillful and timely help. At the same time, it is obvious that the help of parents in correctional work is mandatory and extremely valuable.

Firstly, parental opinion is the most authoritative for the child, and secondly, parents have the opportunity to daily consolidate the skills they are developing in the process of everyday direct communication.

And remember that any joint games and activities, even the simplest ones, are useful for the child, since they develop not only speech, but also higher mental functions: attention, thinking, memory, perception. But they will only bring benefits when they are performed without coercion, in a playful manner, with a positive emotional attitude.
If you really want to help your child, do not forget that nothing can be done by waving a magic wand; you definitely need patience, time, a positive attitude and, of course, a system.

Speech readiness of the child for school

(speech by speech therapist)

The most significant thing for a 7-year-old child is the transition to a new social status: a preschooler becomes a schoolchild. The transition from play activities to educational activities significantly influences the child’s motives and behavior. The quality of educational activities will depend on the extent to which the following prerequisites were formed in the preschool period:

 good physical development of the child;

 developed physical hearing;

 developed fine motor skills of the fingers, general motor skills;

 normal functioning of the central nervous system;

 possession of knowledge and ideas about the world around us (space, time, counting operations);

 voluntary attention, indirect memorization, ability to listen to the teacher;

 cognitive activity, desire to learn, interest in knowledge, curiosity;

 communicative activity, readiness to work together with other children, cooperation, mutual assistance.

On the basis of these prerequisites, at primary school age, new qualities necessary for learning begin to form. Readiness for school education is formed long before entering school and is not completed in the first grade, since it includes not only a qualitative characteristic of the stock of knowledge and ideas, but also the level of development of generalizing thinking activity.

Schooling places new demands on the child’s speech, attention, and memory. Psychological readiness for learning plays a significant role, i.e. his awareness of the social significance of his new activity.

Special criteria for readiness for schooling are applied to a child’s acquisition of his native language as a means of communication. Let's list them.

1. Formation of the sound side of speech. The child must have correct, clear sound pronunciation of sounds of all phonetic groups.

2. Full development of phonemic processes, the ability to hear and distinguish, differentiate phonemes (sounds) of the native language.

3. Readiness for sound-letter analysis and synthesis of the sound composition of speech: the ability to isolate the initial vowel sound from the composition of the word; analysis of vowels from three sounds type aui ; analysis of reverse syllable vowel - consonant type up ; hear and highlight the first and last consonant sound in a word, etc. Children must know and correctly use the terms “sound”, “syllable”, “word”, “sentence”, sounds vowel, consonant, voiced, voiceless, hard, soft. The ability to work with a word diagram, split alphabet, and syllable reading skills are assessed.

4. The ability to use different methods of word formation, to correctly use words with a diminutive meaning, the ability to form words in the required form, to highlight sound and semantic differences between words: fur, fur; form adjectives from nouns.

5. Formation of the grammatical structure of speech: the ability to use detailed phrasal speech, the ability to work with sentences; correctly construct simple sentences, see the connection of words in sentences, extend sentences with secondary and homogeneous members; work with a deformed sentence, independently find errors and eliminate them; make sentences based on supporting words and pictures. Be able to retell a story while maintaining the meaning and content. Compose your own descriptive story.

The presence of even slight deviations in phonemic and lexico-grammatical development among first-graders leads to serious problems in mastering general education school programs.

The formation of grammatically correct, lexically rich and phonetically clear speech, which enables verbal communication and prepares for learning at school, is one of the important tasks in the overall system of work on educating a child in preschool institutions and the family. A child with well-developed speech easily communicates with others, can clearly express his thoughts and desires, ask questions, and agree with peers about playing together. Conversely, a child’s slurred speech complicates his relationships with people and often leaves an imprint on his character. By the age of 6-7 years, children with speech pathology begin to realize their speech defects, experience them painfully, and become silent, shy, and irritable.

To develop full-fledged speech, you need to eliminate everything that interferes with the child’s free communication with the team. After all, in the family the baby is understood perfectly and he does not experience any particular difficulties if his speech is imperfect. However, gradually the child’s circle of connections with the outside world expands; and it is very important that his speech is well understood by both peers and adults. The question arises even more acutely about the importance of phonetically correct speech when entering school, when a child needs to answer and ask questions in the presence of the whole class, read aloud (speech deficiencies are revealed very quickly). Correct pronunciation of sounds and words becomes especially necessary when mastering literacy. Younger schoolchildren write predominantly the way they speak, therefore, among underachieving primary schoolchildren (primarily in their native language and reading), there is a large percentage of children with phonetic defects. This is one of the causes of dysgraphia (writing impairment) and dyslexia (reading impairment).

Schoolchildren whose speech development disorders relate only to defects in the pronunciation of one or several sounds, as a rule, study well. Such speech defects usually do not negatively affect the learning of the school curriculum. Children correctly correlate sounds and letters and do not make mistakes in written work due to deficiencies in sound pronunciation. Among these students there are practically no underachievers.

Schoolchildren with an unformed sound side of speech (pronunciation, phonemic processes), as a rule, replace and mix phonemes that are similar in sound or articulation (hissing - whistling; voiced - deaf; hard - soft, r - l). They experience difficulties in perceiving close sounds by ear and do not take into account the distinctive meaning of these sounds in words (barrel - kidney). This level of underdevelopment of the sound side of speech prevents mastering the skills of analysis and synthesis of the sound composition of a word and causes the appearance of a secondary defect (dyslexia and dysgraphia as specific disorders in reading and writing).

In schoolchildren, along with disturbances in the pronunciation of sounds, underdevelopment of phonemic processes and lexico-grammatical means of the language (general underdevelopment of speech) may be observed. They experience great difficulties in reading and writing, leading to persistent failure in their native language and other subjects.
In such children, the pronunciation of sounds is often blurred and indistinct, they have a pronounced deficiency of phonemic processes, their vocabulary is limited, and the grammatical design of oral utterances is replete with specific errors; independent utterance within the framework of everyday topics is characterized by fragmentation, poverty, and semantic incompleteness. Deviations in the development of oral speech create serious obstacles in learning to write correctly and read correctly. The written work of these children is full of a variety of specific, spelling and syntactic errors.

The main task of parents ispay attention in timefor various violations of your child’s oral speech in order to begin speech therapy work with him before school, to prevent communication difficulties in a team and poor performance in secondary school. The sooner the correction is started, the better the result.

Literacy training
in the preparatory school group

The correctional education system includes special exercises aimed at preparing children for learning to read and write and mastering its elements. Children are taught attention to the sound side of speech, the ability not only to pronounce, but also to distinguish all the phonemes of their native language.

Literacy teaching is carried out on the basis of only correctly pronounced sounds in the following directions.

  • Preparation for analysis and synthesis of the sound composition of a word.
  • Formation of fluent syllable reading skills.

Initially, children are taught to highlight the initial stressed vowel in words like willow, Anya, duck. Children then memorize and analyze rows of vowels like aui , determining how many sounds, which sound is first, second, third. Next, they teach you to highlight the first and last consonant in a word.(spider, cat, poppy) , as well as carry out analysis and synthesis of combinations like ap, uk, from (how many sounds, which sound is first, second), after which the syllabic vowel is determined from the position after the consonant(bull, cat, poppy) . All these exercises prepare children to master the analysis and synthesis of direct syllables and monosyllabic words, at the same time they become familiar with the terms “sound”, “vowel”, “consonant”.

In subsequent classes, they learn to divide words into syllables, draw up a diagram of one- and two-syllable words, conduct sound-syllable analysis and learn the qualitative characteristics of sounds - hard and soft, and the syllabic role of the vowel sound.

By making different types of diagrams, children select words for them. Gradually, the tasks become more complicated: children must select the appropriate words for a given model (the first sound is a voiceless consonant, the second is a vowel, the third is a voiced consonant, the fourth is a vowel, for example, goats ). At the same time, children are introduced to a graphic representation of vowels and then consonants. First, the letters fit into the diagram of the word, then the children read syllables and words, putting them together from the letters of the split alphabet. Word transformation options are offered(varnish - cancer - poppy).

Attention is drawn to conscious reading of words. As they master the syllabic reading of words of varying complexity (based on their analysis), children are taught to break sentences into words and read them. They learn the difference between a word and a sentence, observing pauses between words, the rules of capitalizing letters, writing words separately, and putting a period at the end of a sentence.

From reading sentences, children move on to meaningful fluent reading of light texts, give meaningful answers to the text they read, learn to pose questions and retell what they read.

Learning to read and write is a crucial period in a child’s life. And how well it will go depends largely on you, your patience, goodwill, and affection. Show a genuine interest in everything related to learning. Under no circumstances should you allow rude “pressure,” tactlessness, or other negative aspects when communicating with a future student. Let your child believe in his own strength. Let him feel his success from lesson to lesson, make some small “discoveries” for himself and go to each lesson with joy. Let him think, show initiative, creativity; try to follow the child’s desires and do not suppress him with your learning

Speech therapist advice

1. Do not try to speed up the child’s natural speech development. Don't overload him with speech activities. Games, exercises, speech material must be age appropriate.

2. When communicating with a child, watch your speech. Talk to him slowly. Pronounce sounds and words clearly and clearly; be sure to explain incomprehensible words and phrases found in the text.

3. Do not imitate children's speech, do not abuse diminutive suffixes - all this inhibits speech development.

4. Correct the child’s speech deficiencies in a timely manner, trying to point out inaccuracies and errors found in his speech, be careful, do not laugh at the baby under any circumstances, the best thing is to tactfully correct this or that word if the child is in a hurry to express his thoughts or speaks quietly , remind him: “You need to speak clearly, clearly, and slowly.”

5. Don’t leave your child’s questions unanswered. And don’t forget to check: “Does he understand your answer?” If you have a tape recorder in the house, record your child's speech. Such recordings will not only help in working on speech, but over time will be a good gift for a son or daughter.

Consultation for parents.

Schooling places new demands on the child’s speech, attention, and memory. The most significant thing for a 7-year-old child is the transition to a new social status: a preschooler becomes a schoolchild. The transition from play activities to educational activities significantly influences the child’s motives and behavior.

What is a child’s speech readiness for school?

These are special criteria for readiness for schooling that apply to a child’s acquisition of his native language as a means of communication.

Criteria for readiness for schooling:

1. Formation of the sound side of speech. The child must have correct, clear sound pronunciation of sounds of all phonetic groups.

2. Full development of phonemic processes, the ability to hear and distinguish, differentiate phonemes (sounds) of the native language.

3. Readiness for sound-letter analysis and synthesis of the sound composition of speech.

4. The ability to use different methods of word formation, correctly use words with a diminutive meaning, highlight sound and semantic differences between words; form adjectives from nouns.

5. Formation of the grammatical structure of speech: the ability to use detailed phrasal speech, the ability to work with sentences.

The presence of even slight deviations in phonemic and lexico-grammatical development among first-graders leads to serious problems in mastering general education school programs.

Younger schoolchildren write mainly as they speak. This is one of the causes of dysgraphia (writing impairment) and dyslexia (reading impairment). Deviations in the development of oral speech create serious obstacles in learning to write correctly and read correctly. The written work of these children is full of a variety of specific, spelling and syntactic errors. Phonemic and lexico-grammatical speech disorders are not always accompanied by a violation of sound pronunciation and therefore parents do not notice them. However, these violations have a very serious impact on the child’s assimilation of the school curriculum.

The main task of parents- pay attention in time to various violations of your child’s oral speech.

What can parents do to ensure their child’s speech readiness for school?

- create conditions in the family that are favorable for the general and speech development of children;

- carry out targeted and systematic work on the speech development of children and the necessary correction of deficiencies in speech development;

- do not scold the child for incorrect speech;

- unobtrusively correct incorrect pronunciation;

- do not focus on hesitations and repetitions of syllables and words;

- keep the child in a positive attitude during classes with teachers.

It is necessary to take into account the importance of the child’s speech environment. Speech should be clear, clear, and literate; parents need to actively contribute to the accumulation of children’s vocabulary as much as possible.

What knowledge should a future first-grader have?

In the field of speech development and readiness to master literacy, a future first-grader needs:

be able to clearly pronounce all speech sounds;

be able to distinguish sounds in words intonationally;

be able to isolate a given sound in a stream of speech;

be able to determine the place of a sound in a word (at the beginning, in the middle, at the end);

be able to pronounce words syllable by syllable;

be able to compose sentences of 3-5 words;

be able to name in a sentence only the 2nd word, only the 3rd word, only the 4th word, etc.;

be able to use generalizing concepts (bear, fox, wolf are animals);

be able to compose a story based on a picture (for example, “At the zoo”, “On the playground”, “Sea holiday”, “For mushrooms”, etc.);

be able to write several sentences about a subject;

distinguish between genres of fiction (fairy tale, short story, poem, fable);

be able to consistently convey the content of a fairy tale.

In the area of ​​ideas about the world around us, a future first-grader needs to:

be able to distinguish by their appearance plants common in our area (for example, spruce, birch, oak, sunflower, chamomile) and name their distinctive features;

be able to distinguish between wild and domestic animals (squirrel, hare, goat, cow,...);

be able to distinguish birds by appearance (for example, woodpecker, crow, sparrow...);

have an idea of ​​the seasonal signs of nature (for example, autumn - yellow and red leaves on the trees, withering grass, harvesting...);

know the names of 1-3 indoor plants;

know the names of the 12 months of the year;

know the names of all days of the week.

In addition, a child entering 1st grade must know:

what country does he live in, what city, what street, what house,

full names of your family members, have a general understanding of their various types of activities;

know the rules of conduct in public places and on the street.

School is one of the most important stages in the life of every person. School education places a number of new demands on the child. The basis of learning is the cognitive process. It is known that the pinnacle of cognitive processes is thinking and speech. Thus, thinking and speech are closely related. Thanks to speech, we can draw a conclusion about the development of thinking in a person, and by developing our mental abilities, we develop speech. Therefore, along with physiological and psychological, it is very important speech readiness, since it is the most important indicator of intellectual readiness for school. With the help of speech, the child has to master the entire system of knowledge. The better a child’s speech is developed before entering school, the faster he will master reading and writing, since written speech is always formed on the basis of oral speech. In addition, speech is the basis of the communication process, therefore correct, well-developed speech predetermines the success of a child’s communicative activities. A child with well-developed speech easily communicates with others and can clearly express his thoughts, desires, and ask questions. Conversely, a child’s undeveloped speech complicates his relationships with people and often leaves an imprint on his character.

Speech readiness for school is a number of prerequisites necessary for successful learning at school, formed in a child in preschool age. Therefore, teachers working in the preschool education system need to possess certain tools for diagnosing children’s speech readiness for school. It is important to note that speech development must be assessed from the point of view of the influence of the level of development of one or another aspect of a child’s speech on the success of his schooling. For example, a violation of the pronunciation of individual sounds in children, as a rule, does not interfere with the acquisition of the Russian language, while a violation of phonemic perception leads to enormous difficulties in mastering reading and writing. Thus, when selecting diagnostic material to determine the speech readiness of preschoolers to study at school, it is necessary to place emphasis on the study of phonemic perception, language analysis and synthesis, sound-syllable structure, and lexico-grammatical structure of speech. The child’s ability to listen, memorize and retell texts, and compose stories independently is also important. Therefore, the level of development of the child’s coherent speech also needs to be assessed. We studied the diagnostic materials of many authors and chose the “Test method for diagnosing oral speech of primary schoolchildren” by T. A. Fotekova. Taking this method as a basis, we identified a number of diagnostic areas that are significant for us, and completely adapted all speech material for preschoolers, its volume and level of complexity. The criteria for assessing the correctness of assignments were also revised. To determine speech readiness for school, we suggest using the following diagnostic directions:

  • Study of the state of phonemic awareness.
  • Study of language analysis and synthesis.
  • Research into phonemic analysis.
  • Study of phonemic synthesis.
  • Study of the formation of the sound-syllable structure of a word.
  • Study of vocabulary and word formation skills.
  • Study of the grammatical structure of speech.
  • Study of connected speech.

For each of these areas, children are expected to complete one or more test tasks. Each task has instructions, comments and assessment criteria at three levels. The proposed material is intended for speech therapists and kindergarten teachers. In addition, this technique is also available to parents of future schoolchildren, since it does not require additional visual material and has simple assessment criteria.

I. Study of the state of phonemic perception

a) repetition of syllable chains of two to three syllables with oppositional sounds.

Instructions: listen carefully and repeat after me as accurately as possible.

(presentation - reproduction presentation - reproduction)

ba - pa - pa - ba

sa - sha-sha - sa

sha - zha - sha - zha - sha - zha

tsa - sa - tsa - sa - tsa - sa

ra - la - ra - la - ra - la

First, the first member of the pair (ba - pa) is presented, and then the second (pa - ba). The reproduction of the pair as a whole is assessed (ba - pa - pa - ba). Syllables are presented before the first reproduction: exact repetition should not be achieved, because The purpose of the examination is to determine the current level of speech development.

Rating: high level - correct reproduction at the tempo of presentation;

middle level - the first term is reproduced correctly, the second is similar to the first (ba - pa - ba - pa);

low level - inaccurate reproduction of both members of the pair with rearrangement of syllables, their replacement and omissions.

b) reproduction and discrimination of paronymous words.

(spoons - horns, fishing rod - duck)

Instructions (given step by step):

- listen carefully and repeat after me the words: spoons - horns;

- what do these words mean?

— what sounds are different?

Rating: high level - correct reproduction of a pair of words, understanding of the difference in lexical meaning, understanding of the difference in sound composition;

intermediate level - correct reproduction of a couple of words, difficulties in determining the lexical meaning or sound composition of words;

low level - inaccurate reproduction of a pair of words, difficulty determining the lexical meaning or sound composition.

II. Research into language analysis and synthesis

a) determining the number and sequence of words in a sentence.

Instructions: Listen carefully to the sentence.

A girl is reading a book.

How many words are there in a sentence?

Name 1, 2, 3... word.

The sentences are analyzed in a similar way: Flowers bloomed in the flowerbed.

A large mushroom grew under the tree.

average level - the correct answer on the second attempt or after stimulating help from an adult (“Wrong, think again”).

low level - incorrect answer on the third attempt, ineffective use of adult help.

III. Phonemic Analysis Research

a) highlighting a sound against the background of a word.

Instructions: listen carefully to the words, when you hear a word with the sound C, raise your hand (clap your hands).

Noise, umbrella, flower garden, plane cabbage, teeth, heron, dishes, shop, kvass, sunset, catfish, brush, bunny, dog leaf, bird, cabbage.

b) highlighting the first sound in a word.

Instructions: listen carefully to the words and name the first sound in each word.

c) highlighting the last sound in a word.

Instructions: listen carefully to the words and name the last sound in each word. Smile, carpet, store, puppy, pipes, glass, bush.

d) determining the place of a sound in a word (beginning - middle - end).

Instructions: listen carefully to the word and determine where the sound is in it...

R - rocket, drum, fence. K - cabbage, pasta, boy. O - hoop, road, cinema.

e) determining the number of sounds in a word (up to 5 sounds).

Instructions: listen to the word and count how many sounds it contains.

Ball, hand, bow, mole, banana, cat.

f) determination of the general sound in words.

Instructions: now I will tell you a few words, listen carefully to the words and determine what sound is found in each of them.

Bowl, braid, fox.

Mice, reeds, couch.

g) coming up with words with a given sound.

Instructions: tell me words that have a sound... L, M, D, Sh.

Score: high level - correct answer on the first try;

IV. Phonemic synthesis research

Instructions: now I will pronounce the word by sounds, listen carefully to the sounds, connect them, name the word that comes out.

D-o-m, p-a-r-k, k-o-sh-k-a.

Score: high level - correct answer on the first try;

intermediate level - correct answer on the second attempt;

low level - correct answer on the third attempt, ineffective use of help.

V. Study of the formation of the sound-syllable structure of a word

a) Pronouncing words with a complex syllabic structure.

Instructions: listen carefully and repeat the words after me.

Strawberries, plasticine, cyclist, water supply, frying pan, department store, traffic controller, policeman, temperature.

b) Pronouncing sentences with words of complex syllable structure.

Instructions: listen carefully and repeat the sentences after me.

Kostya made a snowman out of plasticine.

The traffic controller is standing at the intersection.

The plumber repaired the water tap.

(words and sentences are presented before the first playback).

Rating: high level - correct reproduction at the pace of presentation,

medium level - slow syllable-by-syllable reproduction,

low level - distortion of the sound-syllable structure of a word (replacements, omissions and rearrangements of sounds and syllables within a word).

VI. Study of vocabulary and word formation skills

a) names of baby animals.

Instructions: fox cubs are fox cubs, but...

Cats - ..., wolves - ..., sheep - ..., cows - ..., lions - ..., dogs - ..., chickens - ...,

pigs - ..., horses - ...

b) selection of antonyms.

Instructions: there are objects that are large, and sometimes, on the contrary, they are small. I will say the word, and you will say the opposite.

Light - ..., tall - ..., old - ..., brave - ..., difficult - ..., sad - ...,

close - ..., light - ..., quiet - ....

c) formation of nouns in diminutive form.

Instructions: the big ball is the small ball. Kindly name the items that I will list.

Chair - ..., table - ..., house - ..., snow - ..., tree - ..., window - ..., ear - ..., dress - ..., grass - ....

d) formation of adjectives from nouns.


Instructions: a paper boat - it is made of paper.

Matryoshka made of wood -..., a handle made of plastic - ..., a fur coat - ..., a slide of ice - ..., cabbage salad - ..., vegetable soup - ..., birch leaf - ..., pine cone - ..., raspberry jam - ..., strawberry jam - ....

High quality.

Instructions: a fox is called cunning for its cunning, but...

A wolf for greed - ..., a hare for cowardice - ..., a bear for strength - ..., a lion for courage - ....

Instructions: if it’s hot during the day, then the day is hot, and if...

Frost - ..., sun - ..., snow - ..., rain - ..., wind - ..., cold - ....


Instructions: The cat has a cat's paw, and...

tiger - ..., fox - ..., hare - ..., squirrel - ..., dog - ..., bear - ..., wolf - ...,

a bird's beak - ..., an eagle's feather - ..., a hunter's gun - ....

Assessment: for all tasks is carried out according to general criteria:

high level is the correct answer;

VII. Study of the grammatical structure of speech.

a) repetition of sentences.

Instructions: listen to the sentence and try to repeat it as accurately as possible.

(the sentence is read 1-2 times before the first playback)

The chicken laid an egg.

White seagulls circled over the sea.

There are many children walking in the yard.

Sonya bought multi-colored pencils at the store.

Rating: high level - correct and accurate reproduction;

medium level - skipping individual words without distorting the meaning and structure of the sentence;

low level - omission of parts of a sentence, distortion of the meaning and structure of the sentence.

b) composing sentences from words in initial form.

Instructions: I will tell you a few words, and you try to make a sentence out of them.

Boy, open the door.

Treat, doctor, patient.

Granddaughter, pear, grandmother, give.

Vitya, mow, grass, rabbits, for.

Rating: high level - the proposal is composed correctly;

intermediate level - word order is broken;

low level - omissions, rearrangements or substitutions of words, semantic inaccuracies, and agrammatisms are observed.

c) adding prepositions to a sentence.

Instructions: I will now name a sentence in which one word is missing, guess what kind of word it is, insert it into the sentence.

Tanya went... to the store.

The buds have blossomed... in the trees.

The boat is floating... on the lake.

Things were taken out... from the closet.

The ball rolled... the sofa.

Due to the difficulty of this task, two types of help are used: 1st - stimulating (“wrong, think again!”); 2nd - in the form of a question to the missing preposition (“Tanya went where?”).

medium level - correct answer after stimulating assistance;

low level is the correct answer after the second type of help.

d) formation of plural nouns in the nominative and genitive cases.

Instructions: one is a house, and if there are many of them, then these are houses. One is a table, and many are...

Instructions: one house, but many things? - Houses. One table, but a lot of things? - ....

Chair - ..., dress - ..., flower - ..., ear - ....

Rating: high level - correct answer;

medium level - self-correction or correct response after stimulating assistance;

low level - the form is formed incorrectly.

VIII. Study of connected speech

a) compiling a story based on a series of plot pictures “Bobik” (Kasha) or another series of 4-5 pictures.

Instructions: look at these pictures, try to determine what happened first and what came later. Put the pictures in order and make up a story.

Rating: high level - pictures are laid out independently and a story is compiled, the story corresponds to the situation, has all the semantic links located in the correct sequence, the story is grammatically correct with adequate use of lexical means;

medium level - pictures are laid out with stimulating help, the story is compiled independently, minor distortions of the situation are allowed, incorrect reproduction of cause-and-effect relationships is allowed, the story is compiled without agrammatism, but there is a stereotypic design, inaccurate word usage;

low level - arranging pictures and composing a story based on leading questions, there is a loss of semantic links, a significant distortion of meaning, agrammatism, stereotypic design, inadequate use of lexical means.

b) retelling the listened text.

Instructions: I will read you a short story, listen carefully, memorize and get ready to retell it.

(the story is presented no more than two times)


There were peas in one pod. A week has passed. The pod opened. The peas rolled merrily into the boy's palm. The boy loaded the gun with peas and fired. Three peas flew onto the roof. There they were eaten by pigeons. One pea rolled into a ditch and sprouted. Soon it turned green and became a curly pea bush.

(according to I. N. Sadovnikova)

In addition to this text, short stories with hidden meaning may be offered:


Tanya's mother fell ill. The doctor prescribed a bitter medicine for the patient. The girl sees that her mother is taking the medicine with difficulty, and says: “Dear mommy! Let me drink the medicine for you!”

(according to K. Ushinsky)

Hungry man.

One man was very hungry. He went to the bakery, bought a bun, ate it, but wasn’t full. Then he bought another bun, ate it, but he was still hungry.

He wanted to buy a third loaf, but he only had enough money for a small loaf. The man ate the bagel and was full. Then he hit himself on the head and said: “How stupid I am! Why did I eat so many buns in vain? I should eat one bagel first!”

(according to L. Tolstoy)

Rating: high level - independent retelling after the first presentation, all the main semantic links are reproduced, the retelling is compiled without violating lexical and grammatical norms;

intermediate level - retelling after minimal help (1 - 2 questions) or after re-reading, semantic links are reproduced with minor abbreviations, there are no agrammatisms, but there is a stereotypic design of the statement, some close verbal substitutions;

low level - retelling of questions, there are significant abbreviations, or distortion of meaning, or the inclusion of extraneous information, repetitions, agrammatisms, and inadequate verbal substitutions are noted.

For the convenience of analyzing the survey results, preschool teachers are asked to enter the data obtained into a general table, which, in essence, is a profile of children’s speech readiness for school.

A detailed analysis of diagnostic results allows us to identify the problems of individual children, as well as general pedagogical gaps in the preparation of preschoolers. Thus, teachers have the opportunity to organize targeted targeted assistance to students in developing speech readiness for school. Therefore, we propose to carry out this diagnosis in February in order to use the time remaining until the end of the school year to solve the identified problems. The speech material proposed for testing will help teachers and parents of future first-graders select similar tasks for games and exercises, individual and subgroup lessons. Thus, test tasks can be easily turned into training tasks.

teacher-speech therapist at MBDOU "TsRR - kindergarten No. 41".

Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod region, Russia

Natalya Mamaeva
Speech readiness of the child for school

Speech readiness of the child for school. Teacher-speech therapist Mamaeva N. L. The most significant for child 7 years is the transition to a new social status: preschooler becomes schoolchild. The transition from gaming to educational activities significantly affects motives and behavior child. The quality of educational activities will depend on the extent to which the following prerequisites have been formed in preschool period:

Good physical development child;

Developed physical hearing;

Developed fine motor skills of fingers

Normal functioning of the central nervous system

Possession of knowledge and ideas about the world around us

Voluntary attention, indirect memorization, ability to listen to the teacher

Cognitive activity, desire to learn, interest in knowledge, curiosity;

Communication activities, readiness to share with other children

work, cooperation, mutual assistance.

Based on these premises in the junior school age, new qualities necessary for learning begin to form. Ready for school education is formed long before entering the school and is not completed in the first grade, since it includes not only a qualitative characteristic of the stock of knowledge and ideas, but also the level of development of the generalizing activity of thinking.

School training presents to kid new demands on his speech, attention, memory. Psychological plays a significant role readiness

to learning, i.e., his awareness of the social significance of his new activity.

Special criteria readiness for school learning is required to be mastered child native language as a means of communication. Let's list

1. Formation of the sound side of speech. Child must have correct, clear sound pronunciation of sounds of all phonetic groups.

2. Full development of phonemic processes, the ability to hear and distinguish, differentiate the sounds of the native language.

3. Readiness to sound-letter analysis and synthesis of sound composition speeches: the ability to isolate the initial vowel sound from the composition speeches: the ability to isolate the initial vowel sound from a word; analysis of vowels from three sounds like aui; analysis of the reverse syllable vowel - consonant type an; hear and highlight the first and last consonant sound in a word, etc. Children must know and use terms correctly "sound", "syllable", "word", "offer", sounds vowel, consonant, voiced, voiceless, hard, soft. The ability to work with a word diagram, split alphabet, and syllable reading skills are assessed.

4. The ability to use different methods of word formation, to correctly use words with a diminutive meaning, the ability to form words in the required form, to highlight sound and semantic differences between words: fur, fur; form adjectives from nouns.

5. Formation of grammatical structure speeches: ability to use detailed phrasal speech, ability to work with sentences; correctly construct simple sentences, see the connection of words in sentences, extend sentences with secondary and homogeneous members; work with a deformed sentence, independently find errors and eliminate them; make sentences based on supporting words and pictures, be able to retell a story, maintaining the meaning and content. Compose your own story - description.

The presence of even slight deviations in phonemic development among first-graders leads to serious problems in mastering general education programs. schools.

Formation of grammatically correct, lexically rich and phonetically clear speech, which makes it possible speech communication and preparation for learning in school, is one of the important tasks in the overall system of training work child in preschool institutions and family. Child with well-developed speech, he easily enters into communication with others, can clearly express his thoughts, desires, ask questions, and agree with peers about playing together. Conversely, slurred speech child complicates his relationships with people and often leaves an imprint on his character. By the age of 6–7 years, children with speech pathology they begin to realize the defects of their speech, experience them painfully, become silent, shy, irritable.

To develop full-fledged speech, you need to eliminate everything that interferes with free communication. child with a team. After all, in the family the baby is understood perfectly and he does not experience any particular difficulties if his speech is imperfect. However, gradually the circle of connections child expands with the surrounding world; and it is very important that his speech is well understood by both peers and adults. The question arises even more acutely about the importance of phonetically correct speech when entering college. school, When to kid you need to answer and ask questions in the presence of the whole class, read aloud (speech defects are discovered very quickly). Correct pronunciation of sounds and words becomes especially necessary when mastering literacy. Juniors pupils they write mostly as they speak, so among those who fail junior schoolchildren(primarily in native language and reading) There is a large percentage of children with phonetic defects. This is one of the causes of dysgraphia. (writing disorders) and dyslexia (reading disorders).

Pupils, which deviations in speech development concerns only defects in the pronunciation of one or several sounds; as a rule, they learn well. Such speech defects usually do not adversely affect learning school curriculum. Children correctly correlate sounds and letters and do not make mistakes in written work due to deficiencies in sound pronunciation. Among these students there are practically no underachievers.

Pupils with an unformed sound side of speech (pronunciation, phonemic processes, as a rule, replace and mix phonemes that are similar in sound or articulation (hissing - whistling; voiced - deaf; hard - soft, r - l). They have difficulty hearing close sounds in words. (barrel - kidney). This level of underdevelopment of the sound side of speech prevents mastering the skills of analysis and synthesis of the sound composition of a word and causes the appearance of a secondary defect (dyslexia and dysgraphia as specific disorders in reading and writing).

U schoolchildren Along with disturbances in the pronunciation of sounds, underdevelopment of phonemic processes and lexical and grammatical means of the language may be observed. They experience great difficulties in reading and writing, leading to persistent failure in their native language and other subjects. In such children, the pronunciation of sounds is more often blurred, indistinct, they have a pronounced deficiency of phonemic processes, their vocabulary is limited, and grammatical design is replete with specific errors; independent utterance within the framework of everyday topics is characterized by fragmentation, poverty, and semantic incompleteness. Deviations in the development of oral speech create serious obstacles in learning to write correctly and read correctly. The written work of these children is full of a variety of specific, spelling and syntactic errors.

The main task of parents is to promptly pay attention to various violations of oral speech of their child. child to begin speech therapy work with him before schools, prevent communication difficulties in a team and failure in general education school. The sooner the correction is started, the better the result.