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Events for Cartoon Day. "Cartoon Parade" in children's library N3

"Animation is a magical land"

Ø introduce children to the genre of cinema - animation,
provide accessible information about the creative activities of people who create cartoons.

Ø consolidate and expand the aesthetic ideas of children received in the family and in kindergarten about the beautiful and ugly in life, nature and art;

Ø develop a general emotional culture and aesthetic sensitivity in children

Ø to arouse interest among preschoolers in creative activities.

Equipment and materials:

Ø photographs of famous directors, artists, actors; audio cassettes with songs by V. Shainsky,

Ø presentation:

1. fragments of cartoon fairy tales of various types (puppet, drawn, plasticine, sand, etc.

2. slides about the history of cartoons

Lesson plan:

A short overview of popular fairy-tale characters (viewing cartoon fragments)

A short story (with a slide show) about their creators, about:

How hand-drawn, plasticine and puppet cartoons are made;

How a fairy tale is born;

Where is the cartoon created?

Progress of the lesson

The teacher asks the children to guess the riddle:

An artist must make 1440 drawings, and you will enjoy this spectacle for just one minute, what kind of spectacle is this? (Cartoon)

Children: We will talk about fairy tales, magic, cartoons. Do you think that wizards have disappeared? That miracles don't happen?

Watch cartoons. Children and animals act there,

There, a finch knocks on the good huntsman's window.

True lies, where I always believe in advance

To everything that begins in a dream, what will happen today... (poem by Vadim Shefner)

Here fish, animals and even things acquire the power of speech and begin to resemble people, here the creations of folk fantasy - outlandish fairy-tale characters - come to life. The world of the cartoon is a world of fantasy. This is a land of magic.

Question for the children: Why did I call animation the land of wizards?
– Yes, every cartoon gives us a wonderful and amazing world of fantasy. It is home to popular, long-loved characters from hand-drawn and puppet films.

What multi-heroes do you know?

Children: funny bear Winnie the Pooh, kind and sad Crocodile Gena, prankster Carlson, cat Leopold and postman Pechkin and many others.

The teacher demonstrates excerpts from popular cartoons.

Questions for children:

Which cartoon character regrets that “birthdays only come once a year”? (Crocodile Gena.)

Which cartoon character owns the words: “We will survive this trouble”? (Leopold the Cat.)

What is the name of the cat from Prostokvashin?

A. Cheshire cat. V. Cat Matroskin.

B. Leopold the cat. G. Kitten Woof.

Drawn and doll characters behave just like real ones - they are happy, sad, and perform the most incredible miracles. Together with the heroes we travel to unknown planets.

But this does not surprise anyone. After all, we are used to the fact that in animation everything is possible. And rarely does anyone think: how does this miracle happen? When and how did this country originate?

I have prepared a story for you about the history of animation:

Question: What does the word "animation" mean?

– “Animation” translated from Latin means “multiplying”. The human eye holds any image for one twentieth of a second. In a film projector, 24 frames run in 1 second, and they all merge into one continuous image. Characters - drawn or puppet - are shown on the screen using frame-by-frame photography. This world is created in a close creative collaboration by the director, production designer and animators.

Question: -What types of cartoons are there?

Yes, very different. The most common, of course, are hand-drawn cartoons. This is how the most famous films were made - Disney ones. The drawn character (slide show) has enormous freedom of movement. Artists joke that it is more interesting to watch hand-drawn cartoons, but to make puppet ones.

And it all began a long time ago, long before the Lumière brothers invented cinema. Already thousands of years ago, artists and sculptors knew how to bring figures to life. In ancient Assyria, statues of winged bulls with five legs were placed at the entrance to the royal palace. When a man passed by, it seemed as if a bull was walking. In Egyptian temples, skillful lighting helped to “animate” images.

In Europe in the Middle Ages, funny little books similar to notepads were common. On each page the same figure was drawn in different poses. If the book was flipped through quickly, the figure began to wave its arms, ride a horse, and so on (illustration shown)

Several centuries ago the “magic lantern” appeared. It was a children's toy, but many scientists and inventors came up with devices in the form of rotating disks or a tape with drawings, or a system of mirrors.

To create the illusion of movement, a lot of drawings need to be captured on film. If you pick up such a film, you will see that in each frame the motionless drawn character slightly changes its position in relation to the previous frame. And when the film is projected onto the screen at 24 frames per second, the character begins to move.

In the films of A. Tatarsky, plasticine came to life (“Plasticine Crow”), A. Petrov is a plasticine cartoon (slide show)

Puppet film characters - dolls made from various materials (slide show)

Of course, computers have greatly changed the work of animated film creators. Now movements are reproduced using smart machines, which has significantly reduced production time. Especially a lot of such films are made in Japan.

But all the same, no matter how smart modern machines are, and no matter what capabilities they have, cartoons are, first of all, the art of the artist, his soul. Therefore, how a new cartoon turns out depends on the talent of the artist, and not on a state-of-the-art electronic device.

As before, the main thing is not technology, but invention and fantasy.

Where does the creation of a cartoon take place?

The Soyuzmultfilm film studio was the first to appear in our country in 1936. It is there that our favorite cartoons are born.

Where does the creation of any cartoon begin?

- Yes, I’m clean as usual...

Practical work for children:

1. The teacher invites the children to cut out a circle from a square sheet of white cardboard and draw a bird on it on one side and a cage or tree on the other. Then hang the cardboard on a thread, twist it and release it. The cardboard will begin to rotate quickly, they will see a bird... Which one? (Sitting in a cage or on a tree. This toy is called a tumatron).

3. On one edge of the white stripe, using a black felt-tip pen, draw a figure of a person in a static position, on the other in motion. Then twist one end of the strip onto a pencil and move quickly and quickly. And the little man ran!

Lesson summary

Questions for children:

What interesting things did you learn? What did you remember?

What is animation?

What types of animation do you know?

Valentina Igorevna Zabirova

Scenario of the festival of cartoon characters “Travel around the country “Multi-Multi”” February 12, 2015

The Baby sits in the center on a rug with scattered toys. The music stops and the sound of a motor is heard. Carlson runs into the hall with his arms spread out like wings. With small steps, he makes several circles around the Kid - he flies.

TO.: Hey, let me board! Land quickly, otherwise I'll fall, I'm running out of fuel! – a clucking sound interrupts his flight and Carlson collapses next to the Kid.

Baby: And you... Who are you? And why are you... flying?

Carlson: Ugh, what an uneducated boy... I don't play like that! He didn't even recognize me! What a disgrace... And I thought they would be happy to see me here, treat me to buns or jam, at worst... Well, since they don’t know me here, I flew then...

Presenter dressed as a cartoon queen (comes to the center):

Cartoon Queen: Wait - wait, dear guest! The kid was just joking that he doesn't know you. After all, absolutely all the children know you! Really, guys, we know? (All in chorus: “Yes!”)

Carlson: And what is my name? ( The guys chorused: “Carlson, who lives on the roof!”)

Carlson: And really, you know... Do you know who wrote this wonderful book? Come on, raise your hands, who knows?

Yes, guys, I came to you from a fairy tale, because I heard that a holiday was planned here. And I really love holidays, all kinds of jam days... (pats belly) But I see you don’t have any jam here, so I got bored. Perhaps I’ll fly after all...

Baby: Carlson! Where are you planning to fly?

Carlson: A! (waves his hand towards the “towns”) Maybe I’ll fly to Yekaterinburg... Or maybe I’ll fly to the Land of Cartoons... Listen, Baby, have you been to the Land of Cartoons?

Baby(sad): No, unfortunately, I haven’t been anywhere yet... Mom and Dad won’t even take me to Yekaterinburg, they say that small children on trips are such a burden! (rubs eyes with fists)

Carlson: Well, just don’t need this, okay? I don’t like wetness; dampness can cause my motor to rust. So, let me think... Calm! Only peace! We are flying together with you! Hooray!

Baby (sad): No, probably nothing will work out between you and me... I can’t fly with you and leave all these guys here! They came to my holiday...

Carlson(sits down and scratches his head - thinks): Yes, I probably won’t be able to handle them all... Oh! Guess, Kid, who is the main inventor and finder of solutions from almost hopeless situations?!

Baby: I guessed! You are the main finder and inventor! What did you come up with, huh?

Carlson (putting out his leg): And let the Queen of Cartoons make sure that all the guys find themselves in the land of Multi-Multi with us.

Cartoon Queen: Guys, are you ready to fly with Malysh and Carlson to the country of Multi-Remote? Then let's fly!

Carlson: Where are we flying with the Kid? Into the world of cartoons and miracles. Where adventures and many different meetings await us.

    Scene “About Friends” from the film “Masha and the Bear”, MKDOU No. 28.

Carlson: Hooray! We have reached the country of Multi-Multi!

Cartoon Queen: Let's check who has more - boys or girls? And which of them is more cheerful and friendly?

Carlson: Well, of course, boys, naughty little playful girls.

Baby: And the girls are good! Everyone laughs heartily.

Glad we came here - Yes!

We clap our hands until our fingers get tired.

Who will shout louder? Girls, boys.

Cartoon Queen:

Multi-Pulti is a wonderful country.

How much joy she gives!

You can see this here,

No matter what the fairy tale says,

I can't describe it with a pen!

More fun, music, play,

Gather all your friends to visit us,

Let cartoon heroes again

They will amuse us

They will be sad with us,

They will play with us!

Carlson: What magic! Another Masha? Miracles! There are more than one of them here!

    Dance from the film “Masha and the Bear”, MADO No. 50/1.

    Song “About Purity” from the film “Masha and the Bear”, MADO No. 50/3.

    Scene from the film “Masha and the Bear”, MADO No. 50/2.

    Dance “Jam Day” from the film “Masha and the Bear”, MADO No. 39.

Baby (goes on stage, looks one way, the other): Carlson here and Carlson there! I don't understand anything! And they also split into two!

    Song “Funny Man”, Dryagin Nikita, MADO No. 34/1.

Cartoon Queen: Guys, you probably noticed that each cartoon character has his own unique image. And all because in our country, Multi-Pulti, we have our own modeling agency. And now you will find out what happens in it!

    Costumes of cartoon characters, MKDOU No. 2.

Carlson: Baby, who are you most afraid of in the world?

Baby: Well, my nanny Frekin Bok, although no, probably Baba Yaga.

Carlson: What are you talking about! There is no need to be afraid of her at all! After all, in the country of Multi-Multi, all Babusenki Yagusenki are kind and nice. They can also sing and dance! Look!

    Dance “Grandmothers - Hedgehogs”, MADO No. 39.

Carlson: Have you seen the Kid? Why was he scared after all? Well, it’s okay, we’ll get through this trouble! Who said this phrase? Oh yes, Leopold the Cat!

    Song of the cat Leopold “We will survive this trouble!”

Kiselev Fedor, MKDOU No. 21,

Cartoon Queen: Guys, to see the heroes of the next cartoon you need to guess the riddle. Listen carefully.

I live at the bottom of the sea

In the palace of lilies

Together with sisters, father,

Wonderful fish.

I have a beautiful tail

And sparkles underwater

Golden hair.

I have a desire -

Become an earth girl:

I will run and dance

And laugh loudly! (Mermaid)

Cartoon Queen: That's right Little Mermaid!

    Dance “Under Water” from the film “The Little Mermaid”, MKDOU No. 21/2.

Carlson: Wow, where have we sailed with the little mermaids!

Baby: Carlson, look, there’s the boat sailing, and there are sailors on it!

Carlson: Yes, and there, you see the Papuans dancing!

Baby: How amazing! Let's run, quickly, and take a closer look!

    Song “Caterok” from the film “At the Port”, MADO No. 50/3.

    Dance “Chunga-Changa”, MKDOU No. 14.

Baby: Carlson, do you know what my favorite cartoon is?

Carlson: About me of course!

Baby: But you didn’t guess right?

Carlson: No?! Which one then?

Baby: Guess the riddle and find out!

Poor loser

The bunny ran away from him.

Mike is vomiting on his chest

And shouts: “Well, wait!”

Carlson: And I know, and I know, “Well, wait a minute!” Baby, wolves and a hare also live in the country of Multi-Multi. And here they are! Meet!

    Scene from the film “Well, wait a minute!”, MKDOU No. 21.

    Dance “Lambada” from the film “Well, wait a minute!”, MKDOU No. 4.

Baby: Every day I watch a cartoon
Where six friends frolic,
Even dear, glorious Luntik
Suddenly started to seem boring.
Muse, Leila, Bloom and Stela,
Flora, Techna - six friends...
I sang their song -
The world around has become brighter.
I want to be like these fairies
Do good deeds
And sow goodness in the world,
May the Earth always bloom!

    Dance "Winx Fairies", MKDOU No. 17.

Children's performance to the song Multi-Multi Wonderful Country

Cartoon Queen: So our fascinating journey to the land of cartoons has ended. It's time to say goodbye!

Carlson and Baby: It's time for us to return to cartoons!

All: See you again!

The scenario is suitable for a “sedentary” company. It just so happens that in our family people are not too fond of active competitions and sweepstakes. We are shy, of different ages and do not like to be sprinkled and doused. Therefore, our entertainment is such that it is fun and stress-free.

Birthday script based on cartoons.
Cartoons need to be selected different, both old and modern, so that no one is offended.

Printout of competitions (for your convenience),
Printout of phrases for the competition (cut),
Leaves with numbers (cut)
Leaflets with images of heroes (cut),
Small prizes suitable for each hero (with a hint of the hero),
Small prizes for competitions,
Grand Prize.

When meeting, guests pull out a piece of paper with a number.
We give away the souvenir - with the same number. For now, we suggest you figure out who the guest is at today’s holiday (guests take all the souvenirs with them!).
(For example: Rocky - a cheese grater, Pechkin - a chocolate coin, Kung Fu Panda - sushi chopsticks, Nyusha - a hairpin with a flower, Mashenka - a scarf on her head, Carlson - a small fan, Hedgehog in the Fog - a candle, Dyudyuka - a souvenir umbrella , Gromozeka - a flying saucer, Kitten Woof - a saucer, Wupsen - a bib, Wolf - a souvenir bottle, Leopold the Cat - a toy goldfish, Winnie the Pooh - a pot, Smart dog Sonya - a jar of mustard.)

We seat the guests at the table and listen to the versions. We discuss why they decided this way.
The feast need not be interrupted.
We distribute leaflets with their heroes so that others do not see.
We give you a few minutes to get used to the character. Afterwards, each guest must say the phrase of their hero or show him - the rest must guess!
If there are people at the table who have guessed themselves correctly on the subjects even before the cards were distributed, then they receive small souvenirs.

We hold competitions throughout the evening at your discretion in any order.
Small prizes are awarded for correct answers.

Competition "Catchphrases".
You need to print phrases from cartoons on a sheet of paper (no answers!). Cut and place in any container. Each guest takes out 1 piece without looking and reads.

We read the hero's favorite phrase. Let's guess who said it! Whoever guesses correctly receives a small prize. If the player has difficulty answering, the remaining guests are included, and the first person to answer receives a prize.

Congratulations, Sharik, you are a fool! (Matroskin)

We are starting the “Alarm Clock” program for those who do not sleep. On weekdays until sixteen and after midnight. (Kesha)

- I don’t eat this, I’m not a goat! (Kuzenka)

- Guys let's be friends! (Leopold)

“We won’t say who, although it was a baby elephant.” (Parrot)

- No, we don’t want to go to a living corner - we want... to become pioneers! (Cheburashka)

- I asked for 400 drops... And here there are 402. (Gromozeka)

- Ha-ha-ha! Hands up. Your song is sung... (Detective "Captain Vrungel")

- Akela missed! (Jackal "Mowgli")

- Stupid animal - there can’t be too much gold. (Raja "Golden Antelope")

- What a peacock! Don't you see - we're eating! (Genie "Baron Munchausen")

- And in three hundred years I will marry you to my daughter! (King "In the blue sea, in the white foam")

- Eh, Manka, what kind of gangrene our Vanka took as his wife... (Zhuzha “Magic Ring”)

- The elephant is bad! Help - good! (Foreigner with a stool “Koloboki”)

Bogatyr, buy a horse! Heroic horse (Gypsies “Alyosha Popovich”)

Getting married is the right thing to do. A man without a wife is like a tree without a caterpillar. (Baba Yaga “Dobrynya Nikitich and the serpent Gorynych”)

You know? You must become my own mother! (Carlson)

I'll sing right now! (Wolf)

- You will be Ivashka under the yogurt. (Baba Yaga “Ivashka from the Palace of Pioneers!”)

- In general... a woman is always useful on a hike. My sleeves are dirty. (Prince Vladimir “Ilya Muromets”)

-Who dares to catch my horse?! Immediately grab everyone and bring them to me. I will execute and have mercy... perhaps only execution. (Basileus “Ilya Muromets”)

- I hate doctors! (Barmaley “Aibolit”)

- Now take me for a ride, big turtle! (Lion Cub)

- Love yourself, sneeze on everyone! (Teacher “Little Imp No. 13”)

- First give you the trough, then give you the washing machine! (“Vovka in the Far Far Away Kingdom”)

- I'm in the river. Let the river itself carry me. (Hedgehog "Hedgehog in the Fog")

— The legend tells about the legendary Dragon Warrior... Everyone went crazy from his incredible awesomeness, because he was... well, wow! ("Kung Fu Panda")

Competition "Riddles for the knowledge of fairy-tale characters."

Lives in Prostokvashino
He carries out his service there.

He's so lilac
He waves his hand cheerfully.
He fell to us from the moon -
Kids love him.

Behind the smart brains
He was going to town with friends.
The obstacle was not scary.
He was a daredevil...

The swamp is her home.
Vodyanoy comes to visit her.

This fairy tale hero
With a ponytail, mustache.
He walks on two legs
In bright red boots.
(Puss in Boots)

I climbed into the hollow for honey,
He chased bees and flies.
Bear's name
Certainly, -
(Winnie the Pooh)

I found myself in a strange forest
Wonderful forest of Wonderland.
I'm here with the rabbit.
Do you know what my name is?

The well-known root vegetable
He lives in Italy.
Fraternized with a pumpkin
I got into a fight with lemons.

It was not for nothing that I remembered him,
Because he is strong.
Seven with one blow
He knows how to kill.
(Brave Little Tailor)

Who is known to everyone
A champion in turning on the spot?
(A hut on chicken legs)

He is a friend to animals and children,
He is a living being
But there are no such people in this world
There is no one else.
Because he's not a bird
Not a tiger cub
Not a fox
Not a kitten, not a puppy,
Not a wolf cub, not a marmot.

She was an artist
Beautiful as a star
From an evil employer
Escaped forever.

Competition for the erudition of fairy-tale characters.
“Do you know real life?” Let's check it now!

There are two ears on the body, but no head.
Answer Pan.

I was walking along one road, and suddenly I found two roads. I went two at once and entered two closets. Answer. Trousers.

She will reach the back of your head with her teeth.
Answer. Comb.
You enter through one door and exit through three. You think you've left, but in fact you've entered.
Answer. Shirt.

A round hummock and seven holes on it.
Answer: Head.

What do a tree and an airplane have in common?
Answer: Both are imprisoned.

The two are talking to each other.
- Is it black? – asked the first one.
- No, is it red?
- Why is she white then?
- Yes, because it is green.
What were we talking about?
Answer: About red currants.

They don’t eat it raw, but throw it away when it’s cooked?
Answer: Bay leaf.

Attentiveness competition.
“How well do you know animals?” It is better to give this competition to children.

I'll tell you straight away - I carry children in my bag. And in jumping I am a champion, I am a jumping gray... kangaroo (not an elephant);

In the house I catch mice and entertain the kids. You tell me, children, out loud, I call myself... a cat (not a rooster);

My granddaughter and grandmother were tending me in the meadow. I saved some milk, and my name is... a cow (not a butterfly);

I’ll save some nectar and take it to the children’s honeycombs. And I buzz here and there because I am... a bee (and not a camel);

I purr at the bowl, there are delicious sausages in the bowl. I warm my grandmother like a hot water bottle, meow-meow, I’m... a cat (not a squirrel);

he is long-eared, cross-eyed, and you recognize him immediately. He knows a lot about carrots. Who it? Of course... a hare (not a wolf);

who is chewing a pine cone on a branch? Well, of course, this is... a squirrel (not a bear);

who likes to run around on branches? Of course, a red... squirrel (not a fox).

Competition "Fastest", is held when the guests have already had enough fun.
All guests are sitting at the table.
We describe each guest - a hero. If the hero has identified himself, he must quickly stand up. The task of the other heroes is to interfere.
If the hero managed to get up, he receives a prize.

Harmful and capricious. Wants to learn to fly. (Vupsen)
Extraordinary mind, well-developed logical thinking. (Dog Sonya)
Loyal, brave, impulsive. Flying to other planets. (Gromozeka)
Hardworking, dreamy. Strives to get on the team. Good stretch. (Panda)
Friendly optimist. A little poet, a little glutton. Doesn't like bees. (Winnie the Pooh)
An irrepressible, good-natured disposition, a pain in the ass, has one most faithful friend. (Mashenka)
Loves to play, loves to be afraid, loves to find trouble. They are waiting for him. (Kitten Woof)
A true hero, but has a weakness that often lets his friends down too. (Rocky)
Incorrigible romantic. Loves night walks. Counts the stars. (Hedgehog in the fog)
Follows fashion. Popular with the opposite sex. (Nyusha)
Excellent camouflage. He plots and loves to quarrel with friends. (Dyudyuk)
Irresponsible, careless, talented sweet tooth. There is a button. (Carlson)
Prone to altruism. Kind. After a hearty lunch, he loves to sing. (Wolf)
Envious, curious. Loves bicycles. Lives in the village. (Pechkin)
Intellectual. Suffering from local hooligans. (Leopold)
A competition to test your imagination and imagination.
Be warned that the riddles are not serious.

crawls, crawls - he will eat the stone. It crawls again, crawls, and eats the stone. Who is it? (stone beetle);

crawls, crawls - he will eat the tree. It crawls and crawls again - it will eat the tree. Who is this? (stone beetle, it eats trees too);

crawls, crawls - it will eat a stone and a tree, but not a stone beetle. Who is this? (Sister Stoneweed);

pet, starts with “t” (cockroach);

pet, starts with “d” (two cockroaches);

black shiny, hanging on the wall. What is this? (Galoshes. My galoshes - wherever I want, I hang them there);

They hang on the wall and stink. What is this? (Cuckoo clock. Why does it stink? The cuckoo is dead.);

little black one, every woman has a highlight;

a plant that knows everything and everyone (horseradish);

small, yellow, crawling across the field (the Japanese is looking for a mine);

small, yellow, flies over the field (the Japanese found a mine)

At the end of the evening we count the prizes.
Whoever received the most is declared the winner. All cartoon characters are fabulous, and the winner is just a shaman!
We present him with the main prize - a tambourine!

You can use any other one - at your discretion.
Have a nice holiday!

// July 20, 2017 // Views: 3,818

Elena Pereverzova

October 28th is international cartoon day. And how can such a wonderful day be ignored? In the end, this is a small I succeeded in the event.

I called it "Journey to the Country animation"

Target Events: generalize and consolidate children’s knowledge about acquaintances cartoons.


develop memory, thinking, speech of children;

develop communication skills, skills of interacting with each other;

cultivate interest and love for cartoons;

introduce children to such genres of cinema as animation;

develop the ability to recognize cartoons and cartoon characters by image and music.

Equipment: computer, presentation "How to create cartoons", recordings of children's songs from cartoons, cut pictures "Collect cartoon character"for every child, pictures with heroes cartoons and scenes from cartoons to create a collective collage, whatman paper, scissors and glue for each child, a disk with cartoons.

Progress of the event:

Educator: Children, October 28 was international cartoon day. Tell me, do you love cartoons? (children's answers)

Educator: What is your favorite cartoon? (the children talked about their favorite cartoons)

Educator: Do you want to know how and who creates cartoons? (Yes). Then I propose to go to the camp " Animation"

Screening of the presentation ""How to create cartoons"

After watching, we discussed the presentation we watched with the children.

Educator: And now, I propose to complete several tasks since we are in a magical land" Animations"

1st task "Collect cartoon character"

On the tables there were plates with cut-out pictures depicting cartoon characters, the children collected the picture.

Having collected the picture, name the hero and what he is from cartoon.

2nd task musical "Guess which one is from cartoon song»

The children listened to songs from cartoons(sang along happily) and guessed

3rd task - creating a collage "We love cartoons

Children cut out pictures depicting cartoon characters or scenes from cartoons and pasted it onto whatman paper to create a collective collage.

at the end of our little trip to the camp" Animations"Having completed three tasks, I propose to choose cartoon to view and watch it. This is our the event is over. The children were delighted!

Publications on the topic:

Event “Come on, girls” dedicated to International Women’s Day on March 8 The event “Come on, girls” dedicated to International Women’s Day on March 8. Target. Formation of the right competitive ones.

On April 12, our group had a meeting with Denis Fedorovich Orlov, a pilot who devoted many years to the sky and airplanes. Little of,.

Event dedicated to Victory Day Summary of educational activities in the mixed-age group “Stars” Sports and educational event “The Road to Victory Day!”

SCENARIO OF AN EVENT DEDICATED TO VICTORY DAY Presenter: Dear children. Congratulations on the Great Victory Day! On this day - MAY 9 ended.

Event dedicated to Victory Day in the senior group Senior group event. Day of Remembrance. Goal: to expand children’s knowledge and ideas about the Great Patriotic War. Tasks: introduce.

Event dedicated to the Day of the Elderly“Old age must be respected.” The presenter enters to the music: Presenter. 1- Hello dear friends! Today is a special holiday, a day of respect and honor.

Objectives: To give children an idea of ​​who terrorists are, why September 3 is the Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism; Continue teaching children.

Journey into the magical world of animation

Alla Alekseevna Kondratieva, primary school teacher, Zolotukhinsk Secondary School, Zolotukhino village, Kursk region
Purpose: This material can be used by primary school teachers, educators, and counselors for extracurricular activities. The material can be used in working with older preschoolers and primary schoolchildren.
Target: Organization of children's leisure time.
- expand children's horizons about Soviet and Russian cartoons and their creators.
- instill a love for Russian cinema, in particular cartoons;
- improve the ability to answer questions comprehensively and coherently;
-develop memory, attention, thinking, oral speech, the ability to analyze, compare, systematize the material studied, and highlight the main thing.
Preliminary work: watching cartoons and reading fairy tales, writing questions.
Animation, cartoons
Adults and children love
The holiday is celebrated today
All the cartoons on the planet,
We are always waiting for new heroes
And interesting stories,
Congratulations to everyone involved
Happy such a wonderful holiday!
International Animation Day is celebrated on October 28th.
This is a relatively young holiday: it was first celebrated in 2002, and the reason for the celebration was the 110th anniversary of the birth of animation technology. On this significant day - October 28, 1892 - in Paris, the artist and inventor Emile Reynaud convened viewers for a new, a hitherto unseen spectacle - “optical theater” (theatre optique).

The talented inventor publicly demonstrated his device for the first time praxinoscope, which showed moving pictures.

Now we would call this event the birth of the prototype of modern cartoons, and it is this date that is now considered the beginning of the era of animated films. In many countries, holiday events begin several days before the designated date. On the eve of International Animation Day, professionals and fans of animated films from all over the world exchange programs for their films and arrange premiere screenings of bestsellers for an appreciative public who has been waiting for this event all year.
Now similar cartoon sessions are held simultaneously in 104 countries around the world! The technical capabilities of animation are amazing - 2D animation (traditional and digital), 3D animation, Flash animation, Stop Motion and VFX.
The first Russian animator (1906) was Alexander Shiryaev, (Still from the animated film by A. V. Shiryaev “Pierrot - artists & choreographer of the Mariinsky Theater, who created the world’s first domestic puppet cartoon, which depicts 12 dancing figures against the backdrop of motionless scenery.

Soviet graphic animation arose in 1924-1925. In one year, 1924, at the Kultkino studio, a small team of artists produced a whole series of animated films: “German Affairs and Affairs”, “The Story of a Disappointment” (B. Savinkov), “Soviet Toys” (dir. D. Vertov, animation by A. Bushkin and A. Ivanov), “An Incident in Tokyo”, “Humoresque” (dir. D. Vertov, animation by A. Bushkin and A. Belyakov). One of the first world-famous Soviet full-length animated films was “The New Gulliver” by Alexander Ptushko (1935).
In June 1936, the Soyuzmultfilm film studio was founded in Moscow.

In the summer, June 10, 2016, Soyuzmultfilm turned 80 years old.
More than one generation of children has grown up on kind and smart stories animated by Soyuzmultfilm, such as DoReMi, Winnie the Pooh, The Littlest Dwarf, Hippopotamus and Sunny, Burenka from Maslenkino, The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids, The Kid Who Counted to Ten, The Kitten named after Woof and many others. In 2006, veterans of the Soyuzmultfilm studio opened a unique project, the Museum of Animation.

Initially, the museum did not have its own permanent premises, but only represented a traveling exhibition that introduced visitors to the process of creating animated films, mainly created in the period 1960-1980 at the Soyuzmultfilm film studio. Today the museum is located in Moscow, on the territory of the All-Russian Exhibition Center, and its exhibition includes over five thousand exhibits. All halls are equipped with screens on which documentary footage is shown non-stop, a large number of interactive exhibits are presented, and there is a screening room.
In the experimental cartoon workshop, everyone can try their hand at this amazing art form.

Cartoon quiz

I invite you to remember your favorite cartoons and answer the questions:
1. What words did Leopold the cat say to the mice? ("Guys let's be friends!")

2. Name Cheburashka’s friend. (Crocodile Gena)

3. Name the number of spotted puppies from the famous cartoon about Dalmatians. (101)

4. In this cartoon, based on the fairy tale by H. H. Andersen, the evil queen bewitched her brother and separated him from his sister. The little sister searched for him for a long time, passed a series of tests, was able to find her brother and melt the ice (shards of ice, mirrors) in his heart. ("The Snow Queen")

5. Which Soviet cartoon characters sang a song while lying on the sand, with the words: “I’m lying in the sun, I’m looking at the sun, I’m lying and lying, and I’m not looking at the lion cub...”? ("Lion Cub and Turtle")

6. Remember and name the name of the cartoon in which the main character is a little girl who appeared from a grain, with whom various adventures and incidents happened: she was stolen by toads, she lived in a hole with a mouse, she was almost married to a mole. A swallow saved her and took her to the land of the elves. ("Thumbelina")

7. Which cartoon character flew to us from the Moon? (Luntik from the movie “Luntik and His Friends”)

8. In which cartoon was Uncle Fyodor one of the main characters? (“Adventures in Prostokvashino”)

9. In what city did Dunno live with his friends? (In Flower City)

10. In which cartoon did the monkey and the parrot measure the length of the boa constrictor with steps? ("38 parrots")

11.What hero are we talking about: lives on the roof, loves jam, a man at the very dawn of his strength? (Carlson)

12. How many nights did Aibolit treat the unfortunate African animals in K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale?
(10 nights)

13. “I don’t want to be a black peasant woman, I want to be a pillar noblewoman!”
What was the wish of the old woman from “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”? (Third)

14.What is the name of the children's TV channel that broadcasts cartoons? (“Children’s”, “Carousel”)
15.When was the Soyuzmulfilm film studio created? (June 10, 1936)
Whatever you say, the best cartoons of our childhood can be safely called the work of the Soyuzmultfilm studio. Over the years of its existence, it has released a huge number of cartoons for every taste, which we show to our children and never tire of watching ourselves. In addition, most cartoons contain many secrets and details that are noticeable only to the most attentive.
Did you know, that Soviet cartoons are very popular not only in our country, but also abroad. For example, in 2003, “Hedgehog in the Fog” was called the best cartoon of all time by critics and animators from different countries.

There are, however, opposite examples. For example, “Well, wait a minute!”, the favorite cartoon of all Soviet children, was banned in Finland. Someone decided that the Hare was too cruel and that it was his fault that the Wolf constantly found himself in unpleasant situations.

Cheburashka is known and loved by children from many countries around the world. True, it is called differently in different countries. For example, in English-speaking countries his name is Topl, in Germany - Kullerchen, and in Finland - Muksis. But this unusual animal is most popular in Japan.

The funny Winnie the Pooh was voiced by the wonderful Soviet actor Evgeniy Pavlovich Leonov. To make the cartoon character more comical, the actor’s speech was sped up by 30%.

Did you know that the creation of the cartoon “Plasticine Crow” took about 800 kilograms of plasticine.

In the script for the cartoon “The Adventures of Leopold the Cat,” the mice are called Mitya and Motya. True, in the cartoon itself these mice are nameless.