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Benefits for pensioners. Benefits for a pensioner's social card in the Moscow region What benefits will pensioners have this year?

Benefits for pensioners are provided at the federal and regional levels. The list of government concessions is regulated by federal laws and government regulations. The list of regional benefits is enshrined in the legislative acts of the constituent entities of the Federation. Benefits are provided to pensioners whose income is recognized as insufficient, disabled people and military personnel who have retired due to length of service or for other acceptable reasons.

So, what benefits are available to pensioners in 2017? Today, representatives of this category of citizens enjoy various types of benefits, including social, tax and transport. Unfortunately, not everyone is aware of their rights, and therefore most pensioners are not even aware of all their privileges.


Property tax

Few people know that pensioners are exempt from paying property tax (house, apartment, garage or other premises). Even working pensioners receive benefits. This also applies if there is a share in the right of common ownership. In order not to pay property tax, you need to present your pension certificate and passport to the tax authorities and, preferably, take copies of these documents with you.

If the pensioner paid property tax, then after presenting the certificate, the tax service must recalculate tax revenues and return the money paid.

Transport tax

The benefit for paying transport tax is determined by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, i.e. Each region sets (or does not set) its own benefits for this tax. You need to search the Internet or contact the tax office. There they will be able to explain to the pensioner whether it is necessary to pay it or not? The amount of benefits, as a rule, depends on the number of vehicles registered to a citizen and on their technical characteristics.

The benefit can only be provided if the pensioner personally applies to the tax authorities with an application.

Land tax

At the federal level, there are no benefits for paying land tax for pensioners, since this tax is established at the local level (as is the case with the transport tax).

Local municipal authorities provide benefits for certain categories of citizens at their discretion. Therefore, first of all, you need to contact the tax office at your place of residence and ask them for a complete list of citizens who are entitled to such benefits.

But it may also be that these benefits do not exist, so you will have to pay land tax in full.

Tax deduction

When purchasing real estate, during new construction and purchasing land plots for individual housing construction (individual housing construction), a pensioner has the right to receive a tax deduction for personal income tax. Since real estate is worth a lot, the amounts received as a deduction can be significant.

A tax deduction can also be obtained for the repayment of interest on loans received from Russian banks and spent on new construction, the purchase of housing (shares in it) or a land plot for it.

For example, we bought an apartment for 2 million rubles. At the last place of work they received 30,000 rubles. per month, accordingly, they paid income tax (aka personal income tax) in the amount of 46,800 rubles per year (13% of salary). The amount of tax deduction is 2,000,000 x 13% = 260,000 rubles. By taking a tax deduction for the three previous years, you can return 46,800 x 3 = 140,400 rubles. If you plan to work in the future and your salary will be higher, then you can take a tax deduction for subsequent years of work, then the deduction will be larger.


Since a non-working pensioner does not have taxable income, a deduction can be made at his request for the last three working years. To do this, you need to provide a package of documents to the tax office:

tax return in form 3-NDFL

certificate from the accounting department of the last place of work 2-NDFL

copies of documents confirming the right to housing:

when constructing or purchasing a residential building - a certificate of state registration of the right to a residential building;

when purchasing an apartment or room - an agreement on the purchase of an apartment or room, an act on the transfer of the apartment or room (share/shares in it) to the taxpayer, or a certificate of state registration of the right to the apartment or room (share/shares in it);

when purchasing a land plot for construction or for finished housing (shares/shares in it) - a certificate of state registration of ownership of the land plot or share/shares in it and a certificate of state registration of ownership of a residential building or share/shares in it;

when repaying interest on loans - a target credit agreement or loan agreement, a mortgage agreement concluded with credit or other organizations, a schedule for repaying the loan (loan) and paying interest for the use of borrowed funds

copies of payment documents:

confirming expenses for the acquisition of property (receipts for receipt orders, bank statements about the transfer of funds from the buyer's account to the seller's account, sales and cash receipts, acts on the purchase of materials from individuals indicating the address and passport details of the seller and other documents);

evidencing the payment of interest under a target credit agreement or loan agreement, mortgage agreement (in the absence or “burnout” of information in cash receipts, such documents can serve as extracts from the taxpayer’s personal accounts, certificates from the organization that issued the loan about the interest paid for using the loan).

when acquiring property into common joint ownership:

a copy of the marriage certificate;

a written statement (agreement) on the agreement of the parties to the transaction on the distribution of the amount of the property tax deduction between the spouses.

We provide the tax authority at your place of residence with a completed tax return with copies of documents confirming actual expenses and the right to receive a deduction when purchasing property. Since the deduction will occur from the budget, along with the tax return it is necessary to submit to the tax authority an application for a personal income tax refund in connection with the costs of purchasing property.

For those who continue to work

A working pensioner can apply for leave and the employer is obliged to provide it without retaining the salary in accordance with Article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Depending on the category of pensioner, such leave can last:

35 calendar days if the person is a participant in the Second World War.

60 days if the pensioner has a disability.

up to 14 days for age pensioners.

Article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Leave without pay

For family reasons and other valid reasons, an employee, upon his written application, may be granted leave without pay, the duration of which is determined by agreement between the employee and the employer.

The employer is obliged, based on a written application from the employee, to provide leave without pay:

Participants of the Great Patriotic War - up to 35 calendar days per year;

For working old-age pensioners (by age) - up to 14 calendar days per year;

Parents and wives (husbands) of military personnel, employees of internal affairs bodies, the federal fire service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, customs authorities, employees of institutions and bodies of the penal system, who died or died as a result of injury, concussion or injury, received while performing the duties of military service (service), or as a result of an illness associated with military service (service) - up to 14 calendar days a year;

For working disabled people - up to 60 calendar days per year;

For employees in cases of the birth of a child, marriage registration, death of close relatives - up to five calendar days;

In other cases provided for by this Code, other federal laws or a collective agreement.

Pensioners can also contact the nearest employment center and improve their skills in their field or get another profession or undergo retraining. This service is provided free of charge.

Working pensioners receive bonuses if they work under an official contract. Recalculation is carried out annually on August 1.

Benefits for retirees working in the field of education.

Those who are retired and continue to work in the field of education are entitled to a special scientific pension. It is accompanied by special additional payments for length of scientific work, for academic degrees of candidate and doctor of sciences, titles, just as it happens when paying wages.

When gasifying houses

A pensioner can be provided with assistance with gasification of housing in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 10, 2011 N 456.

But you need to take into account several conditions:

assistance is provided only to non-working pensioners.

the housing in which gasification is carried out must be his only place of residence.

The pensioner will also have to bear expenses, since the compensation does not cover all expenses.

Targeted assistance

Targeted assistance is provided to pensioners who find themselves in difficult life situations. It can be obtained not only in the form of money, but also food, hygiene products, clothing and other essential items.

Regions are responsible for such assistance, so to receive it you need to contact local governments and request a regulatory act that regulates the provision of this assistance.

The grounds and procedure for providing targeted financial assistance are provided for by the legislation of the constituent entities of Russia, so they may differ significantly in different regions.

Targeted support is not easy to get. Request for help may be caused, in particular, by such emergency circumstances as a natural disaster, fire, flooding of an apartment, theft of property, death of close relatives, etc.

Free flu shots and medical examinations

Pensioners undergo medical examination every three years (from 60 to 99 years), with the exception of disabled people during the Second World War, persons awarded the badge “Resident of besieged Leningrad” and recognized as disabled due to a general illness, work injury and other reasons. These groups undergo medical examination annually, regardless of age.

Disabled veterans also have the right to free sanatorium vouchers.

Citizens over 60 years of age can get a flu vaccine every year.

Exemption of income from personal income tax

state pensions, labor pensions, social benefits.
payment at the expense of the organization’s own funds for the cost of sanatorium and resort vouchers, as well as the cost of treatment and medical care for former employees who resigned due to retirement due to disability or old age (clauses 9, 10 of Article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);
amount of financial assistance not exceeding 4,000 rubles. per year, provided by employers to their former employees who resigned due to retirement due to disability or age (clause 28 of article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Receiving child care benefits

If the child’s mother cannot care for the child, then family members, including working pensioners (grandmothers or grandfathers), can do this. Parental leave in accordance with Article 256 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, N 1, Art. 3; 2008, N 30, Art. 3613) can be used in full or in parts by grandparents, in fact caring for the child.

In the event that the mother of a child, who receives a monthly child care allowance, is unable to care for the child due to her illness or other reasons, the right to receive a monthly child care allowance can be exercised by those actually caring for the child at that time. period.

For labor veterans


Federal benefits (i.e. for all labor veterans):

free travel on all types of urban passenger transport (except taxis) in any city, regardless of their place of residence, and in rural areas - also on public motor transport (except taxis) for suburban and intercity traffic;

50% seasonal discount on fares on suburban rail and water transport;

A 50 percent discount in payment for the occupied total area of ​​residential premises (within the social norm), including for family members of these persons living with them (in communal apartments - a 50 percent discount in payment for the occupied living space). Housing benefits are provided to labor veterans living in houses of state and municipal housing stock, as well as in privatized residential premises;

50 percent discount on utility bills (water supply, sewerage, removal of household and other waste, gas, electricity and heat - within the limits of utility consumption standards, radio, collective antenna), and for labor veterans living in houses that do not have a central heating - in payment for fuel purchased within the limits established for sale to the population, and transport services for the delivery of this fuel. Fuel is provided as a matter of priority. Benefits for paying utility bills are provided to persons living in houses, regardless of the type of housing stock.

social benefits include compensation of 50% of the price of utilities for water, gas and electricity supply, garbage removal, operation of the radio and collective television antenna, without taking into account the form of the housing stock;

working veterans of labor can go on annual leave at any time at will and on vacation at their own expense for a month once a year;

free production and repair of dentures in municipal medical government institutions, except for dentures made of metal ceramics and precious metals;

free service in city clinics.


Benefits of regional significance (each region of the Russian Federation sets its own benefits, so you need to find out about them from the social support service).

For example, benefits for labor veterans in Moscow:

free travel on public transport.

50% cash compensation for telephone fees.

50% discount on utility bills (within social standards).

free travel on commuter rail.

monthly city cash payment (247 rubles).

if there are medical indications - free sanatorium-resort treatment and reimbursement of travel expenses to the place of treatment and back (by rail only).

For pensioners over 80 years old

the size of the insurance part of the pension increases by 2 times. You do not need to provide any documents for this; recalculation occurs automatically.

free medical and social services, including boarding homes, nursing homes and other public medical institutions.

if there are problems with housing (for example, emergency housing), housing may be provided from the state.

temporary or permanent assistance in the form of receiving food packages, obtaining a place for temporary residence, providing legal and medical-psychological assistance.

After 80 years of age, a citizen can receive care for himself, for which money is paid to the person who cares. Care can be provided by his relatives or complete strangers, and the time spent on care will certainly be included in the insurance period for further retirement. This will provide pension points for the formation of the insurance (former labor) part of the pension. The amount of payment depends on the region and is credited to the pensioner’s pension account.

In order to be officially registered, the caregiver does not have the right to work, be on the stock exchange or receive a salary.

Residents of the Far North

For those living in the Far North and areas equivalent to them, payment of the cost of travel to the place of rest

Pensioners living in the Far North and equivalent areas can once a year benefit from compensation for the cost of travel to their holiday destination. There are two options for such compensation: in the first case, the Pension Fund pays for travel at the place of residence, in the second, it reimburses the cost of tickets purchased by the pensioner. These actions are regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 176 of April 1, 2005.


In order to implement Article 34 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On State Guarantees and Compensations for Persons Working and Living in the Far North and Equivalent Areas,” the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached Rules for compensation of expenses for travel costs for pensioners who are recipients of old-age and disability pensions and living in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, to a place of rest on the territory of the Russian Federation and back.

2. Financial support for expenses related to the implementation of the Rules approved by this resolution is carried out at the expense of federal budget funds provided in the order of interbudgetary relations to the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, within the limits of the allocations provided for in the consolidated budget list of the federal budget to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

3. The Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation must provide explanations on the application of the Rules approved by this resolution.

Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation M. FRADKOV


1. These Rules determine the procedure, amount and conditions for compensation of expenses for payment of travel costs for non-working pensioners who are recipients of old-age and disability pensions, living in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas (hereinafter referred to as pensioners), to a place of rest in the territory Russian Federation and back (hereinafter referred to as compensation).

2. Compensation is provided to pensioners living in areas and localities included in the list of regions of the Far North and localities equated to regions of the Far North.

3. Compensation can be made in the form of:

a) provision of travel documents ensuring the pensioner’s travel to the place of rest and back;

b) reimbursement of expenses actually incurred by the pensioner to pay the cost of travel to the place of rest and back within the limits established by paragraph 10 of these Rules.

4. Pensioners from the categories of citizens specified in Article 6.1 of the Federal Law “On State Social Assistance” who did not use the right to receive a social service in the form of free travel on intercity transport to the place of treatment and back when providing a voucher for sanatorium treatment in accordance with these Rules.

If such pensioners used this right when providing a voucher for sanatorium treatment, compensation in accordance with these Rules is not made.

5. When a pensioner travels to a place of rest and back with transfers from one type of intercity transport to another, a combination of both types of compensation provided for in paragraph 3 of these Rules may be applied.

6. Compensation is made once every 2 years.

The two-year period is calculated in calendar order starting from January 1 of the year in which the pensioner, on the basis of the application submitted by him, received compensation in connection with travel to and from the place of rest in this period, but not earlier than January 1, 2005.

If the pensioner has not applied for compensation in the past two-year periods, payment of compensation for these periods is not made.

7. The pensioner submits an application for compensation in the form of travel documents providing travel to the place of rest and back, in the prescribed form, to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence with presentation of a voucher, course pass or other document that is the basis for the pensioner’s stay in the sanatorium , dispensary, rest home, tourist center or other place where recreation services are provided.

The decision to provide this compensation is made by the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the presence of special coupons (directions) for obtaining from the transport organization with which the corresponding agreement has been concluded, travel documents that ensure travel for pensioners to the place of rest and back.

A special coupon (direction) guarantees the transport organization payment by the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the cost of travel documents issued to the person indicated in the special coupon (direction) to travel to the corresponding destination and back.

8. If there is a special coupon (direction), it is issued within a period not exceeding 10 days from the date the pensioner submits an application for compensation.

9. The pensioner submits an application for compensation in the form of reimbursement of actually incurred expenses for paying the cost of travel to the place of rest and back in the established form to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence, attaching travel documents issued by transport organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal form , and tear-off coupons for a voucher, course or other document confirming the period of stay of a pensioner in a sanatorium, dispensary, rest home, tourist base or other place where he was provided with services for organizing recreation.

The territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, which has considered the application for the specified compensation, notifies the pensioner of the decision made within a period not exceeding 10 days from the date of filing the application.

If a decision is made to refuse payment of compensation, the pensioner is notified in writing of the reasons for the refusal within the specified period.

10. Compensation in the form of reimbursement of actual expenses incurred for payment of the cost of travel to the place of rest and back is made in an amount not exceeding the cost of travel:

a) by rail - in a reserved seat carriage of a passenger train;

b) by inland water transport - in a category III cabin of a river vessel of all communication lines;

c) by sea - in the cabin of groups IV - V of a sea vessel of regular transport lines;

d) by air - in the economy (lower) class cabin;

e) by road - in a general type bus, and if not available - in buses with soft folding seats.

Payment of the specified compensation is made in the order in which the pensioner is paid a pension.

The Moscow region provides various benefits for pensioners, since they are considered the most socially vulnerable part of the population. A benefit is a complete or partial exemption from the conditions for performing certain duties, which applies to certain categories of citizens. Next, we’ll figure out what benefits are provided.

All benefits can be divided into several groups:

  • tax,
  • medical,
  • for utility bills,
  • social.

The following categories of pensioners are also separately distinguished:

  • living alone.

Tax benefits

  • property tax

Not paid for real estate owned (apartment, garage, country house, etc.). The benefit applies only to one object belonging to each type. If a pensioner owns several dachas, he will receive benefits only for one. To do this, you must submit an application to the Tax Inspectorate and present your pension certificate.

  • land tax

Whether a citizen receives benefits or not is determined by the municipality. This tax is local jurisdiction. There is no general benefit for the Moscow region.

Some people do not pay personal income tax on such payments as:

  • pension;
  • reimbursement of costs for treatment in sanatoriums, purchase of medicines;
  • social supplement;
  • financial assistance up to 4000 rubles.

In addition, pensioners have the opportunity to receive tax deductions when purchasing housing. It doesn’t matter whether it was paid for using personal funds or taking out a mortgage loan. The restrictions on such deductions are 2 million rubles, i.e. a citizen can return 260 thousand rubles. When purchasing through a mortgage, the limit increases to 3 million rubles.

Note that in general, pensioners living in the Moscow region must pay transport tax. The exception is certain categories, such as disabled people, WWII veterans, etc.

A number of benefits are provided in this area:

  • discount of up to 50% on prescription medications;
  • free vaccination against the influenza virus once a year at the clinic at your place of residence;
  • free services in health care institutions of state ownership;
  • payment for travel to the place of treatment and recreation once every 2 years;
  • medical examination once every 3 years for people over 60 years of age (for WWII veterans – 1 per year);
  • Veterans with disabilities are entitled to a free trip to a health resort.

Benefits for utility bills

Citizens of retirement age living in the Moscow region can:

  • do not pay for garbage removal,
  • count on assistance in gasification of housing;
  • receive compensation for part of the payment for city telephone communications (up to 190 rubles per month).

Subsidies can only be applied for by those pensioners whose utility costs exceed 10% of their income.

Military pensioners with labor veteran status have a 50% discount on payment for:

  • radio broadcasting,
  • utilities,
  • collective television antenna.

Social support

Low-income pensioners can count on various assistance from the USZN. It is provided both in money and in the form of food, basic necessities, and clothing.

As a measure of social support for residents of the Moscow region of retirement age, the “Social Card” project was launched.

It is a plastic card with great functionality that provides some additional social assistance measures. It can be received free of charge by all pensioners with permanent registration in the region.

Having a pensioner’s social card in the Moscow region helps you receive the following benefits in 2017:

  • discounts at program partner stores,
  • discount from 3 to 5% on any medicines in pharmacies,
  • free travel on passenger transport in the cities of the Moscow region, as well as on suburban railway transport.

Among other things, the social card is also a full-fledged bank card. It allows:

  • pay for services and goods;
  • monitor the movement of funds in the account;
  • participate in various bonus programs from MasterCard or Visa;
  • issue loans for up to 8 days in the form of an overdraft.

When a pensioner applies for a social card, the following documents will be required:

  • passport;
  • photographs size 4x6;
  • insurance certificate of pension insurance;
  • pensioner's certificate;
  • medical insurance (except for military veterans);
  • all available certificates (rehabilitated, disabled, war or labor veteran, etc.).

Pensioners of law enforcement agencies who have not reached retirement age will also be required to provide information on income for the last 3 months. If such citizens do not work, then they provide a work book as confirmation of the absence of an employment relationship. If their monthly income is below double the subsistence level, then using a social card they can take free rides on public transport in the Moscow region.

You can apply for a pensioner’s social card in the Moscow region at the public services center or at the territorial division of the Ministry of Social Protection. This can also be done on a special portal.

An envelope containing a PIN code is issued along with the card. It allows you to securely access your account. It should not be shared with anyone and is best kept separately from the card. This is classified information. If you forget the PIN code and lose the envelope, you will have to change the card. If you enter the PIN code incorrectly three times, the card is automatically blocked. All this is done for maximum protection.

Issue of a card may be refused in the following cases:

  • an incomplete package of documents was provided,
  • the citizen’s representative does not have a power of attorney for registration,
  • in the absence of rights to receive state social assistance.

Benefits for working pensioners

They are entitled to:

  • additional unpaid leave (14 days) once a year,
  • exemption from work for 2 weeks upon dismissal,
  • free production of dental prostheses (with the exception of metal-ceramic and precious metals), as well as their repair;
  • an increase in the amount taking into account the employer’s contributions that he makes for him during his working life.

Working pensioners must:

  • work under the same conditions as citizens who have not reached retirement age;
  • pay personal income tax on wages on a general basis.
  • They are not entitled to compensation for travel to the place of treatment and rest.

Citizens who live alone are a separate category. If their income is less than the subsistence level, then state social support in monetary terms is provided for them. Its monthly amount ranges from 600 to 1000 rubles. Also, the total amount of money received by a citizen during the year should not exceed 6,000 rubles. The exception is for WWII veterans living alone; for them, 7,000 rubles. in year.

What benefits are provided for pensioners after 80 years of age?

Persons of such advanced age are entitled to additional benefits:

  • free psychological and medical assistance,
  • the insurance part of the pension increases by 2 times,
  • accommodation in boarding schools free of charge,
  • assistance on legal issues free of charge,
  • if necessary, provision of social housing from the state.

In addition, citizens who have crossed the 80-year mark must receive constant assistance from social security authorities in the form of certain food products.

If such a citizen cannot take care of himself independently, then a guardian is assigned to him. This could be a close relative or a stranger. The guardian will be paid a salary. And the period of caring for a frail old person will be included in the insurance period and will be taken into account when calculating a pension.

Retired people are considered a vulnerable segment of the population. Therefore, the state provides them with various benefits, including free or partially compensated travel. Public transport, short- and long-distance trains, maritime transport are transport directions that are fully or partially paid for in the form of subsequent compensation or a special ticket giving the right to free travel. Exactly what travel benefits are available for pensioners in 2017 depends on their status and place of residence.

How to apply for travel benefits for residents of St. Petersburg and the Leningad region?

Today, pensioners of the Leningrad region can issue a single social travel card, which applies to public transport in urban and suburban transport in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. Citizens receiving a pension in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation can apply for this service.

To receive the service, the applicant must contact the branch of the multifunctional center “My Documents” at the place of registration or the social protection committee of the population of his district and provide a passport, a document confirming registration at the place of residence, and a pension certificate.

The period for providing the service will be 20 calendar days; delivery of documents from the MFC to the government authority and back will take a few more days. The service is provided free of charge.

Sergey Esipov

Director of the State Budgetary Institution of the Leningrad Region “Multifunctional Center for the Provision of State and Municipal Services” (MFC)

Benefits for pensioners in city public transport

Regardless of the status and type of pension assigned, any Russian to whom it is assigned has the right to free travel on city public transport. This includes trolleybuses, trams, metro and municipal buses, but the latter are not available in all Russian cities. Travel benefits are expressed either in receiving a social card or a special travel card with compensation for funds spent on travel. Each region establishes its own procedure for receiving, as well as the scope of benefits. Receipt of compensation does not apply to fixed-route and regular taxis.

This was the case until recently, but at the moment not all pensioners have the right to free travel on public transport. It was left only to veterans working in the rear and some other preferential categories. If regional authorities find an opportunity to compensate carriers for free transportation of pensioners, those who live in a particular region have every right to it.

L benefits for pensioners on the train in 2017: to whom and what?

Things are a little better with the travel of pensioners on electric trains. In the Moscow region, free travel for all people of retirement age is valid even on the territory of the Moscow Ring Road. Intercity electric trains also carry pensioners without payment. You can get a special ticket upon presentation at the station ticket office or, if there is no station, right on the train. The validity period of such a travel document is 1 day. But firstly, it can be booked several days (up to 10) before the day of travel, and, secondly, in some regions, pensioners are allowed to use a ticket purchased on weekends or holidays on the first working day that follows it. At least this is practiced in the Moscow region and some other regions.

As an option, benefits are established for pensioners on electric trains in 2017 for a certain period. The authorities of St. Petersburg took this path, finding funds to cover the damage to carriers and establishing free travel for all pensioners on electric trains from April 27 to October 30, that is, for the entire summer season.

On a long, long journey

Some categories of pensioners are provided with travel benefits not only on electric trains, but also on long-distance trains. For example, retirees who have received veteran status can enjoy a 50% discount when purchasing tickets for travel by rail or sea. For labor veterans, such a benefit is determined by the regional authorities. It does not apply to air transportation.

Other pensioners are compensated for expenses when traveling on vacation. But this happens provided that they live in the Far North or in regions with the same climate. Travel expenses are reimbursed in both directions. Separate benefits for pensioners on travel on the electric train in 2017 have been established for former military personnel and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. They have free travel once a year to the place of sanatorium-resort treatment. The person accompanying them also travels free of charge.

Any benefits for free or partially compensated travel for pensioners must be confirmed by the appropriate ones. This could be a pension certificate for those regions where people of retirement age are allowed to travel with benefits regardless of status. For the rest, you must have a veteran’s ID or another ID that gives you the right to receive benefits. Its registration must take place strictly according to the law at the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of registration.

Regional benefits

In addition to standard federal benefits, many also enjoy regional benefits for pensioners in 2017. For example, in Chelyabinsk, all residents who have reached retirement age or have received a pension for any other reason enjoy the right to free travel. The right to free travel is given to those who have issued a special card at local branches of the Pension Fund, including disabled people and other categories of citizens.

The authorities of the city of Magnitogorsk give 30 trips to all pensioners every month. Other trips will cost half as much, but commuter transport is used at discounted rates without restrictions. Beneficiaries do not pay for luggage transportation either.

In St. Petersburg, all citizens of retirement age purchase tickets for trips around the city and the suburban area at a good discount. The benefit does not apply to taxis, including minibuses.

You should find out who is entitled to receive benefits for travel on any type of transport from the social services at your place of registration. As a rule, they also receive the corresponding certificates there.

Pensioners in Russia can be called one of the most vulnerable categories of the population. That is why, as part of social assistance, they are provided with benefits accepted not only at the federal, but also at the regional level. In this article, we will look at the privileges that Muscovites and pensioners of the Moscow region will be able to take advantage of in 2019, and also go through the latest changes, one way or another related to various social programs.

Benefits provided at the federal level

To begin with, we will list federal social benefits for pensioners, which are provided in absolutely all regions. All of them can be divided into three large categories:

  1. Privileges for paying property taxes. They imply complete exemption from tax deductions on owned real estate. It is important to know that benefits are provided only for one object belonging to a specific category of real estate. That is, if a pensioner is the owner of an apartment, a private house, any outbuilding and a garage at the same time, he will be exempt from taxes altogether. This is due to the fact that each of the objects we list belongs to different types of real estate.
  2. Exemption from income tax. It is not charged on any types of pension payments, as well as on financial assistance provided to a pensioner once a year, and on funds allocated for health resort treatment and the purchase of medicines (if the money is provided by the former employer). Any payments other than pensions are not taxed in an amount of no more than four thousand rubles.
  3. Benefits for pensioners who, after retirement, continue to work. These include the opportunity to take additional annual leave (at your own expense), as well as the absence of the need to work 14 days after submitting your resignation.

Benefits for paying for housing and communal services in Moscow and the Moscow region

After describing the federal benefits, you can move directly to the privileges that pensioners in Moscow and the Moscow region can count on. The first category related to them is the benefits that a person who has retired receives when paying for housing and communal services:

  • every month, regional authorities compensate pensioners for the cost of telephone communications within the city (the amount of preferences currently amounts to 190 rubles);
  • All residents of the capital who have reached retirement age are exempt from paying for garbage collection.

In addition, in Moscow and the Moscow region there are subsidies for those pensioners who pay for utilities more than 3-10 percent (the exact interest rate is determined depending on the income received) of the total family income.

Compensation is paid after completing the relevant documents and receiving a positive decision.

Benefits provided to social card holders

Relatively recently, the so-called social card began to operate in the capital, which gives the right to receive a number of additional privileges. Their list is established by regional authorities, and in 2019 it will look like this:

  • the opportunity to use public transport services (including the metro) for free, as well as travel without paying for commuter electric trains. Today there are persistent rumors that this preference has been replaced by monetary compensation for travel costs amounting to 400 rubles monthly;
  • the opportunity to use the services of the clinic without presenting a health insurance policy;
  • providing discounts on various goods purchased at those retail outlets where you can use the Sberbank Maestro “Social” card for payment.

The card mentioned above has another important advantage. The balance of your own funds accrues 3.5 percent per annum, so the payment instrument can be used as a savings book.

Benefits for purchasing medicines

Subject to the following conditions, capital pensioners can also take advantage of benefits for the purchase of medicines:

  • the citizen receives the minimum pension payments provided for in Moscow and the Moscow region;
  • there is a prescription for the medicinal product written by the attending physician;
  • a pensioner purchases medications for outpatient treatment.

The discount on the vast majority of medications is 50 percent, but there are exceptions. For example, if medications are needed to treat diabetes or cancer, they are provided free of charge.

Other privileges provided to pensioners in Moscow and Moscow Region

Among other things, the following types of benefits provided to pensioners are in effect in Moscow and the Moscow region:

  • the opportunity to receive a free voucher for sanatorium treatment every year. This privilege is granted only on the basis of an appropriate medical report;
  • every pensioner has the right to social services during the day, to assistance in the form of purchasing food and medications;
  • burial services for pensioners are provided to their relatives on preferential terms;
  • Residents of the capital and other regions of the country have the right to a 50% discount (persons over 70 years old) or a complete exemption (from 80 years old) from paying contributions for major repairs of a residential building. This benefit is provided on a reverse payment basis. That is, the pensioner first makes a contribution and then receives compensation in the established amount to a special bank account or to a social card;
  • the opportunity to use patronage services, sanitary and hygienic assistance;
  • the right to free dental prosthetics. This privilege does not apply to expensive modern designs.

Benefits for pensioners with disabilities

Pensioners who, based on medical indicators and the results of a medical and social examination, have been assigned one of three disability groups can count on a number of additional benefits. Privileges for this category of persons include:

  • compensation for housing and communal services, payment for electricity, gas, hot and cold water supply;
  • free travel on city public transport, which, at the request of the disabled person, can be replaced with monetary compensation paid monthly;
  • the opportunity to pay land tax with a 50 percent discount;
  • The same discount is provided for transport tax. The benefit applies to one unit of equipment whose power does not exceed 150 horsepower;
  • the opportunity to file claims free of charge in courts of various instances if the amount of the claim is no more than one million rubles;
  • 50% discount on taxes for notary services;
  • the opportunity to purchase rehabilitation equipment on preferential terms - wheelchairs, orthopedic shoes, hearing aids, etc.;
  • provision of medicines for the treatment of tuberculosis, diabetes, cancer and other serious diseases free of charge or with a 50% discount;
  • free travel on commuter trains and electric trains if the pensioner is undergoing treatment in another locality.

In the last couple of years, due to the financial crisis, the state has been trying by all means to save money, which leads to the curtailment of various social programs and the abolition of most benefits. However, all of the above privileges for pensioners and people with disabilities will be in full effect in 2019, helping the most vulnerable categories of the population of our country.