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Workshop “Designing the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions. Workshop “project activities in preschools” Conducting seminars in preschools for educators

Angela Tereshchenko
Workshop for preschool teachers “Innovative forms of working with parents”

Target: increasing the professional competence of teachers in the field of organizing interaction with parents of students


clarify and systematize teachers’ knowledge on the issue of interaction with parents.

increase the professional competence of teachers in organizing new forms of interaction with parents;

to intensify the pedagogical thinking of educators as the basis for the use of non-traditional forms of work with parents in preschool educational institutions, to stimulate the development of their creativity and professional activity;

support the interest of teachers in further study of this topic.

Materials: hearts, wood with leaves, glue, cards with animal names, tables with work forms.

Seminar progress:

I. Introductory part. Creating a positive atmosphere.

The theme of the workshop was “Innovative forms of working with parents.” Today we will talk about how to make these meetings interesting. And we will conduct our seminar in the form of training, as one of the innovative forms of work.

The motto is the saying of Confucius: “Tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember, let me do it and I will understand.” We will play today!

Any event begins with an organizational moment or “introduction”. I will offer you several options. Can be used:

Exercise “Magic Ball”, (ball) saying your name, the name of the child, tells some information about yourself;

Exercise “Multi-colored caps” (cocktail straws, caps) while moving around the hall, the group gets to know each other;

Exercise “Hearts” (Box, hearts)

I suggest you take one, two or several hearts from our box. Depending on how many hearts you have, tell a few facts about yourself (stories from teachers).

Exercise “Ideal communication” (pairs of animal names)

I will give you cards with the name of the animal written on them. The names are repeated on two cards. For example, if you get a card that says “elephant,” know that someone else has a card that also says “elephant.” Read the title so that only you can see the inscription; you can remove the card.

Everyone’s task is to find their mate, and you can use any means of expression, you can’t just speak and make sounds characteristic of your animal. When you find a mate, stay close, but remain silent and do not talk over each other. Only when we have all the pairs formed will we see what we have achieved.

This exercise can be done with parents, it is usually fun, and as a result, the mood of the group members improves and fatigue decreases.

Now those who like to read books will stand up. Now those who have a cat will raise their hands. Those who have beads will jump on their left leg. Those who love ice cream will jump on their right leg... Those who have a sister will hug themselves. Those who have a brother will clap their hands. Those who ate porridge today will pat themselves on the head...

Quest "Treasure Search"

Methodology. Participants are offered cards with a list of “treasures”. You need to find among those gathered a person who corresponds to an item from the list. To do this, they must approach different people and interview them. This work takes 5-7 minutes.

Treasure List: Find the Person

Whose birthday is closest to today's date;

Having an unusual hobby or interest;

Who likes the same food as you;

who was born in this city;

Who has as many rings on his hands as you do;

Who lives closest?

After all the participants have gathered together, the presenter asks the questions: “Who found the person who lives closest?” etc. according to the list. You can complete the task with a generalization:

What interesting things have you learned about each other?

That's how we met.

What organizational moments did you use, please share.

Psychological entry into the topic

Exercise “Tree of Expectations”

Look, we have a sad and lonely tree, let's help it hide with colorful foliage. You have leaves of different colors on your tables, take one and decorate our tree.

Those who choose a green leaf will be successful in our lesson.

Those who chose red want to actively communicate.

Your leaf is yellow - be active.

Blue color - they will be persistent today.

Our tree came to life, rustled its leaves, and remember that the beauty of the tree depends on us, our aspirations and expectations, actions.

The teachers sit down.

II. Theoretical part.

At all times of the existence of general education institutions, the issue of working with parents, involving them in cooperation in all areas of both educational and educational, has been and is being raised. Along with traditional forms of work, we more often hear innovative, non-traditional ones. Today we will try to deal with them.

Exercise “Find the definition”

On one table there are formulations of forms of work, on the second - their approximate definitions: find the correct definition for forms of work.

A round table is a form of organizing a discussion of a topic that initially includes several points of view.

A parent meeting is the joint presence of a group of people in a certain place to discuss various topics or solve certain problems.

The parent ring is one of the discussion forms of communication between parents, an opportunity to discuss various situations in upbringing, study the experience of overcoming conflict situations, and get acquainted with different points of view of parents on one or another problem of raising children proposed for discussion. During the meeting, two or more families debate on the same issue. They may have different positions, different opinions.

A parent conference is one of the forms of parent education that expands, deepens and consolidates parents’ knowledge about raising children.

Parent training is an active form of work with those parents who are aware of problematic situations in the family, want to change their interaction with their own child, make him more open and trusting, and understand the need to acquire new knowledge and skills in raising their own child.

The parent club is weekly meetings with moms and dads to improve their parenting competence in matters of upbringing and home correction.

Family clubs are informal associations of parents created to solve practical problems of education. They are usually organized by a group of enthusiasts: teachers and parents. The activities of family clubs are based on voluntary principles.

The family living room is an alternative to the parent meeting, in which pedagogical tasks are solved in the form of free communication between families of pupils and teachers. This can include tea drinking.

A master class for parents is an interactive form of training and exchange of experience, for practicing practical skills in various methods and technologies in order to improve the professional level and exchange best practices of participants, broaden their horizons and introduce them to the latest areas of knowledge.

Family visit - this form of work allows the teacher to get acquainted with the conditions in which the child lives and the general atmosphere in the house.

Movable folders - they contain thematic material with illustrations and practical recommendations; it is systematically replenished and replaced with new ones.

Individual conversations - parents are more willing and open to talk about the grief that can sometimes exist in the family, about the concern that the child’s behavior causes, about the child’s successes.

Open Day is an event designed to introduce parents to the life of children in kindergarten.

This is only a small part of the innovative forms of work that can be used; let’s try to fill in the missing forms.

But first we need to divide into subgroups, what options can we use? (answers from seminar participants)

Game "Mosaic", put together a picture.

“Leaders” who recruit a group for themselves.

“Scouts. Shooting with the eyes." Participants stand in a circle and lower their eyes. At the teacher's command, the children look up, looking for their mate. If the eyes meet, then a pair is formed and it leaves the circle.

External signs: color of clothes, backpacks, presence of ties, watches, hairpins, jewelry, etc.

The game “One, two, three” moves around the hall to the music, the leader says “three” - the participants found themselves ungrouped in groups of three, etc.

Game "Drop, River, Sea"

Goal: emotional release, division into pairs, threes, fives. Combining three “fives” into two circles. (2-3 min)

Instructions: “Imagine that we are drops. We move chaotically around the hall in any direction. At the signal “River!” we take the hand of the comrade standing next to us, “Sea” we all join hands.”

Work in subgroups:

Exercise "Carousel"

We have focused on the forms of work. Divide into teams and perform the “Carousel” exercise. Your subgroup writes in the table

information and analytical forms of work;



visual and informational.

Now let's read it.

Information and analytical - aimed at identifying the interests and requests of parents, establishing emotional contact between teachers, parents and children:


filling out a social passport;

trust mailbox;

interviews with parents;

visiting pupils at home;

familiarization of parents with educational documentation.

Leisure forms - joint leisure activities, holidays, exhibitions - are designed to establish warm, informal, trusting relationships, emotional contacts between teachers and parents, and between parents and children.

family theaters, concerts, games, competitions;

sports and leisure activities, hikes, excursions;

vernissage of joint creativity;

exhibitions of family collections;

parent creativity corner.

Cognitive forms play a dominant role in improving the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents. Their essence is to familiarize parents with the age and psychological characteristics of preschool children, and to develop children’s practical skills.

parent meetings in a non-traditional form (reader conference, auction);

parent clubs;

individual practical lessons (child + parent);


information stands.

Visual information forms are necessary to correctly evaluate the activities of teachers and revise the methods and techniques of family education.

open classes;

parent corners;

newspaper releases;

exhibitions of children's works and photographs;

watching videos;

Open Day;

Internet pages for parents;

conducting correctional classes via Skype;

mini library;

price lists.

I hope that our workshop was not in vain, and when planning work with parents for the next school year, the range of various forms of work will increase.

III. The final part of the training seminar.

Relaxation exercise “Smile”

Close your eyes, try to think about nothing for several minutes, and there must be a smile on your face. If you managed to hold it for 10-15 minutes, you will immediately feel that you have calmed down and your mood has improved. Try to do this exercise at least once a day.

Final reflection.

The time of our communication has come to an end. I suggest you take a heart as a souvenir, and on the second heart write wishes about our meeting and attach them to our tree.

“Bridge of understanding between parents and preschool educational institutions”

Goal: increasing the level of professional skills of preschool teachers in matters of interaction with the families of pupils.


1. Clarify and systematize teachers’ knowledge on the issue of interaction with parents. Conduct a mini-monitoring of teachers’ knowledge in this area.

2. To intensify the pedagogical thinking of educators as the basis for the use of non-traditional forms of work with parents in preschool educational institutions, to stimulate the development of their creativity and professional activity.

3. Support teachers’ interest in further study of this topic.

“Parents are the child’s first educators and teachers,

therefore, their role in the formation of his personality is enormous.”

I.Theoretical part

Our seminar is dedicated to solving one of the annual tasks of a preschool institution - improving non-traditional forms of work with families of pupils through the implementation of the “Family - Child - Kindergarten” interaction model.

Childhood years are the most important years in a person’s life. And how they go depends on adults - parents, educators.

Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” states: “Parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the first foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child’s personality at an early age.”

Everyone knows that the family and kindergarten constitute the main educational microenvironment for a child at a certain stage - the educational space. Both the family and the preschool institution convey social experience to the child in their own way. But only in combination with each other do they create optimal conditions for a little person to enter the big world.

Traditional parent-teacher meetings in the form of lectures and reports no longer find a response in the souls of parents and do not give the desired result. The idea of ​​the insufficiency of traditional forms of work with parents and the need for targeted education of parents in order to increase their functional literacy and ability to fully cooperate with teachers of an educational institution is recognized today by both parents and specialists: teachers, psychologists.

We are faced with a problem - how to organize the interaction between family and kindergarten, so that the difficult task of education becomes a common task of teachers and parents? How to attract such busy and far from pedagogical theory modern fathers and mothers? How to argue for the need for their participation in the life of a child in kindergarten? How to create conditions so that parents want to cooperate with the kindergarten and attend parent-teacher meetings with pleasure; How can we make it interesting for them in kindergarten, so that their visits are beneficial for both the kindergarten and the children? These questions of pedagogy can be classified as “eternal” - this is an eternal “headache” for teachers.

In this regard, we are faced with an important task - to make parents accomplices of the entire pedagogical process. Only in close contact can the formula emerge:


Cooperation between teachers and families is the joint determination of activity goals, joint planning of upcoming work, joint distribution of forces and resources, the subject of activity in accordance with the capabilities of each participant, joint monitoring and evaluation of work results, and then forecasting new goals and objectives.

To determine the prospects for the development of the institution, the content of work and forms of organization, a parent survey “Interaction between kindergarten and family.” 32 parents took part in the survey. It was proposed to answer 8 questions. After analyzing the questionnaires, we saw the following results:

1. What source of information do you turn to first?

A. I rely on myself, my family, my experience - 18 answers

B. I turn to friends, acquaintances, and grandmothers for advice - 7 answers

Q. I read literature on raising children - 17 answers

D. I am asking the group teacher for advice - 16 answers

D. Other - Internet - 1 answer

2. Why don’t you turn to your teacher for advice?

A. We can handle it ourselves - 22 answers

B. It’s inconvenient to take a teacher away from work - 10 answers

B. We are experiencing difficulties in communicating with the teacher - about answers

D. I think the teacher is not entirely competent - answers

D. Other - 0 answers

3. What is a good kindergarten?

A. Where children are loved and respected - 21 answers

B. Where they teach a lot - 16 answers

Q. Where children run with pleasure - 22 answers

D. Where children are always welcome - 11 answers

D. Where parents and children are respected - 14 answers

E. Where is a good team, kind teachers - 22 answers

G. Where children are warm and comfortable - 12 answers

H. Other - where it’s safe - 1 answer

4. What do you mean by the concept of “a good teacher”?

A. Loves and respects children - 15 answers

B. Teaches children - 3 answers

B. Treats other people's children as if they were his own - 18 answers

D. Understands children and parents - 22 answers

D. This is a patient teacher - 13 answers

E. Prepares children well for school - 9 answers

G. This is the second mother - 5 answers

5. What do you expect from a kindergarten teacher?

A. Conducts educational activities, holidays - 12 answers

B. Teach the child to communicate with other children - 16 answers

B. Takes into account the individual characteristics of the child - 28 answers

D. Ensures the safety of the child - 11 answers

D. Does not make unreasonable demands on the child - 10 answers

E. Gives parents necessary and competent advice - 13 answers

G. Communicates with parents as equals - 8 answers

Z. Other - 0 answers

6. What does the teacher most often ask you about?

A. For financial assistance - 3 answers

B. Do something for the group - 9 answers

Q. So that you pick up the child early - 3 answers

D. Paid for kindergarten on time - 6 answers

D. When a child did something - 5 answers

E. So that you can work with your child at home - 9 answers

G. To praise a child - 12 answers

Z. Other - 0 answers

7. Who is responsible for raising a child?

A. Family - 19 answers

B. Kindergarten - 21 answers

B. Other - answers

8. In your opinion, the information in the corner for parents in your group

A. Useful - 31 answers

B. Not very - 0 answers

B. Useless - 0 answers

G. I don’t read it - 1 answer

D. Other - 0 answers

Of course, the solution to these complex and multifaceted issues will not happen on its own. This requires systematic and targeted work.

Everyone knows that the interaction between a teacher and parents is a rather complex process. Was held survey among teachers “My form of interaction with parents”, in which 8 teachers took part. Our teachers work to involve parents in the joint activities of a preschool educational institution as follows:

1. What forms of work with families do you use?

Traditional: parent meetings, conversations, individual consultations, moving folders, reminders, questionnaires, folding folders;

Non-traditional: seminars, round tables, presentations, creative gatherings, joint celebrations.

2. Are you sure that your interaction with your family is effective?

a) yes - 6 teachers - 75%

b) sometimes - 2 teachers - 25%

3. Do you involve all parents in participating in the activities of the group, preschool educational institution? If not, why not?

a) yes - 100%, but not everyone responds due to their busyness

4. Are you in close contact with the parents of the students? If not, why not?

a) yes - 5 teachers - 63%

b) not with everyone - 2 teachers - 25% (not all parents are interested, the majority cite lack of time)

c) tries to keep his distance, since parents are all different - 12%

5. Formulate and write down your personal goals for working with parents.

a) Involve parents in the problems of raising children in kindergarten - 7 teachers - 88%

b) Material and economic assistance - 4 teachers - 50%

c) Proper organization of leisure time for children and parents - 6 teachers - 75%

d) Compliance with all requirements of the teacher - 4 teachers - 50%

e) No goals 0%

6. How do you want your parents to treat you as a professional?

Fair, respectful, adequate, attentive, responsive, friendly, built on mutual understanding, interested in raising a child together, in close cooperation between family and kindergarten.

7. What do you think needs to be done to ensure that the family understands and actively participates in the daily life of the kindergarten?

Involve preschool educational institutions more in life. Find forms of work with parents that will be most interesting to them; engage in pedagogical education of parents, take into account an individual approach to each child; create collectively creative groups of parents that could cover the entire range of issues and problems; show more open classes for parents, organize open days, joint cleanup days.

Family and kindergarten are two social institutions that stand at the origins of our future, but often they do not always have enough mutual understanding, tact, and patience to hear and understand each other. Misunderstanding between family and kindergarten falls heavily on the child.

Let's return to the questions that were posed at the beginning of the seminar. How to change this situation (misunderstanding between family and dow)? How to get parents interested in working together? How to create a unified space for the development of a child in a preschool family, to make parents participants in the educational process?

To do this, you need to use non-traditional forms of work and forms of communication with parents in your work.

Non-traditional forms of interaction with parents are aimed at attracting parents to the preschool educational institution, establishing informal contacts, and have a certain result in establishing a friendly, trusting atmosphere, a good emotional mood and an atmosphere of joint parental creativity.

Non-traditional forms of communication between teachers and parents include: leisure, educational, visual and information forms.

What does the leisure and visual information direction include, what difficulties can one encounter with their implementation, the teacher of the second junior group, Yu. V. Nabzdyreva, will tell us.

Consultation “Non-traditional forms of working with parents: visual, informational and leisure direction”

In modern conditions, the effective functioning of a preschool educational institution is impossible without interaction with the families of students. Accordingly, the requirements for the communicative sphere of the teacher’s personality increase, there is a need for the targeted formation of communicative competence in the educational process, and the need to introduce new methods and forms of parental activation into practice. The teacher of the second junior group, A. A. Sokolova, will tell us about them.

Consultation “Methods of activating parents at parent-teacher meetings in a non-traditional form of holding”

Communication plays a huge role in the life of any person. Sukhomlinsky also said that a person’s speech culture is a mirror of his spiritual culture. The mental health of a person - his mood, his feelings, emotions - largely depends on the process of communication and its results.

Communication between teachers and parents of pupils continues to be one of the most difficult areas in the activities of preschool institutions, therefore there is a need for the targeted formation of communicative competence in the educational process. Teacher-psychologist M. R. Pashadko will remind us about the rules of communication between teachers and parents.

Consultation “Rules for communication between teachers and students’ parents”

II. Practical part.

We all strive together to ensure that children in kindergarten feel good and comfortable, and that parents gradually become active participants in all matters, indispensable helpers for you and me.

Modern preschool institutions do a lot to ensure that communication with parents is rich and interesting. On the one hand, teachers preserve everything that is best and time-tested, and on the other, they look for and strive to introduce new, effective forms of interaction with the families of pupils, the main task of which is to achieve real cooperation between the kindergarten and the family.

Organizing work with a family is a long process and very painstaking work that does not have ready-made technologies and recipes. Its success is determined by the teacher’s intuition, initiative, patience and his ability to steadily follow the chosen goal.

To strengthen the cooperation between our kindergarten and family, it is necessary to strive to diversify the forms and methods of interaction with the family. We will all benefit from the fact that parents realize the importance of their influence on the development of the child’s personality, learn to promote his harmonious development, and actively cooperate with the kindergarten.

To replenish our theoretical skills. but also practical knowledge in the field of communicative competence, teacher-psychologist Maria Rafikovna Pashadko prepared for you and me training “Development of communication skills of teachers in communication with parents.”

Family and children are two educational phenomena, each of which in its own way gives the child social experience, but only in combination with each other do they create optimal conditions for a little person to enter the big world.

Interactions between parents and kindergarten rarely occur immediately. This is a long process, long and painstaking work that requires patient, steady pursuit of the goal. The main thing is not to stop there, continue to look for new ways of cooperation with parents. After all, we have one goal - to educate future creators of life. What a person is like, so is the world he creates around himself.

List of sources used

1. Belaya K. Yu. Pedagogical council in a preschool educational institution: preparation and implementation [Text] / K. Yu. Belaya.- M.: TC Sfera, 2004.- 48 p.

2. Solodyankina O. V. Cooperation of a preschool institution with the family: a manual for preschool educational institutions employees [Text] / O. V. Solodyankina. - M.: Arkti, 2005. - 77 p.

Workshop on the topic: “Research activities in kindergarten using the methods of Savenkov A.I.”

Semenova Natalia Diogenovna, senior teacher of MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 160”, Cheboksary
1. Description of work: This material will help teachers deepen their knowledge of the research methodology developed by A.I. Savenkov.
Target: increase the motivation of teachers to master the methodology of research activities.
2. Introduce teachers to the concept of “research”;
3. To deepen the knowledge of teachers about the methods of conducting research in preschool institutions developed by A.I. Savenkov.
4. Identify and play out the main stages of this technique with the participants of the game.
Equipment: projector, laptop, cards with a symbolic image of “research methods”, cards with a symbolic image of “topics” for future research, pens, pencils, markers, sheets of paper, academic hats and gowns.

Progress of the workshop

Good afternoon, I'm glad to meet you. The topic of today's workshop is “Research activities in kindergarten using the methods of A.I. Savenkov.”

Modern society needs an active personality, capable of cognitive and active self-realization, of demonstrating research activity and creativity in solving vital problems. The fundamental foundations of such a personality must be laid in preschool childhood.
Research activity contributes to the development of a preschooler’s subjective position in understanding the world around him, thereby ensuring readiness for school.
Often the words “research” and “design” are used interchangeably in education, which creates confusion. This confusion is not at all as harmless as it might seem at first glance. Both research and design, for all their undoubted importance for modern education, are fundamentally different types of activity. The difference between them should be clearly understood.

Research is a selfless search for truth. The researcher, starting work, does not know what he will come to, what information he will receive, whether it will be useful and pleasant for him or other people. His task is to seek the truth, whatever it may be. Exploration of creativity in its purest form.
Design is the solution to a specific, clearly formulated problem. It is no coincidence that the foreign language word “project” is directly translated into Russian as “thrown forward.” In contrast, the designer is extremely pragmatic, he knows exactly what he is doing, and clearly understands what he must achieve. Often, the implementation of a project requires research, but this is not necessary; theoretically, the project can be carried out at the reproductive level.
Design – creativity according to plan
A modern child should be taught both the skills of a selfless search for truth and design.
The use of research methods of teaching in kindergarten has a number of significant features. It is useless to “load” a preschooler with a research topic. He is, of course, a natural researcher, but at first he must be taught everything: how to identify problems, how to develop hypotheses, how to observe, how to conduct an experiment, etc., and he will only investigate what is really interesting to him. His natural gift as a researcher requires tireless pedagogical care.
Every healthy child is already an explorer from birth. “It is more natural and therefore much easier for a child to comprehend new things by conducting his own research - observing, conducting experiments, making his own judgments and conclusions based on them, than to receive knowledge already obtained by someone in a “ready-made form” (A.I. Savenkov).
- Today we will look at the methodology of Alexander Ilyich Savenkov, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Psychological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Developmental Psychology.
This technique is original, interesting, effective and makes it possible to promote the development of a child’s giftedness.
The proposed methodology allows you to include the child in your own research search at any stage. It is designed not only to teach children simple options for observation and experimentation, but includes a full cycle of research activity - from defining a problem to presenting and defending the results obtained. It allows you to teach your child the most rational way to search for information.
In order to introduce children to the technique, one or two training sessions will be required. This is necessary in order to introduce each child to the “technique” of conducting research. Let's consider the specifics of training sessions.
To conduct training sessions, you will need cards with a symbolic image of “research methods”. Sample cards are presented (on the slide) (Think, read in a book, ask a specialist, look on the Internet, conduct an experiment, observe).
You can make such cards from ordinary thin cardboard. The optimal card size is half a regular landscape sheet (1/2 A4). Images are best made from colored paper and pasted onto cardboard. On the back of each card you need to write a verbal designation for each method.
On pieces of cardboard of the same size, it is necessary to prepare special inscriptions and pictures - “topics” for future research. To do this, paste onto cardboard images of animals, plants, buildings and pictures on other topics (on the slide). In addition, for classes you will need pens, pencils, and markers.

1. Choosing a topic
- The very first stage of this great work is determining the research topic. Let's look at the pictures proposed by Savenkov (show) and determine the topic of our research.
As soon as everyone is comfortable, we lay out all the prepared materials and announce: today we will learn to conduct independent research - just like adult scientists do. Two “volunteers” will be needed to demonstrate the stages of research work. They will have to carry out the work together with the teacher from the first to the last stage.
It is better to choose energetic, active children with well-developed speech as volunteers. All other children in the first lesson will participate only as active spectators and assistants.
The chosen pair of “researchers” determines the topic of their research. The choice of topic is carried out by children choosing a card with a picture. In order for the children to be able to do this, we will offer them previously prepared cards with various images - research topics. Theme cards are best placed in front of the children or pinned on the board. All children participating in the lesson should be included in the discussion regarding the choice of topic.
After a short discussion directed by an adult, children usually decide on a topic - they choose one card or another.
When choosing a topic, you need to encourage children to choose what is really interesting to them and what is interesting to explore. And interesting research is possible if the subject of the research allows you to apply most of the methods.
Place a card with an image indicating the chosen topic in the middle of the circle. We are removing the remaining similar cards (with “research topics”) for now.

2. Drawing up a research plan
Let us explain to the researchers: their task is to obtain as much new information on the topic as possible. And in order to do this work, you need to research everything you can, collect all available information and process it. How can I do that?
Let's start with the usual problematic questions: “What should we do first?”, “Where do you think a scientist begins a study?” Naturally, these questions are addressed not only to the pair of children we have identified. They are addressed to all children participating in the lesson.
During a collective discussion, children usually name the main methods: “read in a book,” “observe,” etc. Each such answer must be noted, and the child who answers must certainly be encouraged. After, for example, one of the children said that new things can be learned from books, place a card in front of the children with a picture of this research method. Once methods such as observation or experiment are named, place cards representing those methods in a circle. This is how we gradually build a chain of research methods. Those methods that children cannot name should be suggested at first.
Experience shows that children often name methods: observation, experiment, look in books, turn to the computer and even ask questions to a specialist, but they often forget that “you need to think on your own.” This is natural and normal. At the first stage, such a pedagogical skill as the ability to lead children to the desired idea is especially important - to make them themselves express what is required in a given situation.

Cards indicating research methods lying in front of us on the table (on the carpet) are nothing more than a plan for our future research. But we laid them out haphazardly, as suggestions randomly came in from the children. Now we need to make our plan more rigorous and consistent.
To do this, let us again turn to a collective conversation with children. Let's start by asking what we should do at the very beginning. Where to start our research? And what to do in the second, third and further stages. Once again, children will begin to offer a variety of options.
“Lead” them to the idea that they need to think for themselves first. If this proposal is not in the options offered by the children, it will have to be gently suggested. Children should retain the feeling that they are doing everything themselves. Once everyone has agreed to this, we put in the first place a card with a symbol indicating the action “think for yourself.”)
- “What should we do after this?” So, answering similar questions together with children, we gradually build a line of cards: “think for yourself,” “ask another person,” “look in books,” “watch on TV,” “observe,” “conduct an experiment.”
So, the research plan has been drawn up.

3. Collection of material
The next, third, step is collecting material.
- You can simply memorize the information you collect, but it’s difficult, so it’s better to try to record it right away. We can use pictographic writing. On small pieces of paper (we prepared them in advance) with a pen, pencil or felt-tip pens, you can make notes - drawings, icons, symbols. These can be simple images, individual letters or words, as well as special icons and various symbols invented on the fly.
When conducting the first lesson, as experience shows, one inevitably has to face the fact that the need to “write” information in children is weakly expressed. They cannot yet understand the significance of this fixation. But as they participate in classes, this need will increase in them, and along with it, the skill of symbolically depicting the ideas being recorded will grow. The pictographic writing used at this stage allows you to reflect information received through various sensory channels (vision, hearing, taste, temperature, etc.). Reflection of the child’s own impressions in pictographic writing is an indicator that this sensory sensation has become a subject of awareness, reflection and, therefore, acquires significance for him and becomes a value.
- As we remember, the first of the methods we highlighted:
1. “think for yourself.” During the training session, all participants help the pair of researchers we have identified. They can suggest the idea itself and how to depict it more simply and accurately
For example, after thinking, we come to the conclusion: our parrot is a “domestic ornamental bird.” In order to capture this idea, let’s draw a house or a cage, a man and a parrot on a piece of paper. The house (cage) and the little man will serve as a reminder that the parrot lives at home, next to a person.
The next idea that came to the researchers, for example, is this: “parrots are big and small.” We note all this on our pieces of paper. Let's draw two ovals - one large, the other small. We will add beaks, tails and crests to each one. And this idea will never be forgotten. Then, after thinking, the children note that parrots usually have bright plumage. By drawing a few bright lines on another piece of paper with colored felt-tip pens, children can reinforce for themselves the idea of ​​“the varied, bright plumage of parrots.”
As our experience shows, these simple notes are quite sufficient for recording such relatively simple information for a short period of time.
Naturally, ideas may arise that are difficult to capture with drawings. However, there is always a way out. For example, researchers have come to believe that parrots can be great friends with humans. Let's draw a little man and a parrot next to him. Moreover, we emphasize: there is no need to concentrate on the “correctness” of the image. Try to teach your child to make icons and symbols quickly. To do this, he must act uninhibited and free.
The ability to invent symbols and icons indicates the level of development of associative thinking and creative abilities in general and at the same time acts as an important means of their development.
Our experimental experience shows that children learn the ability to create symbols to represent ideas very quickly and usually do this easily and freely.

2. “Ask the other person”- the next research method and point of our plan. Now let's try to set up our researchers to ask other people about the subject that interests us.
Questions can be asked to everyone present - children and adults. (At first, this causes great difficulties. Children, objectively, due to the characteristics of age-related development, are egocentric, it is difficult for them to ask, and even more difficult to hear and perceive the answer of another person. The ability to ask and perceive information should be considered by us as one of the most important goals of pedagogical work. Overcoming and mitigating children's egocentrism is an important step towards developing the child's successful learning skills.We often encounter the fact that children do not know how to listen to the teacher and each other.
These activities can help develop the ability to ask and listen to others.
Experts in the field of creativity psychology often emphasize in their works that the ability to pose a question (identify a problem) is often valued above the ability to solve it. When doing this work with a child, we must realize that behind these seemingly frivolous “toy studies” there are very deep and extremely important problems in the development of the intellectual and creative potential of the child’s personality. At first, children should especially clearly focus on the fact that as a result of asking other people, they can learn something completely new, previously unknown.
So, for example, in our case, someone might suggest that parrots live in captivity only in northern countries, but in warm climates they are widespread in the wild and initially they are not domestic, but wild birds. They are simply easy to tame and therefore get along well with humans.
To consolidate the ideas suggested by others, we will draw schematic images corresponding to them. For example - several palm trees, the sun and a parrot. Palm trees will remind us of wild nature, the sun will remind us of a warm climate, and a parrot drawn nearby will complement the overall picture, indicating that this is a wild bird, not a domestic one.
Then, for example, when researchers asked where wild parrots live, we were given the idea that they, like all birds, make nests for themselves. And when asked what they eat, the answer was that the birds themselves find edible grains, nuts and roots.

3. “Learn from books.” Difficulties arise with other sources of information. For example, you can turn to a book, but it is very difficult for a child who has not mastered reading skills to learn something new from it. In this case, you can do two things: limit yourself to viewing the illustrations or ask for help from someone who can read the required page. During the lesson, besides the teacher, few people can help the child-researcher. Therefore, you need to select literature in advance, make the necessary bookmarks and be prepared for possible questions.
Currently, a large number of children's reference books and encyclopedias are published; they are devoted to various topics, are beautifully illustrated, and have good, concise and informative texts accessible to children. This is a convenient source for obtaining information during children's research. Read the desired text aloud to the researchers. Help capture new ideas.

4. “Observation and experiment.” Particularly valuable in any research work are live observations and real actions with the subject being studied - experiments. The topic we are considering can also provide an opportunity to use them. Parrots are not uncommon in living areas, and our researchers can easily observe and note some of the behavioral features of this bird.
No one is stopping us from going with our researchers to the parrot’s cage and talking about what we see. Through observations, we can study the behavior of the parrot and its reactions to various events. All this must be recorded on our pieces of paper. You can even conduct experiments. For example, does the parrot like music or human speech? What does he eat, what food does he prefer? Does he eat anything unusual that is different from the foods used to prepare human food? Is it possible to teach a parrot anything?
A preschooler's ability to concentrate is not high. Therefore, work on collecting information must be carried out quickly. If one of the methods doesn’t work at the initial stages of work, don’t worry: you don’t have to focus on it. Help the children group what they already have. It is very important to maintain the pace so that the work proceeds energetically, in one breath.

5. Generalization of the obtained data. Now the collected information needs to be analyzed and summarized. We lay out our notes and pictograms on the carpet so that everyone can see them. We begin to look and think: what interesting things have we learned? What new can we tell others based on the results of our research?
In the first lessons, naturally, it is necessary to actively help researchers generalize the scattered data obtained. This is a very difficult task for a child. But at the same time, using this material, like no other, you can develop a child’s thinking, creative abilities, and speech.
Let's highlight the main ideas, note the secondary ones, and then the tertiary ones. This is not difficult to do - you need, after consulting with our researchers, to arrange the pictograms in a certain sequence. On the left, in the first place we put the icon with the most important information, then what is in the second, in the third place...
During the analysis of icons, it also happens that some of them are not readable. They drew an icon, but the researchers no longer remember what it means. It’s okay: we put this piece of paper aside and continue to work with what we can decipher.
Of course, the best place to start is by trying to define the basic concepts. This work, in its mental complexity, is no different from the work of a real scientist. Just don’t demand that your child strictly adhere to the rules of logic. It is quite enough that he will try to use techniques similar to the definition of concepts. For example, such as description, characteristics, description by example, etc.
On the one hand, this is a very difficult task for children, on the other hand, if their initiatives are not hampered, they often make statements that are very close to the essence of the matter. Of course, many well-known experts quite rightly argued that preschool children cannot define concepts, but another idea is no less obvious: this inability is not a reason not to teach them this. After all, if you do not do propaedeutic work at a level accessible to the child now, he will never learn it.
Children are not burdened with the “burden of definitions of the classics,” so when asked what it is, they usually answer boldly, easily and often accurately. In any case, it is always possible to clarify and specify the definition of a child. Teaching a child to boldly express his or her definitions is a very important learning task. Without this, any further work in this direction will be significantly complicated.

6. Report. Once the information has been summarized, the lesson should be continued. It is advisable for researchers to wear academic caps and gowns. This is required in order to enhance the significance of the moment and make the game situation more concentrated. Our researchers make a report - “Parrot Report”. In practice, it looks like this: two volunteer researchers, chosen by us at the beginning of the lesson, take turns, complementing each other, looking at their pictogram notes, and make a report. They started by defining basic concepts, said who a parrot is, told where it lives and what it eats, then continued their story, relying on the collected material.

Practical part.
And to demonstrate the stages of research work, two “volunteers” will be needed, who will have to do the work with me from the first to the last stage. All other teachers will participate as active spectators and assistants.

independent research

Now each teacher will conduct his own research.

We will again need cards with images of topics for future research. Their number should be equal to (or exceed) the number of people in the group. Of the new tools, only a special “researcher folder” is required. Everyone should have it. Research folder structure: small (3X3 cm) pockets made of thick white paper are glued onto a sheet of A4 cardboard. On each pocket there is a schematic representation of the “research method”. You need to put your pictographic notes in these pockets. The collected information will be recorded on them, as during the training session. In order to make these notes, each participant must receive an unlimited number of small pieces of paper and a pen (pencil or markers).

Conducting a lesson

At this stage, all participants in the lesson are involved in an active research search. During the training sessions, each participant became familiar with the general plan of action and is potentially ready for their own research. During the lesson, children should have complete freedom of movement around the room. This must be taken into account immediately.
Selecting a topic. Organized educational activities begin in the same way: we choose a research topic. We lay out cards with images of “topics” for future research on a low table (or on the carpet). And each participant chooses what he wants. But at the same time, this gaming technology can be used on a variety of topics. In this case, the cards you prepared in advance with images of future research topics should be related to the range of problems being studied.
Having chosen a topic, each participant receives a special “researcher folder”, pieces of paper for collecting information and a pen, pencil and markers. In this case, it is not necessary to discuss the research plan. We have outlined this plan and have already recorded it in the pockets of our folder.
Collection of material. Armed with everything necessary, each participant begins to act independently: he joins in his own research search. The task is to collect the necessary information using the capabilities of all available sources, summarize it and prepare a report. All this needs to be done without delaying time, within the framework of one educational activity.
Each participant works independently, they themselves study everything related to their chosen topic. The teacher’s task is to perform the duties of an active assistant, a consultant to researchers, and to help those who need help at the moment.
During the collection of material, each participant works on his own topic, does it at his own pace, and moves around the group as he wants. This introduces an element of unusualness into the work process, but usually no insurmountable difficulties arise.
An adult, in order to act effectively and successfully, needs to remember simple rules.
Rules for accompanying children's research
1. Always approach your work creatively.
2. Teach children to act independently, avoid direct instructions.
3. Don't hold back your children's initiatives.
4. Don't do for them what they can do or what they can learn to do on their own.
5. Do not rush to make value judgments.
6. Help children learn to manage the process of acquiring knowledge:
a) trace connections between various objects, events and phenomena;
b) develop skills for independently solving research problems;
c) analyze, synthesize and classify information.

Reports. As soon as the first messages are prepared, reports are listened to. It is usually not possible to listen to all the reports in one lesson. Therefore, you can listen to some of them individually - while others are completing their research, postpone some of the reports to another time, and listen to two or three reports collectively during this lesson.
We put on the speaker a robe and a special headdress. A small table can serve as a lectern. We give the floor to the researcher. Our reports should be considered as an option for peer learning. The speaker is forced to structure the information, highlight the main thing, define the basic concepts and not just tell, but teach this information to others.
Based on the results of the defense, it is necessary to reward not only those who answered well, but also those who asked “smart”, interesting questions.

Today I introduced you to A. I. Savenkov’s method of conducting research in kindergarten, and tried to show how it can be used in working with children.
I ask everyone to come to me, stand in a circle and spread their arms to the sides. Now mentally put on your left hand everything that you came to the workshop with today: your baggage of thoughts, knowledge, experience. And on the right hand - what you received new.
I thank you for your work and in conclusion I would like to hear answers to the following questions:
- What new things have you learned about yourself?
- Were you interested?
- Would you like to use this technique in your work?

In practice, we have seen that research methods are relevant and very effective. It allows the child to synthesize acquired knowledge, develop creativity and communication skills, create and explore, which allows him to successfully adapt to the world around him.
Dear teachers! I wish you success in developing your creative individuality through research activities.
1. Savenkov, A.I. Child research as a method of teaching older preschoolers": Lectures 5–8. / A.I. Savenkov. - M.: Pedagogical University “First of September”. - 2007. - 92 p.
2. Savenkov, A.I. Methods of research training for preschoolers / A.I. Savenkov. Series: - Publisher: Dom Fedorov. – 2010.
3. Kharitonova L. Research activities of preschoolers / L. Kharitonova // Preschool education. -2001 - No. 7.

Development of a Seminar-workshop for teachers of preschool educational institutions “Project activities in kindergarten”

In a preschool educational institution, project activities are of a collaborative nature, in which teachers, children and their parents participate. This summary helps to improve the skills of kindergarten teachers in using the design method in practical activities.
Form: cruise.
Target: to provide conditions for the development of creativity and professional activity of teachers in their mastery of design technology, to unite the efforts of the kindergarten team to use the achievements of advanced experience and pedagogical science in practice.
- improve the pedagogical skills of teachers;
- improve the methodological level of teachers in their mastery of design technology;

Preliminary work:
-preparation of an information stand about the planned workshop;
- selection and study of literature on the use of the project method in kindergarten;
- production of handouts.
Didactic material and equipment: tickets for each participant, cards with tasks, “Project Activity Algorithm” templates for each team, tape recorder, audio recording of the sound of the sea.

Seminar/workshop progress

Senior teacher: Dear colleagues. I'm very glad to see you. The topic of our meeting: “Project activities in kindergarten”
We face the following tasks:
- improve teaching skills,
- increase the methodological level in mastering design technology,
- promote creative search.
Using the project method in preschool education, as one of the methods of integrated teaching of preschoolers, can significantly increase children's independent activity, develop creative thinking, children's ability to independently find information about an object or phenomenon of interest in different ways and use this knowledge to create new objects of reality. It also makes the educational system of preschool educational institutions open to the active participation of parents.

Touching on this topic, I propose to go on a pedagogical journey on our steamship “Fairytale Polyanka” to the warm shores of project activity on the island of Projects. To refresh and use your knowledge of the design method in your creative work.
You have already purchased your tickets, so please take your seats in your “cabins” (teachers are seated at tables, each table has its own name, all the tasks that will be needed for subsequent work are prepared on it).
So. Let's set sail. Close your eyes, sit back and listen to the sound of the sea (recording of the sound of the sea). Open your eyes, we are already far from the shore, the ocean is all around. In the meantime, while we are gently swaying on the waves, let's remember what the Project is. For fruitful work, I ask you to unite in your cabins around the tables. Take ticket number 1 and discuss the task. One of the cabins needs to answer the question asked.

1 Task: Choose a definition of what a project is?
The project is………
1. Collection and presentation of comprehensive information on a given topic from various sources, including the presentation of different points of view on this issue, the presentation of statistical data, interesting facts (abstract, report, report);
2. A way of communicating and transmitting information from person to person in the form of oral and written messages, body language and others (communication);
3. Work aimed at solving a specific problem, at achieving a pre-planned result (project) in an optimal way;
4. This is providing conditions for the development of universal human values ​​in children, the formation of moral meanings and attitudes in them - attitudes towards the world according to the laws of Good, Truth, Beauty (education);
5. This is the child’s desire for coordinated, well-coordinated work in a children’s team (cooperation)
Well done, you completed the task quickly.

Senior educator: Today the state has set a task to prepare a completely new generation: active, inquisitive. And preschool institutions, as the first step in education, already have an idea of ​​what a kindergarten graduate should be like, what integrative qualities he should have. Project activities will help to connect the process of learning and education with real events in the life of a child, as well as to interest him and captivate him in this activity. It allows you to unite teachers, children, parents, teach you how to work in a team, collaborate, and plan your work. Each child will be able to express themselves, feel needed, which means they will gain confidence in their abilities.
In the etymological dictionary, the word “project” is borrowed from Latin and means “thrown forward,” “protruding,” “conspicuous.” Translated from Greek, a project is a path of research.
It was revealed that the concept of “project” is a method of pedagogically organized development of the environment by a child in the process of step-by-step and pre-planned practical activities to achieve the intended goals.
A project also means an independent and collective creative completed work that has a socially significant result. The project is based on a problem; solving it requires research in various directions, the results of which are generalized and combined into one whole.
The project method is a pedagogical technology, the core of which is the independent activity of children - research, cognitive, productive, during which the child learns about the world around him and embodies new knowledge into real products. The essence of the “project method” in education is such an organization of the educational process in which students acquire knowledge and skills, experience in creative activity, an emotional and value-based attitude to reality in the process of planning and performing gradually more complex practical tasks of projects that have not only cognitive, but also pragmatic value.
The main goal of the project method is the development of a free, creative personality, which is determined by the developmental tasks and tasks of children's research activities.
The specificity of interaction using the project method in preschool practice is that adults need to help the child discover a problem or even provoke its occurrence, arouse interest in it, but at the same time not overdo it with help and care. The project method is based on the idea of ​​focusing the cognitive activity of preschoolers on the result that is achieved in the process of joint work of the teacher, children, and parents on a specific practical problem (topic). Project activities in kindergarten are in the nature of cooperation, in which children, parents, and preschool teachers take part.
Planning of project activities should begin with the questions: “What is the project for?”, “Why is it being carried out?”, “What will be the product of the project activity?”, “In what form will the result of the project be presented?”.
Generalization: Thus, in project activities the role of an adult is great: friend, mentor, observer, discoverer, etc. In order to carry out such work aimed at solving a specific problem, at achieving a pre-planned result in an optimal way, the teacher must be able to negotiate, distribute responsibilities, develop the personality of each child, without offending or infringing anyone, be able to hear and listen. And this is very difficult. Now I suggest you try to do this work. Take ticket number 2 and complete the task.
2 Task: Psycho-gymnastics “Be careful...”
Team members stand near their chairs. They need to calculate in order up to 33. But for each number “3” and the number that is divisible by this number, they need to clap their hands. The test reveals skills such as listening and hearing others. After a minute of preparation, the teams begin to complete the task.
Senior teacher: Our journey to Project Island continues. Open ticket No. 3 and let's remember what kind of projects there are. First read the task, discuss it, and then answer the question.
3 Task: Choose a definition.
Research projects are... - After the project is brought to life, the result is formalized in the form of a children's party.
Creative projects are... - Children conduct experiments, observations, after which the results are presented in the form of newspapers, books, albums, exhibitions and more.
Information projects are... -These are projects with elements of creative games, when children take on the role of fairy tale characters, solving problems and tasks in their own way.
Game projects are... - Children collect information and implement it, focusing on their own social interests (designing a group, individual corners, etc.).
Thus, we see that projects are classified:
a) according to the dominant method (research, information, creative, gaming),
b) by the number of participants (individual, pair, group and frontal);
c) by duration (short-term, medium-term and long-term),
d) by the nature of contacts (carried out within one age group, in contact with another age group, within a preschool educational institution, in contact with family, public organizations... (open project). (E.S. Evdokimova “Design technology in preschool educational institutions”, M. 2006)
Work on the project, including the drawing up of a reasonable action plan, which is formed and refined throughout the entire period, goes through several stages. At each of them, the teacher’s interaction with children is personality-oriented. To determine the stages of project activity, open ticket No. 4.
4 Task: Determine the stages of project activities.
Participants need to think and determine the stages of work on the project. Present your generalizations.
Senior teacher: Thus, the first stage of project development is problem identification and goal setting. As a result of a joint discussion, a hypothesis is put forward, which the teacher proposes to confirm in the process of search activity. First, a general discussion is held so that the children find out what they already know about a certain subject or phenomenon. The teacher can record the children's answers on a large piece of whatman paper. To do this, it is better to use conventional symbols that are familiar and accessible to children. Then the teacher asks the question: “What do we want to know?”
At the second stage, children make suggestions to the question: “How can we find answers to the questions?” The solution to this question can be various activities: reading books, encyclopedias, seeking help from parents, kindergarten specialists, going on an excursion, conducting an experiment, and so on. The teacher helps children plan their activities in solving assigned tasks and assign roles.
The third stage is practical - children explore, create, search. To activate children's thinking, the teacher offers to solve problem situations and puzzles. It is necessary that the teacher can create a situation where the child must learn something on his own, guess, try, invent something. The environment around the child should be, as it were, unfinished, unfinished.
The fourth stage is the presentation of the project. Depending on the age of the children, the result of the project can be: final games - activities, games - quizzes, mini-museums, creative newspapers, design of albums, exhibitions and more.
5 Task: Answer the question.
Insert the missing phrase into the definition:
- The integrated teaching method is for preschoolers... (informational; experimental; experimental-research, innovative).
- The essence of the “project method” in education is such an organization of the educational process in which students acquire... (first knowledge about the world around them, skills in communication and solving applied problems; knowledge about the world indirectly, through books, communication, television, other sources...; knowledge and skills, experience of creative activity, emotional and value-based attitude to reality in the process of planning and performing gradually more complex practical tasks - projects; ability to adapt to a new team).
Thus, work on the project is interesting because the range of children’s knowledge turns out to be extremely wide, and it is constantly increasing, as children begin to acquire knowledge on their own, using all available means. The method of designing the activities of preschoolers at the present stage of development of preschool education is one of the priorities.
This is how you and I unnoticed found ourselves off the coast of the island of projects. I suggest everyone warm up and take a walk on the hot sand.
Senior teacher(plays the game “Who is faster”): I will name the numbers. Immediately after the number is called, exactly as many people as the number was announced should stand (no more and no less). For example, if I say “four,” then four of you should stand up as quickly as possible. They will be able to sit down only after I say “thank you.” The task must be completed silently. Tactics for completing a task should be developed in the process of work, focusing on each other’s actions.”
The guys in the gym with the physical education instructor also act harmoniously and amicably.
Presentation of the project “Past and Present of the Ball.” Analysis of the final event (responsible physical education instructor).
Senior teacher: And now I propose to answer humorous questions.
- What does Boris have in front, and what does Gleb have behind? (Letter "B").
-Which watch shows the exact time only 2 times a day? (Which stopped).
- How do day and night end? (Soft sign).
- Two birch trees are growing. Each birch tree has 4 cones. How many cones are there in total? (Cones do not grow on birch trees).
Well, what great fellows you are, just like the guys from the Romashka secondary group. They easily cope with developmental tasks and conduct search activities together with their teachers.
Presentation of the project “Wintering Birds”. Analysis of the final event (responsible teacher of the group).
Senior teacher (thanks teachers for providing experience in project activities): And now I suggest taking your places in the cabins, it’s time to return to kindergarten (sound of the sea).
The project method as a pedagogical technology is a set of research, search, problem-based methods that are creative in nature, that is, it is based on the development of children’s cognitive skills, the ability to independently construct their knowledge, and navigate the information space.
- While we are sailing back home, I propose to exchange our impressions and continue the phrase: “Today I...”
“Dreams are the sails of our lives. You can swim without them... but slowly and not far. And I wish for you that your ship “Work” always sails confidently and is accompanied only by positive emotions. I wish you creative success. Thanks for the work.
1. Vinogradova N.A., Pankova E.P. Educational projects in kindergarten. A manual for educators - M.: Iris - press, 2008;
2. Evdokimova E.S. Design technology in preschool educational institutions, M. - 2006;
3. Stupnitskaya M.A. What is a learning project? M. 2010