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Diagnostics of speech communication of middle preschool children results. Diagnosis of speech development in children of senior preschool age

In this article:

To understand how speech development is diagnosed in preschool children, you need to understand for yourself what speech is and what it is like in children of primary, middle and senior preschool age.

So, speech is another confirmation of the mental development of a preschooler. With the help of speech, children get acquainted with the world around them, learn to establish communication connections with children and adults. Timely diagnosis of children's speech development will allow us to identify possible deviations and find ways to solve them.

Features of speech development in early preschool age

If a preschooler develops in conditions favorable to him, then correct pronunciation in compliance with basic intonations is established by the age of 4. By this time, the baby has formed a fairly solid vocabulary, the vast majority of which are nouns and verbs. Also, a child in early preschool age masters the plural and singular in speech, uses cases, learns to express thoughts and emotions using both simple and complex sentences.

As for analyzing the speech of the features that can be diagnosed in children of primary preschool age, then
they may be next.

  1. Preschoolers may not pronounce certain sounds clearly.
  2. Intonation is imperfect.
  3. Diction and voice strength need development and adjustment.
  4. Inaccuracies in numbers and cases when combining words.
  5. Omissions of individual sentence members.
  6. The desire to create new words as a way of learning the native language.

The speech of 4-year-old children has a bright situational coloring and is very expressive.

Speech development of middle-aged preschoolers

In middle preschool age, speech
children moves to a new level: kids try to master a monologue and new ways of word formation. After 5 years, it becomes natural for children to understand the word as a sound process; many try themselves in the role of young poets, rhyming words that sometimes do not make sense, but are distinguished by consonance. You should not stop such an activity, since it is precisely this that contributes to the development of speech hearing and the ability to select words that sound similar.

At the 5th year of life, the baby’s vocabulary is replenished with words that characterize the qualities of objects and the actions performed with them. For children of middle preschool age, determining the functions of objects is no longer a problem. It is during this period that children become familiar with basic grammatical rules. While their speech is filled with neologisms, but despite this, they already understand what a description is, how to construct a narrative story.

Basic Speech problems in children at this age are associated with incorrect pronunciation of certain sounds, as well as a lack of understanding of grammatical rules. The peculiarity of speech at this age is its instability and mobility.

Children of the same age may have different levels of speech development. Diagnosis of speech development of children in the 5th year of life is carried out according to the method of diagnosing the level of speech development for younger preschoolers with a slight change in tasks.

Speech development in older preschoolers

In older preschool age, children speak almost at the level of an adult, except that their
The vocabulary is not so rich yet. Most children pronounce sounds and words without errors, their speech is filled with controlled intonations, and their vocabulary is replenished with synonyms, antonyms, and ambiguous words.

A preschooler of this age uses words in speech with a full understanding of their meaning, masters the grammatical system of the language, uses complex sentences, tries to speak correctly, independently correcting mistakes.

The main feature of older preschoolers
- the ability to construct texts of different types, using linking words and observing the basic structure of the text: beginning, middle and ending.

Despite all the achievements, the speech of children of senior preschool age is still imperfect. There may be grammatical errors when attempting to construct complex structures, as well as failure to construct a perfectly coherent text.

About the diagnosis of speech development

In order for diagnostics of speech development in children at each stage of preschool age to give an accurate result, it is necessary to understand what skills children should possess.

So, at a younger age, by the end of the 4th year of life, children are able to:

In middle preschool age, the degree of speech development can be determined based on the results of an analysis of children's skills. They are capable of:

At older preschool age, children are able to:

Children of senior preschool age are happy to talk about the plots of the paintings shown to them, using different types of connections.

Analyze the speech of a preschool child to determine his skills, and then draw conclusions about his speech development. Also, diagnostics can be carried out using a special technique, taking into account the age and characteristics of the child.

The development of speech in preschool children is a long and difficult process, requiring the attention of parents and sometimes the participation of specialists. Speech is not an innate ability of a person, but is formed along with the development of other skills. Active development of speech occurs at the age of 1-3 years, so it is extremely important to pay special attention to the formation of communication at this age.

If the speech of a young child is connected mainly with what he perceives and does at the moment, then the preschooler begins to understand and himself conducts conversations about things that are more distant, which he can only imagine, mentally imagine. With the correct structure of work on the formation of communication, the coherent speech of preschoolers aged 3-7 years is much better than that of some of their older friends. Kids can boast of a fairly extensive vocabulary and the ability to actively and competently use it. Speech development in preschoolers includes the ability to master speech as a means of communication with the outside world, understanding the speech of adults, the ability to use it during joint activities, forming their own speech, and learning their native language. The earlier the development of coherent speech in preschoolers begins, the freer the child will feel in further communication and understanding of what is happening around him.

Speech stages

The development of speech in preschoolers can be divided into 2 stages:

  1. Age 1-3 years. A period of active acquaintance and exploration of the surrounding space. Characterized by the main motivation to communicate, increasing vocabulary. The words are not grammatically related to each other, there is no clear use of plurals and prepositions.
  2. Age 3-7 years. Speech is grammatically coherent due to one’s own perception of the pronunciation of phrases and sentences. Increasing vocabulary to 5 thousand words, using plurals. The appearance of defects in the pronunciation of hissing, whistling sounds and letters.

Problems and Diagnosis

The relevance of the problem of children's speech development is quite high, because with age they learn more and more and imitate adults. With a minimal vocabulary, children experience quite big problems in the process of further learning. It is extremely important to monitor the spoken words and phrases, constantly communicate with the child, and read literature that includes composing stories based on pictures. The development of speech in preschoolers is formed under the influence of adults, so it is necessary to build a full-fledged speech atmosphere.

Diagnosis of speech development in preschool children is of great importance. Babysitting and changing words can further negatively affect the speech development of preschool children. Along with new words, the child must also master their meanings. It is important to carefully interpret the meaning of a new word, because sometimes, without having a specific idea of ​​the meaning of a particular word, a child cannot clearly express his thoughts in a conversation. Complex speech structures pronounced inappropriately for one's age or monosyllabic communication can also lead to negative results. In the process of shaping the development of speech in preschoolers, it is possible and necessary to include games, for example, with naming objects or composing sentences on certain subjects, because everyone knows that for children, play is one of the simplest and most effective methods of perceiving and studying the world around them. The use of different types of games will contribute to the best results - didactic or creative.

It is impossible not to take into account the influence of peers on the development of speech in older preschoolers. It is simply impossible to protect a child from spoken words on the street, in kindergarten or any other place. But a positive point can be found in this - this is a reason and opportunity to explain the inadmissibility of pronouncing certain phrases and expressions and their absence in the vocabulary of a cultured person.

The correct and competent development of coherent speech can also be influenced by a psychological factor. There is a rather thin line between speech and the psychological state of the baby. Starting from the age of 3, imagination and logic develop rapidly, and parents are concerned about excessive manifestations of imagination, beginning to accuse the child of lying or excessive display of emotions. There is absolutely no need to do this, as this can lead to withdrawal, and the child will stop talking altogether. In this case, it would be best not to protect the child from fantasy, but to direct it in the right direction.

Help from a speech therapist

Often, the development of speech in preschool children requires the intervention of specialists. Waiting for the moment when the baby starts talking on his own can lead to a worsening of the condition. Many parents are faced with the fact that the baby begins to speak quite late or his vocabulary is extremely small. There is no need to worry about this, because this is not a violation, and correction methods have a very gentle effect. And such children's conditions can be corrected quite successfully, bringing children great pleasure from the result obtained.

In this case, the interaction of a specialist with parents is extremely important, it is even possible to draw up a special individual program, according to which the child will study not only in speech therapy and psychological groups, but also at home. With the right tactics and careful joint work, by the end of the corrective course the child will have the necessary vocabulary, the basics of sound culture of speech and the correct construction of sentences, which will have a positive effect on further learning.

Existing techniques

The method of speech development in children of senior preschool age is a set of exercises aimed at developing coherent speech in preschoolers. Each set of exercises has a certain focus and specificity, based on this, it is not recommended to neglect one or another set.

To analyze vocabulary and the correct construction of certain phrases, you can use exercises such as:

  • listing words starting with a specific letter;
  • composing phrases including words and phrases on a selected topic;
  • solving riddles to guess an object based on the existing description.

When studying the sound side of speech, it is proposed to parse words into syllables, letters and sounds. To practice diction, nursery rhymes, simple tongue twisters, and phrases containing certain sounds are used. This method of developing the speech of preschool children allows you to pay attention to the use of intonation, correct vocal sound, and calm expression.

Exercises to develop the grammatical component are aimed at the correct construction of sentences:

  • formation of nouns in the plural and different cases;
  • agreement of nouns with adjectives;
  • use of diminutive suffixes;
  • formation of verbs using prefixes.

The development of coherent speech in children of senior preschool age consists of exercises for composing a story using ready-made pictures. Several pictures are offered on a specific topic, which the child must put together in the correct sequence and independently compose a story based on them. The story can be not only of a narrative nature, but, for example, with a description of a specific object or animal.


The development of monologue speech is the correct construction of one person’s speech in front of a specific audience. Teaching monologue speech to children of senior preschool age includes:

  1. Compiling a story based on a specific event or fact that happened. The story can be in explanatory or comparative form.
  2. Detailed description of the item.
  3. Retelling a literary work you have heard.
  4. A story about yourself or your family, your favorite pastime.


Dialogical speech is a conversation between two or more interlocutors, during which some listen, others narrate. The development of dialogic speech in preschool children may include:

  • conversations on specific topics;
  • collective discussion of the event, expressing opinions and impressions;
  • creating situations that require maximum verbal explanation;
  • role-playing games;
  • joint activities that require maximum explanation.

Dialogue speech in preschool children actively develops in everyday life, since the main communication between people consists of dialogue. In view of this, it is worth paying maximum attention to the correct construction and conduct of dialogue with children during the period of active development.

In parallel with all of the above methods, the child’s logical thinking, imagination, and understanding of the world around him will develop.


The speech development of preschool children is one of the most important components in the formation of a future personality. In no case should you neglect this fact and leave the issue of developing coherent speech without due attention. It is important to remember that it is better to invest energy, time and patience in the development of your baby in time and prevent possible speech disorders, rather than deal with language correction later.

Ebbinghaus technique.

The technique is used to identify the level of speech development and the productivity of associations.
Instructions:"Fill in the missing words."

Instructions: "Place the dots."

Analysis of results: The speed of finding and productivity of associations is recorded.

A technique for studying the possibility of comprehending a situation based on auditory or visual perception (understanding the explicit and hidden meaning, the connection of details into a single whole).

This technique is used to determine the level of development of understanding of grammatical structures.

Exercise 1.

1. “Listen to what I read to you and tell me.”
2. "Read and retell."

Jackdaw and dove.

The jackdaw heard that the pigeons were well fed, turned white and flew into the dovecote.
The pigeons accepted her as one of their own and fed her, but the jackdaw could not resist and croaked like a jackdaw. Then the pigeons drove her away. She went back to the jackdaws, but they didn’t accept her either.

Ant and dove.

The ant wanted to drink and went down to the stream. The wave overwhelmed him and he began to drown. A dove flying by noticed this and threw a branch into the stream for him. The ant climbed onto this branch and escaped.
The next day the ant saw that the hunter wanted to go and catch the dove in a net. It crawled up to him and bit him on the leg. The hunter screamed in pain and dropped his net. The dove fluttered and flew away.

Smart jackdaw.

The jackdaw wanted to drink. There was a jug of water in the yard, and the jug only had water at the bottom. Jackdaw was out of reach. She began throwing pebbles into the jug and scattered so many that she could drink.

Most beautiful.

An owl was flying. Other birds flew towards her. The owl asked:
-Have you seen my chicks?
- What are they like?
- Most beautiful!

Analysis of results: understanding of the sequence of events, general and hidden meaning is taken into account.

Task 2.

Addressing the child, the teacher says: “Listen carefully. I will name several words. Make several sentences (one sentence) from each set. If necessary, change these words or add one or more words to the set.”

Word sets:

1. Girl, album, drawing.
2. Child, cup, milk.
3. From, cage, siskin.
4. Sasha, skiing, riding, on.

Grading scale.

“Listen to a series of words and make sentences from them.”

1. Girls sing in the choir.
2. Passengers on the tram get off.

Task 3.

Two cards with pictures are laid out on the table in front of the child:

The teacher says: “The boy in the white shirt is called Petya, and the boy in the checkered shirt is Vanya.” Then, under these pictures, the teacher lays out eight separate cards with sentences of varying syntactic complexity printed on them. These sentences represent a description of situations in which the subject of the action is either Petya or Vanya (active and passive constructions): Vanya drew Petya. Vanya was drawn by Petya. Petya was drawn by Vanya. Vanya is drawn by Petya. Petya drew Vanya. Petya is drawn by Vanya. Petya is drawn by Vanya. Petya is drawn by Vanya.

Note: If the child does not read, deictic gestures are used. The teacher reads the sentences. The child shows with his finger who drew: Petya or Vanya.

Task for in-depth diagnostics.

"Show me where in the picture: - a circle under a square; - a square above a circle; - a circle on a square; - a circle above a square."

Phoneme discrimination and selection test.

The sound discrimination test consists of 8 basic tasks and 6 tasks for in-depth diagnostics.
The first and second of the main tasks are aimed at assessing phonemic perception, the third and fourth - at the state of phonemic representations, the fifth, sixth and seventh - phonemic analysis and the eighth - phonemic synthesis.

To assess the state of phonemic perception, the complex includes tasks aimed at recognizing, distinguishing and comparing: individual sounds in a series of sounds (task 1) and synonymous words (task 2). Particular attention in the tasks is paid to the distinction between whistling and hissing, affricates of voiceless and voiced, hard and soft phonemes. If necessary, additional tasks can be used for this purpose.

At the time of using this test, it is necessary to have data on the state of the child’s physical hearing. This is because even slight hearing loss in early childhood makes it difficult to distinguish speech sounds. At the same time, children with normal physical hearing often have specific difficulties in distinguishing subtle differential features of phonemes. These difficulties affect the development of the entire sound system.

Exercise 1.

Addressing the student, the teacher says: “Now I will name various sounds. Be careful: if among these sounds you hear the sound Ш, then raise your hand. Listen:

T, Sh, Ch, F, Shch, Sh".

After the student completes this part of the task, the teacher continues the instruction: “Now raise your hand when, among the sounds that I will pronounce, you hear sound 3” (зъ). Listen:

S", C", 3", T", 3" ".

And finally, the teacher says: “Now I will again name the various sounds. Raise your hand only when you hear the sound T. Listen:

S, Ch, T, C, S, C, Shch."

Note: The sounds Ш, 3", Ц occur twice in the given rows of sounds. Therefore, the total number of correct answers is six. Based on this, the following rating standards are proposed.

Task for in-depth diagnostics.

"When you hear the syllable TA among other syllables, raise your hand. Listen: YES, NA, TA." After the child gives the answer, the teacher continues: “Now raise your hand if you hear the syllable SY. Listen:


Task 2.

10 drawings are laid out on the table in front of the child (see below). Next, the teacher says: “Look at all the pictures and tell me whether you know all the objects depicted in the pictures? Do you know the names of all these objects? (Usually the child answers in the affirmative.) Now be especially careful. I will show these objects in pairs (by two words), and you will show them in the drawings."

grass - firewood, duck - fishing rod, roof - rat, bear - mouse, barrels - kidneys.

Task 3.

The teacher lays out the pictures below on the table in front of the student (with the exception of two pictures with houses). The names of the objects that are depicted in these pictures contain either the sound D or the sound T. Next, the teacher asks: “Do you know all the subjects?” The child usually answers in the affirmative.

Then the teacher lays out two more pictures: the first one shows a white house, the second one shows a black one. The teacher turns to the student again: “Place pictures of objects with the sound T near the white house, and pictures with the sound D near the black house.”

Task 4.

Addressing the student, the teacher says: “Remember and name as many words as possible that contain the sound S. Remember that this sound can be at the beginning of the word, in the middle, at the end.”

Task 5.

First, the teacher asks the child to write the word on a piece of paper

"frying pan".

As a rule, the student refuses to do this, citing inability to write well. The teacher calms him down, saying: “Well, then we will do it differently. I will write down the words. To do this, you will first dictate to me the first sound in the word, then the second, third, and so on until the end of the word. But we will start with a short word, and then we will take words that are longer and more complex.”

Then the teacher calls out the words one by one:

nose, spider, school, tent, frying pan.

Task for in-depth diagnostics.

"Name the first and last sound in the word


Task 6.

Four cards are laid out on the table in front of the child (see below). The teacher asks whether the student knows the names of the objects depicted on them and asks them to name them. Then, turning to the student, he says: “Select from these four pictures the one in whose name the first sound is the same as in the word “swallow”.

Task for in-depth diagnostics.

“Choose from among the pictures the one that begins with the sound B.”

Task 7.

The teacher places four letters on the table in front of the child:


Checks to see if the child knows what letters these are and asks to name them. Then the teacher says: “Now I will pronounce one word - this is the word “cup”. And you select from these four letters (W, Ch, C, T) the one that corresponds to the first sound of this word.”

Task for in-depth diagnostics.

“Choose from four letters the one with which the word AIST begins.”


Task 8.

Addressing the student, the teacher says: “Now I will name each sound in the word separately, one after the other. Listen carefully and say what word will come from these sounds.” (The teacher pronounces sounds at intervals of 4-5 seconds.)

Task for in-depth diagnostics.

“Tell me what word will come out of the sounds that I pronounce.” (Sounds are pronounced at intervals of 2-3 seconds.)

“Name the first sounds in the words that indicate the names of the objects depicted in these pictures.”

When diagnosing speech development in children of senior preschool age, we relied on the following provisions:

Communicative and rhetorical skills in the preparatory group are associated with the ability to analyze and evaluate communication

And also with the ability to communicate, when the ability to navigate a situation is assessed.

When diagnosing the speech development of children in the preparatory group, the following assessment indicators were used:

The ability to navigate in different communication situations, taking into account who is speaking, to whom the speaker is addressing, for what purpose, what - about what, how, etc.;

The ability to analyze and evaluate one’s own speech behavior and the speech behavior of another, what the speaker said, what he wanted to say, what he said unintentionally, etc.;

Mastering the culture of listening, listening carefully to the interlocutor, responding adequately to the speaker’s speech;

It is appropriate to use the rules of speech etiquette and conduct an etiquette dialogue; - correlate verbal and nonverbal means of communication, mastery of nonverbal means (facial expressions, gestures, body movements).

To identify the level of speech development in older preschoolers, the “Speech Development according to the Rainbow program” diagnostic was used.

Diagnosis of children in the preparatory group for speech development was carried out in the following areas.

1. To diagnose the sound culture of speech, it was determined whether the child had speech defects. Which?

The following tasks were proposed:

a) The child was asked to name any words with the sound s.

“For example, I remembered now,” says the teacher, these are the words: pine… aspen… sowed…. It's your turn. Continue!"

b) A game was offered. A sheet of paper with a grid for determining the position of a sound in a word and a counter are given. The rules of the game are explained: “Repeat the word river after me. Do you hear the r sound in this word? Is it heard at the beginning of a word or in the middle of it? Place the chip in the first window, since in the word river the sound p is at the beginning of the word. Listen to another word - rhinoceroses. Where is the sound r heard? Place the chip in the second window. Let's say the word fire together. And I put a chip in the third window. Am I right or wrong? Now work on your own. I’ll say the word, you say it after me and put the chip in the right box: cancer... lilac... cheese.”

2. To examine speech understanding and the level of active vocabulary, the following was proposed.

a) The teacher says: “The little puppy’s ear hurts a lot. He whines. Needs your sympathy. What do you tell him? Start like this: “You are mine...”

b) The children were asked to look at the picture. The question was asked what happened to the chickens. It was suggested to come up with a title for the story.

The teacher asks to take a closer look at the hen who saw not yellow, but black and grimy chickens; describe her condition. She… . 3. Fiction.

a) The child is asked to read his favorite poem

b) They offer to name fairy tales that the child is ready to listen to more than once. If he cannot remember the name of the fairy tale, let him start telling it, you can suggest the name.

c) The child is asked to remember the writers whose books they read in kindergarten and at home; artists who made beautiful drawings for children's books.

Assessment of task completion was carried out as follows:

9-10 points (high level) - answers all tasks correctly, without prompting from adults, answers quickly and willingly.

5-8 points (average level) - answers most of the questions correctly, but uses an adult’s hint, answers slowly but willingly.

1-4 points (low level) - answers most of the questions incorrectly, even with prompting from an adult, answers few and reluctantly.

The analysis of the data obtained was entered into the child’s individual card, where data about the child was indicated. Below is a summary table of test subjects' data for all three types of tasks (see Table 2).

table 2

Sound culture of speech

Speech understanding, active dictionary


1. Marina V.

2. Artem B.

3. Slava T.

4. Roman S.

5. Diana N.

6. Konstantin D.

8. Sveta V.

9. Daniil Zh.

10. Alina L.

11. Irina M.

12. Veronica S.

13. Yaroslav K.

14. Bogdan G.

15. Kirill A.

16. Lada D.

17. Sevastyan S.

19. Maria B.

20. Mark Z.

As a result of the analysis of the data obtained, an average score was obtained, the results are presented in table No. 3 and in the form of a diagram in Figure No. 2.

Table No. 3 Diagnostic results for identifying the level of speech development of children in the preparatory group

The obtained data is presented in the following diagram:

Rice. 2

Thus, in the process of diagnosing the speech development of children of senior preschool age, it was found that 10 children out of 20 had a high level of speech development, 7 children had an average (satisfactory) level, and 3 children had a low level.

Work to determine the characteristics of speech development in older preschoolers has shown that children of this age make few errors in word usage and the construction of not only simple, but also complex sentences; use a variety of ways to connect sentences in the text. Older preschoolers try not to disrupt the sequence of presentation of thoughts; their stories often contain elements of narration and description. But sometimes children turn to the help of an adult because they cannot always cope with the task on their own.

The results obtained indicate the effectiveness of conducting complex classes for 3-4 years, starting from the second junior group and up to the preparatory group inclusive. This confirms the need for such training in order to master an active vocabulary, form a sound culture of speech, develop the skills of transferring knowledge on fiction, constructing a coherent monologue statement in the process of conducting complex classes.


Diagnosis of the level of development of children based on speech development

Perova Vera Nikolaevna,
senior teacher of GDOU d/s No. 62
St. Petersburg


The diagnostic material includes a methodology for three aspects of children’s speech development: vocabulary, grammatical structure and readiness to master written language.

Diagnostic tasks will allow you to identify speech skills that correspond to the age characteristics of children.

The tasks are varied in content. Evaluation criteria have been developed for each task, which will allow the teacher to develop a specific plan for pedagogical work with children to improve these aspects of speech. A selection of visual aids has been made for diagnostic tasks, which will make the diagnostic process interesting for the child and will contribute to the objectivity of the results obtained.

This diagnostic material is focused on the “Program for raising and training children in kindergarten.” It is expected that these materials will be included in the operational type of diagnostics.


1. Show pictures with “Toys” and “Cookware” on them.

Goal: Reveal an understanding of specific nouns denoting specific concepts and objects; understanding and using general concepts in your speech.

Material: pictures showing: toys - doll, car, drum, etc. Utensils - cup, plate, pan, etc.

2. What is the girl doing? /mother, boy, etc./

Goal: determine the volume of the verb dictionary; the ability to correctly name actions.


Criteria: the child names the actions correctly - 3 points

Makes 2 or more mistakes - 1 point

3. Show in pictures: cup - cups, mushroom - mushrooms, doll - dolls, ball - balls.

Purpose: Determine understanding of singular and plural forms of nouns.

Criteria: the child correctly names and shows objects - 3 points

Lots of mistakes - 1 point

4.Put the ball in the box, on the table, under the table, behind the box.

Purpose: to determine the understanding of prepositional - case constructions with prepositions: IN, ON, FOR, UNDER.


Criteria: the child correctly understands the meaning of prepositions: IN, ON, FOR, UNDER - 3 points

Makes one mistake - 2 points

Makes 2 mistakes - 1 point

5.Name who has what?

Goal: To determine the ability to use nouns in the singular genitive case without a preposition.

Whose tail is this? - Foxes.

Whose bag is this? - Moms.

Whose car is this? - A boy.

Whose ears are these? - A hare.


Makes one mistake - 2 points

Makes 2 mistakes - 1 point

6.Name it affectionately: house - ...., ball - ...., hands - ...., doll - ....

Goal: To determine the ability to form nouns with diminutive suffixes and use them in speech..


Criteria: the child correctly forms nouns with diminutive and affectionate suffixes - 3 points

Makes one mistake - 2 points

Makes two or more mistakes - 1 point

Instructions for carrying out:

2. Invite the child to name from the pictures who is doing what.

3. The child is asked to name the object in singular and plural according to these pictures.

4. Invite the child to carry out instructions according to verbal instructions.

5. The child is asked to determine who owns what.

6. The child is asked to name the objects depicted in the pictures affectionately.

Final grade:

14-18 points - high level

10 - 14 points - average level

9 points or less - low level


TOPIC: Study of vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech


1. Name the objects shown in the picture in one word:

Teapot - saucer - plate - pan... /dishes/

Jacket - hat - sweater - trousers.../clothing/

Slippers - sandals - shoes - boots - boots.../shoes/

Cucumber - tomato - cabbage - potato - carrot.../vegetables/

Apple - pear - orange - banana.../fruit/

Goal: To identify an understanding of specific nouns denoting specific concepts, understanding and use of general concepts in one’s speech.

Material: pictures depicting: dishes, clothes, shoes, vegetables, fruits

Criteria: the child correctly names and shows objects - 3 points

2.Name objects that can be called with this word:

animals, toys, furniture

Goal: To identify an understanding of specific nouns denoting specific concepts, understanding and use of general concepts in one’s speech.

Material: pictures depicting: bear, fox, squirrel, hare, wolf; car, doll, pyramid, etc., table, chair, sofa, wardrobe.

Criteria: the child correctly names and shows objects - 3 points

Makes 1-2 mistakes - 2 points

Makes 3 or more mistakes - 1 point

3. How can you say affectionately: son, mushroom, home.

Goal: Knowledge and ability to use nouns with diminutive suffixes.


Criteria: the child names correctly - 3 points

Makes 1 mistake - 2 points

Makes 2 or more mistakes - 1 point

4. Help the animals find their cubs: the hare - ....., the squirrel - ......, the bear - ......, the wolf - ......

Criteria: the child correctly names and shows pictures of animals - 3 points

Makes 1 - 2 mistakes - 2 points

Makes 3 or more mistakes - 1 point

5. Say it correctly:

Apple. Tanya has a lot...

Tree. There are a lot of... in the forest.

Shoes. Olya doesn’t have…..

Goal: ability to use nouns in the plural genitive form


Material: pictures depicting named objects

Criteria: the child names correctly - 3 points

Makes one mistake - 2 points

Makes 2 mistakes - 1 point

6. The mouse loves cheese very much. Find all the pieces of cheese in her room and tell the mouse where each piece is.

Material: pictures

Makes one mistake - 2 points

Makes 2 mistakes - 1 point

7.Name the color of the objects: ball - ..., bucket - ..., dress - ..., car - ....

Goal: the ability to agree adjectives with singular nouns.

Material: pictures

Makes one mistake - 2 points

Makes 2 mistakes - 1 point

8.Name whose objects these are. Mom's bag - mom's bag

Grandma's jacket -...

Dad's newspaper -...

Fox hole - ...

/Whose? Whose? whose?/

Material: pictures

Criteria: the child names correctly - 3 points

Makes one mistake - 2 points

Makes 2 mistakes - 1 point

9. Ask the doll Olya to lie down. /Olya, lie down./

The fox is catching up with the bunny, how do we shout to him? /Bunny, run./

Ask the toy car driver to take the blocks to the building corner. /Go./

Goal: to determine the ability to use forms of the imperative mood in speech.


The child correctly uses forms of the imperative mood in speech - 3 points

Makes one mistake - 2 points

Makes 2 mistakes - 1 point

10.Say correctly:

I have a pencil. /pen/

I have no …

I'm drawing …

Dad writes...

Goal: to identify the ability to use nouns in indirect cases without a preposition.


Criteria: the child names correctly - 3 points

Makes one mistake - 2 points

Makes 2 mistakes - 1 point

Instructions for carrying out:

Before each task, a set of pictures selected for the given question is laid out on the table.

1. The child is asked to select pictures for these lexical topics and name them.

2. Invite the child to choose pictures belonging to a certain group.

3. Offer to affectionately name the objects shown in the picture.

4. Invite the child to find the corresponding picture and name the baby animal.

5. Invite the child to correctly say the word in the plural.

6. Offer to help the mouse find pieces of cheese in the room using prepositions.

7. Offer to name the object and say what color it is.

8. Offer to name whose objects these are.

Final grade:

22 - 27 points - high level

15 - 21 points - average level

14 or less points - low level


TOPIC: Study of vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech


1. Composing and naming a whole object from its parts.

Name the parts of the body from the pictures: head, legs, arms, nose, chest, stomach, neck, etc.

Name the parts of clothing from the pictures: sleeve, collar, button.

Name the parts of the furniture from the pictures: back, leg, seat.

Name the parts of the car from the pictures: door, wheels, steering wheel, cabin.

Makes 1 - 2 mistakes - 2 points

2. Name the shape of the objects: round, oval, triangular, square, rectangular, etc.

Goal: Goal: the ability to agree adjectives with singular nouns.

Material: subject pictures

Criteria: child correctly forms objects - 3 points

Makes one mistake - 2 points

Makes 2 mistakes - 1 point

3. A lot of things? Ball - balls, table - ..., house - ..., birch - ..., cup - ..., book - ..., tree - ..., leaf - ..., chair - ..., ball - ..., key - ..., pencil ...

Goal: To identify the ability to use nouns in the genitive case


Material: pictures depicting named objects

Criteria: the child correctly names and shows objects - 3 points

Makes one mistake - 2 points

Makes 2 mistakes - 1 point

4. What do you call a small object? Table, ball, house, bed, birch, doll, spoon, wardrobe, bowl.

Goal: Knowledge and ability to use nouns with diminutives


Material: subject pictures

Criteria: the child correctly named all objects - 3 points

Makes one mistake - 2 points

Makes 2 mistakes - 1 point

5. Name whose objects these are. Hare's tail -...

Bear's paw - ...

Wolf fur -...

Goal: The ability to form possessive adjectives from nouns.

/Whose? Whose? /

Material: pictures

Criteria: the child names correctly - 3 points

Makes one mistake - 2 points

Makes 2 mistakes - 1 point

6.Complete the sentence:

We went to the zoo /by what?/ (subway)

My sister is learning to play /what?/ (piano)

Goal: Ability to use indeclinable nouns.

Material: subject pictures

Criteria: the child completes the sentence correctly - 3 points

Makes one mistake - 2 points

Makes 2 mistakes - 1 point

7.Find, show and tell. Where is the mother squirrel and her cubs.

Goal: Understanding prepositional-case constructions with prepositions: IN, ON, FOR, UNDER.

Material: pictures

Makes one mistake - 2 points

Makes 2 mistakes - 1 point

8.Look carefully at the pictures. Name the professions of those depicted on it.

Material: pictures depicting a builder, seller, teacher.

Criteria: the child correctly forms nouns with diminutive suffixes - 3 points

Makes one mistake - 2 points

Makes 2 mistakes - 1 point

9.Tell where the kitten is.

Goal: Understanding prepositional-case constructions with prepositions: IN, ON, FOR, UNDER.

Material: pictures

Criteria: the child correctly understands the meaning of prepositions: IN, ON, FOR, UNDER - 3 points

Makes one mistake - 2 points

Makes 2 mistakes - 1 point

10. Complete the sentence: One house, two...

One doll, two...

One ball, two...

One beetle, two...

Material: subject pictures

Criteria: child correctly - 3 points

Makes one mistake - 2 points

Makes 2 mistakes - 1 point

Instructions for carrying out:

Before each task, a set of pictures selected for the given question is laid out on the table.

2. Cards with images of various objects are placed in front of the child one by one and asked to name the parts of which it consists.

3. Cards with images of various objects are placed in front of the child one by one and asked to answer the question.

4. The child is asked to look at the cards and affectionately name the objects depicted on them.

5. Cards with pictures of animals and body parts are placed in front of the child, and they are asked to name whose parts they are.

6. Invite the child to finish the sentence.

7. Cards with pictures of a squirrel and baby squirrels are placed in front of the child, and they ask the child to tell where the baby squirrels hid from the mother squirrel.

8.Ask the child to list professions on cards and answer the question “Who does what?”

9. Cards are placed in front of the child and the child is asked to tell where the kitten is.

10. Invite the child to complete the sentence based on the picture.

Final grade:

24 - 30 points - high level

14 - 23 points - average level

13 or less points - low level


TOPIC: Study of vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech


1. Composing and naming a whole object from its parts.

Name the parts of the body from the pictures: elbow, knee, fingers, nail.

Name the parts of the clothing from the pictures: collar, cuff, loop.

Name the parts of the window from the pictures: frame, window sill, glass.

Name the parts of the car from the pictures: body, cabin, headlights, engine.

Goal: Development of higher mental functions of thinking - attention, analysis and synthesis of parts and the whole.

Material: subject pictures

Criteria: the child correctly names and shows parts of a whole - 3 points

Makes 1 - 2 mistakes - 2 points

Makes 3 or more mistakes - 1 point

2. Who does what? /using profession/

Goal: to identify children’s knowledge about the work of adults.

Material: pictures depicting the work of adults, their professional activities

Criteria: the child names correctly - 3 points

Makes one mistake - 2 points

Makes 2 mistakes - 1 point

3. Complete the sentence: pencil - two pencils, five pencils, key - ...., lion - ..., lake - ..., door - ...

Goal: children’s ability to coordinate nouns with numerals.

Material: subject pictures

Criteria: the child correctly agrees nouns with numerals - 3 points

Makes a small number of mistakes - 2 points

Lots of mistakes - 1 point

4. Help the animals find their babies: the cow - ..., the horse - ..., the dog - ...,

Goal: ability to form names of baby animals

Material: pictures of animals and their babies.

Criteria: the child names and shows correctly - 3 points

Makes one mistake - 2 points

Makes 2 mistakes - 1 point

5. Name what it is made of: A pencil made of wood - wooden, a paper craft - ..., a hat made of straw - ..., a pillow made of down - ..., a woman made of snow - ..., a wheel made of rubber - ...

Goal: The ability to form relative adjectives from nouns.

Material: pictures

Criteria: the child names correctly - 3 points

Makes one mistake - 2 points

Makes 2 mistakes - 1 point

6.Name the actions: What do the children do? /walks, leaves, enters, exits, crosses/

Goal: To identify the ability to form prefixed verbs.

Material: story pictures

Criteria: the child correctly forms prefixed verbs - 3 points

Makes one mistake - 2 points

Makes 2 mistakes - 1 point

7. What is the boy doing?

Goal: Understanding prepositional-case constructions with prepositions: IN, ON, FOR, UNDER.

Material: story pictures

Criteria: the child correctly understands the meaning of prepositions: IN, ON, FOR, UNDER - 3 points

Makes one mistake - 2 points

Makes 2 mistakes - 1 point

Instructions for carrying out:

Before each task, a set of pictures selected for the given question is laid out on the table.

1. Cards with images of the whole object and individual fragments are placed in front of the child, the child is asked to select and name the parts to the whole.

2. Ask the child to list professions on cards and answer the question “Who does what?”

3. Invite the child to complete the sentence based on the picture.

4. Cards with pictures of animals and their babies are placed in front of the child; invite the child to find the baby animal and name it.

5. Cards with pictures of objects are placed in front of the child, invite the child to find and name the objects from which they are made.

6. Invite the child to determine from the picture what the children are doing.

7. Cards are placed in front of the child and the child is asked to tell what the boy is doing.

Final grade:

17-21 points - high level

12 - 16 points - average level

11 or less points - low level