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Gennady Korban - from raider to party leader Kolomoisky. Gennady Korban - the “gray eminence” of Ukrainian politics Where is Korban now



Korban, Oliynyk and People's Deputy Denisenko are suspected of supporting organized crime groups

The SBU interrogated officials of the Dnieper State Administration in a criminal case

Kolomoisky listened to Akhmetov’s words - Korban called for negotiating “even with the bald devil”

Deputy Chairman of the Dnepropetrovsk Regional State Administration Gennady Korban said that the death of people in Donbass can only be stopped through negotiations. He said this in an interview with Hromadske.tv.

In a conversation with a journalist, Korban noted that Ukraine can now rely only on itself.

“Local politicians must understand that if their blitzkrieg fails, then they need to take off the crown and negotiate. The way they do it in business,” Korban emphasized.
source: http://www.segodnya.ua/ regions/donetsk/u-kolomoyskogo-prislushalis-k-slovam-ahmetova-korban-prizval-dogovarivatsya-hot-s-chertom-lysym-588830.html

Korban and Oleinik were interrogated, they threatened the investigators - SBU

The officials were questioned

Gennady Korban: I don’t hold on to this office

“I don’t hold on to this office. Here is my purse, I took it and left. “I’m here to protect, first of all, my home, my parents, family and the people who live here,” says Gennady Korban, deputy of the Dnepropetrovsk Regional State Administration, with a cigarette and an incessant phone. He is called a “professional raider” and the “gray eminence” of the Privat group. Today he is the second official in the Dnepropetrovsk region, making decisions related not only to the life of the region, but also to its security.

Why Gennady Korban and Boris Filatov left Ukraine

Dnepropetrovsk businessmen Gennady Korban and Boris Filatov, who own the Passage shopping center and a number of other businesses, said that they left Ukraine due to the threat of arrest. In their opinion, their political persecution is being carried out by Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Vilkul.

Gennady Korban: When hungry people come to power, they start to rob us first

From Economic Truth. Once upon a time, Gennady Korban was the most famous raider in Ukraine.

Gennady Korban: Lazarenko appreciated that Axelrod “developed” him

The head of the Slavutich-Registrator company, Gennady Korban, is called “raider No. 1 in Ukraine.” Vin describes himself as a “conflictologist.” However, the difference between the terms does not have any significance. Korban is known as the author of the most acclaimed, brutal and, at the same time, virtuoso raider burials in Ukraine for the last 10 years. Zokrem, who was involved in conflicts around the Pivdenny Mining and Processing Plant, Dniprooblenergo, and the Nikopol Ferroalloy Plant.

I got a particularly rich supply of enterprises for the owner of the Privat group, Igor Kolomiysky. It seems that this year Korban began to gain even more richly, and Kolomoisky was inspired by his services.

Place of birth, education. Born in Dnepropetrovsk into a family of engineers. In 1987, after graduating from high school, he tried to enroll in the Faculty of Philosophy in Rostov-on-Don. The university refused to accept documents, since the philosophy department was considered ideological and a recommendation from the party body was needed. Returning to Dnepropetrovsk, he entered the Metallurgical Institute, but after a year he dropped out.

In 1988, he joined the army and served for two years as a private in military transport aviation, in the flying guards regiment in Melitopol.

In 1990, he was demobilized from the army and went to Moscow to enter the Gorky Literary Institute, the drama department. However, he dropped out of school again and went to work at the cooperative where his father worked.

In 1994, he entered the Mining Academy, graduating as an external student with a degree in finance and credit. But the studies were purely formal, notes Korban, since they taught Soviet economics, which was not combined with real life and business practice.

Business. Having persuaded his parents to buy a place at the Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange in Moscow, he worked as a stock broker for a year.

1992 - returned to Dnepropetrovsk. He got into business related to barter transactions: for example, having bought a container of butter at the Rakhov cardboard factory, in the Baltic states he exchanged it for butter, which he took to Azerbaijan and exchanged for air conditioners. According to Corban, such commodity transactions brought in a lot of money, and thus he earned his first serious capital.

1994 - organized the investment office Slavutich-Capital, which was engaged in the purchase of privatization certificates and investing them in shares. During the 1998 crisis, the company went bankrupt.

Korban's mergers and acquisitions activities began in 1999, when, at the invitation of Lev Cherny, he was involved in the privatization of the Nikolaev Alumina Refinery - legal support, work with share capital, and enterprise management. Then there were coke-chemical plants named after them. Kalinin, plant named after. Petrovsky, Bagleysky, Dneprodzerzhinsky coking plants, Southern GOK, Inguletsky, Central GOK, oblenergo from Odessa to Dnepropetrovsk; Ukrtatnafta, Ukrnafta, Odessanefteprodukt. Korban’s task, according to him, was to optimize and establish business processes.

In the late 90s I met Igor Kolomoisky, and in 1999 they began working together.

2001-2010 – Korban heads the supervisory board of the Southern Mining and Processing Plant.

He has his own business related to real estate - hotels, shopping centers. Invested in real estate in Dnepropetrovsk, Kyiv, and there was real estate in Crimea. He continues to work on international stock exchanges and is a member of the supervisory board of Ukrnafta and Ukrtatnafta.

There were two attempts on Korban’s life – in 2006 due to the conflict around the Ozerka market, and in 2010. After the first attempt, he began to avoid public places, clubs and restaurants.

Policy. After the appointment of Igor Kolomoisky as head of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration, Korban from March 2014 to March 2015 was his deputy - head of the apparatus of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration.

July 12, 2015 - headed the political party UKROP (Ukrainian Union of Patriots), from which he was nominated in the midterm elections to the Verkhovna Rada in Chernigov. He lost the election to the BPP candidate Sergei Berezenko.

In October 2015, he ran for mayor of Kyiv.

Social activity. One of the founders of the charitable organization Country Defense Fund, created to help the Ukrainian army.

Hobby. Collecting paintings, which are mainly found in Geneva and in museums around the world. Regular participant in auctions.

Family. Married, has four sons. The elder sister (born 1962) immigrated to Israel with her family in 1989.

In a family of engineers. In 1987, after graduating from high school, he tried to enroll in the Faculty of Philosophy in Rostov-on-Don. The university refused to accept documents, since the philosophy department was considered ideological and a recommendation from the party body was needed. Returning to Dnepropetrovsk, he entered the Metallurgical Institute, but after a year he dropped out.

In 1988, he joined the army and served for two years as a private in military transport aviation, in the flying guards regiment in Melitopol.

In 1990, he was demobilized from the army and went to Moscow to enter the Gorky Literary Institute, the drama department. However, he dropped out of school again and went to work at the cooperative where his father worked.

In 1994, he entered the Mining Academy, graduating as an external student with a degree in finance and credit. But the studies were purely formal, notes Korban, since they taught Soviet economics, which was not combined with real life and business practice.

Business. Having persuaded his parents to buy a place at the Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange in Moscow, he worked as a stock broker for a year.

1992 - returned to Dnepropetrovsk. He got into business related to barter transactions: for example, having bought a container of butter at the Rakhov cardboard factory, in the Baltic states he exchanged it for butter, which he took to Azerbaijan and exchanged for air conditioners. According to Corban, such commodity transactions brought in a lot of money, and thus he earned his first serious capital.

1994 - organized the investment office Slavutich-Capital, which was engaged in the purchase of privatization certificates and investing them in shares. During the 1998 crisis, the company went bankrupt.

Korban's mergers and acquisitions activities began in 1999, when, at the invitation of Lev Cherny, he was involved in the privatization of the Nikolaev Alumina Refinery - legal support, work with share capital, and enterprise management. Then there were coke-chemical plants named after them. Kalinin, plant named after. Petrovsky, Bagleysky, Dneprodzerzhinsky coking plants, Southern GOK, Inguletsky, Central GOK, oblenergo from Odessa to Dnepropetrovsk; , Odessanefteprodukt. Korban’s task, according to him, was to optimize and establish business processes.

In October 2015, he ran for mayor of Kyiv, received 2.61% of the votes.

Social activity. One of the founders of the charitable organization Country Defense Fund, created to help the Ukrainian army.

Hobby. Collecting paintings, which are mainly found in Geneva and in museums around the world. Regular participant in auctions.

Family. Divorced, has four sons. The elder sister (born 1962) immigrated to Israel with her family in 1989.

Everyone knows that modern politics and its leaders are in some way a separate Universe with its own laws and rules. There are no friends for life here, and sometimes enemies can become partners situationally. Fortunately or unfortunately, the average person is not given the opportunity to know all the details of the relationship between members of political parties and forces. Sometimes we don’t even know all the characters. But there are such odious personalities that are worth talking about separately. And one of these people is Gennady Korban.

Curriculum Vitae

One of today was born on May 24, 1970 in the city of Dnepropetrovsk. Gennady Korban was born into a family of engineers working at the plant. By his ethnic origin, the politician is Jewish. In the late 1980s, his relatives emigrated to Israel and received citizenship there, but after some time they returned to Dnepropetrovsk.

Gennady Korban spent his entire childhood in this city and graduated from high school there. After graduation, he applied to the Faculty of Philosophy at Rostov University, but ultimately was not enrolled due to the absence of communists in the family. Gennady was forced to return to his homeland and begin studying at the metallurgical institute, from which he left a little later and was drafted into the army. Having retired to the reserve, the young man entered the Moscow University in 1990, but he had to give up student life due to the start of active work in a cooperative.

In the period 1994-1997, he completed external training at the Dnepropetrovsk Mining Academy.

Beginning of your career

Working at the Moscow Exchange in 1990-1991, Gennady Korban acquired invaluable experience in making money. Having saved up a small start-up capital (in the amount of 200 thousand dollars), he returns to Dnepropetrovsk and creates a brokerage office called “Ukraine”, and heads it himself.

In 1994, the businessman became the head of the supervisory board of OJSC Slavutich Capital. And since 2001, he has been heading the supervision of the Southern Mining and Processing Plant OJSC.

Since 2005, he has been a member of the supervisory board of Ukrnafta.

Political activity

Korban Gennady Olegovich, whose biography is full of events of a different nature, was appointed to the post of chief of staff of the Dnepropetrovsk regional administration in March 2014. At that time, he was the governor of the region. Having held this position for a year, Korban left for a new project called the “Ukrainian Union of Patriots.” It was UKROP that nominated Gennady as a candidate for the elections to the Verkhovna Rada, which he eventually lost to the representative of Petro Poroshenko. The entire election campaign was accompanied by a large number of scandals and intrigues.

In September 2015, Gennady Korban, whose photo is given below, was nominated by UKROP for the post of mayor of Kyiv. However, here he was not successful either.

On the brink of death

Korban Gennady Olegovich (his biography is quite interesting for many) repeatedly survived attempts on his life. So, in 2006, his car was fired upon in Dnepropetrovsk. The politician was lucky that he was not in the car at that moment. The perpetrators were eventually convicted, but the customer was never found.

The second attempt occurred in 2010. As a result, Korban was injured. His comrade-in-arms, Gennady Axelrod, was also injured.

Financial opportunities

Gennady Korban, whose biography shows how smart and active he is, according to experts from the Forbes-Ukraine publishing house, has a fortune of $55 million. This indicator allowed him to take 84th position in the ranking of the 130 richest people in the Ukrainian state.


On October 31, 2015, Korban was detained at his home by the SBU and the Prosecutor General's Office. He was immediately charged with four counts. On the same day he was taken to the pre-trial detention center of the city of Chernigov. His apartment was thoroughly searched.

On November 6, 2015, a decision was made to place Gennady Olegovich under house arrest. But three years later it was appealed by the prosecutor's office. On December 24, the politician was taken to Kyiv and conducted a forensic medical examination at the Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery. Ultimately, on December 28, Korbana was chosen to keep him in custody as a preventive measure.

Born Gennady Olegovich on May 24, 1970, in the city of Dnepropetrovsk. In 1987, after graduating from school, he was unable to pass the entrance exams to the Faculty of Philosophy at the Rostov University. From 1988 to 1990 he served in the army.

After service, Korban entered the Moscow Institute. Gorky to the Faculty of Drama. However, sensing the spirit of perestroika times, Gennady Olegovich, already in 1994, entered the Dnepropetrovsk Mining Academy, majoring in finance and credit. And he graduated from this academy in 1997. At the same time, since 1990, at a frantic pace, the career of the “young talent” begins to take off.

From 1990 to 1991, Korban worked as a broker on the Moscow Stock Exchange. And already in 1992, he became the owner and commercial director of the brokerage house “Ukraine”.

In 1994, Gennady Olegovich became chairman of the supervisory board of OJSC Investment Company Slavutich Capital, and in 2001 he held the same position at OJSC Southern Mining and Processing Plant.

When and where exactly Korban and Kolomoisky met, one can only guess, but one can also assume. At that time, Kolomoisky’s Privat group owned the Ordzhonikidze and Marganets GOKs, and an acquaintance took place, apparently on the basis of mining and processing activities. Be that as it may, however, since 2005, Korban has become a member of the supervisory board of OJSC Ukrnafta, the lion's share of which belonged to Kolomoisky.

Further, in his career, Gennady Olegovich inextricably followed Igor Valerievich. And when, in 2014, Kolomoisky was appointed governor of the Dnipropetrovsk region, Korban became his deputy. In addition, Korban founded the political party UKROP. And this despite the fact that in 2012, Korban stated the following: “...Korban has never taken, does not accept and does not intend to take part in the political life of the country, city, village, whatever.”