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The real name of Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk. Hereditary prisoner Petro Poroshenko-Valtsman

Almost all Ruskomirniks and some Ukrainian opponents of Petro Poroshenko call him Waltzman, as if this is a fact. But nowhere is there a primary source of this information with reference either to documents or to the confession of the Poroshenkos themselves or their associates. But there is evidence that he is absolutely definitely not a Jew, but a Ukrainian (or Slav, if you want) and his father absolutely never bore the surname Waltsman.

But, first of all, I would like to give information to those who are not in the know that all the “bad” characters for them are Jews. Especially Hitler. For example, in the distant and calm year of 2011, the website “Spiritual-Patriotic Union of Novorossiya” published a mega-popular article “Adolf Hitler is a Jew by passport!”

So, it’s not surprising that Poroshenko’s Jewish roots should be found.

And now to the essence of the topic.

Our hero's name is Peter Alekseevich. Purely Slavic both name and patronymic. But maybe he once changed his Jewish name to a Russian one? But even the anti-Semites didn’t come up with a Jewish name for him. I didn’t have enough intelligence to be consistent, if, supposedly, “Waltzman”, then the original Jewish name should be, for example, Israel Solomonovich.

Also, they were not smart enough to understand that even if Jews give their children Russian names, then they are not just any random ones, but, as a rule, they are of Jewish origin, but have spread among the Slavs. For example, Michael, Daniel, Matvey, Joseph, etc. - all these names you can find in the “Old Testament”, which is recognized by the Jews. Peter is a name of Greek origin, found in the “New Testament,” which Jews, on the contrary, reject, especially since Peter is an apostle of Christ, for Jews “an enemy of the people,” a traitor, a goy.

The name of Petro Poroshenko's father is Alexey Ivanovich. Even more Russian than his son the president. To admit that he is a Jew is simply the height of idiocy. Maybe he, too, was renamed from a Jewish name to a Russian one? Again, even anti-Semites do not put forward such a version. There is nothing to refute. He is credited with being a “Jew” “Waltzman”, but took his wife’s surname “Poroshenko”. But the fact that his name was different, in Hebrew, is not attributed. There is nothing to refute.

But it is known from court documents from 1986 that he Ukrainian and that Poroshenko, not “Waltzman”.

Here https://goo.gl/MwU3Uf as many as 48 scanned pages of the court case of Alexey Ivanovich Poroshenko are posted.

Here https://goo.gl/seZ5nf there are 15 more pages, here https://goo.gl/fjKLEh there are 2 more pages of different stages of conviction and serving a sentence. Total, 65 pages. AND everywhere it is indicated that by nationality - Ukrainian, by last name - Poroshenko. Neither Jews nor Waltsmans are mentioned in any Soviet judicial document.

Let's say Alexey Ivanovich took his wife's last name. This is legally possible. But, take wife's nationality impossible. You can take the nationality of the mother, but not the wife. The son Pyotr Alekseevich can be assigned the nationality of his mother, but it is not possible to take the nationality of his wife for himself. But, according to documents from 1986, Petro Poroshenko’s father Ukrainian! That is, Slavic.

Here, for example, from Poroshenko’s prisoner card at the last link (nationality is indicated in paragraph 8):

And these are documents from the Soviet COURT, not from a kindergarten.

But, anti-Semites will say - so, maybe at least his father’s father was a Jew, Waltzman?

And here's the bummer. Petro Poroshenko's father's name was Alexey Ivanovich. Accordingly, the grandfather is Ivan. A typical "Jewish" name!

What about your middle name? In Wikipedia, in the article about Alexey Ivanovich Poroshenko, it is indicated who his father is:

Born on June 11, 1936 in the family of Romanian citizen Ivan Evdokimovich Poroshenko.

Evdokimovich. Evdokim is an old typical Russian name of Greek origin. The meaning of the name translated from ancient Greek can be defined as “glorious.” In the Orthodox Saints there is information about two saints with this name: St. Eudokim of Vatopedi and Righteous Evdokim of Cappadocia.

Are there any documents proving that he, that is, the grandfather of Petro Poroshenko, is not a Jew? Eat!

On the official website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "Feat of the People" there is a document about awarding him the medal "For Military Merit" after being seriously wounded during the liberation of Prague on May 3, 1945.

You can access it in 3 ways:

1st method. Find it through the search on the main page of the "Feat of the People" website. (Poroshenko Ivan Evdokimovich is alone there). The page of Ivan Evdokimovich Poroshenko will open, and there will be 3 links on it. The third link “award sheet” will lead to a photocopy of the award document indicating all the details.

2nd method.

1) Follow this link http://www.podvignaroda.ru/?#id=82445545(or via short link https://goo.gl/vhBxpY)
2) on the page that opens, in the middle column in the drop-down menu, select the number 267/456
3. Direct link to the close-up photo of the document https://goo.gl/JkZ178
Poroshenko Ivan Evdokimovich born 1902 UKRAINIAN

Here is a fragment of the document:

Nationality is indicated in paragraph 5. This is a document from 1946

Archive: TsAMO

Fund: 33

Inventory: 744808

Storage unit: 1677

Entry no. 82445545

From the award document it follows that he is a non-party member, a participant in the war since April 17, 1943. Moreover, in the Red Army only from November 19, 1944. Where was he these last year and a half? Either he was a partisan, or he fought as part of the Romanian army.

Brief description of the feat and military merits:

"Comrade POROSHENKO I.E. took part in hostilities as part of the 110th Guards Division of the 313rd Regiment of the 2nd Ukrainian Front. He was at the front from May 1, 1945 to May 3, 1945. He was seriously wounded. According to for which reason he is being treated at Evacuation Hospital 4407.
For military distinction on the front of the Patriotic War, Comrade. Poroshenko is worthy of the Government award medal "FOR MILITARY MERIT"
The document was signed on January 28, 1946. Signed by Major with an illegible surname, I think it's Chic.

That is, I spent only 3 days directly at the front in the very last days of the war.

The place of conscription into the army is also indicated - Izmailovo region. This is the same Romanian village of Safyany that was before the Soviet regime, where Pyotr Alekseevich’s ancestors came from. And with the advent of independent Ukrainian power, this became the Izmailovsky district of the Odessa region:

Safyany (Ukrainian Saf"yani, historical name - Sofyany, rum. Sofian-Trubaiovca) is a village in the Izmail district of Odessa region.

By the way, during the 1930 census there was not a single Jew there:

The 1930 census showed that of the village's 2,560 residents:

1271 (49.65%) Ukrainians,
1250 (48.83%) Russians (mainly Old Believers-Lipovans)
24 people (0.94%) are Romanians
12 people (0.47%) are Bulgarians

This is despite the fact that the Jews lived in shtetls separately from the rest. If this were a Jewish village, then the majority there would be Jews.

According to Soviet documents, no Waltsmans and no Jewish ancestors of Petro Poroshenko have existed since at least 1902. There is a Ukrainian, that is, a Slav, Poroshenko. Father of Petro Poroshenko's father. His son was 9 years old at the time. He would not yet have had time to get married and supposedly “take his wife’s surname,” supposedly “Poroshenko.” He is definitely Poroshenko and definitely a Slav from birth.

By the way, what kind of wife is Alexei Ivanovich? The Slavs blatantly lie that she is “Poroshenko”. But, all sources indicate her maiden name Grigorchuk Evgenia Sergeevna (1937-2004).

Again, not only the last name, but even the first name is in no way Jewish. Neither Evgeny nor Sergey have anything to do with Jews. Purely Russian names.

Her father is GRIGORCHUK Sergei Ilyich, mother Grigorchuk (Lazarenko) Evdokia Alekseevna. Every single name is purely Slavic, Russian, traditional.

But, in general, the mother’s details do not matter, because anti-Semites attribute Jewishness to the father and lie that he is not Poroshenko, but “Waltzman”.

Our President’s father was not a “tsehovik” or a Jew according to his passport. And he ended up behind bars because he received two spools of enamel cable from the director of the Moldselkhozmontazh plant and thought of buying himself 64 liters of alcohol and two knives. The skeletons from our Guarantor’s closet must be looked for in connections with Savlokhov’s organized crime group and Moldovan businesses.

About it KV became known from messages on your Facebook page famous journalist Vladimir Boyko.

“I constantly come across stories on social networks that Mr. President’s real surname is Valtsman, and Poroshenko is the surname of his mother, which Pyotr Alekseevich’s father, Alexey Ivanovich, took after serving his sentence for theft of socialist property on an especially large scale. And all sorts of “investigators” write that Poroshenko’s father was allegedly the first “guild worker” in the Soviet Union and ended up in a correctional colony for stealing property from the Bendery Research Experimental Repair Plant of the Moldavian SSR, which he headed,” the journalist wrote.

Boyko cites a typical quote from a typical message that was widely distributed shortly before the presidential elections in May: “44-year-old Moldovan Jew Peter Alekseevich Poroshenko (née Valtsman, who took his mother’s surname) - a native of the Odessa region - is eager to become president.”

Pyotr Alekseevich is 49 years old. And he allegedly never changed his last name, but used his parents’ name all his life. And his father, who was indeed convicted, went to prison under his current surname and with the entry “Ukrainian” in the 5th column of his passport. Moreover, at the time of his arrest, he worked not in Bendery, but in the city of Tiraspol, and not as a director of the plant, but as the head of SPMK-7 (i.e., the construction and installation column) of the Moldselkhozmontazh trust.

In fact, the criminal case in which Poroshenko Sr. sipped on prison gruel does not represent anything outstanding. Back in 2005, I managed to find and copy the materials of this case, which are now stored in Chisinau. But I (Boiko - Ed.) did not make it public due to the ridiculousness of the accusation.

The President’s father was not a “workshop worker” at all, and he ended up behind bars because he received from the director of the Moldselkhozmontazh plant two reels of enameled cable, which he kept in his garage. And also for having purchased 64 liters of alcohol, “knowingly obtained by criminal means,” from a driver unidentified by the investigation (because in the Soviet Union it was impossible to obtain alcohol in such quantities legally).

And A.I. Poroshenko was found guilty of purchasing two homemade knives in 1968 and 1979, which he kept at home, and which were recognized, God forgive me, as cold steel. There were also accusations of postscripts, unfounded receipt of bonuses, etc., but in the end Poroshenko was acquitted of these episodes.

Compared to what this Hero of Ukraine subsequently committed on the territory of Vinnytsia, the crimes accused of him are just a child’s toy.

However, in those years such toys were punished mercilessly - by the verdict of the criminal board of the Supreme Court of the Moldavian SSR dated July 20, 1986 in case No. 2-121/86 Poroshenko Alexey Ivanovich (Poroshenko, not Valtsman), Ukrainian, born June 11, 1936 , was sentenced to 5 years in prison to serve the sentence in a general regime correctional labor colony, confiscation of property and deprivation of the right to hold leadership positions for 5 years.

Next, the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Moldavian SSR (by the way, numerous commentators of the “Poroshenko case” do not know this) reviewed the verdict as a protest and, by resolution of September 10, 1987 No. 4u-155/87, dropped charges of theft against A.I. Poroshenko enameled cable and other thefts of state property, reducing the term of imprisonment to 2 years, A.I. Poroshenko at that time had already actually served this term.

In the case materials, the father of the current President goes under the name Poroshenko, and not Valtsman. Of course, those who like to count percentages of “wrong” blood will say that he could have changed his last name earlier. Indeed, he could. But nationality is not.

The nationality of citizens of the USSR was determined at the time they received a passport: at the choice of the citizen himself, he was assigned the nationality of either his father or his mother - for life. The following change was allowed only in order to correct errors in the documents.

In the photo there is a card of the prisoner Poroshenko Alexey Ivanovich, Ukrainian, born on June 11, 1936.

“I would advise critics of the President to take an interest in his connections with Savlokhov’s former criminal group, or look for Poroshenko’s business in Moldova, and not find out the nationality of his great-grandmother,” Boyko concluded.

The owner of “factories, newspapers, ships”, and since yesterday the President of Ukraine, elected in the first round of elections, Petro Poroshenko deeply honors the memory of his relatives. For example, in memory of his brother, a businessman, who died during a gang war in 1997, he built a chapel at Askold’s grave (by a strange coincidence, right next to it, two decades later, Right Sector militants who died in clashes with Berkut will be buried) ), and also called “Mikhail Poroshenko” a dry cargo ship built at the controlled shipbuilding plant “Leninskaya Kuznitsa” - this plant was still operating at full capacity. He appointed his son Alexey as the “supervisor” of the base region of the Poroshenko family - Vinnytsia. Oddly enough, Poroshenko Jr. was elected to the regional council here with the support of the Batkivshchyna party of Yulia Tymoshenko, Pyotr Alekseevich’s main competitor in the recent elections. In the Vinnytsia region, Petro Poroshenko tried to get his father into parliament in one of the majority constituencies. But very soon this “independent” candidate had to be removed from the election race. And it was not the poor health of Alexei Ivanovich, as stated in the official explanation, that became the reason for this. During the election campaign of Poroshenko-grandfather, some details of his biography surfaced that the family of Poroshenko-president would not like to make public.

Russian political scientist Oleg Matveychev in his blog publishes the results of his own investigation into the early years of the new Ukrainian president and the role of his father’s unsightly activities in the biography of our hero. Let's start with the fact that Pyotr Alekseevich does not really like to remember that Poroshenko is not the real name of his father. According to documents, born Alexei Valtsman, having married Evgenia Sergeevna Poroshenko in 1956, took his wife’s surname. In principle, the action is understandable: with the beginning of mass emigration to Israel, the authorities increasingly looked at Jews as potential fugitives from the USSR, universities had unspoken quotas for admitting representatives of unreliable nationalities, and it was unlikely that Peter Valtsman would have the opportunity to enroll in 1982 to the “fat” Faculty of International Relations and International Law of Kyiv State University. Let us repeat that tens of thousands of people did this at that time, and there would be nothing wrong with that. Moreover, the current Ukrainian president does not like to remember his Jewish roots; he reacted very painfully, for example, to his inclusion by Israeli Forbes in the list of the 165 richest Jews in the world. However, as facts show, the president’s father changed his last name not before his son entered the university, but a little later. After Poroshenko Sr. became a defendant in a criminal case.

It is no secret that in the 80s in the USSR, due to a total deficit on the one hand and weakening of police control on the other, petty theft of state property flourished in full bloom - the so-called “nonsense” appeared. It was precisely his “resourcefulness” and “enterprise” in this direction that Alexey Ivanovich interested the competent authorities.

On June 11, 1986, the family of the current Ukrainian politician was overtaken by shocking news. On this day, a native of the village of Sofyany, Izmailovsky district, Odessa region of the Ukrainian SSR, Valtsman A.I., Jew, citizen of the USSR, expelled from the CPSU membership in connection with a criminal case, having a higher education, liable for military service, married, worked from September 26, 1977 to December 9, 1983 years director of the Bendery Experimental Repair Plant, was arrested and was under investigation awaiting sentencing. As Petro Poroshenko later described this period in his biography, “I was raised by the absence of my father at home.” The reason for the father's absence was modestly kept silent.

What did our Alexey Ivanovich Valtsman do?

In the dry language of the sentence, he was accused of committing crimes under Articles 155, 123, 184, Part 1, Art. 220 part 2, art. 227 part 1 of the Criminal Code of the MSSR and the Criminal Code of the RSFSR:

- “deliberate additions to state statistical reporting and provision of distorted reporting data on the implementation of plans,” which was then considered “anti-state actions harmful to the national economy of the USSR” (Article 155, Part 1 of the Criminal Code of the MSSR);

- “theft of state property by abuse of one’s official position, embezzlement and embezzlement, by prior conspiracy by a group of persons, again in the amount of 2,235 rubles 91 kopecks” (Article 123, Part 2 of the Criminal Code of the MSSR as amended by the Decree of the Presidium of the MSSR Supreme Court of December 24, 1982 .);

- “illegal acquisition of property obtained by obviously criminal means, committed on a large scale” (Article 220, Part 2 of the Criminal Code of the MSSR);

- “illegal possession of weapons” (Article 227 Part 1 of the Criminal Code of the MSSR).

The sentence was lenient, it was already a vegetarian time: “five years of imprisonment with confiscation of property, with deprivation of the right to occupy leadership positions for a period of five years, with serving the sentence in a high-security penal colony.” This is such a petty provincial scam. Who knows: maybe then, deprived of the opportunity to occupy leadership positions, the father thought about promoting his son to a leadership position? But most likely the loving father took care of the child’s career in advance. It is not possible that his studies at a prestigious department were paid for with bribes from money obtained through ordinary theft.

How could the son of the director of a small factory from provincial Bendery enter the prestigious Kiev State University in the prestigious Faculty of International Law and International Relations in 1982? The Valtsman-Poroshenko family probably needed a lot of money for this. Most likely, at the end of December 1981 - beginning of January 1982, Waltsman Sr. decided to “play” with state statistical reporting in order to mislead the state and thus get “slightly” rich.

In 1983, Alexey Poroshenko went to work as the head of SPMK-7 of the Moldselkhozmontazh trust and moved to Tiraspol.

Little Tiraspol, small SPMK, small salary.... And the sons are growing up!

Therefore, nothing prevented the conscience of Alexei Poroshenko from taking two coils of enameled cable worth 204 rubles from his native enterprise. 16 kopecks, buy on the cheap 64 liters of stolen rectified alcohol for a total amount of 1629 rubles. 48 kopecks, dilute it with water and open a small business selling alcohol surrogate.

Such labors resulted in five years of imprisonment with confiscation of property... As they say, in order to steal and not get caught, you need to be able to steal on a grand scale. This truth has apparently been well understood by Poroshenko Jr., who himself often gets confused in explaining how a shipbuilding plant, a confectionery factory and a TV channel came into his possession. And it turned out to be more profitable to sell candies with benzopyrene than to “water” industrial alcohol.

Secrets of the biography of Petro Poroshenko

During the election race, presidential candidate Petro Poroshenko said that he could raise Ukraine in the same way as he built his business - practically from scratch. In Transnistria, a city with such a telling name today - Bendery, which keeps the main secrets of the biography of Petro Poroshenko, they believe that this is not entirely true.

Poroshenko family secrets

The exemplary family of Petro Poroshenko, all in Ukrainian embroidered shirts: wife Marina and four children

An ardent European integrator, Poroshenko was born and raised in the most international places - he was born in the Odessa region, and at the age of 7, together with his parents and brother, he moved to Moldova (today Transnistria), to the city of Bendery. It is in this city that the carefully guarded secret of the new president is kept - the criminal case against the father of Petro Poroshenko, for which he was sentenced to 5 years in 1986.

“We all know that Petro Poroshenko’s initial capital and connections were given to him by his father, who was an influential and, for Soviet times, very enterprising man - he headed a repair plant in our city,” political scientist from Transnistria Anatoly Panin told us.

“Petrukha, as we called him then, was, of course, by today’s standards a golden youth, but in front of us, friends, he did not flaunt it,” said Poroshenko’s childhood friend Konstantin Nastenko. – To the river, to barbecue, to fight with someone – Poroshenko was the first everywhere. We were equally lost on the street, but Petya always managed to study with straight A's - he simply grasped everything on the fly.

“He has all A’s on his certificate, but his behavior is satisfactory, and that’s the only reason he wasn’t given a gold medal,” says school director Lyudmila Klepachevskaya.

– Poroshenko went out into the street like a dude - in fashionable jeans and sunglasses, and could return home with only glass and bent temples - he never shied away from a fight. What can I hide, I could have provoked it myself,” recalls friend Sergei Babenko.

Petro Alekseevich Poroshenko is a Ukrainian statesman and politician, businessman and oligarch, one of the five richest people in Ukraine (net worth: $1.8 billion), the fifth president of Ukraine (from June 7, 2014 to May 2019). In April 2019, he suffered a crushing defeat in the second round of elections from Vladimir Zelensky, who received about 3 times more votes.

Childhood, family

Poroshenko Petr Alekseevich was born on September 26, 1965 in the city of Bolgrad, Odessa region. Father - Alexey Ivanovich Poroshenko (b. 1936), native of the village of Safyany (Bessarabia, Kingdom of Romania, now Izmail district of Odessa region). Mother, Evgenia Sergeevna Poroshenko (née Grigorchuk, 1937−2004), originally from the village of Kugurlui-Matroska, Bessarabia, Kingdom of Romania (now Izmail district of Odessa region). Older brother Mikhail (1957−1997).

In 1974, the Poroshenko family moved to the city of Bendery, Moldavian SSR, where Peter graduated from school. Despite his excellent studies, Petro Poroshenko did not receive a medal. As he himself said, “for bad behavior” - due to conflicts with teachers who did not like Peter’s caustic injections and exorbitant self-confidence. At school, Poroshenko was always a leader and went in for sports (he fulfilled the standard for Candidate Master of Sports of the USSR in judo). He speaks Russian, Ukrainian, English, Romanian.

After graduating from school in 1982, Poroshenko decided to enroll in the Faculty of International Relations and International Law at Kyiv State University. His father was skeptical about Peter's choice, and even advised him to prepare to join the army. But he still helped his son obtain the necessary documents of recommendation for admission to a prestigious university.

In his second year, Peter got married and was almost immediately drafted into the Soviet Army. He served far from home, at the Air Force Research Institute, in Kazakhstan. Subsequently, Poroshenko was proud that he “took part in hostilities.” However, the service was - one can envy - “driving the head of the institute.” And when Peter had a child, he was transferred closer to Kyiv.

Having been demobilized in 1986, Poroshenkoch returned for his third year. In 1989 he graduated from the university, becoming a specialist in international economic relations.

Business Poroshenko

After receiving a higher education, Petro Alekseevich Poroshenko started his own business selling cocoa beans. In the 1990s, he acquired several confectionery enterprises, which were later merged into the Roshen group.

The business empire of Petro Alekseevich Poroshenko is large. After the transformation of his enterprises in 2006, PJSC “Closed non-diversified corporate investment fund “Prime Assets Capital” (ZNKIF), CEO, was organized. 100% of its shares belong to Mr. Poroshenko.

In the photo: a truck at the warehouse of the ROSHEN confectionery factory (Photo: TASS)

This included the ROSHEN confectionery factory, communications (the Ekran company), media (Channel Five, TRT, Your Radio, Pilot-Ukraine, Radio Next, Radio Niko FM, Radio 5), shipbuilding - the Sevastopol Marine Plant (nationalized by the Russian authorities Sevastopol) and the Leninskaya Kuznya plant. And also Ukrprominvest-Agro, the Bogdan Corporation, the Peskovsky Glass Products Plant, starch production enterprises, the Kraina insurance company, Energoavtomatika, the service sector (Monitor Sports and Fitness Complex, 5th Element Sports Club), etc.

Everything worked out for Petro Poroshenko in business, his material well-being grew steadily.

Poroshenko's political career

With such efficiency, P. And Poroshenko could not help but become interested in politics. He understood perfectly well that in Ukraine this promised additional profits.

“Owner of factories, newspapers, ships,” Poroshenko is actively involved in Ukrainian political games. And here Pyotr Alekseevich felt at home.

For the first time, the young politician Poroshenko received a seat in the Verkhovna Rada (Ukrainian parliament) in 1998 as a member of the Social Democratic Party of Ukraine (united) (SDPU (o). Then he created his own independent center-left parliamentary faction “Solidarity”.

In the photo: member of the political council of the Russian Union of Right Forces Boris Nemtsov, Yulia Tymoshenko and Petro Poroshenko with his wife (from left to right) during the performance of the anthem at the civil inauguration of President Viktor Yushchenko on Maidan Nezalezhnosti in Kyiv, 2005 (Photo: Alexey Ivanov/TASS)

During the “parade of resignations” of Ukrainian governments, Petro Poroshenko was on the side of Viktor Yushchenko. Later he became the head of the campaign of Viktor Yushchenko’s opposition bloc “Our Ukraine”. After the parliamentary elections in March 2002, when Our Ukraine received the largest share of the vote, Poroshenko headed the budget committee in parliament. In 2000-2004 P.A. Poroshenko is deputy chairman of the board of the National Bank of Ukraine.

In the photo: candidates for the position of Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Petro Poroshenko (Our Ukraine) (left) and Yulia Tymoshenko (BYuT) in the meeting room, 2006 (Photo: Vladimir Sindeev/TASS)

His successful promotion, of course, was facilitated by his irrepressible ambitions, determination and ability to win the sympathy of the “right” people. Before his highest achievement in politics, Pyotr Alekseevich served as Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Economic Development and Trade - a post he held under President Viktor Yanukovych.

In the photo: Ukrainian Foreign Minister Petro Poroshenko and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov (from left to right) during a press conference at the end of negotiations at the Foreign Ministry mansion on Spiridonovka, 2009 (Photo: Valery Sharifulin/TASS)

Finally, after the Euromaidan and the removal of Viktor Yanukovych from the post of President of Ukraine, new presidential elections were scheduled for May 25, 2014. On March 29, Petro Poroshenko announced that he would run for president. Poroshenko’s campaign was carried out under the slogan “Live in a new way.” He promised to break the oligarchic bond, in which rich Ukrainians buy political influence to become even richer. We will not say that Petro Alekseevich, actually one of the oligarchs, was believed, but there was no one to choose from, and Poroshenko became president.

In the photo: Ukrainian presidential candidate Petro Poroshenko during a rally in the center of Kirovograd, Ukraine, 2014 (Photo: Nikolay Lazarenko/TASS)

On June 7, 2014, the inauguration of the new president took place, during which Petro Poroshenko spoke about his main goals in office: he promised to return Crimea, guaranteed the free use of the Russian language, gave his word that Ukraine would receive a visa-free regime and membership in the European Union, pledged to strengthen the military the power of the country.

In the photo: President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko (in the foreground) during the inauguration ceremony in the Verkhovna Rada. In the background, Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Alexander Turchinov, June 7, 2014 (Photo: Nikolay Lazarenko/TASS)

But it soon became clear that the new president was not going to keep his promises. Petro Poroshenko unleashed a bloody massacre in the South-East of Ukraine, became a pathological opponent of the Russian language, and set the fraternal Ukrainian and Russian peoples at odds.

From his first presidential steps, Petro Alekseevich Poroshenko began to show his true colors. On September 25, 2014, Petro Poroshenko said that the time had come to resolve at the state level the issue of the status of soldiers of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA*) as defenders of Ukraine.

On October 14, 2014, by decree of Petro Poroshenko, the day of celebration of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary was proclaimed the holiday “Day of Defender of Ukraine.” This day is also considered the date of the creation of the UPA.

In the photo: Minister of Defense of Ukraine Stepan Poltorak and President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko (from left to right) during an inspection of modern weapons and equipment “The Power of the Unconquered” on the occasion of Defender of Ukraine Day on St. Michael’s Square in Kyiv, 2015 (Photo: Nikolay Lazarenko/press Service of the President of Ukraine/TASS)

The real essence of President Poroshenko was revealed in many of his actions. Petr Alekseevich is an opponent of the rapprochement of the peoples of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. The president of a multinational country, in which about 20% of the population is Russian and almost 80% of Russian-speaking people, is a staunch opponent of the Russian language in the state.

Positioning himself at all international meetings as the president of the world, Petro Poroshenko not only failed to fulfill his promise to end the war in Donbass, but, on the contrary, only achieved an escalation of the conflict. He ignores the implementation of the Minsk Agreements and constantly calls Russia an aggressor. No matter what Poroshenko does, hatred of Russia runs like a red thread in all his actions.

Poroshenko found himself in a difficult position after Donald Trump won the US elections. Always cautious, he was so confident that Hillary Clinton would win that he inadvertently allowed himself offensive remarks about Trump, even on social networks. Now he goes out of his way to proclaim his respect for the newly elected American president.

According to media reports, Petro Poroshenko was a parishioner of the Kyiv Ionin Monastery, which is under the jurisdiction of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate. There Poroshenko was ordained to the rank of deacon.

However, it was precisely on the fight against the UOC that Petro Poroshenko decided to base his election campaign in 2018.

On December 15, 2018, the so-called “unification council” was held in Kyiv, at which Metropolitan Epifaniy (Sergei Dumenko), a follower of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate (UOC-KP), was elected head of the non-canonical Ukrainian church. Only two representatives of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) participated in the council.

In the second round, Petro Poroshenko was unable to oppose anything to Vladimir Zelensky. According to most experts, he lost the debate to his opponent, and in the April 21 elections he received almost 3 times fewer votes.

According to the national exit poll in the second round of the presidential election, which was conducted by the Ilk Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation, the Kiev International Institute of Sociology and the Ukrainian Center for Economic and Political Research named after Alexander Razumkov, 73.2% of voters voted for Vladimir Zelensky, and for 25.3% voted for Petro Poroshenko. 1.05% crossed out both of them or spoiled the ballot.

“Never give up” I hear even now when I see the results of these exit polls. And they are obvious, and give reason to now call my opponent and congratulate him. For the first time in the practice of Ukraine, it is necessary to do as is customary in civilized European countries. I must always remember that tomorrow is April 22, and we need to unite and defend Ukraine. Dear Ukrainians, next month I will leave the post of head of state. This is what the majority of Ukrainians decided, and I accept this decision. Yes, I will leave office, but I want to emphasize that I am not leaving politics. I will stay in politics and fight for Ukraine,” Poroshenko himself commented on the news.

In the parliamentary elections in the summer of 2019, Poroshenko again achieved little. The party of the former President of Ukraine “European Solidarity” received only 8.10% of the votes. The party of the country's President Vladimir Zelensky won - “Servant of the People” received 43.16% of the votes. Next come the “Opposition Platform - for Life” with 13.05% of the votes and Yulia Tymoshenko’s party “Batkivshchyna” with 8.18%.

Income of Petro Poroshenko

Despite the war and the rapid poverty that has rolled into Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko is getting richer as president. In 2014, in just the first year of his presidency, Petro Poroshenko’s income increased 7 times. According to the 2016 Forbes rating, against the backdrop of declining incomes of Ukrainian oligarchs, Poroshenko managed to increase his wealth by $100 million, giving him a total of $858.

In April 2017, Poroshenko submitted an electronic declaration for 2016, in which he showed his salary - more than 13.5 thousand dollars.

In the fall of 2018, the Unified Register of Declarations of Ukrainian Officials indicated that for three weeks in October, the income of the President of Ukraine amounted to 34.8 million hryvnia (approximately $1.2 million). The head of the Ukrainian state received 28.8 million hryvnia (about a million dollars) from the sale of securities and corporate rights, and another 6 million hryvnia (210 thousand dollars) - as dividends from the work of the Prime Assets Capital investment fund.

As the news wrote, since the beginning of 2018, Poroshenko has filed 15 declarations. The total income from them was about 125 million hryvnia ($4.4 million). This was almost eight times its 2017 income.

Internet memes of Poroshenko, alcoholism and fainting

According to rumors, President Poroshenko, despite his illness (they say he has diabetes), loves, as they say, “to drink” and, when drunk, surprises with his speeches. A video of Poroshenko during a visit to Mariupol in 2014 caused a lively discussion on the Internet; the president’s speech and gestures suggested that the head of state was intoxicated. I also remember Poroshenko’s Freudian slip when he called “cynical Banderas” those who robbed and killed Ukrainians. Those around the president, however, are trying to monetize such dubious cases, so they issued T-shirts with the inscription “cynical Bandera.” Of Poroshenko’s latest mysterious statements, I remember that he said in the same Mariupol, “The Ukrainian occupation is temporary,” the local residents, who are still part of Ukraine, could perk up.

Former adviser to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov, Ilya Kiva, on the five-year anniversary of the “Revolution of Dignity”, recalled how the current president of the country, Petro Poroshenko, and the mayor of Kyiv, Vitaliy Klitschko, got drunk during protests.

However, in Poroshenko’s camp they come up with their own versions from time to time, fighting rumors about the Ukrainian president’s alcoholism. Journalist Yuriy Butusov told his version of the emergence of the “myth” about Petro Poroshenko’s drunkenness. According to him, in 2015, Poroshenko arrived in Novi Petrivtsi, where a demonstration of new models of military equipment purchased for the National Guard took place. The president was asked to fire a shot from a rifle, and although there were many military men of various ranks nearby, plus Poroshenko’s personal security, no one warned him about the recoil, and the Ukrainian president received a sensitive blow to the eye, pressing too close to the optical sight.

Allegedly, he then pulled his cap over his eye and went out to the press, after which a widely circulated photo appeared.

Another feature of President Poroshenko is fainting during his speeches. Even his son fainted during a prayer service for Ukraine. The episode with a soldier fainting at the inauguration of Petro Poroshenko is also well known. In the summer of 2017, the chairman of the State Border Service of Ukraine, Viktor Nazarenko, lost consciousness right during a briefing of the presidents of Ukraine and Belarus.

On Independence Day in the summer of 2018, Poroshenko set a record for the fainting of soldiers listening to him - two fell exhausted at once.

In December 2018, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Commissioner for Human Rights Lyudmila Denisova fainted during Poroshenko’s speech.

Poroshenko's real estate

Mr. Poroshenko in 2009 completed the construction of his grandiose estate in Koncha-Zaspa on a former recreation center for workers of the Kyiv confectionery factory named after Karl Marx “Chaika”. On social networks there is a photo of this palace, reminiscent of the White House in its architecture.

The recreation center of the Ukrainian Society of the Blind “Ivushka” was also unlucky. Two plots of her land were seized. Petr Alekseevich is also the owner of a luxurious villa in Spain, where he has recently transferred part of his assets. Photos of the President of Ukraine in Spain periodically appear in the media.

Poroshenko family

In the photo: President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko with his wife Marina (right) and children Alexandra, Evgenia and Mikhail during a prayer for Ukraine in the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv (Photo: Mikhail Palinchak/TASS)

Petro Poroshenko has four children, daughters Evgenia and Alexander and two sons Alexey and Mikhail. Grandson Peter and granddaughter Elizaveta are the children of Alexei. The daughters' godparents are Viktor Yushchenko and Oksana Bilozir.

In the photo: President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko with his wife Marina (Photo: FA Bobo/PIXSELL/PA Images/TASS)

Wife - Marina Anatolyevna Poroshenko (née Perevedentseva), daughter of Anatoly Perevedentsev - Deputy Minister of Health of the Ukrainian SSR. Graduated from the Kiev Medical Institute, cardiologist. She worked as a doctor in the cardiology department of the Oktyabrskaya Clinical Hospital in Kyiv. Candidate of Medical Sciences. Now she is a housewife. Chairman of the Board of the Petro Poroshenko Charitable Foundation. Her photos can often be seen in glossy magazines.