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Poroshenko surname at birth. Biography of Poroshenko

The tense political situation, which has been observed at the international level for several days, has attracted public attention to the circle of people who are at the top of the ruling elite of Ukraine. Western countries and the United States have long made Petro Poroshenko their protege, but many Russians still do not know who this man is.


The list of some of the richest people in the country is successfully completed by Petro Poroshenko. The biography, nationality, and parents of a politician are of interest to many; we’ll talk about this below. Today, his fortune amounts to about 1.8 billion dollars, which allows him to be listed as fifth on the list of the richest people in Ukraine. The man who is considered the sponsor of the Maidan, oddly enough, was born and spent his childhood in the Odessa region. Now Poroshenko is a major businessman, a well-known political and government figure, and the founding president of the Ukrprominvest concern.


Father, Alexey Ivanovich Valtsman, and mother, Evgenia Sergeevna Poroshenko, got married in 1956. A married couple had a son in 1965 in the city of Bolgrad, Odessa region. The family lived in a house with a courtyard. Alexey Ivanovich was always considered the owner; the children were raised in strictness, since the father was a little harsh. Despite this, everyone lived amicably and tried not to contradict the head of the family. As his biography shows, Petro Poroshenko has always treated his elders with respect.

Father is a mechanical engineer by profession. Until 1974 he worked at the Bolgrad Association of Agricultural Equipment. At the beginning of perestroika, he began to engage in entrepreneurial activities. It was the head of the family who became the founder of everything that Petro Valtsman-Poroshenko owns. By decree of Yushchenko, Alexey Ivanovich was awarded the Order of the Power and the title of Hero of Ukraine.

Family secrets

In 1986, Alexey Poroshenko received a criminal record. The Supreme Court of Moldova found him guilty of committing theft of property by a group of persons, of illegally acquiring property that was obtained fraudulently, of acquiring, storing and carrying weapons. After the trial, the future businessman went to prison for five years. The parents of Petro Poroshenko (his biography confirms such information) found this moment difficult. The oligarch's father served his sentence in a correctional labor colony. The convicted person was deprived of property and the right to occupy leadership positions for a period of five years. This is the only known fact about the criminal record that the father’s biography contains.

Petro Poroshenko lost his mother in 2004. During her lifetime, Evgenia Sergeevna was a teacher by profession and worked at a technical school. The elder brother Mikhail died in a disaster under unclear circumstances - this is how his biography ended in a sad way.

Petro Poroshenko had the nickname “fluffy chubby” as a child. He was a handsome boy with black hair. He was distinguished by his flexibility, kindness, and diligence. His look was always a little offended and sad. Despite such character traits, Peter, according to the recollections of his peers, always fought to protect others.

The boy studied very well, which was also characteristic of his older brother. However, due to the prevailing circumstances, the family had to leave their home and move to Moldova.

The beginning of the way

The young man graduated from Kiev University. Taras Shevchenko, having received a diploma in international economics. A little later, he successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis. However, the educational process was interrupted by military service.

After the aspiring businessman received his higher education, he opened his own business. The biography (Petro Poroshenko himself stated this) during this period was replenished with very successful events. The company, founded by a man, sold cocoa beans. And already at the dawn of the 1990s, the businessman took ownership of several large confectionery enterprises, which in the future merged into the Roshen concern. It was this business that allowed today’s oligarch to form a multimillion-dollar fortune and acquire the unspoken nickname “Chocolate King.” Before the rift between the two countries, about half of Roshen's confectionery exports went to Russia.

In 2011, Petro Alekseevich Poroshenko, together with B. Lozhkin, acquired a large media company from one of the American businessmen. It included online platforms, a magazine publication, and several radio stations. In the same year, after selling some assets, the oligarch buys a production plant in Germany and receives permission to buy out a stake in the Ekran company.

Career milestones of Petro Poroshenko

  • 1990-1991 commercial association "Republic".
  • 1991-1993 The position of General Director of the exchange house "Ukraine".
  • 1993-1998 Position of General Director of the Ukrprominvest concern.

Today, the oligarch's empire consists of many enterprises in different areas of business.


The entrepreneur is married, his wife gave him four children (two sons and two daughters). The politician’s wife received a higher education as a cardiologist. Her father served as Deputy Minister of Health.

The godparents of two children (twin girls) were Oksana Bilozir and Viktor Yushchenko. It is noteworthy that Poroshenko was awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine for his services to the Maidan, which took place in 2004. Some people believe that the family connection with Yushchenko played a role in this case.

Petro Valtsman-Poroshenko married quite early - at eighteen years old, the bride was three years older than him. The newlyweds lived in the house of Marina’s parents, who at that time were on a long trip abroad. The wife began earning money before Peter, getting a job in the cardiology department. The young husband received an increased scholarship.

If you believe the stories of the oligarch himself, the family had financial difficulties (which is very doubtful).

Titles and awards

  • Orders of II and III degrees "For Merit".
  • Grand Cross of the Order of Civil Merit (Spanish award).
  • Title of Honored Economist of Ukraine.
  • Laureate of the State Prize in the field of science and technology.
  • Candidate of Legal Sciences.
  • Author of several monographs and a number of scientific publications.
  • Knight of the Order of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  • Co-author of textbooks in the field of modern international economic relations.
  • In 2009, the politician was ordained a deacon.

Deputy career

In 1998, Poroshenko was elected to the country's parliament. He spoke from the Social Democratic Party of Ukraine, which at that time supported the current President L. Kuchma. Two years later, Poroshenko left the ranks of the party members and created the center-left Solidarity faction. In 2001, he took an active part in the activities of the Party of Regions, but soon changed his political vector and joined V. Yushchenko’s bloc, which at that time was considered oppositional. A year later, the Yushchenko faction won the parliamentary elections, and Peter himself became head of the budget committee.

Orange Revolution

Unofficially, Petro Poroshenko (president of Ukraine in the near future) was named as a sponsor of the revolutionary events that took place in the country in 2004. Viktor Yushchenko declared that the elections were falsified and achieved the appointment of a third round. The vote led to his victory, and he did not fail to appoint Poroshenko as Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of the country. But the president's protege did not last long in this post. At the height of the 2005 crisis, the entire government headed by Tymoshenko and the oligarch himself was dismissed.

A year later, Petro Alekseevich Poroshenko reappeared in the Verkhovna Rada in the ranks of the Our Ukraine party, and in 2007 he became head of the board of the country’s National Bank. While Yushchenko remained in office (in 2009-2010), he served as Minister of Foreign Affairs. Subsequently, Yanukovych dismissed him along with the entire cabinet of ministers. However, this was only a short break for Poroshenko in the development of his political career. Already in 2012, a decree was signed on his appointment as Minister of Trade and Economic Development. When the revolution overtook the country, the politician actively spoke out and supported the protesters. This led to the spread of the opinion that he is an active supporter of the Maidan.

In one of his interviews, Petro Poroshenko, biography, nationality, whose parents were under close scrutiny at that time, admitted that he actually supplied the revolution with financial resources.

In 2013, the oligarch expressed his intention to participate in the elections for the position of mayor of Kyiv, but only if he received the support of the opposition.


In troubled times for Ukraine, current President Petro Poroshenko supported the protesters and often spoke at the podium. During the aggravation of the Crimean political crisis, the politician came to Simferopol as a representative of the new government. Local residents greeted him with unfriendly shouts and threw papers at him. The oligarch retreated in a taxi, into which the police put him.

In March 2014, Petro Poroshenko registered with the Central Election Commission as a presidential candidate. The oligarch won the early elections, and the inauguration took place in June.

The new president outlined his priorities as follows:

  • Strengthening and maintaining the unity of the country, the return of selected territories, in particular Crimea.
  • The official language is exclusively Ukrainian.
  • Ukraine is a unitary state.
  • Early elections should be held in Donbass.
  • Membership in the European Union, visa-free regime for citizens of the country.
  • Strengthening military potential.

Approximate circle

David Zhvania, V. Skomarovsky, V. Korol, O. Bilozir are considered to be the oligarch’s associates. Some time ago, the politician worked quite closely with businessman and deputy N. Martynenko. This duo took control of the activities of the Niko radio station, where Petro Poroshenko became a co-owner. Ukraine began to implement custom radio broadcasting.

Dirty stains of the biography

In 2001, M. Brodsky, the leader of the Ukrainian Yabloko faction, announced the fact that Poroshenko sent him threats in response to criticism of N. Azarov. The politician completely rejected such accusations. Brodsky was also among those who accused Poroshenko of corruption four years later.

The oligarch was not spared rumors of budget falsification. Allegedly, he redistributed funds in favor of the district where he was elected. Pyotr Alekseevich himself also denied these attacks, calling them disinformation. But the most pressing question remains the nationality of Petro Poroshenko. Given the tense situation in the country, this is of paramount importance.

In addition, the politician was accused of In 2003, the relevant services opened a criminal case, according to which the management of LuAZ was charged with a financial crime. During the proceedings, the court ruled that such claims were unlawful. However, it was at this time that the oligarch was in the position of Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council.

In 2001, the country's Prosecutor General's Office accused the director of Leninskaya Kuznitsa (a Poroshenko-controlled enterprise) of theft. According to the investigation, the manager received seventeen million hryvnia from the Baguette company and spent it on the same day. Some time later, during the proceedings, it was revealed that the mentioned company had been liquidated and was not included in the state register at all. The case was closed.


The activities of 48-year-old Moldovan Jew Petr Alekseevich Valtsman, whose mother is Poroshenko, cause mixed assessments around the world. The leader of the ruling elite zealously supports the Right Sector and skillfully hides his true origin. The parents of Petro Poroshenko, the nationality of the politician, and the dirty facts of his biography continue to be actively discussed in the press.

B President Poroshenko (Waltsman) is the end of the rest of Ukraine. Thieves' dynasty

There is, of course, nothing wrong with a Jew becoming president. For example, in Israel all the leaders of the state are Jews, and yet we see a successful state.

But why does Peter Valtsman hide his nationality? Why does he declare himself a Ukrainian, and even a Ukrainian nationalist?

Why does he support anti-Semitic Nazis from the Right Sector and other nationalist organizations?

The answer is obvious - he is a scumbag, a thief and a scoundrel. And this is how he was born, unfortunately for everyone...

Every Jewish family has its own secret, one or more. In this sense, the Poroshenko-Valtsman family is no different from others. Its members do not like to remember the events of the mid-80s of the last century.

And not because Petya Poroshenko, who entered the Faculty of International Relations and International Law at Kyiv State University in 1982, was a poor student. That's not why at all.

In 1956, Alexei Valtsman, the father of Petro Poroshenko, married Evgenia Sergeevna Poroshenko and changed his surname from Valtsman to Poroshenko. And this, of course, is not a crime, although it already clearly characterizes Alexei Valtsman...

It is no secret that in the 80s in the USSR petty theft of state property flourished in full bloom - the so-called “nonsense” appeared. And Alexey Ivanovich became known to the competent authorities for his “resourcefulness” and “enterprise.”

On June 11, 1986, a native of the village of Sofyany, Izmail district of the Odessa region of the Ukrainian SSR, Valtsman A.I., Jew, citizen of the USSR, expelled from the CPSU members in connection with this case, having a higher education, liable for military service, married, worked from September 26, 1977 to December 9 1983, director of the Bendery Experimental Repair Plant, was arrested and was under investigation awaiting sentencing.

What did our Alexey Ivanovich Valtsman do?

He was accused of committing crimes under Articles 155, 123, 184, Part 1, Art. 220 part 2, art. 227 part 1 of the Criminal Code of the MSSR and the Criminal Code of the RSFSR:

- “deliberate additions to state statistical reporting and provision of distorted reporting data on the implementation of plans,” which was then considered “anti-state actions harmful to the national economy of the USSR” (Article 155, Part 1 of the Criminal Code of the MSSR);

- “theft of state property by abuse of one’s official position, embezzlement and embezzlement, by prior conspiracy by a group of persons, again in the amount of 2,235 rubles 91 kopecks” (Article 123, Part 2 of the Criminal Code of the MSSR as amended by the Decree of the Presidium of the MSSR Supreme Court of December 24, 1982 .);

- “illegal acquisition of property obtained by obviously criminal means, committed on a large scale” (Article 220, Part 2 of the Criminal Code of the MSSR);

- “illegal possession of weapons” (Article 227 Part 1 of the Criminal Code of the MSSR).


This is such a petty provincial scam.

How could the son of the director of a small factory from provincial Bendery enter the prestigious Kiev State University in the prestigious Faculty of International Law and International Relations in 1982? The Valtsman-Poroshenko family probably needed a lot of money for this. Most likely, at the end of December 1981 - beginning of January 1982, Waltsman Sr. decided to “play” with state statistical reporting in order to mislead the state and thus get “slightly” rich.

In 1983, Alexey Poroshenko went to work as the head of SPMK-7 of the Moldselkhozmontazh trust and moved to Tiraspol.

Little Tiraspol, small SPMK, small salary.... And the sons are growing up!

Therefore, nothing prevented the conscience of Alexei Poroshenko from taking two coils of enameled cable worth 204 rubles from his native enterprise. 16 kopecks, buy 64 liters of stolen rectified alcohol at a cheap price for a total of 1629 rubles. 48 kopecks, dilute it with water and open a small business selling alcohol surrogate.

Such labors resulted in FIVE YEARS of imprisonment with confiscation of property...

So, little by little, our great mighty Soviet Union was taken away by all sorts of parashenkas.

Alexei Valtsman’s son, Petro Poroshenko, took after his father. Only a different time has come, and it blossomed in independent Ukraine, like mold on a spoiled loaf of bread. He stole anything and everything. This scoundrel had nothing sacred. As they say, the genes took their toll.

Now this thief has a new super task in turn - now he intends to steal Ukraine and privatize the post of President for himself.

True, his Ukraine has already shrunk to the size of Kyiv and the region, but Peter Valtsman is ready to go to the end. If it is necessary to destroy the entire people of Ukraine for the sake of his own selfishness, he is ready for that too. And it’s been ready for a long time. Perhaps, even from those very times when Waltsman Sr. became his example in this matter.

Sergey Kotvitsky,
Central News Agency of Novorossiya

Place of Birth: USSR, Bolgrad, Odessa region.
At the age of nine, he moved with his family to Moldova, to the city of Bendery (now the unrecognized republic of Transnistria).

– graduated with honors from the Faculty of International Relations and International Law of Kyiv University. T. Shevchenko, majoring in international economics.
2002— defended his Ph.D. thesis “Legal regulation of the management of state corporate rights in Ukraine.”

Academic degree: Candidate of Legal Sciences

Nickname: Chocolate King, Porosyonko, “Peter the Barter”

Occupation: Businessman (billionaire), politician, founder of a charitable foundation.

Hobbies: Play tennis. In his youth he practiced judo and sambo and was a candidate for master of sports. He loves painting, especially the impressionists, in particular Claude Monet. He reads a lot, especially from English-language literature.

Blogs, personal pages:




— Member of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on European Integration

— Chairman of the Council of the National Bank of Ukraine.

— Honored Economist of Ukraine.

— Winner of the award named after. Pilip Orlik.

— Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology.

— Cavalier of the Order of Merit, 2nd and 3rd class.

- Knight of the Order of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

— Awarded an honorary distinction from the Public Foundation of St. Andrew the First-Called.

since February 22, 2007 Petro Poroshenko is the Chairman of the Council of the National Bank of Ukraine.

— Honorary President of JSC Leninskaya Kuznitsa Plant.

— Chairman of the Board of the Petro Poroshenko Charitable Foundation.

- in 2009 On the feast of Trinity he was ordained a deacon.

- in April 2004 year entered the top ten “influence rating” of Ukrainian politicians compiled by Business magazine.

in 2006 in the “Top 100” of the most influential people in Ukraine, determined annually by Korrespondent magazine, he took 18th position.

in 2007 in the “Top 100” of the Korrespondent magazine, took 30th place (31st in the Focus magazine).

- in 2014 According to Forbes magazine, he ranks 6th in the list of the richest people in Ukraine with a fortune of $1.3 billion.



1986. — after returning from the army, he created one of the first small enterprises in Ukraine, “Service Center,” and began providing legal advice.

early 1990s — Together with his classmate Sergei Zaitsev, Petro Poroshenko begins to smuggle rare cocoa beans into the country and supply them to confectionery factories without prepayment.

1991— Petro Poroshenko earned his first million by purchasing 4% of the world production of black pepper, and, taking advantage of rising prices, resold it on Western markets.

1991-1993 — Petro Poroshenko headed JSC “Exchange House “Ukraine”

Early 1990s— Poroshenko privatized almost all confectionery factories in Ukraine for a low price. Subsequently, he united them into the Roshen group, which became the largest manufacturer of confectionery products in Ukraine.

Roshen Corporation in 1998-2003. carried out exports for a total amount of 1,241,145.7 thousand UAH. - to Russia, Moldova, Mongolia, Israel, Kazakhstan, USA.
— incorrect determination of the product code during import, which led to a decrease in VAT charges and payments on imported goods in especially large quantities;

1992— Petro Poroshenko, together with Oleg Svinarchuk, began to engage in the automobile business, later combining assets into the Bogdan corporation.

1993 G.- founding of the Ukrprominvest concern. The main goal is to unite the assets of Petro Poroshenko (according to some sources, the founder is Petro’s late brother, Mikhail Poroshenko).

1993-1998– Petro Poroshenko took the post of general director of CJSC Ukrainian Industrial and Investment Concern (Ukrprominvest). Then the position of general director was taken by his father, Alexey Poroshenko.

in April 2005 one of the largest Ukrainian enterprises, the Ukrainian Industrial and Investment Concern, which at that time already included over 30 enterprises in various areas of activity, changed its organizational structure, uniting them into the Ukrprominvest group (in 2012 it was renamed PJSC Closed Non-Diversified corporate investment fund "Prime Assets Capital").

“Ukrprominvest-auto”, LUAZ, “Bogdan-service” are machine-building enterprises that use components and assemblies imported from abroad (mainly from Russia) to produce their products. When importing these units, Petro Poroshenko’s companies are required to reimburse the state budget for 20% VAT - value added tax...

in the 1990s the following assets were acquired: a car service station near Kiev, the Cherkassy car repair plant, a brewery in Radomyshl, the battery manufacturer ISTA, the Leninskaya Kuznitsa shipyard, Bank Maria

Inspections by the competent authorities established that at one time the Ministry of Defense sold ships to Leninskaya Kuznya for 48.9 million UAH, and Leninskaya Kuznya sold them for 72.3 million UAH. The difference is 23 million UAH. did not receive, as required, the state budget for the maintenance of the Ministry of Defense...

1999— Poroshenko, together with Nikolai Rudkovsky, received a license to develop the largest gas field in Ukraine - Semirenkovsky.

— Rudkovsky, who at that time headed the Ukrainian State Credit and Investment Company, attracted budget money to finance the project, and Poroshenko, who was part of the leadership of one of the most influential parties of that time - SDPU(o) - provided political support and invested his own money...

2003 - becomes the founder of the first news channel in Ukraine - Channel 5, which in 2004 became the mouthpiece of the opposition.
Judging by the scandalous recording of a telephone conversation that immediately appeared, where Poroshenko rudely reprimands the top manager of the TV channel for the “wrong” information policy, it is immediately clear that the media for Poroshenko is not a business, but an instrument of influence.

2005 - After the Orange Revolution, in which he was one of the most active participants, Poroshenko said that he was responding to Yushchenko’s call to separate business from politics. The Ukrprominvest concern is currently headed (at least formally) by his father Alexey Poroshenko, holding the post of general director.

From time to time, the politician's enemies accuse him of the fact that the division occurred only in words. According to the website, Alexey Poroshenko (father) already in the mid-1990s. took the post of General Director of Ukrprominvest, which in 2005 only changed its organizational structure, uniting about 50 enterprises

2005. – the beginning of a connection with Konstantin Grigorishin (joint struggle with Yulia Tymoshenko’s group for the Nikopol Ferroalloy Plant).
Konstantin Grigorishin is the main Sumy oligarch, Russian businessman with interests in Ukraine, advisor to the representative office of the Swiss joint-stock company of the Energy Standard group of companies.

2005 - Petro Poroshenko transferred all his business assets to Petro Poroshenko’s Closed Non-Diversified Corporate Investment Fund (ZNKIF), which was later renamed Prime Assets Capital. 100% of the company's shares belong to Petro Poroshenko, and his father Alexey Poroshenko runs the fund.

2006 – cooperation with Teriel Vasadze and the creation of the United Transport Technologies company.

Tariel Vasadze - People's Deputy (BYuT), owner of the UkrAvto corporation; the main player in the Ukrainian car market, controlling sales of cars of all price categories: from Tavria to Maybach.

The United Transport Technologies company bought 50 hectares in the Borsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod region of the Russian Federation for $1.1 million and announced the start of construction of an automobile plant.

In 2007, it signed an agreement with the Russian Ministry of Economic Development on duty-free import into Russia of components for the production of cars and buses. According to the signed agreement, in 30 months the company was to create a capacity for welding, painting and assembling cars with a capacity of 25 thousand cars per year.

Since then, there has been no news about the joint venture. On the website of the old Bor automobile repair plant, located on the territory purchased by Vasadze and Poroshenko, the premises of the plant are for rent.

United Transport Technologies company was liquidated in August 2013.

2007 – the beginning of the transfer of shares of the Sevastopol Marine Plant (owner - Konstantin Grigorishin) to Petro Poroshenko.

2007 — 2009 gg.– Poroshenko is the Chairman of the Council of the National Bank of Ukraine, which he has been a member of for more than one year.

2009 – 2010- headed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

2010 – After a series of conflicts between shareholders over management of Sevmorzavod, Konstantin Grigorishin leaves the shareholders, ceding a 60% stake to Petro Poroshenko.

2011 - Petro Poroshenko in partnership with the founder and president of the UMH group (unites the football website football.ua, sports portal iSport.ua, news portals kp.ua, focus.ua, aif.ua, business and finance portal dengi.ua, social journalism network HighWay) Boris Lozhkin acquired the KP Media company (Korrespondent magazine, portals korrespondent.net, bigmir.net, etc.) from American businessman Jed Sanden.

2012 - Petro Poroshenko took the post of Minister of Economic Development and Trade, after which he returned to the Verkhovna Rada.

In August 2012 The Poroshenko Foundation became the owner of a stake in the authorized capital of Firma Ekran LLC, which provides cable television services under the Maximum TV brand in several cities of Ukraine, including Kiev and Donetsk.

2014 - Petro Poroshenko’s business was replenished with a new enterprise - the Kyiv Experimental Structures Plant.

When nominating for the presidential election, Poroshenko said that he was ready to sell his business if he won.

“If I am elected, I will be honest and sell the Roshen concern. As president, I want and will care exclusively about the well-being of the state.", he said in early April.

The press service of the Ukrainian president reported that Poroshenko received permission, but did not buy the Kiev Plant. The application to the Antimonopoly Committee was submitted even before the presidential campaign and the promise to get rid of business assets.

Now all assets are registered in PJSC “Closed Non-diversified Corporate Investment Fund “Prime Assets Capital”, created in 2005.

2005 G.— during the political crisis in Ukraine in September, President Yushchenko dismissed first Poroshenko, and then the entire government led by Yulia Tymoshenko. The Transnistrian association “Pro Europa” announced that it is ready to assist the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Security Service of Ukraine in providing them with documents indicating the criminal nature of Poroshenko’s activities on the territory of the Republic of Moldova if Poroshenko does not agree to voluntarily resign from the post of Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council and does not stop interfere in the internal affairs of the Republic of Moldova, both political (Transnistria) and economic (JSC Gemeni). Otherwise, if Petro Poroshenko does not resign before September 14, 2005, the Transnistrian association “Pro Europa” threatened to release all available documents, including both the documentary base and the testimony of dozens of people on the facts of violation of the legislation of the Republic of Moldova by Poroshenko P .


Threats to Brodsky

On April 18, 2001, the then leader of the Yabluko faction, Mikhail Brodsky, said that Petro Poroshenko threatened him in connection with criticism of the chairman of the State Tax Administration, Nikolai Azarov. Petro Poroshenko denied these accusations.

Budget falsification

On March 13, 2002, one of the leaders of the SDPU (u) Nestor Shufrich accused the chairman of the parliamentary budget Petro Poroshenko of falsifying the 2003 budget. According to him, during the redistribution of local budgets in Vinnitsa, Vinnytsia region and Cherkassy, ​​standards were illegally increased by UAH 11 million. At the same time, 4.5 million UAH, Shufrych claims, were sent to the district where Petro Poroshenko was elected. The Prosecutor General's Office was instructed to study this issue. Poroshenko himself denied these accusations, calling them disinformation.

Tax evasion

In 2003, the State Tax Administration in the Volyn region opened a criminal case accusing the leaders of the Lutsk Automobile Plant (LuAZ), which Petro Poroshenko controls through Ukrprominvest, of tax evasion. In July 2004, the Court of Appeal of the Volyn region declared such actions of tax officials unlawful.


One of the members of the parliamentary investigative commission involved in the Kolesnikov case, on condition of anonymity, told the Segodnya newspaper that Boris Viktorovich gave evidence regarding Pyotr Alekseevich.

President Poroshenko (Waltsman) is the end of the rest of Ukraine. Thieves' dynasty

44-year-old Moldovan Jew Pyotr Alekseevich Poroshenko (née Valtsman, who took his mother’s surname) - a native of the Odessa region - is eager to become president. There is, of course, nothing wrong with a Jew becoming president. For example, in Israel all the leaders of the state are Jews, and yet we see a successful state. But why does Peter Valtsman hide his nationality? Why does he declare himself a Ukrainian, and even a Ukrainian nationalist? Why does he support anti-Semitic Nazis from the Right Sector and other nationalist organizations?

The answer is obvious - he is a scumbag, a thief and a scoundrel. And this is how he was born, unfortunately for everyone...

Every Jewish family has its own secret, one or more. In this sense, the Poroshenko-Valtsman family is no different from others. Its members do not like to remember the events of the mid-80s of the last century. And not because Petya Poroshenko, who entered the Faculty of International Relations and International Law at Kyiv State University in 1982, was a poor student. That's not why at all.

In 1956, Alexei Valtsman, the father of Petro Poroshenko, married Evgenia Sergeevna Poroshenko and changed his surname from Valtsman to Poroshenko. And this, of course, is not a crime, although it already clearly characterizes Alexei Valtsman...

It is no secret that in the 80s in the USSR petty theft of state property flourished in full bloom - the so-called “nonsense” appeared. And Alexey Ivanovich became known to the competent authorities for his “resourcefulness” and “enterprise.”

On June 11, 1986, a native of the village of Sofyany, Izmailovsky district, Odessa region of the Ukrainian SSR, Valtsman A.I., Jew, citizen of the USSR, expelled from the CPSU members in connection with this case, having a higher education, liable for military service, married, worked from September 26, 1977 to December 9 1983, director of the Bendery Experimental Repair Plant, was arrested and was under investigation awaiting sentencing.

What did our Alexey Ivanovich Valtsman do?

He was accused of committing crimes under Articles 155, 123, 184, Part 1, Art. 220 part 2, art. 227 part 1 of the Criminal Code of the MSSR and the Criminal Code of the RSFSR:

- “deliberate additions to state statistical reporting and provision of distorted reporting data on the implementation of plans,” which was then considered “anti-state actions harmful to the national economy of the USSR” (Article 155, Part 1 of the Criminal Code of the MSSR);

- “theft of state property by abuse of one’s official position, embezzlement and embezzlement, by prior conspiracy by a group of persons, again in the amount of 2,235 rubles 91 kopecks” (Article 123, Part 2 of the Criminal Code of the MSSR as amended by the Decree of the Presidium of the MSSR Supreme Court of December 24, 1982 .);

- “illegal acquisition of property obtained by obviously criminal means, committed on a large scale” (Article 220, Part 2 of the Criminal Code of the MSSR);

- “illegal possession of weapons” (Article 227 Part 1 of the Criminal Code of the MSSR).


This is such a petty provincial scam.

How could the son of the director of a small factory from provincial Bendery enter the prestigious Kiev State University in the prestigious Faculty of International Law and International Relations in 1982? The Valtsman-Poroshenko family probably needed a lot of money for this. Most likely, at the end of December 1981 - beginning of January 1982, Waltsman Sr. decided to “play” with state statistical reporting in order to mislead the state and thus get “slightly” rich.

In 1983, Alexey Poroshenko went to work as the head of SPMK-7 of the Moldselkhozmontazh trust and moved to Tiraspol.

Little Tiraspol, small SPMK, small salary.... And the sons are growing up!

Therefore, nothing prevented the conscience of Alexei Poroshenko from taking two coils of enameled cable worth 204 rubles from his native enterprise. 16 kopecks, buy 64 liters of stolen rectified alcohol at a cheap price for a total of 1629 rubles. 48 kopecks, dilute it with water and open a small business selling alcohol surrogate.

Such labors resulted in FIVE YEARS of imprisonment with confiscation of property...

So, little by little, our great mighty Soviet Union was taken away by all sorts of parashenkas.

Alexei Valtsman’s son, Petro Poroshenko, took after his father. Only a different time has come, and it blossomed in independent Ukraine, like mold on a spoiled loaf of bread. He stole anything and everything. This scoundrel had nothing sacred. As they say, the genes took their toll.

Now this thief has a new super task in turn - now he intends to steal Ukraine and privatize the post of President for himself. True, his Ukraine has already shrunk to the size of Kyiv and the region, but Peter Valtsman is ready to go to the end. If it is necessary to destroy the entire people of Ukraine for the sake of his own selfishness, he is ready for that too. And it’s been ready for a long time. Perhaps, even from those very times when Waltsman Sr. became his example in this matter.

Sergey Kotvitsky,
Central News Agency of Novorossiya

Poroshenko is Yushchenko's godfather. Yushchenko became the godfather of Poroshenko's two daughters.

He was suspected of involvement in corruption on an especially large scale, in open lobbying, in falsifying the 2003 budget as chairman of the budget committee of the Rada (during the redistribution of local budgets of Vinnitsa, Vinnytsia region and Cherkasy, standards were illegally increased by 11 million hryvnia, while 4.5 million hryvnia were sent to the district where Poroshenko himself was elected), in tax evasion, in illegal transactions to buy shares of enterprises, in threats of physical violence against political opponents and business competitors.

Most likely, it was Poroshenko (together with the former head of the criminal investigation department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Viktor Korol) who developed and carried out a plan for the high-profile murder of journalist Gongadze in order to destabilize the internal political situation in Little Russia. He was closely associated with Boris Berezovsky, and was friends with the famous Georgian-Jewish mafioso David Zhvania.

Previously, in the ranking of rich people of Jewish nationality compiled by Forbes magazine, Rinat Akhmetov took 11th place with a fortune estimated at $15.4 billion, and Petro Poroshenko was 130th with $1.6 billion. Viktor Pinchuk also entered the ranking with $3.8 billion , who is also of Jewish origin.

However, Igor Kolomoisky, who is the president of the European Jewish Council and whose fortune is estimated at $2.01 billion, was not included in the list of the richest Jews for some reason. The compilers of the rating did not mention the president of the Dnepropetrovsk Jewish community Gennady Bogolyubov with a fortune of $1.46 billion.

In the photo: February 1, 2014. Ukrainian opposition leaders Arseniy Yatsenyuk and Vitaliy Klitschko agreed with US Secretary of State John Kerry on concrete steps to resolve the political crisis in Ukraine. Petro Poroshenko spoke about this. The meeting between the opposition and the US Secretary of State took place as part of a security conference in Munich. According to Poroshenko, the parties “agreed on concrete steps, and not just expressions of solidarity with the Ukrainian people.”

The elected president of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, has no Jewish roots. This is evidenced by the family tree of the politician and businessman, published by his election headquarters. According to this document, the ancestors and relatives of the new head of state bore exclusively Ukrainian surnames: Poroshenko, Rudenko and Ivanenko on his father’s side; Grigorchuk and Lazarenko on their mother’s side.

During the election campaign, Poroshenko’s opponents actively voiced the version about his Jewish origin. As the IzRus portal reported, an unexpected argument in support of it was a recording of an interview posted on the Internet after the elections with Yakov Dov Bleich, the chief rabbi of Kyiv and Ukraine according to the Karlin-Stolin Hasidim, dated 2007. In the video, Bleich tells a journalist from the 1+1 TV channel that he is friends “with Poroshenko... who is Channel 5... who is also a Jew.”

Alexander Levin, president of the World Forum of Russian-Speaking Jewry, commented on the appearance of the rabbi’s statement on the Internet. “Before Petro Poroshenko became President of Ukraine, he already became a Jew,” he noted. “I respect rabbis, but we all must admit that the position has not yet made anyone a Jew, and it is not a fact that all smart people who have a good attitude towards to other peoples, necessarily Jews."

V A video recording of an interview with Yakov Dov Bleich, the chief rabbi of Kiev and Ukraine according to the Karlin-Stolin Hasidim, dated 2007, which surfaced on the Internet today, gives reason to doubt the nationality of the politician, who, apparently, will take the post of president of the country.

During a conversation with a journalist from the 1+1 TV channel, Bleich names famous Ukrainian Jews with whom he is familiar. “I am still friends with Surkis - he is no longer in politics, thank God... And I am very friendly with Poroshenko... who is Channel 5... who is also a Jew. And with Chervonenko - with all the Jews who are on - ko," says the rabbi.

Ukrainian media have long “suspected” that Petro Poroshenko has Jewish roots, periodically claiming that his real name is Valtsman. As the IzRus portal reported, in April last year, the publication by the Israeli publication Forbes Israel of a ranking of the richest Jews in Ukraine shocked the businessman. As Ukrainian media reported, Poroshenko's press secretary Irina Friz asked Forbes Israel to remove him from the list.

The editors of Forbes presented the full biographical information of the businessman, from which it follows that he is Ukrainian. However, as Ukrainian media noted, the editors of the Israeli publication stated that they compiled the rating based on several studies, as well as information from their own sources. However, Poroshenko's last name was removed.

The United States appointed Hasidic Jew Yatsenyuk as the leader of the Ukrainian opposition. Klitschko and Tyagnibok are assigned the role of extras, necessary to create the illusion of democratic choice.