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Who worships the sun in Rus'. RA Seya - Sun Worshipers

The central role of the Sun for the Earth existed in ancient times. In the religions of all peoples of the world, myths and fairy tales, the Sun has always occupied the main place. For all nations, the Sun is the main deity, for example, the radiant god Helios among the ancient Greeks, Dazhbog and Yarilo among the ancient Slavs.

The worship of the Sun is also evidenced by the following historical fact: when the Greek philosopher Anaxagoras in the 5th century BC. began to assert that the Sun is not the god Helios, but a fiery clot, he was immediately accused of blasphemy and was forced to leave Athens. Probably traces of Sun worship are the cross and the swastika.
These are stylized images of the Sun with diverging rays. The swastika reflects the ancients' understanding of the annual movement of the Sun along the ecliptic. The sun rolls along the ecliptic from right to left, as confirmed by observations made from the northern hemisphere of the Earth. The materialized rays of the sun are curved in such a way as not to interfere with this movement (otherwise the rays would dig into the ecliptic more strongly). A person’s life and well-being depended on the Sun.

The cult of the Sun was characteristic of many peoples, but it was most widespread in Ancient Egypt. One of the most important and revered Egyptian deities was Ra, the sun god, who was considered the first ruler of Egypt. It was also believed that all pharaohs are the sons of Ra and his governors on Earth.

In Mesopotamia, the sun god Shamash was also considered the main deity and his image was associated with justice.

The ancient history of the peoples who inhabited the territory of modern Russia, especially its circumpolar regions, remains a mystery. The fact that these places were once favorable for living, characterized by fairly comfortable climatic conditions, is evidenced by both archaeological finds, in particular the remains of mammoths, and geophysical studies, which do not refute the hypothesis of a change in the inclination of the Earth’s rotation axis relative to the Sun. In other words, many thousands of years ago in the polar regions the Sun could have been at its zenith, as it is now at the equator, and, naturally, there could have been a hot climate...

According to the assumption put forward by the writer Barchenko A.V. (early 20th century), Earth civilization arose in the North (in Rus' this is the region of the Kola Peninsula), but after a certain cosmic cataclysm occurred, which caused a flood on Earth, and then a cold snap, the peoples who inhabited these circumpolar territories began to leave their places and move to the South. This ancient civilization on the territory of Rus' was called the “Country of Hyperborea”...
Whether this is so remains a mystery, but there is another evidence base, at least not refuting Barchenko’s hypothesis.

The fact is that if in the country of Hyperborea there really was a hot climate, the Sun was at its zenith for a long time (overhead!), then the thought of... sun worship inevitably arises! Convincing traces of religious buildings and temples testifying to sun worship have not been preserved, however, what has been preserved is... the language! If you listen and think about it, the sun god Ra is present in the Russian language in great abundance.:
joy (Ra - will give!, the state of mind that God Ra gives),
dawn (Ra - light!, light that comes from the god Ra),
rainbow (Ra - light!, arc),
punishment (punishment consisting of being brought to trial before the god Ra),
theft (an act for which they are brought to trial before the god Ra),
yell (call out to the god Ra: O! Ra!, later U! Ra!),
it's time (time to call on the god Ra),
mountain (a place, a hill from which one should appeal to the god Ra),
red (visited before the god Ra),
pockmarked (Ra - a fight affected by the god Ra),
parade (demonstration of devotion to the god Ra),
holiday (an event associated with the demonstration of devotion to the god Ra).

Natural phenomena may also be associated with the name of the god Ra: hurricane, hail, thunderstorm, thunder (roar), rainbow, heat... etc. and so on. And finally (or first of all!) the word “paradise”! The given examples of mentions in the Russian language of the sun god Ra indicate the fairly strong roots of sun worship in the way of life of the peoples of ancient Rus'.

It is impossible not to notice that similar mentions of the god Ra can be found in other language groups:
Arabic (Rahmani - merciful, Rahimi - merciful),
Hebrew (Rabbi - lord),
English (Red - red),
French (Rapier - feather, beam),
Greek (Radius - ray) ...

Thus, sun worship at one time was truly a planetary religion, widespread in most countries of the world.

2nd SPAS (APPLE) August 6 | HAPPY HOLIDAY, FRIENDS!!! At Apple Spas, apples and pears are illuminated, and great gratitude is sent to Mother Makosha for the gifts. In addition, on this day, Savior Bogumir and Slavunya are honored as the ancestors of the Slavs and Orians. Apple Savior is a holiday of our ancestors, which has both everyday and deep philosophical meaning. Read more about the Saviors, the Highest Souls, who came to our lands of Rus' to strengthen the connection with the Most High Family, who brought the Faith-Veda in our group. According to the ancient agrarian calendar, the apple harvest begins in mid-August, and the beginnings of the harvest were sacrificed to the gods. Until this day, it was impossible to eat garden apples. There is a version that before the Apple Savior they did not eat apples from the new harvest because they did not yet bring significant benefits to humans, even if they were ripe. And it's not just the apples themselves. Before the Apple Savior, many berries, edible herbs and root vegetables that are healthy for humans ripen. If you start eating apples, there will be no “room” left for a more useful product at the moment. A certain sequence of ripening (greens, berries, fruits) exists in nature for a reason. On the day of the Second Savior, a special ritual of blessing the fruits was also performed. Harvesting was accompanied by sentences: to collect on time - to remove on time, after the Second Savior the rain - bread! Freshly harvested peas, cucumbers, turnips, apples were laid out on the tables, and after giving thanks to Mother Raw Earth, the Magi blessed the fruits. According to tradition, on this day people should treat their relatives and friends with apples, not forgetting about their ancestors who fell asleep in eternal sleep. The owners donated firstfruits - small portions of each of the collected fruits - to the benefit of orphans and the poor. This is where the saying arose: “On the second day of Savior, even a beggar will eat an apple.” They certainly baked pies with apples, made apple jam and treated each other to it. And in the evening everyone went out into the field to celebrate the sunset with songs, and with it the summer. They also welcomed the coming autumn in songs. It is no coincidence that the day of the Second Savior was called the “first autumns,” that is, the meeting of autumn. It is generally accepted that the nights become much colder after this day. They said: “From the Savior - transformation: the weather is changing!” “The second Savior has arrived - take your mittens in reserve!” It is believed that this holiday is intended to remind people of the need for spiritual transformation. The fruits of previous plans grow towards the Savior. The true essence of the past is revealed, i.e. from the grain the fruit grows. And everyone sees him. And they can taste it, but not before the time comes... During the time of the double faith, the Christian church replaced the original holiday of the Apple Savior with the official church holiday, calling it in its own way - the Transfiguration of the Lord. People have a lot of legends and tales about the apple tree. When the apple tree blooms, under its silk tent people regain a sense of peace and health. Even the most misfortune-ridden person is charged with finding time to sit under this tree. The girls danced around the apple tree and combed their hair with an apple comb. They say that this gives the girl’s face the tenderness of apple blossom, the blush of a ripening apple. This comb relieves headaches and calms you down. According to popular belief, it is to the apple tree that two birds fly from the Garden of Eden: Sirin and Alkonost. They bring healing herbs in their sharp claws. In the female faces of birds there are both similarities and great differences. The face of the Sirin-bird is impenetrable, stern, and on the face of the Alkonost-bird there is a smile. And this is not without reason: one reminds that earthly life is only a moment, that wealth and power in it are worthless. The other gives love and faith. The Sirin bird was commanded to fly to the apple tree long before the apple Savior. Therefore, according to popular belief, someone who picks an apple ahead of time can pick the one on which the Sirin Bird brushed the dead dew from its wings. And then a person is punished with death for his impatience and greed. The Alkonost bird flies to Spas. And from this day on, all the fruits on the apple trees become healing. The bird brushes living dew from its wings. The fruits are transformed, and amazing power appears in them. Girls, picking the first apple and biting it, conceive their innermost desires and make wishes about love. “When you eat the first apple, “what is far-fetched will come true, what will come true will not pass away” Zdrava

June 15th, 2014

A reader asked the priest a question:Jehovah's Witnesses claim that Jesus was hanged from a pole. Where did they get this from, and how can we prove them otherwise? They stand on the word where it says in Acts 5:30, Acts 10:39 that Jesus was hanged on a tree. This is written in our Bible, but in their Bible it is written that he is hung on a pole and as a result of this they claim that we should carry not a cross but a pole!

Answer from an Orthodox priest: Peace to you, brother Andrey! The "torture stake" theory on which Jesus was supposedly crucified is one of several outlandish tales with which the Witnesses have confused the minds of Christians from other churches and people unfamiliar with the Bible. With all due respect, I cannot call it anything other than a "fable". I agree that there may be controversial issues in the understanding of the divinity of Christ and the person of the Holy Spirit, in the interpretation of eschatological prophecies, the choice of historical dates, etc. These are not the easiest or most understandable topics in the Bible. But the story of the cross and crucifixion is clear and understandable. And not only in the Bible, but also in historical documents... Stories about a certain pillar on which Jesus was allegedly crucified are simply a farce and a bluff, with the help of which dishonest ideologists of the Witnesses are trying to shock uninformed listeners, so that in general prove the falsehood of the faith of traditional Christianity. I don’t know whether ordinary Witnesses believe this fable or whether it’s just a “super argument” sent down from above for preaching to the masses...

Beginning with the October 15, 1931 issue, The Watchtower no longer featured the cross and crown on the cover. A few years later, Jehovah's people learned for the first time that Jesus Christ did not die on a T-shaped cross. On January 31, 1936, Rutherford presented a new book, Riches, to the Brooklyn Bethel family. In particular, on page 27 it said:“Jesus was not crucified on a wooden cross, which is represented in many images and paintings, and of which people make and display imagesJesus was crucified, nailed to a tree.”

True to Rutherford's revelation, modern Watchtower publications depict Jesus crucified on a vertical pillar with His hands—nailed not to a horizontal beam, but above His head. The April 1, 1965 Watchtower gives its version of Jesus' death:"His hands were placed one on top of the other and held until the point pierced and, piercing the flesh, settled in the tree. The blood barely had time to stain his hands red before another nail was driven into his feet. Then the post was raised until, finally, his body did not hang with all its weight on these two nails.”

The Watchtower insists that this description is biblical and reflects a more accurate understanding of the original Greek. The Watchtower Magazine writes:"The Bible shows that Jesus was not executed on the usual cross, but rather on a simple pillar or σταυρός (stau-ros). This Greek word, used in Matthew 27:40, primarily meant a simple vertical beam or pillar, which are used in the foundations of buildings. Thus, the cross has never been a sign of true Christianity."


I have more than once expressed my opinion regarding the honesty of the adherents of the Jehovah's Witnesses sect, whose headquarters are located in the USA, in Brooklyn. The sect publishes the magazines Awake and The Watchtower. Originally, in July 1879, the last magazine named was Zion's Watchtower and Messenger of the Presence of Christ. The methods of hacking into the minds of gullible people that activists of this sect use are exactly the same as those used by the main ideologist of Nazi Germany, Joseph Goebbels, in his time. However, as I was able to find out by studying Goebbels’ historical speeches, he did not always shamelessly lie to the Germans when he encouraged them to join the “National Socialist” party and swear allegiance to the Fuhrer Hitler. There were also words of pure truth in his speeches; he also used it when it was beneficial for the cause. So the Jehovah's Witnesses, it seems, have decided to tell the world the “plain truth” in order to harm their competitors—other religious denominations using the name of Jesus Christ on their “banners”.

There has already been a lot of debate in the media and on the Internet about whether Christ was crucified on a cross or on a pillar? Here are a couple of examples: 1 And 2 . All refer to textual evidence.

But recently Russian scientists Gleb Nosovsky and Anatoly Fomenko wrote a book "The Mystery of Russian History", which talked about excavations in the area Mother of God of the Nativity Luzhetsky Monastery, which, according to legend, “was founded by Saint Ferapont in 1408 at the request of Andrei Dmitrievich Mozhaisky, the son of Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy,” p. 100.

Excavations were carried out in 1999-2000 and testified to the glaring fact that the Romanov dynasty, which ruled Russia since 1613, in the period from 1651 to 1669 engaged in the restructuring and rewriting of religious history!!!

In the photo below we see the Luzhetsky Monastery and the monastery courtyard, where in 1999 archaeologists removed a layer of earth about two meters thick. The previous level of the ground is clearly visible from the dark strip running along the bottom of the monastery cathedral. It can also be seen that the windows of the cathedral were raised, except for one, which before the excavations began from the ground itself. In the foreground are tombstones of the 17th-19th centuries, dug out of the ground and carefully placed in rows. Now on the surface of the monastery courtyard the ground level of the 17th century is exposed.

It turned out that in the second half of the 17th century, rapid construction took place in the Luzhetsky Monastery. At the same time, they were walled up in the foundations of buildings erected in the 17th century. old tombstones from Russian cemeteries. There were so many tombstones thrown onto the building stone that it seems that the surrounding cemeteries were at some point almost completely cleared of tombstones. At the same time, hidden today from view, in the foundations, these old tombstones, as a rule, are not at all similar to those that are given to us today as supposedly “ancient Russian models.”

Almost all ancient tombstones excavated in the Luzhetsky Monastery are covered with the same carvings as the tombstones of the Staro-Simonov Monastery: they depict something that doesn’t look like a cross at all, which we are used to seeing on modern tombstones. Judge for yourself. The only thing that is common between ancient Slavic religious symbolism and modern Orthodox symbolism is the presence of an image of the Sun in the center.

After removing the top layer of earth, a foundation a small church built in the 17th century.

A cross, a symbol of the modern Orthodox Church, has already been built inside this foundation in our time. As you can see, there was neither such a cross nor any cross at all on ancient Russian tombstones, although Christianity already existed in Rus' at that time!

The foundation of this destroyed church contained tombstones from old Russian cemeteries, dating from the 16th - early 17th centuries. More than one was discovered there"fresh" tombstones. One is dated 7159, in terms of modern chronology- This 1651 The second is dated 7177, which is 1669 according to the new chronology. Consequently, the foundation of this church was laid after 1669, since the 1669 slab was already walled up in it.

These tombstones, which during the reign of the Romanov dynasty, were widely dismantled and used as building material.

As you can see, no CROSSES until the middle of the 17th century there were no Russian people on the graves, despite the fact that the baptism of Rus', as stated, took place in 988.


Why did the cross appear in the history of Christ in the second half of the 17th century?

Answer one:

The encyclopedia gives it to us: in the 1650s - 1660s years took place "Church reform of Patriarch Nikon."Undertaken then by Patriarch Nikon liturgical - canonical measures, aimed at changing the ritual tradition that then existed in Moscow (the north-eastern part of the Russian Church) in order to unification with modern Greek tradition, caused split Russian Church and led to the emergence of numerous Old Believer movements.

It was precisely in these years that in all Russian cemeteries all tombstones with old Christian symbols (without a cross) were demolished!!!

And today they explain to us that the schism of the church occurred at that time due to the fact that a disagreement arose between believers about how to be baptized correctly, with two fingers or three!!!

Those are liars!

The answer is second.

Have you ever heard the expression SUN WORSHIPERS?

Me often. Recently I even came across this evidence: "There is no doubt that Slavs were sun worshipers, this is also indicated by the Arab traveler of the 10th century. al-Masudi. He writes that the Slavs even had a temple with a drop-down roof and outbuildings from which they could watch the sunrise. The dead were buried with their heads facing east or with their eyes or face oriented in that direction. And it was recommended to sleep with your head turned to the east. Greetings and prayers to the rising or setting sun are known in southern Poland, Belarus and Ukraine. The worship of the sun as a deity also entered the Christian cult. There is a well-known custom, widespread among the Lusatian Slavs in East Germany, when entering a church, to turn and greet the rising sun." .

Curious? Yes!

And there is an even more interesting opinion of Lydia Grot, candidate of historical sciences, author of the publication "The Origin of Rus' and the Cult of the Sun".

About the name Slavs. The first mentions in written sources of a community under this name are recorded from the 6th century. AD True, it is usually stated that it is not known exactly when it appeared as a self-name, perhaps earlier than the 6th century. But be that as it may, in the 6th century in historical sources the name of the Slavs is associated either with the Balkans and the Danube region, or even with the southern Baltic coast. For example, there is a well-known story by the Byzantine historian and writer Theophylact Simocatta that in 591 three men were captured by the people of the Emperor Mauritius (582-602), who said that they were Slavs by birth and that they lived at the tip of the western Ocean, where they came from, to notify the Avar Khan of the impossibility of sending him the requested military assistance due to the too great remoteness of their country.3 The same information is also given by the Byzantine chronicler Theophanes.4 As a historian, I must rely on available sources, so while the 6th century. - this is a specific historical milestone in the appearance of the name “Slavs” in the historical arena...

"My story about the ancient Russian traditions of sun worship will concern Rusov, Where Rus - the self-name of the people recorded in Eastern European hydronyms on their historically ancestral territory of residence. Therefore, I begin the history of the Rus in Eastern Europe from the 3rd millennium BC., and I’ll show you part of this story, reflected in traditions sun worship or solar cults.

Solar cults, both in the ancient Russian tradition and in the traditions of the peoples of Siberia and the North, have been repeatedly involved in research and have a fairly rich historiography. But it is marked by some features that I would like to draw attention to. So, Old Russian solar cults are studied within the framework of common Slavic traditions (as, indeed, everything ancient Russian) or – common Slavic mythology, where the Slavs are identified with the speakers of the Slavic family of languages, the formation of which dates back to the middle - second half of the 1st millennium, as mentioned above...".

"When discussing sun worship in the ancient Russian tradition, it is important to imagine the place and role of solar cults among speakers of the Indo-European family of languages. In the first article of the new series, I wrote that for the name Kola there are parallels in Sanskrit, and precisely among the names for the sun, referring to the reasoning of the famous Indologist N.R. Guseva that the ancient Russian solar colo is close to the Sanskrit name for the sun khala, as well as with gol - “solar ball” and gola - “circle, sphere.” N.R. Guseva also pointed to the identity between the Sanskrit khala and another ancient Russian solar deity - Khorsa. She recalled that the name Khorsa is associated with horo - circle and with kolo - ring, wheel. Hence the word round dance, Bulgarian circle dance good, as well as Old Russian Kolovrat- sign of the rotation of the sun.

"Thus, the Old Russian round dance, the Western Buryat echor and the Bulgarian horo find themselves in the same semantic series, expressing solar symbolism. The Buryat echor is the result of the influence of Indo-European solar cults, lexical confirmation of which is found, for example, in ancient Iranian languages. The Bulgarian choir most likely came from the Volga together with the Turkic proto-Bulgarians, as the ancient Indo-European heritage of the ancient Turks, who are believed to have experienced the Tocharian and ancient Iranian traditions of worshiping the Sun. Round dance is a symbolic dance in Rus' in honor of solar deity, one of whose names was Horse(the deity is unknown among other Slavs outside Rus'). But unlike the Buryat echo and the Bulgarian choir, the Russian round dance was not included in the Old Russian tradition from somewhere outside, but is connected by an internal connection with the name sun deity Khorsa, born in Eastern Europe at that distant time when the ancestors of the ancient Rus and ancient Aryans were part of a single community of speakers of Indo-European languages ​​and coexisted within the framework of the cultural and sacred community that they created in the vastness of Eastern Europe to Siberia..." .

So, why did the cross appear in Rus' in the second half of the 17th century as a religious symbol of ORTHODOXY?

And in one case on the cross depicted "crucified sun", otherwise - crucified Jesus the Savior.

You don’t need to look too hard for the answer to this question: CROSS - This is the oldest solar symbol, the SYMBOL OF THE SUN. In the minds of millions of ancient people who once inhabited the earth, it was a symbol of LIFE, WELL-BEING, JOY.

The Christianizers of Rus' took this into account and made it so that this ancient SYMBOL OF THE SUN began to bear SADNESS, a SIGN OF GRIEF and DEATH.

Technology murders, (denigration, impregnation with negative energy) of the ancient Slavic symbol of the Sun - CROSS - was used by the Russian Orthodox Church the same as was used by the Nazis of Hitler’s Germany in the twentieth century. The symbol of LIFE began to be widely used as a symbol of DEATH. The CROSS became such after the church on the SYMBOL OF THE SUN imposed a figurine of a murdered (crucified) person, after which she began to reproduce this SYMBOL OF THE CRUCIFIXION in millions of copies. The Nazis are known to do this killed another ancient Russian symbol - Kolovrat(sign of the rotation of the sun). During the Second World War, under the sign of this Old Russian symbol Nazis ruined about 50,000,000 people. Now, for the vast majority of people living on the planet, this symbol, of course, does not evoke any positive emotions or thoughts.

But it was originally Old Russian Kolovrat - a sign of the rotation of the sun!

All these facts make us ask the question again: Who rules the world: religious power or political power?

Who stands higher in the hierarchy of world power: politicians or clergy, priests, creators of cults, about whom Jesus Christ said: "Your father is the devil and you want to do the lusts of your father..." (John 8:44).

Sun Worship - Planetary Religion


The sun is the star around which our planet revolves. The average distance from the Earth to the Sun, i.e. The semimajor axis of the Earth's orbit is 149.6 million km = 1 AU. (astronomical unit).

The Sun is a star that shines fairly evenly over millions of years. The fact that the Sun has been shining for a long time with approximately the same intensity is also evidenced by traces of organic life that scientists find in very ancient geological layers. These remains of organic life show that the Sun has been shining so brightly for a long time that living beings were able to arise and develop on Earth. In the rocks of the geological stage of Onferwacht (Transvaal, South Africa) the remains of relatively highly developed single-celled living beings were found. These living creatures are almost as complex as blue-green algae that exist today. Thus, the earliest signs of life on Earth appeared 3.5 billion years ago. This means that even then the power of solar lighting should have been approximately the same as it is today. If the surface temperature of the Sun were to change by just 10%, life on Earth would likely be wiped out. But our star evenly and calmly radiates the energy so necessary to support life on Earth.

The sun is the main deity

The central role of the Sun for the Earth was noticed in ancient times. In the religions of all peoples of the world, myths and fairy tales, the Sun has always occupied the main place. For all nations, the Sun is the main deity, for example, the radiant god Helios among the ancient Greeks, Dazhbog and Yarilo among the ancient Slavs. The worship of the Sun is also evidenced by the following historical fact: when the Greek philosopher Anaxagoras in the 5th century BC. began to assert that the Sun is not the god Helios, but a fiery clot, he was immediately accused of blasphemy and was forced to leave Athens. Probably traces of Sun worship are the cross and the swastika. These are stylized images of the Sun with diverging rays. The swastika reflects the ancients' understanding of the annual movement of the Sun along the ecliptic. The sun rolls along the ecliptic from right to left, as confirmed by observations made from the northern hemisphere of the Earth. The materialized rays of the sun are curved in such a way as not to interfere with this movement (otherwise the rays would dig into the ecliptic more strongly). A person’s life and well-being depended on the Sun.

The cult of the Sun was characteristic of many peoples, but it was most widespread in Ancient Egypt. One of the most important and revered Egyptian deities was Ra, the sun god, who was considered the first ruler of Egypt. It was also believed that all pharaohs are the sons of Ra and his governors on Earth.

In Mesopotamia, the sun god Shamash was also considered the main deity and his image was associated with justice.

The ancient history of the peoples who inhabited the territory of modern Russia, especially its circumpolar regions, remains a mystery. The fact that these places were once favorable for living, characterized by fairly comfortable climatic conditions, is evidenced by both archaeological finds, in particular the remains of mammoths, and geophysical studies, which do not refute the hypothesis of a change in the inclination of the Earth’s rotation axis relative to the Sun. In other words, many thousands of years ago in the polar regions the Sun could have been at its zenith, as it is now at the equator, and, naturally, there could have been a hot climate...

According to the assumption put forward by the writer Barchenko A.V. (early 20th century), Earth civilization arose in the North (in Rus' this is the region of the Kola Peninsula), but after a certain cosmic cataclysm occurred, which caused a flood on Earth, and then a cold snap, the peoples who inhabited these circumpolar territories began to leave their places and move to the South. This ancient civilization on the territory of Rus' was called the “Country of Hyperborea”... Whether this is so remains a mystery, but there is another evidence base, at least not refuting Barchenko’s hypothesis.

The fact is that if in the country of Hyperborea there really was a hot climate, the Sun was at its zenith for a long time (overhead!), then the thought of... sun worship inevitably arises! Convincing traces of religious buildings and temples testifying to sun worship have not been preserved, however, what has been preserved is... the language!

Sun Ra in Russian

If you listen and think about it, the sun god Ra is present in the Russian language in great abundance:
joy (Ra - will give!, the state of mind that God Ra gives),
dawn (Ra - light!, light that comes from the god Ra),
rainbow (Ra - light!, arc),
punishment (punishment consisting of being brought to trial before the god Ra),
theft (an act for which they are brought to trial before the god Ra),
yell (call out to the god Ra: O! Ra!, later U! Ra!),
it's time (time to call on the god Ra),
mountain (a place, a hill from which one should appeal to the god Ra),
red (visited before the god Ra),
pockmarked (Raboi, influenced by the god Ra),
parade (demonstration of devotion to the god Ra),
holiday (an event associated with the demonstration of devotion to the god Ra).

Natural phenomena may also be associated with the name of the god Ra: hurricane, hail, thunderstorm, thunder (roar), rainbow, heat... etc. and so on. And finally (or first of all!) the word “paradise”! The given examples of mentions in the Russian language of the sun god Ra indicate the fairly strong roots of sun worship in the way of life of the peoples of ancient Rus'.

It is impossible not to notice that similar mentions of the god Ra can be found in other language groups:
Arabic (Rahmani - merciful, Rahimi - merciful),
Hebrew (Rabbi - master),
English (Red - red),
French (Rapier - feather, beam),
Greek (Radius - ray)...

Thus, sun worship at one time was truly a planetary religion, widespread in most countries of the world.

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In the Moscow Kremlin, on the Great Assumption Bell, a cast inscription was placed, on which, in particular, it was: “In the year from the creation of the world 7268, and from the incarnation of God the Word 1760, this bell was cast.” After the loss of the bell in the events of the “Napoleonic Wars” it was cast new, it already had different dates: “In the year from the creation of the world 7325 from the incarnation of God the Word 1817.” - Pushkin was born before the baptism of Rus' into Christianity, which is a Jewish sect.

Originally posted by svetlanasuhova at Fraud of meanings! Or...

In connection with Patriarch Kirill’s trip to Cuba to meet with the Pope, who recognized Catholicism as the younger brother of Judaism and the intention to sign “some kind of” joint and pre-agreed documents, kept secret from a wide circle of believers, the topic is very relevant.

O official religion in Russia - Left Orthodoxy! Orthodoxy remains only among the Old Believers and Old Believers!

Original taken from blagin_anton in The official religion in Russia is Left Orthodoxy! Orthodoxy remains only among the Old Believers and Old Believers!

Are you surprised, reader, soapplication?!

I myself am shocked by what I found out! How many lies have been written and said regarding the origin of the word "ORTHODOXY", which is used in the title, but the truth turned out to be different!

With the discovery of this truth, all nonsense fell away for me at once (like bad plaster from a wall!) NEOPAGANS(claiming that Orthodoxy = glorify Prav!), and nonsense NEO-CHRISTIAN(claiming that Orthodoxy = straight, correct).

If we talk about the origin of RUSSIAN ORTHODOXY (and our Russian Church is called exactly that - "Russian Orthodox Church" or ROC), then the origin of the word ORTHODOXY all linguists should have looked not in the Greek scriptures, which are called "Gospels" , and for some reason translated into Russian as "Good News"(although in the word "Gospel" the roots are clearly visible Eva - life And Helios - Sun), and one should look for it in old Russian traditions! This is at least logical and correct! After all, Christianity, when it came to Rus' in the 10th century or later, actively absorbed (absorbed) folk,"pagan" (from the word pagans "peoples") traditions, and one of those borrowed by Christianity Russian traditions that's exactly what happened ORTHODOXY.

So this is the origin of the term "RUSSIAN ORTHODOXY" directly related to the ancient folk ritual, which is also called differently SALON.

This Old Russian word, if adapted to the modern Russian language, means "According to the Sun".

Salting(or "according to the Sun") is circular movement committed clockwise. In the old Russian tradition this is Roundabout Circulation was indicated graphically by a four-pointed symbol, which was called "Salting":

This is not a swastika! ThisSalting!

On the theme of this old Russian symbol I already wrote an article once "How the Swastika was invented and what it means - "Salting"" , however genuine epiphany it came to me just the other day when I looked at, perhaps for the fifth time, swastika icon, photographs of which are available on the Internet.

For some reason I thought (probably like many) that this "someone's joke". Well, people decided to make a joke, so they made themselves an icon in the form cross-swastika! And when I finally asked what kind of “joke” this was and who created it, it turned out that it was 18th century icon, which is called "SYMBOL OF FAITH"!!!

That’s when it “clicked” in my head that the sign SALON, which is now commonly called in Eastern SWASTIKA- this is true SYMBOL ORTHODOX FAITH. This is where the name “RIGHT-glory” comes from, in the sense that people glorify God the Savior and Giver of Life, making movement according to the Sun, or in other words, moving clockwise, V right side!

What means “to glorify God the Savior and giver of life, moving along the Sun, or in other words, clockwise” ???

And now you will understand! I understand, and you will definitely understand too!

Imagine that you live without electricity, without central heating, in a wooden Russian hut somewhere in the center of Russia or in the Russian North. And around you other people live in exactly the same conditions.

On whom will your life directly depend?

Of course, from the Sun! It is associated not only with the change of day and night, but also with the change of season. Summer is undoubtedly the most fertile time of life, in the fall we need to prepare for a severe test - to store food for winter, when it will be cold, hungry, and there will be snow all around. Spring is the time of nature's awakening from winter hibernation, and then the blessed time comes again - summer. Like this - summer after summer and man lived, and the Sun was for him truly the “Heavenly Father,” on whom the lives of people directly depended.

And people, people, of course, understood this. They also understood that the Sun "goes in circles", and as a result of this happens change of seasons.

At the same time, people began to distinguish when summer solstice day when it happens winter solstice when it comes day of spring and autumn equinox.

Rejoicing at the Sun in the sky, our ancestors began to arrange folk, "pagan"(from the word pagans- "peoples") holidays, praising the Sun.

In the photo: modern celebration of the Sun Festival in Murmansk after the end of the Polar Night.

During these national holidays, our ancestors laid out on the ground cross, symbolizing four seasons , in the center of this cross they lit a fire, symbolizing the Sun, and then performed the so-called "Code of the Cross" around the fire and the cross (this is the meaning of the phrase "procession"), moving "in the course of the Sun" , the way it moves across the sky.

That is why the symbol appeared in Russian culture"Salting", symbolizing movement"according to the Sun", clockwise, orright-hand rotation.

Now I will tell you the real story that happened in Orthodox Rus' in the 15th century. Let me remind you that by that time Rus' had already been for several centuries"Christianized".

Although in the same Gospels it is black and white about "pagans" literally the following was written:

“These twelve Jesus sent, and commanded them, saying: ye shall not GO INTO THE WAY OF THE GENTILES, and ye shall not enter into the city of the Samaritans; but GO FIRST TO THE LOST SHEEP OF THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL..." (Matt. 10:5-6).

“For when the pagans, who do not have the law, by nature do what is lawful, then, not having the law, they are a law unto themselves: they show that the work of the law is written in their hearts, as their conscience bears witness...”(Rom. 2:14-15)

“The law is not made for the righteous, but for the wicked and disobedient, for the wicked and sinners, for the depraved and defiled, for those who insult father and mother, for murderers, for fornicators, homosexuals, predators, (slanderers, bestialists,) liars, perjurers, and for everything that is contrary to sound doctrine..." (1 Tim. 1:9-10).

This is why Jesus Christ, when he came to "to the lost sheep of the house of Israel" , told them: “It is not the healthy who need a physician, but the sick; I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance...” (Mark 2:17).

Do you understand the difference between pagans And "the sons of the house of Israel" which today teach everyone morality and culture ?

And now several centuries have passed since the sacrificial feat of Jesus Christ and his death on the cross, which among the “pagans” was a symbol of the Sun, and Rus' was invaded some priests, "who considered the Slavs to be barbarians, second-class people, almost beasts..." ! It’s not hard to guess who it was... Especially if you know the words of Christ the Savior: "Beware of the SCRIBES, who love to wear long robes, and love to be greeted in public assemblies, to preside in the synagogues, and to sit high at feasts,who devour widows' houses and hypocritically pray for a long time; they will receive all the more condemnation..." (Luke 20:46-47).

But in the role of “Christianizers” it was these very people who came to the holy Russian land "scribes" ... They had a cross in one hand, and a Bible in the other! Despite the fact that teachings of Christ the Savior was verbal..., exclusively pagan, which could only be transmitted living language.

What did they do?

They became "church paganism" !

What is this meant, said the famous Soviet and Russian philologist, semiotician, historian of language and culture Boris Andreevich Uspensky.

"...It is necessary to recall that a number of rituals and symbols of the Christian Church have a completely obvious and undoubtedly pagan origin... According to a modern historian of the Church, Christianity adopted and made its own many forms of pagan religion because all The idea of ​​Christianity is not to replace all forms in this world with new ones, but to fill them with new...content.

Baptism with water, a religious meal, anointing with oil - the Church did not invent or create all these fundamental religious acts; they all already existed in the religious practice of mankind. The Church converted many forms of religion that were common to paganism into the service of Christianity.

How the pagans celebrated December 25th birth of the invincible Sun so are Christians to this day coincided with the celebration of the Nativity of Christ who taught people to worship "To the Sun of Truth". The same date became the date of “Epiphany”. The church cult of the unmercenaries, as is known, has much in common with the pagan cult of the Dioscuri.

Speaking about the adaptation of Christian holidays to pagan ones, we can further point out that the feast of the Beheading of John the Baptist on August 29 was established by the Alexandrian Church in contrast to the Alexandrian New Year festivities.

The holidays of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, September 8, and the Conception of the Virgin Mary, January 12, were established in Asia in opposition to the Olympic Games.

The Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, August 6, is of Armenian-Cappadorian origin, established in Armenia in contrast to the pagan holiday of Ross.

The Day of the Archangel Michael, November 8, is of Alexandrian origin, replacing the ancient holiday of the Epiphany, established by the Egyptian Church as opposed to celebrations in honor of the Egyptian goddess.

Thus, the Church, as it were, gave Christian illumination to folk festivals, naturally at the same time, certain pagan rituals had to be preserved, which, however, received new content, being rethought in terms of Christian ideas.

And in exactly the same way, churches were erected on the site of pagan temples, and pagan priests, as Christianity spread, became (replaced) by Christian clergy.

Practice churching of paganism, which, as we have seen, dates back to the first centuries of Christianity, was preserved in Byzantine, and then in Russian Church. Accordingly, a whole series of rituals, both general and local, and in general a number of moments of cult behavior reveal in Christianity an undoubted pagan origin..." .

Practice "churching paganism" , as history has shown, came down to Christianizers to the fact that they distorted all folk Slavic traditions and beliefs, filling them not with the true (as they convinced everyone), but with an unnatural meaning. And what had at least some natural-scientific component in the faith of the Slavs was made completely meaningless and ugly by them.

Let me give you a simple and very clear example. I will retell the true story, which is included in all encyclopedias.

On August 12, 1479, Moscow Metropolitan Gerontius consecrated the main cathedral church of the Russian Church - the Assumption Cathedral in the city of Moscow. During its consecration, the Metropolitan performed a religious procession antisalt, that is, he led the people around the cathedral against the movement of the Sun. When Grand Duke Ivan III found out about this, he was dissatisfied with this and was angry with the Metropolitan. Naturally, a dispute began between the prince and the metropolitan. To resolve the dispute, the priest-scribes began to look in their books for a record of how to correctly perform the movement during worship, however, they did not find anything in them. Then the archimandrites and abbots came out in defense of the metropolitan. One abbot, justifying the metropolitan, said that he saw the religious procession take place antisalt on Mount Athos in Greece.

The prince, to support his opinion, called Archbishop Vassian of Rostov and Archimandrite Gennady of the Chudov Monastery, for both were of Russian origin. In contrast to their opinion, Metropolitan Gerontius cited the fact that the deacon performs " censing" around the throne "against the sun". The archbishop and archimandrite invited by Prince Ivan III said the following to confirm their point of view: “The righteous sun is Christ, come to death and hell, and free souls, and for this reason, they say, they come to Easter, they also represent it at Matins.”.

So, with the support of two priests, the prince remained unconvinced and forbade Metropolitan Gennady to consecrate the newly built churches, of which there were quite a lot in Moscow by that time.

After the invasion of Akhmat in 1480, the religious dispute was resumed in 1481, on July 22. There were only two people on the side of the Grand Duke: Archbishop Joasaph of Rostov (Vassian had already died) and Archimandrite Gennady. Everyone else was on the side of the Metropolitan.

The prince stubbornly stood his ground, which is why the metropolitan left for the Simonov Monastery and announced to the prince that he would completely leave the metropolitan see if the prince did not submit...

Further, according to the narrative given in the encyclopedia, "Prince Ivan III reconciled himself, sent his son to the Metropolitan with a request to return to his throne. The Metropolitan did not return. Then the prince himself went to the Metropolitan, declared himself guilty of everything, promised to obey the Metropolitan in everything, and as for driving directions, then he gave it to the will of the Metropolitan, as he ordered and as it was in the old days..."

In the middle of the 17th century, the church reform undertaken by Patriarch Nikon affected all churches in Rus' and unified all rituals according to Greek models. However, Nikon's innovations were not accepted by part of the Russian people. A church schism occurred. Those who continued to honor the old Russian traditions and walk during “religious processions” in the direction of the movement of the Sun ( "salt") and stayed that way Russian Orthodox, those began to be called "Old Believers" . A "new believers" become obediently follow the priests during “religious processions” against the movement of the Sun, that is, counterclockwise, and thus became...Left-Orthodox.

Why is it necessary? walk against the sun? Who are they this is how they glorify? - believers no longer understand, but, as they say, they are told to go, so they follow the priests... without knowing why!

So the natural scientific meaning of this folk ritual was replaced by meaninglessness! So it turns out thatThe official religion in Russia is Left Orthodoxy! And in the title "Russian Orthodox Church"just deceit and deceit.

Well, on the other hand, what did you want, comrades?!

This is one of the manifestations "Yoke of the Jews" ...

It's true, it's true "Jew's yoke", not forever, very soon it must be overthrown...

Have you read my previous post? "The world is on the eve of great changes" , in which I provided wonderful analytics from a blogger from St. Petersburg Doktornica?

He gave in this analysis his explanation of why suddenly in January 2016 "The Pope called for the unification of Christians, Muslims and Jews: “All who are from the Abrahamic religions, now is the time for unity, for the end of times is near”, “There is time left... until the end of this year”" ?

Blogger Doktornic explained the essence of what was happening this way:

"Sharp changes in the foreign policies of different countries towards Russia have appeared at the end of the first half of 2015. Then it happened some event that changed the future. At the same time, “strange” steps of some countries began, unnoticed by political scientists. At the same time, the “dark leaders of the expelled” took the first steps to change the “master”. And the events that are happening today and will happen in the near future speak about one thing - “The entire top of the lackeys of the “dark forces” learned that their “master” had been deprived of strength and power over people. And lackeys always go to the winner.”

The heads of Muslims are walking because their main shrine is Tabut Sakina is located in Russia. The owner of this shrine controls the minds and hearts of Muslims.

The Roman Catholic Church and the Russian Orthodox Church decided to save themselves together, forgetting about all disagreements and claims, because the entire “Christian Church” is at stake!

The Jews decided, as usual, to bypass their colleagues, directly to the new winner - the owner. Closer to the feeder. But alas. All three religions will be destroyed!

In their place will appear a completely new one, without any church deception. Pure, new FAITH in the FATHER.

All this might seem like complete nonsense, if not for one thing...

There are too many facts that confirm my words. Then, in the second half of 2015, I began writing the chapter “The Day the Future Changed.” It contains, in chronological order, significant and not so significant events that SUDDENLY began to happen in the world. Moreover, what is very strange, most of these very important events for some reason went unnoticed by political scientists and experts. It's as if their eyes were blinded.

I don't know when this chapter will be finished. Too much needs to be connected into a single and unbreakable chain for people to see that the future has changed. And it changed one beautiful sunny Divine day..."

I can complement the blogger's chapter Doktornic the missing "puzzle" event, which is really went unnoticed from political scientists and experts.

At the end of the first half of 2015 in the Russian North, in the cradle of RUSSIAN ORTHODOXY, the Russian prosecutor's office for the Murmansk region and the Center for Combating Extremism in the Murmansk region suddenly learned about the existence of my book in the global information space, the title of which speaks for itself "APOCALYPSE COMES TOMORROW". When these two powerful Russian government agencies got acquainted with its contents and immediately made a decision recognize the book as extremist according to the court, that's what changed future...

On "biblical scribes" there was a man withcorrect a book!

The first person who understood, literally felt, that this was not just an ordinary book, but a Sign from Above, foreshadowing a close"end times"for all the so-called "Abrahamic religions" under the global control of the Jews, there was, as befits his position, Pope Francis I. He also realized that the Procurator of the Leninsky District of the city of Murmansk, being a completely incompetent person in the Divine sphere, started the timer with a reverse countdown, which will ultimately cause the Apocalypse throughout the world and everything that follows...

I am sure that this is why the head of the Vatican raised universal nix calling for "unification of Christians, Muslims and Jews" as part of an emergency convocation... "Pan-Orthodox Council".

The last one, of course, made me smile!

"Pan-Orthodox Council" with Left-Orthodox "processions of the cross"!

This circus the end will really come soon!

By the way, the word circus very interesting etymology - it comes from Latin circus "circle, lists" and from Proto-Indo-European kirk "turn around, turn around".

Here "turn And wrap up"- the most accurate meaning of what awaits "power of darkness" .

This term, by the way, was not invented by me; it came to us from the same Gospels:

“And Jesus said to the chief priests and rulers of the temple and the elders who were gathered together against Him, “As if you had come out against a thief with swords and staves to take Me?Every day I was with you in the temple, and you did not raise your hands against Me, but now your time And "power of darkness". (Luke 22:52-53).

And now the time is allotted "power of darkness" , ends... At hour X, known only to God, the HARVEST described by Jesus and retold by the evangelists must take place:

"38 The field is the world; the good seed are the sons of the kingdom; but the taressons of the evil one;

39 The enemy who sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the age, and the reapers are angels.

40 Therefore, just as the tares are gathered up and burned with fire, so it will be at the end of this age.:

41 The Son of Man will send His angels, and from His kingdom they will gather all temptations and workers of iniquity,

42 and they will be cast into the fiery furnace; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth;

43 Then the righteous will shine like the Sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears to hear, let him hear!”(Gospel of Matthew, chapter 13).

Post scriptum

Concerning left-handed swastikas, whom he chose as symbol of Nazism Adolf Hitler then from the point of view of Orthodoxy, This symbol of the movement of the sun what happens in "other world" (as they used to say!), on the opposite side of the Earth, that is, in the southern hemisphere of the planet.

This is not difficult to understand if you pay attention to the poles of our planet and the direction of their rotation:

And if in addition left-handed swastikaalso take into account thattreacherous attackAdolf Hitler's Nazi army attacked the USSRon the brightest day of the year- June 22, 1941 - and set as its goaltotal destruction of the Slavs, then it becomes clear thatfake Aryanacted in concert with"biblical Jews", Christianizers Rus'.