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What Jewish girls look like. Leo Tolstoy and the Jews

“The end of the Russian myth: A.S. Pushkin is a Jew!” one of my friends, also a well-known Ukrainian journalist, remarked: “It’s good that you returned to the Abyssinian Falasha Jews their brilliant “Russian” poet A. Pushkin. Now it turns out that the founder of the modern Russian language and literature is not a Russian at all, but a truly African Jew.” In response to this, I expressed regret that A.S. Pushkin ( 1799-1837) turned out to be an Abyssinian, not a Ukrainian Jew...

Let us recall that Maria Alekseevna Hannibal, the grandmother of A. Pushkin on the maternal side (through which kinship among Jews has long been traced) was the daughter of the Abyssinian Jew Joseph Abramovich Hannibal and the Russian Jewess Sarah Yuryevna Rzhevskaya.

You know, it’s like in preference - “the card loves a tear”... Not otherwise than at the behest of the outstanding Jewish humorist - the god Yahweh (the same one who drove the Jews into the Palestinian desert in the 13th century BC, calling it the “Promised Land” "), I came across a biography of the great Russian writer Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy ( 1828-1910).

The most “unremarkable biography of an ordinary genius.” True, with one subtle detail: “On his mother’s side, L.N. Tolstoy was a relative of A.S. Pushkin”...

Sensation? - Still would! It is on the maternal side that it turns out that A. Pushkin is a Jew! But, since L. Tolstoy and A. Pushkin are relatives on the maternal side, it means that on the mother’s side (Bolkonsky, Trubetskoy, Odoevsky) L. Tolstoy is also a Jew!

Apparently, these “ethnic-Russian” clans come from the Jewish Khazaria, defeated in the 10th century by the great Ukrainian prince Svyatoslav. Otherwise, why would almost all of Leo Tolstoy’s relatives settle in Kazan?

It is no secret that L. Tolstoy, his sister and three brothers, after the early death of their parents, moved to their guardian and relative P. I. Yushkova (the word “yushka,” by the way, means “soup” in Ukrainian). The house of the guardian of orphans P. Yushkova was one of the most fun in Kazan; All family members highly valued external shine. L. Tolstoy later recalled: “My kind aunt, a pure being, always said that she would want nothing more for me than for me to have a relationship with a married woman.”

Tolstoy lived in Kazan for several years, “for some reason” intensively studied the “Turkish-Tatar” language and entered the oriental department of Kazan University. The “budget,” as they say, didn’t work out and Tolstoy begins his studies as a contract student. However, having received unsatisfactory grades in history and German, he was retained for the second year. Having tried to start a new student life at the Faculty of Law, he failed here too, deciding for himself that studying at the university was a boring and unworthy activity.

From the official biography of the writer we know that in adulthood he was fluent in English, French and German. I read in Italian, Polish, Czech and Serbian. Knew Greek, Latin, Ukrainian , Tatar, Church Slavonic. Studied Hebrew , Turkish, Dutch, Bulgarian and other languages.

Let us note for ourselves the proven fact of L. Tolstoy’s command of the Ukrainian language. We don’t know for sure where he could have learned it. In the family of your relative-guardian P. Yushkova? During the Caucasian War, when he lived in the house of a Ukrainian Cossack and communicated with Ukrainians who served in the tsarist army? During the Sevastopol campaign in the Ukrainian Crimea, when military communication with ethnic Ukrainian “Cat Sailors” was vital? Or during spiritual searches and attempts to understand the old Ukrainian roots of the Bible and Christian teaching?..

However, this is not so important at all. It is enough that the great Russian writer L. Tolstoy knew the ancient Ukrainian language, which he needed in his daily life in the ethnic-Ukrainian lands of the Caucasus and Crimea.

Of particular note is the desire L. Tolstoy learn Hebrew as an adult. In particular, he wrote about this as follows: “All this time (1882) I studied Jewish very closely, and I almost learned it, I read it and understand it. Rabbi Minor here, a very good and intelligent man, teaches me.”

It is clear that there was nothing accidental in this world, and no. L. Tolstoy, of course, knowing about his Jewish kinship with the Abyssinian Jew A. Pushkin, at the age of 54 falls under the influence of the main Moscow Jew Zelik (Solomon) Minor, then the rabbi and head of the Jewish religious community of Moscow. I don’t think they limited themselves to just learning Hebrew. The whole joke is that Z. Minor (1826-1900) was born in the city of Romny, Sumy region, and, of course, could not help but know the language of the dominant Ukrainian population there!

So it may well be that the Ukrainian Jew Z. Minorm could speak with L. Tolstoy, who also knew the Ukrainian language, and in this language too! In addition, it is possible that L. Tolstoy’s contacts with the Jews were monitored by the empire’s intelligence services, which worked closely with the Moscow Patriarchate, which excommunicated the great Russian writer L. Tolstoy from the Orthodox Church.

The level of hatred and aggression on the part of the Moscow Patriarchate towards Leo Tolstoy, who remembered his Jewish roots, can be assessed at least by the following quote from one of the church hierarchs of that time - John of Kronstadt: “Where, do not allow Leo Tolstoy, the heretic who surpassed all heretics , to reach before the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, whom he blasphemed terribly and blasphemes. Take him from the ground - this stinking corpse, which stinks the whole earth with its pride. Amen".

And one more eloquent fact from the biography of L. Tolstoy, who in 1896. “for some reason” took an active part in the campaign of broad public solidarity with Abyssinia, raising funds and sending a Russian hospital to Abyssinia. It is from there, let us recall, that the Jewish roots of his great relative A. Pushkin come from the maternal side.

Finally, we note that A. Pushkin and L. Tolstoy, who had common Jewish relatives, are outstanding classics of modern Russian literature and the Russian language, which, in fact, is a joint surzhik project of Ukrainians and Jews.

And whoever disagrees with this, you can throw a stone at the Jewish ancestors of A. Pushkin and L. Tolstoy: Joseph Abramovich Hannibal, Sarah Yuryevna Rzhevskaya and the entire family of the Bolkonskys, Trubetskoys and Odoevskys!

Although now, in my opinion, the time has come to collect the stones and cleanse them of the layers of imperial mythology and lies. And the above-mentioned brilliant writers fully deserve to finally have the truth written about them!

Valery Bebik

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I was born in Ukraine, in Chernigov. Well, of course, absolute inner hatred of oneself as a Jew. It's terrible, but it's a common thing, and you live with it as if it were a common thing. Negroes, I thought later, because somehow they live, and so will I. However, not all my thoughts were absorbed in this, because the city is beautiful, and I was lucky at school, the teachers were wonderful, the girlfriends were amazing. Our yard is friendly, mom and dad and grandma are just a song...

How did your family live?

This is a very funny story, and it is typical. The main food in the house is fried potatoes with lard, incredibly delicious baked potatoes with fried lard, and lard. I can tell you how to resin it correctly, how lard is different, because you can’t try it now - it simply doesn’t exist. There was also such food as stuffed neck and stuffed fish, “fish fish”. And this was already offensive, because no one in the house did this. My friends came to me, I treated them, and they asked what it was. Then the grandmother would get out and say that it was a “fish fish.” That is, her appearance was not only all-consuming, she also said that it was “riba fish”. Well, I would say that it’s just fish, but no, it’s “riba-fish.”

Then, that means, patronymics. Everything is fine with the names: dad is Mikhail, mom is Vera. But the middle names let us down: dad is Solomonovich, mom is Aizikovna, and grandmother is generally a disgrace to the whole world - because she is Basya Solomonovna. It's horrible. And also Uncle Ovram came from Kyiv. He, of course, is not Abram, but Ovram, but he’s also not good, that’s understandable.

Why nothing good? Was this already in the air?

Yes. I understood that this was indecent. I was tactless when I said that my parents were called that, and I realized it very quickly. Actually, I didn’t hear any conversations going on in our house: they say, anti-Semitism... No, I didn’t even know that such a thing existed. I only knew that for some reason being a Jew was indecent. And then there are the circumstances that come along. As a child, I was a very fat girl, to put it mildly. A fat Jewish child, all the charm for an anti-Semite was concentrated in me. And my sister and I are twins, well, that means the two of us are two fat Jewish children, indescribable beauty, in the sense of horror - curls and all that. We didn’t fit into any size, because there are no such sizes. Ashamed. On top of that, I’m also Jewish. Not only am I fat and ugly, I am Jewish. I had two more brothers, which means we have four children. It’s generally indecent that there are so many of us. Plus poverty. This is said loudly, because we were always full, simple healthy, well, not very healthy food, of course, but a lot. The children were well-fed, dressed like everyone else dressed then - just shoes, a uniform, nothing else, no other dresses - and why? That is, such a tangle of inferiority, of course, associated with Jewishness. This is true because we are Jews.

The fact is that if a child sees that someone lives differently next to him, then he cannot understand that there is someone else who lives differently from his neighbor, but precisely like him. Therefore, he cannot understand where is right and where is wrong, a row must necessarily line up. But such a row could not line up for me, it so happened that we were the only ones in the house. Upstairs lived the colonel's family, amazing people, the Dunaevs. I remember their grandmother Dunya, she was from Belarus, she wore a black skirt, a satin blouse, she was thin, she read all the time. Actually, she was illiterate, but she read all the time. There was this checkered arithmetic textbook with yellow drawings, and her Bible was woven into this arithmetic. But I couldn’t know this, and it turned out that my grandmother was reading arithmetic. And my friend Natasha is a wonderful girl, smart. We were always kind of unwashed (well, who stopped us from washing? Can we wash ourselves?), and she is sterile, has beautiful blond hair, and is dressed like a doll. They had just arrived from Cuba then. Do you understand what this is - from Cuba, 68-69? Knitted dress, bought with checks. Her mother completed courses at the House of Officers and sewed a raincoat from “space” fabric. Father, Colonel Semyon Frolovich, an amazing guy, thin, wearing a hat. Their houses are beautiful, the sinks are incredible, the carpets, and this old lady can do arithmetic. Can you imagine? I have a grandmother, so she makes fish all the time, the whole house stinks of garlic, and there my grandmother reads arithmetic.

Nevertheless, Natasha loved to come to us, we played, got crazy at home, and on the street. That is, it’s as if there is nothing, but at times there seems to be something. You live in anticipation of some kind of catch and start to think... I, like all fat children, and also Jews, began to think very early. We never talked about this with Alka, with my sister, because she is the same. Why poison each other's souls? So there was no one to talk to.

Were there other Jewish relatives, Jewish friends, perhaps?

No. These are the characteristics of our family, or more precisely, the character of the father. He was an extremely unsociable person. He worked like an ox, as a foreman, and built cultural objects: clubs, cinemas, monuments. We have never had inter-family communication, when we go to visit each other, because “they will still envy us.” What did we have to envy? I don’t know, a piece of lard or something. But for some reason my father was sure that people were evil, and it was better that no one came into the house. This, of course, did not apply to children.

When Grandma Basya was alive, she and my mother sometimes spoke Yiddish - so that we would not understand how this usually happens in families. Probably, he and his mother exchanged phrases like: “How much can these two fat fools eat, tell them to eat less.”

However, there was also grandmother Sonya, Sofa, Sofya Borisovna Polinovskaya in Ostra, and we went to see her. There was an abandoned garden, a huge house, with a leatherette sofa, a black wardrobe, a Bozhenkov sideboard, photographs in carved wooden frames, and napkins. Grandmother Sonya and Aunt Sonya lived in one part of the house, and they rented out the other part to a Belarusian family. And there I first encountered... It was in the summer, and then a lot of vacationers came there from Kyiv and for some reason from Leningrad. Blessed places, incredible beauty. And here we are sitting on this sofa with the visiting girls who settled with their family in their grandmother’s house; We were twelve years old then. It’s twilight, the shutters are closed, and they give me a “nettle” and say: “You’re a Jew, be patient.” Grandma is sleeping, mom has gone to the market. And the horror of this pain, some kind of meaninglessness, and again shame - it means that I deserved it in some way. The girls are good, no matter what? Some kind of idiocy. But then it discharged, and we went for a walk as if nothing had happened.

And on walks in Ostra, say, with my father or mother, I was interested in passers-by who they were and asked my parents. This is Moisey Abrasaulovich Kamsky, they answer. - And who is this? – And this is Isaac Berlazar Shai Moisey Shmulkin. - Fine. And who is this? - And this is Aunt Tilya. And this is Uncle Venya. In general, the names are completely indecent, but they live there with such names. I didn’t ask then why there were so many Jews, I just couldn’t. Firstly, because it was impossible to pronounce the word “Jew”, I had convulsions. However, over time it became clear to me that this is a Jewish city and that is why there are so many Jews. But going to Oster was also a shame. Because this is how I connect.

Didn’t it feel like you were in your own environment?

No. This is not my environment, I’m not like that. I cannot be that which is shameful, or rather, I do not want to be that which is shameful. I don’t understand why, why I’m ashamed, I see that these people work honestly, they don’t kill anyone, but I don’t want to, take me away from here.

Then Grandma Basya dies, it was 74. We just sighed after the death of our grandmother, because the place became vacant and we had to take Grandma Sonya in with us. What is it? Grandma Basya compared to grandma Sonya is just Marilyn Monroe in her best years. Because grandmother Sonya really let us down in terms of appearance. Her nose was simply indecent, criminal, she didn’t wear teeth because “why”, glasses, a haircut with a brace and a comb, and a stick. Such a Jewish Baba Yaga. A terrible old woman, a bony, tall, beautiful woman, as I now understand. And Aunt Sonya. Aunt Sonya is better, of course, but her accent is also terrible. And so, that means they will live with us. We had four rooms, for which dad needs to erect a separate monument. But the house is a “Khrushchev”, one room is ten meters, the second is four, the third is five, and there is a “hall” in which they put two beds. Well, for beauty, of course, they covered it with plush. But the girls come to me... And these two – okay, they’d lie there and be silent, but they’re still talking! "What's the weather like? Rainfall?" Death! Just die.

In addition, grandmother Sonya kept kosher; she brought a Passover dish and dishes with her from Ostra, and she used them every day. So what did these bastards do? Brother Borya was a serious boy, he read more and more books, but brother Sashka was a blast. The grandmother sits, doesn’t touch anyone, sits and eats with her spoon. So this little shit sits next to her, takes a piece of bacon, eats it and looks at her. Ashamed. Its crowning number is jam from a three-liter jar. In our house it’s poor, but it’s a lot; if it’s jam, it’s a three-liter jar. Sashka sits down opposite Grandma Sonya and eats straight from the can. And this infuriated her beyond belief. But she is silent. He eats, she is silent, he eats half a jar, does not wash the spoon - mom will wash it, of course. Dad comes for lunch. "Mom, how are you feeling?" Grandma is lying down. “Misha, I feel good. I always feel good. Today Sasha ate jam from a jar again. Misha! He’s not a person, he’s a Strukovite!” And the Strukovites are a famous monarchist gang that lived in their area.

However, the grandmothers survived. They died quickly, like all old people when they are removed from their place. Now: what needs to be done to at least somehow neutralize Jewishness, for me personally, here and now. I studied well, and so did my sister. Not excellent students, but good: mathematics - D, physics, chemistry - D, simply because these subjects should not exist, but they do, we fought with them in this way. But the story was going great, Ukrainian was great, I still adore this language. The language is brilliant, in terms of capacity, Russian rests before it, it apparently has more proto-Slavic roots, and what can be said in Ukrainian in one phrase takes a long time to develop in Russian.

The only thing is that Jewry must be neutralized, this terrible stigma must be washed away once and for all. How? I need to lose weight. Over the summer, my sister and I lost twenty kilograms each, and on the first of September our school fainted. Beauty. This is all very good, but inside I’m still a fat, nasty Jew. My life did not become any easier, because there was more deception, but the essence did not change. This means that we need to get rid of the remnants of external Jewry. This is very difficult, since I am like my grandmother Sonya, however, I have a gentle option. But it seemed to be possible, because everything became quiet. After all, grown people won’t tease you in the yard, it’s stupid. And so everyone knows everything about themselves, so this topic did not arise again. But then Jews began to leave Chernigov. Very little, here and there, but dad said that we wouldn’t go anywhere, because “there’s no point in going.” This issue is closed.

And then I met a wonderful girl, she was two years older than Alla and me. Masha Estrina. This is already tenth grade. Her family was amazing, and it was from them that I realized that there is no need to be shy, but to be proud. Just like people proudly sing Ukrainian songs and speak Ukrainian. I realized that my object of shame, at least, is not an object of shame, but I can live with it calmly and pronounce this word. In their family, I learned to say this word out loud.

And thanks to these people, I read Babel, Sholom Aleichem, what was then possible, so to speak, to read in Hebrew. And since then the horror of Jewry has gone away. I think that this would have happened in any case, he would have been overshadowed by something, by some other worries, but the childhood horror disappeared right then, at the age of sixteen.

Jews are an ancient people of Semitic origin, who for two thousand years (until 1948) did not have their own state and existed exclusively as a network of Jewish diasporas around the world. The Jewish population peaked at 16.7 million before World War II, but approximately 6 million Jews were killed in Europe during the Holocaust. Now the number of Jews is 14 million, of which 6 million live in Israel, 5.4 million in the USA. Large Jewish communities also exist in France (478 thousand), Canada (380 thousand), Great Britain (290 thousand), Russia (190 thousand) and other countries.
The national religion of Jews and the most important attribute of their self-awareness is Judaism, therefore in many languages ​​of the world there is no distinction between the concepts of “Jew” and “Jew,” but in Russian, Jew denotes nationality, and Jew denotes religion.
Unlike most peoples of the world, Jewish nationality is determined not by the father, but by the mother. Kabbalah explains this by saying that the soul of a Jewish woman at the moment of conception “attracts” the Jewish soul. The “Law of Return” of the State of Israel currently states: “A Jew is considered to be one who was born of a Jewish mother and has not converted to another religion, as well as a person who has converted to Judaism.”
This rating, which presents the most beautiful, in my opinion, famous Jewish women, was compiled based on the understanding of Jewry, which is quoted above. Those. The ranking does not include Jewish women on their father's side who did not convert to Judaism (for example, Irina Slutskaya), but Jewish women on their mother's side, as well as converted Jews (only one woman on the list, being a Jew, does not have Jewish blood).

47th place: Maya Mikhailovna Plisetskaya- Soviet and Russian ballerina, choreographer, choreographer, teacher, writer and actress, People's Artist of the USSR. She was born on November 20, 1925 in Moscow into a Jewish family: her father is the famous business leader Mikhail Emmanuilovich Plisetsky, her mother is silent film actress Rakhil Mikhailovna Messerer.

46th place: Tamara (Tamriko) Mikhailovna Gverdtsiteli(born January 18, 1962, Tbilisi) - Soviet, Georgian and Russian singer, actress, composer, People's Artist of the Georgian SSR, People's Artist of Russia. Father is from the ancient Georgian noble family of Gverdtsiteli. Mother is Jewish, granddaughter of an Odessa rabbi.

From an interview with Tamara Gverdtsiteli:

"My father is Georgian, I was born and lived most of my life in Georgia, naturally, its culture had a tremendous influence on my life and work. But I was born and raised by a Jewish mother, and over the years I feel more and more my Jewish genes".
"In 1988, I came to Israel for the first time and realized that I simply had to sing in Hebrew. Even for myself, even if only 20 people hear me. This is the cry of my soul, this is the cry of blood. (...) When I sang in Hebrew, it was as if I heard a voice from the depths of centuries. It is indeed true that a person who studies Hebrew does not learn it, but remembers it. This is especially felt in the song. These words came to me through the songs, and I felt and felt them. Hebrew is a very strong language. It has such energy, such vowel sounds that you get the feeling that you are filling an empty world with sounds and music... I try to go to Jerusalem every year. Whenever I go there, I always go to my tree. It contains a piece of my soul. For me it marks the celebration of the triumph of life. It’s not for nothing that the tradition of planting trees goes back to biblical times - after planting a tree, you feel like a full-fledged person. I arrive and feel a sense of completeness that I did everything as expected. It is difficult for me to express my feelings for Jerusalem in words. I have a song based on the verses of Andrei Dementyev, an absolutely Orthodox person, but who loves Israel and praises Jerusalem. The Jewish capital is a piece of the Cosmos that is given to us. You go to Israel, end up in Jerusalem and feel like a cosmic being... The Jewish woman is my mother. For me, she is the most beautiful thing on earth. A Jewish woman is a phenomenal mother, an amazing housewife, friend and protector of her children. It is very difficult for me to describe a Jewish woman in words - there is music for that".

45th place: Oksana Olegovna Fandera(born November 7, 1967, Odessa) - Russian actress. Her father Oleg Fandera is an actor, half Ukrainian, half Gypsy, her mother is Jewish. From an interview with the actress:

- Oksana, you have three bloods mixed: Ukrainian, Gypsy and Jewish. How do they manifest themselves?

Probably the fact is that I cook like a Ukrainian, I love freedom like a gypsy, and I feel the world’s sorrow like a Jew.

- Who do you feel most like?

Now I can equally feel like one, the other and the third.

44th place: Tatyana Evgenievna Samoilova(May 4, 1934, St. Petersburg - May 4, 2014) - Soviet and Russian actress, best known for her role as Veronica in the film “The Cranes Are Flying” (1957). From an interview with Tatyana Samoilova: “My brother and I are half-breeds. Our mother is a purebred Jew, and our father is a purebred Russian.” The actress also said that it was from her Jewish mother that she inherited slightly slanted eyes.

43rd place: Emmanuelle Chriqui- Canadian actress. Acts in films and television series. Monreal was born on December 10, 1977 in Montreal (Canada) in a family of Moroccan Jews, and was raised in the traditions of Orthodox Judaism in the Sephardic tradition. She was recognized as the most desirable woman of 2010 according to the AskMen.com portal.

42nd place: Goldie Hawn- American actress, producer, director. Born November 21, 1945 in Washington. Her mother is Jewish and raised her daughter in the traditions of Judaism.

41st place: Barbara Walters- one of the most famous American television presenters, who worked on television from 1961 to 2014. She was born on September 25, 1929 in Boston into a Jewish family whose ancestors lived in the Russian Empire.

40th place: Milena Kunis, better known as Mila Kunis / Mila Kunis- American actress. Born on August 14, 1983 in Chernivtsi (Ukraine) into a Jewish family. In 1991, the family emigrated to the United States and settled in Los Angeles. One of the actress’s most significant film roles is the role of ballerina Lily in the film “Black Swan” (2010), where she played opposite another famous Jewish woman, Natalie Portman. The film was directed by Darren Aronofsky, who is also Jewish.

39th place: Alexandra Cohen(born October 26, 1984, Westwood, USA), better known as Sasha Cohen / Sasha Cohen- American singles figure skater, 2006 Olympic silver medalist and two-time world championship silver medalist (2004, 2005). She completed her amateur career in 2006. Sasha Cohn's father is an American Jew, and her mother is a Ukrainian Jew.

38th place: Ksenia Alexandrovna Rappoport(born March 25, 1974, St. Petersburg) - Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of Russia. From an interview with Ksenia Rappoport: “I feel like a Jew and have never hidden it. Moreover, when at the beginning of my career there was a question about taking a pseudonym, I deliberately did not do this, because I wanted to bear my father’s surname.”

37th place: Candice Isralow, better known as Candice Night / Candice Night- American singer, vocalist and lyricist of the folk rock band Blackmore's Night, wife of the famous English rock musician Ritchie Blackmore. Born on May 8, 1971 in New York in a family of descendants of Jewish immigrants from the Russian Empire. She is a follower of Judaism.

36th place: Lynn Zuckerman / Lynn Zukerman- Israeli model, participant of the Miss Israel 2013 contest.

35th place: Tal Benyerzi / Tal Benyerzi, known simply by the name Tal- French pop and R&B singer. She was born in Israel on December 12, 1989 into a Jewish family (father is a Moroccan Jew, mother is a Yemenite Jew). When Tal (her name translates from Hebrew as “morning dew”) was less than a year old, the family moved to France.

34th place: Tahunia Rubel / Tahounia Rubel- Israeli model, winner of the Israeli version of the show "Big Brother". Born on February 20, 1988 in Ethiopia, at the age of 3, she and her family, among 14 thousand 325 Ethiopian Jews, were taken to Israel as part of the military Operation Solomon.

33rd place: Lizzy (Elizabeth) Caplan / Lizzy Caplan- American actress, appears in films and TV series. Among her recent works, we can note the role of the famous American sexologist Virginia Johnson in the series “Masters of Sex” (2013-2014). She was born on June 30, 1982 in Los Angeles into a Jewish family professing Reform Judaism.

32nd place: Bella Chagall(real name - Basya-Reiza Shmuilova Rosenfeld) - the first wife of the artist Marc Chagall. Bella was born on December 15 (new style) 1889 (the year of her birth is often mistakenly indicated as 1895) in Vitebsk (Belarus) into a Jewish family (Marc Chagall is also from a Jewish family). She died in New York on September 2, 1944.

31st place: Gal Gadot- Israeli actress and model, Miss Israel 2004. Born on April 30, 1985 in Rosh HaAyin (Israel). Her parents are sabras, i.e. Jews born in Israel. In 2016, the film "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" will be released, where Gadot will play the comic book heroine Wonder Woman.

30th place: Coral Simanovich / Coral Simanovich- Israeli model. Her page on Instagram is http://instagram.com/coralsimanovich

28th place: Yityish Aynaw - Israeli model, Miss Israel 2013. Born in Ethiopia. Belongs to the Ethiopian Jews. She moved to Israel at the age of 12, where she became the first black girl to win the Miss Israel title.

27th place: Amanda Peet / Amanda Peet(born January 11, 1972, New York, USA) - American actress. Her mother Penny Levy is Jewish. Amanda Peet is married to Jewish American screenwriter and producer David Benioff, who is the creator of the famous TV series Game of Thrones.

26th place: (took last name after marriage Weinstein) - Russian athlete, five-time European champion and seven-time world champion in rhythmic gymnastics. Born on October 7, 1979 in Tashkent (Uzbekistan). Yana's father is Tatar, her mother is Jewish. Yana is married to the famous producer Timur Weinstein, a Jew by nationality. The couple have two daughters - Mariam and Aylu.

25th place: - American actress. Born September 27, 1972 in Los Angeles. Her father is a Jew, a descendant of the well-known rabbinical family of Paltrovich. Mother is German. Gwyneth Paltrow considers herself Jewish and is raising her children (son Moses and daughter Apple, i.e. “apple”) in the traditions of Judaism, despite the fact that her ex-husband and father of her children, Coldplay musician Chris Martin, is a Christian.

24th place: Alison Brie Schermerhorn / Alison Brie Schermerhorn, better known as Alison Brie- American actress. Born December 29, 1982 in Hollywood. Alison's father is of Dutch, Scottish and German descent. Mother is Jewish. Alison Brie began her acting career at the Jewish Community Center of Southern California. In 2014 she took second place (after Emilia Clarke ) in the ranking of the most desirable women according to the Askmen portal.

23rd place: Jennifer Connelly / Jennifer Connelly(born December 12, 1970, New York, USA) - American actress. Her father is a Catholic with Irish and Norwegian roots, her mother is Jewish (her ancestors are emigrants from Poland and Russia), who studied at a yeshiva - a Jewish educational institution designed to study the Oral Law, mainly the Talmud. Jennifer Connelly's newest film work is the role of the wife of the biblical righteous man Noah in the film "Noah", released in March 2014.

22nd place: Alicia Silverstone / Alicia Silverstone(born October 4, 1976, San Francisco, USA) - American actress. Her father is an English Jew, her mother is a Scot who converted to Judaism before the wedding.

21st place: (real name - Francoise Judith Sorya Dreyfus) - French actress. She was born in Paris on April 27, 1932. Her parents professed Judaism, but her mother was raised Catholic and converted to Judaism as an adult. Anouk Aimée's most famous role is that of Anne Gautier in the film A Man and a Woman (1966), directed by Claude Lelouch, a Jew.

20th place: - American actress. Born April 1, 1939 in New York. Her father had Scottish and Hungarian roots, and her mother was Jewish (she hid her nationality from her husband). One of Ali MacGraw's most famous roles is the Jewish girl Brenda Patimkin in the film "Goodbye, Columbus" (1969), dedicated to the life of American Jews.

19th place: Melanie Laurent / Mélanie Laurent- French actress, director, singer. Born on February 21, 1983 in Paris into a Jewish family.

18th place: Esther Petrack- American model. Born March 31, 1992 in Jerusalem. She is a follower of Orthodox modernism in Judaism.

17th place: (born April 14, 1977) - American actress. Sarah's parents are Jews, but they did not adhere to the traditions of Judaism and even decorated the tree for Christmas. Sarah herself is not a follower of any religion.

16th place: - American actress, formerly a professional gymnast. Born on February 9, 1980 in St. Petersburg into a Jewish family. In 1991, she and her family moved to New York.

15th place: (born November 22, 1984, New York) - American actress and singer. Her father is of Danish descent, and her mother is an Ashkenazi Jew (a sub-ethnic group of Jews formed in Central Europe), her ancestors moved to the United States from Minsk. Scarlett considers herself Jewish and celebrates the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah, although she admits that her family has always celebrated Christmas because... loved the traditions of this holiday.

14th place: (September 16, 1924, New York - August 12, 2014) - American actress, recognized by the American Film Institute as one ofgreatest actresses in Hollywood history . Lauren Bacall's parents are Jewish and she is a cousin of Israeli President Shimon Peres.

13th place: Moran Atias- Israeli actress and model. She was born on April 9, 1981 in Haifa (Israel) into a family of Moroccan Jews. Moran has a younger sister, Shani, who is also on this list.

12th place: Susanna Hoffs / Susanna Hoffs- singer and guitarist from the American band The Bangles. She was born on January 17, 1959 in Los Angeles into a Jewish family.

For those to whom the name The Bangles means nothing, I suggest you listen to their hit “Eternal Flame”.

11th place: Shani Atias / Shani Atias- Israeli actress and model, younger sister of Moran Atias. She was born on August 21, 1991 in Haifa (Israel) into a family of Moroccan Jews.

10th place: Lisa Bonet / Lisa Bonet- American actress. Born November 16, 1967 in San Francisco. Her father is African American and her mother is Jewish. Lisa Bonet's first husband was American singer Lenny Kravitz, whose pedigree is exactly the opposite: his father is Jewish, his mother is African-American. Lisa Bonet recalls meeting Kravitz: " It was interesting when we first discovered that our roots were so similar. When I first told him that my mother was Jewish, he replied, “So was my father.” I felt that here was someone who really understood what it was like".

9th place: Hedy Lamarr / Hedy Lamarr(real name: Hedwig Eva Maria Kiesler) is an Austrian and American actress. She was born on November 9, 1914 in Vienna into a Jewish family. The actress (then under her real name Kiesler) became famous in 1933, starring in the Czechoslovak-Austrian film "Ecstasy", which became first non-pornographic film to contain prolonged nudity, as well as intercourse and female orgasm(on the website you can

7th place: (real name - Hershlag) - American actress. She was born in Jerusalem on June 9, 1981 into a Jewish family. Natalie has dual citizenship: American and Israeli. She is married to dancer Benjamin Millepied (they met on the set of the film "Black Swan"), who is Jewish. Their wedding took place in the traditions of Judaism.

6th place: (June 1, 1926, Los Angeles - August 5, 1962) - American actress and singer. Birth name: Norma Jeane Mortenson. Father unknown, mother had Irish and Scottish roots. Marilyn Monroe converted to Judaism on July 1, 1956. The reason for her adoption of the Jewish religion was her third marriage to the writer Arthur Miller, a Jew by nationality. After the divorce and until her death, Monroe did not renounce Judaism, although, according to contemporaries, she did not attend the synagogue because she believed that then her religious life would turn into a public spectacle. Arthur Miller's brother believed that Monroe's acceptance of Judaism was superficial. As for Monroe’s attitude towards Christianity, it was rather negative, because at one time its guardians were Protestant fundamentalists.

5th place: - British-American actress. Born 27 February 1932 in London. Her parents were Americans who worked in England. My father had Jewish roots, my mother had Swiss roots. Elizabeth Taylor was raised Christian, but in 1959, at the age of 27, she converted to Judaism, receiving the Hebrew name Elisheva Rachel. The actress stated that she accepted the Jewish religion because... Christianity was unable to resolve her questions about life and death. The fact that her third husband (he died in 1958) was Jewish also played a significant role.

Lilli Palmer (real name - Lilly Maria Peiser) is a German actress. She was born in the city of Poznan (now Poland) on May 24, 1914 into a Jewish family. Lili Palmer starred in British, American, and German films. She died on January 27, 1986 in Los Angeles.

Lilli Palmer in Body and Soul (1947)

2nd place: Eva Green / Eva Green - French actress. Born in Paris on July 5, 1980. Eva's mother, Marlene Jaubert, is a famous French actress who was born in Algeria into a Jewish family. Eva's father - Walter Green - is Swedish on his father's side and French on his mother's side. Eva's last name is correctly pronounced Gran and means "grain", "tree (branch)" in Swedish. Eva Green considers herself Jewish (see herinterview with The Guardian ), despite the fact that she was not raised in the traditions of Judaism.

The most beautiful, in my opinion, Jewish actress is a British actressRachel Weisz . Born in London on March 7, 1970. Rachel's father, inventor George Weiss (Jewish by nationality), was from Hungary, and Rachel's mother, psychotherapist Edith Ruth, was born in Vienna. Edith Ruth was not a pure-blooded Jew, because... She also had Italian and Austrian roots and was raised Catholic, but then converted to Judaism.