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Cooking pears for the winter in syrup - simple recipes. Pickled pear recipes for the winter

By definition, pear preparations for the winter are considered dessert dishes. But preserved pears can be made not only sweet, but also a snack. For example, how do you like the idea? pickled pears for the winter? Seems weird? But in vain! In fact, it turns out delicious and very unusual - just right if you wanted to try something new.

Small pears with fairly dense flesh are good for pickling. Eg, You can pickle unripe pears and thereby kill two birds with one stone: make delicious homemade preserves and “recycle” the pear harvest, unsuitable for other types of preparations.

Vinegar or lemon juice, salt and spices are added to the pear marinade. The latter usually include cloves, cinnamon and allspice, however, some recipes may contain other spices. Pickled pears are prepared for the winter, as a rule, by pouring them two or three times, however, there are also options in which the pears are boiled for some time in the marinade and then closed.

Pickled pears with honey and cloves

  • pears - 1 kg
  • honey - 0.5 tbsp.
  • sugar - 0.5 tbsp.
  • lemons - 3 pcs.
  • cloves - 3-4 buds


If desired, you can add a teaspoon of salt to the recipe to create a snack dish.

Mix water, sugar, honey and juice squeezed from lemons. Add cloves. Place the marinade on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for about 10 minutes.

While the marinade is cooking, prepare the pears. Wash them and dry with a towel. Prick each pear with a fork to prevent the skin from bursting. Place the pears in jars that have been sterilized in advance, carefully pour boiling water over them (to the very top) and hold for 3 minutes.

Drain the water and pour the boiling marinade over the pears in the jars. Immediately roll up the boiled lids, turn over, and wrap. Once cooled, store for storage.

Pickled pears in pieces

To prepare you will need:

  • pears - 2 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • table vinegar (9%) - 1 tbsp.
  • cloves - 3-4 pcs.
  • water - 1 tbsp.


In this recipe, pears are not pickled whole, but in halves or quarters, depending on size. The skin can be peeled off as desired.

Mix sugar, water and vinegar. Place on low heat and wait until the sugar dissolves.

Wash and dry the pears. Cut into pieces, peeling if desired. Place the prepared pears into the boiling marinade and cook until they become transparent.

Place the hot preparation into sterilized jars and roll up immediately. Once cooled, store in a cool, dark place.

Pickled pears with sterilization

To prepare you will need:

  • pears - 400-500 g
  • sugar - 150 g
  • water – 250 ml
  • vinegar 6% - 50 ml
  • cloves - 4 pcs.
  • cinnamon - 0.5 sticks
  • allspice peas - 4 pcs.


Wash the pears in advance, cut them into halves, and remove the cores and seeds. Fill with cold, slightly salted water to prevent darkening.

Make the marinade. To do this, pour water into a saucepan, add sugar and spices. After boiling, cook for 5-7 minutes and then pour in the vinegar.

Now place the prepared pears in the boiling marinade and cook after boiling for about 10 minutes over low heat.

Sterilize the pear jars and boil the lids. Place pears in jars to the top and fill with marinade. Cover the jars with pears with lids and set to sterilize for 10-15 minutes (count after the water boils in the sterilizing pan). Then roll up the jars, turn them over, wrap them and cool. Put it away for storage.

Bon appetit!

When it comes to winter canning of fruits, most housewives come to mind with various compotes, jams and marmalades. Few people know that fruits can make delicious and not at all sweet snacks. Maybe someone will remember canned plums - and that's all. But, for example, pickled pear simply harmonizes perfectly with game and any bird. And it goes just wonderfully with regular meat - be it baked or fried. If you don’t believe me, try to roll up pickled pears for the winter at least once, and you will be convinced that this preparation will be used first, and they will complain to you that you did not use enough jars with it.

Just pickled pears

On the topic of pickled fruits, culinary specialists fantasize to their utmost. Especially those who managed to try pickled pears. The recipe offered first can be considered a starting one: if you have mastered it, you can safely begin your own experiments. Take a kilogram of pears. They should be ripe, but firm, not too juicy. The skin of the fruit is peeled off, but the stalks are left, and the pears are placed in cold water. Half a liter of water and a glass of vinegar are poured into a large saucepan - ideally white wine, apple vinegar will do “squeaky”, table vinegar is best avoided so as not to spoil the final product. Thinly sliced ​​lemon, brown sugar (a third of a kilo), half a spoon of cloves, a broken cinnamon stick, half a spoon of peppercorns and a couple of dry juniper berries are also placed here. When it boils, add the pears and cook in the marinade for 10 minutes. Then the pears with lemon and spices are packed into jars, and the marinade is boiled for the same amount of time and poured into containers. Seal and put away in the dark and cool.

Bulgarian recipe

It produces a very interesting tasting pickled pear. You just need to take small, not quite ripe fruits. They are pricked with a thick needle and boiled until they become a little soft. Grain mustard (two spoons per liter of water), a pinch of ground pepper, a pair of clove buds and a bay leaf are placed on the bottom of the jars. Fruits are placed on top, poured with the boiling water in which they were cooked, and sealed.

Stuffed fruits

Pickled pear combined with carrots is quite unusual. The root vegetable is cleaned and cut into cubes along the length of the fruit. Pears are washed; The core is carefully cut out of them through the place where the tail is located (it is better to use a special knife). Both are blanched for a couple of minutes and doused in cold water in a colander. When it drains, a carrot stick is placed in each pear. Three sprigs of celery and five garlic cloves are placed in a sterile jar. Stuffed pears are placed on top. Water is boiled with salt and sugar: for half a liter, take a spoonful of the first and half a glass of the second. Then cloves, cardamom and peppers are added - allspice and peas. Vinegar is poured in (a third of a glass for every half liter of marinade), and after boiling, the jars are filled with liquid. After rolling up, they turn over and wrap themselves up. This pickled pear can be stored directly in the pantry; cold is not necessary for it.

Spicy pickled pears

For spicy lovers, this recipe may be the best. Eight dense-fleshed pears are peeled and cored and cut into quarters. The pieces are sprinkled with salt, poured with half a glass of water along with half a glass of sugar and boiled until a fairly thick syrup is obtained. The fire is reduced to a minimum; pour two spoons of black mustard seeds into the pan, four spoons of mustard powder, one chili flakes and a large spoon of grated fresh ginger. Wine vinegar (150 milliliters) is poured in and the fruit is cooked for another eight minutes. At the end, a handful of mint leaves is added, and when the pickled pear has cooled, it is packaged in jars and sealed tightly. It is advisable to store it in the underground or refrigerator.

Why is it good to eat pears in winter?

Pear is a healthy fruit, and it doesn’t matter in what form you consume it. Canned or dried, fresh, in the form of juice, jelly and jam - any kind is useful. The benefit of pear is that it contains organic and folic acids, tannins, vitamins, carotene and phytoncides, various enzymes, which the human body needs, especially in winter.

  • Useful for those who suffer from intestinal disorders, as it improves digestion.
  • Creates an acidic environment in the gastrointestinal tract, where the proliferation of pathogenic microbes is suppressed
  • Promotes blood regeneration, strengthens blood vessels. Even doctors recommend daily use for pregnant women and people with cardiovascular pathology.
  • One of the few fruits that can be eaten by people suffering from diabetes.
  • Useful during acute respiratory viral infections due to the content of arbutin (a natural antibiotic).
  • It has also found a place in cosmetology, since masks made from it are suitable for all skin types, give smoothness, tighten pores, and even out.
  • But you need to remember that frequent consumption may cause problems. That is why it is better to abstain in the presence of intestinal and stomach diseases due to the presence of stony cells in the pulp, which will irritate the mucous membranes.

    Canned pear halves: recipe

    Suitable for filling pies and for simple use. They can be served with caramel, whipped cream, or eaten with sweet pancakes. This is also a great way to preserve pears for the winter.

    Sealing pears for the winter requires, first of all, proper harvesting of fruits in the autumn. So, juicy and large fruits are suitable for seaming - small ones can break and lose their appearance during the cooking process. If the fruits are a little under-ripe, don’t worry, because during the cooking process the fruits will ripen and be very tasty.

    It is very important that you wash the fruit thoroughly and sterilize the utensils.

    In order to prepare canned pears for the winter, we will need:

  • 2 kg of fruit;
  • 1 tsp. citric acid;
  • 500 g sugar;
  • 1 pack of vanilla sugar;
  • 1.5 liters of water.
  • The ingredients are designed to prepare one three-liter jar of pears - if you want to close more jars, be sure to follow the proportions.

  • First of all, you need to prepare jars and other canning tools, wash them and sterilize them.
  • Wash the fruits thoroughly, and after removing the tail, cut them into two halves. Using a small knife, remove the core and seeds so as not to damage the pulp.
  • The prepared pears should be placed in dry and already sterilized jars so that there is 3-5 cm of free space left up to the neck of the jar.
  • Fill the stacked fruits with boiling water up to the neck and leave for 5-10 minutes. During this time, the fruit slices will release juice.
  • After this, pour the water into a saucepan, add sugar and bring to a boil.
  • Pour the syrup over the fruits in the jars and leave for another 20 minutes. For the last time, pour the sweet syrup into the pan, add citric acid and vanilla sugar, bringing the mixture to a boil again.
  • We roll up the jars with lids, for which you should use a seaming machine.
  • The jars can be stored at room temperature, but after opening it is advisable to put them in the refrigerator. You can cook canned apples this way, they will be just as tasty and healthy.

    Preserving pears for the winter: a delicious dessert

    There are various recipes for rolling pears. One of the most delicious recipes is pears in syrup, which are quite easy to prepare. With them, you will always have a healthy product on your table with an amazing taste.

  • 1.5 kg of fruit;
  • 600 ml water;
  • 100 ml 9% vinegar;
  • 0.5 tsp. citric acid;
  • 300 g sugar;
  • 1 tbsp. l. ground cinnamon;
  • 4 pcs sweet peas;
  • 8 g dried cloves.
  • Fruits should be thoroughly washed, blotted with a towel and cut into quarters, not forgetting to remove the seeds.
  • At the same time, boil water along with citric acid, where we throw pieces of pears - the fruit needs to be boiled for about 7-10 minutes.
  • After this, place the pears in a colander and place them tightly in liter jars.
  • Add spices and sugar to the remaining water, bring the mixture to a boil and carefully pour in the vinegar.
  • Fill the pear pieces with hot syrup, set them to sterilize (for 15 minutes) and roll up the lids.
  • The pears turn out very tasty and are somewhat reminiscent of marmalade! Now you know how to properly preserve pears for the winter and you can enjoy delicious desserts prepared by yourself without spending much money.

    Pickled pears for the winter - an unusual recipe for pickling pears.

    This unusual recipe for preparing pears with vinegar is easy to prepare, although it takes two days. But this will not scare away true lovers of original taste. Moreover, the process is very simple, and the unusual taste of pickled pears - sweet and sour - will diversify the menu and surprise household members and guests.

    To prepare this pear compote with vinegar you need to have:

    1.2 kg of small pears;

    Lemon zest - one.

    We cut the washed, cored pears and fill them with salted water. As long as the pears get wet like this, they will not darken.

    And we will make a marinade for pears. To do this, combine all the ingredients specified in the recipe and boil.

    Add the pears removed from the brine to the marinade and cook.

    When the fruits become limp, remove from the heat and leave them without removing them to cool and soak until the next day.

    For tomorrow we simply place the pears in prepared containers.

    Take jars of a size that is optimal for your family. If you have a large family, take three liter ones - we sterilize them for 25 minutes; if it’s smaller, then liter or even half liter ones will do. They only need to be sterilized for 20 and 15 minutes, respectively.

    All. An unusual preparation of pears with vinegar is ready. Roll up and put away for storage. These home-cooked pears do not need to be kept in the cold. They will do just fine in the pantry.

    Use pickled pears as an appetizer or dessert when baking pies, as a filling, for pancakes, or as your culinary fantasies dictate.

    Culinary recipes and photo recipes

    Pickled pears for the winter

    If you come across beautiful red-sided pears, be sure to try preserving them in a spicy marinade. Spicy unusual pears are served with meat dishes. Your guests will like this delicacy more than traditional olives. When pickling fruits, quite a lot of spices are added to achieve an expressive piquant taste. Such preparations do not need salt at all; the sweet and sour taste is the merit of vinegar and sugar. Chilled spicy pickled pears are extremely good if served with a piece of baked poultry, shish kebab, or boiled pork.

    Ingredients to prepare pickled pears:

    • pears – 1 kg
    • sugar – 250 g
    • water – 1.5 cups
    • vinegar 9% – 70 ml
    • clove buds – 6 pcs.
    • allspice peas – 6 pcs.
    • black peppercorns – 10 pcs.
    • bay leaves – 5 pcs.
    • currant leaves – 5 pcs.
    • Note: From the specified amount of products you will get 1 and a half liter jar of pickled pears.

      Recipe pickled pears for the winter:

      Late pears become soft only by mid-autumn, and in summer they remain dense. At the same time, they are already quite sweet and fragrant. Pears with firm flesh are used for pickling and other winter preparations. But there is one caveat: the skin should not be hard. If the pears are covered with a thick, rough and bitter skin, they will have to be peeled.

      Wash the pears, make sure that the skin of the selected fruits is even and smooth.

      The fruit is cut into four parts, the stem and seeds are removed. Smaller cuts do not guarantee the safety of the pieces during marinating.

      Pour water into the pan, pour in half the spices, add salt and sugar. In this version of the marinade, vinegar is immediately added to the water. If you like the marinade with an oriental accent, then add two more stars of star anise. The marinade is brought to a boil.

      Pears are thrown into a hot marinade; the liquid will not be able to cover all the pieces at once; some slices will rise above the surface of the marinade.

      Cover the pan with a lid and boil the pears for 5 minutes at medium boil. During this time, the juice will be released and the entire pear slice will be covered with marinade. You will get just the right amount of liquid and fruit to fill a one and a half liter jar.

      Place a handful of fragrant blackcurrant leaves at the bottom of a sterilized jar and throw in the remaining spices.

      Carefully remove the pear pieces from the pan, picking them up one at a time with a spoon. The hot flesh is easy to damage, then all the beauty of pear cutting will be lost. The cooled pears at the final stage of marinating are no longer in danger; their shape will retain all its shape. The fruits are transferred to a jar, and the marinade is also sent there. The spices from the marinade should also be in the jar.

      Cover the jar with a sterile lid, place it in a deep pan, and sterilize for up to 10 minutes. Then the pickled pears are rolled up and the dishes are placed upside down. Cover the jar with a warm towel and keep it in this position until it cools completely.

      Pickled pears for the winter

      A very interesting type of homemade pear preparation for the winter is pickled pears.
      The peculiarity of this twist is that the added combinations of various seasonings turn an ordinary dessert into something very unusual. If you decide to make a couple of these jars for the winter, you will definitely have something to surprise your winter guests.

      Any type of pear is suitable for pickling. Most often they prefer white ones - they look prettier in jars. It is best to take the fruits a little unripe. They have denser flesh, they will not boil over and will retain their shape. If the fruits are very small, then you can pickle them whole.

      So, to make pickled pears we will need:

      First you need to prepare the jars. It is most convenient to take liter ones. They need to be washed, sterilized and dried well.

      Then wash the pears thoroughly and remove all the cuttings. If the pears are small and you decide to pickle them whole, then use a fork to make several punctures in the skin so that it does not burst during blanching and the shape of the fruit is preserved.

      If the fruit is large, cut it in half or into quarters, remove the seed pods from the cores, and, if any, any bruised or wormy areas. If the skin of the pears is thin, then it does not need to be cut off. Otherwise, it is better to remove the skin. Then the fruits will turn out very tender.

      Pour water into a saucepan and add citric acid there based on the proportion of 1 gram per liter. Bring to a boil and blanch the pears in this solution. If the fruits are whole, then no more than five minutes; if they are pieces, then no more than two. Then remove the fruits from the pan and immediately transfer them to cold water to cool.

      While the pears are cooling, prepare the marinade. To do this, add sugar to a pan of boiling water - one glass for each liter, vinegar 5% - one hundred grams for each liter. You can add a teaspoon of salt if desired. Some housewives add honey to the marinade instead of sugar - one glass per liter.

      First place the seasonings in the bottom of clean, dry jars. There are several interesting seasoning combinations. You can try making them all, and in winter compare which ones taste better.

      Place the cooled pears on top of the seasonings.

      Fill all the jars with marinade, cover with lids and place them to sterilize in a water bath for 10 -15 minutes. Then screw on the lids and place the jars upside down under the blanket until they cool completely.

      Pickled pears

      It is better to pickle not overripe, strong pears, and it is better to pickle them not whole, but cut into several parts and sprinkled with cinnamon. Read the recipe and learn how to pickle pears correctly! 😉


    • Pears 700 grams
    • Sugar 600 grams
    • Cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon
    • Cloves (buds) 4 pieces
    • Allspice (peas) 4 pieces
    • Water 1.5 Liters
    • Vinegar 5 percent 150 Gram
    • Description of preparation:

      The recipe is for 5 liter jars. I advise you to choose dense, small pears for pickling. How to pickle pears: 1. Wash and dry the pears. Remove damaged areas, seed boxes, and stalks. If desired, you can remove the peel. I think the “white” pear in the dessert looks prettier. Cut the pears into wedges. 2. Pour one liter of water into a saucepan, add 1-2 grams of citric acid and bring to a boil. Blanch the pears in boiling water for one to two minutes. Then immediately transfer the pears to cold water until cool. 3. Prepare liter jars. Sterilize and dry them. Place equal amounts of cloves, cinnamon and allspice on the bottom of the jars. Place pears on top up to the shoulders of the jar. 4. Cook the marinade from water, sugar, vinegar. Pour the hot marinade over the pears. 5. Cover the jars with lids and sterilize for 10 minutes. It is advisable to line the bottom of the pan in which you will sterilize jars with pickled pears with a cloth. Then roll up the cans, turn them upside down, place them on the floor and cover them with a blanket. Leave until completely cool. Our pickled pear is ready! Bon appetit!

      Pickled pear recipe for the winter,

      Today I would like to bring to your attention another very worthy pear recipe for the winter - pickled pear.

      For those who are not indifferent to this fruit, amber preserves, jams and compotes from all kinds of pears have long been known. Have you tried pickled pears in combination with a poultry dish? If not, then my advice to you is that you should try pears for the winter!

      The recipe for pickled pears is not complicated and is quite worthy of your attention. For pickled pears you will need firm, juicy pears. And, of course, a set for making marinade. But let's deal with everything in order. For convenience, the set of products is indicated for one half-liter jar of pears for the winter.

      Summer is a rich and generous time - eat fruits and vegetables as much as your heart desires, the weather and nature are conducive to maximum relaxation. Everything is fine, but we should not forget that everything flows and changes and the warm and generous season will be replaced by a more severe one, and it is worthwhile in advance, or rather right now, to start preparing all these gifts of nature for future use. Popular wisdom says: “Prepare your sleigh in the summer...” and this is very accurately noted.

      For good housewives, the canning season is in full swing. We need to identify and put into jars everything we have in our summer arsenal. Canned cucumbers, tomatoes, joint so-called “vegetable gardens”, all kinds of vegetable salads and fruit compotes - such an abundance that your head is simply spinning. You have to be on time everywhere in order to open the treasured jar of preserves in the winter cold and enjoy the gifts of summer.

      Let's get started making the pickled pears.

      Ingredients for preparing pears for the winter:

      - pears (hard, juicy) - 400-450 grams.

      For the marinade:

      – purified water – 250 ml,

      – granulated sugar – 150 grams,

      - vinegar (apple vinegar was used) - 50 ml,

      – carnation – 4-5 flowers,

      – cinnamon – 1/3 sticks,

      - allspice - 4-5 peas.

      Recipe for pickled pear:

      We need to prepare the ingredients for our pear recipe for the winter. We wash the purchased pears thoroughly. Then cut them into two halves and carefully remove the core with the seeds. To prevent the pears from darkening during the preparation process, immerse them in cold water.

      Next, let's prepare the marinade. Pour 250 ml of purified water into a saucepan (calculated for one half-liter jar), add 150 grams of granulated sugar, add 4-5 clove flowers, 4-5 peas of allspice and a piece (about 2 cm) of sticks to get an amazing aroma cinnamon. Put the saucepan on the fire.

      Let the marinade boil for five to seven minutes and add vinegar. Then we take the prepared pears out of the water and put them in a low-boiling marinade. Let them simmer over very low heat for seven to ten minutes.

      While the pears are being prepared, let’s start preparing the containers. We thoroughly wash the jars and lids and sterilize them. You can use any method convenient for you: over hot steam or in the oven.

      We still need to sterilize the pickled pear. To do this, line the bottom of a saucepan with a cotton napkin, pour warm water and place the jars there (the water should not reach the edge of the jar).

      Maintain at a temperature of approximately 85 degrees for 10-15 minutes. Then take it out of the water and roll up the lid. We check the tightness of the packaging by turning the jar upside down. Wrap it in something warm and leave it until it cools completely.

      Pickled pear will definitely delight your palate on cold winter evenings! Delicious preparations to you!


      Pickled pears step by step recipe with pictures

      Many people like pear for its unique sweet and slightly sticky taste. The fruit has a large number of varieties such as, for example, duchess. The pear is low in calories due to the fact that eighty-four percent consists of organic water. Pickled pears without sterilization are suitable for a weight loss diet menu, but you should not use it too often, because it also contains eleven percent sugar.

      Pickled pears recipe for the winter

      Pears prepared according to this recipe are an ideal complement to poultry, beef and pork. For canning, choose fruits with thin, intact skin and not loose pulp. You can change the spices used in this recipe and use the ones you like best.

      List of ingredients needed to prepare canned food:

    • 670 ml. disinfected water;
    • two kilograms of fresh pears;
    • eight black peppercorns;
    • 120 milliliters 9% fruit vinegar;
    • four clove buds;
    • five bay leaves;
    • five hundred grams of sugar.
    • How to pickle pears for the winter in jars:

    • Wash the fruits with cold water, and sterilize all necessary containers in a way that is most suitable for you (over steam, boiling water). Cut them into quarters, remove the core and seeds and soak in water.
    • Pour drinking water into any container and place it on the fire. Add sugar, fruit vinegar and boil for four minutes. Pour the pear pieces into it and keep it on the fire for another seven minutes. We put spices and herbs into jars and pour the resulting marinade into the twists, then cover the neck with something to infuse.
    • At this time, prepare everything to sterilize the workpiece. Spread a small white towel on the bottom of a deep container, then pour in warm water, but not cold, otherwise, due to the large difference in temperature of the water in the container and in the jar, the latter will burst. We place all this on the stove, place containers with snacks inside and sterilize for eleven minutes over low heat.
    • Using a towel or oven mitts, take them out and roll up the lids. After this, cover with a warm blanket, placing them upside down in advance and leave them for thirteen hours.
    • Place the carefully cooled twists in a place with temperatures below zero and humidity (balcony, cellar, refrigerator) before using them for food.
    • Pickling pears for the winter

      Those who love fruits, berries and sweets will love this recipe. Canned pear prepared in this way will turn out very juicy and sweet, and will have a rich berry taste. In addition to its extraordinary taste, pickling contains a huge amount of nutrients that will nourish your body all winter.

      For our readers, we have specially prepared other interesting recipes for preparations, such as: red cabbage for the winter, salted chanterelles and pickled cabbage.

      What you will need for this preservation:

    • two kilograms of pears;
    • one kilogram six hundred grams of lingonberries;
    • thirty milliliters of 9% fruit vinegar;
    • three hundred seventy ml. disinfected water;
    • 1 kilogram 360 grams of sugar.
    • How to pickle pears for the winter:

    1. We wash all the necessary fruits and berries with water. Cut the pear into four parts, removing the stem and seeds. Throwing the lingonberries into a saucepan along with sugar (one hundred and sixty grams), boil until they are completely softened. We filter this composition through cheesecloth to get rid of the berries.
    2. Add the remaining sugar to the juice and keep it on the fire until it is completely dissolved. Then add pear slices and boil for another thirteen minutes. Having removed the fruits from the marinade, place them tightly in the jars, followed by pouring juice and vinegar.
    3. Sterilize jars with twists using the method described in the previous recipe. We seal the jars and wrap them in towels, do not disturb them for seventeen hours. After this, place the cooled containers with the snack in a suitable place (out of sunlight).

    How to pickle pears for the winter

    If you really like the juicy taste of pears, then by preparing canned food according to this recipe you will make it much tastier. The array of spices included in this snack adds to the natural tart flavor of the fruit that many people enjoy. In addition to the unusually rich taste, this preparation will help strengthen the immune system due to the medicinal properties of spices.

    Products for canned pears with spices:

  • three pieces of anise;
  • half a liter of distilled water;
  • one liter of white wine vinegar;
  • five hundred grams of cane sugar;
  • one cinnamon stick;
  • nine grams of black allspice;
  • thirty grams of juniper;
  • twenty pears;
  • six carnation inflorescences;
  • two stalks of fresh rosemary.
  • Pickling pears is quick and easy:

  • We wash the fruits with cold water, remove the branches, divide them into four parts, remove the core and carefully place them in sterilized jars.
  • Add distilled water and the remaining products to a deep iron bowl. We boil this composition over a fire, pour the contents into containers along with the ingredients, screw on sterile lids and shake.
  • We wrap the twists in thick heat-protective fabric, let them sit for two days, after which we put them away where your pieces usually stand.
  • Pickled pears with citric acid for the winter

    If you are not a fan of spending a lot of time on preparations, then this method is for you. Cooking pears in their own juice does not require a lot of time and food resources. Due to the vitamins contained in fruits, in winter you will not suffer from vitamin deficiency (lack of beneficial vitamins necessary for the body).

    Ingredients you will need:

  • four hundred and seventy grams of pear fruit;
  • three carnation inflorescences;
  • thirty-five grams of citric acid;
  • three hundred milliliters of distilled water;
  • sixty grams of sugar.
  • Pickled pears in jars for the winter:

  • Let's wash all the necessary ingredients and containers. We remove all the fruits from seeds and twigs, cut them into four parts, pour boiling water over them for three minutes and drain them.
  • Pour sugar into the pears and after two hours put it on the fire, add citric acid, cloves and boil until the sugar dissolves. The resulting composition is packaged in pre-sterilized containers and screwed on with lids.
  • Wrap jars with twists in heat-protective cloth for a day, then place them in a storage area.
  • How to pickle a pear for the winter with vinegar

    If you have a garden in your country house and there are many trees with fruit growing there, and among them there are pears and apples, then this harvesting method will interest you. The juiciness and sweetness of these fruits, emphasized by spices and herbs, will be stored for a long time and wait in the wings.

    Products that are useful for preparing this pickling:

  • four hundred grams of pears;
  • three hundred grams of apples;
  • 260 ml. disinfected water;
  • one hundred ninety grams of sugar;
  • ninety milliliters of 9% fruit vinegar;
  • six buds of cloves;
  • three cherry leaves;
  • three blackcurrant leaves;
  • seven grams of rosemary.
  • Pickled pears in vinegar:

  • We wash all the necessary products under water. Cut the fruit vertically into eight pieces, remove the stems and seeds with the core.
  • For the marinade, pour water into an iron (or glass) bowl, add fruit and other ingredients and boil over heat for seventeen minutes. Take out and place the fruits in jars, pour in the lingonberry marinade.
  • Sterilize the twists using the method described in the first recipe. We twist the jars and wrap them in a blanket, let them cool for a day. After this, remove the infused containers with the snack for storage in a place where the sun’s rays do not reach.
  • Pickled pears for the winter without sterilization

    In addition to their natural taste, pears are very beneficial for the human body. They help stabilize the digestive system and disinfect the body from external damage and infections. With the addition of lemon, this snack recipe will help the body cope with viral and colds that are common during cold seasons.

    Ingredients for half a liter of this snack:

    • four hundred and twenty grams of pear fruit;
    • 230 milliliters of disinfected water;
    • one lemon;
    • four carnation inflorescences;
    • two cherry leaves;
    • ninety grams of sugar;
    • two leaves of any currant.
    • Pickled pears recipe without sterilization:

    • We wash the necessary ingredients with cold water. We do not peel the zest from the lemon, but only grind it with a special file, after which we cut it into slices five millimeters thick. Cut the pears into eight pieces vertically without peeling them and removing the seeds.
    • We place pieces of fruit vertically in containers for preparations, put lemon slices between them, salt, add sugar, citric acid and pour boiling water.
    • Disinfect the twists as in the first recipe. Twist and wrap in a warm cloth, first placing it upside down.
    • After fifteen hours, place the fully prepared winter snack in a storage place until winter.
    • When canning pear fruits, you retain most of the beneficial substances (the rest are evaporated during heat treatment), which gives you the opportunity to use their medicinal and health-improving properties even in the cold season. Fruits contain: fiber, which increases the metabolic rate, normalizes the functioning of the intestines and its microflora; vitamin C, which helps prevent premature aging and builds strong immunity; folic acid, which is involved in the process of cell division; vitamin E, which helps regulate female hormonal levels; calcium and phosphorus, which strengthen the bone structure of the body.


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    Constant replenishment vitamin reserves - is an integral part of the healthy functioning of the body. Therefore, in order to avoid monotony, you need to be able to prepare a variety of preparations at home for the winter. Pickled pears in jars are very tasty, they preserve the necessary useful elements well, they are stored well and will add variety to your diet. In winter, they are good as an appetizer for meat, they can be used as a filling for baked goods, and the diluted marinade will become a delicious compote. How to pickle pears in jars for the winter is the topic of this section. You can pickle pears whole, in slices, with or without sterilization, combining them with other fruits. Proven step-by-step recipes with photos from active housewives will reveal all the secrets of preparing delicious canned pears and will allow you to stock up on healthy and tasty pear preparations for future use.

    Canned pears in lingonberry juice syrup made according to this recipe are a very tasty preparation for the winter. Many of my friends who have prepared it will definitely cook it in the next harvesting season. I will be happy to describe all the stages of preparing this wonderful homemade pear preparation.

    Step 1: Prepare the pears.

    Only strong, firm ripe pears with a bright taste and aroma are suitable for pickling. Rinse the fruit well, removing all dirt from the skin. It’s better to even go over them with the soft side of the sponge once. But if the peel is too hard, it is better to peel it off. Then cut the pears into 4 equal parts, remove the branches and core with seeds. Place the prepared pears in a bowl filled with cool water.

    Step 2: Cook the pears in the marinade.

    In a saucepan, combine clean water, granulated sugar and vinegar. Stir until completely dissolved, put on fire and dip pear quarters into the resulting marinade. Bring to a boil and cook in the boiling marinade for 5 minutes.

    Step 3: Canning the pickled pears.

    While the pears are boiling in the marinade, prepare pre-sterilized jars by placing spices on the bottom: bay leaf, cloves and black peppercorns. Fill the jars with pear pieces, stacking them tightly on top of each other. Pour the remaining marinade into jars.
    Cover the jars with pickled pears with lids, place them in a saucepan with hot water and pasteurize for 10 minutes. Then screw the hot pieces tightly with the lids, turn them upside down and leave for several hours until they cool completely.
    As soon as the jars with pickled pears inside have cooled completely, turn them back upside down and the lids up and place them with other preparations until required.

    Step 4: Serve the pickled pears.

    Serve pickled pears as an accompaniment to meat or poultry dishes. Fruits will make your meal elegant and festive, so be sure to save a couple of jars for the New Year's table. But on an ordinary day, don’t forget about wonderful pickled pears; they will add great variety to your winter diet.
    Bon appetit!

    For preparations, use clean spring water or, as a last resort, bottled water purchased at the store.

    Jars can be sterilized the old fashioned way, with steam, or in the oven. To do this, place clean jars in a cold oven, and then set everything to heat to 150 degrees. Thus, the jars need to be sterilized within 15 minutes.

    You can use other spices, for example, for aroma, choose cinnamon by placing a stick on the bottom of the jar instead of a bay leaf, and for a spicy taste, let there be a pod of chili pepper.