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Maternity capital in the year, size and latest changes.

In 2015, the amount of maternity capital will be revised upward. The budget includes an increase in maternity capital by 5.5%. As a result, the amount of family capital will reach 453,026 rubles. (in 2014 it was 429,408.5 rubles.) Thus, during its operation, maternity capital increased by more than 200 thousand rubles. from 250 thousand rubles in 2007.

This is probably the last significant indexing. It is expected that in 2016-2017 it will be about 4%.

Where can you spend maternity capital in 2015?

In 2015, the areas of use of maternity capital will not change - this is improving housing conditions (repaying mortgage loans, purchasing your own housing or individual housing construction); education of children or increasing the future pension of parents.

What innovations should we expect from 2015? In the near future, deputies will consider the possibility of spending maternity capital on purchasing a car. It is assumed that this step should support domestic automakers in difficult times. Many were pleased with this news - after all, it costs 400 thousand rubles to buy an apartment. obviously not enough, but just enough. Moreover, with your own car you will always have the opportunity to earn extra money as a taxi driver.

Validity period of the maternity capital program

For now, the final deadline for receiving maternity capital is December 31, 2016. This refers to the right to receive maternity capital, and not the ability to use it. You can also spend the certificate after the beginning of 2017.

Will the maternity capital program be extended until 2026, as discussed in the government? Such a decision has not yet been made. Proponents of extending the term point to its high effectiveness, which is reflected in an increase in the birth rate. Opponents point to the need for budget savings in a crisis situation, as well as the impossibility of solving the demographic problem with financial injections alone.

Opinions have also been expressed that the program should be retained, but the circle of families it is aimed at should be limited. In particular, issue maternity capital only to families with incomes below the average level.

The amount of maternity capital in 2015 is now 453 thousand 26 rubles; the money can be spent on improving living conditions, educating children or increasing the mother’s pension. In addition, the possibility of using maternity capital to purchase a car is now being considered, but there is no decision on this issue yet.

Mostly, young families spend maternity capital on buying an apartment, and in order to make the purchase of a new home more affordable, it is also proposed to allow the use of maternity capital as a down payment on a mortgage before the child turns 3 years old.

What is needed to receive maternity capital in 2015

You can receive maternity capital within 3 years from the date of birth or adoption of the second child, while the second child must be born or adopted no later than December 31, 2016. But the period for using maternity capital after receiving it is in no way limited.

However, the issue of extending the maternity capital program until 2022 is currently being considered. Extension of the program in the context of the economic crisis in Russia is now extremely necessary for young families.

Documents for obtaining maternity capital in 2015

The list of documents for obtaining maternity capital in 2015 remains the same:

  • Russian passport of the parent (mother);
  • child's birth certificate;
  • if the child was adopted, then an adoption certificate.

The child’s father can also receive maternity capital in the absence of the mother (or deprivation of her parental rights) or if the man alone adopts two or more children.

Also, maternity capital is provided to a minor child who has lost his only parent or adoptive parent.

It is worth adding that maternity capital is not issued in cash, but only in the form of a certificate.

Expert opinion on the increase in maternity capital in 2015

Maternity capital is indexed every year taking into account the growth rate of inflation, so in 2015 it increased by 23.6 thousand rubles. Is it a lot or a little?

The real inflation rate is now much higher than the one the government uses in its calculations. Prices for many baby food, accessories, clothing, toys and other goods for children, which are mainly imported, have increased 2-2.5 times due to the rise in the dollar and euro, and real estate has also risen in price. And taking into account the fact that the Central Bank increased the key rate to 17 percent, mortgage rates have increased significantly and have become unaffordable for most families. In the current economic conditions, the established amount of maternity capital is simply not enough to provide even minimal needs, however, the country’s budget does not provide for an increase in maternity capital by more than 23.6 thousand rubles.

To increase the birth rate and financially help families raising children, the Russian government introduced another payment in 2007 - maternity capital. Of course, it has its pros and cons. The downside is that money is not given out in person. On the plus side, financial resources can be spent on educating a child, improving living conditions, and repaying a loan (if you already have one). Every year the payment is adjusted for the better - payments are increased, the list on which money can be spent is expanded. So, let's find out what innovations await parents and what maternity capital will be in 2015?

What is maternity capital?

This is social assistance to the child’s parents, provided by law in the form of a state certificate. The amount of payment increases annually, but does not imply a replacement of a previously received document. For example, if you received a certificate last year but did not use it, and in 2015 the payment increased significantly, you do not need to replace it.

If we talk about the timing of receipt, then there is no need to rush... the law provides for obtaining a certificate within 3 years, from the moment of birth of the child. You can obtain the document from the Pension Fund by filling out a special form (application). There is no tax on maternity capital, as, for example, on the salary of an individual. faces.

The financial assistance provided goes directly to the parents and not to the child himself. Therefore, it is up to them to decide where to invest the funds received.

Maternity capital 2015, will it be canceled or not?

According to the law, which was adopted 8 years ago, the state. The program is designed for 10 years. Therefore, there can be no talk of cancellation until 2016. Nobody knows what will happen after its completion; perhaps the Russian government will decide to extend it, as they say, until 2025, or it will adopt a new one - we’ll wait and see!

The amount of payments (amount) of maternity capital in 2015

As we said earlier (see above), a social benefit called “maternity capital” has been officially in effect since 2007. Families in which the second, third and subsequent children were born are entitled to receive it.

Over the course of 1 year, the amount of maternity capital increased by 31 thousand 470 rubles 50 kopecks, i.e. if in 2014 it was equal to 429 thousand 408 rubles 50 kopecks, then in 2015 it increased to 450 thousand 878 rubles.

Of course, there is a small chance that the amount of payments may be slightly higher or lower, it all depends on the general economic indicators in Russia.

Who can receive maternity capital?

The following persons of the Russian Federation have the right to receive a certificate:

  • A woman who has given birth to or adopted two or more children since the start of payments, i.e. since 2007.
  • A man who has adopted two or more children single-handedly. True, he is guaranteed to receive a certificate only if he officially (by court decision) became an adoptive parent after the payments began.
  • Father, after the death of his wife or deprivation of her parental rights.
  • A child of minor age who has lost his only parent or adoptive parent.

Documents for obtaining maternity capital

To receive a certificate, you must contact the pension fund by writing a written application and providing a list of the following documents (list):

  1. Russian Federation passport;
  2. child's birth certificate;
  3. adoption certificate (if adopting a child);

In some cases, you may need documents such as: a death certificate of your wife or parents, deprivation of your wife’s parental rights, and others.

Improving living conditions using maternity capital

The law stipulates that non-cash funds provided to parents after the birth of a second and subsequent child can be used only after their child turns 3 years old.

However, there are exceptions to the rules. For example, received state. You can use the support earlier if you need to repay a loan or mortgage.

So, if you decide to spend money on improving your living conditions, then you can use it not only to improve your old house (apartment), but also to buy a new one.

Payment for children's education using maternity capital

You can spend the funds on your children’s education either fully or partially. For example, dividing one part into a kindergarten, the second into an institute. The main thing is to spend all the funds before the age of 25.

Maternity capital for pension accumulation

The pension of the mother or father (if he is raising one) is the last option where you can invest money.

Remember, when receiving maternity capital, you agree to non-cash payments. Any schemes for cashing out funds are illegal and constitute a crime.

This year threatens to become quite difficult for the entire economy of our country, however, pessimistic forecasts regarding the maternity capital program in 2015 are completely unjustified. Despite the fact that social expenses are a fairly significant part of the country’s budget, maternity capital in 2015 will not go anywhere, since the program is enshrined in law until December 31, 2016.

Regarding the future fate of this demographic project, you can read in the article “Maternity capital: until what year is the program designed?”, however, we can say that the situation is ambivalent. And although the majority of the top officials of the state consider the extension of maternity capital until 2025 to be necessary for a normal increase in the birth rate in Russia, the crisis relations of our homeland with the whole world dictate a policy of saving budget funds. However, judging by information from the media, families in which two or more children are born will also be financially encouraged by the state, however, perhaps in a slightly different form. However, there are at least two more years before this issue is resolved, which means it’s worth clarifying what maternity capital has in store for us in the near future.

Expected amount of maternity capital in 2015

Maxim Topilin, who heads the Ministry of Labor, officially stated back in 2014 that it is planned to increase the amount of maternity capital by 2015 to approximately 490,000 rubles. However, an analysis of previous indexations in 2013 and 2014 assumed an average increase in the benefit amount by 5% each year, which led to the conclusion that maternity capital in 2015 would be close to the figure of 450,878 rubles.

Currently, in 2015, maternity capital is equal to 453,026 rubles, and next year, 2016, it is planned to increase it to 473,412 rubles.

Receiving 20,000 rubles in cash from maternity capital funds

At a meeting of the Government of the Russian Federation dedicated to the development of a number of anti-crisis measures and held on January 22, 2015, a bill was approved on the possibility of parents receiving 20,000 rubles from maternity capital funds. The family can spend this money at their own discretion, since this entire amount can be received in cash by submitting an application and the necessary documentation to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

This is precisely the statement made by the Deputy Head of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection Sergei Velmyaykin. This forced measure to support families was already carried out during the previous crisis, in 2009 and 2010, offering parents to receive about 12,000 rubles, and the Government of the Russian Federation, in the context of a growing economic crisis, decided to support this bill, designed to help families in the difficult economic conditions of this year. In the meantime, the law is under development and will be fully announced in early February.

Changes in the direction of targeted spending of maternity capital funds

At the same meeting, it was proposed to remove MFOs (microfinance organizations) from working with maternity capital funds, and this project also received approval. This bill is in the process of being developed, but its approval is associated with the increase in fraudulent schemes for cashing out maternity capital funds carried out specifically through microfinance organizations.

No matter how much we would like to please our fellow citizens with good news, maternity capital in 2015 can only be spent on the same three purposes as in previous years: housing, education for children and the funded part of the mother’s pension.

However, it’s nice that “reliable” parents will be able to spend money on housing without waiting for their youngest child to turn three years old. It is also worth adding that the targeted spending of maternity capital on education includes not only paying for a university, but also studying at a music or art school, at a technical school, or even paying for receipts for a private kindergarten.

In addition, when considering maternity capital in 2015, it should be remembered that this year’s agenda includes a discussion of bills to expand the targeted use of certificate funds. It is planned to discuss the possibility of paying for the treatment of children with benefits and the possibility of paying for the education of both parents from the amount of maternity capital.

Maternity capital has also been introduced in Crimea since 2015

Starting from the first day of 2015, Crimea, which is part of Russia, will also be connected to the state program to support families with two or more children.

Sergey Aksenov, who holds the post of acting Republic of Crimea, stated that, in accordance with the wishes of Russian President V.V. Putin, maternity capital in 2015 will be issued to residents of Crimea on the same basis as to residents of other regions of our country. Moreover, this will apply not only to those women who give birth to a child after 2015, but also to those families who acquired a second child earlier, within the validity period of this state program. So there is good news that awaits maternity capital 2015.

Closer to the new year, we will be happy to inform you of reliable facts regarding the size and intended use of maternity capital in 2015. Stay tuned!

Difficult conditions and realities of life threaten the existence of large families whose income is below a certain level. In this regard, a program called “Maternity Capital” was created, implemented since 2007.

The need for the program is dictated by the fact that the birth rate has been steadily declining in recent years, so the state offered support to the mothers.

Will maternity capital be abolished in 2015?

There are rumors that maternity capital may be canceled in 2015. According to official data, this program is designed for 10 years, so the final year will be 2016, which means there is no talk of any cancellation in 2015.

If a certificate for state aid was received before 2016, but was not used, it will not be considered invalid, since the current legislation did not impose time restrictions.

The amount of maternity capital in 2015

Maternity capital is social assistance that is provided by the state in the form of a certificate. Every year, the amount of assistance is indexed and increased, but a previously received document cannot be replaced. A mother can receive a certificate from the Pension Fund within 3 years from the birth of her baby by submitting an application. The amount indicated in the certificate is not taxed, the assistance is allocated specifically to the parents, and not to the child, so they have the right to decide where to send the funds received.

Over 8 years of implementation, a picture of the indexation level was compiled:


Amount of payments, rubles

Indexation, %

In 2015, indexation will remain at the level of 5%; the proposal of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation to close the program did not receive support.

For 2015-2017, maternity capital payments were included in the federal budget in full.

According to the Federal Budget Law, in 2015 the amount of maternity capital will be 453,026 rubles, the amount of payments has increased by 23,617 rubles.

Indexation in smaller volumes is planned for 2016 and 2017: 4.5 and 4.3 percent, respectively.

What can you spend maternity capital on?

We would like to remind you that government assistance is given to families with two or more children. The following have the right to receive a maternal certificate: a woman who gave birth to or adopted 2 or more children since 2007, a father who, after the death of his wife or deprivation of her rights, became the guardian of 2 or more minor children, minor children who have lost their only adoptive parent or parent.

In order to receive maternity capital, you need to write an application to the Pension Fund, providing a Russian passport, a child’s birth certificate or an adoption certificate. In other cases, they may require documents confirming the death of a wife or parents, or the deprivation of a woman’s parental rights.

Cash in hand using the certificate is still not issued; only non-cash payments are possible. How to use the certificate?

  • Improve living conditions. After the child is 3 years old, living conditions can be improved. An exception is the repayment of debt on a mortgage or loan;
  • Teaching children. The entire amount or part of it can be spent on children's education. All funds must be spent before the child turns 23;
  • Pension. Saving for your mother or father's retirement is another option for using your finances.

Loans secured by maternity capital are not issued; according to experts, its purchasing power is gradually decreasing, so laws need to be revised. In particular, the possibility of purchasing a vehicle, developing a family business, and treating children is being considered, but so far no final decision has been made.

After January 1, 2017, certificates will be issued only to families whose incomes are below the subsistence level in order to improve their difficult financial situation. After 2015, the amount of maternity capital is not yet known.