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Literary and musical composition "May 9". Scenario of a literary and musical composition for Victory Day Literary and musical composition for May 9

Literary and musical composition “Our most important holiday is Victory Day.” Scenario Primary School

Olga Nikolaevna Sibileva, primary school teacher of the Chuevo-Podgornsky branch of the Moiseevo-Alabushskaya secondary school, Uvarovsky district, Tambov region
Description: The event is dedicated to Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War and is intended for children aged 7 – 10 years. This development can be used by primary school teachers, counselors and organizers of extracurricular activities. This scenario requires preliminary preparation, since younger schoolchildren still have a poor understanding of the Second World War. In addition, you can and should use a presentation and a projector: they will help to clearly and clearly illustrate the pages of the history of our country.
Target: formation of patriotic feelings through historical and
the heroic past of our Motherland during the Great Patriotic War

expand and deepen children’s understanding of the Great Patriotic War;
cultivate respect for the heroic past of the country;
to form a positive assessment of such moral qualities as self-sacrifice, heroism, patriotism;
to form in students a sense of pride in the heroic past of their homeland;
develop citizenship and national identity of students.
Decor: the hall is decorated with flowers, colorful balloons, drawings for Victory Day, wall newspapers with stories about fellow countrymen and relatives who fought during the Second World War; in the center there is a St. George ribbon with the inscription “May 9 – Victory Day”
Equipment: computer (laptop), projector, presentation on the theme of the event, recordings of songs “Holy War” (music by A. Alexandrov, lyrics by V. Lebedev-Kumach), “Victory Day” (music by David Tukhmanov, lyrics by Vl. Kharitonov) , cons for the songs “A modest little blue handkerchief” (music by G. Petersburgsky, lyrics by Y. Galitsky), “Do Russians want war” (music by E. Kolmanovsky, lyrics by E. Yevtushenko), “Cranes” (music by Yana Frenkel, lyrics by R. Gamzatov), ​​“Immortal Regiment” (author - Vl. Slepak).
Preliminary preparation:
1. Conduct a series of classes introducing younger schoolchildren to the history of our country during the Second World War.
1. If possible, go on excursions to local museums.
2. Design wall newspapers in which to place stories about veterans.
3. Write essays “War in the history of my family”
4. Hold a drawing competition by May 9.
5. Learn songs and poems.
6. Decorate the hall, decorating it with posters and flowers.

Progress of the event

Presenter 1. Today is an unusual day for us - we are standing on the threshold of the greatest holiday - Victory Day over Nazi Germany. For 73 years our country has not seen the horrors of war. For 73 years our country did not flinch from shell explosions, but even in this bright period of peaceful life there were and are the dark years of war in Afghanistan, Chechnya, Syria, where our guys died and are dying.

(slide “Our most important holiday is Victory Day”)

Presenter 2. We were born in peacetime, so we never heard the howl of sirens announcing the alarm, we didn’t see houses destroyed by bombs, we don’t know what the Leningrad bread ration is. It’s hard for us to understand that you can just shoot or burn dozens, or even hundreds of people at once. Movies and works of art tell us about all this. For us, war is already history.

Presenter 1. For four long years, 1418 days, the bloodiest and most terrible war in the history of mankind raged on our land. On June 22, 1941, at 3:15 a.m. in the morning, German troops crossed the border of the Soviet Union.
This is how the Great Patriotic War began.

The song by V. Lebedev-Kumach “Holy War” sounds (1 verse)

(slide “The Motherland is Calling”)

Presenter 2. Each German officer had with him a booklet containing “12 commandments in dealing with Russians,” which, in particular, said: “You must realize that you are a representative of great Germany. In the interests of the German people, you must use the most brutal and most ruthless measures. Kill every Russian. Don’t stop if there’s an old person, woman, boy or girl in front of you.”

Presenter 2. The Nazis turned our cities and villages into ruins, abused the civilian population, our prisoners of war, conducted medical experiments on Soviet people, starved them, burned them in crematoria.

(slide “Staff during the war”)

Presenter 1. These sinister acts of the Nazis aroused powerful resistance from our people. The whole country turned into a single military camp. In order not to end up in fascist slavery, for the sake of saving the Motherland, our people entered into a fierce battle with their enemies.
Both old and young went to the front.
568 people from our village went to the front, 316 did not return from the war.

Dance to the melody of “The Little Blue Modest Handkerchief”

4 students come out.

Reader 1
And from sea to sea
The Russian regiments stood up.
We stood united with the Russians
Belarusians, Latvians,
People of free Ukraine,
Both Armenians and Georgians,
Moldovans, Chuvashs -
All Soviet peoples
Against a common enemy
Everyone who loves freedom
And Russia is expensive!

Reader 2
Days and weeks flew by
This was not the first year of war.
Showed himself in action
Our people are heroic.

Reader 3
You can't even tell it in a fairy tale,
Neither words nor pen,
How helmets flew from enemies
Near Moscow and Orel.
S.V. Mikhalkov. No, we said to the fascists (truth for children)

Reader 4
Tankers were marching towards the enemy -
For the Motherland!
The ships went into battle -
For the Motherland!
Planes took off into the sky -
For the Motherland!
S.Baruzdin. A soldier walked down the street

Presenter 2. The path to Victory was difficult and long. Fierce battles took place near Moscow and Leningrad, near Brest and Stalingrad, in the Caucasus and near Kursk, Odessa, Sevastopol and Kiev.
During the war, people not only fought, during the war they continued to live... They remembered home, mother, wrote letters...

(slide “In moments of respite”)

Scene "Dugout"

Reader 5
Hello mother!
I miss you! I want to snuggle
and laugh.
I want to eat...homemade cabbage soup,
chase pigeons across the roofs!
...how is dad in the hospital?
Tomorrow I'll go on reconnaissance
behind enemy lines.
Do not be afraid.
I'm not scared at all.
I love your eyes...
Do you remember the warm one?
You him, please
Mother! I'll come back,
and you and I
Let's go for a walk around Leningrad again.

All by car! To battle!
Natalie Talisman. Field mail, May 1944... excerpt from my uncle's letter.

Presenter 1. A month later, this soldier was killed at the front in one of the battles. And he was only 19 years old. This letter was conveyed to his family by his fellow soldiers.

Presenter 2. People died, but they believed in Victory and brought it closer by mastering new military professions. Rocketeers, signalmen, aviators, tank crews - it’s impossible to list them all.

(slide “Photos of soldiers”)

Reader 6

The sun is shining, the waves are splashing,
The beacons lit up
Day and night stand guard
Black Sea sailors.

The dance “Apple” is performed (music by R. Gliere).

Reader 7
And to become a soldier,
There's a lot to know
Be agile and skillful
Very dexterous, strong, brave.

The poem "Dispute" is staged in costumes.

Once (in the Ensky part it was)
We met at the training ground
Heavy tank
And their fighting brother -
Soldier's machine gun.
They came together and started an argument:
At the front, who is more important these days?
Rocket modestly declared: “Friends!”
I'm not going to praise myself,
However, the light interprets about me:
“There is no weapon stronger than a rocket!”
- Yes it is, -
I noticed Tank's bass voice, -
But about me
And about my armor
It was not for nothing that songs were composed during the war.
Even now, I will tell you without embellishment,
At the front he would be more important than you.
“You are strong, brothers, I’m glad about that,”
Automaton said with a smile, -
But suddenly, imagine, close combat breaks out
Anyone would appreciate me then!
Perhaps this debate would continue
And still,
If only I had approached our heroes
Excellent soldier - Mikhail Cherkashin.
He listened to the heated exchange
And he shook his head: “I’m sorry that often
You cannot understand the simple truth.
Here they talked about your strength,
And then they forgot
That all of you - this must be firmly remembered -
Powerless without a skilled soldier."

Presenter 1. The song walked along the path of war with the soldiers. The song saw off military echelons, visited the wounded in hospitals, was with soldiers on the front line during difficult days of attacks and retreats, and warmed the soul in rare moments of calm. The song supported the spirit of the fighter, his great faith in victory.

Reader 8
I would start my story with a song,
From that simple, secret song,
Which, like a symbol of joy, rushed
Over Warsaw, Budapest, Vienna...
On foot and in a truck,
Hot day and winter powder
We carried it in a duffel bag
The lightest precious burden...
In the quiet hour you sit down and sing,
And the soldiers will cheerfully join you.

The song “Three Tankers” is performed by boys (remade for children

Presenter 2. While the front lived with the idea of ​​expelling the Nazis from their native land as quickly as possible, the rear was guided by the state slogan “Everything for the front” and the never-fading thought “It’s even more difficult at the front.”
And this sleepless front needed a lot: weapons, ammunition, medicine, clothing, food. The country worked with inhuman tension. Of course, men, specialists who were given armor, also worked at aviation, tank and other defense factories. But most of the men in the city, and especially in the village, were replaced by their wives, sisters, and daughters.

(slide “Women in the rear during the Second World War”)

And I would also like to note that their fate was even worse: they were waiting... They were waiting for their relatives and people close to their hearts. They spent 4 whole years in anxiety... The next poem is dedicated to them - strong and courageous.

Reader 9
She turned gray in separation
During the years of the great war.
Her patient hands
Baptized by fire and labor.
She had a hard time in those years:
The whole family left to fight,
And at home she -
And the soldier
And also a soldier's mother.
But she endured troubles,
Without frowning high eyebrows,
She plowed and mowed
For my husband
For the eldest son,
For my younger sons.
And I believed again and again
What will I find in each envelope?
Her mother's word
Her secret:
"I am waiting!"
During these years I knew cool
That every line of the letter
Russia wrote with her,
Russia, Russia itself!
N. Starshinova "Soldier's Mother".

Presenter 1. Women also took part in battles. They bravely threw themselves under bullets during bombings and shelling. Sisters of mercy carried wounded soldiers from the battlefield. Women served as intelligence officers, military translators, radio operators, and joined partisan detachments. They fought shoulder to shoulder alongside men, conquering every inch of land.

(slide “Women at the front during the Second World War”)

Reader 10 (girl in a headscarf with a red trust, with a bag)
Guns roar, bullets whistle.
A soldier was wounded by a shell fragment.
Sister whispers:
“Come on, I’ll support you,
I will bandage your wound!”
I forgot everything: weakness and fear,
She carried him out of the fight in her arms.
There was so much love and warmth in her!
My sister saved many from death.

The song “Do the Russians want war” is performed (girls sing)

Presenter 2. Not only adults, but also children stood up to defend the Fatherland. Many of them had signs of military valor, orders and medals. 20 thousand received the medal “For the Defense of Moscow”, 15 thousand 249 – “For the Defense of Leningrad”. Children looked after the wounded in hospitals, collected scrap metal and money for the defense fund, and sent thousands of parcels with warm socks, lovingly embroidered handkerchiefs, and tobacco pouches to the front.

(slide “Children during the Second World War”)

Presenter 1. During the war, children took part in the construction of defense lines, served as messengers for partisan detachments, and as scouts in military units. Some of them, along with adults, were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. We talked about them in detail during our class hours.

(slide “Pioneer Heroes”)

Presenter 2. The Great Patriotic War lasted four and a half years. Our soldiers fought bravely in battles. More than 12 million of them were awarded orders and medals, and 11,603 soldiers were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union!
Two heroes of the Soviet Union - Boldyrev A.I. and Bukhnin F.P. were born in our small homeland. They returned alive from the battlefields and continued to work for the good of the Fatherland. Thanks to A.I. There is now a war memorial to Boldyrev in the city of Uvarovo, which is so loved by the residents of Uvarov and the Uvarovsky district.

(slide “Heroes-countrymen”)

Boldyrev A.I.

Opening of the memorial complex in Uvarovo, 1980. The right to light the Eternal Flame was given to A.I. Boldyrev.

Bukhnin F.P. with his wife

Presenter 1. There is no family in Russia that was spared by the war. Therefore, on this day, every family remembers both those who remained on the battlefields and those who established a peaceful life after the war.

Children come out one at a time and briefly talk about their relatives who fought during the Second World War.

Presenter 2. 27 million died in the Great Patriotic War. Let each of you feel the stern eyes of the fallen, the purity of their hearts, feel responsibility to the memory of these people, the greatness of their feat.
Just imagine - if a minute of silence is declared for each of the 27 million people in the country, the country will be silent... for 51 years!
Many of the soldiers don’t even have graves, and if they do, they are mass graves.

(slide “Inscription on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier”)

We will honor the memory of those who did not return from the Great Patriotic War with a minute of silence.

The song “Cranes” is performed

Presenter 1. But these sacrifices were not in vain, the Nazis were defeated. On May 9, 1945, Berlin, the last stronghold of fascism, fell. The entire sky exploded with fireworks of the long-awaited victory.

(slide “Salute”)

Target: develop interest in the historical past of our country; raise a patriot - a citizen of your country

Objectives of the event:

To instill in students a feeling of love for the Fatherland;

Increase interest in the historical past of the Motherland,

Propaganda through war songs, poems about war, ideas of patriotism, humanism, respect for the history of the state;

Event form: literary and musical composition

Equipment: projector; microphones; model of the monument to the “Unknown Soldier”; military uniforms of previous years (caps, tunics;), videos about the Second World War; backing tracks of war songs. Progress of the event Presenter 1: There is no sweeter Motherland in the world,

Where are other azure skies?

The sun is brighter, the stars are the brightest,

Where groves and forests are pleasant.

Presenter2: Where are the rushing waters in the rivers?

They turn blue like turquoise

Where, when bad weather comes,

All the people come out like a thunderstorm.

Song "Dal the Great"

Presenter 1: Victory!

Glorious forty-fifth!

But we'll look back:

From those war years, soldiers

Today they talk to us.

Presenter 2: Listen! This is what we say.

Dead. We.

Listen! This is what we say.

From there. From the darkness.

Presenter 3: Listen! Open your eyes.

Listen to the end.

This is what we say, dead.

We are knocking on your hearts...

Video “Remember Me” Part 1

Song “I Flew as an Angel”

Reader: A dangerous attack is underway,

There is a terrible howl and roar everywhere.

Tanks are walking across the field, smoking,

A flock of bullets thunders in the sky.

And now the infantry is crawling,

Raising bayonets, rushing forward.

Don't lag behind if you want to live,

Then we will definitely be lucky.

But the tunics are smoking a little,

The coolness of the wind chills the sweat.

There's fire everywhere and you can't get through

Through the thickness of ashes and enemies

Come on, let's get together brothers

Run, crawl or walk,

For the Motherland! For our land!

Save from enemy infantry!

And the battle near enemy positions

There's hand-to-hand combat here

Soldiers fight each other

Shoulder to shoulder, growing here.

And full of rage, courage, a little more courage,

Another throw!

And we will tear the enemy to pieces,

Let's snatch victory from under your feet!

Reader: “By the carriages!” - it hit my nerves.

Faces are immediately like gray lead,

You left us young in forty-one

You're leaving forever, father!

Mom looks almost detached.

Mom is pregnant with me, with me.

Eh, father, from that echelon

No one can return home.

You are the last effort of will

He shouted through the growing noise:

“There will be a son - call him Kolya! There will be a daughter..." -

And he waved his hand. And he went from acceleration, and from acceleration

Echelon to the intended battle. ...

If only I could run, father, to the carriage,

If only I could say goodbye to you with a glance.

Song "Echo of Love"

Reader: I was probably killed in the war.

In a dream I heard bullets whistling,

And it was the end of July...

The earth was smoking, melting in fire,

And I wanted to live, it seems, twice as much.

I was probably drafted, like everyone else.

They gave me a rifle - and off to the front it was like hell.

The sky was burning and the earth was burning with ashes

It fell like scorched snow.

And wild fear in the eyes that look up.

It’s probably not in vain that I’m scared again

Any reminder of that war.

And I can't find peace...

And even on the threshold of long dreams

A bullet hits me under the shoulder blade... it hurts... there is blood.

Reader 1: They don’t put crosses on mass graves

And the widows weep at them,

Someone brings bouquets of flowers to them

And the eternal flame is lit.

Reader 2: There are no tear-stained widows at mass graves,

Stronger people come here.

There are no crosses on mass graves,

But does that make it any easier?

Sounds "Adagio" Secret Garden

Reader: Black stone, black stone,

Why are you silent, black stone?

Is this what you wanted?

Have you ever dreamed of

become a tombstone for the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier?

Are the stones to blame?

That somewhere underground

Soldiers sleep too long

Nameless soldiers.

Unknown soldiers...

And above them the grass dries

And above them the stars fade.

And a golden eagle circles above them,

And the sunflower sways.

And the pine trees stand above them,

And it's time for snow.

And the orange sun spreads across the sky...

Time moves on them...

But someday

but once upon a time

Someone in the world remembered

name of the unknown soldier!

After all, even before death

he had many friends.

After all, he still lives in the world very

old mother.

And there was also a bride...

Where is she now - the Bride?

A soldier was dying - Famous.

Died - unknown.

Song "Missing"

Reader: In St. Petersburg, in Kyiv, in Ryazan

The shadows of dead comets wander...

Boys with diamond eyes

Who will erect a monument for you?

Chopin's "Lullaby for an Angel" sounds. The mother comes out to the music. Sits on the parapet.

Hello son, the meeting has arrived.

How many years have I been waiting for this meeting?

I've been looking for something alive for more than half a century,

and now I’ve come to the grave.

How are you doing here? The wind sways a little,

quiet, calm all around. Grace.

I'm lonely in the world without you,

I have no one else to call my son.

I remember you were born like yesterday,

and what a nice little boy you were!

I hear your children's laughter from the yard.

Before my eyes: how sweetly you sleep!

I remember arguing with my neighbor Vanyushka,

and as if furtively, through a dilapidated fence

you ran barefoot to the river.

I would like to come to you: it’s painful to live, I’m tired.

May God not show his mercy.

Forgive me, I'm getting too old!

Maybe I’m not saying the right thing anymore.

I've seen you and that's enough!

Now I know where your abode is.

Well, I’ll go, rest, sleep well!

Kingdom of heaven! May the earth rest in peace!

Presenter 3: Eternal glory to the heroes who died for the Motherland!

All those who did not return home,

All those who fought and suffered,

I'll hug you for a minute.

Presenter 2: Let everything freeze in this minute,

Even if time is silent,

We remember you, fathers and grandfathers,

Russia, the Motherland honors you!

Minute of silence

Presenter 3: The wound in the heart will fade away

The quiet moan of gray cranes.

I will remember and believe stubbornly

I am a spring and ringing stream.

Presenter 2: I will know what is behind the storm and ashes,

High, high from the ground

Above the singing, ringing dawn -

Cranes, cranes, cranes...

Dance "Cranes"

Music from the film “Battalions Ask for Fire” plays

Presenter2: Who said that we need to quit

Songs at war?

After the battle the heart asks

Double the music!

Presenter 3: Today we have a break,

Tomorrow we will return to the battles,

Why can't I hear your song?

Our friend, a camp button accordion?

Dance "Darkie"

Presenter 1: What songs were sung during the war!

They still give me chills to this day!

Over time, without falling in price,

They live! It’s no good to forget them!

Presenter 2: And in the hearing of the whole big country,

Considered a fighting, spiritual force,

They fought on the fronts of the war

And they killed the fear of the grave.

Presenter 3: So songs were needed in the war,

This lifted people's spirits

Like the ammunition that is important

When there is a big offensive...

Presenter 1: The people expressed themselves to us in songs,

Singing sorrow, joy and misfortune,

In the fire of war, suffering and loving,

He brought Victory Day closer by singing!

Song "When we were at war"

Presenter1: From Stalingrad to Berlin

We walked slowly

There was sun, there was slush,

But a warm soul.

Presenter2: Our friendship is front-line

It will never fade.

And how can we forget them?

Our difficult years.

Presenter 3: We fought with faith in victory

And they took care of each other,

Sing a song when you're tired

And we reached Berlin.

Dance "Bryansk Street"

Presenter 2: The cannonades suffocated.

There is silence in the world.

Once upon a time on the mainland

The war is over.

Presenter 3: We will live, meet the sunrises,

Believe and love.

Just don't forget this!

Just don't forget!

Video “Remember Me” Part 2

Polina Makarova: Grandfather, I remember you. I know it’s important for you to know, because if I remember you, it means you didn’t go to death in vain, it means you’re alive!

My great-grandfather Alexey Ulyanovich Voyakin was born on January 1, 1924 in the village of Malinovka, Tambov district, Tambov region. When he turned 17, the Great Patriotic War began. He completed machine gunner courses and was sent to the front. My great-grandfather liberated Hungary and Bulgaria. Had awards. He was seriously wounded in battle. After the war he returned to his homeland. He devoted his entire life to children: he began working as a primary school teacher in his native school, and later became a director.

There is a memorial plaque near the school with the names of participants in the Great Patriotic War. The names of my great-grandfathers are forever imprinted on this board: Alexei Ulyanovich Voyakin and his father Ulyan Stepanovich Voyakin, who died in 1941. I will always remember them. You are in heaven, you are in my memory! You give me strength to live!

Presenter 3: The Motherland is harsh and sweet

Remembers all the brutal battles.

Groves grow over the graves,

Nightingales glorify life through the groves.

Presenter 2: Menacing melodies of war days,

Joy or bitter need

Everything passes, the Motherland remains,

Something that will never change.

Presenter 1: They live with her, loving, suffering, rejoicing,

Falling and rising up.

A rainbow triumphs over the storm,

And life triumphs over death!

The song “We are your children Russia!”

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Scenario of a musical and literary composition for children of senior preschool age “Let us bow to those great years”

Target: Fostering moral and patriotic feelings for the Motherland.
1. Continue to introduce children to the history of our country.
2. Continue to develop a sense of patriotism in children through familiarity with the creativity of the Great Patriotic War: songs, dances, poems.
3. Induce in children a feeling of compassion for those who did not return from the war;
4. Foster a respectful attitude towards veterans of the Great Patriotic War
Description: This scenario can be used in the work of music directors, teachers, parents and children of a preparatory school group.
Costumes: Military uniform for boys, cook suits 2 pcs. nurse costumes, crane costumes.
A pot, a ladle, a horse on a stick, a wreath, an eternal flame.

Progress of the composition:

Phonogram "Oh, roads" music. A. Novikova.
Children in military uniform enter the hall in pairs and stand in a checkerboard pattern in front of the audience.

Presenter –
Victory Day May 9 –
A holiday of peace in the country and spring.
On this day we remember the soldiers,
Those who did not return to their families from the war.

On this holiday we honor our grandfathers,
Defending their native country,
To those who gave Victory to the peoples
And who returned peace and spring to us!
(N. Tomilina)
Phonogram “Voice of Levitan – the beginning of the war”
Phonogram “Holy War” by Muses A. Alexandrov

1 child –
Everyone was sleeping peacefully at dawn,
The night melted like a shadow.
And the inhabitants of the Earth did not yet know
What a terrible day was being born.
2nd child -
Didn't know that in the twentieth century
It will be the darkest day
The rivers will turn red with blood,
The earth will be scorched by fire.
3rd child -
That day all my life in “before” and “after”
Divide once and for all,
No one could imagine at all
That war will come on this day.
N. Andriyanova
4 child -
Even that night the children dreamed of games,
But with a menacing roar, not an empty game,
The night sky exploded at dawn,
The planes were flying east. Their system
He carried, hiding, the beginning of a new note,
What, true to the conductor's plans,
The ominous screech of the first flight
The song will begin by name - war.
N. Brown
Phonogram "Let's bow to those great years." Music A Pakhmutova
Children line up in two lines facing each other.
Two boys walk through the line and lay a wreath at the eternal flame.

1 child -
The spruce froze on guard,
The blue of the peaceful sky is clear.
Years go by. In an alarming hum
The war is far away.
2nd child -
But here, at the edges of the obelisk,
Bowing my head in silence,
We hear the roar of tanks close
And a soul-tearing explosion of bombs.
3rd child –
We see them - Russian soldiers,
That in that distant terrible hour
They paid with their lives
For bright happiness for us...

Song "At the Eternal Flame" music. A. Berlyakova

Presenter – Let's honor the memory of the fallen heroes with a minute of silence.

Phonogram Minute of silence.

Phonogram "Dark Night" music. N. Bogoslovsky.
The soldiers settle down to rest. Some write letters, some mend clothes, some sit by the fire.
Presenter –
White flocks of letters
They flew to Rus'.
They were read with excitement,
They knew them by heart.
These letters are still
They don’t lose, they don’t burn.
Like a big shrine
They take care of their sons.

Soldier boy -
Hello, dear Maxim!
Hello, my beloved son!
I'm writing from the front line,
Tomorrow morning back into battle!
We will drive out the fascists,
Take care, son, mother.
Forget sadness and sadness -
I will return victorious!
I will finally hug you.
Goodbye. Your father.
Olga Kaspirovich

Song "In the dugout" music. K. Listova

Phonogram “In the forest near the front” by M. Blanter’s muses
A soldier boy approaches a girl nurse.

Soldier -
Today we have a break,
Tomorrow we will return to the battles.
Maybe we'll dance a waltz,
My dear!
Child soldiers part to make room for dancing
Dance "Waltz"

Phonogram “Carrier of Music. V. Pushkova.
Two children in chef's hats with pots ride on a horse.

Presenter –
Rumbling along the road
The regimental kitchen is on its way,
Cook in a white cap
With a ladle in hand.
Cook -
Hey soldiers, get up!
Get out the cups and spoons.
Oh, and the porridge is good,
Try it, Russian soul!

The soldiers line up at the kitchen, receive their rations and settle down to have lunch. (Imitation)
Phonogram “Let's smoke” music. M. Tabachnikova.
A boy soldier goes out into the circle and reads an excerpt from the poem “Vasily Terkin”

No guys, I'm not proud
Without thinking into the distance,
So I’ll say: why do I need an order?
I agree to a medal.
For a medal. And there’s no hurry.
This would end the war
I wish I could come on vacation
To the native side.
Will I still be alive? - hardly.
Fight here, don’t guess.
But I will say about the medal:
Give it to me then.
Provide, since I am worthy.
And you all must understand:
The simplest thing is -
The man came from the war.
So I came from the stop
To your dear village council.
And in my hands there is a talyanka...
Will there be a dance or not?
A. Tvardovsky

Dance "Quadrille"

Fanfare sounds. Everyone lines up in a column one at a time.
Phonogram "On the road" music. V. Solovyov-Sedoy
Children march in place.
Presenter –
Thanks to the heroes
Thanks to the soldiers
What the world was given,
Then - in forty-five!!!
We will never forget!!!
May the sun be peaceful
Shines for all people!!!

Children walk in formation around the hall and sit on chairs.
Child -
The whole planet saw
In clouds of fire and smoke -
The glory of the army is immortal,
The will is indestructible.
Army strength of steel
Moved like an avalanche
Along the banks of the Danube,
Through the squares of Berlin.

Boys perform the dance “Cossacks in Berlin” music. D.Pokrass

Child -
Only time doesn't dare
Take the words out of the song
Only good seed
Rises again and again -
We were on fire,
We slept in the snowdrifts,
Many have grown old
Many died in the field.

Girls perform the “Cranes” dance. Ya.Frenkel

Presenter –
The beauty that nature gives us,
The soldiers defended themselves in the fire,
May day of forty-fifth year
Became the last point in the war.
Phonogram “Voice of Levitan - the end of the war”

Phonogram "Victory Day" music. D. Tukhmanova.
Children perform a ceremonial line-up and line up in four columns in front of the audience.

Presenter –
The war has passed, the suffering has passed,
But pain calls to people:
Come on people, never
Let's not forget about this.
Let in everything that life is full of,
In everything that is dear to the heart,
We will be given a reminder
About what happened in the world.
(A. Tvardovsky)
1 child -
We celebrate Victory Day,
He comes with flowers and banners.
We are all heroes today
We call by name.
2nd child -
We know: it’s not at all easy
He came to us - Victory Day.
This day has been conquered
Our great-grandparents.
3rd child -
And that's why today
They put on medals.
We, going to the holiday with them,
They sang a sonorous song.
4 child -
We dedicate this song
To our great-grandfathers and grandfathers.
To our beloved Motherland
Glory, glory on Victory Day!
Abdulkhak Igebaev

Song "Heirs of Victory" music. E. Zaritskaya

All - We won! Hooray!

The script for the theatrical and musical composition “Memory of the Heart,” dedicated to

Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War.

The song “Bend of the Guitar” is playing

Phonogram of bells.

1 ved. You live for many years, you ring bells.

You know a lot about life in Rus',

2 ved. Tell the bells

Tell us everything you can’t keep silent about,

In our hum they knock day after day /

For whom there is neither sun nor rain,

Forgotten how the fields bloom.

Not seeing their children.

4 ved. Why, when there is peace on earth,

And the blue domes are transparent,

In every city across the big country,

The bells are ringing, the bells are ringing...

1 led. You live for many years, you ring bells.

You know a lot about life in Rus',

You can probably tell a lot.

What do you remember and what cannot be forgotten...

(on the screen there are slides of Mamayev Kurgan)

2 ved. I'm not participating in the war-

She participates in me.

And the reflection of the Eternal Fire

It trembles on my cheekbones.

3 ved. Dedicated to everyone who achieved Victory!

Girls of grades 1 and 2 (7-8 grades) come out, the leaders stand next to them.

(The soundtrack of “Rio Rita” plays.) The music fades out

(An excerpt of the melody “Blue Handkerchief” sounds). The girls sing:

June twenty second

At exactly four o'clock

Kyiv was bombed, they told us

That the war has begun.

The guys - the presenters - approached the girls and hugged them. They moved away from the girls, came forward, and lined up in 2 lines.( "Sacred" sounded softly war"). The guys turned and silently left.

Girls 1 and 2 stand a little to the side and silently look after the guys.

Girl3 reads A. Dementyev’s poem “Birches of Russia.”

(The bells sound, then the sound fades a little).

4 ved. We remember,

We remember how we lived the dream -

Return with Victory to your native roof.

We believed sacredly and were faithful -

The faith with which we were strong.

1 led. Time has no power over our memory.

Nothing passed us by

I close my eyes just for a moment - and it’s clear

The past rises again.

(The bells stop. The sounds of fighting are heard. They come closer and then move away.)

Boy1 reads a poem by A.I. Tvardovsky "The Tankman's Tale").

(The melody “Oh, roads...” sounds, then fades out a little.)

Girls: Mom, what is war?

(The phonogram “Oh, roads...” continues to sound, 4 presenters come out ).

1 ved. War - there is no crueler word.

2 ved. War – there is no holier word.

3 ved. War - there is no more terrible word.

4 ved. War - there is no sadder word.

(“Oh, roads...” fades out).

Ved. step aside. The song “My Moscow” is performed by a vocal group).

A girl and a boy (9-10 grades) come forward. Their dialogue sounds:

Girl: Dawn is coming... Our last dawn...

Boy: Don't think about it...What were you doing on this day before the war?

WITH.: Today, what date?

A.: I don’t remember... Probably, as always, I ran away from the lecture... (Grinned) to the concert in the Column Hall...

WITH.: I’ve never been to a concert in the Hall of Columns...Is this probably interesting?

A.:(after a pause) Very...

Wok. the group performs the song “Seryozhka Malaya Bronnaya and Vitka with Mokhovaya ».

Leading 1, 2, 3 come out:

1c. The grasses are raging above the ground.

The clouds float like peahens.

And one thing, that one on the right -

And I don't need fame.

2nd century Nothing is needed anymore

To me and to those floating nearby.

We would like to live - and that’s all the reward.

We should live.

And we are sailing across the sky.

3 ved. This pain doesn't go away.

Where are you, living water?

Oh, why does war happen?

Ah - why?

Why are they killing us?

Clouds, clouds.

V. group performs the song “Cranes”.

The song is over. A boy appears holding a box in his hands. A girl approaches him.

Nadia: What you have there?

Tolik: Letters.

Nadia: Letters.

Tolik: Yes. From that distant war. (Took letters from the box).

Nadia: Why no envelopes and stamps?

Tolik: It was.

Nadia: Are your letters real?

Tolik: Real. And among them is a letter that I wrote to my great-grandfather, who fought in that war. I also dedicated poems to him. Listen here. (Reads poetry and letter).

It turns out 4 leads:

4 ved. Who said that in war a song is not needed?

He doesn’t know how important she is for a fighter.

Jokes, jokes, friend,

Helps to live.

Well, a song for a fighter.

What water to drink.

That living water that we

Gives strength

And in an unkind hour of trouble -

Will save lives.

A cheerful melody sounds

V. group singsa song about an accordion.

4 presenters come out:

1ved. Forties, fatal,

Military and frontline.

Where are the funeral notices?

And echelon knocking.

2 ved. How it was! How did it coincide -

War, trouble, dream and youth!

And it all sunk into me

And only then did it come to my senses.

3 ved. Forties, fatal,

Lead, gunpowder...

War is sweeping across Russia.

And we are so young.

4 ved. War... From Brest to Moscow - 1000 kilometers, from Brest to Berlin -600. Total - 1600 kilometers. ... This is if you count in a straight line ...

1 ved. So little, right? 1600 kilometers - this is by train, if then less than two days, by plane - about 3 hours... By dashing and on your feet - 4 years!

2 ved. Four years! 1418 days, 34,000 hours. And 26 million dead Soviet people.

(numbers on screen )

3 ved. We live in an era of large scale, we are accustomed to large numbers. We easily say: “A thousand kilometers per hour, a million tons of raw materials, a billion dollars in profit... But 26 million dead... You can imagine. What it is?

Ved. leaving.

V. The group sings the song “The Birds Don’t Sing Here.”

The bells ring, then fall silent. The first phrase of D. Tukhmanov’s song “Victory Day” sounds (phonogram).

It turns out 4 leads:

4 ved. Victory! Hooray! Long Live the Victory! Ours took it!( remains on stage).

A girl comes out:

Girl. This is a waltz, this is a waltz, this is a waltz...

This is a slow smooth flight...

For him, for her,

And for you

The waltz floats over our city.

For girls who have experienced troubles,

For boys baptized by war.

After so many unimaginable years

Again the sounds of it over Moscow.

B. the group sings “Waltz”, the children dance.

1.2 leads come out:

1st. And on the blue expanses of the Earth

So much to do, expectations and meetings!

It was you who saved our land.

2 ved. Through the time that the country has passed,

Through the ringing of all the bells.

I always hear the word - Motherland,

What is dearer to me than any words.

This concludes our theatrical and musical composition.

Olga Polozova
Musical and literary composition for May 9 for children of senior preschool age


musical and literary composition,

Target: Convey to Children's holiday meaning"Victory Day", cultivate love and respect for the memory of fallen soldiers.

Tasks:1. Arouse interest in the military history of our Motherland, army, people.

2. To develop citizenship, a sense of love and pride for the Motherland.

3. Cultivate moral and patriotic qualities children through musical- aesthetic education.

4. Orient parents towards civic education children in the family.

Characters: presenters – adults

Progress of the event

Junior children preschool age pass and are seated in the hall before the start of the holiday. Children senior preschool age children enter the hall to the music"Victory Day" D. Tukhmanova, holding flowers, flags, blue scarves and fireworks ribbons.

Children seniors and preparatory groups perform formation changes under music.

Methodist: Good afternoon, dear guests! Very soon, on May 9, our entire country will celebrate a glorious holiday - Victory Day. 70 years have passed since the day the Soviet Army and our people defeated Nazi Germany.

Presenter: We celebrate many holidays,

We all dance, play, sing.

And we meet the beautiful autumn,

And we are waiting for a beautiful Christmas tree.

But there is one holiday - the most important.

And spring brings it to us.

Victory Day is solemn, glorious,

The whole country celebrates it.

1st child: I know from dad, I know from grandfather:

On the ninth of May Victory came to us!

All the people expected a victorious day,

That day became the most joyful holiday!

2nd: The people defended the Fatherland,

He walked bravely into a formidable battle,

People did not spare their lives

Dear for the Fatherland!

3rd: Did your fathers and grandfathers bring it?

Happiness to the people of the whole earth,

We glorify on the bright Victory Day

All those who went into great battle!

4th: When Victory Day comes,

Gardens are blooming, fields are blooming.

When Victory Day comes -

The whole earth breathes in spring!

5th: When Victory Day comes,

The sun rises earlier.

And, like one big family,

Our people are marching in columns!

6th: When Victory Day comes,

They sound and music, and laughter,

And, accepting congratulations,

We congratulate everyone!

Song of your choice musical the leader is played by children senior preschool age

Presenter: 70 years of our glorious Victory. And we remember with gratitude our warriors, defenders who defended the world in a fierce battle. We owe it to all our defenders, today's veterans and those who are not with us, that we now live under a peaceful, clear sky. Eternal glory to them!

Honored guests came to our kindergarten to share the joy of Victory. Let's welcome them. (The presenter introduces the veterans by name.)

Methodist: We got this Victory at a great price! And it is very important that people never forget those terrible days of the war. Today we will remember how it was.

An audio recording is playing music performed by a brass band. Children play with each other, with toys, and read books. It sounds like a waltz.

Leading joyfully: (to the sounds of a waltz)

The country woke up peacefully on this June day.

Its lilacs have just unfurled in the parks.

The country greeted the morning rejoicing in the sun and peace...

(the presenter suddenly falls silent and music, and the children freeze with objects in their hands)

Sounds "Air Raid", the children scatter to their places, the siren stops

Leading tragically:

Suddenly, sad words echoed across the airwaves.

The soundtrack of the song is playing "Holy war" background.

Presenter. (reads in the background)

And the people stood up, hearing the call of the country.

And on the fronts of that great war

Soldiers bravely went into mortal combat

For our Motherland, for you and me! (song fades out)

Two boys in military uniforms with machine guns enter the hall.

1st child. Did you bequeath to us to die, Motherland?

Life promised, love promised, Motherland!

2nd child. Are children born for death, Motherland?

Did you want our death, Motherland?

1st child. The flame hit the sky. Do you remember, Motherland?

2nd child: Quiet said: "Rise to the rescue", Motherland.

Presenter: The border guards were the first to enter the battle; they fiercely defended the borders of our Motherland. But the enemy was advancing and more and more soldiers began to leave for the front. Seeing their fathers, sons, and brothers off to war, women tenderly and touchingly said goodbye to them.

"Farewell Waltz" dance composition

Presenter: Every day and every hour there was a battle for the vastness of our country. All forces were used to stop the enemy. Fierce battles took place on the seas, rivers, on land and in the sky, in forests and swamps.

Dramatization of the poem by S. Marshak We are military. (Preparatory group)

Children come out in costumes with elements of military uniforms. Before each 4th verse, the presenter reads out the names of the soldiers by branch of the military.

Telephone operator (with phone)

Hello, Hello, Jupiter, I am Diamond.

I can hardly hear you at all.

We occupied the village with a fight,

How are you, hello, hello.

Sailor (looks through binoculars) .

There's an airplane on the horizon.

Full speed ahead, forward!

Prepare for battle crew,

Leave us, our fighter.

Submachine gunner: (with automatic) .

So I climbed into the attic.

Perhaps there is an enemy lurking here.

We clean the house behind the house,

We will find the enemy everywhere.

Private (in a cap, with an order.)

I'm a young infantryman.

He fought with a fascist near Moscow.

More than once I went on reconnaissance missions,

The colonel awarded me.

Pilot (with map) .

The infantry is here, and the tanks are here.

Seven minutes left to fly.

The combat order is clear.

ALL: The enemy will not leave us.

(Children sit down, a sailor comes out)

Sailor: Our banner flies red above the ship,

And behind the stern is an azure wave.

We will grow up and become sailors,

We will protect you, country!

"Sailors' Dance" - performed by the boys of the preparatory group.

Presenter: During the war, poets and composers They composed many good, heartfelt songs that soldiers loved to sing during their rest hours. The song always helped maintain the morale of soldiers in between battles and at rest. Artists came to the front and performed for the soldiers. These were songs about the Motherland, about mothers, about a beloved home.

Adults perform a medley of war songs.

Presenter: Our people endured a terrible and difficult war and emerged victorious. Everyone, young and old, rose up to fight the enemy. Women worked in the rear and old men: fired shells, sewed clothes, treated the wounded. “Everything for the front, everything for Victory!”- the slogan of the war years sounded!

Child: My great-grandmother did not fight,

In the rear she brought Victory closer,

We had factories in the rear,

They made tanks and airplanes there for the front...

Shells were made and bullets were cast,

They made clothes, boots,

Bombs for planes, guns for soldiers,

And guns, and of course, provisions.

And the children helped the adults: extinguished incendiary bombs dropped from fascist planes. They worked in factories along with adults, helping to grow bread and potatoes. And this was very difficult, because they did not sleep enough and were malnourished.

Scene (Senior group)

Brother and sister waiting for their mother. Sister wrapped in old shawl, plays with dolls, brother repairs a stool.

Sister: So cold! And mom doesn't come.

Perhaps she will bring us some bread.

Well, at least where to find a tiny one,

I'm afraid to go to bed hungry.

Brother: Don’t I want to eat?

Want! But I still remain silent.

After all, where our dad is now,

Heavier than ours.

The shells don't explode here,

And you and I have a home.

And most importantly, the Nazis are far away.

And who in the country has it easy now!

Sister: Do you remember pancakes with jam?

Tea with mom's cookies

Which she baked on holidays.

Now I could eat it all by myself!

Brother: You're talking about food again!

It would be better not to poison my soul!

The more often you remember her,

The more hungry you feel.

And I don't need memories.

Sister: And here you can hear mom’s steps!

Brother (strictly) Don't you dare whine in front of her,

Let her rest first. (sit down)

Presenter: The mother returned, but they never saw their father. (Light a candle) And many did not return from the war, but in the windows of the houses a candle burned day and night - a sign that they remember and are waiting for those who went to war to come home. But there is a fire that evokes special feelings and special memories in people. This is the fire on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

There are many such graves on our land. These graves contain the remains of soldiers who died on the battlefield during the war. The ashes of one of these soldiers are buried near the Kremlin wall in Moscow. Therefore on the tombstone written: “Your name is unknown. Your feat is immortal". This inscription means that people will always remember that the fallen soldiers defended their Motherland, their relatives and friends, their children and grandchildren. In honor of the victory over fascism, the Eternal Flame burns so that people do not forget about the exploits of our heroes.

1st child: People come to the Eternal Flame.

(preg. gr) They come to bow low

To those who died in a brutal war,

The Motherland is proud of their exploits.

2nd: Fire burns in rain, snow, and hail,

The blizzard and wind will not notice it.

The feat of valiant soldiers is immortal.

Both adults and children bring flowers

3rd: To those who stood for their homeland,

So that the war could not happen again.

People come to the Eternal Flame,

They come to bow deeply.

Children seniors groups perform the song "The Veterans Are Coming"

Presenter: I ask everyone to stand up, (stand near the chairs) Let's honor the memory of the fallen with a minute of silence.

Minute of silence (metronome)

Presenter: Please everyone sit down. Through the centuries, through the years, remember, never forget the terrible years of war.

1st child: No! - we declare to war,

To all evil and black forces,

The grass should be green

And the sky is blue-blue.

2nd child: We need a colorful world.

And we will all be glad

When they disappear on earth

All bullets and shells.

Presenter: The war lasted four long years. The enemy gradually began to weaken, the soldiers of our Motherland advanced to liberate the Russian land. But where did the Soviet soldiers get their strength? They were helped by letters from their homeland. When the battle stops, a soldier sits in a trench, takes out a piece of paper and a small pencil, and writes a couple of lines home. And in response he receives letters from his own mothers, from his beloved wives and children. This gave strength to the fighters; they knew that they were waiting for them home and fought even more fiercely. Every day triangle letters arrived from the front

Adults sing a song "In the dugout"

Presenter: Our valiant army drove the enemy not only from our lands, but also liberated the peoples of other countries captured by the Nazis in Germany. Their feat is immortal. The heroes of that war received awards, orders and medals.

Child: My great-grandfather is a hero!

He defended the country

Sometimes he doesn't sleep at night,

How will he remember that war?

He was wounded twice

He recovered and returned to duty.

And again fighting with the enemy,

My great-grandfather is a hero!

There has been no war for a long time,

But in memory she

Fighters like grandfather

Don't forget, country!

Song "Great grandfather" solo

Presenter: On the ninth day of jubilant May,

When silence fell on the ground,

The news rushed from the edge to the edges:

The world has won! The war is over!

Victory Day! The long-awaited holiday!

Peaceful blue skies.

Peoples, countries remember on earth,

On this day the war ended!

1st child: The war ended in victory,

Those years are behind us.

Medals and orders are burning

On many people's chests.

2nd child: Who wears the military order

For exploits in battle.

And who - for the feat of labor,

In my native land.

3rd child: We need world: to you and me,

And to all the children in the world.

And the dawn should be peaceful

Which we will meet tomorrow.

4th child: We want to live under a peaceful sky,

And rejoice and be friends,

We want it to be everywhere on the planet

Children did not know war at all!

Preparatory group girls perform a dance with blue scarves "Peaceful Sky".

Presenter: Time passes. War veterans are passing away. But people who have accomplished feats must live forever - in their hearts and memories children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

1st child: Thank you for the bright light of the sun,

For the joy of life in every moment of ours,

For the trills of the nightingale, and for the dawn,

And beyond the fields of blooming daisies.

2nd child: - Yes! The terrible hour is behind us.

We only learned about the war from books.

Thank you, we love you very much!

Bows to you from girls and boys!

Children present flowers to visiting veterans.

3rd child: The sun is shining on Victory Day

And it will always shine for us.

Our grandfathers were in fierce battles

They managed to defeat the enemy.

4th child: The columns are marching in an even formation,

And songs flow here and there,

And in the sky of hero cities

Festive fireworks sparkle. (T. Shabatin)

Children perform composition with colorful ribbons "Victory Salute".

Children leave the hall to the songs of the war years.