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How to bewitch a man yourself from a distance. How to bewitch someone you like from a distance: methods of influencing a man

They say that separation is a test of the strength of a relationship. It happens that it is distance that becomes the barrier against which feelings are broken. Sometimes love exists only on the part of the girl, and the man is indifferent. Or you live far from each other, but meet from time to time in common companies.

Is it possible to use spells, and how to bewitch a man from a distance if there is no opportunity to get to know each other better? With the help of a magical ritual, you can induce a man to take action or arouse his interest in himself, as well as instill and rekindle love in the heart, take away a chosen one from a rival, and revive old relationships.

Full moon love spell

For this ritual you only need a candle. A few minutes before midnight you need to go outside (balcony).

“The moon is round-faced, bright and ruddy, come to the court of the groom without a blemish, wherever he is, bring him to me, if he is married, steal from her, just as my heart is tired, so it will be filled with happiness.”

The words are spoken in a whisper and slowly. Then they light a candle so that it illuminates the path for the loved one.

Then the words are said:

The words are repeated three times. Afterwards, with a lit candle, you need to return to the house, go around all the rooms, return to the threshold and extinguish it there. The candle stub should be saved until next time and not shown to anyone.

Conspiracy to the river

You need to prepare a candle, a sheet of paper, a pen, a dish, a small box, and a handful of coins in advance. The action should be carried out on the night from Wednesday to Thursday.

Light a candle. Throw coins onto the dish. Write a letter to your loved one on a blank sheet of paper.

The message should talk about your relationship in the present tense, for example:

“It’s so good to have you around. We hold hands tightly. You love me so much, you care about me, and I care about you...”

In general, everything you dream about, what you expect from your meetings, and at the end of the letter write:

“As I said, it will be so, no one will destroy it. I conjure with white light, I call upon white spirits, I will pay off, I will not be stingy.”

Read the last spell three times. The message must then be burned to ashes on a platter. Mix with coins and place in a box. At dawn you have to get up and take it to the river. There, take handfuls of coins with ash and throw them further into the river. The water must be running; a lake or pond is not suitable.

During this time you must remain completely silent until you return home. Then you should take a bath, also under running water, not in the bath. After this, you can go about your normal business.

The next ritual, which will help to bewitch a man from a distance, is done at sunset.

When the sun drops low enough, you need to have time to read the plot seven times:

“As the rays go out, a gray melancholy will come to you, like a deep night. The bed will not allow you to sleep, it is prickly, cold as ice. When you are exhausted, come to me. I will water, feed, warm, give all the love I can. Only here will you calm your heart, you will be my dear forever.”

Ritual for a quick arrival based on photo

If a girl has a photograph of her beloved man, a simple ritual can be performed on any evening except Sunday.

In addition to the photo, you will need: candles, salt, perfume you use or eau de toilette. As soon as the moon rises (waxing), sit at a table covered with a light tablecloth. Light two candles. Sprinkle salt in front of the photo and add a couple of drops of perfume.

Mix slowly with your left hand while reading the plot:

“At night the wind will bring oblivion, give you sweetness, and calm your heart. It will confuse your thoughts, call you on the road, disturb your soul, create anxiety. You’ll want to come to me so much that you can’t stand it, you’ll fly on wings, dear, beloved.”

Read three times, then throw three pinches of salt into the image of your chosen one, and also three pinches of salt “on the moon” (just into the open window). If you do everything right, this man should soon be next to you.

Thinking about a person, you are already sending him a certain charge of energy. It’s not for nothing that they say that when your cheeks (ears) burn, someone scolds you or remembers passionately. Therefore, try to be as positive as possible in your mental calls. Do you feel when someone misses you?

Ritual for severe melancholy

This conspiracy will help to bewitch a man without consequences from a distance, just be sure to find a pond with stagnant water or a real swamp. When you find such a place, throw three coins into the water, then take some mud and pick the plant you like. Take the “loot” home.

At midnight, place the objects on a spread clean scarf. There should be a candle burning in the room. Take the scarf by two diagonally opposite ends.

And slowly tying into three knots, say:

“Melancholy will take you and bind you for centuries; if you don’t show up, you’ll be lost for the rest of your life. Don’t let me go, don’t let me through, I’ll tie you tightly, I won’t tell anyone.”

Then tie the other two ends with three knots. Seal this bag well with wax and hide it in the farthest corner.

From this moment on, your loved one, far from you, will begin to be tormented by real green melancholy. He will get rid of her as soon as he meets you. But for this, he will need to understand where such emotions come from and when unpleasant sensations become softer. If he understands, he will try to spend his time next to you.

Charming the talisman

If a man is far away and there is no way to see him, you just need to know information about those symbols that accompany him from birth. For example: his zodiac sign, according to the eastern horoscope, according to the Druid horoscope, what stone is his patron, planet, etc.

Find a suitable amulet (easy to buy at an esoteric store). Choose a natural strong thread. Conduct a conspiracy.

This night you will need a candle, holy water, a clean tablecloth. Light a candle at midnight, sit at the table, hold the amulet in your palms, study it completely, give it your touch. Hang the amulet on a thread and place it in front of you.

Sprinkling holy water on four sides of the amulet, read these words:

“There is light around you, not darkness, with me you have only one life. I will bow to you, I will submit to you, respond, come and find me. Protect me, you are my strong shield, without me my soul hurts from melancholy. As I said, it will come true. Everything before me will be forgotten.”

Do this three times, put the amulet on a clean body and go to bed. In the future, you can hang it in your room, wear it around your neck or in your purse. Losing an amulet means weakening the binding energy thread.

Ritual for a married man

If a man is free, spells are easier to carry out, but how to bewitch a married man from a distance so that he forgets his wife - here you need to try.

Buy a skein of red wool, two candles, salt. The skein of wool must be untangled and turned into a neat ball. This must be done in advance.

On Thursday night, after swimming, sit at the table, place two lit candles at a short distance from each other. Take a ball of thread and roll it around and between the candles. At the same time say:

“I will untangle your shackles, show you your path, forget your wife’s wanderings, come to me, fall in love with me. In the snow, in the rain, in the heat, in the wind, to be alone in the world with me.”

How much wool was unwound in this case, tear it off (burn the candles over the fire, you can’t cut it).

Take salt and sprinkle between the candles, saying:

“For love - oversalting, for withdrawal - undersalting.”

Repeat seven times. Then tie the candles with thread, tie seven knots, and spit on each knot. Collect the salt and throw it over the threshold or outside the window. Hide the candles securely. The next time such a ritual is carried out is seven days later.

Option with white silk thread

A safe way to bewitch your beloved man from a distance is to tie him to you with a white silk thread. For this spell you will have to buy a spool of silk threads and a wax candle. The ritual is performed on the waxing moon.

At midnight you need to light a candle and sit comfortably at the table. Measure thirteen pieces of equal length from the threads. Sharp objects must not be used. Now you need to weave a braid from these sections and be sure to weave in your own hair.

When you braid your hair, say the following words:

“The braid is braided, love is called, I will tie it in knots, I will secure it with locks, I will seal it with vows and prayers, we will be bound, not untied for a hundred years.”

Tie the knots tightly and secure the resulting bracelet to your wrist. Blow out the candle and go to bed. When you feel this braid on your hand, imagine how closely your destinies are intertwined.

Do not forget that every love spell ritual is a sacrament, even the best friend should not know anything.

Many girls not only suffer from unrequited love, but also live in different cities with someone who is after their heart. There is a way to bewitch a man, the one you like, from a distance. Love magic can travel kilometers. And there are a great many options for such rituals.

Rituals for love vary in strength of impact. There are harmonization of relationships, love spells, and sugar spells.

There are different ways to tune into the energy of an object. Some require a photo, others don't.

How to bewitch a man without consequences from a distance: tips for performing the ritual at home:

  • Avoid using black magic if you are new to witchcraft. An incorrectly performed ritual can cause you a lot of problems.
  • Check the lunar calendar. Love spells are cast on a full or waxing moon.
  • Follow the instructions strictly and do not change the ritual yourself, because even minor deviations can lead to unexpected and unpleasant consequences.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

Most importantly, think about whether you really need the love of this particular guy and in this particular way. After all, by bewitching a man to you, you forcefully bind him to you, and violence makes few people happy.

Thanks to these rules, you can perform without resorting to the help of specialists.

If you are interested in how to bewitch a married man, someone you like, from a distance, know that all the rituals given in the article are relevant in this case as well.

Strong love spells at a distance collection of rituals

Love spell from a photo at a distance

If you are communicating with a guy via the Internet, casually ask him to send you a photo.

If you have a photo of your chosen one, then it would be logical to use it in a love spell ritual.

It is advisable that the man in the photo is alone or with you, but without strangers. Use scissors if necessary.

And now detailed instructions on how to bewitch a man, someone you like, from a distance using a photo.

Prepare a red wax candle for the ritual - it is the red color that is most often used in love divination. On the night of the full moon, light it in front of the window.

Pick up the photo and read the plot at least three times:

“As the moon illuminates everything visible and invisible, as a candle shines for a traveler in the darkness, so let the road from you to me be bright! Let it be so

Place red wax on the photo three times, put out the candle and go to bed, placing the photo under your pillow. Before you fall asleep, think about your lover. Imagine how you met, imagine your dialogues and actions. If you can imagine in detail how you make love, this will speed up the positive result.

Love spell without photo from a distance

If you don’t have a photo of the man you want, it doesn’t matter. In the ritual, you will need some thing that he previously touched, it could be a pen, a scarf, a note, a glass.

No more than a month should pass from the man’s touching the object to the ritual.

On the third day of the moon's growth, light a red candle, take the object in your hands and stand in front of the mirror. Look at the object in the reflection and say three times:

“Let my thoughts come true, let my feelings ascend, so that my dear one comes to see me and can no longer get lost! Let it be so!"

In this ritual, you also need visualization. In general, you can’t do without a mindset for the desired result in magic.

Love spell on your own blood

What makes this love spell most effective is the use of human blood. Excuse me, our world is structured in such a way that in the most powerful conspiracies there is nowhere without it.

But the ritual itself is simple. You will definitely need a photo of someone you like. Choose it according to the rules described above.

  • On the night of the full moon, light a red and black candle;
  • Place the photo between them.
  • Place your palms together, close your eyes;
  • Read the plot three times:

“The powers of heaven, the powers of earth and water, find me my servant (name), return him and leave him with me forever!”

  • Pierce the ring finger of your right hand with a needle;
  • Leave a fingerprint on the photo;
  • Place the wax of first a red, then a black candle on the blood trail and say:

“I seal my words, lock them, and the key is my tongue!”

  • Blow out two candles at the same time;
  • Carry the photo with you secretly from everyone.

However, if you are looking for how to bewitch a man, someone you like, from a distance without consequences at home, it is better not to undertake this ritual. If you are a beginner, you may make a mistake in the blood plot and the consequences will inevitably follow.

Sometimes everything in life does not work out the way we would like it to, and it is not easy for us to come to terms with the so-called fate. Is it possible to somehow influence events in life?

At all times, there have been people who possessed supernatural abilities and took upon themselves the courage to solve many life situations in an unconventional way. All sorts of witches, wolfharks, witches, and in common people - simply “grandmothers”, used strange rites and rituals, brewed a potion and said what needed to be done to make their plans come true.

The main problems with which people go to such “specialists” are problems with health and personal life. Many women try to get rid of their rival in this simple way, others try to save their family, and still others just try to bewitch a guy from a distance.

Knowing the easy ways, you can try to perform a similar ritual at home, without turning to dubious professionals.

Young girls always feel like they know better what kind of man they want next to them. And if the heart is already beating quickly at the sight of the desired guy, then it’s unlikely that anything can stop the young lady in love. Therefore, many are looking for a way to bewitch a guy from a distance.

In order to win the heart of your beloved man, we can recommend performing a simple love spell ritual that can be performed at home. To get quick results you will need a red candle, a needle and a piece of sugar. Light a candle and, looking at the flame, mentally imagine how you and your love object are holding hands, hugging, how happy you are. Then you should prick a pad on your right hand and drop a drop of blood onto the sugar. Looking at sugar with a drop of your blood, you should say the words: “My blood is dear to me, and it flows in me, so for the servant of God (name) the servant of God (name) will be dear.” Amen". The candle should burn out completely, and you should continue to think about the man all this time.

Surely many people are thinking about how to bewitch a guy from a distance. without having his photo and personal belongings. In fact, photography is not the most important thing in this kind of rituals; it is very important to clearly imagine the image of the beloved man, because this will allow you to carry out a love spell as effectively as possible.

There are spells for water, for hair, but in this case you need close contact with your object. Indeed, in this case, the charmed water is given to drink, and a hair from the man’s head is tied to his own and burned in a candle flame. But if you are looking for a way to bewitch a guy from a distance, then you should probably use the following love spell.

To carry out this ritual, you need two thick ones. Using a thin needle, write your name on one, and the name of your chosen one on the second. You will also need one meter of red tape (the width does not matter). First, the ribbon must be soaked in holy water and allowed to dry, and then tie two candles together. When you tie two candles together, you should say the words: “As these candles burn side by side, so we will walk side by side, shoulder to shoulder, and share all the joys and sorrows together. Let it be so. Amen.” Candles should be placed in the place where you will sleep and lit for 15 minutes every day, because they will burn for a long time.

This method helps to unite the energy fields with a man, and very soon you will feel warmth in communication, his affection for you and increased interest.

Now you know how to bewitch a guy yourself from a distance.

I would like to remind you that a love spell is the submission of someone else’s will, and no matter how harmless it may be, in our opinion, the ritual is, perhaps, not the best and most correct way to win over a man. Think a hundred times before looking for the answer to the question - how to bewitch a guy from a distance.

Do you want to bewitch a guy at home, from a distance?

Everything is simple!

Well, for example, these:

“We evoke strong sympathy”

Take a small magnet and a piece of something iron. It is better to take several iron items. Now you will understand why this is needed. Project your image onto one of the objects, and the image of your loved one onto the other. Connect these little things and hide them by connecting them with a magnet. Wait for the things to work.

"The Power of Strong Wine"

Pour strong wine into a glass.

Whisper these words: “The powers of heaven! Angelic powers! Give, give me unearthly charms! With them I (the servant of God) want to forever bind my beloved (name). Let the wine, as soon as it pours into the glass, heat up all his blood and instill love in him for me!”. Shake the wine in the glass. Close your eyes. Drink wine without opening your eyes.

"Magic wrapped in a towel"

Remember what towel the guy you want to bewitch used to dry himself with. Tie this towel in a knot.

Say the following: “I washed my beloved little hands and put them in a towel. I’ll twist a towel and turn a mile’s head. The towel is still damp - my dear darling is aching for me. Let the towel dry - the little one sighs for me. No one will untie the towel, because my beloved will show me his love.”. There is no need to do anything further. Just wait!

"Milk Charm"

Drink milk before going to bed. Warm it up a little before drinking it. Pour milk only into the most beautiful glass.

Say this spell while bending over your glass: “God, help me, servant of God (proper name). Inspire, O God, my beloved to love me. Let him be as unable to live without me as a baby without milk! Amen!".

How to bewitch a guy from a photo?

“Photography, help!” Find a high-quality photo of your loved one. Find a high-quality photo of yourself. Place two photographs on the table. Wait until the sun goes down. Sit at the table. Place the photos face down. Sit for a few minutes, think about your loved one, relax. Now turn your photo over and write the name of your loved one. Write your name on the photo of your loved one. Place photos side by side. Take a thick needle and a bright red thread. Thread the thread through the needle carefully. Thread the thread through several photographs.

Whisper these words: “I knit the servant of God (say the male name) inextricably with the servant of God (say the female name) with strong and inextricable knots.” Break the thread. Take a clean white envelope and put photos in it. Take a brand new candle (wax). Use it to seal the envelope.

While sealing it, you must say the following words: “I seal the servant of God (my name) with the servant of God (his name) forever!”

"Search for clothes"

Find in your closet at least some old clothes of the person you are going to bewitch. It is very desirable, of course, to find some clothes, but if you don’t find them, you can get by with an ordinary photograph. Make one candle (from dark wax) and fashion a doll from any clay. Light the candle and wrap the doll in your loved one’s clothes. Take three small needles.

Read this “slander”: “Beloved (name of beloved)! Bewitch me, touch me! Don’t look at another girl even once, don’t hurt me with great dislike!” Heat the first needle and stick it into the doll's head. Stick the second needle into the heart area (very deep). The third - to any place on the doll’s body. Quickly remove the needles from the doll and wrap them in white paper. Hide the needles. No one should find them! And if possible, forget about them. Wait for everything to take effect.

How to bewitch your loved one from Thursday to Friday?

You can bewitch your beloved guy from a long distance. For this method you need something from a loved one. I also need a candle. You need to put the name of your chosen one on it (with a very sharp object). At home, place a candle in front of a large and clean mirror. Stand in front of the mirror and light a candle.

Copy the following text onto a piece of paper: “Fate’s fire, hear me! Let my love fly to him! Fire! Do no harm! You are my friend. Strengthen my union with my beloved!”.

Now turn your back to the candle and whisper three times: “If there is a wall between us, destroy it!”.

Again, face the candle flame and whisper: “I sacrifice myself to you. Will you make your wish come true? I'm leaving now!". Quickly blow out the candle and leave the room. Do not return to this room for about a day.

Signs that a guy is bewitched:


He complains about her even from a distance. If you contact him via ICQ or Skype, then you yourself notice that the guy’s strength has disappeared somewhere.

Craving for bad habits

Even if this guy had never seen anything like this before, it didn’t stop him. He either started smoking, started drinking alcohol, or became addicted to drugs.

Faith in everything and everyone

No matter what they say to this person, he will believe everything without problems and without difficulty. Even aliens. And many bad people will happily take advantage of this. Conscience? Such people don't have it!

The attraction of failure

The person who has been bewitched feels terribly unhappy because he is unlucky in everything he undertakes.

Complete absence of pronounced emotionality

It may seem that the person is completely at a loss for emotions. And the complexion resembles white snow. Pale frightens others and repels, accordingly.

Vocabulary lock

The guy is unable to express his thoughts verbally. There is a feeling that the guy had an attack of amnesia.


The boy was never like he was during the period of “bewitchment”. He himself notices this, but cannot control or adjust the degree of his thoughtfulness. “Withdrawal into oneself” is his usual state (throughout the entire “magical” period).

Additional charm for a guy:

How to bewitch a man, a guy? -

How to put a strong spell at home? -

Continuation. . .

How to bewitch a guy at home? -

Use carefully!

Girls cannot always retain the object of their adoration with intelligence, natural attractiveness or material wealth. Because of unhappy love, they often turn to psychics or fortune tellers with the question of how to bewitch their beloved guy. But you can make a person fall in love without turning to professionals. Let's figure out what types of love spells there are, and how to stay with a guy forever without incurring negative consequences.

Is it possible to bewitch a guy at home on your own?

It’s easy to bewitch a guy without consequences on your own at home. Girls find effective love spells on the Internet, on the pages of many books about magic, or simply by listening to their hearts. For example, a lover needs to sit in front of a mirror in the evening, braid her hair, visualizing the image of her lover and repeating to herself the words: “I want to be with my beloved (name),” and then go to bed with the braided hair. Love spells of this kind are easy to carry out and quickly carried out.

Effective ways to bewitch someone you like

If you perform the love spell technique correctly, your chosen one will notice only you. There is one important rule in magic: if a girl decides to bewitch a guy, she must visualize the image during the ritual. The better she does this, the stronger the connection between lovers will be. You can get results if you think about the object of feelings every day, even without taking specific actions. The power of thought will sooner or later manifest itself in reality.

When using ancient rituals for a love spell, the main thing is to realize whether you really need this guy, so as not to subsequently ruin your life and his. Indeed, during such a process, there is a subconscious impact on the chakras of will and sexuality not only of your lover, but also of yours. To quickly bewitch a guy, magic uses classic love spells, which are done:

  • with candles;
  • from photo;
  • on menstruation;
  • with mirror;
  • on the comb;
  • with dice or cards.

To cast a love spell on a man using a photograph

How can a girl bewitch a guy from a photograph? This is an easy ritual, but strong in its binding, which can bind two people forever. The photo must be taken recently, the guy in the picture must be alone and at his full height. If after the ritual the girl feels empty, it means that the love spell was done correctly, because magical actions take a lot of energy.

Take a photo of your chosen one, light a church candle and pass the photo of the guy around the flame of the candle with the words: “As I, (name) yearn for my beloved (boyfriend’s name), so let him yearn for me. Let every day, when thinking about me, the servant of God (your name), a honeyed bliss spread in the heart of (boyfriend’s name). Let it be so! Amen!" After the spell is said 3 times, the photo is burned and the ashes are scattered to the wind.

How to easily bewitch someone on their period

How to bewitch a guy with the help of menstruation has been known for a long time. But such a love spell only lasts for one month, then the chosen one’s feelings weaken. It is not safe to repeat the ritual, because if you regularly “supply” a guy with menstrual blood, your loved one can become aggressive, become impotent, or get serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

There are two ways to carry out such a ritual: a love spell from a distance or mixing menstrual blood into a guy’s drink. In the first case, you don’t need to make any conspiracies, just drop some blood on the photo of your chosen one, and then burn it. In the second case, blood is added to a drink or food with the words: “My blood has drained, so I don’t need it. My beloved, God's servant (boyfriend's name), needs her. Let (his name) yearn for me, the servant of God, but only my body senses it - it will flare up with the heat of love and completely submit to me. Amen!"

With food: apple, milk, candy and tea

All men love to eat delicious food. Women have taken advantage of this weakness since ancient times, casting love spells on food to get a husband. Let's look at the most effective food conspiracies:

  1. Apple. For the love spell, the most beautiful fruit without wormholes is selected. At midnight, you should cut it into 2 parts, remove the core, and write your names on a piece of paper: yours and your boyfriend’s. Then take the paper in your left hand and the apple in your right and say the words: “As the apple dries, so do you dry for me.” Then put the paper in the middle of the apple, fasten the halves with red thread, hide it in a secluded place and let it dry. The removed core must be eaten.
  2. Milk. Speak on this drink and give the object of the love spell a drink: “Just as a little child does not leave his mother, so let the servant of God (boyfriend’s name) not leave me (his name). Just as the water returns to the banks, the cows are drawn to the stacks, so the servant of God (the guy’s name) would need me.”
  3. Candies. You need to buy a box of treats, put it on the windowsill, and put 2 church candles. At midnight, read the following words with lighted candles: “Just as a mother cannot live without a child, a dove cannot live without a dove, and a starling cannot live without a starling, so the servant of God (the guy’s name) cannot live a day without me. Only me, the servant of God (his name), will love, and only will he live with me. Amen!". The candles should be extinguished by hand and the box should be left overnight on the windowsill. Within a week after the ritual, the guy needs to eat these candies.
  4. Tea. Brew your loved one this drink, over which you first pronounce a spell and give it to drink: “My eyes are water, my teeth are boundaries, my forehead is a forest forest. Lead me, Lord, into the courtyard - I will scream, I will call your servant (boyfriend’s name) to call. You are my husband, come, look at your wife, I will give you something to drink and feed you with fresh bread. Drink, eat, miss me, the servant of God (your name), suffer.”

Using water

It is easy to bewitch a guy with the help of enchanted water, which must be given to drink or added to food or drink for your chosen one. To do this, bend over clean well water, reading the spell: “Water-water, my sister, put love for me (your name) in the heart of my betrothed (boyfriend’s name). The water should be left on the windowsill for 3 nights to allow light from the moon to shine through, and then given to the guy to drink.

By candlelight

If you need to bewitch from a distance, then this will require a candle spell. Such love rituals are very effective and do not require expensive or rare ingredients. To attract a guy's love you will need a red candle and a piece of paper. You need to write the names on it: yours and your loved one. Then set the leaf on fire with a candle, and while it is burning, say the following words: “As the flame of a candle burns, so let the flame of love (guy’s name) for me (your name) burn.” I burn the leaf - I direct (the guy’s name) thoughts to myself. Amen!" Scatter the ashes to the wind.

On plants

To make a guy fall in love, a girl can even use indoor plants. For example, buy a flowering plant (hibiscus, begonia, kalanchoe), name it after your beloved and care for it until the plant grows stronger and blooms. Performing this ritual will take a lot of time, but the result will be long-lasting - as long as the plant lives. You should buy a flower on a new or waxing moon, give money without change, and preferably water it with holy water from the church.

Conspiracy at a distance

How to bewitch the guy you love from a distance, since most love rituals are carried out with physical contact? This problem can be easily solved, since there is a way to attract love from a distance using the phone. To do this, the girl must tell her beloved on the phone: “From today you are mine forever. Only you will love me. You can only be with me!” You should call from an unknown number so that the guy cannot identify you.

Easy love spells for your loved one without consequences - white magic

White love spells are a type of love ritual based on light influence, which is based on prayer and visualization. The person being bewitched looks at the author of the white love spell as a source of positive emotions, but he gradually develops a psychological dependence. Therefore, it cannot be said that there is no sin at all in white love spells.

A light love spell on a guy is done on his personal belongings: clothes, watches or another item that is constantly with him. Take a personal item, sprinkle it with holy water, and while your beloved is sleeping, say the following words: “As my tears fall on my clothes, so the heart of (the guy’s name) does not know peace, it languishes and toils, it strives to unite with me (his name). Let the holy water help us unite! Amen!"

If your lover is far away and there is no way to use the guy’s things, then there is an excellent ritual on a cigarette. The girl needs to wait for the waxing moon and after sunset, write a word on the cigarette with a pen that symbolizes the relationship, for example, “wedding” or “love.” After this, you should light a cigarette and look at the photo of your loved one, building the desired relationship in your thoughts. After smoking a cigarette, collect the ashes in your hand and scatter them in the wind.

What can happen from using black magic?

Before implementing love spells, it is important to know what consequences this can lead to. The Universe is harmonious, and you, interfering with its flow, upset the balance. If a black love spell has been cast, then the person being bewitched begins to have a mental breakdown: he misses the bewitcher, yearns, and desires closeness. This has nothing to do with love - this is psychological violence, which can result in irreversible consequences for the guy’s psyche.

Video: love spell and its consequences

The reverse effect of any love spell is called reverse, when the energy of the impact returns to the one who created it. If the guy has protection or the chosen one turns to a psychic for help, who will remove your influence, then in a split second you will feel all the “charms” of a love spell. Aggressive and cruel energy will be absorbed into your energy, causing great harm to it.

Don’t listen to the advice of your friends who say that tying a guy with a love spell is the right decision. Know that a violent ritual can become damage to your entire family, because the consequences of a black ritual can easily spread to loved ones. Watch the video in which the famous clairvoyant and professional parapsychologist Marina Sugrobova talks about love spells and their consequences:

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