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Educational quiz game "through the pages of the Great Patriotic War." Quiz "Victory Day" elementary school Why do you think our country achieved victory?

The Victory Day quiz, May 9, is a serious, important event. Long ago, the volleys of guns died down, decades have passed since the end of the Great Patriotic War. But the feat of the people and their Armed Forces will never be erased from human memory. The dates of decisive battles, military operations, and other historical facts will forever remain in history.

1. Why is it necessary to defend the Motherland?

Answer: Each of us has something unshakable, dear, important, leaving a mark and memory for a lifetime. A person has one mother, and he has one Motherland. Protecting the land on which you were born, which fed you, gave you water, raised you to your feet, the land where your parents, brothers and sisters, grandparents live, is a sacred duty.

2. What is “Motherland”? Fatherland?

Our Fatherland, our Motherland is Russia. “We call Russia Fatherland because our fathers and grandfathers lived in it from time immemorial. We call it our homeland because we were born here, they speak our native language here, and everything here is native to us; and as a mother - because she fed us with her bread, gave us drink with her waters, and taught us her language.”

3. When did the Great Patriotic War begin?

4. Who initiated the start of the war?

Answer: fascist Germany

5. Was there a non-aggression pact between Germany and the Soviet Union?

Answer: Yes, there was a Non-Aggression Pact between Germany and the Soviet Union. It was signed on August 23, 1939. It is also called the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. According to the agreement, Germany and the USSR pledged to “resolve all disputes and conflict situations between themselves exclusively peacefully through a friendly exchange of views.” The Treaty of Friendship and Border was signed between the USSR and Germany on September 28, 1939.

6. What was the name of the operation (plan) of Germany’s invasion of the USSR?

Answer: Operation (plan) "Barbarossa"

7. What hero cities do you know?

Answer: Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), Moscow, Odessa, Sevastopol, Stalingrad (now Volgograd), Kiev, Novorossiysk, Murmansk, Smolensk, Minsk, Tula, Kerch, Brest Fortress (hero-fortress).

8. Why do you think our country achieved victory?

There can be many possible answers. One option: quote - “ Why did the Russians defeat the Germans? It’s just that the German soldier’s actions were based on fanaticism, fanaticism that comes and very quickly goes away, but the Russian soldier’s actions were based on beliefs that come and never go away.”.

9. Continue the proverb:

Motherland - we need it...( protect).
Alone in the field... ( not a warrior).
Go beyond your native land fearlessly...( to battle).
A man without a homeland is like...( nightingale without a song).
When the people are united, they...( invincible).

10. What military operations do you know that were carried out during the Great Patriotic War?

Answer: the battle for Moscow, the Leningrad defensive operation, the defense of Sevastopol, the Kiev operation, the Battle of Smolensk, the Battle of Stalingrad, the Battle of Kursk, the Belarusian operation, the Berlin operation.

11. What battle was the turning point during the Great Patriotic War?

Answer: Battle of Stalingrad

12. What works are these famous expressions from?

A) " I should make nails out of these people»

Answer: Quote from the poem “The Ballad of Nails” by the poet N.S. Tikhonov, which talks about human perseverance.

b) " Today we are responsible
For Russia, for the people
And for everything in the world".

Answer: A.T. Tvardovsky poem “Vasily Terkin” chapter 5 “About war”

13. What songs do you know about the Great Patriotic War?

Get up, huge country,
Stand up for mortal combat
With fascist dark power,
With the damned horde...
May the rage be noble
Boils like a wave -
There is a people's war going on,
Holy war!..

The fire is beating in the small stove,
There is resin on the logs, like a tear.
And the accordion sings to me in the dugout
About your smile and eyes...

Dark night, only bullets whistle across the steppe,
Only the wind hums in the wires, the stars flicker dimly.
On a dark night, my love, I know you don’t sleep,
And by the crib you secretly wipe away a tear...

14. What awards of the Great Patriotic War do you know?

Orders: Order of Victory; Order of Lenin; Order of the Red Star; Order of the Red Banner; Order of Suvorov; Order of Kutuzov; Order of Ushakov; Order of Nakhimov; Order of Glory and others.

Medal "For the Capture of Koenigsberg"; Medal "For the Defense of Moscow"; Medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad"; Medal "Gold Star"; Medal of Honor"; Medal "For victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945"; Medal "For the Capture of Berlin"; Medal "For the Defense of the Caucasus"; Medal “Partisan of the Patriotic War” and others.

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The rapid development of new information technologies and their implementation in Russia in recent years have left a certain imprint on the development of the personality of a modern student. The computer fits into college life and is an effective technical tool. New technical means put the material being studied into a modern, exciting form and become an active stimulator of students’ cognitive process.

Multimedia is the presentation of objects and processes not with a traditional text description, but with the help of photos, videos, graphics, animation, and sound. Students are attracted by the novelty of multimedia classes. In the group, during such classes, an atmosphere of real communication is created, in which students strive to express thoughts “in their own words,” they willingly complete tasks, and show interest in the material being studied.

One of the important ways to conduct meaningful, creative and interesting work with students is extracurricular work. The strict framework of the lesson and the richness of the program do not always allow answering many questions that interest students. And then extracurricular activities come to the rescue. And if new information technologies are introduced into them, then, due to their clarity, colorfulness and simplicity, they will bring the greatest effect and will be of even greater importance in the development and education of young people.

The event is conducted using Microsoft Power Point and Notebook presentations. The presentation allows you to fully implement the principle of clarity. The computer introduces an element of novelty, makes the work process visual, and helps the teacher concentrate on the main points.

In the history of any state and people there are historical events of the greatest national significance, which, like a legend, pass in the memory of the people from generation to generation for centuries, while maintaining their greatness and national pride.

Such a world-historical event for our state and the peoples inhabiting our Motherland is the victory over Nazi Germany, the 67th anniversary of which will be celebrated on May 9, 2012. Every year there are fewer and fewer living witnesses to those events, and it is important to preserve the memory of the battle heroes and home front workers in the hearts of the younger generation.

Through the living word of a veteran, poems and songs of the war years, young people become familiar with the great historical traditions of our people.

Extracurricular work in history provides ample opportunities for developing interest in the subject, developing cognitive activity, and expanding students’ horizons.

The development can provide some assistance to teachers in conducting extracurricular work on history.


  • Educational: consolidate, improve, deepen knowledge on the history of the Great Patriotic War, encourage students to search for new knowledge and expand their horizons
  • Developmental: develop memory, reaction speed, teamwork skills
  • Educational: to promote in students respect for the historical past of their people using the example of feats accomplished during the Great Patriotic War, instilling in young people a sense of patriotism and love for the Motherland; form an active life position; positive attitude towards knowledge

Event equipment: Computer; projector; board and chalk (for the tournament table); jury application kits; signs (command); interactive board; Musical accompaniment (phonograms of songs dedicated to the Great Patriotic War).

Preparatory work:

  • Script development;
  • Preparation of presentations to accompany the game;
  • Conducting qualifying rounds in groups to determine the composition of participants.

The date of the:

Location: office No. 19

Groups of professions:

30.3 Transport document processing operator

30.4 Assistant locomotive driver

306 Mechanic for maintenance and repair of rolling stock

Epigraph on the board:

“Those who do not have love for their native country are crippled and poor at heart.”
(T.G. Shevchenko)

Progress of the event

The evening begins with the words of the presenter and the presentation on the screen.

Fragment of the song "Holy War".

Presenter 1: Good afternoon dear friends!

Presenter 2: Hello, participants of today's event. Our quiz is dedicated to the memory of the events of the Great Patriotic War.

Presenter 1: There are events that over time are erased from people's memory and become the property of archives. But there are events whose significance not only does not decrease over the years, but, on the contrary, with each new decade they acquire special significance and become immortal.

Presenter 2: Such events include the victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War, the 67th anniversary of which we are celebrating today.

Presenter 1: Time has managed to plow up the trenches on the fields of past battles, but it is powerless to weaken the memory of the unbending resilience and heroism of millions of Soviet people.


Dates will never be erased
These military feats.
Soldiers sleep in eternal rest -
Woe to those who awaken them.

Presenter 2: This brutal war radically changed the lives of people living in the Soviet Union. A huge number of the country's male working population went to the front.

Presenter 1: Over four years of mortal combat with the fascist invader, the country's defenders went through the harsh path of war through failures and retreats, from the first border battles to the walls of Moscow, the banks of the Volga and the Caucasus mountains, and then the difficult path of a powerful victorious offensive.

Presenter 2: We have gathered today to expand our horizons on the history of the war, try our hand at a knowledge competition, and rejoice for those who will become the winners of the game, and everyone present will participate in it.

Presenter 1: Let me introduce you to the rules of our educational game - quiz.

It will take place in several rounds:




IV roundGUESS-KA (Music competition)

V roundCHASING THE LEADER (Blitz tournament)

Presenter 2: But first of all, the rules of communication during the quiz


  1. We treat each other with respect
  2. Any opinion deserves attention
  3. While one speaks, everyone listens
  4. We indicate our desire to speak by raising our hand.

Presenter 1: Introducing the jury:

  • History teacher;
  • Methodist;
  • 2nd year student.

The jury receives the judge's sheets

Judges sheet

Tour number Tour name 1 team 2nd team
I Acquaintance
II Warm up for the mind
III We are scholars in the history of the Second World War
IV Guess
V Chasing the leader

I ROUND – Meet the teams.

(Rating system – 5 points)

  • 1 team - (for example, “Youth”, motto: Cast in our memory in bronze, No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten...)
  • Team 2 - (for example, “Friendship”, motto: We swear to the fallen heroes: What the fathers did not finish, we will finish. What the fathers did not finish, we will finish.)

(Team name: "Comrade"


When we are united -
We are invincible!

team name: "Sagittarius"


Stand up for yourself
protect others
And keep your arrow ready.

Each team pronounces its name, the motto has an emblem.

II. TOUR – Warm-up for the mind.


The country woke up peacefully
On this June day,
Just turned around
There are lilacs in the parks.
Rejoicing in the sun and peace,
Moscow greeted the morning.
Suddenly they spread across the airwaves
Memorable words...

Presenter 1:“From the statement of the Soviet government on June 22, 1941: ...Today, at 4 o’clock in the morning, without presenting any claims to the Soviet Union, without declaring war, German troops attacked our country, attacked our borders in many places and bombed from their aircraft in our cities - Zhitomir, Sevastopol, Kyiv, Kaunas and some others.

This is not the first time our people have had to deal with an attacking, arrogant enemy. At one time, our people responded to Napoleon’s campaign against Russia with the Patriotic War, and Napoleon was defeated and came to his collapse. The same will happen to the arrogant Hitler, who announced a new campaign against our country. The Red Army and all our people will once again wage a victorious war for the Motherland, for honor, for freedom. Our cause is just. The enemy will be defeated."

Presenter 2: At the same time, the teams will be asked questions about how the war began (Appendix 1). If the team has the answer, you raise the signal card. If the answer is correct, you get 3 points. For each addition - 1 point.

Presenter 1: First question: What are the names of the plans of Nazi Germany before the attack on the USSR.

Presenter 2: Question two: To attack the USSR, the Nazi command concentrated 3 army groups. What were the names of these groups?

Presenter 1: Question three: Name the directions of advance of the fascist troops of Army Group “North”.

Presenter 2: Question four: Name the directions of advance of the fascist troops of the Army Group “Center”.

Presenter 1: Question five: Name the directions of advance of the fascist troops of Army Group “South”.

Presenter 2: The Soviet border guards were the first to bear the brunt of the fascist invasion. They offered heroic resistance to the enemy. Sixth question: Name the first border battles.


I heard a story about the Brest Fortress,
A legend more beautiful than the ancient ones...
In that fortress, surrounded by an enemy horde,
Defending the country's border,
The garrison sacrificed its life,
Blocking the invaders' path...

Presenter 1: Question seven: Name the beginning of the Battle of Smolensk.

Presenter 2: Question eight: What type of weapons did Soviet troops use for the first time in this battle?

Presenter 1: Question nine: When did the siege of Leningrad begin?

Presenter 2: At the end of August 1941, the best units of the Wehrmacht, who had not yet known defeat, approached Leningrad. The world held its breath. Leningraders, by the strength of their spirit, hatred of the invaders, and unparalleled heroism, managed to stop the enemy at the city walls.

On September 8, the Nazis managed to close the blockade ring around Leningrad. The blockade of the city began, the longest and most monstrous in world history. It lasted 900 days and nights.


There is a mortal threat over Leningrad...
Sleepless nights, hard days.
But we have forgotten what tears are,
What was called fear and prayer.
The shells are whistling, the cold is fierce...
- Comrades, we are in a ring of fire...

Presenter 1: Question ten: How many grams was the ration in besieged Leningrad?


The enemy could not overpower us by force -
He wants to starve us.
Take Leningrad from Russia,
It's full of Leningraders to pick up.
This won't happen forever
On the Neva holy bank,
Working Russian people
They will die and will not surrender to the enemy!

Presenter 2: Question eleven: Which city defended itself for 250 days?

Presenter 1: Question twelve: Name the date - the beginning of the battle for Moscow.


And here again the story page
Covered in the blood of battles near Moscow.
The enemy is striving for Moscow in three ways,
In one way he will be repulsed.

During the days of the defense of the capital, the “Song of the Defenders of Moscow” was written ( sl. A.A. Surkova, music. B.A. Mokrousova). Unshakable confidence in victory resounded in her.

Presenter 1: Question fourteen: What is the name of the commander of the division that defended Moscow in the Volokolamsk Highway area?


War... Brutal war
This is not the first month.
Life is tense, like a string,
The capital is in danger.
The evil howl of the winds is getting louder,
The days are like explosions
And reports from the Sovinformburo
Everything is more alarming and stricter.

Presenter 2: Question fifteen: Who owns the words: “Great Russia! But there’s nowhere to retreat, Moscow is behind us?”

Presenter 1: The second round is over. The jury sums up the results.

ROUND III – We are scholars in the history of the Great Patriotic War (5 out of 25).

Presenter 1: We must know the history of our people, otherwise we cannot truly learn to love our Motherland.


Do not be a slave to the Fatherland,
And we shouldn’t be slaves!
For the happiness of a free life
Don't mind laying down your heads!
Hence our fearlessness
It's getting started.
Our hatred is sacred
Reckoning is coming!
There is nothing more beautiful, my native country,
Happiness is to serve you.
We go, death, despising,
Don't die, but live!

Presenter 2: There are 25 multi-colored cells in front of you on the board: gray questions are simple questions (you get 1 point for the correct answer); yellow questions – questions with four possible answers (you get 2 points for the correct answer); blue questions are matching questions (for the correct answer you get 3 points); red questions - questions about heroes - Omsk residents - for a complete story about the hero, you must name him (for the correct answer you get 4 points).

Let me also remind you that each team has the opportunity to answer 5 questions. Thinking time: 10 seconds. Focus! (Appendix 2)

Presenter 1: The third round is over. The jury sums up the results.

IV ROUND – “Guess it” (music competition).


In war - on the road, in a heated vehicle,
In the cramped space of any hut,
In a dugout or cellar, -
Where chance leads,
There is no better way than without any hassle,
Without a feather bed, without a pillow,
Somehow perched next to each other,
Rest... Six hundred minutes.

Presenter 1: Teams are asked to choose 3 soundtracks out of 12. For each correctly guessed song, the team receives 3 points (Appendix 3).

Presenter 2: The fourth round is over. The jury sums up the results.

ROUND V – “Chasing the leader” (blitz tournament).

Presenter 2: In April 1945, the final blow was dealt to the Nazi Wehrmacht in the Berlin operation. Within eleven days, the enemy's million-strong Berlin group was defeated and Berlin was captured. Soviet soldiers hoisted the Victory Banner over the Reichstag.


Through blood and sweat, through fire and water,
Through the smoke of fires, through the stench of corpses.
Defending the right to freedom,
Russia, your soldier, walked towards Victory.

And she didn’t break her heart, she didn’t ruin her,
And the war did not corrupt their souls
Apparently, he has superhuman strength,
To the Russian soldier, yes!

Presenter 1: Teams take turns being asked to answer 15 questions (Appendix 4). For each correct answer the team receives 1 point.

Presenter 2: That war claimed more than 20 million lives. But these sacrifices were not in vain; the Nazis were defeated. On May 9, 1945, Berlin, the last stronghold of fascism, fell. The entire sky exploded with fireworks of the long-awaited victory.


On the ninth day of jubilant May,
When silence fell on the ground,
The news rushed from edge to edge:
The world has won! The war is over!

Presenter 2: The fifth round is now over. The jury sums up the results.

Presenter 1 (Summarizing, awarding): Word to the jury members. Each team receives a 1st or 2nd degree diploma depending on the results.

Presenter 2: The quiz and the journey into the world of history are over. We congratulate the winners. The game is over, but the learning process continues, since you still have a lot to learn, dear guys. Good luck, success to you on the path of knowledge.

1. The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 was a decisive stage

  • A. Wars against Napoleon
  • B. World War I
  • B. World War II
  • G. Cold War
2. The main enemy of the Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War
  • 2. The main enemy of the Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War
  • A. Germany
  • B. USA
  • B. France
  • G. Japan
3. The Great Patriotic War began
  • 3. The Great Patriotic War began
  • A. September 1, 1939
  • B. February 23, 1941
  • V. June 22, 1941
  • G. September 1, 1941
4. On May 8, 1965, this fortress was awarded the honorary title “Hero Fortress.” Its defense became the first feat of Soviet soldiers in the Great Patriotic War.
  • 4. On May 8, 1965, this fortress was awarded the honorary title “Hero Fortress.” Its defense became the first feat of Soviet soldiers in the Great Patriotic War.
  • A. Brest Fortress
  • B. Novgorod Fortress
  • V. Peter and Paul Fortress
  • G. Smolensk Fortress
5. This museum city with beautiful palaces, majestic temples and various monuments is visited by tourists from all over the world. Its history has preserved the terrible pages of wartime and forever linked the word “blockade” with it.
  • 5. This museum city with beautiful palaces, majestic temples and various monuments is visited by tourists from all over the world. Its history has preserved the terrible pages of wartime and forever linked the word “blockade” with it.
  • A. Kyiv
  • B. Leningrad
  • V. Moscow
  • G. Stalingrad
6. The Great Patriotic War ended
  • 6. The Great Patriotic War ended
  • A. September 1, 1944
  • B. February 23, 1945
  • V. May 9, 1945
  • G. November 7, 1945
7. They say that the name of this fighting vehicle is associated with the name of a girl from a very popular song. Indeed, already on the 23rd day of the war, this gun was firing from a high, steep mountain (as in the song: “...on a high bank, on a steep one”). What was the name of this combat vehicle?
  • 7. They say that the name of this fighting vehicle is associated with the name of a girl from a very popular song. Indeed, already on the 23rd day of the war, this gun was firing from a high, steep mountain (as in the song: “...on a high bank, on a steep one”). What was the name of this combat vehicle?
8. Which tank became a legend of the Great Patriotic War? 9. How many days did the siege of Leningrad last? 10. The Black Sea city, which was called “the city of Russian sailors.” 11. Symbol of the Great Patriotic War. 12. Marshal of the USSR, four times Hero of the Soviet Union, who accepted the unconditional surrender of Germany on May 9, 1945. 13. Solve the puzzle and find out what the German invaders called the German attack plan on the Soviet Union. 14. List the hero cities. Internet resources
  • Picture on 1st slide
  • You can use this design
  • to create your presentations,
  • but in your presentation you must indicate
  • template source:
  • Ranko Elena Alekseevna
  • primary school teacher
  • MAOU Lyceum No. 21
  • Ivanovo
  • Website: http://pedsovet.su/

Anna Zhokhova
"We remember, we are proud." Quiz game on May 9 for children of senior preschool age

We remember, We proud.

Quiz game, dedicated to Victory Day, includes competitions, riddles, musical tasks, and a sports relay race. Thematic lesson is recommended to be carried out in a group older children(preparatory to school) age on the eve of the holiday on May 9.

The quiz game comes with a presentation with musical accompaniment.

Necessary equipment:

Presentation with musical accompaniment, award stickers-stars of two colors for the correct answers of the teams, 2 baskets and 10 sandbags for each team, 4 small hoops, 2 racks, ribbons in an amount half as large as the members of both teams together , 2 spoons, 2 small balls, St. George ribbons for each participant.

Leading: Hello, dear guys! We are glad to welcome you all to our kindergarten! Today we are holding a quiz game dedicated to Great Victory Day, which is celebrated every year on May 9 by our country and many people around the world. Two teams from the preparatory groups of our kindergarten are taking part in our quiz - – team "Brave" and team "Brave".

Team "Brave"

“It’s not for nothing that people say,

What a city's courage it takes!

She inspires heroism

It appears as a legend in life"

Team "Brave":

“This feeling delights us,

And we idolize the brave.

We do not forget the brave heroes

And their courage speaks of their strength of spirit!”

So we begin...

A recording made in 1941 by Soviet announcer Yu. B. Levitan plays, announcing the start of war.

Leading: The recording you just heard was made almost 70 years ago. It was this voice, the voice of Yuri Borisovich Levitan, that people heard on June 22, 1941. It was from this message that everyone learned that the war had begun.

The war is long, the war is terrible, the war is hungry, cold, a war that has brought a lot of grief and suffering to our people.

War... what a terrible word... only five letters, but how many tears, how much grief... It claimed 20 million lives! How many destinies she crippled, how many houses she destroyed, how many hopes she destroyed!

20 million means 14 thousand killed daily! 600 thousand people per hour! 10 people every minute! That's what 20 million is! If we declared a minute of silence for each person killed, the country would be silent for 32 years! That's what 20 million is!

Leading: In recent years, at this time, shortly before May 9, you and I see orange and black ribbons on the streets, on people’s clothes, on cars. What are they needed for? What do they mean?

This two-color ribbon is called St. George's ribbon. She belongs to the Order of St. George, which has traditionally been the highest military award in Russia. The colors of the ribbon - black and orange - mean "smoke and flames" and are a sign of the soldier’s personal valor on the battlefield.

Now we will draw lots for the teams and determine which numbers our teams will play under.

The quiz begins.

Warm up.

What is the name of the war, the victory of which we celebrate on May 9? (The Great Patriotic War)

How many years did it last? (4 years)

What was the name of our country at that time? (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)

Which state attacked our country? (Fascist Germany)

What is the name of our country now? (Russia)

Different types of troops took part in the war (aviation, infantry, navy, different weapons were used. Battles were fought on land, in the air, and on water. Do you know where fought:

Navy? (at sea, on water)

Aviation? (in the air, in the sky)

Infantry? (on land, on dry land)

For what merits did some cities receive the title of hero city after the war? (this was the name of the city whose inhabitants showed bravery, courage and bravery during the war)

Name the hero cities that you know. (Moscow, Novorossiysk, Kyiv, Leningrad, Stalingrad)

Which city was under siege for 900 days during this war? (Leningrad).

Slides 8-13 (slides with hero cities)

Slide 14-15.

What do we now call people who went through the war and survived to this day? (veterans)

How can you recognize a veteran? (this is an elderly man with orders and medals on his chest)

What should we do if we meet a veteran on May 9? (congratulate you on the holiday, thank you)

Quiz information block.

Leading: This concludes our warm-up. Guys, when you talked about veterans, you mentioned that they have military awards. Now I will tell you about the most important awards of the Great Patriotic War. Awards are called orders and medals. How can we, seeing them, know where the order is and where the medal is? The fact is that a medal always has a round or oval shape, but an order can be of any shape (for example, in the form of a star).

Order "Victory"

This is an order from the Second World War, which was awarded to senior military leaders who made a significant contribution to the victory. It is a five-pointed star made of a very expensive metal - platinum and decorated with 150 diamonds. The rays of the star are made of rubies. In the center of the star is a medallion, which depicts the Kremlin Wall, Spasskaya Tower and Lenin Mausoleum on a blue background.

Medal "For the capture of Berlin".

Established in honor of the capture of Berlin during the Second World War. It was awarded to direct participants in the heroic assault and capture of the enemy capital, as well as to the organizers and leaders of military operations during the capture of this city.

Order of Glory.

He had three degrees. These insignia could be issued for personal feats on the battlefield. In total, about a million Orders of Glory of the 3rd degree were issued for distinction during the war years, more than 46 thousand - 2nd degree and more than 2.5 thousand - 1st degree. Even this information tells us how many feats were accomplished.

Medal "For courage".

It was awarded to soldiers of the Red Army, Navy and border guards for personal courage and bravery in battles with the enemies of the Soviet Union. During the Second World War, more than 4 million awards took place.

And now the next competition is a musical one. You will be offered excerpts from military songs, your task is to name the song.

Song "Holy war"

Song “We won’t stand behind the price”

Song "On a Nameless Height"

Song "Katyusha"

Song "Victory Day"

Our next competition is a riddle competition.

I will grow up and follow my brother

I will also be a soldier

I will help him

Protect your... (country).

Brother said: "Do not rush!

You better study at school!

You will be an excellent student -

You will become... (border guard).

You can become a sailor

To guard the border

And serve not on earth,

And in the military... (ship).

The plane soars like a bird

There is an air border there.

On duty both day and night

Our soldier is a military man... (pilot).

The car is rushing into battle again,

Caterpillars are cutting the ground,

That car in the open field

Controlled… (tanker).

Any military profession

You definitely need to study

To be a support for the country,

So that there is no (wars).

Our holiday continues "Military Relay Race".

Relay race "Cunning Sappers".

Inventory: 2 baskets and 10 sandbags for each team.

The children of each team stand next to each other. There is a basket with bags in front of the first participant, the second empty basket is behind the last team member.

Exercise: pass along the chain "bags of gunpowder" first from the first basket to the second, then back.


Inventory: 2 small hoops and 1 rack for each team. The stance determines where to turn.

The children of each team stand next to each other. The first participant stands with both feet in one hoop, the second holds it in his hands. By command "Let's start!" he throws the second hoop in front of him, jumps over it, takes the freed hoop, throws it in front of him, jumps over, etc.

Exercise: get to the counter in this way, go around it and return to the team. Then the second team member comes into play, and so on.

"Wounded Soldiers".

Inventory: ribbons in an amount half as large as the members of all teams together, one spoon and one small ball per team.

Before the start of the game, all participants are tied in pairs with ribbons by their hands above the elbow. With two free hands they hold the spoon in which the ball lies.

Exercise: run to the counter, go around it and return to the team without dropping the ball. Then the second pair comes into play, etc.

And now the very last task. Same question for every team. You can consult before answering.

“What needs to be done so that there is no more war?”

This concludes our quiz. Now the jury members will sum up the results.

All participants in the game receive a St. George's ribbon as a gift.