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Inventory commission: formation. Orders on the creation of a commission: samples and recommendations for drawing up Creation of commissions at an enterprise

Both the investigation of an industrial accident and the assessment of archival documents begin with the formation of a working group responsible for the result of the procedure. A ready-made sample order for the creation of a commission in 2018 will make life easier for the personnel officer.

From the article you will learn:

A commission is a collegial body formed by order of the employer to resolve issues important to the enterprise. As a rule, we are talking about irregular or atypical events. These include personnel certification, audit of personnel documents, investigation of a production accident or incident. Sometimes large enterprises create permanent commissions for:

  • labor protection;
  • resolving labor disputes;
  • implementation of professional standards;
  • investigation of the causes of occupational diseases;
  • testing knowledge of labor protection and fire safety;
  • examination of the value of documents;
  • testing knowledge of production standards and instructions;
  • investigation disciplinary offenses.

The need to create a collegial body is not a whim, but a requirement of current legislation. The employer does not have the right to single-handedly resolve controversial issues, since he is interested in the result. And the commission, created on a parity basis from representatives of different parties, gives an independent assessment of the situation.

Don't miss: the main material of the month from leading specialists of the Ministry of Labor and Rostrud

Encyclopedia of personnel orders from the Personnel System.

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Important: the number of commission members (including the chairman) must be odd. At the same time, there are no special restrictions on the total number of participants - a working group can include 3, 5, 7 people or more.

Order on the creation of commissions at the enterprise in 2018

In order for the commission to form and begin to act, a basis is needed - a written order from the employer. There is no unified form. The order is drawn up in accordance with local office work standards. Companies that do not use their own letterhead print a “header” at the top of the sheet indicating:

  • full and short name of the organization;
  • TIN, KPP, OKPO codes;
  • places and dates registration of an order.

Below we indicate the name and number of the document. The order consists of two parts - ascertaining and administrative. The ascertaining part briefly describes the reason that prompted the employer to decide to create a commission. In the administrative document - the essence of the decision made and specific instructions for responsible officials.

Important: if there are several order points, it is advisable to list them.

As an example, consider the order to create a commission to test knowledge of production instructions. This is what the “head” and the stating part look like:

Order on the creation of a commission to investigate an occupational disease or accident at work

Any industrial emergency involving people requires a mandatory investigation. The formation of a commission is an integral stage of investigative actions. The order in which it is created and operates is established by Article 229 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Here are the rules that every employer must comply with when drawing up an order:

  • the commission is created immediately, and not a week or month after the accident;
  • the composition includes at least three people, including a labor protection specialist, a representative of the employer and a delegate from the workers (usually a trade union member);
  • if we are talking about an incident with a fatal or serious outcome, a representative of the local executive authority, a state labor inspector and a representative of the regional branch of the Social Insurance Fund are involved in the investigation;
  • officials who are directly responsible for the safety of the area where the accident occurred cannot be included in the commission;
  • if the victim died as a result of the incident, his legal representative receives the right to participate in the investigation.

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To obtain an objective result, commission members study medical documents, talk with the victim and his colleagues, and inspect the workplace. A thorough assessment of working conditions is carried out. The results of the investigation are documented in a separate act and certified by the signatures of all members of the commission, including the chairman. Details are in the articles “What should a personnel officer do if an employee " And " e: We are conducting an investigation.”

Order on the creation of a working commission for the implementation of professional standards

The obsolete tariff and qualification reference books are being replaced by a system of professional standards. Some employers are already successfully applying professional standards in their work, while others are just preparing for the transition. To implement new standards, a working group or commission is created. It is recommended to include in the group specialists in working with local regulations - a legal adviser, the head of the human resources department, and the chief accountant. When issuing an order to form a commission, focus on specific tasks and deadlines for their completion:

" You will learn what benefits the new system of qualification requirements provides to employers.

A permanent commission is a type of collegial body created at an enterprise for an indefinite period. How to correctly issue an order to create a permanent commission, read the article.

From the article you will learn:

Why is a permanent commission needed?

Any commission - temporary or permanent - is created under the head of the company and is a collegial advisory body.

“Collegiate” means that it consists of several people who are colleagues, that is, employees of the same company.

“Advisory” means that this body does not make any decisions and advises the manager on what to do in a given situation.

All types of commissions are created by order for the main activity. Temporary - for a specific period, permanent - for an indefinite period.

Both temporary and permanent commissions have a board: a chairman and a secretary.

The activities of a permanent body are regulated by regulations, for example, the Regulations on the Inventory Commission or the Regulations on the permanent commission for writing off material assets.

A permanent commission has the same status as a committee or council. Members of a collegial body gather to solve specific problems. Such tasks may include employee certification, inventory, write-off of material assets, accident investigation, etc.

Who can be included in the standing commission

The permanent commission includes company employees related to the tasks that this body will solve. Employees must have the necessary education, qualifications and experience. As a rule, these are high-level specialists who have authority among colleagues and management.

Sometimes outside experts are invited to participate in meetings of the advisory body. For example, in cases where questions relate to new equipment, high technologies or specific objects.

The chairman of the permanent commission draws up a work plan and is responsible for carrying out activities.

The secretary of the body is responsible for document support of activities.

Each specialist included in the commission must be mentioned in the order of the head on the creation of this body.

Who draws up the order

The text of the order on the permanent commission is drawn up by the secretary of the organization. The order is approved and signed by the head of the organization. Without a signature, the order will not have legal force.

Is it possible to do without an order?

Sometimes organizational leaders underestimate the role of this advisory body. They believe that an oral order to create a permanent commission is sufficient and that it is possible to do without issuing a special order.

This will lead to the decisions of the permanent commission losing their legitimacy.

The work of the commission is assessed by inspection bodies of different departments - the tax service or the labor inspectorate. Illegal activities by an elected body will result in penalties.

It is important not only to document the work of the collegial body, but to monitor it at all stages.

Basis and rationale for the order

Any administrative document on the main activity has a basis and justification. The basis is a reference to the document or normative act that initiates the issuance of the order. Justification is an objective reason for its publication.

The basis for the order to create a permanent commission is a reference to the legislative norm that regulates the activities of collegial bodies of this type. For example, an order to create a permanent inventory commission may begin like this:

In accordance with paragraph 2.2 of the Methodological Instructions, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated June 13, 1995 No. 49.

The reason for creating a permanent inventory commission may be:

...for the purpose of conducting an inventory of property, financial assets and liabilities in 2018.

How to draw up an order to create a commission

Unified forms of primary personnel and accounting documents, mandatory for use until 2013, were canceled in 2018. For this reason, the form is developed by each company independently.

The document is drawn up either in free form or according to a template approved by the company’s local regulations.

Each administrative document contains a number of mandatory details:

  • Registration number.
  • Date and place of publication.
  • The name of the company where it was published.
  • Document title. For example: “Order on the creation of a permanent inventory commission.”
  • Reference to the norm of law that became the basis for the publication.
  • Rationale.
  • List of commission members.
  • Link to the Regulations on the Permanent Commission.
  • Instructions for commission members or a link to it.
  • Information about the person responsible for executing the order.

Rules for writing text

  1. Preamble or stating part. Here is the basis and justification for the administrative document, which we have already discussed. Examples of justification:

In order to conduct an inventory of property...
In pursuance of the order of Temp LLC dated April 23, 2018 No. 4897 to conduct an examination of the value of documents...
In order to prevent industrial injuries...

  1. Administrative part. In the first paragraph after the word “ I order"follows a management decision. For example: " create a permanent inventory commission” and its composition is immediately given.

The list of commission members should begin with the board: chairman and secretary.

The format of the list items is as follows: employee position, full name, status in the body (chairman, secretary, commission member). The validity period is not specified in this case. Sometimes the start date of the work of the collegial body is given. If it is not specified, then such a date is considered to be the date of issue of the order.

  1. R decision to approve the Regulations on the commission.
  2. U approval of the Instructions for members of the commission. The text of the instructions can be included in the order in the form of tasks that participants receive, or can be issued in the form of a link to the corresponding document.
  3. Responsible for order execution. This may be a company official (for example, deputy head for labor protection) or the manager himself:

I reserve control over the execution of the order..

Sample order for the creation of a permanent commission:

Rice. 1. Order on the creation of a permanent inventory commission

How to issue an order to create a permanent commission

In 2018, the legislation does not impose uniform requirements for the preparation and execution of an order form for the creation of a permanent commission. It can be submitted in both printed and handwritten form.

Most often, the document is drawn up on the organization’s letterhead, but this is not a mandatory requirement. It can be compiled on a standard A4 sheet.

The main requirement for registration is the signature of the head of the organization or deputy, if he has the authority to act on behalf of management.

Since 2016, the presence of an imprint of the organization’s main seal is not a mandatory requirement for the execution of administrative documents of legal entities. However, such a norm may be prescribed in the company’s local regulations. In this case, the document is certified by a seal.

The order is issued in one copy and registered in the company's internal documentation journal.

A permanent commission is created for an indefinite period. The activities of the body are regulated by the Regulations on the Commission. The commission is created by order of the head of the organization. The presence of an order is mandatory, otherwise the commission’s activities will be considered illegal. The order form is free.

In the course of their activities, many enterprises are faced with the need to make an independent or expert opinion on any issue, which often requires the opinion of several specialists. This could be a theft investigation, a routine audit, employee certification, etc. For these purposes, the head of the enterprise selects a certain group of people who have one or another relationship to a specific situation and are competent in this matter. Their powers are regulated by the order appointing the commission, a sample of which is given below.

When creating a commission group, the key point is its independence from the fact being investigated or verified. Those. the people included in it must assess the situation from a neutral and cool-headed position, and also not have personal interests. For example, when appointed to the position of expert in the investigation of theft in a warehouse, where the suspect is one of the storekeepers, his partner or close relative cannot apply.

Types of commissions and document features

The order to create a commission is a standard document, which necessarily reflects the fact for which the expert group was created. Therefore, there are several types of commissions:

  • Expert - usually created to investigate theft, violation by an employee of established rules, audits. It involves experts with knowledge and experience in the area under investigation. For example, when identifying those responsible for theft in production, mid-level managers who are directly involved and who know the technology become members of the commission. The commission created to record the fact of systematic absenteeism of an employee usually includes the leader of the offender, as well as his colleagues;
  • Certification - created to conduct certification of employees regarding their suitability for the position and verification of qualifications. It usually includes representatives of the enterprise management or directly employees of the education sector

Depending on the purpose, an order is issued. Although there are no particular differences between the documents - they have a common form, but they differ only in design.

A sample order for the creation of a commission requires the inclusion of the following points in the document:

  • Rationale for creating a group of experts;
  • Membership, indicating the positions of employees, and also, if there are people invited from other enterprises, indicate their names. This paragraph is indicated first, after the name of the document and its purpose;
  • Chairman of this board. Must be selected or appointed by the head of the organization, he is a representative of the entire expert group;
  • Main part. All actions taken on the main issue of the commission are reflected here, as well as conclusions made in the process, and other nuances.

Order to create a commission

When appointing a commission for any purpose of the enterprise, the order can be written relatively arbitrarily, but taking into account some important nuances. From the point of view of documentation support for management, the document form should fit the following sample and contain:

  • Document header. First, indicate the name of the organization to which the order to create the commission relates, in the second line the name of the document. Next, the registration serial number and creation date are written down.
  • Rationale (purpose) for creating an expert group;
  • The text of the order, which contains instructions on the appointment of specific people to the positions of members of the commission and the chairman of the group, indicating their positions. A secretary is also appointed who is responsible for maintaining all documentation that will be compiled during the course of activities;
  • Main part. The above-mentioned members of the expert group are given an order to carry out specific activities for which the document was created: investigations of violations or thefts, certification of employees;
  • The last point of the document is the personal signature of the director, its transcript, as well as the official seal of the enterprise.

The manager’s order to create a commission comes into force immediately after it is signed and the information is communicated to the employees specified in it.

This document form is a standard one, so it can be used by any type of enterprise as a sample.

Sample order to create a commission

We bring to your attention such an order for the creation of a commission.

Open Joint Stock Company "Rassvet"

“11/10/2014” No. 28


On the creation of an expert commission

In order to identify the culprit of the theft of products at the main warehouse of the enterprise, as well as to detect violations in the storage of goods, I order:

1. Appoint an expert commission consisting of:

Chairman: Deputy Head K.K. Dmitriev

Members of the commission: Chief accountant N.N. Fedoryuk.

Head of the Supply Department Petrov D.T.

Head of Sales Department G.D. Viktorov

Secretary: Ivankina M.E.

2. Members of the commission group should identify the total amount of the shortage, who is responsible for the theft of products, and also draw up a list of violations in the storage of goods and identify those responsible.

Director of OJSC "Rassvet" Mikhailov E.T.

As you can see, this sample order for the creation of a commission combines all of the above characteristics of the form and is a good example of drawing up a document.




In order to ensure the acceptance and transfer of fixed assets, as well as the timely write-off of deteriorated, obsolete, physically worn out fixed assets and inventories, I order:

1. Create a permanent commission for the acceptance and transfer, write-off of fixed assets and inventories.

2. Approve the attached composition of the permanent commission for acceptance and transfer, write-off of fixed assets and inventories.

3. Recognize as invalid the Order of the Ministry of Territorial Development of the Perm Territory dated April 4, 2013 N SED-53-03.20-37 “On the creation of a commission for acceptance and transfer, write-off of fixed assets and inventories.”

4. I reserve control over the execution of the order.

First Deputy Prime Minister -
Minister of Territorial Development
Perm region


By order
Ministry of Territorial
development of the Perm region
dated March 24, 2014 N SED-53-03.15-29

(as amended by Orders of the Ministry of Territorial Development of the Perm Territory dated July 7, 2014 N SED-53-03.15-62, dated August 26, 2014 N SED-53-03.15-77)

Sapko Olga Vladimirovna

Deputy Minister, Head of the Monitoring and Legal Work Department of the Ministry of Territorial Development of the Perm Territory, Chairman of the Commission

Members of the commission:

Korotkova Ksenia Viktorovna

Head of the Information and Analytical Department of the Department for Development and Support of Local Self-Government of the Ministry of Territorial Development of the Perm Territory

Lyadova Marina Sergeevna

Deputy Head of the Department of Finance and Consolidated Reporting of the Department of Financial Security of Municipal Entities of the Ministry of Territorial Development of the Perm Territory

Novikova Natalia Anatolevna

Head of the Department of Municipal Finance of the Department of Financial Security of Municipal Finance of the Ministry of Territorial Development of the Perm Territory

An inventory, that is, a check of property and liabilities, is required to be carried out by any organization. The inventory is regulated by Methodological Guidelines for Inventorying Property and Financial Liabilities, which are approved by Order No. 49 of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated June 13, 1995 (hereinafter referred to as Order No. 49).

The order established that the inventory is carried out by a special commission, which is appointed by the order to create an inventory commission. A sample order is given in the appendix to this article.

That is why a permanent inventory commission is created to carry out an inventory in the organization (clause 2.2 of Order No. 49). In case of a large volume of work, working inventory commissions are also created. Moreover, within the framework of one inspection, different working commissions can be created. For example, as part of an inventory check for annual reporting, due to the large volume, there may be different working commissions to check fixed assets, inventory items, and calculations. But even with a small volume, an order to create a permanent inventory commission and document the results of the inspection are necessary.

Order on assignment of inventory

Inventory is carried out by order of the manager. Until January 1, 2013, it was mandatory to use the unified form INV-22; now organizations can develop forms approved by local acts. The legislation also does not regulate the procedure for forming the inventory commission and its composition.

The main thing is that the inventory order states:

  • who is on the inventory commission;
  • a list of property and liabilities that are subject to inventory;
  • reasons for inventory;
  • timing of inventory;
  • when it is necessary to submit documents drawn up based on the inventory results to the accounting department.

The order must be registered in the control book; you can use the INV-23 form.

Inventory commission

The general rules for the formation of the commission are regulated in clause 2.3 of Order No. 49. It indicates the approximate composition of the commission, which includes employees of administration, accounting, and other services. The numerical composition of the commission is not established, but, as a rule, it should be an odd number. The chairman of the commission can be the head of the enterprise or his deputy.

It is also indicated that the inventory commission may include, in addition to employees of the internal audit service, employees of an independent audit organization. This is especially true for organizations that have a wide branch network and for which sending head office employees on business trips to carry out inventory is a costly undertaking.

Who should take part in the inventory?

When inventorying property, the participation of financially responsible persons is mandatory; this is provided for in clause 2.8 of Order No. 49. But including them in the order to create an inventory commission would be erroneous, as follows from clause 2.10 of Order No. 49.

The main requirement is that all persons specified in the inventory order must take part. If it is confirmed that at least one of the commission members did not actually take part, the results will be invalid.

It is imperative to take into account that the absence of even one member of the commission specified in the order means the invalidity of the results.

Therefore, it is necessary to carefully consider the execution of the order appointing an inventory commission, as well as other mandatory documents documenting the results of the inspection. Since failure to comply with these rules may be grounds for invalidating the inventory results.