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Milk vermicelli recipe. Milk noodles - how to cook? List of required ingredients

Milk soup with noodles is suitable for any meal. Sweet variations replace breakfast when porridge is already boring, and salty ones add variety to lunches and dinners. A huge advantage of soups is the speed and ease of preparation, as well as the few ingredients that can always be found at home.

Salty milk soups with noodles are served with sandwiches and butter. Sweet milk soups with noodles are loved by children. They add jam, fresh fruits and berries.

Is it filling. The calorie content of the soup is approximately 300 kcal. This is slightly lower than that of ready-made milk porridge. This breakfast is suitable for children over 1 year old, provided they are not allergic to the components of the soup.

In any version, milk soups are healthy and tasty.

Milk soup with noodles “like in kindergarten”

If you want to prepare an atypical breakfast for a child or for the whole family, a classic milk soup recipe will come to the rescue. The recipe is simple and preparation does not take much time.

It will take 20 minutes to prepare 2 servings.


  • 1/2 l milk;
  • 50 gr. vermicelli “Spiderweb”;
  • 1 tbsp. butter;
  • 15 gr. Sahara;
  • salt.


  • Bring the milk to a boil, add a pinch of salt and sugar. If necessary, dilute with a little water.
  • Add vermicelli in parts, stirring.
  • Cook, stirring, for 15 minutes. When serving, add butter.
  • When you don’t have time to stand at the stove, stirring milk, you can resort to the help of a housewife’s assistant - a multicooker. Milk soups with noodles are richer and tastier.

    Preparation will take about 20 minutes.


    • 500 ml milk;
    • 30 gr. vermicelli;
    • 7 gr. butter;
    • 30 gr. Sahara.


  • Pour the milk into the multicooker bowl and turn on the “multi-cook” or “cook” mode for 5 minutes.
  • When the milk boils, put the butter in the bowl, add sugar and vermicelli. Stir.
  • In the selected mode, set the time for another 10 minutes.
  • At the end of the program, stir again and serve.
  • Ingredients:

    • 1 liter of milk;
    • 1 liter of water;
    • 100 gr. vermicelli;
    • 4 eggs;
    • 250 gr. onion;
    • 30 gr. butter;
    • greens and salt.


  • Boil vermicelli in salted water.
  • Cut the onion into half rings and sauté in butter in a large deep frying pan.
  • Add vermicelli and raw eggs, fry for about three minutes, stirring.
  • Transfer the contents of the frying pan into a saucepan, add milk and cook, stirring, for 5 minutes.
  • When serving, garnish with finely chopped herbs.
  • Milk soup with noodles and potatoes

    A very hearty and unusual soup. For many, the recipe is familiar from childhood. You can make homemade noodles for the recipe yourself in advance or buy ready-made noodles in the store. Children will love this soup and is perfect for lunch.

  • 150 gr. homemade noodles;
  • salt.
  • Preparation:

  • Peel the potatoes and cut into small cubes. Place in boiling water.
  • Heat the milk separately, but do not boil. Pour over the potatoes just before they are done.
  • When the water with milk and potatoes boils, add the noodles and a little salt. Cook the noodles over low heat until the noodles are ready.
  • Milk soup with noodles is a dish that for many remains only a memory of early childhood and is perceived exclusively as children's food. After all, the combination of pasta with milk and sugar seems to be a rather unusual idea, suitable only for the inexperienced taste of children. Of course, such milk soup cannot be perceived as a traditional first course for lunch, but it may well serve as an excellent replacement for our usual porridges. The taste, composition and preparation technology of this dish are practically no different from viscous milk porridges, not to mention the fact that pasta is the same grain product as rice, oats, buckwheat and other cereals.

    Milk soup is so quick and easy to prepare that it gives a head start to most popular cereals and can be an excellent breakfast both on hectic weekdays and on a leisurely weekend. In terms of its nutritional properties, it is in no way inferior to traditional cereal dishes, since wheat contains a lot of valuable fiber, vitamins, minerals and other substances necessary for our health. Like other milk porridges, this dish can satisfy hunger for a long time and supply the body with energy for active mental and physical activities for several hours.

    This sweet noodle soup is perfect for feeding big and small children, because they almost always eat it with great appetite, combining both pleasure and benefit in one simple dish. Most adults can also appreciate the delicate milky taste and thick, rich consistency of this soup, so there is nothing wrong with including it in your diet from time to time as a tasty and healthy breakfast for the whole family. Try making milk soup with noodles for children and adults, and you will certainly appreciate this time-tested and sometimes undeservedly forgotten recipe!

    Useful information How to cook milk soup with noodles - a recipe for children and adults with step-by-step photos


    • 800 ml milk
    • 200 ml water
    • 100 g vermicelli (8 tbsp.)
    • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara
    • 10 g butter
    • 2 pinches of salt
    • vanillin on the tip of a knife


    1. To prepare milk noodle soup, pour water into a saucepan and place it over medium heat.

    Advice! To prepare dairy dishes, you must use metal, ceramic or cast iron dishes with a thick bottom, which will help prevent the milk from burning. An enamel pan is not very suitable for this.

    2. When the water is hot, add a piece of butter and wait until it melts completely.

    Comment! Oil can also be added to an already prepared dish or even to each individual serving to taste. But if you add it at the beginning of cooking, it will help reduce the formation of foam on the surface of the milk.

    3. Pour cold milk into the pan and bring it to a boil over medium heat.

    Comment! Milk soup is always cooked with a mixture of milk and water, which can be taken in different proportions. Diluting the milk, firstly, helps prevent the dish from burning, secondly, it reduces the fat content of this soup and, thirdly, it speeds up the cooking of noodles, since pasta cooks quite poorly in pure milk.

    4. After boiling, add salt, sugar and a small pinch of vanillin to the milk if desired.

    5. Gradually add vermicelli to the boiling milk, vigorously stirring the soup with a spoon as you add it. In the first minutes after adding vermicelli, the soup also needs to be stirred frequently, since raw vermicelli very easily sticks together into lumps, which makes it not very attractive and greatly slows down the boiling inside.

    6. Cook the milk soup over low heat at a low simmer for 5 - 7 minutes until the vermicelli is ready. Cover the finished soup with a lid and let it brew for 10 - 15 minutes before serving.

    Advice! Traditionally, small vermicelli is added to sweet milk soup as a filling, but if you don’t have it in the house or you prefer more solid pasta, then you can put any pasta to your taste - noodles, horns, spaghetti broken into several pieces, etc. d. It is advisable to give preference to pasta made from durum wheat, as they make the dish less high in calories and more healthy than products made from premium baking flour.

    A tasty and very tender milk soup with noodles should be served hot or warm, adding a piece of butter to each plate if desired. It is better to eat it all at once and not leave it until the next day, since vermicelli tends to swell in milk and lose its taste. Bon appetit!

    How to prepare dietary milk soup with noodles

    Milk soup with noodles has a fairly low calorie content, which is 103 kcal per 100 g of finished dish. This makes it a good food for maintaining weight and diet. To reduce the calorie content of milk soup a little more, it is recommended:

    1. To prepare it, use skim milk diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio.

    2. Reduce the amount of sugar in the dish or replace it with jam or honey.

    3. Avoid adding butter completely.

    4. Choose only grade A vermicelli or other pasta from durum wheat.

    Dairy products are very beneficial for the body. A very popular and tasty dish is milk noodles. There are many varieties of preparation of this dish, which differ in their ingredients and processing method.

    The benefits and harms of the dish

    Dairy-based dishes are necessary for both adults and children. Milk helps normalize gastrointestinal activity and stimulates metabolic processes.

    Soups made from it help fight swelling because they remove excess fluid. They are useful for high blood pressure, liver and gallbladder pathologies.

    Frequent consumption of milk is good for the stomach, as it neutralizes the aggressive effect of gastric juice on the mucous membrane. It also has a positive effect on nervous activity and removes excess cholesterol.

    The main components of the dish in question contain valuable microelements and vitamins, thanks to which bones are strengthened and the immune system is strengthened.

    But noodles with milk can also have a negative effect on the body. This occurs when some people are lactose intolerant. Also, frequent consumption of this soup can lead to weight gain, since the flour component adds additional calories to the product.

    Difficulty, cooking time

    The cooking process depends on the characteristics of the chosen recipe. If it involves the use of ready-made store-bought noodles, then the work will take no more than half an hour.

    But some families prefer to use their own preparation, and this requires much more time.

    Such food options take about two hours to create. Milk noodles are one of the medium-complex dishes to prepare.

    Homemade egg noodles, video recipe:

    Food preparation

    Quality ingredients will help make milk noodles delicious. It is best to use a homemade product. It requires premium flour, eggs, salt and water.

    But you can also use store-bought ones. In this case, you should choose products made from durum wheat. The noodles should be thin - this allows them to quickly reach readiness. When purchasing a product, you need to ensure the integrity of the packaging and also check the expiration date.

    Milk for making soup must be fresh. It is best to use the product from a freshly opened package. The same requirement applies to all other components needed in the recipe.

    How to cook milk noodles?

    When you get acquainted with any dish, you should start with its traditional version. This will allow you to master the intricacies of the work, after which you can try more complex varieties.

    The traditional recipe for making milk noodles involves the use of the following components:

    • milk – 500 ml;
    • sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
    • noodles – 100 g;
    • butter – 20 g;
    • salt – 1 tsp.

    A dish prepared from these ingredients can be divided into 2 servings.

    Step-by-step preparation of milk noodles in the photo:

  • Heat the milk in a deep container, stirring it constantly.
  • When the product boils, add salt to it.
  • Next you can add sugar. To obtain a sweeter dish, increasing the quantity is allowed.
  • After mixing, pour the pasta into the pan. It takes about 10 minutes to cook. It is very important to stir the ingredients during cooking to avoid burning.
  • Milk noodles contain 112 calories. Carbohydrates – 17 g, fats and proteins each contain 3 g.

    Cooking options

    The methods for preparing such soup with milk are quite varied, although they differ only in additional components. But if someone doesn’t like the traditional version of the dish, it’s worth considering other recipes.

    In a slow cooker

    You can cook milk noodles using a multicooker.

    For this you will need:

    • milk – 750 ml;
    • sugar – 3 tbsp. l.;
    • water – 150 ml;
    • salt;
    • noodles – 1 glass;
    • butter – 30 g.

    The noodles are poured into the bowl. Separately, boil the milk and heat the water. These two components are poured into the pasta, along with sugar and butter. The products are mixed and the “Milk porridge” option is turned on. Cooking time is 10 minutes. During this time you need to stir the dish several times. Then the soup is kept in the “Warming” mode for another 10 minutes.

    This option involves preparing a kind of noodles at home.

    To implement it the following will be used:

    • milk – 650 ml;
    • egg – 1;
    • starch – 100 g;
    • sugar – 2.5 tsp;
    • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
    • salt.

    First prepare the pancake dough. To do this, mix a beaten egg with salt and starch. The resulting homogeneous mass is poured into a pancake and fried in a frying pan on both sides.

    The milk is poured into a saucepan and brought to a boil. Starch preparations are cut into wide strips, sprinkled with sugar and combined with hot milk. You need to eat the dish immediately so that parts of the pancakes do not become sour.

    This dish is exotic, so it should be avoided by people who do not tolerate unusual food combinations. But those who like to try everything original should pay attention to it.

    Ingredients to make the recipe:

    • coconut milk – 500 ml;
    • bean sprouts – 50 g;
    • vegetable broth – 1 l;
    • fish sauce – 2 tbsp. l.;
    • shrimp – 200 g;
    • mushrooms – 120 g;
    • noodles – 150 g;
    • salt;
    • pepper;
    • spices;
    • greenery.

    Mix broth and milk in a deep saucepan. Fish sauce and chopped mushrooms are added to them. Place the dishes on low heat and wait until they boil. After this, peeled shrimp and noodles are added.

    Stir the ingredients until they return to a boil to prevent sticking and burning. The boiled soup should simmer for 3 minutes, after which chopped herbs and bean sprouts are added to it. Season the dishes with spices and continue cooking for another 5 minutes.

    This type of dish is distinguished by its spicy taste and originality. It can be made sweet or salty.

    The ingredients for it are:

    • carrots – 4 pcs;
    • sugar – 2 tbsp. l.;
    • milk – 6 cups;
    • noodles – 200 g;
    • butter – 50 g;
    • salt.

    Peeled carrots are cut into thin strips, filled with water and cooked until tender. Then the liquid is drained. In a separate bowl, boil milk and put noodles in it. Followed by carrots. Until the mixture boils, you need to stir it. After this, the dish should be cooked for about 10 minutes. At the end of the work, it is filled with oil, salt and sugar are sprinkled on it.

    By adding cheese to the soup, you can make the final product tastier and more unusual. It also adds nutrition to the dish.

    This recipe includes the following ingredients:

    • pasta – 30 g;
    • butter – 30 g;
    • milk – 150 ml;
    • cheese – 10 g;
    • sugar – 1 tsp;
    • salt.

    The noodles are added to hot boiled milk and these ingredients are cooked for 12 minutes. The fire should be small. The cheese is grated and added to the mixture along with sugar and butter. Mix the ingredients well and turn off the stove. Milk soup will taste better if it sits for about a quarter of an hour after cooking.

    By adding potatoes, you can prepare a more satisfying dish.

    For this you will need to purchase the following products:

    • noodles – 150 g;
    • milk – 1 l;
    • potatoes – 2;
    • salt;
    • water – 0.5 l.

    Potatoes are peeled and cut into cubes. They are placed in boiling water and cooked until softened. Then pour the heated milk into the same pan and allow the mixture to boil. Next, add the noodles and sprinkle salt.

    Cooking all components takes up to 10 minutes at minimum heat.

    Depending on your preferences, you can cook milk noodles either thin or thick. This is done by changing the number of components. Sometimes other types of pasta are used instead of noodles.

    This is allowed, but you need to take into account that other pasta takes a little longer to cook. During the cooking process, you should not leave the stove, as the milk tends to boil over.

    From the moment you place the pasta in the liquid until the soup comes to a boil, you need to stir the ingredients to prevent them from sticking.

    All people who once attended kindergarten are well familiar with a dish called “milk vermicelli” - thin web pasta boiled in milk. Many people love this soup so much that they happily cook it at home. Milk vermicelli, the recipes for which are outlined below, are not difficult to prepare. The result is a tasty and healthy dish for children and adults.

    Simple milk for children

    This is the fastest and easiest milk soup recipe. This is a great option for a healthy breakfast or dinner. To prepare it, you need to boil milk (0.5 l), then add salt and a tablespoon of sugar to it. After this, reduce the heat and add vermicelli. Depending on the desired thickness, you can add two to three tablespoons of pasta.

    Until the vermicelli boils in the milk, it must be stirred constantly. Otherwise, the pasta may stick to the bottom or stick together (form into a lump). When the vermicelli boils, cook it for 10 minutes, then turn off the stove and let the soup brew for the same amount of time.

    Milk vermicelli, the recipe with a photo of which is presented above, is served with butter. And it is worth remembering that the product takes longer to cook in milk than in water.

    Milk noodles in a slow cooker

    Cooking in a slow cooker is much easier than on the stove. The main advantage of this method of preparation is that pasta in milk never boils, it turns out tender and very tasty.

    A milk dish with noodles, the recipe for which in a slow cooker is offered below, is prepared in the “Steam” mode. This way the milk will boil slowly, which means that the risk that it will “run away” is minimal.

    First, you need to pour water and three times as much milk (3 cups) into the multicooker bowl. Set the “Steam” mode and let the milk boil. Do not close the lid. When the milk boils, pour a measuring cup of vermicelli into it, add sugar to taste and a little salt. Mix. Close the lid and set the “Warming” mode for 10 minutes. After the specified time, the dish will be ready. It should be served hot or cold.

    Milk soup with noodles: recipe with photo

    Milk soup with noodles is a dish that you will never get tired of. Children always eat it with pleasure. You can cook this soup with other types or with homemade noodles. The choice can only affect the cooking time of the dish (noodles will cook faster).

    Pour 100 ml of water into the bottom of the pan, then add 2 cups of milk. Let it boil. Add vermicelli, stir and cook for 10 minutes without covering the pan with a lid. Before removing from heat, add sugar to taste and a little salt to the soup. Before serving, let it brew under the lid.

    Milk vermicelli, the recipes for which are presented here, turns out equally tasty in each case. The dishes differ only in the nuances of preparation. Therefore, it is recommended to try each recipe to find the best option for yourself.

    Milk vermicelli soup from childhood

    This is the same noodle milk soup that we all remember from kindergarten. To cook it, you need to mix milk and water (1 liter each) in equal proportions, put the pan on the stove and let it boil. Do not forget to ensure that the milk does not “run away”.

    After boiling, add a glass of vermicelli to the pan and cook for 20 minutes. For the first 2-3 minutes, you need to constantly stir the vermicelli, otherwise it will stick together. Before finishing cooking, add 4 tablespoons of sugar and a little salt to taste to the soup.

    Milk vermicelli, the recipes for which are presented in the article, must be steeped in a saucepan for 10 minutes before serving. The butter is added directly to the plate, and after it melts, mix thoroughly.

    To prepare noodle soup, you must use solid varieties. Milk can be taken either homemade or store-bought. But it should be remembered that the calorie content of the finished dish directly depends on its fat content.

    Milk porridge with vermicelli

    Anyone who prefers milk porridge rather than soup will enjoy the following recipe.

    Boil milk, add sugar and a small pinch of salt. Add the vermicelli, let it boil and immediately remove the pan from the heat. Cover with a lid and leave the pasta in the milk for 20-30 minutes. During this time they will swell and the result will not be soup, but porridge. If desired, you can add a little more sugar, honey or jam.

    Milk vermicelli porridge becomes thicker the longer it sits.

    and cheese

    This recipe is an alternative to the usual noodle soup. But if someone doesn’t like the taste of cheese, you can replace it with chocolate chips, cocoa, fruits or berries (strawberries, raspberries). Milk vermicelli, the recipes for which are offered above, can be prepared with the addition of any ingredients as decoration. This only makes the taste of the dish more interesting, and the nutritional value is higher.

    To prepare noodle soup, you need to prepare two pans. In one, boil milk (1 l), in the other, boil the vermicelli until half cooked. When the pasta is cooked, drain and rinse in hot water. Then the vermicelli should be transferred to the milk, let it boil, add salt and sugar to taste.

    Remove the finished soup from the heat and sprinkle cheese on top or decorate with chocolate, fruits, berries, etc. Bon appetit!

    Making milk soup will be simple and affordable if you know the secrets and features of this delicious, mouth-watering dish. It can be called practically vegetarian, because only plant ingredients are used here, not counting milk and butter, which is used to season the finished snack. It is useful to know all the manufacturing tricks.

    How to cook milk soup with noodles

    In the question of how to prepare noodle soup, you first need to study the components of the dish in order to prepare them for processing. Any vermicelli is suitable for cooking - spider webs, stars, horns. If you don't have thin noodles, you can even break up regular pasta and dip it in milk. It is better to dilute the last component with water so that the taste is not so cloying, and the cooking process itself is easy due to the lack of burning.

    Pasta made from durum wheat is ideal for vegetarian soup. They will not come apart, gel in the broth, or turn into puree, but will retain their shape and elasticity. The thin web is cooked for no longer than a minute so that the dish does not thicken. You can even just pour it into boiling milk broth, close the lid, turn off the heat and leave to simmer for 7-8 minutes. The optimal ratio of components is 1 part dry to 3 parts liquid.

    Vermicelli milk soup recipe

    Everyone knows the recipe for milk soup, remembered from childhood. Children were fed this dish in kindergarten, school or at home, because it filled them well and gave them energy and vigor. Today it’s easy to prepare this dish when there are step-by-step instructions with photo lessons. Thanks to them, there is no question of how to prepare a healthy delicacy without spoiling the ingredients and wasting them. You can diversify noodle soup with milk by adding potatoes, eggs, pumpkin, raisins and other dried fruits. Serve it as a sweet or dietary dish - cooking options.

    Milk soup with noodles for children

    The most common breakfast options are milk soups for children. They are good to cook with noodles, which are quickly absorbed by the child’s body, giving him energy and strength. This dish is good to serve for breakfast, as an afternoon snack, and even on weekends. To do this, you can diversify the delicacy with jam, fresh berries, and sweet sauces based on condensed milk.


    • water – 0.5 l;
    • vermicelli – 5.5 tbsp. l.;
    • milk – 1.5 l;
    • butter – 30 g;
    • sugar – 2 tbsp. l.

    Cooking method:

  • Boil water, add salt to taste, add vermicelli, cook for 7 minutes. Place in a colander and let the liquid drain.
  • Boil milk, add salt, add pasta, cook for 4 minutes.
  • Season with sugar and butter.
  • Milk soup with potatoes

    Noodle soup with potatoes has a creamy, starchy taste from childhood. It is loved by children for its thick consistency, as well as by adults for its ease of preparation and great benefits. It’s good to cook it with the addition of onions so that the taste reveals itself in a new way, becomes richer and more pleasant. If children do not like onion pieces, you can simply remove them at the end of cooking.


    • vermicelli - half a glass;
    • onion – 1 pc.;
    • potatoes – 2 pcs.;
    • milk – 1 l;
    • butter – 40 g.

    Cooking method:

  • Pour a centimeter of water into the bottom of the saucepan, pour in the milk, and boil while stirring constantly.
  • Add potato wedges and chopped onions, boil the potatoes.
  • Remove the potatoes from the broth, mash them with a fork or potato masher, and put them back in.
  • Boil, add pasta, cook for 3 minutes. Season with oil and salt.
  • Milk soup with noodles in a slow cooker

    A popular children's recipe is delicious noodle soup with milk in a slow cooker, which can be varied by adding dumplings, fresh or dried fruit. Without any additions, the dish is good to serve for breakfast or lunch with a slice of rye bread to saturate the child’s body. It’s easy to cook it in a slow cooker, because it will do everything for the hostess, prevent the milk from burning and add balance to the taste.


    • milk - half a liter;
    • vermicelli – 3 tbsp. l.;
    • butter - teaspoon;
    • sugar – 1.5 tbsp. l.

    Cooking method:

  • Pour milk into the bottom of the bowl and boil on the convenient “Multi-cook” or “Fry” mode.
  • Add pasta, sugar, butter, mix.
  • Set the temperature to 110 degrees in the multicooker or steaming mode; the milk porridge function is also suitable - it depends on the model of the multicooker.
  • Cook for 10 minutes, after the signal, stir with a silicone or wooden spatula.
  • Milk soup with vermicelli and egg

    The delicious vermicelli soup with milk and egg, which is made on the basis of thin egg noodles, looks very beautiful in the photo. The result is almost puree, which is good to serve as an independent dish for lunch or dinner. This soup has a homemade taste that saturates the body well, looks appetizing and smells very tempting. You can please a child or an adult with them.


    • milk – 1 l;
    • noodles – 150 g;
    • egg – 2 pcs.;
    • salt – 1 tsp;
    • sugar – 1 tbsp;
    • butter – 2 tsp.

    Cooking method:

  • Bring the milk to a boil, mix with sugar and salt. After boiling, add the noodles and stir.
  • Lightly beat the egg with a fork and pour into the broth. Cook with constant stirring for 2.5 minutes.
  • Serve with butter.
  • Pumpkin soup with milk

    Vegetarian noodle soup with pumpkin has a beautiful bright color, which looks good in the photo. Its thick consistency attracts the eye and delights children and adults. In addition to pumpkin slices, the dish is given a positive color by carrots, which are mixed with potatoes for richness. To prepare the dish for an adult, you can add turmeric and nutmeg to the milk to add some piquancy.


    • potatoes – 2 pcs.;
    • carrots – 1 pc.;
    • pumpkin – 120 g;
    • milk – 550 ml;
    • vermicelli – 50 g;
    • sugar – ½ tsp.

    Cooking method:

  • Wash the vegetables, cut into strips, put in a saucepan, add water, boil until soft, add salt.
  • Boil milk and cook pasta in it for 4 minutes.
  • Mash the vegetables into a puree, combine with the soup, and stir. If the consistency is too thick, dilute with vegetable broth.
  • Add salt and season with sugar.
  • Dietary milk soup with vermicelli

    For people suffering from diseases of the stomach, liver and blood vessels, a recipe for dietary milk soup with noodles will be useful. Its benefits are invaluable, because milk forms a protective film on the walls of the stomach, preventing acid from entering the esophagus. The low-calorie dish is included in some therapeutic diets that help people recover from illness. It is prohibited to serve such dishes to patients with lactose intolerance.


    • small vermicelli - half a glass;
    • low fat milk – 500 ml;
    • water – 20 ml;
    • salt – 1 tsp;
    • sugar – 2 tsp.

    Cooking method:

  • Pour water and milk into the bottom of the pan, bring to a boil, season with sugar and salt.
  • Add pasta while stirring constantly and cook for 6 minutes.
  • Stir constantly while cooking.
  • Serve with butter if necessary.
  • Milk vermicelli soup - cooking secrets

    Every housewife and cook will need to know how to prepare noodle soup with milk. To do this, there are some tricks that allow you to make the perfect dish:

    • First courses are always prepared in 2 steps - first boil the pasta in salted boiling water, then mix it with milk, boiling it again;
    • required ingredients for the dish - sugar and butter are added at the end of cooking in small quantities;
    • optimal proportions for cooking - a glass of pasta per liter of milk;
    • It is better to cook broths with milk in non-stick dishes, thick-walled or ceramic; enameled and stainless steel are not suitable due to the risk of burning;
    • the basis can be not only whole milk, but dry and condensed milk - regular milk is added during the process, dry milk is diluted in water to a sour cream consistency and topped up with broth, and condensed milk is diluted with water in a ratio of 2 tbsp. l. per glass;
    • you can cook the dish with vegetables and cereals;
    • if you are intolerant to cow's milk, goat's milk is allowed;
    • The first is served warm, seasoned with jam, raisins, dried apricots, cottage cheese, honey, melted butter;
    • It is best to cook noodle soup with milk one time at a time, because the pasta swells during storage.
    Video: vermicelli soup with milk