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Incubi and succubi. Stories of modern incubus attacks

This story began a very long time ago. Believe me, it's real. I studied at the university. I think it was the third course. I woke up one night with the feeling that I was having intimacy with a man. The feeling is strange: there is intimacy, but the man is not. You can't see it, but you can really feel it. I felt his weight, the fact that he was tall and other details, but he was invisible.

When I woke up in the morning, I thought that it was just a dream, very real, but a dream. You can tell the site that I didn’t attach any importance to this at all. But soon it happened again. I thought again: a dream. Then it happened again. It was then that I began to be tormented by doubts and suspicions that this was not a dream. I began to fear him and wait. It was very good with him, even too good, better than with a real man.

However, I was aware of the unnaturalness of what was happening. I didn’t think about the danger that could threaten me. I don’t remember how long his visits lasted and how often. I never felt how he came and how he left. She constantly woke up during the process, and then, apparently, fell asleep further.

But one day I woke up just like that, sat down on the bed and suddenly felt that he was standing next to me. I just felt it, didn’t see it. Suddenly a wild protest arose in my soul. I mentally seemed to say to him something like: “I’m tired of it, I’ve come again, when are you going to leave!” His reaction was violent. I felt a huge man's hand (I'm just very small) grab my ankle and lift my legs up straight to the ceiling. I remember the feeling of his hand holding me tightly, I remember how it hung upside down over the bed, and then he released his hand. I don’t remember how I fell. I woke up as usual in the morning, nothing hurt. But he didn't come anymore.

I forgot everything, met a guy, fell in love with him and got married. She gave birth to two children. And everything would be fine, but sometimes I had strange dreams. In a dream, I saw a man who was watching me here and there. I ran away from him wherever I could, and he stretched his arms after me, like a child who has been abandoned, and he stretches his arms after his fleeing mother.

And then the site appeared again. Although I'm not sure if it's the same spirit. Only this time everything was different. I woke up feeling someone hugging me tightly. I thought in my dream: “Husband.” And then I realized that my husband was sleeping with his back to me, and the other one was on the other side. I mentally told him: “Go away!” He whispered in my ear: “Why?”, I answered: “I don’t want to.”

That's where it started. He twisted my arms and pulled me off the bed. He hurt me as much as he could, annoyed at the refusal. At the same time, the husband did not wake up. It wasn’t a dream—everywhere he grabbed me at night, there were bruises. This happened when he was in a bad mood. If he was in a good mood, he courted me and persistently pursued me.

He drew pictures on me. On my hip, I once had a whole picture of various flowers of different sizes, there were roses and something else. He also leaves his handprints on me. Both drawings and handprints do not disappear immediately, only around 11 am. My husband sees all this all the time. He knows that the spirit comes to me. He once patted him on the shoulder and ran past him. Yes, everything has already happened, it’s just that little surprises him anymore.

Only he does not know the purpose of his visits. He is not aware that the spirit is courting his wife. The mood of the spirit, as I already wrote, is very changeable. He can rape without asking. Although he never asks at all, he does whatever he wants. He can spend hours stroking my hair and telling me how much he loves me. He's jealous of me. If any man even tries to flirt with me, he gets into trouble. My husband is tolerant. Bye.

He comes not only at night. During the day he also appears, I feel his touch. I was pregnant by him. Why am I sure it’s from him and not from my husband? I won’t even explain, but take my word for it.

To be honest, I think I'm going to die soon. He wants me to be his wife. I know, it sounds like crazy. It remains to add that I am Orthodox, go to confession, and keep all fasts. I read a lot of prayers a day. But with all this, he can be present without being embarrassed at all. One thing is clear: I am finished.

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It happens that at night you feel that someone is lying on your bed, gently stroking you and you feel unprecedented excitement. Then something happens that people forget fear and look forward to their nightly lovers, despite the feeling of disgust. These stories are as old as time. In Russian beliefs, it was believed that the Evil One comes to the wives of soldiers or widows. And in foreign literature there is a clear classification. Succubi seduce men, incubi seduce women.

For early demonologists, apparently, succubi were a kind of dream demons, real beings of the non-human world. In the Middle Ages, their reality was not questioned, only the interpretation changed. Now these were either messengers of the devil, or he himself in female guise. Later, when it is noticed that the appearance of such mysterious lovers often occurs in a special “borderline” state of consciousness: between sleep and wakefulness, for example, skeptics will attribute succubi to various kinds of hallucinations and fantasies of a sexual nature, and occultists to the manifestation of the influence of astral light on a person.

These disgusting entities had the ability to take on a seductive bodily shell and appeared to people, as a rule, at night. An ethereal creature in the guise of a man was called an incubus (“lying on”). A demon in female guise – a succubus (“to lie under”) – appeared before the men.

The incredible sexual attractiveness of these creatures was explained not only by their seductive appearance, but also by their ability to subtly sense the emotions and secret desires of a person. A luxurious woman or a young man full of strength - no matter what form the demons took - intercourse with them brought unearthly pleasure, which was accompanied by inexplicable fear and confusion.

The appearance of these insidious representatives of the dark world deserves special attention. A succubus is always a maiden of unearthly beauty and ideal build, generating unbridled desire in her lover-victim.

The situation is different with the appearance of the incubus. The shameless seducing demon could appear in the form of various animals, birds or snakes. The image of an incredibly handsome, full of strength man could be replaced by the devilish appearance of an ugly creature similar to a goat. It was believed that women were much more sinful than men, and had a wide variety of, often base and perverted, secret desires. For this reason, attractive appearance was not as important for an incubus as it was for a succubus. Often the tempters took the form of their victim's deceased lover.

Succubi and incubi embody unfulfilled desires. All fantasies, even the wildest ones. The stronger a person’s desire, the more energy the demon will receive, so everything is used - from an erotic appearance to the most secret fetishes and desires.

The nature of incubi and succubi

Who are they, the rulers of transcendental love? The most common explanation is given, as always, by the ubiquitous psychiatrists: this, they say, is a special form of self-hypnosis, when a person cannot realize the moment of transition of consciousness into a trance state. It is curious that the same psychiatrists, when their patients try to explain their “excessive” sensations with hypnosis, make a diagnosis: Kandinsky-Clerambault syndrome, or, more simply, delusion.

Church professors believe that these are demons - messengers of the devil. It is in this exquisite way that they destroy human souls, that is, they lead them to eternal destruction. But who is the devil? Evil spirit - answers the church. What is spirit? Not a single religion has a qualitative definition for it - a definition of its essence, and not a description of its properties.

The most probable hypothesis still seems to be the existence of a special, intangible world. There is no space and time - in our understanding of these categories. But it is possible that that world intersects at some level with our world, and this makes it possible for “otherworldly” inhabitants to explore our lives and ourselves.

Of course, the actions of incubi and succubi and evil spirits in general can hardly be called research, since they are disgusting and cause a feeling of disgust. But let's look at ourselves: who can guarantee that mice and rabbits experience joy when we vivisect them?

Modern evidence of encounters with incubi and succubi

Rimma talks about sexual contacts with an incubus as follows:

“When Someone comes, a chill runs down her spine and she gets goosebumps. She feels footsteps, the bed squanders as he lies down next to her. No matter how she lies, Someone climbs up from behind, she doesn’t see him. At these moments she is overcome by numbness; she cannot, for example, turn over from her stomach or look at him. She says that only once was she able to overcome her fear and looked back when he was leaving the bed. I saw a whitish substance similar to a human silhouette. Everything is indistinct, but the eyes seem to be very beautiful, large and expressive.

“One day I saw his hand when he put it in front of me,” she recalled. – An ordinary man’s hand, sparse hair is clearly visible, the hand is cool. I tried to turn around, but he pressed on my shoulder, preventing me from looking. And he removed his hand.”

Rimma says that sexual intercourse always occurs only in the position from the back. Feels the weight of a normal large man. Rimma actively objects to the assumption that she is dreaming all this, and that there is actually no physical presence, because all the accompanying sounds - the creaking of the bed, breathing, noise - all this persists. But such meetings did not take place with their husbands. Usually the creature came when her husband left for work early in the morning, and she had to get up later. Sexual intercourse always ended with orgasm, and Rimma noticed that she regulates the onset of orgasm herself and achieves it when she wants: either soon, or over time. It's as if the creature guesses or knows her physiology.

Rimma firmly states that she receives pleasure from alien beings much sharper and better than from earthly men. Although she does not refuse earthly ones and regrets that her marriages or courtships fall apart.

“It all started in 1986. I sleep with my husband. Or rather, he is sleeping, and I hear some noise from the side. Then a male voice begins to talk to me, someone strokes me, as if with their hands, kisses me and generally has a connection with me, like a man with a woman. Moreover, something strange is happening to me: my arms and legs don’t obey me, as if I were completely petrified. And only my mind goes on strike against this violence.

This happened to me many times afterwards. Sometimes I managed to drive him away, sometimes he took possession of me. Then I physically felt his strong, elastic body. He seemed handsome to me, and one day I mentally asked him: “Show me your face.” And what did I see! Such a freak - covered in thorns, his face is fiery, his eyes are burning. After this time, spots that looked like splayed fingers began to appear on my body frequently in the morning, but they quickly disappeared. And when I was pregnant, I told him not to pester me anymore. And he growls: “Don’t get your hopes up, the child was conceived not from my husband, but from me.” I’m afraid to tell my husband about this, but I don’t know what to do...”

Fortunately, the fears of I.R. were in vain, the child was born absolutely normal, without any abnormalities. Now he is already in his ninth year, he looks very much like his father (I.R.’s husband). Like all boys, he is mischievous, but he studies well. The night visitor sometimes still visits I.R., but since then it’s as if his mouth has taken on water.

Love demons did not bypass the stronger half of humanity. True, all demonologists are unanimously convinced that there are ten times fewer succubi than incubi. Perhaps this is true; cases of succubat are indeed less common. It used to happen that a succubus had the appearance of a beautiful woman. Lately, the invisible people have been acting more and more. Here is an excerpt from a letter from a Moscow artist:

“I experience all the actions of this force at night. I go to bed exactly at 23 o'clock. But then, after five to ten minutes, I begin to feel a slight but frequent vibration, shaking of my bed. Then, barely perceptibly, something rolls under the blanket and, like elastic air, envelops my body. The blanket begins to float above me... This is a “friend”, “bride”, and possibly “wife” (I live alone), mysterious, more refined in her feelings and desires, every day, without delay, at 23 hours 10 minutes on a date with me. She immediately, as if bored by the day’s separation, begins to caress me with light, airy touches. The feeling of fear has long been gone - I’ve been treated kindly, I’ve gotten used to these “tendernesses”, but it’s still disgusting, unpleasant. But the most unpleasant thing for me is that after all the gentle touches I begin to feel the impact on the sexual center... I never allow myself to be brought to climax - I sharply throw up the blanket and say seven times: “Don’t touch!” Everything stops, but after about an hour it starts again. And so three or four times a night you have to take up your shield and sword..."

“I’ve been living with succubi for a year now. I used to think that this was all fiction, but an incident from my life helped me realize that demons live among us. A girl came to live with me. At first it seemed like nothing. But then for some reason I started constantly having dreams in which I have sex with the girl who lives with me. This girl is my relative. After such dreams, you lose a lot of strength, it’s as if a hole opens in you (energetically sucking away your strength and giving someone unknown negativity in return). After living for several months, I began to wonder why I was having dreams and feeling tired, and by sinful will I turned to the sorcerer. He advised me to move out; I was being tormented by a demoness (succubus). It was very strange to believe.”

Based on materials:

Have you ever woken up at night feeling like you were being haunted by a demonic creature? Perhaps you have simply experienced the so-called incubus phenomenon: an “attack” of a male demon on a woman (the victims of the female demon - succubus - are men).

This phenomenon is largely based on nightmares. For centuries, people have believed that the incubus demon haunts sleeping women. These beliefs were depicted in works of art, as well as fairy tales and traditional folklore.

A new meta-analysis conducted by scientists from the Netherlands shows that this terrible phenomenon is much more common than previously thought. Moreover, psychiatrists and psychologists should take such stories from their patients more seriously.

Sleep paralysis and hallucinations

The attack by the so-called demon usually occurs during sleep paralysis. A meta-analysis shows that this phenomenon is even more common than the incubus phenomenon.

Sleep paralysis is a result of sleep phase dissociation, says senior study author Dr. Jan Dirk Blom, professor of clinical psychopathology at Leiden University in the Netherlands. Sleep paralysis occurs while falling asleep or waking up and occurs when a person is “on the threshold” of the REM phase of sleep, and at the same time is aware of what is happening.

During the REM phase (when a person typically dreams), the body's muscles relax to the point of paralysis. This is necessary in order to protect a person who may begin to actively move during dreams. But during sleep paralysis, a person's mind is awakened while his body continues to sleep, and the muscles therefore remain paralyzed.

This state of paralysis is perceived by the brain as a threat, and it begins to create a complex hallucination, so the person sees a creature sitting on his chest. What the victim sees is a combination of his reality and the nightmare that the person projects onto the real world. At the same time, for the affected person, this experience seems very real.

Who is more likely to “meet” an incubus?

In a meta-analysis published in the journal Frontiers in Psychiatry, scientists looked at the results of 13 studies examining the incubus phenomenon, which included 1,800 people. These studies were conducted in different countries, including Canada, the United States, China, Japan, Italy and Mexico.

Scientists have found that 11 percent of the general population have experienced the incubus phenomenon at least once in their lives. This means that any person has an 11 percent chance of experiencing this phenomenon at least once in their life. But in certain groups of people the chances of “meeting” an incubus are higher than in others. People with mental disorders, as well as refugees and, surprisingly, students, have a 41 percent chance of experiencing the incubus phenomenon.

Also, an analysis by scientists showed that people who are used to sleeping on their backs experience this phenomenon more often than others. Scientists say drinking alcohol and having trouble sleeping also make an "encounter" with an incubus more likely.

What problems does the incubus phenomenon lead to?

Although many people often perceive this scary experience as a bad dream, Blom notes that an “encounter” with an incubus can cause additional problems such as anxiety, difficulty falling asleep due to fear of having the same experience again, and delusional disorder. a disease similar to schizophrenia.

Researchers say the incubus phenomenon may be associated with sudden death syndrome, when a healthy person dies in their sleep for no apparent reason.

People who have encountered the incubus phenomenon often complain of increased anxiety, for which there are no objective reasons. Many people fear that they might actually die during such an attack. Although no one can predict when a person will experience such an attack again, for him this expectation becomes very real.

Incubus form

The meta-analysis also found that the shape of the incubus and how people react to it can vary depending on what culture a person comes from.

For example, patients raised in Muslim traditions often say that for them the incubus phenomenon is proof that they are being haunted by jinn - invisible spirits that Allah created from smokeless fire. But in some cases, the incubus takes on a friendly and even interesting form.

“I recently spoke with a girl aged 15 who also had an encounter with an incubus,” Blom said. “She saw four miniature penguins sitting on her chest and was excited and surprised, not scared.”

Incubi and succubi

As the story of mystical reincarnations says, incubi And succubi- These are demonic entities that feed on human sexual energy. Incubi are male creatures, succubi are female. They usually appear at night in various guises and intoxicate people, putting them into a half-asleep sleep. In other words, this is neither sleep nor wakefulness, but, in fact, partial paralysis of the body and consciousness. In this state, a person is not able to resist the attack of a mysterious creature with any physical actions. Often there is a complete weakening of the vocal cords, it is impossible to form thoughts into words, much less pronounce them.

During sexual intercourse, the victim of an attack experiences the highest degree of pleasure, which, at the same time, is accompanied by fear and confusion. Succubi and incubi invade the victim’s consciousness and correct the perception of the outside world, thus changing their appearance, adapting to the desires of the victim in order to squeeze out maximum sexual energy. How dangerous is an attack from this entity? And the fact that after it, a person, energetically, is a lemon squeezed dry. During ordinary sexual intercourse, people exchange energies, and during intimacy with such a spirit, a person only wastes it, thereby completely emptying himself.

There are several signs that distinguish these demons from people. If an incubus (literally “lying above”) enters a woman’s bed, then all the inhabitants of the house will fall into deep sleep, even the husband sleeping next to her. Other signs are even more obvious: the incubus is often a cruel lover. In addition, he was credited with an unusual physical nature: his member is depicted as forked, like a snake, an iron rod, a burning brand, or a mule’s member. It happened that offspring were born from such unholy relationships, and then all the children of this woman immediately fell under suspicion. They also looked askance at the twins. By the way, it was believed that the hero of Scandinavian legends, the great magician Merlin, was precisely the fruit of such a connection.

In addition to the seductive incubi, there were, as said, female evil spirits who seduced men, especially monks, elders, and hermits. These creatures were called succubi or succubi from the Latin word “succubare” - “to lie under something.” There are numerous legends about the antics of these seductive creatures.

Since the demons incubus and succubus are not subject to the known laws of space and time, they are capable of being in several places at the same time, as a result of which the same demon can simultaneously possess any number of people, that is, possess tens, or even hundreds of copulating couples at once. as wordless "hives" producing the nectar of bliss.

There would be nothing special about this if it weren’t for that terrible secret that the Fathers of the Church warned about - “fettering the lips”, or “fettering all the gates”, when a person has only a spark of consciousness that understands and sees everything, but has no opportunities to express yourself. These unfortunates, however, receive pleasure - in this sense, incubi and succubi do not disappoint their victims. But it has only one direction - deep into the dark nature of existence.

The incubus can take on both male and female guise, sometimes it appears as a man in the prime of his life, sometimes as a satyr, and in front of a witch he takes on the image of a lustful goat. Other images include dogs, cats, deer, bulls, roe deer, birds, especially crows or storks, and snakes. But even the bestial appearance did not prevent the incubus from having a carnal relationship with a woman.

Particularly insidious demons could come, incarnating in the bodies of real living people - a husband, a neighbor or a young groom. One medieval nun reported that she was sexually assaulted by the local prelate, Bishop Silvanus, but the latter stated in his defense that he was possessed by a demon at that moment. And the monastery council did not condemn the clergyman.

Although the incubus' propensity for debauchery itself was not questioned, in the Middle Ages there were often discussions about how disembodied demons could acquire a body and get along with women. One of the 17th century demonologists named Sinistari explained that the unclean can take on a bodily shell by inhabiting another person, or creating a body for himself from various materials. Others believed that demons used corpses for these purposes, especially the bodies of recently hanged people.

Demonologists also did not have a clear opinion regarding the reasons why demons sought the bed of a human woman. Some believed that since spirits “cannot experience either joy or pleasure,” they get together with a person only in order to humiliate him, secretly mocking would-be lovers who, by the way, sometimes recognizing the sinfulness of the union, did not seek to get rid of demonic worshiper. Another version says that demons and nature spirits, jealous of the immortality of the human soul, strive to pass on this property of the soul to their offspring through union with people.

Be that as it may, a relationship with an incubus was considered a much more serious sin than adultery, since it was equated to bestiality, and relationships with succubi were considered the sin of sodomy, because a succubus is the same devil, only in a female form. With the rise of the Inquisition and witch trials, descriptions of incubi and succubi became increasingly terrifying. While in early reports women and men confessed to the incredible pleasures that demonic lovers gave them, later women claimed that sexual intercourse caused them incredible pain.

Nowadays, when various versions of the psychology of the unconscious have become widespread, the phenomenon of succubus and incubus is becoming more understandable and explainable. Probably, these entities most often appeared to religious people who, among other things, consciously suppressed their sexuality. Thus, such obsessions and phenomena, from the point of view of the psychology of the unconscious, are a clear manifestation of the harmonizing, balancing component of the psyche. Against the background of denial and suppression of sexual desires and fantasies, such an element could not manifest itself except in a frightening demonic form. The conscious prohibition of this area of ​​life forces the unconscious to endow the incubus with a passion for violence, since only in this way could an extremely religious nun, tormenting herself for any sinful thoughts, allow herself to engage in sexual intercourse. However, this is just a version.

There are many opinions regarding the appearance of the incubus. They say that in addition to the appearance of a satyr with goat legs, he is able to appear as a man with a head crowned with horns, a disgusting animal, and sometimes in the form of a mysterious stranger. And yet this is not the main thing, since an incubus does not necessarily have to have a sexually attractive appearance. It plays on the deeper strings of the human soul. It is not only sexual energy that serves as food for him. It also feeds on the moral suffering experienced by the victim during a sinful act. In addition, incubi were often summoned by witches to satisfy their desires, paying them with the bodies of righteous women or virgins.

At the same time, experienced witches did not require special rituals; it was enough to just call him. Less experienced sorceresses used some simple techniques: smeared honey on the eastern corner of the home, scattered shiny objects, or used a simple summoning spell. But even experienced witches remembered that the incubus would demand payment for its summons, and they thought in advance how it could be satisfied.

Until the 12th century, the idea of ​​a night demon-seducer existed mainly in the form of folk tales, to which theology was very skeptical. Actually, the famous Cicero spoke about the incubus exactly as a widespread popular belief: “The vision descends on us at the moment between wakefulness and sleep, in the so-called first cloud of sleep. In this drowsy state, a person thinks that he is still awake, and imagines that he sees ghosts rushing at him or wandering around... The incubus also belongs to this type: according to popular beliefs, it jumps on people in their sleep and crushes them with the weight that they may well actually feel it.”

One of the first theorists of the “incubate” was the Parisian Bishop Guillaume of Auvergne (1180–1249), and it is no coincidence: it was in those centuries that interest in this topic increased sharply. Some researchers associated this with the Crusades, since legends of this kind were especially popular in the East. So, Guillaume argued that demons are not capable of full-fledged sexual relationships, but skillfully create the illusion of such, and at the same time steal sperm on the side. The stolen incubus seed is then "blown into the woman's womb." To prove his version, the bishop refers to certain Portuguese witches who, as he claimed, became pregnant “from the wind.”

One of the descriptions of a night visit by an incubus is set out in the “Golden Legend” of the 13th century Italian spiritual writer Jacob of Voraginsky. When Saint Edmund, after a long night of study, “suddenly fell asleep, forgetting to cross himself and think about the Passion of our Lord, the devil came upon him. And it was so hard that he could not cross himself with either hand and did not know what to do - however, by the grace of God, he remembered his blessed Passion, and then the enemy lost all his strength and fell from him.”

By the 16th century, the doctrine of the incubate was enriched with additional details. Suggestions are made about the nature of sexual intercourse with an incubus: it proceeds “with the highest pleasure” (Grillandus, “Treatise on Witches”), “extraordinarily sensual” (Jacquier), or, on the contrary, “it does not bring any pleasure, but only horror” (M Guazzo, “Compendium of Witches”), he is “cold and unpleasant” (Remy); after such an act, its participants feel “upset and weakened,” and a certain man, whom the succubus did not let go for a whole month, even died (Kissling).

There are increasing ideas about the extreme aggressiveness of incubi. Thus, it is alleged that they attack women even in the confessional. According to Martin Luther, the favorite ambush place for incubi is water, where they, taking the form of mermen, copulate with their victims and conceive offspring, exposing everyone to mortal danger. The English monk Thomas Walsingham says that one girl died from a terrible disease that swelled her body like a barrel, three days after “the devil desecrated her.” The German writer and theologian Caesar of Heisterbach talks about women, one of whom paid with her life for a devilish kiss, and the other for just shaking the hand of an invisible incubus.

The Middle Ages also left numerous legends about temptresses-succubi attacking both holy hermits and valiant knights. Sometimes succubi showed a tendency towards werewolves.

But the relationship with the female demon was somewhat different. As already mentioned, a connection with him could last for decades (which cannot be said about connections with incubi) and, in general, in peace and harmony.

For example, the priest Benoit Berne, who became a witcher and was burned at the stake at the age of eighty, admitted during interrogations that he had a relationship with a succubus named Hermione for forty years, while the demon remained invisible to others.

Stories of marital life with succubi from the early Middle Ages often include the legend of the succubus fairy Melusine. Its plot is as follows: the hero meets a girl of extraordinary beauty who becomes his wife and gives wonderful offspring. But then the husband, tormented by curiosity, violates the prohibition imposed by his wife, which can be very diverse - do not spy on your wife while she is bathing, do not look at her on a certain day of the week, etc. The husband still looks and - oh horror! - sees his beauty in the form of a dragon, snake or siren, half-bird, half-woman. After that, she disappears, and the single father with many children sheds bitter tears.

The 14th-century English hermit Richard Rolley himself described a visit to a succubus: one night a very beautiful woman, whom he had seen before and who, in his words, “loved me with the noblest love,” came to his bed. Rollie, fearing that she would make him sin, was ready to jump out of bed, make the sign of the cross and ask for the blessing of the Holy Trinity for both of them, but she held him so tightly that he could neither move nor speak. Rollie realized that the night visitor was “not a woman, but a devil in the guise of a woman,” and then said to himself: “O Jesus, how precious is your blood!” – and with his finger he made a cross sign on his chest, after which the demon immediately disappeared.

A similar action saves Sir Percival of Wales, the hero of the novels about King Arthur, at the last moment. At noon, a ship with a “woman of great beauty” sails to the island where Sir Percival is staying. She treats the knight with dishes and wine in excessive quantities and invites him to accompany her to bed. When they lie down on the love bed, the knight's gaze accidentally falls on the red cross that appears on the hilt of his sword. This brings him to his senses, he makes the sign of the cross, and the succubus disappears.

Incubi and succubi often take on the appearance of the dead. In a story told in the 13th century by Walter Mep, and later repeated by Martin Luther in Table Talk (16th century), a certain knight’s dead wife, recently buried by him, returned to him; she offered to stay with him until he uttered some kind of curse. They lived quite happily for several years, and the succubus even bore him children. However, one fine day, the knight, out of forgetfulness, uttered a fatal curse, and the incarnate devil instantly disappeared.

Despite the fact that most of the myths about incubi represented them as extremely dangerous creatures, there are also legends with the opposite characteristics of these spirits. In the story of the 17th century Polish author Adrian Regenwols, which allegedly took place in 1597 in Vilna, a certain young man Zacharias, having been refused her hand in marriage by the parents of his beloved girl named Bietka, fell into melancholy and hanged himself. However, after some time, he appeared to his beloved with the words: “I have come to fulfill my promise and marry you.” The beater, despite the fact that she perfectly understood who she was dealing with, agreed. The marriage took place, but without witnesses: after all, all the close girls knew that Zacharias had died.

Despite the precautions taken, word soon spread that Bietka was married to a spirit, and people gathered to see the newlyweds. This popularity brought Bietka a lot of money, since the spirit was able to prophesy very successfully and willingly did this for a bribe. However, he answered questions only after first obtaining the consent of his wife. Three years later, a certain Italian magician, whose pet demon had escaped from the magic ring in which he was imprisoned, recognized Bietka’s husband as a fugitive, imprisoned him again in his ring and took him to Italy.

In another story, the English feudal lord Edric Wilde stumbled upon a brightly lit house at night, in which he discovered a company of female succubi. One of them was so good that the knight, realizing the danger of such a relationship, nevertheless kidnapped her, took her home, and subsequently married her. But then one day Edric broke the taboo imposed on him by his wife - never to mention her “sisters” in whose company he met her. After this, the demon wife disappeared into thin air, leaving, however, her husband with a beautiful son, Elfnoth, who became a pious Christian.

Many extraordinary personalities of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance were considered the offspring of incubi and women. The 15th-century theological scientists Jacob Sprenger and Heinrich Institoris provided a unique physiological basis for this statement. Children supposedly born from demons (but in fact using someone else's seed) are often stronger and better than ordinary ones. This is explained by the fact that “demons can know the power of the spilled seed,” choose the most favorable time for intercourse and select the most suitable woman.

Meanwhile, as mentioned in other sources, monsters are born from the connection of witches and incubi. For example, the child of a certain Angela de la Barthe had the head of a wolf and the tail of a snake. The legendary Attila was also considered the son of the devil. And the famous Robert the Devil, Duke of Normandy, father of William the Conqueror, famous for his cruelty, in French medieval literature turned into the mythical offspring of a demon and the Duchess of Normandy. Having lived a life full of atrocities, he repented and became a holy hermit, from which it follows that, according to medieval ideas, the son of a demon “is not responsible for his father” and can, unlike his father, count on atonement for sins and salvation.

A variation of the story of Robert the Devil can be considered the 15th century English novel Sir Gowther, in which a young woman has a relationship with a demon who appears to her under a hazel bush in the guise of a “noble lord.” He himself warns his victim that the child conceived from him will be wild and cruel. And the child really shows a ferocious temper: he drains the breasts of all his nurses, so that nine nurses die in nine months. As an adult, he commits many atrocities, including burning nuns in a church. One day, in a moment of reflection, Gowther asks his mother who he really is, and she tells him the whole truth, after which the son of the incubus repents and receives forgiveness from the Pope himself.

Stories about incubi and succubi run throughout the Middle Ages. In the 15th–17th centuries they can be found in numerous accounts of prosecutions. Accusations have been around since 1430, but it was only in subsequent centuries that copulation with the devil took on definite shape. This is the story reported by a certain Dominican. He writes that many prostitutes offered their services to those who gathered for the council in Constance, but most of these girls were succubi who even boasted about the money they earned. In 1468, a man from Bologna was sentenced to death for visiting a brothel run by succubi. Two centuries later, information leaked about the 1655 execution in Scotland of William Barton. He confessed that he had lain with the devil in the form of a noblewoman, and she gave him fifteen pounds in gold.

Contrary to most beliefs, according to some legends, the special danger of the incubus/succubus was that it was impossible to protect against it with the help of prayer or other religious symbols. He did not react to the Lord's Prayer, the crucifixion, or the sign of the cross. True, you could try to figure out on your own what he wants. It was recommended to do this in a dream, although to an inexperienced person this advice did not seem the easiest. Therefore, it was believed that it was best if the appropriate banishing ritual was performed by a qualified black magician: the creation and disembodiment of energy entities is the sphere of exclusively dark magic. White magicians did not do this, and if they tried to expel the incubus in a gentle way, it only angered him, and the consequences could be unpredictable.

And yet some means were offered. For example, experts in Anglo-Saxon medicine recommended to all respectable matrons a fairly reliable remedy for incubuses - a balm that should be used when visiting the “night monster”. To make up the rub, you should take wormwood, lupine, henbane, garlic, wild cherry, fennel, as well as sheep hops and “viper’s tongue.” Place all this in a vessel, place it under the altar and celebrate nine masses over it. Then boil the contents of the vessel in oil and sheep fat. Add blessed salt and place the balm on the dressing table. If any incubus dares to cross the threshold of the bedroom, you must dip your fingers in the balm and anoint the forehead and eyes of the tempter with it. After all this, all that remains is to fumigate the spirit with incense and cross it repeatedly.

Of course, all these “miracles” are in the relatively distant past. According to experts in demonology, over the last hundred years of their activity, the inquisitors managed to destroy a huge number of people who confessed to having connections with lustful otherworldly entities. Now cases of attacks by incubi and succubi are rare and are caused by their accidental entry into our world through holes in the so-called temporal layer of the Earth.

Hello, I want to tell you about an incident from my life - how I feel someone’s touch. It should not be read by people with a damaged psyche and children under 18+.

It all started around the beginning of summer, now it’s October. From the beginning I began to feel someone's touch. I woke up to the sound of someone lightly hitting me on the shoulder. Or someone’s hand is on your shoulder.
One day I went to bed and almost falling asleep I felt that someone was lying on me. I was lying on my right side, when suddenly I felt a sharp pain in the lung area, as if someone was pressing very hard on a rib, at that moment I could not move. To myself, not out loud, I said, “It hurts,” after which I very clearly felt that someone pressed my cheek and said in my ear, “Don’t be afraid!”
I am not a very religious person, and I heard one story from a person who goes to church every Sunday, that there was a case of one young girl, but already married (husband, children), how something came to her, lifted her soul from her body up and showed heaven. She asked the entity “Where will my husband be?” In response to the question, she was shown Hell from the outside. I won’t describe what she saw there, because it’s already creepy...
Quickly remembering this story, I said to myself, “Show me heaven.” At that moment I felt hands take me by my sides and carry me somewhere. I felt that we were moving somewhere very quickly along the horizon. This scared me a little and I decided to return to my body. He jerked his leg and moved back into his physical body with even greater speed. I felt uneasy.
Then, throughout the summer, I only felt jumping next to me on the bed and light touches on my body.
Just a month ago in September, physical contact increased and hallucinations began (I soon found out that these glitches were projected by this entity). The very first glitch was the following. I went to bed, not having had time to fall asleep, I felt like my body began to freeze from my feet up. (On this site there is a story about sleep paralysis, but my case is not about it) A sharp flash in my eyes and I see that I am lying in another similar room and from my feet A naked girl is crawling towards me. What can I say, yes, the girl was beautiful and had a good figure! We start having sex, she’s on top. After a couple of minutes, I opened my eyes and saw that there was no one in the room, and the tactile sensation of touching continued. I felt both the member and the touch of hands on my chest, as well as the position of my hips, legs, etc. It's like everything is in Java. You have no idea what state I was in at that moment!
I immediately opened the Internet and began searching for such cases. I only found records about such a demon as an Incubus (or Succubus) who comes in a dream and gives feelings of debauchery and bliss to both boys and girls. The tactile sensations are so realistic that you can’t tell them from the real thing. On some sites, many people write that “Great, you don’t need to look for a girl” or “Why look for a man when you have such bliss.” I think such writers will be in Hell!
I am neither a drug addict, nor a drunkard, not a libertine, I look at girls as a person, and not a subject of sexual activity. I don’t understand why this started happening to me.
Every day there were similar glitches and the feeling of the presence of an entity next to me progressed. At the moment, when I lie down on any bed and cover myself with any blanket, I feel as if someone is sitting on me. The size is something like a cat. Previously, as soon as I lay down on the bed and covered myself, it was drawn to my organ and, based on tactile sensations, it seemed as if they were giving you a m#t. Now it’s not like that anymore, I’ve weaned it off, but I still feel it and glitches appear. I will now tell you about the most recent creepy things that changed my life.
I went to bed and felt stiffness on my back (it started from my legs again). The flash in my eyes and the feeling of very high speed seemed to transport me to the village where I once grew up. I could not move in this state. I saw everything clearly. A minute or two later I’m back in my room. I open my eyes, “It seems alive.” I think, let me close my eyes again, maybe I’ll fly somewhere else. I close, for a second, two sharp stiffness (I note that this is not a dream), this time I don’t see anything, but I feel that I am supposedly rising somewhere and moving at low speed along the horizon. A second, two, three, and I begin to fall down at high speed. I could get out of this state by jerking my foot or hand, but I decided to wait and see what would happen. As I fell, I felt speed, like sticking your hand out the window of a moving car, but throughout my entire body. I fell for a minute or two, it seemed like a very long time. When landing, I felt that I had fallen on something hard and... There were many touches all over my body, there were a lot of them, but not from below, since I was lying on something hard. I was completely naked. The touches were such that when you take a thread, a medal or an interesting thing, you examine it and feel it like a trophy, such were the touches. At that moment I thought, what if I open my eyes and try to see at least something... I opened it, but not completely. In a blur, I saw that there were a lot of creatures above me, and horns. There was no clarity, but the fact that the heads had horns is 100%. I got scared and barely came out of this state. When I opened my eyes and tried to get out of bed, everything was shaking in my eyes at that moment. I don’t know what it was, glitches from the creature that was sitting on me or they showed me where I would be!?
You shouldn’t be silent about such things, let people think whatever they want about you, but they should know! I told my people. I went to my sister in another city (by the way, I also felt the essence there), she took me to church. Arriving home, before going to bed, there was again stiffness in the body, again a lot of touches in this state... I think all the illusions are caused by this creature. Whether it’s a demon or some other crap, it doesn’t matter, we urgently need to change our lives for the better. It is better that your soul serves God, good, and not horned evil!!!

There is no need to remain silent about such things, evil already rules this planet, and people turn away from the church or good.

P.S. — There are so many positive and good people in the church! This is not how I started my life...

Here we publish stories about the nightly appearances of uninvited guests that are sent to us by readers.

The editors of Zagovor.ru warn: under no circumstances try to repeat such an experience! It’s easy to cause, but very difficult to get rid of!!!

Hello. I am sexually assaulted daily by a force I cannot see. Sometimes it seems to me that there are several of these demons. I'm scared, what should I do?

Diana, 35 years old.

This happened to me 2 times. For the first time, when I woke up, I realized that I was in someone’s arms, although I lived alone. I was very frightened, I read the “Our Father” and what was hugging me began to dissolve.

The second time it crawled out from under the mattress, lay down on me and began to caress me as gently as a lover. In this case, prayer helped again. After that, for a month I was afraid to fall asleep and I no longer go to bed without prayer.

Olga, 22 years old

I’ve been reading all the sites of the Perezhit.ru group for a couple of years now, and today I accidentally came across this thread. I myself guessed that what was happening to me lately was the work of evil spirits, and I simply found confirmation of my guesses in the stories written here.

I'll try to explain what's happening to me. About two years ago I broke up with my loved one and suffered terribly. It also took its toll on my health; I began to suffer from panic attacks, which continue to this day. In general, as a result of the resulting stress, I developed the habit of sleeping during the day, at least for an hour, otherwise I simply collapse and cannot do things.

In general, I noticed that periodically during these daytime dreams I began to dream about the same thing. No matter what I dream, in the middle of the dream a situation of sexual intercourse arises, and I do not see WHO it is, as if invisible or something, who does whatever he wants with me. Moreover, the dream is so realistic, practically leading to release. This creature comes, and my body seems to be waiting for it. It does its job and then the dream continues as if nothing had happened...

I didn’t even think about asking him to open his face, because, as I already said, I guessed who was making fun of me like that. I would not like to see horns, hooves, fur, etc. Although at first I blamed these dreams on the fact that I had not had sexual intercourse for a very long time, I thought that the body was demanding its way, albeit in such a strange way. Now the dreams have stopped...I have no idea what to do with these next.

Ma-ri, 31 years old

Hello... I would like to tell my story... Every time before going to bed, just before I want to fall asleep, and even during the daytime, I have sensations of touching in intimate places of the body... for 2 years now. wow years. This worries me very much and makes me nervous, and my thoughts are no longer about sleep... Before that I was doing exits into the astral plane and out of the body... Now I’ve given up the practice and go to church, take communion, confess... If you know, tell me how to get rid of this get rid of it, or is it for the rest of my life?

Victor, 32 years old.

The first time it came to me was in 2010. I was 23 years old. I had a very difficult life period. There was depression. I dated a guy whose father served as a priest in the church. I don’t remember if it was day or night. I felt affection in a dream. When I opened my eyes, I didn’t see anyone. But the caresses continued. I was very scared. When I tried to get up, I could neither move nor scream. The panic began. I read the “Our Father” and it let me go. I went to church and told the priest. He said to hold the fast, then confess and take communion. I started to post, but I couldn’t keep it to the end. But I still went to church for service, confession and communion. I broke up with my boyfriend very quickly after that.

About a year and a half has passed. I moved to another country for permanent residence and started dating a guy two years younger than me. He had a lot of problems. At that time I had both a job and a normal, quiet lifestyle. One afternoon I fell asleep with him, and I again felt those pleasant caresses. Opening my eyes, I again realized that this was it. I began to resist and said a prayer. After reading it three times, it didn’t let me go. I seemed to be conscious, but I couldn’t move, and he didn’t hear my screams. At some point, my boyfriend disappeared and it let me go. I resisted so much, when it let me go, I hit the guy with all my might. I started crying out of fear and told the guy about what happened. He said that I pushed him with my head, but he saw that my eyes were closed, thought that I was sleeping and dreaming about something, and did not react. When I woke up, I was completely sure that it made me understand that if I didn’t break up with this guy, it would be bad. After some time we separated.

About two years have passed. I've been dating a guy for a year and a half now and I love him madly. At the moment there are difficulties in life, but they are solvable. A couple of days ago my boyfriend left for work. I fell asleep during the day and dreamed about my boyfriend and that I really wanted intimacy with him. He rejects me. But in a dream, when I close my eyes, I feel how we are making love, and I feel very pleased. I open my eyes to see my boyfriend, but I don’t see anyone, but the sex continues. I understand that this is it again, and this time not caresses, but real sex. I try to resist, but as usual I am paralyzed. I see the hand of my beloved guy outside the door (although he was not at home) and I scream his name and call for help. I understand that everything is in vain, and I am desperately trying to resist so that it will let me go. I no longer felt it, but it held me. I was angry and began to read a prayer with the thoughts: “I’ll show you, you bastard!” I was scared, but also terribly angry with him. After the prayer, the door in the room slammed as if from a draft, and I came to my senses. Panic fear was present, but mentally I told him for a couple of days: “I won’t let you separate me from my beloved!”

My mother says that at the age of 26 something similar came to her, only it came almost every day. It choked her, scared her, and had sex with her. She felt this creature, its presence, even when she was conscious. Nobody believed her. My father's mother advised me to ask him why he was coming. She was waiting for his next arrival, as if he knew that she was waiting for him to ask him. She finally saw it for the last time. It came in the guise of a mature man with gray hair. She asked him: “What are you coming to, for better or for worse?” He looked at her deeply and left. She no longer felt or saw him. Then the newspaper “Komsomolskaya Pravda” fell into her hands, where a woman described something similar, and he answered her: “For worse,” and a couple of days later her husband died.

I read the stories of women on your site, and it amazes me how they do not want to get rid of it. I really want it not to come again, even if it didn’t cause me anything other than fear. If you know a way to get rid of it, write me an email, I will be very grateful.

Ina, 26 years old


He didn’t come to me anymore, but after a while, again at night, or rather, in the morning, strange things began to happen to me again... I now dreamed that I was giving birth, it was very painful, but quickly. When I woke up, everything there hurt again, but there was nothing there. For a long time I could not recover from these nightmares, but I didn’t tell anyone, because... I was afraid that everyone would think I was crazy.

Many years passed, but during my first sexual intercourse I did not have a hymen, I did not know how to explain all this to my boyfriend, although I had never tried to masturbate or anything like that. I don’t know what happened to me, maybe I went crazy?

In my dreams, I often communicate with deceased relatives and other famous people, who sometimes warn me about certain events, but I don’t tell anyone, I’m afraid they won’t understand me.

Lunara, 31 years old.

Since the age of 17, something comes, suffocates, presses down, pesters like a man, I pray, repent, take communion, still does not go away, and the same thing with my sister. What to do? Help! There is no one to ask.

Oksana, 30 years old.

This story began when I was at university. I’ll say right away that I’ve never been registered with a well-known specialist, I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, and I’m generally a balanced person. Orthodox.

But in those university years I went far from faith. I read fortunes on tarot cards, read Eastern philosophy about self-development and achieving perfection. Although I didn’t go into practice—I was just curious. I went to church occasionally. She didn’t fast, didn’t go to confession, and didn’t attend communion either.

I felt the other world since childhood, and from a very early age. Incomprehensible sounds in the apartment, touches at night, someone's breathing. Despite the fact that I didn’t feel any aggression from this invisible world, it was still creepy.

I grew up, we moved to another apartment and these terrible phenomena almost disappeared. It was extremely rare that something strange happened. I already began to think that all these phenomena were connected with the “bad apartment.” However, I did not forget about the invisible world, and if I heard or felt something strange again, I took it for its manifestations, which I did not even consider strange, since I had lived side by side with them since childhood.

I don't remember when this happened for the first time. I think in my first year of university. I woke up at night from a feeling of intimacy with a man. But there was no one in the room, at least I didn’t see him, but I felt him. I never saw where he came from, how he came, or how he left. I just passed out. At first I thought it was just a dream. However, I couldn’t shake the feeling that everything was happening in reality. I don't remember how often this happened.

One night I woke up and saw the dark silhouette of a tall man. He stood in the middle of the room and looked at me. I couldn’t make out the facial features; I only saw glowing white eyes. Oddly enough, he didn’t scare me at all. But, apparently, I immediately fell asleep. One other time I woke up and saw him standing by my bed, he leaned towards me and looked at me. And I also saw these eyes up close. But again she wasn’t scared, she just fell asleep. I will not describe the details of these visits. I will only say that in fact the sensations from them are much stronger and better than with a man. However, these meetings bothered me. I wanted to get rid of them, realizing their unnaturalness.

But then one day, when I woke up, I felt him again and I can’t even say that I mentally rejected him, rather, at the emotional level, I “severed him away harshly,” a strong emotional protest arose in me. Then I felt that he took me by the ankle and lifted me up by my leg to the ceiling. I remember hanging upside down over the bed. I remember how he unclenched his fingers. I don’t remember how I fell. I woke up as usual. But the night visits stopped. It's all over. I forgot about everything.

I met a guy. She fell in love and got married. She gave birth to two children. And everything would be fine, but only a couple of months ago he returned. But this time I met him fully armed.

I also read a prayer to the Guardian Angel at night. I read it several times every day. Is not coming. One question arises: why did he return after so many years? Although maybe it's not him. After all, I still don’t see him. However, I am aware of the consequences of such visits.

I am writing this letter for those who do not know what to do now. Go to church, repent of your sins and take communion. Don't forget about posts - this is very important. Read prayers at night and in the morning.

Maybe someone now will have a question: what if I do all this, why did he come back? Honestly I do not know. Perhaps for his previous passion for tarot and suspicious literature. Or maybe my faith is passing the test.

Olga, 34 years old.

Your site pushed me to ruin. I came in by chance and was reading, I read about incubi in history, I really wanted to try it, I called - indeed, an invisible someone came. When I began to resist, I was tormented most severely, there was something crawling inside me, pressing me, I was tormented every minute of the day and night, I fell into hell. I confessed and received communion, but the torment intensified. I don't sleep and I don't live. Help.

Victoria, 36 years old.

I've been living with succubi for a year now. I used to think it was all fiction! An incident from my life helped me realize that demons live among us. A girl came to live with me. At first it seemed like nothing. But then for some reason I started constantly having dreams in which I have sex with the girl who lives with me. This girl is my relative. After such dreams, you lose a lot of strength, it’s as if a hole opens in you (energetically sucking away your strength and giving someone unknown negativity in return). After living for several months, I began to wonder why I was having dreams and feeling tired, and by sinful will I turned to the sorcerer. He advised me to move out; I was being tormented by a demoness (succubus). It was very strange to believe.

I really regret that I turned to sorcerers (never do this, the consequences can be disastrous). Constantly begged God, asked for help. The only thing I know is that they hate the smell of incense. And they have incredible power, which can be overcome by VERY strict fasting (bread and water), akathist to the Archangel Michael, akathist to the guardian angel, canon to the angel, constant communion).

Such creatures are sent by sorcerers and other women. They inhabit the human soul with this creature. Which feeds our world with our energy. It is very cunning... With energetically strong people, in conversation they pretend to be innocent and press for pity. For the weak - aggression. Any emotion is a release of energy. The demon senses the emotional state of a person well, and knows what to say to evoke any emotion. It is not the demon who speaks, but the person in whom he resides.

These grandmothers can say after the session: “Light a candle in the church” - why? Yes, so that you would think that the person there is not bad, but kind. Very often in advertisements for sorcery they write: “My gift is confirmed by the church” - “Protection of an angel he is in trouble” (and the protection of an angel is black, not light). Everything that is done is done through demons. Any love spell, damage, etc. It’s like calling a demon and saying: this is that person, go do this to him. The same protections from the evil eye and damage. This demon, being nearby or inside, protects. But in the end, it works for a reason. Perhaps after death he simply takes the soul, no matter how stupid it may sound...

Anonymous, 18 years old.

When I was 20 years old, I met a person without whom I thought life would stop, and not knowing then what the consequences might be, I cast a strong love spell. As a result, widespread deaths began in my family; within 2 years, my parents died, all my relatives died, and I myself began to have health problems. I still suffer from insomnia because I’m afraid to sleep at night because... in a dream, someone constantly came to me and tried to either strangle me or have sex with me in all the perverted ways that I couldn’t even think of. It was not life, but hell, and I still remember it with a shudder, when reality was mixed with unreality, when my dead parents seemed to never die, but lived with me as before.

I didn’t even know that these were the consequences of a love spell I had once made. As a result, my beloved did not marry me, but a girl whom his parents had found, and I was left alone, without a beloved, without parents and with a child from him. Still, God exists, because I went through a lot, my brother sued me for a long time over my parents’ apartment, I somehow raised my daughter without anyone’s help, I stupidly lost my job, which would have provided for me by the time I was 40. years of a solid pension.

I don’t know what affected me, but I turned to God for the last help and only through him things began to improve for me. And recently I met a person whom I think I love, but unrequitedly, and I thought about a love spell. Then I accidentally came across your site, I read all the letters with special care and after analyzing everything, I realized that everything, all my troubles and misfortunes in my life came from when, in my youth and stupidity, I made a mistake and cast a love spell.

Thank the Lord God, I still think that it was not an accident that I came to this site. Now, thank God, things have improved for me, my child is my joy, the only thing is that I can’t meet a person whom I can love, because I think I still love the one I tried to bewitch, and Nothing worked for me. Now I will ask God for forgiveness and remission of my sins, maybe through prayers my first love will let me go, and not everything is lost for me, and I will find my love and happiness. I want to let go of my first love and open my heart to new love, which I will support not with magic and love spells, but with faith and hope in love. I wish you all happiness.

Repentant, 35 years old

I'm interested in the question of succubi. About two years ago, a most beautiful woman came to me, whom I cannot get rid of, although I have not particularly strived for this yet. Who can tell you more about them?

It appears unexpectedly when I am sleeping or perhaps when I think I am dreaming. She has black long hair and a beautiful figure.

Kirill, 23 years old

Hello! I would like to tell you that I had dreams as if I was having sexual relations with evil spirits... I was very scared, because... the dream was like reality... What could this be?

Christina, 20 years old.

I have long known that the demon of love comes to me at night. I don’t see him himself, because I’m in a trance, whether I’m sleeping or not, but I feel his touch. The sensations are very pleasant - I haven’t experienced it with any man... I wake up from an orgasm - my whole body shakes in convulsions... moreover, when sexual intercourse occurs, I understand that this is not with my husband and not in a dream. Sometimes I directly force myself to come out of the trance with the prayer OUR FATHER and come to my senses. Sometimes I wake up and see that there is someone in the room besides me. It’s dark, but I see figures, not only those that look human, but also others... the hair on my head begins to move from horror - I turn on the light, and that’s it - there’s no one!

I am not Orthodox, and my soul does not want to accept it - I am a Pentecostal by faith. It's scary... My mother is praying for me - she is Orthodox. As for the demons, I know how this could end...

Natasha, 37 years old.


At the age of 15, such a guest came to me for the first time. I would like to note that I started practicing OS, exiting the astral plane and leaving the body. The feeling of someone laying on you, I could move and speak. This usually happened in the morning. I heard all the sounds in the apartment, and the noise from my waking up relatives. But, as I understand it, there were no movements in the physical body, although I’m not entirely sure. I never resisted his love attacks; on the contrary, I happily agreed to enter into an intimate relationship.

The author of the article claims that such a connection is painful; on the contrary, I felt great pleasure and a powerful orgasm, as if the creature was merging not only with my body but also on a more subtle plane. The creature makes contact, repeatedly showing its appearance when I asked. Indeed a demon, with burning eyes and spikes on his head, with developed muscles. I think such connections can be dangerous, but personally I don’t feel a loss of energy, on the contrary, a surge of strength and an increase in magical intention. Demons also make compromises if they are not afraid, know the rules and know how to ask.

Luna, 27 years old

Oh, what I went through is terrible to even imagine. And it was all my ex-husband’s sister’s fault. She really didn’t want me to live with him, and began to poison me. But I’m a gullible fool, I don’t know anything about magic. I think that she comes to me with all her heart, she always comes with gifts. And little do I know that I’m losing weight and I’m fainting. And then I was visiting her, went into the bedroom, and Stepanova’s books were there. I looked and was stunned, everything was there about damage, how to do it.

And so I’m such a fool, no, I didn’t want to go to church, I went to my grandmother. And I went and said everything. She read prayers over me, I thought everything was fine, and began to drink the charmed water. I saw and saw, and I had a terrible dream, almost creepy. I still remember. He stands there all black, scary, and smoke is coming out of his head. He stands and looks at me with red eyes, and sparks fly out of them. And he says: “You want to drive me away, I won’t leave. Now I’ll torture you so much that you’ll regret that you didn’t die right away.”

And he began to rape me! So much so that now everything hurts like a woman, and the doctors diagnosed myoma, but I’m afraid of surgery. And so every night. I don’t have a family now, my husband left and said that I was the one. Greetings. And this one walks around, so scary, smelly. I'm screaming in pain with him. I went to church, burned candles, prayed to Matronushka, and sprinkled holy water on everything. Doesn't go away! I'm going to communion, I'm going to confession. But he only gets angrier and beats me so hard that I squeal in pain. And the neighbors call me a whore because of these screams. And nothing helps drive him away, nothing.

I went to my sister-in-law, she said that she did it that way on purpose, and that I, the crap, only need this, and not her brother. And so that I don’t rock the boat, nothing will help me. Apparently, it is so, that I will die soon.

Thank you very much for your answer and your site. I found out that I'm not the only one, and that makes me feel better.

Claudia, 32 years old.

Cora, 23 years old

I also have bad experiences with Stepanova’s books! It was a long time ago, my mother became interested in reading her books, well, let me, I think, read, I didn’t do anything, but when I left this activity, met my future husband, I also started having problems of this nature such as strange visions as if I was half asleep or in a dream, hearing something terrible! and a dream that I will never forget - I had sexual intercourse with the devil, I woke up in horror! In general, Stepanov’s books are evil!

Lesya, 31 years old

Since childhood, I “communicated” with various evil spirits. Not because I really wanted it, but because I thought that all people were like that. The summer before I started first grade I really wanted a dog, but my parents were against it. Before going to bed or when I woke up, a brownie would come into my room and turn into a small black dog. From the age of 15, I began to see images of people in my room or in other places, but they seemed to have no legs and they moved around floating. For the first time I saw a woman transparent and like a light haze lying next to me on the bed. I stood up, began to look at her and asked (but not in a voice) “who are you?” The woman, a little taken aback, smoothly moved from the bed and disappeared.

I first met an incubus at the age of about 17. I didn’t see its true form, but in the form in which it appeared, it really was a super male. He did not force anyone, he was very polite.

There was one and a scary one, but she did not allow any sexual contact with him. He appeared with my husband’s face, very hairy arms and legs, I’m not sure because I didn’t really see them, but it looked like hooves. He sat on me and tried to press me. Just as she mentally spoke to him, she wanted to throw him off, while ordering: “In the name of our God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, perish the swamp evil spirits!!!” I don’t know why “swamp evil spirits,” but that’s the first thing that came to mind. The “swamp evil” was funny later, but it had an effect on him and he moved to the toilet. He rattled some jars in the toilet and left.

1-3 times a year there are sexual relations with an incubus or whoever he is. I don’t call myself, I don’t even think about it. I know that this is clearly not the holy spirit, but evil, but at those moments you don’t really think about it. The sensations are incomparable to those that happen to a person. There is no loss of strength, on the contrary, she is full of energy and ready to move mountains. After several days the lower abdomen ache.

This does not happen in a dream. Through my sleep I feel him approaching, when he is already right next to me, he begins to gently stroke me or puts his hand on my stomach or my hand. His eyes are not white, but dark. In the dark, it even seems like there are no pupils at all, although I have never noticed them. It is not dense, translucent, very strong, but neat and delicate. He is not always on top, sometimes he makes it possible to “ride” him. Even though I’m actually in bed, during the moments of intercourse it’s as if we’re transported to another place.

Natalya, 32 years old

This started about a week ago. I began to notice that someone was coming to me at night and sexual intercourse was taking place. I'm not married, I live with my parents. I know a lot about magic and have seen a lot of strange things. But this...

It began to come even during the day. I can sit, talk with my mother and feel like someone is caressing me. I read prayers, drive away this creature, but nothing helps... it becomes even more impudent and stronger. I'm scared and I don't know what to do anymore...

Anonymous, 21 years old

Honestly, I like magic. I'm a fan. I don’t believe in God, I prefer the Devil. I'm a little into voodoo, let's say I have a little experience. I haven’t read Stepanova’s books, but I’m just planning to read them. I want to tell my story: it all started when I stopped believing in God, exactly when I was 10 years old. I started studying demonology and everything about hell and its inhabitants in general.

But here's what worries me. From the age of 13, I began to often have erotic dreams. Well, I thought it was an ordinary dream, nothing like that. Then at 14, after my birthday, I was left alone at home. I was often left alone because my parents had work. This time they went to visit friends. I didn't go because I didn't want to. As usual, I turned on the music and began to dance or just fool around. Then, closer to nine in the evening or ten, I don’t remember exactly, I got bored and sat down to read voodoo. It was quiet. There is no one in the house except me and my two cats. One of the cats came to me and sat next to me. I started stroking her. She turned away from me and began to look at one point. I’ve read a lot about demons, and supposedly cats see all the evil spirits. Out of fear, I began to talk to the cat. Then she suddenly hisses and jumps off the bed and runs away. You know, at that age, I was absolutely terrified. I thought I was a brownie and started talking to myself like, excuse me, a fool. And thank the devil, as I say (sorry if you don’t like it), the parents arrived. Having eaten enough soup and forgotten about this situation, I went to bed.

At night I woke up because I felt cold. I usually sleep naked in just, excuse me, panties. It's already the end of February outside. I woke up from the cold and saw that I was open. Come on, just think, it’s revealed, it doesn’t happen to anyone. I wanted to take the blanket, but I feel a weight on my left thigh and I can’t turn around. I was seized by panic, I couldn’t even say anything from shock. Then the weight began to be transferred from the hip higher and higher. I gathered my strength, barely turned over and quickly covered my head. I fell asleep.

I woke up again because it was hard for me, only on my back. I was lying on my stomach. I feel goosebumps all over my body, and they are so unpleasant. And stroking the spine. It's like someone is inserting a finger. I thought it was a dream and started talking. Usually, if I have terrible dreams, I am not afraid, but immediately make contact. I say: “Who are you?” Silent. I asked again several times. Then after a few: “Who are you?” I heard such a quiet, quiet baritone voice say in a whisper: “I’m just coming to you.” I started asking: “Why did you come? What do you need? Etc. He answered only one question: “Get what you want.” I didn't understand, but then it dawned on me. I tried to somehow roll over from my stomach to my back. But it's hard. Then I stopped resisting because I thought it was a dream. But for some reason I still imagined that this was not a dream. I quietly began to say that there was no need, I was a virgin, etc. He just started scratching me on my back and arms. It was very painful, I even felt that there was a little blood appearing. When I said: “Oh Devil, for what?” Or something similar to this, I felt him get off and just lie down next to me. I didn't turn around. But she fell asleep very quickly.

In the morning I woke up and there was a trail of scratches on my back, four marks leading from my neck to the middle of my back. There are very small scratches left on the hand next to the armpit “erit, rursus” or “emit rursus”, so it’s not so easy to make out, but I don’t understand what is written. My friend said it was Latin, and my brother said it was English. When they asked me what these words were, I said that the girls and I were furious, and while I was sleeping, they wrote. I couldn’t say that it did something unlike a person, I didn’t even see him. But I really liked the voice. And skin. It was soft and cool-warm. Not like people. No one has seen it on the back yet, but two scratches are still clearly visible.

anaiD, 16 years old

I've never done any magic. I have never had relationships with men. I don’t know why, but all this horror started happening to me when I was 18-20 years old. I started going to an Orthodox church when I was 15 years old. My mother was unbaptized. I don't know if it's her fault or not. Around when I was 18 years old, my mother began going to witches, supposedly wishing me and herself health. I, as a church person, warned her that this was a great sin, that it was a connection with evil spirits. She is stubborn and stubborn by nature, she didn’t want to listen to me...

It all started like this: I began to feel the presence of an evil spirit in my room in the evenings when I went to bed. I felt him standing aside. I read prayers and fell asleep. Then, in the evening, when I went to bed, he attacked me, it was real, he began to lean on me. I screamed in fear, he jumped back. I mentally, very clearly heard his words: “I will torture you.”

From then on, terrible torment began. When I went to bed to sleep, the evil spirit began to influence me, I felt it touching me, in my private parts. The feeling is terrible, unbearable. I couldn't sleep at night. I read various prayers, the psalter, and the Gospel at night, often from evening until morning. In the morning I fell asleep exhausted, but he did not leave me or leave me. I went to church for confession many times, took communion, but nothing helped. I went to Sergiev Posad from Siberia for a lecture, but that didn’t help either. I lived in monasteries, but this evil has not left me to this day.

I wanted to start a new life when I was 20 years old. I entered the university, I wanted to become a good specialist, but this evil destroyed my whole life. I got various good jobs, but quickly lost them, because... I couldn’t work without sleeping at night. I asked my mother for help many times, asked her to repent of my sins, go to church for confession and communion, and pray for me. And she didn’t care about my suffering, cursed at me, told me not to interfere with her personal life. She went out with married men, came home late every evening, went to bed, and closed the door so as not to hear me. And I screamed in despair at night.

Then they persuaded me to go to a psychiatrist I knew for a consultation. She started giving me pills, but it didn't help. Then she suggested that I go to a psychiatric hospital, because... She herself was the head of one of the departments. I agreed out of desperation and spent 2 months there. I experienced real horror there. There are a lot of insane people running around the department and screaming. It began to seem to me that a little more and I would go crazy with them, I would become just like them. Strong fears began to occur to me when I was there; I could not sleep at night from fear. Then I was discharged, but my fears did not leave me for a long time. I started seeing a psychiatrist and taking psychotropic pills. I've been taking them for 7 years, but they don't help, because... This is not my illness. Pills cannot help, they only destroy your health and dull your mind.

The devil has not left me. He began to attack me in my sleep. This does not happen every night as before, but in my dreams I feel from time to time how he attacks me. He rapes me. When all this starts, I wake up, I feel disgusted, I read prayers and psalms. Then I walk around in a state of severe stress for several days. It’s disgusting in my soul, a feeling of hatred and anger. I'm angry with my mother because... I think it’s her fault that this is happening to me, I’m even very angry with God for allowing all this to happen to me.

The mother still lives her life. She doesn’t go to church, I don’t see any help from her. Although I have a job, I have constant depression and unwillingness to live, fatigue and loss of strength. All my life I was alone in my grief, no one helped me. The priests themselves do not know how to help. All they say is that you need to go to confession and communion. I don’t know how to live further, and how my life will end. WHY does such INJUSTICE happen in life? Many priests say that this is happening to me because my mother turned to witches. But I never turned to evil spirits, did not practice any magic, and never lived with men. I went to church from the age of 15 and prayed. I think why have I been suffering from attacks from evil spirits for about 15 years? My whole life passes in this hell.

Oksana, 33 years old

Leave a review Read reviews
Sexual relations with evil spirits: modern evidence
Incubi and succubi in medieval demonology ( A.E. Makhov)
Succubi and incubi: history of study
The tragedy of the forest wilderness. How the forest undead defeated me ( Vladimir Korolenko)
Succubi and incubi in the views of occultists

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