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Love and fate. Is there destiny or can you not escape fate?

“Fate decreed it this way” is a fairly common expression. But when using it, many people do not think too much about the depth of its meaning. Is everything really predetermined from above? Does it exist or can you change your life at will?

Does a person have a destiny?

Many people, especially the older generation, are firmly convinced that what is written in one’s family cannot be avoided. Various religious teachings affirm the same thing: God gives each person a certain destiny at birth, within which he measures the number of trials and joys. Therefore, for believers, the question of whether fate exists is not controversial. But atheists adhere to a completely opposite point of view, believing that only a person himself creates his own future through his actions and can change his life at any moment. Serious psychologists take a borderline position on this issue. They confirm that fate exists, but only within the framework of those ideas about it that a particular person has. That is, life in any case depends on it, but they can exist on a subconscious level. And a person attracts all positive and negative phenomena into his life himself, but at the same time there is a special core - events that cannot but happen for objective reasons.

Does fate exist in love?

And one of these immutable givens is meeting a loved one. The majority of both ordinary people and psychologists are sure that the answer to the question whether it is destiny to be with a certain person can only be positive. Only scientists are not guided by ephemeral ideas about predestination, but proceed from the premise that we can only love a person who is similar to us, as if resonating with us in the same emotional field, in other words, is on the same wavelength.

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Can a person change his capabilities, manage his life, or “it’s rock”

The proverb says: “If you sow an action, you will reap a habit; if you sow a habit, you will reap a nature; if you sow a nature, you will reap a destiny.” But does fate exist, do we really only fulfill what is destined for us from above? Or are we free to build or change our lives at any moment?

Everyone knows that there are events that are beyond our control, i.e. they happen whether we want it or not... And they sometimes have a very significant impact on our lives.

We talked about karma and fate with Elena Batyr, a psychologist, shaman, psychic and healer with a rare gift of divination.

Elena, some modern psychologists argue that the concept of karma or fate is far-fetched. A person himself attracts negative or positive events. And as a result, it turns out that fate is just a sequence of human actions, which he cannot change only because he himself creates them. Is it so?

No, it's much more complicated. The fact is that every person is born at a certain time and in a certain place. As they say, “this is how the stars became.” This component of fate is unchanging, as physicists say - “static”. But there is also “dynamics”! For example, a person has lived part of his life, it is already in the past. It's like a piece has fallen off a rock. But the absence of this piece greatly affects the future of the rock as a whole.

I will give one more comparison for a simple understanding of the concept of “karma”. For example, a person is defined by the presence of arms, legs, head, smooth skin... In this, all people are similar to each other, we cannot change this. This, let’s say, is our “center”, the basis of our appearance. That is, if there is a tail, fur, it is no longer a person, it is an animal. A person cannot change the length of his arms and legs or grow fur on them, but he can change his hairstyle and dress differently. And now he is different! In other words, there is in our life both what is fatal and what we can influence.

Another comparison. Planet Earth is the center where civilization develops. First dinosaurs roamed it, then people appeared. On Earth you can live and love, fight or build, change something. Everything is born and dies, but the planet itself remains.

Fate is a sequence of human actions that he cannot and, most importantly, does not want and cannot change. Like arms and legs.

I am a hereditary shaman. And I know that according to the so-called shamanic horoscope, it is possible to determine some of the people who are not ready and are not capable of family life. For the other part of people, it makes no sense to seek great achievements at work. Such a person can be a super workaholic, but, alas, he will not achieve any particular success, no matter how you look at it.

At the same time, if a person himself is not in the mood to change anything, then nothing changes for him, even in that which is within his power to change. It is the awareness of what can and should be changed that allows you to change your life for the better. But only a specialist can tell you what can be fixed and what cannot. For example, to achieve certain successes, you can change the color of your clothes or add some additional items to your workplace. In the shamanic tradition, the color brown, for example, strengthens the element of earth. If a person was born weak, a specialist can tell you how to improve your health.

Image from kitsap.ru.com

But for the modern church and believers who are accustomed to visiting church, the concept of karma is alarming and frightening. Do you think these concepts contradict Christianity?

Of course not. Karma in the Eastern sense is law. The law of karma implements the consequences of a person’s actions, both positive and negative, and thus makes him responsible for his life, for all the suffering and joy that it brings him. Karma and fate are different categories. Unfortunately, while “karma” is not always understandable, almost a foreign word. We need to calmly figure it out. For example, why do they talk about the need to keep the commandments in the church? When we keep the precepts, we improve our karma. Here Christian morality and the law of karma are one. It is very important that these observances concern not only us, but also our children! No wonder the Bible says “the sins of the fathers will fall on the children to the seventh generation...”

We often say: I don’t want my children to repeat my fate. Psychologists say that in early childhood, children adopt patterns, patterns of behavior and typical reactions to the environment from their parents. And then in the future, children, finding themselves in similar situations, react in the same way as their parents.

Indeed, in infancy, in order to survive, children are controlled by their intuition. Unconsciously, they are able to act in the same way as their parents. Remember: when you approach a sleeping baby, you hear even, even breathing. But as soon as you lean towards him, you will feel that his breathing is changing - the child is holding his breath, hiding in order to escape in case of danger. I say this with confidence because I myself have four children. But then, when children grow up and begin to explore the world on their own, they may or may not adhere to their parents’ behavior model. They always have the opportunity to achieve greater success than their parents.

Can someone else influence karma? For example, can a consultation with a psychologist or other specialist change a person’s fate?

Yes. But only if the specialist is a professional. For example, a psychologist can sense the weaknesses of his client and warn him against mistakes in relationships. The Eastern shaman “calculates” the main element of man and actively introduces it into human life. And you don’t have to believe it at all. After all, when you come to the clinic and the doctor tells you: “You need to take such and such pills for 21 days,” you may not believe it, but take the pills. And, if the doctor turns out to be good, you get better without even believing it.

One day I was filming on television and a producer approached me. I saw that he listened to me carefully and decided to get acquainted. I told him about his life, about his problems, about his health, and advised him to simply change the color of his clothes for career growth. After some time he thanked me. I found out that he received a very serious project.

- You mentioned that a person is influenced by the elements. What does it mean?

There are five elements - fire, water, wood, earth and metal... They are unchanging. It's like a person - two arms, two legs and a head. We all need these elements. After all, it is difficult for a person to live without an arm or a leg (it happens the other way around, it is impossible to live with an extra arm or head). Just as the harmony of the human body is necessary, the harmony of the elements in a person is also necessary.

It is known that there are careful, attentive people, and there are those who are called “open systems.” They, like children, are open to everything and trust everyone. Even the “bricks” falling on their heads. They do not know how to block the negative actions of others. Can we say that such people are more susceptible to danger?

Yes, and there are many such people. Here's a hint: they usually have the number 3 in their date of birth. They are very compassionate people who always help others. And at the same time, oddly enough, they are usually very strong, hard-working, as they say, “self-made.” Shamans say that they belong to the Buddha of Compassion - Avalokiteshvara. This Buddha wants to help everyone. By the way, this strongly coincides with Orthodoxy. After all, the number 3 is the number of the trinity. Even if “the whole world collapses” on such a person, he will still have compassion. He helps everyone and always.

- How does karma affect the family tree and how to change negative attitudes?

First of all, you need to contact a specialist. After all, it is known that even psychologists often consult other psychologists about their own lives. In the shamanic tradition, one must read prayers and mantras. We recommend preparing for this procedure by sitting in a special way. And then, for example, bad people will bypass you.

I had one friend who did not believe in the power of shamans, but for some reason she still turned to me for help. And finally, I decided to do these unusual procedures for myself. Changes began immediately! She accepted them and was happy.

A psychologist understands that there are no coincidences in life. There are other traditions. For example, someone who practices yoga acts differently. The common consequence of the influence of a psychologist, a shaman, and a yogi is that a person becomes, on the one hand, more open to the world, and on the other, more protected. It is as if he falls into a “cocoon” and thereby protects himself. Imagine two people. Let’s say when winter comes, the first one puts on a hat and fur coat so as not to get sick, and the second one relies only on his own strength and health - he doesn’t put on warm clothes and inevitably gets sick.

Regardless of karma, we are able to maintain our health and the health of our loved ones!

“Fate decreed it” is a fairly common expression. But when using it, many people do not think too much about the depth of its meaning. Is everything really predetermined from above? Does fate exist or can you change your life at will?

Many people, especially the older generation, are firmly convinced that what is written in one’s family cannot be avoided. Various religious teachings affirm the same thing: God gives each person a certain destiny at birth, within which he measures the number of trials and joys. Therefore, for believers, the question of whether fate exists is not controversial.

But atheists adhere to a completely opposite point of view, believing that only a person himself creates his own future through his actions and can change his life at any moment. Serious psychologists take a borderline position on this issue. They confirm that fate exists, but only within the framework of those ideas about it that a particular person has. That is, life in any case depends on his desires, but they can exist on a subconscious level.

And a person attracts all positive and negative phenomena into his life himself, but at the same time there is a special core - events that cannot but happen for objective reasons.

Does fate exist in love?

And one of these immutable givens is meeting a loved one. The majority of both ordinary people and psychologists are sure that the answer to the question whether it is destiny to be with a certain person can only be positive.

Only scientists are not guided by ephemeral ideas about predestination, but proceed from the premise that we can only love a person who is similar to us, as if resonating with us in the same emotional field, in other words, is on the same wavelength.

Video: random non-accidents - does fate exist?

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The philosophical question of whether we control our lives orthe fate of a person itself directs along the desired path, and remains unresolved. But if you look carefully, you can find several interesting answers that will significantly help you achieve your goals and allow you to look at life a little differently. So let's find out after alldoes fate exist?

What is fate?

We often hear the word "fate", but what it is we imagine vaguely. This term is actively used in esotericism, and is completely rejected by materialists as some kind of heresy, unworthy of attention. But you still need to define the concepts in order to know what we are talking about. So, under the term "fate" the predetermination of all events is implied.

And usually we witness two opposing opinions at once:

  1. Fate exists and everything is predetermined from above.
  2. Man builds his own destiny.

Which statement do you think is true? Is there destiny? Or do we choose our own path? Remember the answer, but for now let's move on.

How we make choices

To understand whether fate exists, you need to turn to psychology. This may seem strange, but you will soon understand the truth of the statement. After all, the main question of the topic is - do we make our own choices or did fate make it for us? To get the answer, you need to figure out how this very choice occurs, what mechanism is activated in our psyche.

The fact is that the psyche as such is a set of programs that organically interact. Love, fear, anger, joy, the ability to learn and, of course, make decisions - all these feelings and skills have their own operating algorithm. Always the same for all people. When we get excited, there is a reason for it. When we are angry, there is also something that awakens this feeling. And when we make a choice, we have our own reasons that force us to act this way and not otherwise.

I would like to cite one fascinating excerpt from the film “The Matrix”. This may come as a bit of a surprise, but the scene where Neo and the seers meet is thought-provoking.

Pythia: I would invite you to sit down, but you still refuse. And don't worry about the vase.

Neo: What vase?

Neo turns to look and touches the vase, it breaks.

Pythia: Yes this one.

Neo: Sorry.

Pythia: She said don't worry. My kids will glue it together.

Neo: How did you find out?

Pythia: Oh, I think you’re more interested in something else: would you have broken the vase if I hadn’t told you?

But is it true, would he have broken the vase if the seer had not spoken about it?

I asked this question to my friends, but few could give a reasoned answer. They only said “yes” or “no.” But no one suggested a third answer - Pythia could not help but say about the vase.

– chain of events

To understand this answer, let's look at how any events happen in our lives. To do this, let's take a simple example - you are going to lunch.

Why are you doing this?

The answer is simple - you are hungry, you need to eat to live. These factors merge into one impulse that shapes your decision and you act.

It turns out we see a chain cause - effect, which resembles the domino principle. Each domino pushes the next one and so the whole chain falls. But do dominoes have no choice? Returning to our example, your hunger is the reason here. What you going to lunch - consequence.

Question: is this fate? Do you have a choice not to go to lunch?

Materialists will say, “yes, I can stay home and starve.” And I agree with you - after you read this article, you have a new impulse, because a new reason has appeared. And as a result, you make a new decision.

But imagine that you are in Groundhog Day. Only, unlike the hero of the film, you do not realize that you are experiencing the same day. Then 100 times out of 100 you will go to lunch. You will perform the same action. Why? Yes, because the conditions have not changed.

Running away from fate, as is usually the case, he rushes towards it (Titus Livius).

To describe this even more figuratively, imagine a billiard ball. You hit him with a cue. And if you hit from the same place, exactly repeating the force and angle of impact, then each time the ball will end up in the same position. Logical?

And if you apply this to your life - under the same conditions, WITH THE SAME IMPULSES, you will do exactly the same. That is, you do not choose your actions, they are already chosen by those reasons, those dominoes that are in the chain. The domino does not choose to “fall” - it is “fallen”. Likewise, impulses in your head do not choose to “appear,” they “appear.” And these impulses determine your “choice”. That's right - reasons determine impulses in your head, on the basis of which you make a decision. 2*2 always = 4. The same impulse always = the same solution. Any event in your life is a cause that gives rise to an effect.

Every impulse, every desire has its own reason from the past. And every action and every thought has a consequence in the future.

That is, again we are faced with a chain of events that always operates. This means that any of our desires is already predetermined. In this case, does a person have freedom of choice? Or is it just our imagination?

The seer in the film told Neo a very correct phrase: “Have you come to me to choose? Your choice has been made, all you have to do is realize it.” There is no need to be afraid of it, just accept it.

How to find out your destiny?

Probably every person is interested in finding out what will happen to him in the future, what his fate is. And if we understand that every event has its own cause, and fate as a whole is a chain consisting of these causes, then it is logical to assume that fate can be recognized. To do this, of course, we need to know every reason, see every link in the chain, which is usually beyond our control. However, what is hidden from consciousness is an open book to our subconscious.

The fact is that the human brain is a generator of energy impulses that carry information. And every second, even at this moment, waves of energy emanate from your brain in all directions, which, like ripples on water, spread in all directions at tremendous speed. And we receive such waves from every living being. And not only them. Any action and event is woven into the global web of energy-information space. This is a kind of Internet, the connection with which is constantly maintained by the subconscious. Do you think how we can sense a person’s mood and why our mood can be transmitted to others?

Telepathy, telekinesis, the ability to know the past and future, all these phenomena are based precisely on the fact of the interconnection of all objects and phenomena. But we are not aware of it, just as we do not control the heartbeat and blood flow in our veins. And to gain access to information hidden in the depths of the subconscious, you need learn to work with it.

So we have answered an important question - is there destiny? Of course, discussions will continue for a long time, and there will be many opinions. One of them is that our choice has been made and we simply open it, because life is a spindle of chains that converge and diverge, creating a mathematical harmony that we call fate. And yes, we influence it, but this influence is already predetermined.

25 years ago I met a young man, we were 20 years old. Entering the train carriage, we met our eyes and even then, as a girl, I realized that this was MY man!

We are from different cities: I studied, he went into the army. We corresponded with him for a long time. Due to his work, he had to come to Kazan, where I studied, and this was the second day of our communication.

After leaving, he promised to come to my home on vacation, but I met a young man and got married. I didn’t see my Yurochka anymore, and he didn’t write to me... And now, 25 years later, my friend found him in my classmates. We started talking, he says that he tried to find me and remembers me all his life. My soul is also drawn to him all my life! Please tell me why we found each other now? Should a meeting take place, or should we not bring up the past? I want to understand! Thank you.


Greetings, Violetta!

Humanity is divided into two types of people: some believe that everything that happens to them in life is destined from above, others believe that a person’s fate is only in his own hands and there is no and cannot be any destiny. The truth, as often happens in life, is somewhere between these two statements. Our destiny, of course, is not written in any book, no supernatural beings hold the threads of our lives, deciding which of them will intertwine with each other. However, there are a number of specific energetic patterns that, upon closer examination, can guide our actions, thoughts and feelings.

It was these patterns that again brought you together with a person whom you had not seen for so long. You can give love hundreds and even thousands of definitions, but no words can reflect the deep essence that everyone who is in love subconsciously understands: at the heart of the most beautiful and powerful human feeling is the energetic connection between two people. Probably, each of us can give an example of happy and unhappy couples from among our friends. So, the key to harmonious relationships, love and family happiness is energy compatibility between partners. It is quite rare for people to be completely compatible with each other. In such cases, a powerful energy connection arises almost instantly, which is extremely difficult to break even with the help of magic. It is this phenomenon that is commonly called love at first sight.

Regarding your situation, I can say with a high degree of confidence that at the moment of your first meeting with the then young man, your astral bodies acquired a powerful connection. It’s surprising that after this you managed not to stay together for the rest of your life, as usually happens. It should be understood that such a powerful energy connection is a very rare phenomenon and should under no circumstances be neglected! Actually, it was this connection, in my humble opinion, that brought your destinies together again after so many years! This meeting would have happened sooner or later, since your connection with this person will exist until one of you dies.

Of course, you can ignore the fact that you have been drawn to your loved one all your life, attribute your reluctance to date to one or another everyday reason, but remember that people search for the happiness of sincere love that was given to you all their lives and cannot find it. Many unfortunate people, in despair, turn to me for help in order to feel loved. Your true happiness is currently in your hands and it is in your power to make the right decision on what to do with it!