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Spirits in dreams. Beyond reality: the astral world and its essences

We all trust visible reality, we believe in the visible physical world where a person is born and dies. But we also believe in the life of the other world, the abode of the souls of dead people. An invisible parallel reality is discussed in legends and many ancient texts.

Legends about ghosts are found in many legends of the peoples of the world. Even in ancient times, people observed strange objects, the origin of which medieval society could not explain.

We, modern residents, can also observe how mysterious guests from other, possibly parallel worlds, appear in our world every now and then. But several questions arise: firstly, why do they visit our world, and most importantly, are there special portals whose main task is to ensure smooth transition between worlds and dimensions.

Parallel worlds, portals and theories.

Many researchers of paranormal phenomena say with confidence that the so-called portals, time corridors are located in anomalous zones of our planet where enormous energy potential is concentrated.

As scientists suggest, in ancient times such places were actively used for magical rituals and mysterious ceremonies, the meaning of which has not yet been unraveled.

For example, let’s take the same Stonehenge, huge stones, clearly of man-made origin, but what exact role they played in the life of ancient man is not known for certain.

According to independent researchers, “guests” from other dimensions can enter our world by chance, in other words, at moments when our worlds intersect in space and, accordingly, in time.

Contacts of worlds do not occur so often, but at these moments a huge amount of energy is released, which often leads to natural anomalies and disasters.
It is the very nature of our world that makes it clear to humanity that at some point the integrity of the system is violated.

Of course, what has been said is only assumptions and conjectures, since the scientific community is not yet able to prove or disprove other measurements.

Other world.

There are several evidences mentioning messages from the dead from the afterlife. Old records affirmatively talk about the intervention of otherworldly entities in our reality to bring about justice! You won't even believe who sometimes acts as a defender of justice.

They say that in the ancient Polish castle of Lublin, a notable landmark is a table with a handprint of the devil. According to all the memorable legends, in 1638, the case of a widow and a Polish magnate with a greedy character was heard in the local town hall. The latter wanted to appropriate the woman’s property.

Justice is administered by devils.

Bribing judges helped tilt the case in favor of the man. Desperate, the woman raised her hands to the crucifix of Christ on the wall and exclaimed in her hearts: Even the devil, if he were a judge, would have passed a fairer verdict!

Around midnight, mysterious subjects in black wigs appeared in the justice building in the most mystical way.

At the same time, the trembling clerk, who by this moment had finished putting things in order, examined the protruding horns on the visitors’ foreheads. Next, the messengers of the Devil - there is no doubt that they were devils - resumed the property case, and, of course, delivered a verdict in favor of the injured woman.

Shocked by what was happening, the clerk silently drew up the minutes of the meeting held by the new judges - devils. One of the judges picked up the previous protocol, finally slapping his palm on the tabletop - from that very time on, the imprint of a large palm was visible on the table top.

As reported by websites, several examinations confirmed the authenticity of the burnt palm print and the age of the rare item. True, there are no real images of the devil’s hand on the table.

A dead man from the afterlife returned for a dog.

Joe Benson, a Utah resident and Native American, owned a German shepherd named Skye, a beloved animal friend. With age, the man became blind, and the dog became not only his faithful friend, but also his guide. At the end of 1962, Joe, addressing his wife Mabel, said that he sensed the imminent arrival of death. Some time later, Benson actually died. Relatives asked Mabel to give them the smart shepherd, but the woman did not agree to part with her faithful friend Joe.

A week and a half after the funeral, Mabel glanced out the window and saw a man approaching the house. Having put the kettle on the stove, the woman looked more closely out the window... her late husband was approaching the door! In his completely normal form.

Apparently, this is not the first case of people appearing from the afterlife, since the woman was not afraid, knowing what to do in such circumstances from her ancestors.

Joe entered the house and froze on the threshold, not moving further. Mabel, respectfully addressing her husband, reminded him that the dead have no place in the world of the living.

To which the husband, considering his arrival from the afterlife, quite calmly replied: I know, I came for the dog.

Then the deceased asked about a leash for the dog - Mabel took the leash from the wall and handed it to her husband, avoiding touching the body of the deceased. Joe attached the leash to Sky and they left the house. Having come to her senses, Mabel ran out after them, but neither Joe nor the dog were on the street.

The mysticism of Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy.

“The Divine Comedy” - written by Dante Alighieri, an Italian writer, is considered a masterpiece of world literature. However, few people know that the world would never have seen this work if not for one very interesting circumstance.

In 1321, Dante died, his sons Jacopo and Pietro suffered the death of their father, and were saddened that his last work, The Divine Comedy, remained unfinished. No matter how vainly they searched for manuscripts and drafts, they could not find the final part of the poem.

Tired of searching, Jacopo decided to lie down to rest and fell asleep. In a dream, Dante came to him and said that he had completed the poem and even indicated the place where the manuscript was hidden. Waking up, Jacopo ran to his father’s office and, in the presence of an assistant, removed the painting - behind it there was a small door that opened the opening of a small safe, where the remaining parts of the manuscript were located.

Surprisingly, if it were not for the appeal from the other world, the world would never have seen the famous work. Based on the amazing messages, one can easily believe in the reality of the other world, isn’t it?

The other world is also called the afterlife and is described as a spiritual state into which the souls of dead people fall. Since no one has ever returned from the other world, there are no facts about what it looks like and what happens there; there are still many different versions.

What does the other world mean?

Two main concepts are used regarding the nature of the other world. In the first case, it is perceived as a kind of spiritual phenomenon that has nothing to do with earthly life. What is important is the moral and ethical transformation of the soul, which gets rid of earthly passions and temptations. The other world in the first case is perceived as a degree of closeness to God, Nirvana, and so on.

When solving the mysteries of the other world, it is worth considering the second concept, according to which it has certain material characteristics. It is believed that there really is an ideal place where the soul ends up after the death of the body. This option is associated with religions that involve the bodily resurrection of people. In addition, direct messages can be found in many sacred scriptures.

Does the other world exist?

Over the years of history, each world culture has formed its own traditions and beliefs. You can find a huge number of reports that the other world exists, and many people have contacted it, for example, in a dream, during clinical death and in other ways. Magicians and psychics speak about it with absolute confidence. This topic could not help but interest scientists, and they regularly conduct research to determine whether there is an other world.

Scientists about the other world

To understand whether there is a path after death, people who experienced and remember what they saw while their heart stopped were chosen as test subjects.

  1. To prove whether belief in the other world has a right to exist, in 2000 two famous European doctors conducted a large-scale study that made it possible to establish that many people saw gates to either Heaven or Hell.
  2. Another study was conducted in 2008, and a third of the people studied said that they could look at themselves from the outside.
  3. Experiments were carried out with placing sheets with drawn symbols near people who had experienced clinical death, and none of the people who claimed to have left their bodies saw them.

The Other World - Evidence

There are stories about connections between people and the souls of dead people. To prove the existence of the other world, it is worth talking about a seance that was held at the National Laboratory for Psychical Research in Great Britain in 1930. Scientists wanted to get in touch with Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. To confirm everything, a reporter was present at the session. When the ritual began, air captain Carmichael Irwin, who died in the same year, got in touch and told his story using various technical terms. This became evidence of a possible connection with the other world.

Facts about the other world

Scientists are tirelessly conducting research to prove or disprove the existence of other worlds. At the moment, it has not been possible to determine the exact facts, but the connection with the other world is proven by numerous messages from people from different parts of the world, a large number of photographs, the authenticity of which has been proven, and experiments with hypnosis and other techniques.

How does the other world work?

Since no person has ever been reborn after death, there is no accurate information to describe the place where souls live after death. Many people, when talking about the afterlife, mean, but different nations have their own unique idea:

  1. Egyptian Hell. This place is ruled by Osiris, who weighs the good and bad deeds of souls. The hall where the trial takes place is the entire vault of heaven.
  2. Greek Hell. The entrance to the other world is closed by the black waters of the Styx, which encircle it nine times. You can cross all the streams on Charon's spoon, who takes one coin for his services. Near the entrance to the abode of the dead there is Cerberus.
  3. Christian Hell. It is located in the center of the Earth. Sinners are tormented in a cloud of fire, red-hot benches, a river of fire, and other torments. There are creatures of the other world living around.
  4. Muslim Hell. It has similar features to the previous version. One of the stories in One Thousand and One Nights tells about the seven circles of hell. Sinners here are forever tormented by fire, and they are fed with devil fruits from the tree of Zakkum.

How to contact the other world?

Psychics and parapsychologists assure that it is possible to contact the souls of dead people. There are many options to communicate with the other world, including the use of high technology.

  1. "Electric Voices". For the first time, documentary filmmaker Friedrich Jurgenson heard the voices of his deceased relatives on tape, and he decided to explore this topic. As a result, it was possible to establish that voices are clearer when there is background noise, and the researchers concluded that the souls of deceased people can synthesize vibrations into the sounds of their own voices.
  2. Appearance on TV. There is a lot of evidence in the world that people saw images of their deceased relatives while watching various programs. An American electronics engineer went the furthest, who developed a special antenna that allows not only to see his deceased daughter and wife, but also to hear their voices. Many such contacts with the other world were photographed, and the authenticity of some of the photographs was proven.
  3. SMS. Many people, after the death of their relatives, received messages from them, but in most cases they were either empty or contained strange signs. Recently, programmers came up with the “Ghost Stories Box” application, which scans the parameters of the surrounding space and detects interference. For now, it cannot yet claim to be able to obtain 100% information.

How to get to the other world?

There is a simple way to travel to another world. In order for everything to succeed and the portal to the other world to open, it is necessary to use consciousness in an unusual way. As preparation, it is recommended to study your thoughts clearly. It is important to present images as believably as possible. The fact that contact with the other world has been established will be indicated by animal fear and a feeling of discomfort. This is quite normal and there is nothing to be afraid of. There are some instructions on how to see the other world:

  1. Before going to bed, while lying in bed, you need to give your subconscious a clear task to hear a well-known musical composition, which will allow you to see images in colorful colors. Relax as much as possible.
  2. Imagine how the soul leaves through the body, through the chest and arms. At the same time, your breath should freeze and at the same time you should feel a surge of strength. Another important signal that everything is working out is the feeling that the body is burning with heat.
  3. There is only one moment to penetrate into the other world - the period when a person has almost fallen asleep, but at the same time is still aware of himself in reality. It is important to give the order to the subconscious mind to remember all the information and reproduce it during the waking period.

Do children see the other world?

It is believed that children from birth to 40 days can easily communicate with the other world, seeing, feeling and hearing dead people and various entities. This is due to the fact that the child has an ethereal shell around his physical body, which is protection and also provides a special fluid. In the future, children see the other world not so well, but contacts are permissible, since the consciousness is still pure and the aura is light. If the child is baptized, then there is no need to be afraid of negative influences, since the guardian angel will protect him.

Do cats see the other world?

Since ancient times, it has been believed that the cat is a magical animal. Such an animal has a huge aura that can react to both positive and negative energy. Cats see the other world, so they should be used to protect the house from evil spirits. If the owner sees that the animal is looking at one place in the house and at the same time its posture is tense, then he sees spirits. Cats and the other world also interact through the brownie, so a person can use animals to establish contact with him.

Each house has its own unique energy, which protects all its residents from negativity. And yet, in every home there may be dangers associated with the presence of otherworldly forces. If you have any suspicions that something is wrong with the house, pay attention to signs that will indicate the presence of alien entities in the house.

Signs of otherworldly forces in the house

Foreign shadows

You may notice strange shadows or dark spots out of the corner of your eye. However, these can also be luminous objects.

Mood swings

If you have not previously noticed this disorder in yourself or in your household, this may also be the reason for the presence of foreign energy in the house. It can also be unconscious fears, fear, apathy - this is how negative energy affects people.


Many people note that they feel chilling touches. It also happens that people in “bad” houses feel breath on their skin.


This is something that definitely indicates the presence of the paranormal in your home. If you hear the noise of doors opening, footsteps, clinking of dishes, and so on in your house at night, a dangerous entity lives next to you.


Temperature changes in the house also indicate the presence of otherworldly forces. This cold is not associated with the time of year and drafts; it can appear even in the heat.


Often people in such houses can hear other people's voices in a completely empty room, whispering, laughter, creaking floors. The source of such sounds cannot be determined.


A feeling of heavy weight, lack of air, and the feeling that someone is constantly looking at your back are also signs that a restless soul is nearby.


If you have a dog or cat living in your house, and the pet suddenly begins to behave strangely, this is also one of the ghosts. For example, an animal categorically refuses to enter one of the rooms, stares into the “emptiness” for hours or tries to catch something.

Anxious dreams

You should pay attention to dreams in which people, events and places have nothing to do with you. Most likely, in your dreams you see dead people living in your house.


As a rule, these are unpleasant odors. If neither you nor your neighbors are the source, then your home is being attacked by something otherworldly.

Read also:

How to get rid of the otherworldly in the house

Even in ancient times, people knew that without “recharging” otherworldly entities weaken. And these entities receive energy from the owners and guests of the house. “Know moderation in everything,” they said in the old days; unbridled joy can drain no less strength from us than hopeless grief. In addition, do not allow people into your home who are unpleasant to you. Bad energy also remains where drunks and drug addicts often go.

Otherworldly evil spirits are very fond of cluttered places, dirty apartments, where there is a lot of unnecessary junk. The conclusion is obvious: get rid of junk regularly and never bring old things into your home. Nobody knows who used these things and what energy they absorbed. You should not bring even expensive antiques into your home. It is no secret that otherworldly entities love antiques and old paintings.

Thus, if you start to notice that something bad is happening within the walls of your home, check your things, and if there is unnecessary junk among them, get rid of it. Hang bells in your house, yes - our ancestors used this, since it was believed that the sound of metal frightens evil spirits, it is no coincidence that bells are used in churches. Pay attention to the lighting of your apartment (house) so that there is bright light everywhere. And finally, smells - use aroma oils in your home. Sandalwood oil, rosemary and tea tree oils cope best with evil spirits.

One of the most exciting topics in the study of esotericism is related to the manifestation of entities of the other world and their impact on people. Man is not alone on Earth. Flora and fauna, in all their diversity, complement life and coexist with it on planet Earth, in a dense space with certain laws.

The world of animals and plants is close to human bodies; humans have the perception of space through the basic physical senses. But there are also parallel worlds with their inhabitants, located beyond matter, and often even time.
In this article I will introduce you to some of them, using common terms and notations. I will try to convey the principle of manifestation of entities and the source of their origin.

What is essence in esotericism?

According to the dictionary, essence is the internal basis, meaning, essence of something. In esoteric teachings this term can be referred to as a certain sentient being, having influence over the human body (soul), capable of living and developing in a unique, invisible to the physical eye world.

Those initiated into esotericism adhere to many different concepts. Some choose the path of a magician, while others prefer the image of a shaman, sorcerer, medium, healer, or witch. Everyone strives to develop their own personal communication experience with the world beyond the material.

All people following the path of conscious energy development are united by attempts to organize connections with subtle energies, with further visualization of them as entities (certain intelligent beings) living according to different laws and capable of both creating and destroying the human world.

Entities are energy formations in space that carry certain information. This energy influences the human mind, structuring the psyche, attracting certain situations to life.

Entity Perception

Everyone understands and sees the world in their own way, and in accordance with perceptions or beliefs - subtle energies may be perceived differently. For dual perception, energies appear as light or dark entities.

The dark ones bring pain and disappointment, destruction, cause harm to the body and soul - it is customary to drive them out by any available means, just so as not to feel (experience) their presence.
Light beings are called upon to protect and protect humanity from the forces of evil. These types of energies bestow feelings of goodness and acceptance, love and mercy, and fill with streams of light energies. In duality, a person tries to attribute himself to one of the sides, while rejecting the opposite.

The mind is structured in such a way that it is more familiar and easier for it to perceive only one facet, because versatility he is frightened because disorder and chaos appear, which means loss of control and danger.

Contact with entities of the subtle world

Depending on their confession and views, people initiated into esoteric knowledge choose with whom to maintain contact, although more often the organization of channels occurs in accordance with the person’s readiness, and not from his personal preferences. But illusion of choice however, it plays a certain role at some stages.

Someone consciously makes contact with the world of the dead, their inhabitants, connecting to their field and receiving information from there. Some are guided by less dense, but more developed (cunning) energies of the astral plane. They are more complexly organized for the perception of the mind and are unstable in their manifestations.

For example, demonic entities (astral), in contrast to necrotic ones (the world of the dead), are capable of not only make things creepy, influencing the human mind, but also to manage reality in accordance with tasks or programs. Essences of the astral plane have a wider range of possibilities (impact) and are freer from the laws of the human world, often helping him to bypass them. By the way, this attracts various followers of magic. The purpose of interaction with energies (entities) often comes down to satisfaction of material, primary needs.

The animal nature leads along the path of instincts, and a relatively unconscious person, when working with energies, intuitively chooses with his mind the side in which he finds benefit for himself: safety, comfort, material abundance. From attempts to submit to one's EGO subtle energies, a fun esoteric role-playing game begins.

Someone flirts and falls into these dreams, someone goes through them as a step, realizing the game each time deeper and more multifaceted. This stage of getting to know the beyond is not easy. Upon completion of the experience, followed by a transition to new levels of perception, catharsis occurs. When working with the energies of the astral plane, people play with fire, because emotions are manifestations of energies, which can sooner or later lead a person to an unpleasant experience for the psyche.

Entities in the human field accumulate negative energy for years, centuries, temporarily bestowing treasures of the material world. With the help of the energies of the astral plane, everything is subject to the will of man, except for high feelings. Love, goodness, mercy remain unidentified and at this stage unattainable. But everything has its time.
The immortal spirit in the progress of the endless stream cognizes all facets human being games, and there are no obstacles for him, for there is no force more powerful than love, its manifestation on Earth.

Alien entities

People also consciously come into contact with relatively higher vibrational, alien energies. Someone, for example, contacts space and its inhabitants in search of answers to questions about the creation of the world and the origin of man. Some cooperate with them and, with their support, help themselves and others become self-aware.

There are a huge number of inhabitants of space and various civilizations. But no one can guarantee the contactee a creative connection. They perceive us as no more than fish - plankton, but in any case they play their role in development, presenting humanity invaluable experience.

The Universe is simply teeming with various formations of energies. In some corners of the vast expanses there are entities of incredible size and strength; our planet, compared to them, is a grain of sand. There are formations of energies that are smaller in scale, but more dense, traveling on meteorites or special ships. Some types of energies are even capable of materializing in our dimension, but not for long, because physical, chemical conditions and the laws of the Earth are not simple for their existence. People can occasionally observe flashes in the night sky, as well as images of energies that often appear as so-called alien flying ships that look like luminous disks.

At some classified bases there are the remains of dead bodies, these are shells discarded due to the failed experience of materialization and adaptation on our planet. The need for materialization on Earth may seem strange if they feel great in the form (outside the physical body) in which they reside, and have much more opportunities to observe and study the Universe. But the point is that experience in the physical body is unique and grants evolution to our energetic continuation in spirit.

It is quite unconscious to devalue material life and strive for a speedy rebirth into other forms. Until you accept love in all its manifestations and feel the present moment in its entirety, you will not escape anywhere from this Earth. It sounds like a sentence, but in fact it is a gift, and the sooner you understand this, the more you will see.

It will always be common for a person to imagine life on other planets to be similar to that which he is accustomed to observing in everyday life. The mind is able to understand more clearly only the dense dual world, with its dimensions and laws. What is beyond the physical world (billions of different forms and spaces with its inhabitants) is subtle, unidentified and is unlikely to ever be revealed to the mind in its entirety.

Humanity, as a biological species, is quite primitive relative to alien forms, but contains a foundation that is incomparable in strength to anything else. There's a whole story behind it, endless ocean of energies, which continues from a person into the Universe, like a ray accompanying experience through space and time.

The scale of cosmic energies can be incredibly huge, as can the energy force. For many entities, it costs nothing to crush a person like a bug, so interact with them safe at the level of the spirit, but not the mind. Most often, people, without knowing it, collaborate with energies of different spectrums, gaining a variety of levels of self-awareness.

For example, the so-called indigo children are capable, to the extent of their physiological characteristics, of capturing energies and conducting relatively large amounts of information consciously with the mind, but at the same time often being overloaded and experiencing a rather difficult physical experience.

The time has come for a different perception of energies

This time on Earth is stage of enlightenment. People are awakening, and they are less and less interested in low-frequency energies. Most build their connection with entities more consciously, freely and creatively. Human evolution has reached the point beyond which, if nothing changes, a collapse may occur, a sharp transition to another form, followed by the extinction of biological species inhabiting the Earth. But the spirit evolves, and the trajectory of human development is gradually shifting towards more conscious flow.

The Universe is wise, and if we are destined to continue the experience in human civilization, then higher energies will raise the level of luminosity in people, changing the perception of reality.
With the support of bright creative energies, humanity has a chance. Regardless of what the mind chooses, the Universe will guide people along the path necessary to maintain a space on Earth conducive to spiritual experience.

High Vibrational Entities

A person is always accompanied by the energies of love. Communication with them (angels, archangels, guardians, guides, spiritual elders) is less subtle, but creative and contributes to the liberation of a person by expanding the boundaries of his consciousness. The worlds of the higher energy layers with their inhabitants are accessible to a few, and they open their possibilities to even fewer.

The higher the energies are in vibration and luminosity, the less subordinate they are to the mind. Higher, bright essences outside the human game, they are a guiding star for the human mind.

Many people want to cooperate with light energies and try to work together. But only a person who is pure in heart and thoughts, who has gone through sufficient experience, will expand his consciousness to a status that gives him the opportunity to easily and naturally conduct high-frequency flows. And it doesn't look like collaboration or agreement.

This is a total acceptance of experience and reaching a level where the human mind no longer desires to subjugate, manage, own, know. Awareness of oneself as a flow, beyond thoughts and identifications. With the energies of higher vibrations, you can simply be... be your true self, the source, pure consciousness.

The energies always work and are distributed in the best divine way. If a person must go through a destructive experience during the transition, then energy channels of a different spectrum - from the lowest to the highest - begin to turn on in his consciousness, attracting certain events and situations.

Dark entities play key roles. Their tasks can manifest themselves through human perception and subsequently evolve into a new form. What form they will be reborn into and what status they will receive depends on the person’s level of awareness. Some low-vibration flows are already at the exit, thanks to the awareness of the spirit, transformed and form a bright human field. But often dark energies, manifesting themselves through consciousness, fall into the zone of non-acceptance (by the psyche, mind) and “get stuck” in a person’s energy channels or remain in the energy field until he becomes aware of them, explores this experience and accepts it with his heart as part of of your being.

Dark entities “get stuck” in dimensions only because a person at his stage of development cannot adapt them.

Essence is energy, and any energy is light particles. Any particle of light is a code that can be deciphered by feeling it. That is, any particle of energy of different vibration levels carries information. The higher the flow is in vibration, the more difficult it is for the mind to perceive the information.

People are able to understand information appropriate to their luminosity level. If the energy flow resonates with a person, he understands it, if not, difficulties may arise. That is, the awareness of the subject at the moment determines what manifestations of energies he is able to contact.

Entities remain destructive for people until they adapt them to their luminosity through annihilation or go out themselves to their level (to which they are provoked). But when a person’s spirit opens, there is no turning back. There are no options left except to adapt the essence (energy) to your level of awareness. A person is forced to remain in a field of energies that irritate his psyche until he realizes them and transforms them with the light of his spirit.

Any material object has an essence. The space outside it has the ability to accommodate subtle energy (mental, astral, cosmic) abstract forms in relatively free movement. A person, like any biological organism on Earth, has an energetic basis (or thin layers of its manifestation) - this is the soul. The human soul is perceived as something living, feeling and intelligent, and the soul of objects is perceived as an information field. Overall it's all the same.

Any space, electromagnetic, energy field can be perceived as an entity, since it is intelligent in its own way, feeds and develops informationally in a parallel world. In some states of mind, this space can appear to a person in an image accessible to him. This space is a reflection of human consciousness. Fears, desires, emotions, passions, thoughts, egregors - all these are energy formations that carry information or execute a program. All this, in certain states of mind, can appear to a person as an entity.

Seeing Entities

People in pursuit of revealing their full vision often have no idea what pictures await them. The psyche is not able to adequately perceive, the activity of energies is so large-scale. The human biological computer will fail sooner or later, no matter how stress-resistant a person is. Everything inside him will begin to manifest itself, and not everyone is able to contemplate such pictures.

If the biological body is designed to analyze and recognize only the material part of reality (the tip of the iceberg), then constant observation of the whole picture will literally blow the mind. There are many examples when people, for some reason, “broke” in pursuit of a vision of the beyond, using crude material methods of influencing the mind and consciousness. For example, smoking mixtures and various substances that affect the brain.

Knowledge of energies that is safe for humans occurs through the development of extrasensitivity. As the energy level increases in any person, vision can develop naturally. Based on feelings, images can be born, often perceived as fantasies, due to the active work of the protective mechanisms of the mind, which, in turn (as we have already found out), are necessary for adequate existence on Earth and the development of the psyche.

There are a huge variety of energies, and a person is able to see them, but in the mode of switching attention. It is safe and natural for him. Those. By plunging into a certain state, people can capture those manifestations that are necessary for development at their level of awareness. Temporarily opening a separate area of ​​consciousness to a person with the manifestation of energies visible as entities will not bring harm if he does not use artificial methods of influencing the mind for this.

The human body in many cultures is viewed as a vessel or an avatar. The physical body is dense energy that contains many more subtle energies of various spectrums. Only the symbiosis of dark and light, positive and negative gives birth to life in matter. The lower the vibrations, the denser the energy and the more dependent it is on time. The body, like an avatar or vessel, consists entirely of dark matter, as do the planets with all material objects.
The dark part will always haunt a person like a shadow throughout the short journey of incarnation. Next, there will be a disintegration and distribution of energy throughout the Universe for subsequent assembly on the planet or in other spaces of the universe.
There are as many different dark energies on planet Earth as there is material mass. We can say that the planet is teeming with various creatures both in bodies and outside of them.

Astral entities

The so-called astral entities are human creations, energies formed on Earth and existing at the expense of people. They are given many names, is it worth listing them? I will write that the entire set of inhabitants of the lower astral has been on Earth since the very birth of the planet and has always experienced the human race.
The world called hell, where souls supposedly go after death, exists in parallel with our world, and a person comes into contact with it quite often during life. The world of the most terrible human emotions can be called hell. And to get there you don’t need a special ticket or set of sins. A person always has one foot in it, and as soon as he shifts along the trajectory of movement, the cauldron under his feet begins to imperceptibly boil, and imps poke him in the back of his head with pitchforks.

Demonic entities are astral energies, the generation of emotions. They manifest themselves and test people, tempting their minds with wealth and material power. Devils are weaker energies; they have little to offer a person, except to help pass for a psycho and scare away all the onlookers in the area, thereby providing the illusion of safety.

By and large, any dark entity (energy) can only provide temporary benefits. Dark energy provides a person with material benefits and allows him to manage them for the pleasure of his own egoism. Darkness gives a temporary high, which is then replaced by destruction.

By making a “deal with the devil,” a person gains abundance on earth. Becomes influential, famous, incredibly rich until the time comes for transformation - the evolution of the spirit.
The dark energies of the astral can accompany the human soul for many incarnations on earth, revealing it through objects, places, events. Everything negative that is attracted to a person’s life belongs to him.

It is not by chance that any destructive entities (energies) stick to people; these are their creations of the past. Many perceive these evil spirits as universal evil and try in every possible way to drive them out, more often than not thereby provoking their growth. Of course, there are cases when successful expulsion occurs, for example, many different rituals exist among magicians, priests, shamans, and bioenergetics.

Banishing Entity

Entities are relocated, they are tried to be driven out using various paraphernalia, they are hit with an energy sword or dissolved. All options work in their own way, but in most cases the energies (entities) return back. It's just a matter of time. Until a person realizes energy as unlearned past experience, present in his consciousness, and will not accept or adapt this experience in the future - sooner or later everything will be repeated. For the transformation of negativity to occur, it is not enough to simply shamanize and chase demons around space; it is also necessary to carry out work on self-knowledge. First of all, realize that by avoiding the dark manifestations of his being, a person moves away from development, betraying his true self.

Dark energy (entity) is unstable. Its transformation is facilitated by flows of higher density. High vibrational flows (light) do not just cut through dark energies, they transform them. And that information that had a negative charge is reborn into a positive one, uniting with the luminosity of the human spirit, giving awareness and creating a new experience. There is nothing in the Universe stronger than the feeling of unconditional love and its manifestation.

The astral world is a world of emotions. In many sources, the astral is divided into upper, middle and lower. As for the world of fear, lust, resentment, envy, gluttony, malice, manifesting itself as demons, succubi, devils, demons - this is the lower astral.
Alien entities can be classified as average, because they can be perceived by a person emotionally in different ways, but more often they try to maintain neutrality and sovereignty.
The highest astral is the energy of positive emotions, joy, laughter, delight, hope, pride, excitement and jubilation, manifested in accordance with what religion a person belongs to or what deities he worships. You need to understand that astral cognition is a dual perception of energies through the prism of the mind.

At the first stages of acquaintance with the beyond, a person tries to establish contact with higher entities. But in reality, he unconsciously conquers the heights of the astral plane and, imperceptibly for himself, becomes a puppet walking under the hypnosis of positive emotions.
People are quite impressionable, the astral world is closely connected with them. Living without emotions seems boring and uninteresting, but when dealing with the astral plane, a person is playing with fire.


Developing in the material world, a person often builds his life on emotions, exists at the expense of them and cannot imagine other paths of evolution. Building relationships with friends, acquaintances, colleagues, family, and relatives occurs emotionally. Understanding the world of emotions leads to enormous waste of resources and an unstable state. The feeling of happiness becomes fleeting and barely perceptible. Under the influence of feelings, moods often change, giving a person different experiences and levels of perception.

He continues to play and, coming into contact with the esoteric, impressed by what is happening, expecting a heavenly life, pursues selfish goals, plays with the astral pyramid. Then some entities are replaced by others, and a person, biasedly perceiving information, distorts feelings and feeds himself with thousands of illusions.

Higher energies are beyond time and the laws of the Earth. A person, freed from patterns, going beyond the boundaries of the duality of the mind, can come to understanding and awareness of their manifestation. Only by freeing oneself from the dependencies and illusions of the material world, calming the mind, accepting the world as it is, without getting emotionally and mentally involved in the events happening around, will people enter the world of the true Self.

In this world, only you are real.

Many people have apparently heard about this, when people discover spirits, ghosts in developed photographs - whatever you want to call it.
Here is a whole selection of such photographs.

Laura N: The photo was taken in Gettysburg on April 3, 2005 (the site of bloody battles during the American Civil War)

Mike O.: My brother's wife was visiting her friend's mother in the hospital. While waiting, she played with her camera phone and accidentally took a photo of the floor. If you lighten the photo a little, you can clearly see the ghost of the sick boy

Missileman: Me, my daughter and son-in-law found an abandoned hunting lodge in the woods of Georgia. We decided to take a photo of him. While filming, my daughter felt something fly past her. What a surprise we were when we looked at the photos on the computer.

Dave: I photographed an abandoned house in the woods of West Virginia. A ghost is clearly visible in the background.

ChrisKaan: This photo is from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric website. The photograph shows the face of a demon during a major storm in Colorado.

Alien Dad: I almost went crazy when I saw the ultrasound of my pregnant wife. I WILL BE THE FATHER OF AN ALIEN! I'm so proud of my alien.

T. Dooley: we discovered this creature in an old private park in England in 2005

Vane: The town of Juarez is located in Texas. It was built near old and often abandoned cemeteries. Residents constantly complain about a large number of ghosts. This is the photo I took one night at the cemetery

Greg Gatewood: This photo was taken of me and my son in a Texas cemetery in 2001

Mugsy: This photo was taken near a hotel in Ontario by my friends. When they showed it to the owner of the hotel, she was horrified and said that it was her aunt who died 2 years ago.

Patricia Zoeller: Photo taken in 2003 in an abandoned hospital for tuberculosis patients (1926-1961). The hospital is famous for all sorts of paranormal phenomena.
The photograph was taken at such a height that the presence of a living person in the opening is excluded.

Denise: my cat died a few years ago from old age. I recently took a photo of the place where her food bowl usually stood and this is what happened. The cat itself is on the right.

Lee C.: fire demon

Shayne: I was taking pictures of my son. When I downloaded the photos to my hard drive, I was simply shocked. A girl stood in the doorway. Overlay of frames is excluded, since the digital camera was just purchased

Dave S.: This photo was taken at Bumpass Mountain. Bumpass led tours in this place, which is famous for its geysers and boiling mud. One day he fell into boiling water and it was amputated. I think the picture is of old Bumpass with a wooden leg.

Tom Hendrix: I photographed this strange creature while photographing my parents’ house in Florida

David N: We were relaxing with friends in nature and felt that we were being watched from the forest. We took some photos of the darkness and this is what we found when viewing them on the computer

Glenn N.: Brought a petrified tree stump to my son. They found fish in it. How did she end up there?

Dan C.: I was sorting through my great-grandmother's things after her death and this is what I found

Vane: Parral is a small town with an interesting Mexican history. The town is Catholic and very religious. While descending into an abandoned mine, I found an icon of Mary, which, like many other things, stood in a miner’s wheelbarrow. All cars are numbered. When I saw the license plate number of the car, I was overcome with horror.

Erin: A miracle happened in Fostoria, Florida in 1986. An image of Jesus with a child appeared on the rust tower. People from all over the area came to see it. The most enterprising then sold photos like this for 3 bucks

Ghost Passenger
This is one of the most unusual photographs of ghosts. The woman in the back seat must have been in her grave when the photo was taken.
The driver's wife took photographs of the car. She says there was no one in the car. Although the photograph clearly shows the mother of the woman who died a week earlier.

Brown woman
The brown woman from Raynham Hall is probably the most famous ghost photo on the internet. Photo taken 09/13/1936 at 16:00 during a shoot for Country Life Magazine at Raynham Hall, England. The photographer saw a woman coming down the stairs and began shouting to his assistant. The assistant saw nothing.

Guardian angel?

Ghost woman in antique dress

Ghost Monk
The photograph of a monk standing at the altar was taken in the 60s of the 20th century in one of the English churches.
At that moment he did not see anything unusual. But after developing the film, the ghost monk became visible. It can be seen that his height is at least three meters.

Ghost behind the stairs

Just a ghost

Burning girl
Photo taken by local resident Tony O Rahilly on September 19, 1995, when a building burned down in Shropshire, England. At the moment when Tony took the photo, neither he nor the people standing nearby saw the girl standing in the doorway. After inspection, experts declared that it was photo-genuine.
This building had already burned down once in 1677. That year, a little girl, Jane Churm, accidentally set the building on fire with a candle. Since then, the ghost of the girl has often been seen in the city.

Toy Store Ghost
Strange things started happening at the Toys R Us store in Sunnyvale, California. For several years, toys fell off the shelves on their own. During the investigation, police took a photograph that clearly showed a man leaning against the wall. The photograph was taken on infrared film. The ghost is not visible on regular film.

Ghost on the stairs

Ghost on my knees

Ghost of Borley, England

standing ghost

The photo was taken immediately after the death of a person

The man left, leaving the webcam on.
This is what he found when he returned.

Ghosts at the Grave
This photo was submitted to Ebay. It shows two ghosts at once.

Fire Demon

Black Abbot

Ghost Monk