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Dishes made from minced cabbage rolls are lazy. Lazy cabbage rolls

Lazy cabbage rolls, like the classic “full” version, are made from cabbage, minced meat and rice. Only they can take different forms. Some housewives cook them in the form of large cutlets. Others, who are even more eager to protect themselves from cooking, simply chop the ingredients and simmer them in a saucepan/frying pan/multi-cooker (underline as appropriate). There is also an option, described in the joke, when the cabbage is on the balcony and the minced meat is in the refrigerator. :-) But we certainly won’t touch it. Let's take the most difficult route and cook lazy cabbage rolls in a frying pan. The recipe with photos describes step by step all the steps - from cutting food to shaping, frying and stewing cabbage rolls. Everything is extremely simple!

You will need:

For cabbage rolls:

For the sauce

Method for cooking lazy cabbage rolls in a frying pan (simple recipe with photos, described step by step):

Let the rice cook. Suitable for both round and long grain. Rinse it well before cooking. Pay attention to the way rice is processed in production. Steamed cereal retains its shape better, while polished cereal turns into porridge after cooking. Therefore, it is better to take the first one. Fill the rice with water in a ratio of 1 to 1 and place on the stove. Cook over low heat until the liquid has completely evaporated. The rice will be slightly undercooked. But it will become ready while frying and stewing the cabbage rolls.

Prepare the vegetables. Chop the onion into small cubes.

Coarsely grate the carrots or cut into thin strips.

Heat 2-3 tablespoons of oil in a frying pan. Add carrots. Fry over moderately high heat for 2-3 minutes. Stir occasionally to ensure the straws cook evenly.

Add onion. Stir. Cook until the onion becomes translucent.

Lazy cabbage rolls don't turn into cabbage. Therefore, you don’t have to boil a head of cabbage, remove whole leaves from it, and then wrap the meat in envelopes. Everything is much simpler. Remove the top leaves from the fork. Cut about a quarter of it. Chop finely.

Place the cabbage sticks into the pan with the vegetables. Stir. Reduce heat. Simmer under the lid closed for 10-15 minutes. To prevent the vegetables from burning, add a little water or broth to them. The cabbage will not become soft during cooking. But this is not necessary. Vegetables should be half-cooked, as the Italians say - “al dente”. Otherwise, their taste will be practically indistinguishable in the finished cabbage rolls.

For the base of the dish, I used moderately fatty minced pork (there was no other kind in the store). But you can (and even need) to use combined and pure beef or chicken. Lazy cabbage rolls will still turn out juicy and tender due to stewing in a frying pan in tomato sauce. Transfer the minced meat into a deep bowl. Add finely chopped herbs to it (I used parsley). And chopped garlic. You can also take other spices - ground black pepper, a little coriander, mustard, oregano, etc.

Place the stewed vegetables there when they have cooled down a little. Beat in the egg. Add some salt. The minced meat should be slightly salted so that the cabbage rolls do not turn out bland. But don't overdo it. Don't forget the rice.

Advice: If the minced meat itself is quite viscous, you do not need to add the egg. Egg white can make cabbage rolls tougher.

Stir the mass. Lightly beat on the bottom of the bowl. The base of the cabbage rolls should be viscous and pliable. Form lazy blanks. The form is at your discretion. You can imitate rectangular-rounded classic cabbage rolls. You can make oval cutlets. Round blanks will also work.

Bread them in a small amount of flour. Thanks to it, the cabbage rolls will be covered with a golden crust and will not fall apart in the pan when fried. Flour will also thicken the tomato sauce.

Heat the remaining oil. Place the cabbage rolls to fry. Cook over medium-high heat until golden brown.

Then turn the cabbage rolls over and fry for another couple of minutes.

Prepare a sauce from tomato paste (ketchup), sour cream and warm drinking water. Add a little salt and spices to it (optional). If the paste is sour, add a pinch of sugar.

Advice: You can prepare the gravy from fresh tomatoes or tomatoes canned in their own juice. The first ones need to be blanched, peeled and blended with a blender. The second is to simply grind into puree. You can also add finely chopped carrots and onions to the sauce. It is advisable to pre-fry the vegetables in vegetable oil.

Pour the sauce over the cabbage rolls. Cover them with a lid. Simmer over low heat for about 40 minutes.

Remove the lazy cabbage rolls from the pan and place them on plates. Serve topped with sauce.

Enjoy your meal!

In the life of any housewife, moments periodically arise when you don’t feel like cooking at all. I got all my friends hooked on this stuffed cabbage roll.
They are easy to prepare - no need to fuss with cabbage leaves. And there is no clear distinction between meat and cabbage that is present in cabbage rolls. Just because cabbage rolls are “lazy” does not mean that they are less tasty than traditional ones. Such cabbage rolls are a common everyday dish, have a predictable taste, and are rich in fiber due to the high vegetable content. Well, nourishing and tasty, of course.

for cabbage rolls:

Minced meat (I have lean pork) - 500 g
Rice - 0.5 cups.
Cabbage - 200-250 g
Onion - 1/2 pcs.
Carrots - 1/2 pcs.
Egg - 1 pc.
Salt - 1 tsp.
for the sauce:

Tomato paste - 2 tbsp.
Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.
Onion - 1/2 pcs.
Carrots - 1/2 pcs.
Flour - 1 tbsp. with a slide
Water - 2.5 - 3 glasses.
Sugar - 1-2 tsp.
Salt, spices - to taste

Finely chop the cabbage.

Grate the carrots. Cut the onion into cubes or chop in a processor.

Salt half the carrots and cabbage (use all the salt according to the norm for cabbage rolls), mix and leave to soften slightly.

Pour 0.5 cup of rice. water and microwave for 3 minutes at full power. The water should be absorbed into the rice. Cool until warm before mixing.

You can traditionally cook the rice until half cooked.

Mix cabbage, carrots, onions, minced meat, egg, rice, spices.

Mix well.

Prepare the sauce:

Fry the grated carrots (the remaining half) and onions in oil.

Add flour, stir until flour absorbs oil.

Add 3 glasses of water, tomato paste, salt, sugar.

Bring to a boil.

We make oblong cutlets from the minced meat and place them in the boiling sauce.

Cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for 45-60 minutes.

In the middle of stewing, the cabbage rolls need to be turned over.

If the liquid has evaporated too much, add more.

The cabbage rolls should always be 3/4 covered with sauce.

You can also put hot pepper or bay leaf in the cabbage rolls, if you wish.

Here they are, my dears!

Serve with sour cream or your favorite sauces.

Stuffed cabbage is a dish consisting of minced meat or vegetarian rice, wrapped in cabbage leaves. This process is very labor-intensive, and people have come up with an alternative to it: lazy cabbage rolls. They are cooked in a saucepan, frying pan or oven.

In Russia, cabbage rolls found their origins in French cuisine. At a time when it was customary to serve whole roasted pigeons. Around the same time, they came up with the idea of ​​​​cooking “false” pigeons, the meat of which was wrapped in cabbage leaves. This was usually minced meat. They passed off such a dish as fried pigeons in order to sell it better.

The history of lazy cabbage rolls dates back to Ancient Greece. It didn't happen on purpose. The ancient Greek cook wrapped chopped meat in a cabbage leaf, then mixed all the ingredients - and the result was lazy cabbage rolls. There are other stories of the origin of cabbage rolls, but this one is the most accurate.

Lazy cabbage rolls are a delicious and inexpensive dish that can feed a large family. It is prepared quickly and extremely simply. They can be served as a separate dish or with a side dish.

Lazy cabbage rolls can be either meat or vegetarian. Everyone can find cabbage rolls to their liking by reading our recipes. Rest assured, you will not remain indifferent.

Main ingredients for making lazy cabbage rolls:

  • Minced meat - chicken, pork, beef or just a mixture of pork and beef.
  • Rice - usually used is Krasnodar, short-grain, unparboiled.
  • Bulb onions.
  • Carrot.
  • White cabbage.

Lazy cabbage rolls with rice and minced meat in the oven in tomato cream sauce

To prepare we need ingredients:

  • Minced meat (pork + beef) - 200 grams
  • White cabbage - 200 grams
  • Krasnodar short grain rice - 1 cup
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Carrots - 1 piece
  • Egg - 1 piece
  • Sour cream - 3 tablespoons
  • Tomato paste - 2 tablespoons
  • Flour - for deboning
  • Sunflower oil
  • Garlic, salt, pepper - to taste


  1. Boil the rice until half cooked.
  2. Cut the cabbage into small cubes, scald, and squeeze to get rid of excess water.
  3. We clean the onions and carrots. Grate it on a fine grater, cut the onion into small cubes, and fry it in sunflower oil.
  4. Mix the resulting minced meat, rice, cabbage, carrots and onions, add the egg. Salt and pepper to taste and mix thoroughly. It is advisable to beat the resulting minced meat so that it becomes homogeneous.
  5. We form small cutlets from the minced meat and roll in flour.
  6. Place on a baking sheet greased with sunflower oil. And put in the oven for 10 minutes to set.
  7. Mix tomato paste with sour cream, add a little water, and pour in the cabbage rolls.
  8. Place in a preheated oven for 40 minutes at 180 degrees.

Serve as a side dish or as a separate dish. Bon appetit!!

Lazy cabbage rolls in a frying pan


  • Minced meat (any) -300 grams
  • Krasnodar rice - 1 cup
  • Carrots - 1 piece
  • White cabbage - 200 grams
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Tomato paste - 2 tablespoons
  • Sunflower oil (for frying)
  • Salt, pepper to taste


  1. Wash the rice several times and mix with the prepared minced meat.
  2. Peel the carrots, three on a coarse grater. Peel the onion and cut it into small cubes.
  3. We also cut the cabbage into small cubes.
  4. Mix all ingredients. We form cutlets from the resulting mass.
  5. Heat the frying pan, add sunflower oil and the resulting cabbage rolls.
  6. Fry over low heat for 15 minutes and add tomato paste.
  7. Fry for another 20-30 minutes until the rice is cooked. At the end, add salt and pepper.

Lazy cabbage rolls cooked in a frying pan are served as a separate dish.

Lazy cabbage rolls in the Redmond slow cooker


  • Minced meat (pork + beef) - 300 grams
  • Krasnodar rice - 1 cup
  • Carrots - 1 piece
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Tomato paste - 2 tablespoons
  • Sour cream - 2 tablespoons
  • Water - 3 glasses
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Sunflower oil


  • We wash the rice several times.
  • Finely chop the cabbage and mash it with your hands.
  • Peel the carrots, three on a coarse grater.
  • Peel the onion and cut it into medium cubes.
  • Mix everything together with minced meat and salt and pepper to taste.
  • Mix sour cream, tomato paste and water until smooth.
  • Turn on the multicooker. Pour a little sunflower oil into the bottom and lay out the minced meat either in the form of individual cutlets or the whole thing. Pour tomato paste with sour cream on top and level the minced meat. Turn on the multicooker to the “Baking” mode - 60 minutes. Then leave for another 20 minutes on the “Heating” mode.

Lazy cabbage rolls are served as a separate dish.

Bon appetit!

Lazy cabbage rolls in a pan with cabbage and minced meat


  • Minced meat (any) - 400 grams
  • Krasnodar rice - 1 cup
  • White cabbage - 400 grams
  • Carrots - 1 piece
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Tomato paste - 2 tablespoons
  • Water - 0.5 cups
  • Sunflower oil


  1. Wash the rice several times and boil until half cooked.
  2. Peel the carrots and grate them on a fine grater.
  3. Peel the onion and cut into small cubes.
  4. Pour sunflower oil into a pan, add minced meat, carrots and onions. Cover with a lid and simmer.
  5. Cut the cabbage into small strips and add to the pan.
  6. Simmer for 10 minutes.
  7. Mix tomato paste with water and add to the pan. Mix.
  8. Then add rice, salt and pepper. And mix.
  9. When the cabbage is ready, turn off the pan.

Very lazy cabbage rolls are ready!!
Bon appetit.

Lazy cabbage rolls like in kindergarten


  • Meat (boiled) - 300 grams
  • White cabbage - 300 grams
  • Krasnodar rice - 0.5 cups
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Tomato paste - 1 tbsp (you can do without it)
  • Sunflower oil


  1. Place the frying pan on the stove, add sunflower oil.
  2. Peel the onion and cut into small cubes. Add to the pan.
  3. We chop the cabbage very finely and send it for the onions.
  4. Add a little water and simmer.
  5. Add tomato paste. Mix.
  6. Then uncooked uncooked rice, without stirring, and add water to cover all the rice. Simmer for 15 minutes.
  7. Boil the meat and grind through a meat grinder. Add it to the pan.
  8. Simmer until the rice is ready; if it’s too damp, add a little water. At the end we add salt.

Lazy cabbage rolls are served with a boiled egg just like in kindergarten.
Bon appetit!

Lazy cabbage rolls are not for the lazy, but for hardworking, but very busy people. For those who have little free time and who don’t have time to wrap the filling in cabbage leaves. The taste of lazy cabbage rolls is similar to regular cabbage rolls, and the appearance of lazy cabbage rolls depends on the cooking recipe. Lazy cabbage rolls are prepared in the form of cutlets in tomato, in the form of a meat pie and in the form of porridge with meat and cabbage.

Lazy cabbage rolls are a very nutritious and high-calorie dish. You quickly get satisfied with them, and then you don’t want to eat for a long time. Anyone who decides to cook lazy cabbage rolls according to my recipe will appreciate the simplicity and speed of preparation of the dish.

Ingredients for lazy cabbage rolls

Meat (chicken and pork) – 700 g Rice – 0.5 tbsp Onion – 1 pc. Garlic – 2 cloves Carrots – 1-2 pcs. Bell pepper – 1 piece (optional) White cabbage – 500 g Sour cream – 3 tbsp. Tomato paste or Krasnodar sauce – 3-4 tbsp. Salt, ground black pepper, spices - to taste Cooking time: 1 hour 20 minutes.

Lazy cabbage rolls recipe

1. How to prepare minced meat for lazy cabbage rolls. Any meat can be used. I want to invite you to prepare minced meat for lazy cabbage rolls according to my recipe. Take one large chicken breast and a piece of lean pork. That is, the pork has a little fat, so the minced meat will be more juicy and tender. If the pork is lean, add a small piece of lard about 80 grams. The total weight of meat for minced meat is 700 grams.

2. Peel the onion and garlic, cut the onion into slices. Grind the minced meat for lazy cabbage rolls in a meat grinder: chicken fillet, pork, lard (if adding), onion, garlic. Add salt, ground black pepper on the tip of a knife and spices to taste. I like coriander, basil, oregano, nutmeg and sweet paprika in minced meat. It is important that the spices are finely ground.

3. Next you need to boil the rice. Rinse 0.5 cups of rice and pour 1.5 cups of hot water and add salt. Cook for 12 minutes. Of these, 4 on high heat, 4 on medium and 4 minutes on low heat. It is important that the lid of the pan is closed when cooking rice. Now you know how to cook delicious fluffy rice. When the rice has cooled, mix it with the minced meat.

4. Peel the carrots and grate them on a coarse grater. Wash the cabbage and cut into small pieces. If desired, you can add bell pepper, cut into small cubes.

5. Heat a frying pan with sunflower oil. Place carrots and cabbage in a frying pan, add a little water and simmer over medium heat, stirring occasionally. After 20 minutes, add bell pepper and simmer everything together for another 5-7 minutes. Salt a little and add 1 tsp. sugar (optional). Place vegetables on a plate.

6. Rinse the frying pan after the vegetables, pour in a little vegetable oil and place the stuffing for lazy cabbage rolls in a still cold frying pan. Add half a glass of water and simmer the minced meat over medium heat, stirring for 20-25 minutes. Then add carrots, cabbage, bell peppers, sour cream and tomato paste to the pan. Mix everything and simmer over low heat until done.

Lazy cabbage rolls according to this recipe are prepared very quickly and simply. Although the description of the recipe turned out to be long, believe me, cooking lazy cabbage rolls is much faster, it will take longer to read the recipe!

Bon appetit! I recommend other proven recipes:

Chop the cabbage and chop the onion medium. Fry the cabbage and onion in vegetable oil until almost done, add salt to taste, and cool.
Boil the rice in salted water until half cooked, drain in a colander.

In a large saucepan (or basin) mix minced meat, fried cabbage, rice, garlic squeezed through a press, and egg. Salt and pepper to taste (you can add some of your favorite spices).

Prepare a baking sheet and a container of water (to wet your hands).

Make cabbage rolls and place them on a baking sheet. There is no need to grease the baking tray.

Preheat the oven to 250 degrees and place a baking sheet on the middle level.

The cabbage rolls should be slightly browned (15-20 minutes).
At this time, make the gravy. If someone has their own recipe, you can use it, but mine is like this:
Take a 3.5 liter saucepan, pour half of the water into it, maybe a little more, and put it on the fire.
While the water is heating up, dilute 2.5 tablespoons of flour with cold water so that there are no lumps.

In a saucepan with warm water, add 2.5 tablespoons of tomato paste, 2 teaspoons of salt, 5 teaspoons of sugar and 2 bay leaves (you can add dill or some other herbs, if you like) and mix.

Bring to a boil and, while stirring vigorously, pour in the diluted flour in a thin stream.

Bring to a boil - the gravy is ready.

At this time, the cabbage rolls have already browned a little; remove the baking sheet from the oven and pour the sauce almost completely over the cabbage rolls.

Place in the oven without changing the temperature for 10-15 minutes. As soon as the gravy in the cabbage rolls boils, reduce the heat so that the boil is barely (mine is 200 degrees, but everyone’s oven is different, for some it may be 150) and simmer for another 40 minutes.

The dish is ready. You can serve with mayonnaise, sour cream (you can add garlic and herbs pressed through a press to the sour cream).