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Boiled mackerel in onion peels for 3. Prepare delicious mackerel in onion peels

Fish dishes are not only very healthy, but also incredibly tasty: the recipes that I want to offer you - mackerel in onion peels in 3 minutes and smoked mackerel in peels - confirm this. Instant boiled mackerel is a dietary dish that is suitable for those who watch their figure and adhere to a healthy diet. Smoked mackerel tastes the same as store-bought, but is prepared without smoke: only from natural products. Mackerel cooked at home can be an excellent option not only for dinner with the family - it will also look great on the holiday table.


  • one cleaned medium sized fresh mackerel;
  • 5 tablespoons of salt;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • onion peels (as many as available).

Mackerel in onion skins in 3 minutes. Step by step recipe

  1. We choose a pan for cooking so that the fish fits completely, without creases (the ideal option is a duckling pan, or any other oval-shaped pan).
  2. Place onion skins in a saucepan, add salt and fill with cold water.
  3. Put the pan on the fire, bring the water with the husks to a boil, let it simmer a little and add the fish.
  4. Cook the mackerel in the onion skins for exactly 3 minutes.
  5. Immediately remove and serve. Decorate the serving dish with fish with lemon slices, tomato slices and onion rings.
  6. The finished mackerel is very beautiful, with a shiny skin, similar to smoked mackerel. But the taste is like ordinary boiled fish: tasty and slightly salty.

But with the same ingredients you can marinate mackerel: and it will taste like smoked.

  • Take 1 kilogram of mackerel, thoroughly clean it of entrails and black film and remove the head. Place in a container so that there are no creases. The fish should not be completely defrosted or dense
  • Pour 1 liter of water into the pan, add 5 tablespoons of salt, 2 tablespoons of sugar, a plate (with top) of onion peels, 10 coriander peas, 5 allspice peas and 2 bay leaves. Add 3 tablespoons of black tea without additives (can be replaced with tea bags - 6 pieces). Mix everything well, put it on the fire and let it simmer for 5-10 minutes.
  • Pour the chilled, strained marinade over the mackerel. Place 2 onions, cut into rings, on top. We put pressure on the fish and put it in the refrigerator for 3 days.

And one more recipe: quick-cooking pickled mackerel (you can also pickle herring using this recipe).

  • Pour 2 cups of water into a saucepan, add 3 tablespoons of salt, 2 tablespoons of sugar. Add spices: 2 bay leaves, 1 teaspoon coriander, 1.5 teaspoons basil. Stir and put on fire. Turn off immediately after boiling. Let cool to room temperature.
  • Two carcasses of mackerel (previously defrosted in the refrigerator), cut into portions. Transfer to a container in which we will marinate (I do it in a mayonnaise bucket).
  • Fill with cooled brine and place in the refrigerator for a day (minimum).
  • Before serving, decorate with onion rings and drizzle with vegetable oil.

Smoked and pickled mackerel in onion skins are ready: boil the potatoes and invite everyone to the table. Homemade instant mackerel is much tastier than store-bought and very beautiful. A real delicacy for the holiday table.

Fish dishes are not only very healthy, but also incredibly tasty: the recipes that I want to offer you - mackerel in onion peels in 3 minutes and smoked mackerel in peels - confirm this. Instant boiled mackerel is a dietary dish that is suitable for those who watch their figure and adhere to a healthy diet. Smoked mackerel tastes the same as store-bought, but is prepared without smoke: only from natural products. Mackerel cooked at home can be an excellent option not only for dinner with the family - it will also look great on the holiday table.


  • one cleaned medium sized fresh mackerel;
  • 5 tablespoons of salt;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • onion peels (as many as available).

Mackerel in onion skins in 3 minutes. Step by step recipe

  1. We choose a pan for cooking so that the fish fits completely, without creases (the ideal option is a duckling pan, or any other oval-shaped pan).
  2. Place onion skins in a saucepan, add salt and fill with cold water.
  3. Put the pan on the fire, bring the water with the husks to a boil, let it simmer a little and add the fish.
  4. Cook the mackerel in the onion skins for exactly 3 minutes.
  5. Immediately remove and serve. Decorate the serving dish with fish with lemon slices, tomato slices and onion rings.
  6. The finished mackerel is very beautiful, with a shiny skin, similar to smoked mackerel. But the taste is like ordinary boiled fish: tasty and slightly salty.

But with the same ingredients you can marinate mackerel: and it will taste like smoked.

  • Take 1 kilogram of mackerel, thoroughly clean it of entrails and black film and remove the head. Place in a container so that there are no creases. The fish should not be completely defrosted or dense
  • Pour 1 liter of water into the pan, add 5 tablespoons of salt, 2 tablespoons of sugar, a plate (with top) of onion peels, 10 coriander peas, 5 allspice peas and 2 bay leaves. Add 3 tablespoons of black tea without additives (can be replaced with tea bags - 6 pieces). Mix everything well, put it on the fire and let it simmer for 5-10 minutes.
  • Pour the chilled, strained marinade over the mackerel. Place 2 onions, cut into rings, on top. We put pressure on the fish and put it in the refrigerator for 3 days.

And one more recipe: quick-cooking pickled mackerel (you can also pickle herring using this recipe).

  • Pour 2 cups of water into a saucepan, add 3 tablespoons of salt, 2 tablespoons of sugar. Add spices: 2 bay leaves, 1 teaspoon coriander, 1.5 teaspoons basil. Stir and put on fire. Turn off immediately after boiling. Let cool to room temperature.
  • Two carcasses of mackerel (previously defrosted in the refrigerator), cut into portions. Transfer to a container in which we will marinate (I do it in a mayonnaise bucket).
  • Fill with cooled brine and place in the refrigerator for a day (minimum).
  • Before serving, decorate with onion rings and drizzle with vegetable oil.

Smoked and pickled mackerel in onion skins are ready: boil the potatoes and invite everyone to the table. Homemade instant mackerel is much tastier than store-bought and very beautiful. A real delicacy for the holiday table. On our website “I Love to Cook” you can see other recipes for preparing fish: salted and smoked.

Despite the fact that mackerel is an extremely tasty product, not all housewives decide to buy it frozen. Many people mistakenly believe that there is a lot of fuss with this fish. Although, this is fundamentally not true. For example, mackerel in onion skins is completely cooked in 3 minutes and ready to eat.

Moreover, it is important to note the taste of the finished dish. The fish will not look like a salted or boiled carcass, like fried or baked. The taste is equally excellent: moderately salted meat, tender, with a lot of its own juice. There is no need to remove the skin when eating mackerel prepared according to this recipe.

Interesting! Thanks to onion skins, you can cook mackerel not only quickly and tasty, but also beautifully. This simple ingredient gives the fish a nice ocher-golden hue. Plus, the characteristic smell of mackerel, which many people don’t like, disappears. You can quickly prepare it at home.

Mackerel in onion skins in 3 minutes (recipe with photos)

Required ingredients:

  • Medium mackerel;
  • Lots of clean onion peels;
  • Five tablespoons of salt;
  • Liter of water;

Everything is extremely simple, therefore, to understand all the stages of preparation, you don’t even need separate step-by-step photographs. So, the husks need to be soaked in water for 10-15 minutes and then put on fire. When the pan is on the fire, add salt to it.

Bring the water to a boil and put the mackerel in it, cook for exactly three minutes. Then drain the fish in a colander and from that moment you can eat it! Take five tablespoons of salt per liter of water. Accordingly, if a lot of fish are cooked at once, the amount of water and salt increases.

What to cook in

Judging by the reviews, mackerel in onion skins for 3 minutes is best cooked in a wide bowl. It is important that the fish enters it entirely, with its tail and head. If you only have a small pan on hand, you can trim off the head and tail. But if you have an alternative cooking vessel, it is better not to do this.

How much water to take

Everything is simple here too. It is important that the water covers all the fish completely. If there are a lot of fish or they are large and some of them are above the water, then you will need to add brine. The brine is prepared at the rate of a tablespoon of salt per 200 ml of plain water.

How much onion skins do you need?

The most pressing question, because we rarely use this part of the onion as an ingredient for cooking. Three cups of onion peel (3-5 onions) per liter of water will be enough, but its quantity can be taken by eye. You need to understand that the water should be colored quite intensely from the husk.

Important! If the peel is peeled from an onion that is not yet prepared for use, then several protective layers must be left on the bulb. Otherwise, the head of the vegetable will be spoiled and dry out quickly.

Recipe with liquid smoke

If you use “Liquid Smoke,” which is sold in bottles in stores (can be found in the picnic section), then the taste of the fish will be as close as possible to cold-smoked mackerel.

Unlike the previous recipe, where the fish is ready in three minutes, this cooking option includes two days of infusion.

Required ingredients:

  • Two mackerel;
  • Two tablespoons of sugar;
  • Three tablespoons of salt;
  • Three cups of onion skins;
  • Liter of water;
  • Three tablespoons of liquid smoke;

Defrost and wash the mackerel, remove the black film, cut off the fins. Rinse the husks under water and place in a saucepan with a liter of water. Put on fire and cook for 20 minutes from the moment of boiling. Let the marinade cool slightly and strain it. Add salt, sugar and liquid smoke, mix everything well.

It is convenient to salt fish carcasses according to this recipe in plastic bottles with the top cut off. Because it will be possible to lower the whole fish into this vessel. You need to put them with their tails up. Pour the marinade into the bottle with the fish and leave to marinate for 2 days at room temperature. Then take it out and hang it by the tails to let the fish dry a little. When serving, brush with sunflower oil. Here are some interesting ones

The fatty pink meat of mackerel is practically boneless. Its unique, recognizable aroma and delicate taste are the reason for its widespread use in dietary nutrition.

Brief boiling will preserve the elasticity of fish pieces. Such fish is especially useful, as it retains its juiciness and valuable fish oil in full.

A decoction of onion skins will help create a convincing illusion of smoking mackerel, but without the additional risks that this processing method carries. It is better to prepare onion rings separately; its pickled slices will appear on the dish as a bright, appetizing contrast.


  • 1 fresh frozen mackerel
  • 50-60 g onion peels
  • 1 onion
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1-2 bay leaves


1. As stated earlier in the recipe, the mackerel must be defrosted before starting cooking! To do this, move the frozen carcass from the freezer to the refrigerator in the evening or let it sit at room temperature for about 4 hours. Rinse the mackerel in water, remove the entrails and rinse again. Cut the fish into portions, immediately removing the head.

2. Peel the onion and rinse in water, and then cut into rings. Place washed onion peels on the bottom of a saucepan or pan. Top it with chopped onion rings.

3. Place pieces of mackerel on the onion slices and fill them with hot water, almost boiling water. Add salt, bay leaves and ground black pepper to taste. Immediately place the container on the stove and cook over high heat for exactly three minutes. Then cover the container with a lid, turn off the heat and let the dish cook for about 5 more minutes.

4. Cooked mackerel will take on the hue of smoked fish and absorb all the flavor of the broth. Remove the mackerel pieces to a platter and serve with the potato side dish.

Secrets of the Mistress

1. Onion skins are very light. To put as many onion flakes into the water for boiling mackerel as the recipe requires, you will have to peel more than one fruit. It’s better to collect them gradually, and when needed, take the required amount. Each time during the culinary process (when cooking soup, cooking a roast, etc.), you need to put the “clothes” removed from the bulbs into a cotton bag. This natural dye will give a golden hue not only to fish, but also to broths. It will also come in handy before Easter to paint eggs.

2. Not all onion varieties have bright brownish-yellow skins. Centurion (a common and affordable variety) would be the best option for implementing the idea contained in the recipe. Strigunovsky is also good. It is not advisable to choose Exhibition, it is too pale.

3. For this truly golden fish, I would like to choose some kind of royal sauce - original, non-trivial. These are the sweet and sour berries that are considered: sea buckthorn, cranberry, cloudberry. In the old days they were made like this: they ground boiled berries, removing their seeds, added a little oatmeal to the resulting mass and simmered over low heat. The consistency of these sauces resembled jelly. You can make a similar base and transform it to taste: salt it, flavor it with spices suitable for fish dishes: nutmeg, fennel, cumin.

Fish dishes occupy a significant place on the table along with meat products and vegetables. Fish consumption largely depends on the region. The remoteness of the mackerel species' habitat (the Sea of ​​Japan, the Atlantic Ocean, the African and Australian coasts) does not affect the prevalence of this fish: many national cuisines contain delicious recipes in abundance. The big advantage of this method is the ease and speed of preparation.

How to cook mackerel in onion skins

Mackerel dishes are high in calories, since the fish itself can contain up to 16.5% fat. The fish meat is very tender; after boiling or frying, it becomes a little dry. Housewives are always on the lookout for recipes where hot smoked mackerel retains valuable vitamin B12 and remains juicy.

Main ingredients:

  • mackerel;
  • onion peel;
  • salt;
  • water.

The whole process is divided into two stages: preparatory and direct preparation. Preparatory stage:

  1. Remove the insides, preferably without tearing the belly of the fish. Rinse. Evaluate the capabilities of the dishes, decide whether to place them entirely or remove the heads/tails. It's better not to cut the fish.
  2. Thrifty housewives always have onions in stock. You need enough husk to get a rich color of the brine. You will have to take 4-5 onion peels per 1 liter of brine. The volume of liquid depends on the amount of product being added.
  3. Prepare the brine by dissolving a tablespoon of salt in 200 ml of water.


  1. Place the brine and onion skins in a saucepan. Boil and leave for 5 minutes.
  2. Fill the fish completely with brine. This is a must.
  3. Cook for 3 minutes, no more, otherwise it will fall apart.
  4. Cut into pieces only after cooling.

Smoked mackerel

The natural process of smoking at home is not accessible to everyone. It is necessary to take into account the type of smoking equipment and capacity. The use of smoke from sawdust of alder, aspen, oak, and fruit trees remains unchanged. Preparing a product for smoking is an important stage; it involves six stages:

  1. We free the fish from its entrails and cut off the head.
  2. Rinse and wipe dry with napkins.
  3. Rub with salt - a tablespoon per fish. Salt the entire internal and external surface.
  4. Leave overnight.
  5. Rinse, wipe with a napkin and dry for 2-3 hours.
  6. Let's start smoking.


  1. If the fish is frozen, it must be thawed naturally so that the meat does not move away from the bones.
  2. You should rub without much zeal, gently, so as not to damage the top cover.

Smoked mackerel at home is obtained with exceptional taste. Smoking should be carried out according to the instructions for the smoking installation. If you smoke in a barrel over a fire, the order is as follows:

  1. Place prepared sawdust (2 handfuls), lightly moistened with water, at the bottom of the barrel.
  2. Place the mackerel. We put it on fire. Close the lid.
  3. After 15 minutes, open the barrel and release the first bitter smoke.
  4. Let's close. We smoke for another 30-40 minutes.
  5. Cool and enjoy the natural taste.

Mackerel in onion peel with tea

A very simple recipe that retains all the beneficial substances; served with boiled potatoes – delicious! The following spices are suitable for fish: bay leaf, saffron, black peppercorns, coriander grains. Add to the salted and cooled marinade. Ingredients:

  • mackerel – 4-5 pcs.;
  • peel of 4-5 onions;
  • black tea – 50 g;
  • salt – 4 tablespoons (tablespoons);
  • sugar – 2 tablespoons (tablespoons);
  • water - liter;
  • spices - to taste.

Preparation procedure:

  1. Place water, salt, sugar, husks, tea in a saucepan.
  2. Let it simmer for 5 minutes. Let cool.
  3. We prepare the container, place the mackerel, previously gutted, without heads and washed well.
  4. Fill with brine. We put it under pressure for 2 days.

With liquid smoke


  • mackerel - 2-3 pcs.;
  • onion peel - two handfuls;
  • salt – 3 tablespoons (tablespoons);
  • sugar – 2 tablespoons (tablespoons);
  • water - liter;
  • liquid smoke (table) – 3 tbsp.

Cooking procedure.