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Continuity of work of the Federal State Educational Institution pre-school. Continuity of kindergarten and school within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

On the issue of continuity in the work of preschool educational institutions and primary schools in preparing children of senior preschool age for schooling

Admission to school- a turning point in the life of every child. The beginning of schooling radically changes his entire lifestyle, presenting the child with new rules and requirements. Which you need to adapt and get used to.
It should be emphasized that the problem of a child’s readiness for school has always been relevant. Currently, the relevance of the problem is determined by many factors. Modern research shows that 30-40% of children enter the first grade of a public school unprepared for learning, that is, they have insufficiently developed the following components of readiness: social, psychological, emotional-volitional. The successful solution of problems in the development of a child’s personality, increasing the effectiveness of learning, and favorable professional development are largely determined by how accurately the level of readiness of children for schooling is taken into account.
As is known, research into the issues of preparing children for school was launched under the leadership of A.V. Zaporozhets and D.B. Elkonina. They fought for the preservation of childhood for children, maximum use of the opportunities of the preschool period, and a painless transition to schooling. In the domestic literature there are many works devoted to the study of the problem of preparing children for schooling (L.S. Vygotsky, V.V. Davydov, R.Ya. Guzman, V.V. Rubtsov, G.A. Tsukerman, E.E. Kravtsova, U.V. Ulienkova, etc.). They emphasize that preparing children for school is a multifaceted task, covering all areas of a child’s life. The most important aspect of readiness for schooling, according to a number of scientists, is the level of comprehensive development of the child, the ability to accept the system of requirements imposed by the school and the teacher.
Of course, a child’s entry into school is a turning point in his life, in the formation of his personality. And we agree with the point of view of such scientific teachers and psychologists as E.I. Tikheeva, R.S. Bure, G.G. Petrochenko, Sh.A. Amonashvili, L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, L. E. Zhurova and others, who noted that with the transition to systematic education at school, preschool childhood ends and the period of school age begins.
The formation of the qualities necessary for a future schoolchild can only be ensured by a system of pedagogical interactions between kindergarten, primary school and family. This is due to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation” and the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.
In the process of kindergarten activities, several areas of activity can be distinguished. One of them is the organization of interaction between a preschool organization, an elementary school and a family at the stage of preparing children of senior preschool age for school.
An analysis of the scientific literature allows us to talk about three key lines of work in preparing a preschool child for primary school:
general development of a preschool child. By the time a child moves from a preschool educational organization to a primary school, the child must achieve a certain level of development of memory, attention and intelligence;
formation of self-management skills. Characterizing a child of preschool age, one can note that he has a vivid perception, unstable, easily switching attention, and the presence of good memory, but a child of older preschool age cannot yet control these processes to the proper extent. The peculiarity is that the event that aroused the child’s interest can be remembered in detail. At the same time, the child is absolutely unable to concentrate on what does not arouse his immediate interest. And the presence of this skill is necessary for the child by the time he enters school. It is important that the child develops the ability to behave not as he wants, but as he should behave in a specific situation;
formation of motives necessary for further learning. In kindergarten, it is necessary to form that deep, real, deep motivation that will act as a motivating force for the acquisition of new knowledge. The formation of learning motives and a positive attitude towards school is the most important task facing a preschool educational organization in preparing children for school.
All activities of the teaching staff aimed at developing a positive attitude towards school in preschool children, provides for the solution of three key tasks:
1. formation in children of correct ideas about school and learning;
2. formation of a positive emotional attitude towards school;
3. formation of experience in educational activities.
The relationship between a preschool educational organization and a primary educational organization is determined primarily by the needs of the child. This idea is reflected in modern legal documentation. Thus, the Concept of Lifelong Education notes that continuity in the activities of preschool educational institutions and primary schools should become one of the promising areas of activity. Continuity must be traced at the following levels:
- goals;
- tasks;
- principles of selection of educational content.
Among other things, the psychological and pedagogical conditions that should form the basis for the process of implementing lifelong education at the stages of childhood must be clearly defined.
One of the key areas of interrelated activities should be the establishment of real psychological and pedagogical support for the process of a child’s transition from preschool to primary school. This will allow us to overcome not only existing problems, but also to work to ensure that they do not arise in the future.
A preschool educational organization and an elementary school must draw up a single plan that includes activities in two key areas: joint work between a kindergarten teacher and an elementary school teacher, as well as introducing preschool children to elementary school.
As part of the second area of ​​activity - introducing children to school - the kindergarten teacher should schedule a group of children to visit the elementary school where they are most likely to study. It is best to conduct the first excursion on Knowledge Day, September 1, so that older preschoolers can feel the solemnity of the moment and get vivid emotions from their first meeting with school. After visiting the school, you should discuss what you saw with the children and talk about what they will see next year.
You can also visit the school gym with your children during a physical education lesson and invite the children to observe the students. The next step could be to conduct physical education classes in an elementary school setting.

At the end of the school year, the teacher can talk about the school, talking about plans for their first year at school.
It should be noted that there should not be too many such events, so as not to kill the child’s interest in school. On the contrary, they should maintain the child’s interest, leaving the opportunity to learn something more interesting later. But at the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the child is not afraid of school, does not experience fear and anxiety.
The specifics of planning educational work in kindergarten and primary school should also be known to the educator and primary school teacher. This will make it possible to plan and subsequently determine the level of development that the child needs to achieve by the end of the preschool period in order to move on and successfully adapt to primary school without any special difficulties.
A teacher’s visit to lessons at school, and a teacher’s visit to classes in a kindergarten allows you to get acquainted with the environment and organization of a child’s life and education, exchange experiences, and find optimal methods, techniques and forms of work. Analyzing open lessons, kindergarten teachers can advise using certain game techniques and various types of visual aids to maintain children’s interest. This will also contribute to the organization of finer educational and methodological continuity between the two educational organizations. In addition, such meetings can serve as an excellent occasion for exchanging information about pedagogical innovations in the field of raising and teaching children.
Thus, in the process of joint analysis of the results obtained, teachers can determine the most effective forms and methods of work, and reach mutual agreements on new fruitful forms of cooperation. Teachers, establishing interpersonal communication in the future, can help each other by passing on information about the personal characteristics of a particular child, the characteristics of his character, temperament, state of health, etc. This will allow teachers to choose those forms of work that will give the greatest possible effect when working with a particular child. Based on this, teachers will also be able to jointly develop programs, forms and methods of working with families whose children have some difficulties in adapting to school conditions.
Forms of succession:
1. Working with children:
school excursions;
visiting the school museum, library;
acquaintance and interaction of preschoolers with teachers and primary school students;
participation in joint educational activities, game programs;
exhibitions of drawings and crafts;
meetings and conversations with former kindergarten students (primary and secondary school students);
joint holidays (Knowledge Day, initiation into first-graders, kindergarten graduation, etc.) and sports competitions for preschoolers and first-graders;
participation in theatrical activities;
preschoolers attending an adaptation course of classes organized at the school (classes with a psychologist, speech therapist, music director and other school specialists).
2. Interaction between teachers:
joint pedagogical councils (preschool and school);
seminars, master classes;
round tables of preschool teachers and school teachers;
psychological and communication trainings for educators and teachers;
conducting diagnostics to determine children's readiness for school;
interaction between medical workers, preschool and school psychologists;
open demonstrations of educational activities in preschool educational institutions and open lessons at school;
pedagogical and psychological observations.
3. Cooperation with parents:
joint parent meetings with preschool teachers and school teachers;
round tables, discussion meetings, pedagogical “living rooms”;
parent conferences, question and answer evenings;
consultations with preschool and school teachers;
meetings of parents with future teachers;
open days;
creative workshops;
questionnaires, testing of parents to study the well-being of the family in anticipation of the child’s school life and during the period of adaptation to school;
educational and gaming trainings and workshops for parents of preschool children, business games, workshops;
family evenings, themed leisure activities;
visual means of communication (poster material, exhibitions, question and answer mailbox, etc.);
meetings of parent clubs (classes for parents and for child-parent couples).
The key figure in ensuring the continuity of the work of preschool educational institutions and primary schools are the teachers of these educational organizations. The presence of a relationship between them and a desire to help each other will be the key to the child’s successful adaptation to the conditions of elementary school.
Thus, primary school and preschool education are the first stages of the education system in the Russian Federation. Each of these degrees solves its own problems, but they are united by a common desire to provide high-quality psychological and pedagogical support for the child, allowing not only to overcome the difficulties that arise, but also to ensure their prevention.
Specialists from other fields of knowledge should come to the aid of teachers: medical workers, psychology, and of course the family. As the main institution of child socialization. The multifaceted nature of the problem of continuity between kindergarten and school requires constructive dialogue between all interested social and administrative groups and structures.
List of used literature:
1. Alieva, N.F. Pedagogical conditions for the formation of children’s readiness for school [Text]: dis. ... candidate of pedagogical sciences / N.F. Alieva. – Ekaterinburg, 1994. – 230 p.
2. Vinogradova, N.F. is your child ready for school? Advice from a teacher and psychologist [Text] / N.F. Vinogradova, L.E. Shurov. – M.: Education, 1992. – 16 p.
3. Gello, V.A. Raising a positive attitude towards school in older preschool children [Text] // Questions of mental education of preschool children: collection of articles. tr. – M. 1989. - P. 20-28.
4. Readiness for school [Text] / ed. I.V. Dubrovina. – M.: Education, 1995. – 119 p.
5. Paramonova, L.A. Preschool institution and primary school: the problem of continuity [Text] / L.A. Paramonova, T.I. Alieva, A. Arushanova // Preschool education. – 1997. -No. 4. – P. 97-105.

The processes of modernization of education require a rethinking of its content and implementation in the context of federal state educational standards (FSES). Today it is very important that these documents work, and the continuity of preschool and primary education is carried out in accordance with the ideas that are reflected in the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool and primary general education.

The adoption of the Federal State Educational Standards (FSES) for preschool and primary school education is an important stage in the continuity of the activities of kindergarten and school and the prospects for improving the quality of education in the holistic education system.

The Federal State Educational Standard protects us from understanding the continuity between kindergarten and primary school as continuity in academic subjects and in what knowledge, abilities and skills we should give children in kindergarten and with what knowledge the school should receive them.

CONTINUITY is understood as the consistency and preservation of goals, objectives, methods, means and forms of training and education.

At the present stage (in connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard), there has been a shift in emphasis in understanding a child’s readiness to study at school from intellectual to personal readiness, which is determined by the formed “internal position of the student” (the child’s ability to take on a new social role as a student). The focus is on the formed cognitive motives for learning, that is, the child’s conscious desire to learn, to learn something new, based on the knowledge already acquired. Thus, for a modern first-grader, it becomes important not so much to possess a cognitive tool, but to be able to consciously use it. New views on the upbringing, training and development of children, outlined in the Federal State Educational Standard, require a new approach to the implementation of continuity between kindergarten and school, the construction of a new model of a modern preschool educational institution graduate, who will have the prerequisites for educational activities that ensure the success of learning at subsequent stages of education .

The Federal State Educational Standard for Education is aimed at ensuring the continuity of the basic educational programs of preschool and primary general education. The standard requirements for the results of mastering the Preschool Education Program are presented in the form of targets for preschool education. Target guidelines act as the basis for the continuity of preschool and primary general education and assume the formation of prerequisites for educational activities in preschool children at the stage of completing their preschool education.

It is important to develop modern unified approaches to the organization and content of the educational process, which will ensure the continuity of the educational process.

A comparison of the Federal State Educational Standards for non-educational education and the Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool Education shows the presence of prerequisites for the implementation of continuity of preschool and primary education.

There is a need at this transitional stage: to specify the target guidelines in the “Portrait of a Preschool Education Graduate”, to preserve the accumulated experience in the continuity of the preschool educational institution and the school in order to:

  • already in kindergarten they were able to predict the problems that a child might have at the beginning of education and worked on them;
  • Primary school had enough information about the child, about the strengths and weaknesses of his personality.

MBDOU “DS No. 7” has been cooperating with MBOU “Secondary School No. 12” for many years. The goal of our work is to create conditions to ensure easy adaptation and emotional well-being of each child to a new stage of life. Today, traditional forms of work have already emerged that help teachers develop the importance of the child’s development process and help maintain children’s health.

This direction involves cooperation between kindergarten teachers, schools and parents. The work includes a joint discussion of the opinions of preschool teachers and primary school teachers on the problems of development and training of pupils and students, the success of school adaptation of preschool educational institution graduates - as a result of successive connections. Conducting parent meetings on preparing children for school, open lessons and activities to demonstrate pedagogical approaches to working with first-graders and sharing experiences, open classes in the kindergarten preparatory group for primary school teachers, followed by joint analysis and discussion, joint holidays, sports entertainment “Heroic nursery rhymes”, “Winter fun”, etc. The traditional way for future first-graders to get to know the school is through excursions of preparatory group students around the school. Conversations and meetings are held with school students who attended preschool education.

As a result of such joint activities of kindergarten and primary school teachers, their mutual understanding is achieved. Based on the results of conversations with parents and feedback from teachers, kindergarten graduates are mastering the program well; their level meets the requirements for preschoolers, the preparation of children for school is assessed as good.

Our team was prompted to create the Project by searching for points of contact between preschool educational institutions and schools in terms of continuity in the new conditions for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education and public educational institutions.

The goal of the innovative project is to create and test the effectiveness of a model of successive connections between preschool educational institutions and primary schools in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education.

The objectives of the innovative project are aimed at:

1. Study and analysis of existing experience in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of NEO (achievements, problems, prospects).

2. Formation of a package of regulatory, legal, educational and methodological bases in preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool educational institutions.

3. Establishing the level of successive connections between the Federal State Educational Standards of the Secondary Educational Institution and the Non-Governmental Educational Institution.

4. Providing conditions for a smooth, stress-free transition of children from play to learning activities.

5. Development and coordination with the elementary school of a graduate model in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

6. Increasing the pedagogical competence of parents on the issue of preparing children for school.

Tasks of the first stage:

1. Conduct an analysis of the resource capabilities of the educational institution (personnel, methodological, material and technical, financial) to implement the tasks of innovation activities.

2. Develop a program for an innovative project and identify its participants.

3. Develop normative and legal documentation regulating the activities of preschool educational institutions (“road map” for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard), forms of agreements with parents, job descriptions of teachers and employees, etc.).

4. Organize positive motivation of participants in the innovation project to implement the assigned tasks, develop and agree on their functional responsibilities.

5. Conduct information work related to familiarizing the teaching community with the goals, progress and results of the first stage of the innovation project.

6. Develop a model of a preschool education graduate in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education and non-preschool education.

Second stage tasks:

1. Conduct a reflective analysis of the progress of the first stage of implementation of the innovative project, seminars, round tables, conferences for the exchange of work experience to identify difficulties and timely correction.

2. Make adjustments to the documentation regulating the activities of preschool educational institutions to introduce the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education.

4. Conduct a city seminar demonstrating the experience of preschool educational institutions in this area.

Objectives of the third stage:

1. Summarize the experience of ensuring continuity between preschool educational institutions and primary schools (presentations, master classes, reports, publications) at the municipal and regional levels.

Continuity program between preschool and primary schools.

Expected Result:

The project is aimed at improving the quality of preschool education in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, namely: the developed Program of Continuity between pre-school educational institutions and primary schools, which will contribute to the successful adaptation and socialization of the child at the first stage of schooling in the conditions of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for pre-school education and non-preschool education.

Work on organizing continuity should be carried out by teaching staff of preschool educational institutions and schools jointly and systematically. Only the interest of both parties and parents will truly solve the problem of continuity of preschool and primary education, making the transition from preschool to primary school painless and successful, because establishing connections and creative cooperation between kindergarten and primary school is a necessary condition for successfully solving the problems of preparing children for school, continuity in the system of lifelong education for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

In our understanding, a kindergarten is the foundation of education, and a school is the building itself, where the development of educational potential and the basic culture of the individual take place.

The continuity of preschool educational institutions and schools is a special, complex connection. It implies a transition from one stage of education to another, which is carried out with the preservation and subsequent gradual change of content, methods, forms, as well as technologies of education and training.


The continuity of preschool educational institutions and schools is carried out according to certain principles. Compliance with them is extremely important, because we are talking about a process aimed at preserving the values ​​of childhood in young students and the parallel formation of fundamental personal qualities.

Nowadays, questions related to this topic are especially relevant. Since more modern, amended state requirements (FSES) are now being imposed. They must necessarily correspond to continuity between the preschool educational institution and the school.

The Federal State Educational Standard of our time focuses not on the intellectual readiness of children to receive primary and secondary education, but on the personal one. It is determined by the child’s ability to take on a new role as a student. If he is ready to move to a new, qualitatively higher stage of his development, it means that he has already formed the so-called internal position of a student. It is easy to determine the presence of this “rod”. If a child experiences a conscious desire to learn, to learn something new, he has it.

Preparation for school

This is the main task of every preschool educational institution. The main goal of each providing institution is to prepare their students for entering school. Teachers are obliged to provide children with equal starting opportunities for subsequent education. This is spelled out in the Federal State Educational Standard. Kindergarten should influence the initial formation of the child’s personality and give him skills that will help him master school programs with relative ease in the future.

This is usually achieved by introducing preschool education models, which in their specificity are very similar to programs implemented in grades 1-2. And this is no coincidence. After all, the continuity of preschool educational institutions and schools is a continuous process of development, education and upbringing of a child. Children, coming from kindergarten to first grade, should not feel a sharp change in the so-called microclimate and the requirements placed on them. However, pupils of good preschool educational institutions and their parents do not face such a problem. Because in modern children's classrooms, teachers are engaged in creating the prerequisites for educational activities in children.

Development process

Considering the problem affecting the continuity of preschool educational institutions and schools, one cannot fail to note how exactly children are comprehensively prepared for their further education.

Highly qualified kindergarten teachers pay the most attention to the development of the child’s activity and intellectual development. Mostly productive teaching methods are used: knowledge is not transferred in a ready-made form, students master it themselves, in the process of activities organized by the teacher. This not only teaches them to think, reflect and obtain information, but also develops communication skills. The ability to communicate, build a dialogue, express your guesses and justify them are some of the most important

Also, preschool teachers devote a lot of time to developing children’s attention, memory, visual-effective, logical and figurative thinking. In the future, this will help them more easily master the methods of comparison, analysis, generalization and synthesis.

In addition to the above, the program of continuity between preschool educational institutions and schools necessarily includes classes on developing learning motives in children. At an early stage, future students must realize that studying is an important, socially significant matter. The teacher is obliged to help them see the need for education. This is usually done by awakening their interest in certain subjects and in acquiring knowledge in general. This not only creates children’s desire to go to school, but also develops curiosity and mental activity.

Cooperation between institutions

The continuity of preschool educational institutions and schools under the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard is impossible without the cooperation of educational institutions. Typically, their points of contact are based on three main directions.

The first is to agree on the objectives and goals of succession. The second direction involves the selection of educational content for children. It necessarily takes into account the principles of continuity of education and the psychological and pedagogical conditions for their implementation in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. The third aspect, in turn, is to enrich the organizational methods and forms of education both in preschool educational institutions and at school.

This interconnection of institutions is very important. The continuity of preschool educational institutions and primary schools can be carried out in various forms. One of the most popular ways is to conduct excursions for kindergarten students. Future students get the opportunity to plunge into the school atmosphere, sit at their desks, get acquainted with the library, sports and assembly halls, canteen, and labor rooms. But what brings them the most impressions and joy is visiting “lines” on the occasion of Knowledge Day.

In addition, the succession plan between the preschool educational institution and the school implies cooperation between educators and teachers. It is useful for teachers to attend each other's open lessons. Indeed, in their process, not only aspects of continuity are established, but also uniform requirements for kindergarten graduates are determined.


The main task of succession is to implement a single line of development of the child. The process begins in kindergarten, after which it continues in primary school.

Preschool teachers face several main tasks. They will have to introduce pupils to the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, as well as ensure their emotional well-being, contributing to the development of their positive sense of self. Preschool teachers are also required to develop in children curiosity, initiative, arbitrariness and the ability for creative self-expression.

It is also important to make the process of developing knowledge about the world around us and stimulating gaming, cognitive and communicative activity as fruitful as possible. And, of course, educators are obliged to contribute to the development of competence in children in relation to themselves, to the world and to other people. Already at the stage of preschool education, future schoolchildren should learn the basics of cooperation with adults and peers.

In the future, teachers of the educational institution work with children in the same directions. This is where the continuity between preschool educational institutions and primary schools is manifested. Children already consciously accept the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle and begin to make their first attempts to regulate their behavior in accordance with them. Teachers help realize their willingness to actively interact with the world around them, their ability and desire to learn and improve. The improvement and development of such qualities as independence and initiative continues. And all this, of course, is accompanied by the provision of knowledge on the subjects studied and the established educational program.

Other methods of implementing continuity

There are quite a lot of them, as mentioned above. But if you attend a seminar on the continuity of preschool educational institutions and schools, you can understand that the best forms of its implementation relate to working with children. In addition to excursions to an educational institution, it helps to introduce pupils to its teachers and students. Children also attend adaptation courses, which are organized at the school. They are usually carried out by psychologists, speech therapists, social workers, music directors, etc.

Thematic exhibitions of crafts and drawings are also often organized. The process of creating them not only develops creativity and imagination, but also inspires students to fantasize about their school future. The same can be said about the organization of performances and thematic scenes.

It is also extremely important. Without it, continuity in the work of preschool educational institutions and schools is not possible. After all, it is parents who know the characteristics of their child, which can greatly help educators in the process of organizing the educational process. That is why meetings are held in which parents, kindergarten teachers and school teachers take part. Question and answer evenings, conferences, and open days are often organized. Testing and questionnaires for parents are practiced, helping to study the well-being of the family in anticipation of their child’s school future.

Physical training

This is the most important aspect, which includes the continuity of the preschool educational institution and the school. The Federal State Educational Standard and Article 29 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child say that the education of children must be aimed at strengthening their health and developing physical abilities to the maximum extent. And this is really important. Today, the health status of the younger generation is one of the most pressing issues in society and the state. According to statistics from the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection, over the past few years the number of physically disabled children has decreased by 5 times.

In this context, the principle of continuity is implemented in the creation of an environment that is favorable for the socio-psychological, emotional, mental and physical development of health. One of the most important tasks of preschool educational institutions is to develop the sports capabilities of children. Pupils entering first grade are required to have basic physical fitness and also be able to perform basic movements (climb, jump, run, squat, etc.). Teachers should instill in children a basic understanding of physical education activities. Otherwise, after entering school, it will be difficult for students to cope with the demands of the sports program.

Emotional development

Without it, continuity in the work of preschool educational institutions and schools is also impossible. Everyone knows how important aesthetic, ethical and cultural development is. Without it, it is impossible to become a moral person with values. From an early age, children should receive ideas about themselves, their family and its importance, about society and the state, nature and the world. Preschool teachers should familiarize them with traditions, customs, and holidays. It is important to convey to them the meaning of family responsibilities, as well as such concepts as mutual respect, mutual assistance, love, mercy.

Also, educators should contribute to the development of creative abilities, which will actively continue at school. Music, choreography, visual arts, and poetry classes are required. It is in these types of activities that the child begins to develop his own ideas and plans, which he subsequently realizes in stories, drawings, movements, and songs. In addition, creativity helps to express oneself even at the age of 5-6 years.


The most important conditions for the continuity of preschool educational institutions and schools were listed above. I would also like to note some problems that arise during the implementation of the mentioned program.

The main one is the imposition of excessive demands on children. Educators and parents want to see them reading, being able to solve problems, write stories, draw, sing, dance, etc. The desire to teach all of the above turns going to kindergarten into a real job for kids.

Moreover, many preschool educational institutions, to please parents, begin to follow the program of primary rather than preschool education. But only non-professionals do this. Real, highly qualified teachers implement a program that is appropriate for the age and development of children. And they are able to convey to parents the need for this. Children should be taught what they are able to learn due to their age and skills. Only in this case will it be beneficial.

What should a kindergarten graduate be like?

This is also worth talking about briefly. As can already be understood, continuity with a school in a preschool educational institution is a complex and multifaceted process. Everything that it includes is aimed at the development of the child. It is not surprising that there is a standard “portrait” of a kindergarten graduate.

A child completing preschool education must be physically and intellectually developed. He must have basic cultural and hygienic skills and experience the need for physical activity, which is normal for this age. He must be curious, interested in the unknown, ask adults questions, and love to experiment.

The child is also emotional and responsive, knows how to empathize, appreciates musical and artistic works at his own level, and is interested in the natural world and animals. And, of course, a kindergarten graduate must master the means of verbal and nonverbal communication. Constructing dialogues does not cause him problems, and he also knows how to negotiate and interact. He is also quite balanced and knows how to control his behavior.

If the child corresponds to this description, it means that he is completely ready to enter school, and getting used to the new environment and regime will not cause him any special problems. The adaptation process will go smoothly thanks to the succession program.

Ksenia Popova
Methodological development “Continuity between school and preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard”

Continuity of kindergarten and school according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

___ "Be prepared for school– does not mean being able to read, write and count. Be ready for school“means to be ready to learn all this.” Doctor of Psychological Sciences Leonid Abramovich Wenger.

School and kindergarten are two related links in the education system. Success in school learning largely depend on the quality of knowledge and skills developed in preschool childhood, on the level of development of the child’s cognitive interests and cognitive activity, i.e. on the development of the child’s mental abilities.

Continuity between preschool and school levels of education should not be understood only as preparing children for learning. Teachers should carefully become familiar with the forms and methods of work in preschool educational institutions, help first-graders quickly adapt to new conditions

Tasks . Developing curiosity. Developing the ability to independently solve creative problems. Formation of creative imagination aimed at the intellectual and personal development of the child. Development of communication skills (ability to communicate with adults and peers

Every child goes to first grade with positive hopes. It all depends on how psychologically prepared the child was for school. Psychological readiness is a state of a child that allows him to acquire new knowledge, accept new requirements and feel successful in communicating with teachers and classmates.

An important role in ensuring effective continuity of preschool and primary education plays a role in interaction coordination between teaching staff of preschool educational institutions and schools.

Forms of implementation continuity:

excursions to school; visit school museum; acquaintance and interaction preschoolers with primary school teachers and students schools; participation in joint educational activities, game programs; exhibitions of drawings and crafts; meetings and conversations with former kindergarten students; joint holidays and sports competitions preschoolers and first graders; participation in theatrical activities; visit preschoolers adaptation course of classes organized at school.

Joint teaching councils (DOW and school) ; seminars, master classes; round tables of preschool teachers and teachers schools; conducting diagnostics to determine children's readiness for school; interaction between medical workers, preschool psychologists and schools; open demonstrations of educational activities in preschool educational institutions and open lessons in school; pedagogical and psychological observations.

Expected results: a portrait of a kindergarten graduate who is active and active, creative, inquisitive, proactive, open to the outside world, friendly and responsive. Positive attitude towards yourself, self-confidence.

Conclusion: New views on the upbringing, training and development of children require a new approach to implementation continuity between kindergarten and school, building a new graduate model, which will ensure the continuity of the educational process.

Problem continuity can be successfully solved with close cooperation between the kindergarten and schools. Everyone will benefit from this, especially children. For the sake of children, you can find time, energy and means to solve problems

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Tatyana Alekseeva
Continuity of kindergarten and school within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

Continuity of kindergarten and school within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

Introduction and adoption of new Federal State Educational Standards (Federal State Educational Standard) preschool education is an important stage continuity of activities of kindergarten and school. The introduction of education standards approved at the state level significantly contributes to ensuring continuity and prospects for improving the quality of education in the entire system.

Child transition- preschooler to school educational environment is his transition to a different cultural space, to a different age category and social situation of development. Ensuring the success of this transition is a problem of united efforts of workers kindergarten and primary school.

Requirements Federal State Educational Standard DOs for the results of mastering the main educational program are presented in the form of targets preschool education. Towards targets preschool education includes the following social and psychological characteristics of the child’s personality at the completion stage preschool education:

The child shows initiative and independence in various activities.

The child is confident in his abilities, open to the outside world, has a positive attitude towards himself and others, and has a sense of self-esteem. Actively interacts with peers and adults.

The child has a developed imagination, fantasy, creativity, etc.

The child has developed gross and fine motor skills.

The child is capable of volitional efforts in various types of activities and can follow social norms.

The child shows curiosity, is inclined to observe, experiment, and is capable of making his own decisions, relying on his knowledge and skills in various spheres of reality.

The Program's targets serve as the basis continuity of preschool and primary general education. Subject to compliance with the conditions implementation Programs with real target guidelines involve the formation in children preschool age of prerequisites for educational activities at the stage of completion of them preschool education

Work plan for continuity

MBDOU D/s No. 69 "Lingonberry" and MOBU Maganskaya secondary school

for the 2016 – 2017 academic year

No. Action Deadline Responsible

1 Conclusion of the Cooperation Agreement September Director


2 Discussion and approval of the joint work plan September-October Deputy. Director of HR

Art. teacher

3 Psychological training for teachers November

March Educational psychologist

Art. teacher

4 Competition "Project activity"

(qualifying) november

Deputy Director of HR

Art. teacher

5 Sports competition dedicated to Mother's Day “Mom, sports and I are inseparable friends” november

Physical education teacher schools

Physical education instructor at preschool educational institution

6 Reading competition in English "I love English" november

Foreign language teacher


7 "Adaptation of a first-grader": Deputy Director of HR

Art. teacher

Teachers beginning classes


Attendance at classes school november

Attending classes at the preschool educational institution November

8 City competition "Project activity" in preschool educational institution No. 69 "Lingonberry" november

Art. teacher

Teachers beginning classes


9 Pedagogical consultation on the results of adaptation of a first-grader November Deputy. Director of HR

Art. teacher

10 -Parents meeting in the preparatory group.

-School parents of future first graders

December Educational psychologist

4th grade teacher

Art. teacher

11 Seminar "Pedagogical technologies for the formation of UUD schoolchildren» January Deputy Director of HR

Art. teacher

12 MO teachers of the humanitarian cycle Seminar “Person-oriented approach to teaching subjects of the humanitarian cycle” February Deputy. Director of HR

Art. teacher

13 Expressive reading competition in the Yakut language at a preschool educational institution February Teachers beginning. classes


14 Seminar "Museum pedagogy in preschool educational institutions" (urban) February Deputy Director of HR

Art. teacher

15 Readers' Conference "Book Week" "Family Reading" March Deputy Director of HR

Art. teacher

16 "Week of the Future First-Grader" April Manager

Art. teacher

New views on the upbringing, training and development of children require a new approach to implementation continuity between kindergarten and school, building a new graduate model, which will ensure the continuity of the educational process.

Expected results

1. Ensuring the child’s success in the initial stages of education

2. Reducing the percentage of first-graders with a high level of maladjustment to schooling

3. Positive dynamics of mastering basic general education programs by each child

4. General positive dynamics of mental and physical health of children

5. Motivational readiness of children to study in school

6. System creation continuity of preschool educational institutions and schools as a necessary condition for lifelong education

Publications on the topic:

Didactic game “Wonderful Ladybug” Purpose of the game: To introduce children to color, teach them to find a color by pattern and name; develop.

The quality of implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard before the start of kindergarten Information “The quality of implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards in the MKDOU Kindergarten No. 18 “Vesnyanka” Prepared by: senior teacher, V. M. Ganyukova Federal State Educational Standards for the preschool educational institution.

Quest on the territory of the kindergarten park: “In search of the treasure of the Green Giants” Goal: to consolidate children’s understanding of the diversity of tree fruits.

Exchange of experience within the framework of tasks for the continuity of work of the kindergarten and school “Joy to the eyes, joy to the soul” Purpose of the lesson: 1. Expand and strengthen children’s interest in Russian folk toys, forming aesthetic feelings based on the material of folk works.

Continuity between kindergarten and school (from work experience) Seminar: “Problems of continuity of preschool and primary education in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard.” work experience of the MDOU "Uvalsky Kindergarten" senior.