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Lesson notes for the fair in the senior group. Summary of the integrated lesson “Folk Crafts Fair”

1. Continue to introduce children to folk Dymkovo toys, cultivating an aesthetic attitude towards objects.
2. Raise children in folk traditions, showing how folk fine art is inseparable from folk music and folk oral creativity.
3. Help children notice and highlight the main means of expressiveness of the Dymkovo toy: brightness, elegant colors, decorativeness, variety of painting elements. Focusing on the originals, make children want to paint any toys.
4. Teach children to independently choose painting techniques and elements, color combinations, and convey their attitude to the drawing.
Preliminary work:
Learning poems about Dymkovo toys with children, looking at finished toys.
Material for the lesson:
Gouache of different colors, large pokes, small pokes, paper horse templates, wet wipes, audio recording, clay Dymkovo toys.
Progress of the lesson:
Craftswoman: Hello, good people. I am very glad to see you as a guest. What I see! What a wonder! So much joy around! Isn’t it beautiful here, kids? Ah breathtaking!
Craftswoman: The sun is rising brightly,
People are rushing to the fair!
And there's fun at the fair,
People love carousels!
Let's go for a ride on the carousel, guys!
Game "Carousel".
Parsley: And there are goods at the fair
Samovars for sale
Pitchforks and sleighs for sale
And sweets and bagels.
Craftswoman: People buy drying clothes,
And for a wonderful toy
They stare for a long time without breathing
How good is it?
Buy some toys
Ladies, little animals.
Look like he's alive
The horse is beautiful and daring.
Guys, look how many wonderful toys there are at our fair. What are these toys? (Dymkovo)
Parsley: What kind of Dymkovo toys do you know?
(children read poems about Dymkovo toys)
Craftswoman: Well done, guys. That's right, horse, turkey, young lady, deer, etc. - these are Dymkovo toys. Where are such wonderful, painted toys made? (in the village of Dymkovo)
Craftswoman: Yes, they are made in the village of Dymkovo, not far from the city of Vyatka, on the banks of the Vyatka River, they make toys from red clay. The winter is long and cold, toys are burned in the stoves, and smoke comes out of the chimneys. Warm and cozy in the homes of craftsmen. Let us take a look at the village of Dymkovo and admire the painted houses of Dymkovo masters. (game “The Third Extra”, two houses are painted in Dymkovo, and the third is Filimonov, children find an extra house).
Parsley: Kirill, how did you know that these were houses of Dymkovo craftsmen?
Child: These patterns are not simple,
And magically painted
Snow-white like birch trees,
Circles, squares, stripes
A seemingly simple pattern
But I can’t look away.
Parsley: Oh, what is this wonderful chest here?
Craftswoman: Guys, look how many snow-white horses there are. For them to come to life, each master must apply a Dymkovo pattern to his toy. Let's take a seat in our workshops and remember what Dymkovo patterns we know?
Parsley: Guys, what color of paint will we use?
What will we use to draw circles? (with a big poke) And dots? (with a small poke)

Children draw to music.

Craftswoman: In Rus' they said “When you’ve finished the job, go for a walk.” Hey people, join the round dance!

Analysis of works.

Craftswoman and Petrushka: Great is our Russia

And our people are talented.

About our native Rus', craftsmen

Word spreads all over the world!

Child: Oh, you are dear guests!

We have painted gifts.

We tried to write them,

They were going to give it to you. (children give their drawings to the guests)

Olga Yablonskaya

Target: introducing children to Russian culture, spiritual wealth, wisdom and hard work of their native people.

Tasks: develop interest in folk art and folklore through folk games, nursery rhymes, jokes; - continue to acquaint children with the history of Russia, teach them to distinguish between folk crafts: Dymkovo, Gorodets products, their characteristic features (color solutions, the specifics of creating decorative flowers; - develop mental operations, imagination, memory, fine motor skills, sense of color; - cultivate communication skills, arouse interest in performing tasks together, create a friendly attitude, develop skills of joint activity; - cultivate a caring attitude towards the products of one’s own and others’ creative work, a sensitive attitude towards each other and to the surrounding world.

Preliminary work: conversations about Russian folk art, looking at illustrations with folk fairs, learning Russian folk games, nursery rhymes, songs, getting acquainted with Dymkovo and Gorodets painting.

Materials and equipment: picture on the big screen trade fairs; counter tables with fair goods: objects of folk life and folk applied art - ceramic, Dymkovo, Gorodets products, nesting dolls; tray with cut pictures of folk products (6 pcs., the pictures are also not cut; materials for drawing - drawings of Dymkovo toys for finishing, paints, water, brushes; flannelgraph, flowers and leaves for flannelgraph; carousel.

1. Introductory part. Psycho-emotional mood. The teacher enters the hall, children in Russian folk costumes, some girls with baskets, stop at the entrance to the hall. A Russian folk melody sounds. The teacher enters the middle of the hall. - Hey, don't stand at the door,

Come visit us soon!

People gather -

Our the fair opens! (children enter to the music)- Guys, in Rus', people have long loved to organize trade fairs. Do you know what it is fair? (answers children: this is a noisy large bazaar where you can buy or sell all kinds of

goods, sweets, good have fun)

2. Game motivation. – Do you want to visit one of these today? fairs? (on the screen there is a video about fair) Fair For a Russian person this is a big holiday. Its holding coincided with one or another calendar holiday. Smartly dressed people came and came to fun fair in the mood to look at the product and show yourself. – Why are we dressed smartly today too? (we are going to visit fair) - But fair– this is not only a holiday, it is also a lot of painstaking work. On fair collected various product: dishes, clothes, and food. What didn't they sell on fair! In our city they also arrange trade fairs agricultural products: honey, meat, vegetables. It is held on the city day. Folk craftsmen also bring their products there.

3. Main part. Organizing time. – Today we will be both sellers and buyers. What does it take to be a seller? (have a product, a counter table, be able to sell). And in order for a product to sell better, it needs to be praised, inviting buyers. Who is the master at praising goods, who knows how to attract buyers? Let's go for a walk around fair, let's look at people, show ourselves. 1 child: Fair, fair! Today we have fair! 2 child: Get ready, dress up! On go to the fair!

4. Game "Gates". Two children make a gate out of their hands, the rest go through the gate in pairs and They say: Like ours, at the gate, there are mummers standing. And the brave guys run through those painted gates like a snake, bringing laughter and fun to you.

5. Meet the peddler. - Look, honest people, the peddler is coming to us. There are so many products on the tray that you can’t take your eyes off them! Look, evaluate, tell us what to call them. Child in role peddler: – We are taking painted goods to the market. Buy together what you need! - Guys, who is this peddler? (answers children: this is a person who walks around with a tray and offers everyone the goods that he has on the tray) - Look what’s not here! But someone broke all the products! Let's help collect them!

6. Game "Collect the item". (music background) The teacher hands the children cut pictures from the tray. Children in pairs collect pictures of folk crafts. - What a great fellow you are, guys, you assembled products from the fragments. Tell us about them. (children name the product they assembled)- Well done! Helped the peddler. Someone wants to buy something from a peddler (one girl takes the product and puts it in her basket) Now let's take a walk around fair.

7. Meeting with nesting dolls. - But first, guess riddle: These bright sisters hid their pigtails together. And they live as a family alone. Just open the older one. Another sister is sitting in it, and there’s a smaller sister in that one. You’ll get to the little one. These girls (matryoshka dolls)- Look, these are the nesting dolls! (come to the table with nesting dolls) Child- salesman: Blow the pipes, beat the spoons. Matryoshka dolls have come to visit you. Wooden spoons, rosy dolls. (three girls stand in a row, sing ditties to musical accompaniment) 1 girl: Matryoshka nesting dolls are in each other They don’t sing ditties, But if you put them in a row, they’ll all sing in harmony. 2 girl: All the people are looking out the windows. The nesting dolls started dancing. Eight dance in a circle, and the ninth sings. 3 girl: We really love nesting dolls. Multi-colored clothes. We weave and spin them ourselves, we will come to visit you ourselves. (bow)- Oh, the nesting dolls, well done! Will anyone buy a matryoshka doll for themselves? (one girl takes the matryoshka doll and puts it in the basket). Come along, nesting dolls, with us fair. (go to the carousel)- What kind of beauty is this? (the teacher takes the carousel) Do you want to play?

8. Game "Carousel". (2 times) Children take the tape in their hands and begin to move, pronouncing the words. - Quietly, quietly, barely The carousel began to spin. And then, then, then All run, run, run. Hush, hush, don't rush, stop the carousel! (the teacher puts down the carousel)

9. Conversation about clay products. - Let's move on fair(come to the table with clay products). – What do we see here? (children name the products)– What are all these products made of? (made of clay) (on screen: pictures of step-by-step production of clay products)– Name the order in which clay products are made. (clay-sand-water, the product is made on a pottery wheel, dries on the shelves, fired in special kilns, finished products, painted, finished painted product) - What will these products be called after firing? (ceramics)– Look, what kind of toys are there? (these are Dymkovo toys, made in the village of Dymkovo)“They loved songs and dances there.” And fairy tales were born in the village. Evenings in winter are long and they sculpted them from clay. All the toys are not simple, but magically painted. – Who will tell you how these toys are painted? (these are dots, circles, rings, straight and wavy lines)- And what represent colors which Dymkovo masters use? (blue – rivers, green – grass, yellow – sun, red – flowers, black – earth). The teacher shows a tray with clay toys. - Look, are there any Dymkovo toys here? Take it and place it on the counter table. (children choose Dymkovo). – Let us now play the role of Dymkovo masters and paint different drawings of Dymkovo products. (children approach the tables where paper blanks of Dymkovo products lie and sit down)

10. Artistic creativity. Children finish drawing blanks of Dymkovo products, quiet music sounds. - Well done! The products turned out beautiful. Name them. (children each name their own product). And buy at do you want anything at the fair?? (one girl takes the Dymkovo toy from the table and puts it in her basket)

11. Physical exercise. Today we painted Haze and we were a little tired. (children leave the tables and stand in a circle) Let's clench our hands into fists (clench and unclench hands into fists) Let's start drawing circles (with hands clenched into fists they spin circles) Let's unclench our hands (unclench hands clenched into fists) Shake off excess paint (shakes hands) Let's spread our shoulders wider (perform shoulder movements) We'll bend the strong backs (straighten their backs) Let's show our palms to the sun (stretch arms forward) Let's wave to him cheerfully(moves hands left, right).

12. Story about Gorodets. - Let's continue view the fair? (approach the table with Gorodets products) Child- salesman: We have a place in our country where they paint tablets! Here flowers of unprecedented beauty grow on them. Birds collect garlands, Horses play with their manes! You will go down the Volga, go up to the other bank, you will be greeted like your own father by the glorious city of Gorodets!

- Yes, beautiful things! Buyers are amazed, and questions keep pouring in! – What do Gorodets masters decorate with their paintings? (salt shakers, cutting boards, bread bins, boxes, chests, spinning wheels, toys) - How do they decorate their products, with what patterns? (Flowers, buds; magical birds, horses, scenes from people’s lives.) – Why is Gorodets painting so festive? (different colors are used in painting)– All Gorodets painting symbolic: a horse is a symbol of wealth, a bird is a symbol of family happiness, a garland of flowers is a symbol of health. The flowers are extraordinary, fabulous. The main element of Gorodets painting is a circle. Flowers begin to be drawn from a circle; the entire design on different products is located as if in a circle. We also drew Gorodets flowers, but let's try to create a garland from Gorodets flowers.

13. Layout on flannelgraph. Children use ready-made flowers and leaves to create a Gorodets flower garland on a flannelgraph. (music background). – What are you posting? What else is missing? What will you post now?

14. Final part. Reflection. – Our unusual journey has ended. Where have we been today? What did you see? What they were doing? (children's answers)- We saw miracles today, we visited the fun fair! Go to your counters and look at the goods! All together: Taras-bars-rastabars, all the goods have been sold out! - And now, honest people, Let’s dance together! (round dance with carousel to Russian melody)– Look, I have different flowers on my tray. (takes a tray with flowers). There are bright flowers, colorful, and white ones, not painted. Who liked our trip to fair take yourself a bright flower, and if you were bored and uninterested, take an uncolored one (children choose)- Leaving with trade fairs, I want to buy this box (I take the box from one table and open it)- Yes, it’s not simple, but with gifts! Hereby fairground cockerels! Help yourself! (music turns on, children take cockerels and leave the hall).

Integration of educational areas: artistic creativity, communication, cognition, socialization, health, work, physical education.

Equipment: technical means: music center, audio recording of musical accompaniment, children's musical instruments, colorful art books, Russian folk scarves, a basket of apples, ribbons, hairpins, combs.

Preliminary work: a story about the ancient culture of Russia, examination of various antique objects, illustrations, memorization of poems, performance of Russian folk songs, dances, round dances, dramatization of fairy tales.


  • create a festive culture; clarify and activate the vocabulary on the topic “Russian Fair”;
  • develop artistic and aesthetic taste, observation, create a festive mood;
  • cultivate respect for elders and love for the Motherland.

Group:secondary and preparatory.

The bell rings (children come out)

The more we value the past

And we find beauty in the old

At least we belong to something new.

2 child. Russia mother - praise to you

Over the centuries you have seen quite a lot

When could you speak?

You could tell me a lot.

(children come in to the music: some sit on the chairs, some stand at the tables.)

Host: Times are different now,

So are thoughts and deeds.

Russia has gone far

From the country it was.

Our people are smart and strong

Looks far ahead

But anecdotal evidence

All: We must not forget!

(buffoon runs in to the music)

Buffoon: Hello dear guests

Hello guests


We open the fair, let the fun begin.

Song "Fair"

Host: Here we are at the spring fair!

Buyer: And there are goods at the fair,

Samovars for sale

There are shovels, pitchforks, sleds.

And sweets and bagels.

Buyer: People buy drying

And beautiful toys.

Seller: Here are toys for the soul.

Oh, the nesting dolls are good!

Host: Hey, matryoshka dolls weekend

Look at each other

Bow to our guests

And spin a little!

Dance "Matryoshka".

Seller: Who wants ribbons, hairpins, a comb?

I have a golden cockerel

Miracle bird, sitting on a high spoke,

Guards the borders.

It will help the good, but it can peck the evil ones in the crown.

Buyer: I’m buying a cockerel,

I’m reading you a fable.

(fable “You and I walked”).

1 child: You and I walked

2nd child: Shli

1st child: Found the pie

2nd child: Found

Child 1: I gave it to you

2nd child: Gave it away

1. child: You took him

2nd child: Took it

1st child: Where is the pie?

Child 2: What pie?

(repeated 2 times)

Buffoon: Fair, fair, fire, bright.

Dancing, hot.

Look to the right - shops with goods

If you look to the left, the fun is in vain.

The sun is rising red

Shouldn't we invite guests?

To make it more fun!

(Children of the middle group come in)

1 child: The fair is in full swing,

There is noise and commotion

We see a lot of different products here and there.

Child 2: Your fair is beautiful,

Blue skies, bright boots,

Painted spoons!

Child 3: Eat with a wooden spoon

Just a pleasure.

We praise great-grandfather Semyon

For the invention.

4th child: Painted, light,

There is no need for it!

With it, the borscht is excellent and the jelly is tastier.

(they give a painted spoon)

Buffoon: And at our fair

There are also musical spoons!

Seller: Musicians, come on over.

Buy tools!

Buy for guests

To make it more fun.

Pipes, crackers, tambourines, rattles

Swoop in, choose, choose - take away.

Child 5: Let's say thank you to the glorious spooners

They give us mood and health.

Playing instruments.

Child 6: (Middle group) Do you have boots?

Seller: Yes, we have boots,

That you can't take your eyes off.

Come, choose, and try it on your feet.

Song "Red Boots". (middle group)

Seller: And my book market is the most popular product.

You take the book into your hands

You recognize everyone in the world.

Buyer: (middle group) We buy a book at the fair, and we all play it together.

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Turnip".

Ved: We see off our guests and treat them.

(they give a basket of apples)

Buffoon: (makes riddles)

1) My tricky riddles

Who can solve it?

That's why dryers and bagels

I promise to give it to you for tea!

2) These shoes were not forgotten,

No matter how long ago they were worn

Children will fit into the ward

They will leave them at the stove - (bast shoes)

3) Grandfather carried water in the morning

Two buckets each time,

Hangs like an arc on your shoulders

Holds buckets - (rocker arms)

4) He is like a round pan

He is cast iron, not neat,

Where is the coal in the stove?

He will cook porridge - (cast iron)

5) Releases hot steam

Ancient teapot – (samovar)

Child: Samovar is the main gift

He is beautiful - painted

Taste fragrant tea

Anyone will not refuse.

Song "Samovar".

6) Worn by women, old ladies,

Small girls wear -

To the corner corner

Folded colorful - (shawl)

Seller: Come, don’t yawn,

And take all the scarves apart.

Girls: (take scarves and speak)

1 girl: I bought a shawl with a border,

Velvety, painted.

For such a shawl, it’s not a pity for gold.

Girl 2: And I have a scarf, all over

Flower head.

Girl 3: And on my handkerchief,

Small flowers.

Girl 4: But here is a warm short shawl -

A wonderful gift.

5 girl: Let's dance merrily,

We'll show everyone the scarves at the fair.

Dance with scarves.

Seller: Keep your ears open

They sell ditties here.

Buyer: I praise you very much

I love ditties.

Seller: Bargained, bargained

That's how it's supposed to be with us

So that people can admire us

Let's start dancing.

Dance "Motanya".

Seller: Don’t hesitate to come over,

And here we have seeds,

Red-hot sunflower seeds, red-hot sunflower seeds

Alena's are being distributed!

To everyone, everyone, everyone, we distribute and give change to everyone!

Song "Seeds".

Seller: Who wants pies?

Hot cakes?

Boy: Hot from the heat, a kopeck for a couple!

Write it down, hurry up!

Girl: Don't be afraid, don't overeat!

Boy: Try it - come on! It's a nickel thing!

They were all sitting in the oven.

They looked at you and wanted to put it in your mouth.

Buffoon: And our dear guests with pies,

We'll treat you for free.

(carrying guests around).

Buffoon: We visited a fun fair with you.

Taras - bars - rastabars

All products are sold out!

Presenter: Our holiday has ended

The time has come to say goodbye to you

Only sadness in the heart will be bright

Let us always be proud of the masters

All: Generous and songful Rus'!

1 child: Russia, Russia, what open spaces!

The land on which you have lived since childhood

And the house is hospitable, just like in Russia,

You will never find it anywhere in the world.

Child 2: Tell me where in the world I can be happy,

Where else will I find such lands?

There is no earth dearer or more beautiful in the world.

All: To you, my Motherland, I bow!

Song "Rosinochka - Russia".

Authors: Kodintseva Lyubov Ivanovna, Bakaeva Elena Vasilievna, educators; Maslenkova Natalya Yurievna, music director of MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 1 “Fairy Tale”, Korocha, Belgorod region, Russia.

Goal: In the process of creative approaches in special moments, to introduce children to folk customs and folk crafts.


Correctional and educational:

  • expand knowledge about folk customs; folk crafts;
  • introduce to the origins and traditions of the Russian people;
  • improve the ability to work in a team;
  • form clear, energetic movements of the lips and tongue necessary to develop diction.

Correctional and developmental:

  • develop the facial muscles of the tongue, enrich words and activate children’s speech;
  • develop fine motor skills of the hands through visual activities;
  • develop creative abilities;
  • develop auditory perception, attention, memory.


  • develop communication skills;
  • introduce different genres of theater, maintain interest in theatrical performance, encourage the desire for creativity;
  • instill love and respect for Russian traditions.

Methods and techniques:

Practical, visual, verbal, playful.


Children in folk costumes, music, individual mirrors, photographs and reproductions of various fairs; speech therapy set “Bees in a hollow”, wooden spoons, brushes, gouache, jars of water (according to the number of children), exhibits of folk crafts, treats for children, a glove doll Parsley.

Preliminary work.

Conversation about what a “Fair” is. Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language, ed. D. N. Ushakova. We looked at photographs and reproductions depicting various fairs and exhibits of folk crafts. We learned massage and poems.

Progress of the event

Organizing time.

Children dressed in Russian folk costumes enter the group and sit in a semicircle on chairs.

Speech therapist. Hello guys and you are dear guests. Low bow to you. I invite you today to take a trip to a magical land called the Fair. What is a fair?

Children. The fair is fun, good mood, games.

Speech therapist. The fair was always highly anticipated; it was an important event in people's lives. The best goods were brought there; many useful and beautiful things could be bought there. The fair was also famous for its fun, good mood and festive atmosphere. At the fairs, puppet and theater performances were shown, buffoons and life-size puppets performed. That's how interesting the fairs were.

During the story, the speech therapist shows the children photographs and reproductions that are previously placed on a magnetic portable board.

Speech therapist. Guys, have you been to a real fair? Let's go there now. But to get there, you need to complete a task.

Main part.

Breathing warm-up.

Speech therapist: Guys, prepare your palms for a massage. Sit up straight, inhale deeply through your nose and exhale smoothly through your mouth, then exhale sharply, as if freeing yourself from all the air, inhale quickly and exhale forcefully (fixed exhalation). Do not raise your shoulders; you need to sit freely. After the breathing warm-up, lightly rub your palms, pressing on the fingertips, preparing them for self-massage, and at the same time massage of the hands.

Self-massage (stroking, patting, stroking)

We'll wash our eyes
Let's wipe our nose clean,
Let's rouge our cheeks,
Let's draw on the eyebrow -
Right and left
And now like this (both),
Let's run along the ear
And we'll stroke your neck,
Sprinkle a little water.
They spank with their fingertips.
And let's dry ourselves quickly.

Well, we can go to the fair.

You just need to dress up
So go to the fair -
Well, it just won't do.

Children look in the mirror, smile, girls adjust their headscarves, and boys straighten their sashes.

Familiarization with folk crafts.

Children follow the speech therapist to the “Fair” area. One part of the children becomes “buyers”, the other – “sellers”. “Sellers” stand at tables on which various folk craft items are laid out. The speech therapist and “customers” move from one table to another and look at the product on offer. The speech therapist praises the crafts, focusing the children’s attention on the diversity of the material presented and its originality. The freed “sellers” gradually join the speech therapist and “buyers”.

Hurry to our Fair,
We are very glad to see you,
Don't be shy, come over
All products here are for you!

1st child:

And at our Fair
All products are top class!

2nd child:

We invite you to come,
Look at the goods.

3rd child:

Come and have a look
And buy something!

4th child:

Folk crafts
All very noble:
Haze, Gzhel and Khokhloma,
Uglich, Zhostov, Kostroma –
Everyone is at the Fair with us,
We invite you to visit us.

5th child (seller):

Printed gingerbread
Very fragrant.
Adding honey to the dough
The baker bakes gingerbread.
Come, don't yawn,
Buy yourself some gingerbread!

6th child (seller):

Here are some crafts made from clay!
The fishery is very old.
There are pots, jugs, mugs
And funny toys.

7th child (seller):

Look what a miracle -
How blue and beautiful everything is!
How convenient to use -
And for tea and jam,
For candies and cookies.
You don't pass by
Buy yourself a Gzhel as soon as possible!

8th child (seller):

But Khokhloma, hurry here!
You will buy a painting on the tree for yourself.
Salt shakers and dishes, beautiful ducks.
And even, look,
There are little buns.

9th child (seller):

Who wants the trays?
Brought from Zhostovo.
The craftsmen tried their best
Beauty was drawn:
What is not a bouquet is a summer garden,
You will be happy with our purchase!

10th child (seller):

Goose – Crystal
Everything sparkles.
Come, honest people,
Who doesn't miss it now?
You won't leave without purchasing!

11th child (seller):

There is an ancient Russian city -
This is Pavlovsky Posad.
Posad is famous for its scarves
And beautiful scarves.
Whatever the scarf is, it’s a miracle garden,
Everyone will be happy about this.

So this is where my scarf comes from,
Now I will know.
And to everyone about trades
I can tell you.

Oh yes Fair!
What a miracle
Once you've been, you won't forget!
But at the Fair we have
And there is fun for you.

Children come to the tables, sit on chairs and do articulation gymnastics (exercises “Tube”, “Shovel”, “Needle”, “Watch”, “Cup”, “Horse”, “Swing”, “Tasty Jam”, “Painter” )

After an articulatory warm-up, the speech therapist invites the children to come to the Fair again and see what else is interesting there. All children come to a tree with a hollow.

Speech therapist: Oh, guys, look what a miracle - a tree with a hollow appeared? Knock, knock, who lives in the hollow? (He comes closer to the tree and pretends to listen.) Yes, these are Bees - buzzers - sound repeaters! How could I not have guessed this before! Bees, fly out, and you guys, put your fingers up. Let's play with them - guess what they say.

Children put bees on their index fingers. Children stand in a semicircle.

Well, are you ready? Begin. Pronounce sounds clearly, work well with your lips, tongue and voice. Listen to the riddle, then tell everyone the answer.

Give me a loud sound
Like a woodpecker on a tree, you knock (d – d – d).

And now the mosquito is flying,
It rings very loudly (z – z – z).

Let's moo like a cow,
We want to give milk to everyone (m – m – m).

A formidable goose is stretching its neck,
He hisses, I’m afraid of him (sh – sh – sh).

A beetle flies over a flower,
He makes a loud sound (f – f – f).

A cricket sits behind the stove.
Every sound is a click (chk - chk - chk).

Well done, everyone guessed right
The sounds were named correctly.

Theatrical performance.

Come over here.
Who is it that we have here?
Suddenly there's a scary one
Knock-knock-knock, show yourself to us,
Have fun with us at the Fair.

I don't want to have fun
I'm just sad today...

Speech therapist (addressing the guys):

Let's say together:
"We will help you,
We can cheer you up

Petrushka appears (in his hands he holds a doll - a glove, Petrushka).

Let's sit on the chairs,
Let's listen to Parsley,
And maybe we can
Cheer Petrushka.

Children sit on chairs.

What, Petrushka, are you sad?
Or is our product not nice?
What's wrong at the Fair?
Maybe he lost a nickel?
Maybe someone offended you?
Or didn’t you see the holiday?
Why are you sad?
You sigh and remain silent.


I wanted to surprise you
Invite everyone to the performance.
But I lost all the dolls
Oh, gone, gone, gone...

Lost your dolls? Which ones?


Theatrical, not simple.

Our guys also know dolls,
They often play with them.

You, Petrushka, ask them, they will tell you what dolls we have.

Parsley. And what dolls do you have?

1st child: These are the finger ones. Very interesting, beautiful. They put them on the finger and depict different fairy tales.


Good, but not all right.
I won't surprise you in any way.

2nd child: We also have dolls - gloves. It’s also convenient to show performances with them.

Parsley: No, that’s not it! I'm like that myself. What's surprising?

3rd child:

Yes, Petrushka, bad luck...
But meeting us is a stroke of luck.

4th child:

We will help you now.
We can make dolls.

Parsley: Make it, but from what?

Two boys:

We, Parsley, are spooners,
How many spoons, look!


What's the use of spoons?
I'm not your buffoon!

The children laugh at Petrushka.

It's funny to you,
At least I should cry...

Children (surround Parsley): Don’t be sad.


That's right, stop grieving
Lozhkovy Theater
We will create!

6th child:

Well, guys, let's all get to work!
We will safely paint the spoons with you.

7th child:

Brushes, paints and gouache
And, of course, a pencil.

8th child:

Let's draw characters
And we’ll show them to Petrushka!

Development of children's creative abilities.

Speech therapist: Guys, you are great! What an interesting idea.

Children come to the tables where wooden spoons, jars of water, paints, gouache, and brushes are prepared.

Dear guests,
Who wants to come to us
Join us,
On wooden spoons
Create your own image
For the theater of spoons -
The more characters
It will be more fun.

Having finished drawing, children show their work and name the character and the fairy tale from which this character is from.


Oh, thank you, friends,
I see that I was sad in vain.

1st child:

Bagels and rolls
We took it out of the oven.

2nd child:

Sushi, butter cookies –
Treat everyone today!

Children treat guests, speech therapist treats children.

Plut Svetlana Nikolaevna,
teacher-speech therapist 1st quarter categories,
MBDOU Krasnozersky kindergarten No. 6,
R. Krasnozerskoe village

Plan - summary of the training session “Introduction to the educational program” for the “Creative Workshop” program. Fundamentals of arts and crafts."

Subject : Travel to the fair.

Lesson duration : 35 minutes.
Lesson designed for children 7-8 years old (pupils of the first correctional class,VII view.)

To foster an emotionally positive outlook on the world of arts and crafts and art in general.

Develop cognitive interest, creativity, imagination, and imagination.

To form an idea of ​​the types of decorative and applied arts, to introduce various types of folk art: folk crafts and crafts of the native land.

Expected results

Participants will be interested in activities in the association; will receive a positive emotional charge of energy.

Technical equipment

Multimedia projector, playerDVD.

Equipment, materials

Magnetic board, cards with words, multi-colored templates, stacks, boards for children's creativity, craft materials - salt dough, cards: “silver penny”, “copper ruble”.

Organizational structure of the lesson

Preparatory stage: The office is decorated like a “fair”, the trade benches are filled with various “products”: handicrafts of children involved in a children’s association: souvenirs and beaded jewelry; panels, paintings, greeting cards made using the isothread technique; crafts made from salt dough and much more.

Pupils of the children's association “Creative Workshop”, dressed in folk costumes, take part in the lesson.

1. Organizational moment. Emotional mood.


Hello guys, boys and girls! I'm glad to see you all. Today we will not have an ordinary lesson. I'll start by telling you about our Children's Creativity Center. Children are engaged in the center: they learn to dance, sing, participate in performances, and engage in photography. Learn skills: learn to sew, embroider, draw,...

There is a creative association or circle in the center, it is called “Creative Workshop”. This club is for kids who are the same age as you. Today I came to visit you not alone, but with my assistants, the guys who are already studying in the circle. And together we will tell you and show you what we do in our “Creative Workshop”. And if you like it and you also want to learn some craft, then you are welcome to contact us, we are always happy to make new friends!!!

2. Updating basic knowledge.


Guys, now we invite you to go on a journey with the characters of the animated film “About Thomas and About Yerema”, when you watch an excerpt from this cartoon, maybe some of you can guess what kind of journey we are inviting you on???

*The teacher demonstrates an excerpt from the cartoon “About Thomas and Yerema”, slides with pictures about the fair .


Well, let's take it in order.

I'll tell you a riddle.

Who will find the answer faster?

He will name the topic!

Riddle about the fair:

In the old days they said: "Where there are two, there is a market, three - a bazaar, and seven- fair ".


Who guessed where we ended up today? (We went to the fair.)

Who knows what a fair is and will try to explain it to other guys.

What happens at the fair? (Sellers display goods, trade them, buyers purchase goods).

What mood is created at the fair and why? (The fair is noisy and fun. There are a lot of people here. Buffoons and street actors perform funny performances and jokes, organize games and competitions).

3. Formation of the topic of the lesson. Setting a learning task.

This is the topic of our meeting: Travel to the fair.

Traveling around the fair, we find out who came to the fair and why, what happened at the fair;

Let's find out the meaning of new words:craftsman, craftsman, peddlers, folk crafts, folk crafts

In Rus' they said: time for business, but time for fun. Therefore, we will visit the workshop and make a craft with our own hands.


We invite you to visit the Irbit fair, it was located in the Urals, in the city of Irbit. Our Nevyansk masters and artisans were regular participants in this fair; they came to the fair, bought overseas goods from merchants, and sold their products.

Guys, how many of you know the meaning of the word fair? (children's answers)

Look at the explanation of the word “fair” given in S. Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary.

*On a magnetic board there is a sign with the word “fair”:

A fair is a large trade event, usually with fun and entertainment, held regularly, in one place and at one time.

3. Mastering new material. Discovery of new knowledge.

The buffoons and peddlers come out:

1 student : All! All! All! All for the holiday!

The fair is starting, guests are invited!

Hurry up! Hurry up!

Hurry up to grab the best seats!

If you don’t borrow it yourself, your neighbor will get it!

Come everyone without hesitation!

No tickets needed - just show good mood!

Come, mash your bones!

Today the Fair invites you to visit!

2nd student: Hurry quickly, hurry quickly!

There is no more joyful holiday for us!

We have been waiting for guests for a long time,

We won't start the fair without you.

Are you comfortable, dear guests?

Can everyone see it, can everyone hear it?

Let the holiday be magnificent!

3rd student: Attention! Attention! Attention!
A fun party is starting!
Make yourself at home, don't be shy
Take a stroll through our fair

The exuberant joy of the fair.
There are goods on the carts.
And the rays of the sun are bright
The market is illuminated.

4 student : Go right - it will be fun!
If you go to the left, there will be a lot of laughter and noise!
Have time to relax and have fun,
While the guests are gathering,
Come in, honest people,
The peddler is calling everyone!

Teacher : So, guys, we found ourselves at the fair.

*on a magnetic board there is a sign with the words “peddler”, “master”, “craftsman”.

An unfamiliar word: a peddler is a merchant who peddles haberdashery goods and small things necessary for peasant life.

Master - a craftsman, a person engaged in any craft, skill or handicraft; especially knowledgeable or skillful in his business;

Our Nevyansk masters and artisans came to the fair and sold their products: (presentation of folk crafts of the Nevyansk region).

*Presentation screening: folk crafts and crafts of Nevyansk.

From century to century, masters passed on their craft, and in our time there are many craftsmen who are passionate about their work. The guys who study in the “Creative Workshop” group learn the secrets of folk craftsmanship. They master the secrets of beading, learn to embroider using the isothread technique, and work with salt dough. Today they have organized an exhibition of their works for you and invite you to take a walk through our exhibition-fair.

Children's performance: buffoons and barkers invite you to the fair:

1 student:

demonstrates crafts made from salt dough:

Take my dolls apart!

Bring joy to children!

Get in line

Take everything!

A small expense, come, honest people!

2nd student: demonstrates work done in the iso-thread workshop.

Tara-bars rastabars

There are good products.

Not a commodity, but a real treasure.

Shop like hot cakes

3rd student: demonstrates crafts made from beads

- People! Come here!
Look at the decorations.
Here are the bracelets

One red
Another blue
And the third one is so good,
Buy it with your own money!

4. Dynamic pause : The children are invited to take a walk around the exhibition-fair.

Teacher : Guys, we invite you to the exhibition-fair. The students of our circle have organized for you an exhibition of works completed during the circle's classes. They will tell you about the types of arts and crafts and demonstrate their fakes.

*Visitors to the exhibition are invited to evaluate the works and mark their favorite crafts (leave “silver pennies” coins for the job you like!!!)

5. Practical work:


Guys, we invite you to the artisan’s workshop.

*Making a stonefly bird from salt dough.

Warm-up for arms.

Between the soft spruce paws (they tap their fingers on the table)
Rain drip-drip-drip (alternately with all fingers of open hands)
Where the bitch has dried up long ago,
Gray moss-moss-moss. (Raise their hands above the table, clench and unclench their fists)
Where leaf sticks to leaf,
Mushroom, mushroom, mushroom grew. (The index finger of the right hand touches all the fingers of the left hand in turn)
Who found his friends? (Clenching all the fingers of the left hand except the little finger, show it)
It's me, me, ...me!

6. Summary of the lesson. Reflection of activity.

Analysis of children's works.


When the master finished his work, he took his products to the fair. There is fun, jokes, songs (music) all around. The merchants called:

Hey, hurry up to the fair!

Bring your friends with you!

Come, don't yawn

And choose a craft!

Children choose the craft they like (symbolically buying it for a “copper ruble”) and explain why. They assign each product a “quality mark” for :




Buffoons and barkers sum up the results of the exhibition, count the number of “silver pennies” with which the children evaluated children's crafts and chose their favorite type of arts and crafts.

Our journey has come to an end, which means the fair is closing.

Did you enjoy traveling?

What new did you learn?

How many of you want to learn how to make such crafts yourself?

We invite you to join us for classes in the “Creative Workshop” circle.

The hour of farewell is coming,
Our speech will be short.
We say to you: "Goodbye!
Until pleasant, new meetings!”