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Special transport. Vehicles: classification

Classification of transportation depending on the location of the points of departure and destination of goods and passengers and the modes of transport used for transportation. There are V. with .: on-farm (i.e., within industrial and agricultural enterprises ...

A form of insurance of homogeneous objects against dangers and risks characteristic of them. Expresses the specific interests of policyholders related to the insurance protection of these objects. Each type of insurance usually requires the construction of an appropriate ... ... Glossary of business terms

Types of activities prohibited or restricted in the Baikal natural area- types of activities, the implementation of which has a negative impact on the unique ecological system of Lake Baikal: a) chemical pollution of Lake Baikal or part of it, as well as its catchment area, associated with discharges and ... ... Russian Environmental Law: Dictionary of Legal Terms

Types of costs for the acquisition of inventories- the actual costs for the acquisition of inventories include: amounts paid in accordance with the contract to the supplier (seller); amounts paid to organizations for information and consulting services related to ... Encyclopedic dictionary-reference book of the head of the enterprise

The type of insurance is the insurance of specific homogeneous objects in a certain amount of insurance liability at the appropriate tariff rates. Insurance relations between the insurer and the insured are carried out by type ... ... Wikipedia

Types of scales- 1. Types of scales 1.1. Truck scales Scales for weighing trackless vehicles, adapted to run over them Source: GOST 29329 92: Scales for static weighing. General technical requirements ...

Types of urban planning objects in the city of Moscow- 16. Types of objects of urban planning activities in the city of Moscow: 1) the territory of the city of Moscow, the territory of administrative districts, districts of the city of Moscow; 2) elements of the functional planning structure of the territory of the city of Moscow; 3) objects ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

- ... Wikipedia

Specialized (from lat. specialis special and species variety) are those modes of transport that are focused on a certain range of goods or special conditions for the carriage of goods or passengers. III abroad is used ... ... Wikipedia

The branch of economic geography that studies the territorial distribution of transport and transportation, its patterns, conditions and features of the development of transport as part of the territorial economic complexes of countries and regions in conjunction with ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia


  • Modes of transport (PD-6443), Dear adults, before starting the game, cut all the cards along the dotted lines. In the box you will find 8 sheets for cutting. This game will help kids in easy and diverse ways… Category: Educational games Series: Travel alphabet for children Publisher: Red Cat,
  • Insects-Modes of transport-Birds. Tangled Pictures , Tangled Pictures is a fun board game for young children designed by experienced and qualified early childhood educators. The game contributes to the development ... Category:

The concept of land transport, its types

Transport plays an important role in the development of the economy of the Russian Federation. It ensures the development of industry, agriculture, capital construction and other areas of state activity. Transport activity is one of the guarantees for the implementation of the principles of freedom of movement of goods and services, and free movement of citizens enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

In the theory of law, it is customary to divide transport into five types - road, rail, air, sea and inland water transport. In some works, one can meet the statement that the so-called "pipeline transport" belongs to the modes of transport. One cannot agree with this opinion. As stated in the draft Agreement on Information Interaction of the Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States in the field of transport security, vehicles are devices designed to transport individuals, cargo, luggage, hand luggage, personal belongings, animals or equipment. Next, a list of types of vehicles will be given, among which the pipeline is not listed as one of the vehicles. Oil pumping, gas supply, etc. through main pipelines are not subject to the provisions of Chapter 40 “Transportation” of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as well as any transport law.

It should be noted that the allocation of these five modes of transport does not fully meet the fixed regulatory provisions for their system. So, in the Federal Law "On Transport Security", along with five types of transport, electric urban ground passenger transport is also indicated (and. 11, article 1). To it the Charter of road transport and urban ground electric transport (and. 2 sec. 1) and the Federal Law "On the organization of regular transportation of passengers and luggage by road and urban ground electric transport in the Russian Federation and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" (p.n. 13 and. I, article 3) include a tram and a trolleybus.

In addition, the Federal Law “On Compulsory Insurance of the Carrier’s Civil Liability for Causing Harm to Life, Health, Property of Passengers and on the Procedure for Compensation for Such Harm Caused during the Transportation of Passengers by the Subway” singles out off-street transport for the transport of passengers (passenger transport), which includes the subway, light metro, off-street tram and monorail transport (station 3).

Thus, based on the provisions of the laws, there is reason to distinguish the following types of transport:

  • - automobile;
  • -railway;
  • -air;
  • -nautical;
  • - internal water;
  • - city ground electric transport for transportation of passengers;
  • - off-street transport for the transport of passengers.

Each of them has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. As for road, rail, urban ground electric transport, as well as off-street transport for the transport of passengers, taking into account the scope of their use, they are united by a common name - ground transport.

The last two types of transport included in it, taking into account the use of electric traction for transportation, as well as restrictions on its use only in urban conditions, can be combined under the general name "urban electric transport".

Unlike air and sea transport, land transport is characterized by the use of transport arteries created for it - roads and railways, tram lines, subway lines, monorail transport routes (running beams of monorail transport systems). They must meet the established requirements, be properly equipped, and ensure the safety of transportation. These transport arteries must be constantly maintained in good condition. For their operation, special rules have been adopted that are subject to strict observance.

Road and rail transport, united by common features, have significant differences. Let's consider the main ones.

Road transport has high mobility and maneuverability, optimal speed characteristics of transportation. It does not require significant costs for the creation of infrastructure, which distinguishes rail transport.

The advantage of road transport, compared with rail transport, is also that only in road transport, transport, as a rule, is supplied for loading to the warehouse of the consignor, and for unloading - to the warehouse of the consignee. On other modes of transport, including rail, the consignor delivers the cargo to the vehicle, and the consignee takes it out of the carrier's unloading area. This requires significant additional costs from them.

These features make it possible to actively use road transport along with other types in the transportation process.

As for rail transport, the scale of its participation in domestic and international transportation is determined by a number of its advantages in comparison with other modes of transport, including road transport. This concerns the possibilities of railway transport, the features of operation, the availability of infrastructure, etc.

So, it is distinguished by the ability to transport significant volumes of goods over long distances. And although the high-speed mode of transportation by rail is significantly inferior to some modes of transport (for example, air and road transport), this is offset by its advantages such as high carrying capacity, versatility of use, regularity of transportation, and practically invulnerability from weather conditions. The listed possibilities of rail transport dictate the policy of organizing domestic and international rail transport along routes characterized by large flows of various cargoes, measured in billions of tons per year, and mass passenger traffic. Rail transport is one of the most environmentally friendly modes of transport.

The growth in the scale of transportation requires the optimization of the activities of railway transport, the improvement of its legal framework. This is also due to the reform of railway transport being carried out in the Russian Federation. Its corporatization has made adjustments to the priorities of the development of railway legislation, fixing the emerging legal relations in connection with the use of railway transport infrastructure, improving the norms establishing the functioning of public railways and non-public railways, as well as determining the contractual relations of the parties in connection with transportation, their responsibility for breach of obligations.

In the context of the growing trend of harmonization of internal legal systems and the international source base, it is very important to analyze the norms governing the organization and implementation of domestic and international rail transportation, to identify directions and methods for unifying these norms.

The fundamental difference between urban electric transport from road and rail is, firstly, that it carries out only the transportation of passengers and, secondly, that the territory of its operation, as the name implies, is limited to the city limits. In this regard, its main tasks are to ensure the safety of transportation and create comfortable conditions for passengers. Since urban electric transport is partially regulated by the Charter of Road Transport and Urban Ground Electric Transport (UATGNET), its activities are discussed in section 2 "Legal regulation of road transport" of the monograph.

  • See: Civil law: a textbook in 3 volumes. Vol. 2 / ed. A.P. Sergeeva. - M.: RG-Press, 2009. S. 512; Egiazarov V.A. Transport law: textbook. M: Justice-forms. 2004. S. 8.; Transport law: textbook / O.V. Sivakov, A.B. Novoseltsev, V.G. Ermolaev, Yu.B. Makovsky. - M.: Bylina. 2000, p. 9;
  • ' See: Morozov S.Yu. Transport law: study guide. M.: Voltere Kluver. 2010. S. 15.
  • Federal Law No. 16-FZ dated February 9, 2007.
  • Federal Law No. 67-FZ dated June 14, 2012.

For children - a fascinating, interesting topic that introduces their classification, tells about the features and purpose of each variety. At the same time, the task of parents or teachers is not only to conduct a conversation, but also to consolidate the information received through various games.

Why do children need to know about transportation

The full development of babies is carried out through acquaintance with the outside world. Such questions for children are interesting: what kind of transport is, why do people need it. The acquaintance of preschoolers with the transport classification forms in them new knowledge about the various types, their features, purpose, enriches the vocabulary, and reinforces the generic concept of "transport". In addition, a detailed consideration of this topic allows you to learn the following:

  • compare different modes of transport, it is important for children to be able to find common and distinctive features;
  • combine them into groups on common grounds, classify;
  • learn the rules of conduct in various types of transport.

The study of new material also contributes to the formation of personal qualities of preschoolers: criticality, responsibility, thinking, memory, speed of reaction, and imagination develop.

Transport classification

All transport is classified according to different grounds: mode of movement and purpose.

According to the method of movement, the following types are distinguished:

  • ground - movement occurs exclusively on the ground or rails (bus, trolleybus, train);
  • water - moves by sea or river (motor ship, boat, barge);
  • aviation - flies through the air (airplane, helicopter).

According to the purpose, the following types of transport are distinguished:

  • passenger - transports people, delivers them to the right place (bus, river tram, plane);
  • horse-drawn - for the transportation of various goods (wagon, barge);
  • special - used in a specific activity, equipped with professional equipment (fire engine, ambulance, police car);
  • agricultural - used in the preparation of arable land, harvesting and similar work (tractor, combine).

Characteristics of land transport

Ground transport carries out movement on the ground with the help of wheels, rails, animals, caterpillars. It can be passenger, cargo or specialized. Here it is necessary to describe the following main types of transport for children:

  • Bus - transports passengers, delivers them to the desired point in the city, has a strict route and special places for stops where people are boarded and disembarked. The same function is performed by a trolley bus and a tram, which differ from the bus in that they do not run on gasoline, but on electricity, in addition, the tram runs on rails.
  • Train - railway transport, which moves along rails, can be both passenger and freight, makes transportation between cities and villages.
  • Fire truck - used to extinguish a fire, equipped with special equipment, has an audible signal to warn other drivers of its approach.
  • Ambulance - designed to transport sick people, has all the necessary equipment to deliver the patient to the hospital in a satisfactory condition. Like a fire truck, it has a special flasher and a sound signal that an ambulance needs to be skipped.
  • Police car - used to patrol roads, catch criminals. The car is equipped with a powerful engine that allows you to develop good speed, which is so important when chasing.
  • Truck - designed to transport various goods: food, construction, household and many others. May have yellow ones indicating that the car is carrying dangerous luggage.

Transport is also underground, for example, the metro delivers passengers to their destination, like a bus or tram.

Features of water transport

Considering different types of transport, water transport moving along the sea, lake or river will also be interesting for children. Like land transport, this transport can be passenger and freight:

  • Motor ship - can transport people to their destination or be used as a pleasure boat on the river, acquainting residents with the picturesque places of the water. The steamboat performs the same functions as the motor ship, the main differences between these ships are in the technical characteristics.
  • Boat - has various purposes: it is used as a rescue vessel, for walking along the reservoir, for excursions.
  • Barge - used to transport various goods. It is characterized by convenience, speed of delivery, profitability.

Air transport, its characteristics

Air transport carries out movement by air, while it can carry passengers, cargo, participate in rescue operations or in extinguishing forest fires. The most interesting will be the following types of transport for children:

  • Aircraft - depending on its size and purpose, it can perform various functions: transport people and various cargoes, cultivate fields, put out fires in the forest, and participate in hostilities.
  • Helicopter - rises into the air with the help of special blades that spin quite strongly. This type of transport can also be passenger, cargo or military.
  • The airship - its feature is the development of a relatively low speed and rise to a low altitude, is used for tourism, in rescue operations, for patrolling the area.

Games for children

To better remember the types of transport, it is worth organizing a variety of games for children, among which are the following:

  • Riddles - will help to highlight the distinctive features, classify transport, in addition, develop logic, thinking, ingenuity.
  • The mobile game "Find my house" - children are given cards with some type of transport, houses are determined for them: for air - an airfield, for land - a garage, for water - a pier. The task of preschoolers is to stand near the desired base after the signal.
  • Puzzles - pictures cut into small parts with an airplane, train, bus, steamer - are mixed up, children are invited to find the necessary elements, assemble the picture and say what is shown on it, what it is used for.
  • Game "Modes of transport". Various roles are being prepared for children - passengers, driver, captain, pilot. The leaders of the courts recruit passengers, whose task is to demonstrate the correct and incorrect behavior on the bus, on the ship or on the plane.

Thus, getting information about the types of transport, children learn about their features, distinguishing features, get acquainted with the rules of behavior in them, enrich their vocabulary.

Question number 1. Transport. Purpose and components.

Transport - a set of means of communication, means of communication and facilities, service devices. Often, the term "transport" means the entire set of infrastructure, management, vehicles and transport enterprises that make up the transport system, or a sector of the economy.

Transport is divided into three categories:

1) public transport,

2) transport for special use and personal or individual transport. Transport for special use - intra-production and intra-departmental transport. Finally, personal transport is cars, bicycles, yachts, private jets.

3) Personal automatic transport forms a new category, as it combines the features of urban public transport and personal vehicles.

All transport can be divided into a number of groups according to certain criteria.

By number of wheels: Monocycle, Bicycle, Tricycle, ATV

By wheel type: Rail transport, Light rail transport, Tracked transport

By engine type: Self-propelled vehicles, Motorized vehicles, Muscle-powered vehicles, Trailers

According to the travel environment: Water transport, Air transport, Ground and underground

By type of property and the number of passengers: Individual transport, Public transport

By load capacity: Cargo, Passenger

Question number 2. Transport system. External, urban, suburban and local (exotic) transport.

Transport System - Transport Infrastructure, Transport Enterprises, Vehicles and Management Together. A unified transport system ensures the coordinated development and operation of all modes of transport in order to maximize the satisfaction of transport needs at minimal cost.

Vehicles are usually cars, bicycles, buses, trains, airplanes.

Governance refers to control over the system, such as traffic signals, railroad switches, flight control, etc., as well as rules (among others, the rules for financing the system: toll roads, fuel tax, etc.). Transport system management is a set of measures aimed at the effective functioning of this system through coordination, organization, ordering of the elements of this system, both among themselves and with the external environment. In a broad sense, network design is a task of civil engineering and urban planning, vehicle design is a task of mechanical engineering and specialized branches of applied science, and management is usually specialized within a particular network, or refers to management research or systems engineering.

The quantitative indicators of the transport system are:

1) the length of communication lines,

2) the number of employees,

3) cargo and passenger turnover.

Transport system levels:

1) External: railway. avia. car, water (sea and river)

The locality cannot live without transport. The components of external transport depend on the size and geographic location of the city.

2) City: necessary when increasing pedestrian accessibility (15 min). The components of external transport depend on the size and population of the point. It happens: passenger (mass, local), cargo, special.

3) Suburban: buses. railway, water, auto. Increased intensity during the day and evening (=pendulum)

4) Local (exotic)

Transport corridors- this is a set of main transport communications of various modes of transport with the necessary arrangements that ensure the transportation of passengers and goods between different countries in the directions of their concentration. The system of international transport corridors also includes export and transit main pipelines.

transport hub is a complex of transport devices at the junction of several modes of transport, jointly performing operations for servicing transit, local and urban transportation of goods and passengers. A transport hub as a system is a set of transport processes and means for their implementation at the junctions of two or more main modes of transport. In the transport system, the nodes have the function of control valves. Failure of one such valve can lead to problems for the entire system.

Question number 3. City transport. Purpose and main characteristics.

Transport- a set of means of communication, means of communication, facilities and devices for servicing

Kinds: passenger, cargo, special (police, ambulance, Ministry of Emergency Situations, etc.)

1. Cargo transportation (more predictable)

2. transportation of people

Freight transport is divided into

1. Industrial (depending on the size and profile of the farm)

2. Construction (depending on the size of the city)

3. Consumer (from size and trend to development)

4. Purifying


1. Citywide (mass: metro, trolleybuses, buses, trams; individual)

2. Local (movement in a limited space - factory, fuel dispenser)

carrying capacity is the number of passengers that can be transported along one line, in one direction, per unit of time. 80-90 thousand passengers per hour - subway 15 - 30-35 thousand passengers per hour - tram 10-23 thousand passengers per hour - trolleybus

Depends on capacity, stops

The largest near the metro, railway, tram, trolley bus, bus

Capacity is the number of passengers to be allowed to transport according to the norms per 1m 2. At rush hour 8 people per square meter.

Speedmessages- this is the speed of movement on mass transport, taking into account planned and unscheduled stops.




4 Public passenger transport

Buses- the most common mode of transport. The network of bus lines, as a rule, is characterized by the greatest length. Depending on the destination, bus lines are divided into two types:

    the main, providing direct transport links between individual areas and the passage of the prototype points;

    transporters, delivering passengers To stopping points of more powerful modes of transport (tram, subway, railway lines).

The main bus lines according to the position in the city plan are divided into:

    internal, both endpoints of which are within the city;

    departures, connecting the city with the suburban area and having one final destination outside of it.

The main internal lines have a length corresponding to the linear dimensions of the city; departure lines reach a greater length (50 km or more). Delivery lines are usually short.

To create the best operating conditions, bus lines are laid along streets with improved pavements (cement-concrete, asphalt-concrete, paving stones and mosaic pavement), which provide high speed with the lowest fuel consumption and minimal wear of running gears and rubber. However, buses can also be temporarily operated on routes with transitional types of coverage (cobblestone pavement, gravel highway, etc.).

Compared to other types of mass transport, buses have the greatest maneuverability, but they are inferior to trams in terms of carrying capacity. The disadvantage of buses, as well as all road transport, is the pollution of the air basin of cities with exhaust gases.

Bus traffic plays a significant role in serving the developing areas of the city, for which the installation of more powerful modes of transport in the early stages may not be economically feasible. In addition, the bus is successfully used on city routes in central areas, especially in old cities with winding and insufficiently wide streets.

Bus transportation can be divided into: urban, suburban, local (with a route length of up to 100 km), short-range intercity (100-300 km), long-distance long-distance (over 300 km), service, etc. The carrying capacity of a bus line with good organization is 4500-5000 pas/h in one direction. The trend of increasing the carrying capacity of bus lines is expressed in an increase in the capacity of buses through the use of articulated bodies and double-decker buses.

Buses local communication are used for intra-district and inter-district passenger transportation. Their distinguishing features are reliability and high cross-country ability, allowing the use of buses on unimproved roads, as well as the possibility of carrying light hand luggage.

Intercity buses are used to transport passengers on highways over long distances. Their increased comfort and design features allow for safe movement at high speeds.

Sightseeing buses differ in the layout of the cabin, the design of the seats, and have good visibility. They are used on urban and suburban lines.

Service buses are intended for business trips of employees of enterprises and institutions, sanatorium and resort services, as well as for city, local transportation and transportation of tourists. By capacity and size, buses are distinguished: extra small capacity up to 5.5 m long (10-12 seats);

small capacity up to 7.5 m (45-48 seats); medium capacity up to 9.5 m long (60-65 seats); large capacity up to 11 m long (70-80 seats); especially large capacity up to 12 m long (100-120 seats).

Trolleybuses according to the main operational indicators, they differ slightly from buses, however, their movement requires the installation of traction substations and the equipment of lines with a two-wire contact network. Trolleybuses are used on intracity (sometimes on outbound) lines with average passenger traffic.

When designing a trolleybus network, they strive to minimize the number of intersections of lines between themselves and with tram lines, since intersections and air arrows reduce the speed of the trolleybus, and sometimes cause it to stop due to slipping of the current collector. The capacity of the trolleybus rolling stock is 74-139 passengers. According to the conditions of reliability of the current collection, the routes of trolleybus lines are laid only along streets with improved capital coatings. The longitudinal slope of the trolleybus line should not exceed 0.07.

In terms of maneuverability, trolleybuses are inferior to buses, which is especially noticeable in the conditions of old cities with streets of insufficient width. The main advantage of a trolleybus compared to a tram is that passengers get on and off directly from the sidewalk. In addition, when moving, the trolleybus can deviate in both directions from the axis of the contact wire up to 4.2 m, which allows it to be operated on streets with heavy traffic.

tram lines have a higher cost of equipment than bus and trolleybus. Therefore, the network of tram lines is characterized by a relatively lower density.

The highest carrying capacity of a tram, compared to other types of street transport, also determines the placement of tram lines along routes with large stable passenger flows. Departure tram lines are designed if the bus does not provide transportation in this direction and the need for transportation cannot be satisfied by the existing electric railway line, and also if it is necessary to provide a direct tram connection between the city and the suburbs.

Tram lines are currently being designed mainly as two-track lines with a central (in relation to the axis of the street) or with a side track. On peripheral lines with small passenger flows, single-track lines are sometimes built with sidings every 0.5-2 km.

The concentration of passengers at tram stops located in the middle of the carriageway of the streets causes the trackless transport to stop or slow down. In addition, the presence of a tram line reduces the possibility of overtaking. Thus, the overall efficiency of the operation of road transport is reduced. Because of this, there is a peculiar process of moving the tram traffic from the central regions of old cities to the peripheral ones, where the traffic intensity is much lower.

The removal of tram tracks from main streets improves traffic conditions in general and increases traffic safety. However, the removal of tram lines should be accompanied either by their transfer to parallel duplicate directions, or by the construction of a metro line in directions with powerful passenger flows. Sometimes the elimination of the tram line can be compensated by the increased work of trolleybus and bus transport.