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The main malfunctions of the power unit of the washing machine Ariston. Hotpoint Ariston and its weaknesses

Various malfunctions among the equipment of the Ariston model are an infrequent occurrence. In fact, manufacturers have been providing us with reliable and high-quality equipment for a long time. But, despite this, sometimes the equipment fails.

In all cases, the problems are the same. Basically, replacement of defective parts is required. Washing machine Ariston: malfunctions and their elimination. On the video on the Internet you can see how to deal with the problem.

What are the malfunctions of the Ariston model equipment?

A breakdown of a special element that provides water heating for an efficient washing process may occur. If the problems are related to this issue, then the washing machine itself will notify you. Usually, when the heating element breaks down, the equipment gives an F-3 error. It will mean that the element as a whole or the power path in the circuit is faulty due to the terminal burnout. Fixing a problem in a washing machine is easy. It is enough to replace the damaged heating element or, if necessary, repair the terminals.

Basically, all models of washing machines have bearing problems. Ariston washing machine: malfunctions and their elimination - this topic is fully covered in this article. If the bearings are defective, they should be replaced. You can do it yourself. First you need to diagnose the equipment and prepare for the replacement.

In order to understand whether a repair is needed or not, you need to turn on the machine to check for:

  • element for squeezing linen;
  • unusual noise when the drum rotates;
  • belt malfunctions;
  • a large gap when the drum rotates.

It is necessary to prepare in advance for the repair. You need to purchase the necessary tools. To replace the bearings, you will need a hammer, a special aerosol, pliers, various screwdrivers, keys, sealant. When the tools are at hand, you need to purchase spare parts. You can easily find the necessary bearings or seals. Some do it from the comfort of their home through an online store. The main thing is to know how to quickly replace damaged items. When buying, you must specify the dimensions in advance. This will be needed when installing broken elements.

Washing machine Ariston: malfunctions and their elimination. This issue is covered below. Before starting the disassembly of the equipment, you need to take a picture of how the wires are connected. This will help with reassembly. It is better to disassemble in the garage or in any spacious place. The drum is located in the washing machine between two bearings. Thanks to them, the system works stably. Bearings can fail twice. This phenomenon is affected by the ingress of water into the element. It passes through a faulty gland. The bearing is damaged due to clogging with dirt.

First you need to turn off the power supply, sensors and heater. Then you need to remove the side plates, under which the bearings are located. From there, where there is no pulley, the replacement is just beginning. Then the caliper is removed. Everything unscrews counterclockwise. Next, the gland is cleaned of dirt. The most important thing is to set everything clearly so that the part does not warp. If this situation is allowed, the fluid will leak, and the bearing will deteriorate again.

If you need to remove the caliper, you must first remove the belts and the ground block from the drum. You need to unscrew the part clockwise. The shaft must be cleaned, a new oil seal installed and the caliper screwed in.

Ariston washing machine: malfunctions and their elimination - all this is indicated in this article. Constant use of technology leads to its breakdown. When the shaft is erased and the machine is not working properly, you can notice this phenomenon by a sharp noise during the spin cycle. It is enough to simply replace the bearings, but with a complete failure, the drum may be damaged.

The pump or filter may suddenly stop functioning. That is, the washing machine stops draining and pouring water. The cause of this phenomenon may be clogged dirt or burnout of the pump. It is enough to clean the filters, if they are completely dead, then it is better to replace them with new parts. If, after replacing the filter, the water still does not drain, then the pump will need to be replaced.

The problem may be related to the hose fittings. Basically, you will need to tighten the main nut or seal. After a thorough diagnosis, it is necessary to replace the defective part.

Ariston washing machine: malfunctions and their elimination - you will find all the necessary answers in this article. But what if the bearings in the washing machine are new, but the noise does not stop? In this situation, you need to see if the equipment is exactly worth it. If the machine is skewed due to uneven floors, then it is worth putting something under it. In the event that the equipment is level, and the noise does not stop, then it is necessary to check the shock absorbers or the tank belt.

After a complete diagnosis, you need to replace the defective parts. If there are none, then the cause must be sought elsewhere. Often, ordinary small objects that get inside the machine during washing become the culprit.

  1. Code F-1 indicates a short circuit in the drive motor of the washing machine. In this situation, it is impossible for moisture to get inside. But it can be not only in the motor, but also in the controller. If a malfunction is detected, it is urgent to replace one of these parts.
  2. Code F-2 has nothing to do with the motor. The bearings may just stick. Just in case, you need to check the connection of the details of the equipment. In this situation, replace the motor and controller with new parts.
  3. Code F-3 is responsible for the thermal element, for temperature indicators, for incorrect operation of the sensor. To fix the problem, you need to check the connections of the controller with the temperature sensor. If it has no resistance, then it is worth completely replacing the sensor.
  4. Code F-4 is responsible for the amount of water. Here the problem arises due to the sensor, which will have to be replaced.
  5. Code F-5 indicates drain problems. That is, the pump is not working properly. It is advised to check the interaction between the controller and the pump. It is also recommended to establish whether there is voltage in the pump or dirt in the drain. If none of this is there, but the problem remains, then you will need to replace the part.
  6. Code F-6 indicates errors with buttons. It is necessary to check the presence of contacts with the controller, since the buttons of the device may be faulty. The control panel may need to be replaced.
  7. Code Ф-7 indicates that the thermal part does not penetrate into the water. It is advised to check all sensor interactions for water. It is also necessary to test the heating element. The defective part will need to be replaced.
  8. Code F-8 appears on the display when there is a problem with the relay or water sensor. If there are no problems, the controller changes. If problems are found, parts are replaced.
  9. Code F-9 means a problem with the energy memory. In such a situation, you will need to change the controller or flash the system.
  10. Code F-10 indicates that the sensor responsible for water does not give signals. All connections must be checked.
  11. Code F-11 indicates that the drain is not working properly. It is advised to check the interaction between the controller and the pump. Parts are replaced if necessary.
  12. Code F-12 indicates a loss of communication between the indication and the controller. An inspection is also carried out and parts are replaced.
  13. Code F-13 means that the drying mode is not functioning properly. Diagnostics is carried out, and faulty elements are replaced.
  14. The F-14 code turns on when the mode is not turned on during drying. The first step is to check the connection of the thermal element for drying and the controller. Both parts may need to be replaced.
  15. The F-15 code indicates that the “drying” mode is not turned on. The sensor and connection board will need to be replaced.
  16. Code F-16 (17) indicates the opening of the hatch. You need to check all connections. The sunroof door interlock may need to be replaced.
  17. Code F-18 means incorrect processor functionality. Usually the controller is simply replaced.

You need to know all the meanings of the codes in order to quickly find out what the problem is and take important measures. You can repair the equipment yourself, which will save a lot of money and time.

Ariston washing machines are well-deservedly popular due to their reliability, stylish design and modern functionality. But if your assistant suddenly refused to work, pay attention to the symbols on the display of the device or the blinking indicators on the panel.

And we will show you how to decipher the most common washing errors and the next steps to repair it.

In machines equipped with an informative display, it is not difficult to find out the error code - it will be highlighted in bright yellow or green.

But if the model is less "advanced", in order to find out the cause of the breakdown, you will have to unravel the code programmed by the manufacturer, using the prompts of the indicator lights.

Algorithm for determining a breakdown by a light bulb signal:

  1. We recall the model of our Ariston typewriter (or we check the information on the case or in the instructions).
  2. We remember which indicators signal a breakdown.
  3. We find our device in the drawings.
  4. We determine the digital value for each indicator.

It remains to add the received data together and decrypt the problem code.

The sum of the numerical values ​​​​of the numbers of flashing lights on the panel of the Ariston AVSL and AVL models will help decipher the code programmed at the factory

For example, if the lights corresponding to the values ​​\u200b\u200b“2” and “1” flash on the washing machine, then you should look for the causes of problems coded as F03(or F3 which is basically the same). According to such a simple algorithm, other typical breakdowns are also determined.

Unlike most Ariston machines, for the AQUALTIS model, internal problems are signaled not by washing modes, but by water heating temperature indicators

When the error code is clarified, it remains to determine the essence of the breakdown, and then decide whether it can be fixed by hand or it is better to immediately contact the masters.

Motor or control board problems

If you loaded things into the compartment of the device, turned on the appropriate mode and pressed the “Start” button, but most likely the problem lies in the operation of the motor or the control controller, which the display will signal to you with a code F1,F2 or F18. Although such breakdowns can occur at any other stage of washing, they are most often displayed at the start of the program.

Violations in the work under the code F01 (F1)

Error F01 indicates problems in the control circuit of the motor, which drives the drum of the washing machine. If there is no reaction to the signal from the electronic controller (board), the device will not work, and when you try to switch to any other program, it will continue to persistently display the error code.

The reasons for the breakdown of the motor control module with code F1 / F01 are most often problems with voltage in the mains or high humidity in the room

Self troubleshooting process:

  1. A universal option for any codes is to turn off the washer cord from the outlet, wait 10-15 minutes and turn it on again - there is a chance that the electronics will reboot and stop giving an error. But even if everything worked out and the device started working, it is worth taking precautions so that the “first sign” does not lead to serious damage.
  2. provoke a signal F1 there may be a decrease in mains voltage (below 200 V) or a sharp jump, as well as damage to the plug or bending of the power cord. Try not to turn on the washer at the same time as other powerful energy consumers or through an extension cord, because ideally this device needs a dedicated line with its own machine.
  3. Inspect the cord, the connection plug and the outlet itself - perhaps the reason is their malfunction.
  4. High humidity in the bathroom can also cause problems in the motor control circuit. Remove moisture from the contacts of the board and ventilate the room more often so that the humidity level in it does not exceed 70%.
  5. The cause of the error may also be the departure of contacts in the engine control circuit. If you have skills in working with electronics, you can independently check the circuit from the device motor to the board for the quality of the connections by ringing all suspicious sections with a multimeter.

If independent attempts at repair did not lead to a positive result, the reason may lie in a breakdown or failure of the firmware of the control board, worn out brushes of the electric motor, burnt motor winding, or damage to the cable with wires. To restore or replace these parts, it would be better to contact a service center.

Decoding of signals F02, F2

Such an error most often occurs at the start of the program or during the spin phase, when the machine picks up speed to spin the laundry (in this case, the drum itself may twitch or rotate intermittently). The device will display a code F02 and at the same time will start to drain the water.

Usually this signal indicates a malfunction in the motor circuit or a breakdown of the tachogenerator - a small part with a ring that controls the speed of the washing machine engine.

To inspect the tachogenerator, you will have to partially disassemble the device, get to the engine and find a metal ring with wires on its shaft

Solution to the problem:

  1. If the machine displays an error for the first time, the cause may be a one-time failure of the electronics from surges in the network. Disconnect the device from the power supply for 10-15 minutes so that the equipment reboots.
  2. Check if the drum itself is blocked - it should scroll freely by hand. But if during washing a small object gets between the drum and the tank, the culprit of the breakdown should be carefully removed and the machine restarted.
  3. Problems with contacts - it is necessary to check the serviceability of the connections from the board to the electric motor, including the area with the tachogenerator.

But a mistake F2 it may also be the result of more serious breakdowns, the elimination of which will require the replacement of the motor, tachogenerator or control board. In such cases, it is better to contact the workshop, it may be possible to get by with the replacement of faulty solders on the control module or the restoration of damaged wiring.

Communication or board memory error with codes F09, F18

Signal about a malfunction of the electronic controller under the code F18 can only issue Aristons with an asynchronous motor (Hotpoint-Ariston, Margherita, AVSL, AV, AVL, AVTL, CDE models), there are no such errors on devices with a collector motor.

The controller is an electronic board that is responsible for selecting the washing mode and displays it on the display, gives commands to the intake and drain valve, pump, pressure switch and controls the operation of the engine

Controller failure symptoms:

  • Incorrect operation of the motor - sharp drops, too high or, on the contrary, unreasonably low speed.
  • The drum does not rotate when starting the wash mode.
  • The machine draws water and immediately drains, giving a signal of damage to the display.

F09- a memory error can occur during power surges in the network or its decrease. But it can also indicate a failed control unit.

First action after flashing codes F09 And F18 identical to the previous problems - turn off the power to the machine, give time to reboot and turn it on again. If the reason is not a failure, it is necessary to check the microcircuits of the board.

But if you do not have the skills of such a repair, you need to entrust it to professionals who can reflash the controller, solder contacts, replace only some elements (for example, a power capacitor) or the entire board

Water heating problems

If during the washing mode the washing machine freezes for a long time, stops, does not heat up or constantly drains water, the causes of the breakdown should be sought in the heating circuit. The device will signal these problems with codes F04, F07 or F08.

Failure of the heating element or pressure switch and codes F04, F07

In washing modes that require heating, the error may be displayed immediately after starting, or after water is taken, but rinsing or washing in cold water will work normally. In this case, there are several options for solving the problem (in addition to the standard turn on / off the machine to restart the controller).

If the code appeared on the display at the washing stage or at startup (the machine does not even want to draw water), most likely the reason lies in the heating element itself. It can "punch" on the case when the contacts are separated or simply burn out.

To fix the problem, you need to get to the heating element, check all its connections, change the resistance with a multimeter (at a power of 1800 W it should give out about 25 ohms).

To replace a faulty heating element, disconnect the cable with wires, unscrew the fixing nut (1), press on the pin (2) and pry off the sealing rubber (3), then install a new part and assemble in the reverse order

If the device collects and then immediately drains water, the cause may be a breakdown of the pressure switch - the water level sensor. In the event of a malfunction, this element can provide the controller with information that the heating element has not been immersed in water, so the machine does not start heating.

In this case, it is necessary to check the tube of the water pressure sensor with the pressure switch (the hose may become clogged, bent, frayed or come off). At the same time, inspect the contacts of the sensor itself - it may be necessary to clean them. But more accurately, the code “says” about the breakdown of the pressure switch F04- most likely, the part will need to be replaced.

To check the operation of the pressure switch, you need to put on its inlet fitting a small piece of hose with a diameter identical to the removed tube and blow - characteristic clicks will be heard from a serviceable part

In some cases, the problem may be in the board itself, faulty wiring or contact groups in the area from the board to the heater or water level sensor. Therefore, you should ring all the elements of the control unit associated with the operation of the heating circuit, if necessary, replace burnt tracks or the controller itself.

Malfunctions in the heating circuit and symbol F08

If the water heating does not work correctly (or the machine “seems” that it starts when the tank is empty), an error code will appear on the display F08. The most common cause is a malfunction in the pressure switch circuit.

Such a problem may occur due to high humidity in the room, which adversely affects the controller. To make sure that the board is in order, inspect it, wipe it dry or blow it with a hair dryer.

Another simple solution to the problem can be the disconnected contacts of the heating element and the pressure switch, especially if the device was first started after transportation. In other cases, a more professional inspection with possible replacement of parts will be required.

Possible malfunctions of Ariston machines, indicated by code F8:

  • If the washing mode is interrupted immediately after starting or during the washing phase and the appliance does not heat the water, most likely it will be required.
  • If the machine stops after starting, when switching to the rinse mode or does not wring out, it is possible that the contact group of the heating element relay has “sticked” on the controller in the on state. In this case, you can replace the failed elements of the microcircuit and, if necessary, reflash the board.
  • If the device “freezes” in various modes (and this can be either washing or rinsing or spinning), the wiring or contacts in the heater circuit may be damaged, or the pressure switch may break, which considers that the machine does not receive enough water.

But if, when checking all the connections of the circuit and separately the pressure switch, the heating element relay and the heating element itself, no damage is detected, the controller will have to be changed.

Errors in the operation of the drain or water intake

If the machine cannot draw water or, on the contrary, stops working, although its tank is full, the codes appear on the display F05, F11 or H2O. Let's try to disassemble the essence of such breakdowns.

Drain faults and codes F05 or F11

Error F05/F5 always lights up when the drum is full, but attempts at forced draining are unsuccessful - the machine “does not give up” water and continues to signal a breakdown.

At the same time, a crackling sound can be heard, as if some foreign object has got into the fan impeller, or the buzz of the pump. Such a breakdown is a fairly common occurrence in Ariston machines, and in most cases you can fix it yourself.

Most often, the problem lies in a banal or drain hose - when washing, various hairs, threads, buttons, particles of dirt and small litter are separated from things, which gradually clog the gap for water to exit.

To remove them, it is necessary to drain the water manually through the filter (if not it is clogged, but the hose) or manually scoop out the drum.

If the machine has blocked the doors and the water does not drain either through the filter or through the hose, you can remove the liquid by unscrewing the drain pipe

Then check the condition of the drain filter (a small hatch at the bottom of the machine), the nozzle itself, rinse the hose under a good pressure of water. At the same time, inspect the siphon or pipe if the drain is organized directly into the sewer.

Then assemble the system in the reverse order, turn on the machine for the rinse program, make sure that it has taken in water, and forcibly switch to spinning - if an error F05 does not appear, but the drain works, which means that the problem is solved.

To avoid breakage, wash wool and fur items in a special bag, be sure to check clothing pockets before loading, and arrange a preventive filter inspection at least once every two to three months.

If it is not a blockage, the following options are possible:

  1. Breakdown of the drain pump / pump - the part may simply require replacement, having honestly worked out its resource, or fail due to the penetration of a foreign object, a broken motor coil or a short circuit. First you need to disassemble the pump, remove debris, check the circuit and try to start the machine again. If the problem has not disappeared, you will have to.
  2. Malfunctions in the operation of the electronic controller - the corresponding tracks or radio components on the microcircuit may burn out or oxidize (most often due to the same high humidity), the firmware will fail.
  3. Pressure switch failure - if the sensor provides information that the tank is empty, the machine simply will not start the drain program, so the faulty part must be replaced.
  4. Wiring problems - you need to check if power is supplied to the drain pump when it is turned on.

Similar problems can occur with an error F11. Although most often this code indicates a breakdown of the drain pump (the inspection should begin with it), it may also lie in the incorrect operation of the pressure switch, controller, or damaged wiring.

Problems with water intake and code H2O

Another common mistake, firsthand familiar to the owners of Ariston typewriters, is the code H2O indicating problems with the water supply. Usually it occurs 5-7 minutes after the start (in rare cases, during rinsing), and the device may not let in water at all, or draw too much of it.

The error with the water supply is perhaps the only one that is intuitive among other codes, since it is associated with the chemical formula H2O

Sometimes a mistake H2O may appear chaotically on different programs, but its characteristic feature is that the drain and spin modes always work flawlessly.

Possible causes of failure:

  1. Lack of water in the water supply, insufficient pressure or blockage of the supply valve to the device. Here the actions are clear: open the tap, wait for the restoration of water supply.
  2. Breakage of the water intake valve, which “lets” water into the device - if it breaks, this part is easier to replace with a new one than to try to repair it.
  3. Pressure switch malfunction - if the hose is clogged or damaged or the sensor itself is broken, the machine will constantly fill and immediately drain water, highlighting the error H2O.

But if all the elements work, it may be a signal break due to damaged wiring or electronic controller failures.

Other errors and their interpretation

In total, there are 19 trouble codes in the arsenal of Ariston machines, of which we have considered the most common ones.

But let's briefly talk about other possible failures in the operation of equipment:

  • F03- failure of the temperature sensor. It is necessary to check the resistance of the sensor itself (normally about 20 ohms), as well as the circuit to the controller. If necessary, replace damaged parts.
  • F06- indicates a malfunction in the hatch blocking device circuit for Ariston cars on the Arcadia platform (Low-End and Aqualtis series), as well as problems with the control buttons for Dialogic models. In the first case, you should see if some thing from the boot prevents you from slamming the door until it clicks. In the second, the problem may be with sticking buttons or damaged contacts.
  • F10– no signal from the water level sensor. The device can generate such an error if the drain is not properly connected to the sewer, there is insufficient water pressure, or an open circuit from the sensor to the board.
  • F12– lack of communication between the controller and the display module. If the reboot does not help, you need to check the control board, the display unit and their connection.
  • F13- an open in the circuit or a breakdown of the drying temperature sensor will require the replacement of a part or worn contacts.
  • F14 or F15- malfunction of the drying heater or an open in the heater circuit.
  • F16- a signal for machines with vertical loading about the breakdown of the drum lock sensor. Most often it happens due to banal inattention - for example, doors that are not closed until they click. In other cases, the reason may be in weak contacts in the section of the circuit to the board or the failure of the sensor itself.
  • F17 or door- “speaks” of insufficiently tight closing of the hatch. Perhaps the problem lies in a foreign object that has penetrated, weak hinge fasteners, or a dirty lock for the “tongue” of the door. If external culprits are not identified, most likely the device that blocks the door during the operation of the machine is faulty, which should be replaced.

And in any of the options, the rule applies: in addition to the specific part that the device “points to”, the breakdown may lie in a faulty board, damaged contacts or non-working wiring.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

To help home craftsmen, we have selected several videos about various malfunctions of Ariston washing machines, options for decoding code information and practical tips for identifying the culprit of the breakdown.

Error code F08, inspection and repair of the machine:

How to repair the electronic controller:

How to fix drain errors under code F05:

As you can see, even the tips of smart technology do not always clearly indicate the cause of the breakdown, because malfunctions of various parts can be hidden under the same code.

Of course, with the proper skills in working with electronics, it is quite possible to eliminate most of them without the help of professionals. But if there is no such experience, you should not rush to extremes and change one part after another - perhaps in the workshop you will be offered a simpler solution to the problem.

Failures in SMA Ariston are rare phenomena, since the manufacturer guarantees the reliability of his product. But there are several typical cases involving the replacement of failed elements. In such situations, it is quite possible to repair Ariston washing machines on your own. The intervention of experienced specialists will be required only in particularly difficult cases.

The vast majority of Ariston machine failures are caused by their operation. This opinion was reached by the masters of services providing repair services. Sometimes problems are caused by outright violations of the operating rules, but the environment in which the machine is operated should not be discounted.

The main malfunctions of Ariston washing machines

A well-known brand has found its niche in the market. But, like other models, the washing machine is prone to minor breakdowns, which most often occur due to careless handling of the device. The point is that each element has a certain working resource. For example, the brushes of an electric motor without replacement can last about twelve years. During this period, they wear out and need to be replaced. A little earlier, the drive belt loses its performance, which also changes, for which you will have to disassemble the washing machine.

For some failures, Ariston washing machines can be repaired on their own, without the intervention of service center specialists. Some of the simpler and more common failures include:

  • the washer does not turn on;
  • waste water is not drained;
  • washing water is not heated;
  • the drum has stopped rotating;
  • during the operation of the machine, a crunch and rattle are heard.


The failures listed above can occur for certain reasons, which you can fix with your own hands.

  1. blockages.

If there is a similar problem, do not rush to call the master. The main symptom of this problem is the idle operation of the pump, the lack of water drain. As a rule, this problem happens after washing, the machine does not drain the water to switch to rinsing, or it does it too slowly. A blockage can form at certain points:

  • in the drain pipe located between the filter and the tank. It rarely happens, because the nozzle is thick enough;
  • in the water filter. In this place, blockage occurs most often;

  • in the pump. For a machine of this brand, blockage in this place is rare, because another filter is mounted in front of the pump;
  • in the drain hose. A rare occurrence that can be caused by improper hose installation.

When removing a blockage, you must first inspect and clean the most accessible places of the washer. First of all, the drain filter is unscrewed, located in the lower part on the right, behind a narrow panel. Before you start unscrewing the filter, you need to put a rag to collect spilled water. After cleaning the filter from debris, it can be put in place.

The second step is to check the drain hose. It is unscrewed and cleaned with a cable. After that, the hose is installed in its place.

If the problem persists, you will have to disassemble the machine to clean the pump and pipes. To remove the pipes, a pair of clamps is released, and when dismantling the pump, disconnect the electrical wiring and unscrew the mounting screws.

  1. Failure of the pump and water intake valve.

A broken water inlet valve, by all indications, is quite difficult to confuse with other washing machine malfunctions. When this element ceases to close the flow of water, it enters the tank by gravity, even when the machine is de-energized from the mains.

If you hear the characteristic murmur of flowing and merging water when the unit is turned off, you can be absolutely sure that the problem lies precisely in the valve.

To check this element, you should remove the top panel, which requires unscrewing a couple of bolts. The valve is located at the point of connection of the hose intended for collecting water with the SMA body. First you need to check the gaskets, then measure the resistance of the device using a multimeter. To do this, the probes are exposed to the contacts of the intake valve, and a check is performed. A value of 30 - 50 ohms should be displayed on the device.

The failed element must be replaced with an analogue, it is no longer subject to repair. The replacement process is quite fast. You just need to unscrew the old element, and install a new one in its place, connecting all the sensors.

The problem arises with a failed pump, since such a part is quite expensive. A failed pump will give itself away during the washing process, when the unit should drain the waste water, but this does not happen. At the same time, no sounds are heard from the pump, or it buzzes idle, and the murmur of flowing water is not heard.

It should be noted here that such signs are considered approximate and may well confirm that there are problems of a different nature. For example, the electronics failed. And yet, first of all, you need to check the pump.

In Ariston, it is located below, it is possible to get to it through the bottom of the machine. It is necessary to entrust the master to check and change the pump, but some craftsmen do this work on their own.

  1. Failure of the water heating element.

The heating element is considered an important part, which is responsible for maintaining the temperature of the water in the tank, respectively, and for the quality of the washing process. If it breaks, washing may not start at all, an error code will be displayed on the screen, or washing will start in cold water. Both phenomena should cause you to inspect the heating element, check it for operability and, if necessary, replace it.

The verification is fairly easy. It is necessary to deploy the washing machine, on the back panel from the bottom, find a service hatch, fixed with latches and self-tapping screws. After unscrewing and squeezing the fasteners, remove the cover. Under the tank are two contacts fixed in the middle. The screw must be unscrewed, then the heating element is carefully pulled towards itself. At this point, it can be gently rocked in different directions.

If, however, the heating element is burned out, it is replaced with a similar one. Installation is carried out in reverse order.

  1. Bearing failure.

It is no longer a secret that the failure of oil seals or bearings is a rather rare phenomenon in Ariston. But sometimes this happens, and appropriate measures must be taken immediately. Such a breakdown is recognized quite easily - in the bearing, after its destruction, all rubbing elements make unpleasant sounds, the shaft rubs against the bushing, forming a wear. If you do not take appropriate measures and continue to use the washing machine, play will appear in the drum, which will damage the tub.

So that the machine does not break down completely, you should, having heard such sounds, immediately call the wizard, or make an attempt to replace the bearings on your own. The main difficulty lies in the fact that you have to disassemble the washer. Bearings must be removed so as not to damage the bushing, install new elements in the vacated space. And here, due skill will already be required, otherwise the repair will not bring positive results.

  1. Washing machine does not turn on.

This problem can arise from a faulty outlet or power wiring. The first option is easy to check - just turn on another electrical appliance. If it works, then disconnect the wire that feeds the machine and check it with a tester. If the wire is in good condition, it is necessary to look for a problem in the control unit. This is a more serious problem, involving the intervention of an experienced specialist.

  1. No drum rotation.

The first thing that draws attention is the condition of the drive belt. During the operation of the machine, it is subject to severe wear and tear. To such problems, you can add a gap or an increase, which is also not very pleasant. In each of these cases, it is necessary to replace the drive belt. Such repairs do not cause any particular difficulties, it is quite possible to carry out on their own.

It should be noted that the belt is not considered the only cause of such a failure. A few more troubles can happen related to the failure of the electric motor, a breakdown in the control unit, malfunctions of the electrical wires, blockages in the filter. Each of them can cause the rotation of the drum to stop. Only an experienced master can determine it.

  1. Breakage of fasteners.

It may happen that the door in the machine stops closing or is tightly fixed. The problem should be sought in its skew, which does not allow the hook to enter the hole intended for it. To fix this problem, you just need to tighten the door hinges. When the locking tab wears out or the handle loosens, these elements are best simply replaced.

  1. Repair of the control module, or its replacement.

In order to remove this element, it is necessary to sequentially perform several actions:

  • it is necessary to de-energize the washing machine by pulling the plug out of the socket;
  • remove the top panel of the machine;
  • by pressing on a special latch located in the center, remove the box for detergents (dispenser);
  • now the front panel is unscrewed, the clamps are unclenched, the board is turned off;
  • the selector is removed, a new board is mounted on it;
  • it remains to assemble in the reverse order and check the machine for operability.

Remember that there is nothing complicated here. But checking and cleaning oxidized contacts is much more difficult.


The manufacturers of the Ariston washing machine took care of the future owners of their product, providing it not only with modern functionality and beautiful design, but also with a convenient system for self-diagnosing faults. Codes indicating malfunctions light up on the display of the machine. For some models, a failure may be indicated by a flashing indicator on the panel.

Without a doubt, the Ariston washing machine has a complex structure, but most often, having information about errors and breakdowns, it is possible to find their cause without any problems and carry out repairs on our own, without using the help of qualified specialists. It is only recommended not to neglect technical advice, to comply with every last detail, and to comply with safety requirements.

No hostess can imagine herself without an automatic washing machine. The product range allows you to choose a model that is most suitable in terms of dimensions, technical capabilities, and in accordance with the available budget. One of the popular brands is Ariston. The model range meets all modern requirements: reliability, ergonomics, efficiency. But even this equipment is prone to breakage. What are the possible malfunctions of the Ariston washing machine? Let's take a closer look.

Advantages of washing machines "Ariston"

There are a number of advantages of the equipment of this brand:

  • Profitability. The consumption of electricity and water is reduced to a minimum.
  • Ergonomics. Ease of use and beautiful design.
  • Wide model range. Opportunity to select the best equipment in the right price segment.
  • Availability of service, constant availability of spare parts for all models.
  • The software can be adjusted to suit your needs.

As you can see, Ariston washing machines have all the advantages of modern household appliances.

Equipment device

Any washing machine consists of several parts:

  • electronic control unit;
  • heating element - heating element;
  • electric motor;
  • drain pump - pump;
  • water supply system;
  • bearings and seals;
  • sensors.

This is an incomplete list, but it captures the essence of functioning.

In these parts, the most common causes of a malfunction of the Ariston washing machine. Let's look at them in more detail below.

Major breakdowns

The service life depends directly on how the Ariston washing machine is used. Malfunctions and their elimination bring a lot of discomfort to the owners, but nevertheless, basically all problems come from improper operation. Consumers do not take into account the hardness of the water, make incorrect installation and connection.

According to reviews of repair organizations, the main malfunctions of Ariston washing machines are as follows:

  • Water pump. It is worth noting that this weak point is typical not only for this brand, but also for other manufacturers.
  • Weak mechanical fastening of doors, drum, top cover.
  • Hose integrity. Most often it suffers at the junction with the drum. Directly depends on the hardness of the water.
  • Control module errors.

The Ariston washing machine has such disadvantages. Malfunctions and their elimination do not cause difficulties for the masters, since all spare parts are in constant access. Let's take a closer look at each type of breakdown and how to fix it.

water pump

Washing machine "Ariston" malfunctions and their elimination helps to track and implement using the instructions, which has a table with a breakdown of errors. A drain system failure is indicated by the letter "F" and the numbers 05 (drain pump problems) and 11 (no data from the drain pump).

In such cases, they check the connection of the controller with the pump, the pump itself (the presence of voltage in it), the operability of the sensor, and the absence of blockage in the drain system. If the cause is found, it should be corrected, if not, then they go to replace the pump.

Mechanical fasteners

When the fixation of the door or cover is loosened, the fasteners are tightened. Increased noise and vibration during operation will help track the weakening of the drum. It is important to respond in a timely manner to this problem, which was identified by the Ariston washing machine. Malfunctions and their elimination of such a plan will not take much time and will not cost a penny. But if you miss the situation, you may need a major overhaul, which will cost a round sum.

Hose integrity

The appearance of water on the floor indicates such a breakdown of the Ariston washing machine. Malfunctions and their elimination of this type bring a lot of trouble. Start the repair by finding the leak. To do this, not only the hoses are examined, but also the places of their attachment.

There are situations when the pipe becomes clogged and flies from the place of water supply. In such cases, the hose should also be fixed back. If the integrity of the rubber tubes is broken, then they are replaced with new ones. Such malfunctions can lead to a complete failure of the machine. Water, getting on the electronic unit, electric motor, sensors, relays, disables them.

Control Module Errors

How does the Ariston washing machine behave in such situations? Possible malfunctions flashing lights indicate.

In this case, the following errors pop up: F06 (button failure), F09 (volatile memory failure), F12 (broken circuit between the display and the controller, F18 (incorrect microprocessor operation). The solutions will be as follows:

  • F06 - check the serviceability of the buttons, their contact. Very often, with such breakdowns, the control unit is completely changed.
  • F09 - they replace the controller or make firmware for the microcircuit that is responsible for the memory.
  • F12 - check connections, change spare parts if necessary.
  • F18 - to eliminate the code, change the controller.

The Ariston washing machine does not differ in special design difficulties. Do-it-yourself repairs can easily fix malfunctions. What other breakdowns can occur?

Tubular electric heater (TEN)

For breakdowns of such a plan, the following errors are typical:

  • F03 - malfunction of the sensor that monitors the operating temperature of the heating element. The contacts between the controller and the sensor are checked, the sensor itself is in good condition. Replaced if necessary.
  • F07 - The heating element is not immersed in water when the equipment is operating. The contact between the sensor responsible for the water level and the controller is checked, the serviceability of both. If necessary, the defective element is replaced.

With such errors, the serviceability of the heating element itself is also checked using a multimeter.

Some more faults

Part of the breakdowns may occur due to any initial.

For example, when water leaks from a drain or intake system, electrical and electronic contacts can be flooded, which can damage any system.

The occurrence of vibration during the destruction of the bearings can displace the axis of the drum, which will also entail a major overhaul. An unstable supply of electricity is the cause of failure of the electronic

Fault Prevention

The first step is to properly install the equipment. It must be level. With proper installation, the Ariston washing machine (which we reviewed the malfunctions and their elimination) will less likely disappoint with breakdowns. This will increase the service life. How will the Ariston washing machine (vertical loading) behave during installation and connection out of level? The faults that will occur are displacement and deformation of the axis. Such repairs are not covered by the warranty, and the owner will have to incur significant costs for it. Installing filter systems for the water supply and using special tools will help prevent many malfunctions, including the formation of scale and its harmful effects on the heating element and other systems.

For washing machines, a separate cable is provided, which must be designed for the power consumption of the equipment, and in the shield - a separate machine. A grounding device is required. Do not load laundry weighing more than the recommended instructions. This can lead to the failure of the drum mounting systems. The result is a costly overhaul.

Whatever malfunctions the Ariston washing machine shows, do-it-yourself repairs should be started by studying the instructions, which have a diagram of the device, a table of operation errors. Another important point, if the equipment is under warranty, it is better to contact the service center. If you are sure that the breakdown occurred as a result of improper operation, then you can carry out repairs yourself. This will significantly reduce time and financial costs. And the constant availability of spare parts will help you quickly find the right part for any model.

The Ariston washing machine is equipped with an individual coding system for faults that can happen to such a unit during operation. This system allows you to timely diagnose, fix problems with washing equipment. Next, we will tell you what to do if the Ariston brand washing machine issues a code: error f 05, f 08 and other types of breakdowns.

Ariston is an experienced manufacturer of various household appliances. It also creates a wide range of durable, practical, highly functional washing machines. As practice shows, such equipment rarely breaks down with careful operation, however, this sometimes also happens. So that a small breakdown of F 05 does not provoke more serious problems in the future, you need to quickly respond to the situation.

What to do in this case? Carefully study the manufacturer's instructions and find in it a system of codes that interpret the specifics of the breakdown. So, by the symbols on the control panel of the washing machine, you can understand which structural part is broken or which unit has a malfunction.

Note that the method of signaling a breakdown also depends on the features of the control system of models of this brand:

  • models with an LCD display display fault codes with an inscription on the interface: for example, f 05 or f 08;
  • for a product with an LED control panel, breakdowns are encoded with binary characters, manifested by a combination of several LEDs flashing.

Code Meanings

Let's analyze the main types of codes and determine the nature of the breakdowns they signal.

Error codes Nature of the fault
f 01 Short circuit in the motor control circuit of the unit
f 02 Engine blocking, tachogenerator circuit open or closed
f 03 The problem is an open circuit of the water temperature alarm or sticking of the relay for turning on the heating element
f 04 The unit simultaneously displays a signal of a full and an empty tank
f 05 The pressure switch is not able to reach the “empty” state or the drain pump is jammed
f 06 Program code not recognized
f 07 The heating element is not able to consume electricity
f 08 Sticking heating element relay
f 09 Program Mode Error Detected
f 10 There is no signal from the level sensor, so it is impossible to determine the degree of filling of the tank
f 11 No pump feedback indication
f 12 The relationship between the display module and the electrical controller is broken
f 13 Rupture of a chain of a determinant of a temperature mode of drying
f 14 Open circuit of the drying heater, no connection of the drying analyzer
f 15 Drying heater does not start due to sticking of the contacts of the drying relay, short circuit of the drying thyristor
f 16 The drum is blocked and does not move. Typical for top-loading models
f 17 Open circuit of the door blocking system, no power supply. The error is typical for the washing machine, where the Easy Door mode is present.
f 18 Violation of the relationship of the microprocessor with the DSP

Ways to eliminate the identified breakdowns

If a breakdown of the washing machine is detected, an error code will appear on its interface. For example, f 05. After studying the manufacturer's instructions, you can understand how to proceed.

If f 01 is detected, the probability of the contact of the connector J9 of the controller should be checked. Water may get on it. It would be useful to check for corrosion processes on the contacts of the drive motor connector. To fix the problem, you need to replace the controller and drive motor.

Using a tester, we measure the control voltages on the block J09

If the display shows the value f 02, then you need to check the rotor of the drive motor for blocking. This may be due to problems with the drum bearings. It is also worth analyzing the quality of the contact between the J9 connector of the controller and the drive motor, to determine whether the electrical resistance of the tachogenerator winding has a sufficient level. The norm of this indicator ranges from 115 to 170 ohms. You need to inspect the wiring and tachogenerator. If the motor in the model is three-phase, then you will need:

  • evaluate the external circuits of contacts 6,7 of connector J9 for an open circuit;
  • replace the drive motor and electronic controller.

Problem f 03 is solved by checking contacts 11, 12, as well as connector J8 of the electronic controller and NTC temperature analyzer. It is also worth analyzing the level of electrical resistance of the NTC signaling device. If these parts fail, they are replaced.

Error f 04: you need to fill the tank of the washing machine with water to the “overflow” mark and evaluate whether the contacts of the JЗ connector of the electronic controller are securely connected, the water level indicator. The situation is solved by replacing the level indicator, controller.

At f 05, it is worth studying the quality of the connection of the contacts of the J9 connector of the electrical controller, the drain pump, because f05 speaks of problems in this area. At f 06 - is there a connector contact, inspect the wiring from the board to the control panel.

f 07: for models AVD and AVL, it is necessary to determine the quality of the contacts of the J3 connector of the electrical controller, the level detector, the quality of the latter, the performance of the heating element.

Checking the operation of the heating element

F 08 indicates the need to check the water level indicator. If it malfunctions, f 08 can only be eliminated by replacing this part.

F 09 indicates the need to replace the controller.

At f 10, it will be necessary to evaluate the contacts of connector 33 of the controller and the level indicator. At f 11, they analyze how reliable the connection is from pins 8, 9 of connector J9 of the controller to the drain pump.

F 12 indicates the need to check the contacts of the connector J11 of the electronic controller. At f 13, it is worth inspecting the contact of the CAN connector of the controller, the drying temperature signaling device, at f14 - the contact of the connection between the electrical controller and the drying heater, at f 15 - the contact of the CN1 connector.

Inspection of the board for damaged elements

F 16 requires to eliminate the overload of the drum.

With f 17, the following points should be checked:

  • mains voltage of pins 3,4 of connector J4 of the electronic controller.
  • does the microswitch of the door lock work;
  • whether the lock of the hatch door is securely latched.

F 18 indicates the relevance of replacing the electrical controller.

Purpose of the diagnostic key

Almost every Ariston brand washing machine is equipped with a special breakdown diagnostic tool. The main purpose of the service test is to indicate various kinds of breakdowns of equipment components. Analysis of the state of the units of the washing unit is carried out quickly and gives reliable results.

In simple words, such a function provides a person with the opportunity to analyze the quality of functioning of all modes of operation of the unit, identify breakdowns, and eliminate the problem if any.

How to run a test

The start of a service test to analyze the quality of the functioning of the Ariston washing machine is carried out as follows:

  • you need to connect the SAT diagnostic key, which allows you to start the testing program. The device is inserted into the connector on the rear of the model, after which the green or blue indicator light on it turns on. The red light of the key indicator when connected to the washing machine indicates the exchange of information between the diagnostic tool and the unit controller;
  • Next, you need to run the test program. To do this, the washing machine must be connected to the water supply, sewerage. It is also necessary to ensure that there is no water in its tank and slam the door tightly. Now you can set the program switch to the initial position by pressing the "automatic test" button, hold it in this position for a while until a sound signal appears, the inscription "test" appears on the display.

How is the test

When run, the service test performs the following steps:

  1. turning on the solenoid valve for filling water for the main, and then for the preliminary washing mode for a period of 10 s each;
  2. starting the hot water inlet solenoid valve for a period of 10 s;
  3. simultaneous activation of the solenoid valves for filling water for the main and preliminary washing regimes. After that, water begins to flow into the tank of the unit until the water level indicator notifies of full filling;
  4. rotation of the drum of the unit in the direction of clockwise movement, and then in the opposite direction;
  5. starting the heating element, heating the water in the tank to a level of 30 ° C;
  6. the drain pump turns on. It functions until the "Empty tank" signal. At the same time, the drive motor begins to rotate the drum, as in the spin mode.
  7. testing is completed.

When an error f 05, f 08 or others is detected during testing, the indicator of the diagnostic key will flash. Moreover, flashes will alternate with pauses. And their number will determine the code number that indicates the error. And it will need to be eliminated so that the unit starts functioning again without problems.