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How to find out if there is a protocol. Find out by the number of the protocol on the offense

What is a network protocol? How to check the operation of the network protocol in Windows? Errors and their solutions in the operation of network protocols.

network protocol is the established language in which programs communicate.

Before, make sure that your computer is configured for networking. We are talking about installing drivers and network protocols that allow Apache (HTTP server) to start and work on the local machine. How to do it?

Checking network protocols in Windows

Open: Start > Run (Win+R). In the window that opens, write: ping - and click the " OK».

Note: so that, after executing this command, the DOS window does not close, and you can familiarize yourself with the result, use the command line. To do this, in the window that opens, enter: cmd - and click the " OK", and only then: ping and press Enter.

The output of the command should look like this:

Errors in network protocols

In case of problems, use one of the following solutions:

  • Windows 98/ME users need to go to Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs > Install Windows and add there Dial-Up Networking. This will automatically install all the necessary protocols.
  • Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7 etc. users - you should check that the installed antivirus or firewall does not interfere with the ping command. Try disabling these programs - if it helps, then you need to deal with their settings.

That's all for me. Thank you for your attention. Good luck!

Based on the latest departmental instructions from the traffic police, motorists have easier access to information. It can now be contained on the official websites of the traffic police, and also provided upon written request. How to find a resolution on the protocol, as well as find out about the amount of the fine, will be described below.

The difference between the protocol and the traffic police decision

According to the norms of the Code of Administrative Offenses, and the departmental order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the protocol is a procedural document that documents the commission of a traffic violation, as well as other actions of traffic police officers, for example, referral for examination if the driver is intoxicated or otherwise intoxicated, withdrawal of the vehicle.

This document has a personal number, which is also indicated on its copy. Accordingly, the administrative case is assigned a serial number indicated on the protocol, and under this code in a special database there is all the information about the case, as well as the decisions made and fines. Therefore, you can find a fine by the traffic police protocol number on the official Internet resource.

The decision is a document that is drawn up by an authorized official (traffic police officer, judge), after analyzing all the evidence in the collected administrative case and with your consent, a fine is issued.

That is, the decision is the result of consideration of the materials, and it prescribes what penalties are imposed on the driver for violating traffic rules. This document also has its own serial number, and on the basis of the instructions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (order), the protocol code is also affixed to it. This is necessary so that there is no confusion, and violators could not.

Therefore, you can also find the protocol number by the decision number in a special database or at the written request of a motorist.

It is important to know that if the consideration of an administrative offense is transferred to the court, then in this case the whole case is assigned its own number, which is different from the code of the protocol. Therefore, in order to find the protocol by the number of the traffic police decision it is possible by submitting a written application for familiarization with the case materials to the court, or by entering the protocol number into a special traffic police database. In addition, the court order will be mandatory sent to the address of the offender, or issued upon his written application in court.

The mechanism for entering information on fines for traffic violations

Before you figure out how to find traffic police fines by protocol number, you need to understand the mechanism for submitting such information to special databases.

  1. After drawing up a protocol on traffic violations, the traffic police officer gives all the materials to a special administrative service, whose employees enter all the information into their database. It contains the protocol number, information about the offender, as well as the state number of the vehicle, information about its owner, the person who has the right to use it.
  2. Further, an authorized person draws up a resolution indicating penalties or other sanctions, which is also assigned a special number, usually it coincides with the protocol code. These data, authorized employees of the administrative service, are also entered into this register, and attached to the administrative file, which has the protocol number. Therefore, the fine imposed under the traffic violation protocol will be visible in this database.
  3. In order for drivers to comply with the penalties imposed on them, on the basis of internal orders and instructions between state registers and the traffic police database, the above information is automatically duplicated on other official information resources. Therefore, in order to find the traffic police fine by the protocol number, you can use various state information sites.

If the materials go to court, then the above information remains in the traffic police database, and in the judiciary the case is assigned its own personal number, by which you can recognize the judge considering the offense, as well as view the decision to impose a penalty, if it is issued.

To do this, you need to go to a special register of court decisions and decisions.

It is important to remember that if a motorist disputes the traffic police decision on the imposition of a penalty in court, information about this must also be entered into a special database.

Search for imposed fines

How to find the protocol of the traffic police by the number of the decision, taking into account the legal mechanism for formalizing an administrative case on violation of traffic rules, was described above.

Now let's move on to the official Internet resources, with which you can get the information of interest.

These are the following Internet resources:

  • official website of the State Treasury GIS GMP;
  • official website of the traffic police;
  • Internet resource A3;
  • in the personal account of Sberbank or Yandex money.
  • official website of public services.

You can find out the debt and for what the fine by the number of the decision by personally contacting the territorial department of the traffic police or the FSSP.

Let us consider in detail how to find a resolution on the protocol, as well as the amount of the fine imposed on these Internet resources.


The hard way. To find the traffic police decision by the protocol number on this resource, you must first create your account on the public services website or the traffic police.

On this resource you can find information about the payment of a fine, or its cancellation (if it is canceled by a court decision).

To get information, you need to use the following algorithm:

  • first you need to go to this site by entering your account (data) in a special window;
  • after that, move the mouse over the “traffic police fines” window and click on it;
  • a new window will appear in which you will need to enter the number of the decision to impose an administrative penalty;
  • the resource will give out full information, where the amount of the penalty will be indicated, whether it was paid or canceled by a court decision.

But it should be noted right away that this resource does not allow obtaining complete information on an administrative case.

Traffic police website

This is a specialized resource that allows you not only to find a fine by the protocol number on the traffic police website, but also to get complete information about the progress of the entire administrative case. Site http://www.gibdd.ru/mens/fines/

To find a fine according to the protocol on the traffic police website, you need to use the following algorithm of actions:

  • First you need to create your account on this portal;
  • then the user must go to this site under his account, and find the "penalties" window;
  • you need to click on it, after which a new window will open, where you need to enter the vehicle data (state number, certificate of its registration (registration), and click with the mouse;
  • after processing the request, the system will issue a special table that will contain the following information - the number of the decision, protocol, the amount of the fine, who drew up the protocol, the traffic rules clause that was violated by the driver, data on the payment or non-payment of the penalty.

Now let's look at how to find the traffic police protocol on this site. After the information that has opened, the motorist must verify the number indicated on the copy of the protocol and in the issued table.

Driver check. Website https://xn--90adear.xn--p1ai/check/driver#+

If they converge, then the driver needs to pay a fine, if not, a trial should be held, since penalties may be imposed erroneously.

Resource A3

A feature of this Internet resource is that it is not among the state, but cooperates with the database, which is located on the website of the Treasury and the traffic police.

Based on this, a motorist who has a created account on the traffic police website can use the services of this database.

Consider how to find the traffic police protocol on this resource by number.

  1. As mentioned above, you first need to have an account, or create it on the traffic police resource or the treasury.
  2. Next, you need to go to this site and find the “traffic police fines” window on its information wall.
  3. Next, you need to click on this window, after which a special line will open, where you need to enter the number of the decision to impose an administrative penalty.
  4. In a few seconds, the system will provide information not only about the amount of the fine, but also for what violation (paragraph) of traffic rules it was assigned.

Government Services Portal

Now let's look at how to find the traffic police decision by the protocol number. It should be noted right away that this is a nationwide resource for information on all services and their cost provided in the Russian Federation. Site https://www.gosuslugi.ru/

Public service website

Therefore, in order to find out all the information on the administrative case, as well as the amount of the fine imposed, you need to use the following algorithm of actions:

  • first you need to go through the registration process on this portal;
  • after receiving confirmation, in the information directory, find the window "traffic police fines", and click on it with the mouse;
  • an information line will open where you need to enter the information (number) of the driver's license, as well as the data of the vehicle registration certificate, and click the mouse;
  • the system will give full information about the absence or presence of a fine.

In order to find out its amount, and other data, you need to enter the number of the decision in the column, and the system will notify you how much the motorist needs to pay.

It must be remembered that the above are official and verified resources that provide reliable information on fines. Other resources may contain unverified information, so they cannot be trusted.

In order to find information about the traffic police fine, the movement of an administrative case, a motorist can use a written request to the regional traffic police department, or special Internet resources. To do this, you need to know the number of the protocol or decision that was drawn up by the police.

There are many different applications that show which application is currently "listening" on which port. You can use SysInternals Process Explorer, Sysinternals TCPView, Nirsoft CurrPorts, all of which are great, but they might not be available at the right time. Their absence can be compensated by the built-in tools of the operating system.

Part Windows console utility included netstat. Run it with the parameter /? , you will see that it is intended to display statistics and active connections of the TCP / IP protocol, as well as a complete list of its options:

From this list, we are primarily interested in these:

  • -a– display all connections and used ports.
  • -o– display the numeric identifier of the process responsible for a particular connection (Process ID, or simply PID).

I also want to draw your attention to the option –n, which tells the utility netstat display real IP addresses and digital port values ​​instead of DNS names and common aliases. In some cases this may be useful.


If you are sick of tasklist, you can use the system " Task Manager". Run it by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ESC, go to the "Processes" tab. In the "View" menu, select "Select Columns", and check the PID column:

The desired process can be found by the value of this column:

I personally prefer tasklist for the reason that there is no search in the task manager.


In the new menu, select "Network" or "Manage network connections" (again, depends on the version of Windows, in Windows 7 this may be called "Change adapter settings").

There you will see your connection type. For example, PPPOE (high speed connection) or PPTP (VPN).

Another possible option is to hover over the Internet (usually located immediately to the left of the volume icon in the bottom bar). Click the icon once. The first line displays the network to which you are connected, and the second - the type of connection. If you need more detailed information - click on the inscription at the very bottom of the window, a menu opens, in the left panel select "Change adapter settings".

If you need additional information, for example, your IP address, then this can be easily found on specialized sites. Enter in the search engine query: "my IP". The desired sites will be displayed as the first or second line in the search engine results. There you can find a lot of additional information.


  • what type of internet do i have

Each site is served by a specific hosting provider. Sometimes it becomes necessary to find out which one. To do this, there are both special programs and sites that allow you to get this information directly from the browser.


If you are using a Linux operating system, use the whois console utility. It is included in the delivery package of almost any distribution kit of this OS. Enter it using the following syntax:
whois second-level domain name
For example, the result of using this command on a relation looks like this:
$whois site

% By submitting a query to RIPN's Whois Service

% you agree to abide by the following terms of use:

% http://www.ripn.net/about/servpol.html#3.2(in English)

% http://www.ripn.net/about/en/servpol.html#3.2(in English).
domain: site

server: ns.rusbeauty.ru.

nserver: ns4.rusbeauty.ru.


org: RelevantMedia LLC

phone: +7 495 9802240

fax-no: +7 495 9802240

e-mail: [email protected]


created: 2008.07.03

paid-till: 2012.07.03

source: TCI
Last updated on 2011.09.10 19:18:42 MSK/MSD

If your Linux machine does not have the whois utility, download the whois package from one of the following, depending on the distribution you are using:
If you use only Windows, download this utility designed for this operating system from the following link:
The procedure for using this version of the utility is the same.

To find out information about the provider serving the site, directly from the browser, regardless of the operating system (even), use a special online service, for example, one of these:

Perhaps, after checking the second-level domain name, you will receive information of the following nature:
$whois inexistentdomainname.com
Whois Server Version 2.0
Domain names in the .com and .net domains can now be registered

with many different competing registers. Go to http://www.internic.net

for detailed information.

>>> Last update of whois database: Sat, 10 Sep 2011 15:35:38 UTC<<<
This means that such a domain name does not yet exist. If you want to get a new second-level domain name, check in this way whether one or another of them is taken or free.

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The procedure for displaying the type of Internet connection is a built-in standard function of the Microsoft Windows operating system and does not require the use of additional specialized third-party software. This operation can be performed by a computer user with an initial level of computer training.


Press the "Start" button to call the main menu of the system and go to the "Settings" item to perform the operation of determining the type of Internet connection (for Windows XP).

Call the context menu of the window by right-clicking on an empty space and select the “View” item (for Windows XP).

Select the "Tile" item and determine which of the two possible types of Internet connection - "Virtual Private Network" (VPN) or "High Speed ​​Connection" (PPPOE) is used (for Windows XP).

Click the "Start" button to call the main menu of the system and go to the "Control Panel" item to perform the operation of determining the type of Internet connection in the Windows Vista operating system.

Click the "Classic View" button located in the left corner of the application window for easier viewing and expand the "Network and Sharing Center" link (for Windows Vista).

Select the "Manage network connections" item in the list on the left side of the dialog box that opens and call the context menu by right-clicking on an empty space in the window (for Windows Vista).

Select the "View" item and select the "Table" command (for Windows Vista).

Determine the type of Internet connection you are using from two options: WAN Miniport (PPTP) - VPN or WAN Miniport PPPOE (for Windows Vista).

Click the "Start" button to call the main menu of the system and go to the "Control Panel" item to perform the operation of determining the type of Internet connection in the Windows 7 operating system.

Select the "Large Icons" item in the "View by:" menu and open the "Network and Sharing Center" link (for Windows 7).

Select the "Change adapter settings" item in the list on the left side of the dialog box that opens and call the context menu by right-clicking on an empty space in the window (for Windows 7).

Select the "View" item and select the "Table" command (for Windows 7).

Determine the type of Internet connection you are using from two options: WAN Miniport (PPTP) - VPN or WAN Miniport PPPOE (for Windows 7).


If you are currently reading this article, then you are already using the services of a provider. But even experienced Internet users sometimes do not know the exact definition of this term.


A provider is a person, usually a legal entity, that provides an Internet access service. The very way of providing this service can be anything from classic Dial-Up to advanced WiMax.

Almost every provider allows the user to choose one of several tariff plans. Between themselves, they differ in the speed of access, as well as the presence or absence of a predetermined amount of transmitted information. There are also tariffs where, although unlimited is guaranteed, after reaching a certain amount of received and transmitted data, the speed drops, and it is restored after a certain period - usually an hour, a day or a month.

Cellular operators are rarely called providers, but when they provide Internet access services, they are, in fact, just that. In the recent past, using mobile Internet was unprofitable, since unlimited tariffs were not available to most. Only in the last three years, their prices have dropped sharply. And although almost any of these tariff plans involve reducing the speed after reaching a certain amount of traffic, it still turns out to be very profitable.

The services of any providers are inexpensive only in those localities where there are several of them, and they have to compete. Almost all of them today do not interfere with the use of the Linux operating system, as well as routers. After all, if you do not provide the user with such an opportunity, another provider will lure him away. And some users do not skimp and connect to two providers at once. If one of them has problems, you can use the services of another.

Hosting providers provide a completely different service - site hosting. This allows the site owner to forego the costly lease of a fixed IP address and the maintenance of an always-on server.

Each provider must have the equipment of the System of Operative-Investigative Measures - SORM. In the event that any of the subscribers commit a computer crime, this system allows you to quickly and accurately identify the attacker.

Internet users access the network through an ISP. The provider owns a certain range of ip-addresses, when connecting to the network, the user is allocated one of the addresses of this range. The presence of an ip-address allows, if necessary, to easily determine the provider.


The provider that owns a specific ip-address can arise in different situations. For example, you managed to calculate the IP of a computer whose owner illegally connected to your machine or committed other illegal actions. In this case, you can inform the provider about the actions performed at a certain time from such and such an ip address.

If you suspect an illegal connection to your computer, type in the command line ("Start - All Programs - Accessories - Command Prompt") the netstat -aon command and press Enter. You will see a list of all connections indicating the external address, the port to which the connection was made, the connection status and other data. Knowing the ip, you can try to find the provider.

It is very simple to determine the provider, for this it is enough to use one of the many network services that provide the corresponding services. For example, this: http://www.ip-ping.ru/ipinfo/? Insert the IP you are interested in in the field and click the "Request" button, you will receive all the information you need about the provider, including phone numbers and email addresses.

If necessary, you can find out and using the appropriate service: http://www.ip-1.ru/ Select "Geocoding" on the page that opens, then enter the address you need in the search field. The location of the computer will be marked on the map that appears. In reality, this option does not guarantee the determination of the exact location, but it allows you to find out the region.

There are a fairly large number of types of connections to the Internet provider. Below are the main ones:

1. LAN connection

In this case, the user connects via a normal Ethernet local area network. No additional connections or login/password entry is required. This type is further subdivided into:

a) Dynamic - DHCP or "dynamic". The simplest type, no settings are required and the user simply connects the computer with a cable, which receives all the settings automatically

b) Static -"fixed IP address" or "static". In this case, the "Internet Protocol TCP/IPv4" parameters must be pre-configured according to the settings provided by the ISP, which usually include the IP address, subnet mask, gateway, and DNS server(s). For example, this type is used by the TDS + provider in Volokolamsk.

Sometimes in both subtypes can be used binding by MAC address(in this case, the router is usually required to support the so-called MAC Cloning or MAC Spoofing - substitution or change of the MAC address on the Internet port).

2. VPN connection

In this case, the user connects through the so-called. VPN (virtual private network) with the need to specify a login and password. This type has subdivisions:

a) PPPoE. To connect to the Internet, you need to create a connection through the setup wizard by selecting "Connect to the Internet" -\u003e "Set up a connection manually" and select PPPoE in the settings.

b) PPTP. To connect to the Internet, you need to create a connection through the setup wizard by selecting "Connect to a workplace" -\u003e "Connect to a virtual private network (VPN)", then specify the address of the VPN server.

c) L2TP. Another type of connection that is gaining popularity. The setting is similar to PPTP, only after creating a connection, you need to select "L2TP IPSec VPN" in its properties on the "Network" tab.

The type of VPN connection can also be found by clicking on the connection icon in the tray (with active Internet) and selecting the "Details" tab.

3. Combined connection type

The most complex type, common, in fact, only in Russia (with rare exceptions). The bottom line is to combine a LAN connection with a VPN connection to provide so-called. dual access- dual access, i.e. access to the Internet and internal resources of the provider (peer-to-peer networks, IPTV, etc.). Accordingly, various combinations of (1) and (2) can be used, namely:

a) PPPoE + Dynamic. The Internet is provided via PPPoE, the local address in the provider's network is obtained automatically. Usually, routes are also dynamically distributed to access certain resources through a particular interface (using the so-called DHCP option). For example, this type is used by the Chehov.NET provider

b) PPPoE + Static. The Internet is provided via PPPoE, the local address in the provider's network is set manually, statically. Routes are also written manually using the "route add ..." command in the "cmd" console.

c) PPTP + Dynamic. The Internet is provided via PPTP, the local address in the provider's network is obtained automatically. Routes can similarly be distributed dynamically through the DHCP option or manually registered (rarely).

d) PPTP + Static. The Internet is provided via PPTP, the local address in the provider's network is set manually, statically. Routes are also written manually.

e) L2TP + Dynamic. The Internet is provided via L2TP, the local address in the provider's network is obtained automatically. Routes can similarly be distributed dynamically through the DHCP option or manually registered (rarely).

f) L2TP + Static. The Internet is provided via L2TP, the local address in the provider's network is set manually, statically. Routes are also written manually.

P.S. Determining your type of Internet connection will help you set up your Wi-Fi router or Wi-Fi access point.