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Homemade alarm system for cars. Simple do-it-yourself alarms How to make an alarm with your own hands at home

Modern society is simply unthinkable without burglar alarms. Security alarms can be both fire and conventional, working against intruders. It all depends on where it is installed, and what functionality it should carry. Do-it-yourself GSM alarm system is a relatively inexpensive and quite effective solution for guarding a garage or home.

Now there are a large number of companies that are ready to install an alarm system, including GSM. The scheme of such systems is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to understand some of the nuances and it is quite possible not to resort to the help of third parties, but to make an alarm with your own hands. It will cost much less, and its constant maintenance will depend only on you. That is, you yourself will be able to repair it and carry out the service.

If you want to do it right - do it yourself

The widest distribution of such an alarm is in the garage. The simplest homemade GSM alarm system will help solve a number of problems, add confidence in the safety of the car.

What do you need to have to make an alarm with your own hands?

If you look closely at the above list, you can conclude that the cost of the future system is low. Such a do-it-yourself burglar alarm will last a long time if you follow all the following steps correctly.

Installation work

A good do-it-yourself GSM alarm system will work for a long time and work correctly if you follow these steps step by step:

  • In cases where shutdown and hang-up are the same, you need to solder the wire to this button. The second wire is soldered to the number key, which corresponds to the shortcut function. It is from him that your phone number is dialed. As for the hermecon, you need to use one that has a standard closure circuit.
  • In cases where the shutdown and release do not match, it is necessary to solder one more wire to another button. In this case, one of the wires will be common. As for the hermecon, the one that has three contacts is used.
  1. Proceed with the installation of a closed circuit, working with the circuit. It is necessary to install a magnet on the garage door, and then adjust the reed switch so that contact with it means an open circuit.

The resulting burglar alarm works quite simply. If the garage door begins to open, then the contacts are closed using a reed switch. As a result, your phone receives a call. This serves as a wake-up call.

It is important to note that before starting installation, you should consider how to do the work so that the burglar alarm is the least noticeable to prying eyes. In addition, all elements must be protected from moisture.

In the list necessary for arranging the alarm, there is a switch. It just serves to turn the system on or off. Everything is very simple and functional.

You will immediately be able to appreciate the main advantage of arranging such an alarm. The fact is that it does not depend on the mains electricity. You will only need to timely charge the mobile phone that is used in the system. There are batteries that can hold a charge for more than two weeks. By the way, such mobile phones with batteries cost from 890 rubles and more.

In garages that have an electrical network, you can mount the adapter directly into the network. Then you will need to ensure that there are no power outages.

Nuance that is important to know

If thieves get inside your garage, which is equipped with an alarm, they can quickly find it and turn it off. At the same time, the alarm has a certain time for it to work. It only lasts a couple of seconds. At this time, the process of establishing a connection with the phone number of your mobile phone is in progress.

When the door is quickly closed, the call is immediately dropped. In order to prevent this, you can install another device to the magnet. It will have to prevent the magnet from opening the circuit.

The easiest option is to build a system in which, when opening the garage doors, the magnet will move slightly to the side. In this case, the magnet and the reed switch will not touch, and the circuit will not be open. You can return the system to its normal state if you simply move the magnet to its original position.

Currently, it is also recommended to install a video surveillance system. But this is an additional expense. In most cases, it is enough to have a do-it-yourself GSM alarm system that will help you find out in time that a stranger has entered the garage.

This article provides diagrams of the simplest electronic alarms, which can be done by anyone who is at least minimally familiar with electronics or simply knows how to hold a soldering iron in his hand. Such alarms come in handy in many cases. They can be put on the windows if there is a small child in the house who can open them. On the doors of an apartment or garage of a guarded parking lot. And when triggered, the watchman will call the police. You can put such an alarm in the apartment if you are friends with your neighbors. Even if you go camping, it’s not a sin to spread a security train around the camp at night in case of wild animals or strangers.

First scheme electronic signaling is simple to the extreme, there is nowhere easier. This is just one transistor, a resistor and an executive relay. If an audible alarm is expected, then instead of a relay, an audible siren or howler is turned on.

Principle of operation: A security loop is a thin wire, or a closed contact. When the wire is intact (or the contact is closed), the base of the transistor is grounded and the transistor is closed. No current flows between collector and emitter.

If you break the security wire, or open the contact, the base will be connected to the power source through the resistor R1, the transistor will open and the relay (or siren) will work. You can turn it off only either by turning off the power, or by restoring the security loop.
Such an alarm can be used to protect your belongings, for example. A reed switch is used as a security contact, the alarm is hidden in the side pocket of a bag or backpack, and a magnet is placed nearby. If the magnet is removed from the alarm itself (move the thing), the siren will squeal in all voices.

Second scheme with more advanced user features

As in the first case, a security loop, a normally closed (in armed mode) contact or a reed switch closed by a magnetic field serves as a sensor. If the loop is violated, an alarm is triggered and its operation continues until the power is turned off. Restoring the loop does not turn off the alarm, it will still continue to work for some time. The alarm has a button for temporary blocking, which is necessary for the owner to leave the protected area. The alarm also has a response delay, which is necessary for the owner to turn it off when he enters the protected area.

Let's analyze how the circuit works. Before arming the alarm, it is necessary to turn off (open) switch S1. It must be installed in a secret place near the entrance. You can use, for example, a hidden reed switch, which closes - opens by rearranging some object with a magnet built into it, etc. This switch blocks the operation of the system and it stops responding to a broken loop. When leaving, the switch S1 opens and the capacitor C2 begins to charge through the resistor R2. Until the capacitor is charged to a certain value, the system is "blind". And you have time to leave the object, restoring the security loop or closing the contacts. By selecting the values ​​​​of resistor R2 and capacitor C2, achieve an acceptable output delay for yourself.

If the security loop is broken, then the capacitor C1 will start charging through the resistor R1. This pair creates a slight delay in the alarm, and the owner has time to neutralize it by turning on switch S1. It is necessary to choose the values ​​​​of the resistor and capacitor for a comfortable response delay time.
If the loop is broken by an intruder who does not know how to turn off the alarm, then some time after the loop is broken, the alarm will work (both inputs of the D1.1 element will have a logical "1", respectively, at the output "0". After passing through the inverter D1 .2 it will again become "1" and open the transistor VT1. The transistor will discharge the capacitor C3 and open the transistor VT2 through the inverter, which will cause the executive relay to work or turn on the siren.

Even if the attacker quickly restores the loop, the siren will continue to work, since the capacitor C3 will charge through the resistor R3 for a sufficient time. It is the ratings of this pair that determine the operating time of the alarm after the loop is restored. If the loop is not restored, the alarm will work constantly.
Chip - K561LA7, transistors - any n-p-n (KT315, KT815, etc.) Power supply - any with a voltage of +5 - +15 Volts. The executive relay or siren can be connected to a more powerful power source than the circuit itself. In standby mode, the circuit consumes practically no current (at the level of self-discharge of batteries).

Modern life is unthinkable without security alarms. They are very diverse - for example, fire-fighting or burglary protection, they differ depending on the installation location and, accordingly, the required functionality. A country house also needs protection and the best option for it is a GSM alarm system.

At the present time, there are many companies that provide alarm installation services, including those with GSM technology. At first, it may seem to you that such systems are extremely complex, but in reality they are not. The main thing is to understand a few important nuances, after which you can make an alarm on your own, without resorting to outside help. It will cost several times cheaper, moreover, further maintenance of the security system will depend solely on you. In other words, you yourself will carry out preventive measures and troubleshoot.

Despite the fact that GSM alarms are installed mainly in garages, they can also be successfully used to protect the house. The simplest security system described in this article can solve many problems, as well as add confidence in the safety of your property.

To make your own alarm system, you will need:

  • soldering iron and ability to work with it;
  • a set of wires;
  • wire cutters;
  • an old mobile phone (required with buttons - modern touch models will not work);
  • one-button switch;
  • stationery knife;
  • insulating tape;
  • small magnet;
  • Super glue;
  • copper and telephone wires;
  • a pair of metal clips;
  • multimeter;
  • minimal knowledge in the field of radio engineering.

After reviewing the list of necessary tools / materials, we conclude: the cost of a home-made alarm is low. If you strictly follow the instructions below, the security system will last long enough.

Do-it-yourself alarm system for the house - installation work

In essence, a GSM alarm system is an advanced mobile phone. She will call your (or any other) number if someone breaks into the house in your absence.

The idea is this: you need to make sure that the phone itself rings the last number dialed from it at the moment when the front door opens. This phone should always be on charge and lie in some box near the outlet. As soon as the door opens, invisible contacts installed on the canopies will close and thereby provoke a call from a mobile phone - you will receive a call.

Note! For signaling, you can use the cheapest phone. The notorious Nokia 1100 is perfect for this.

First stage. To begin with, cut two pieces about 1.5 cm long from metal clips - these will be hinged contacts on the door. Then take the telephone wire, remove the insulation and unravel it into a pair of internal wires. Solder the ends of each of them to the paper clips. Fix the contacts themselves on the door with superglue - one on a fixed hinged hinge, the second on a movable one.

Select the position of the contacts in such a way that they close when the door is half open. Attach the other ends of the wires to the multimeter, then ring them in the closed state (with the door open) in order to check the circuit.

Second phase. Route the wires to the place where the device will be located, hiding them under the baseboard.

Third stage. Next, move on to the phone. It must be with a SIM card, replenished balance, disabled notifications (such as an alarm clock, an incoming call, etc.). Also, he must have the last number dialed, to which a call will be made in case of hacking.

Disassemble the phone, remove the back cover and remove the battery. Then remove the front panel with buttons and gasket. You are only interested in the front, not the back - on it, after removing the keyboard, you will see the contact tracks. Choose from them the one that leads to the call button (determine it by location, because visually it does not differ from other contacts). Fix one of the copper wires with electrical tape on the semicircular contact, and attach the second to the inner one.

Note! It is very important that in this case the outer contour of the semicircular shape does not close.

Also, make sure that the tape does not block the contact to the end call button.

Fourth stage. When everything is ready, install the battery (you can throw away the case - it is not needed), using the same electrical tape for fastening (it is important that it is blue). Then turn on your phone. It may seem impossible to you, because the keyboard is no longer there, but ingenuity comes to the rescue: take a metal clip, straighten it out, making some kind of tweezers, and close the contacts under the right end call button.

After the screen has greeted you and the phone has fully booted up, try to short out the copper wires installed in the previous step. If everything is done correctly, the phone will dial the last dialed number. But if this does not happen, you will have to check all the contacts under the button again and repeat the procedure.

Fifth stage. It remains only to install the phone in the place intended for it. Connect to the copper wires coming from the telephone, the contacts leading from the door canopies. Then plug in the charger and plug it into a power outlet. Everything, the GSM-alarm system has been successfully installed.

Note! For convenience, you can install a toggle switch on one of the long wires to turn the alarm on / off.

As already mentioned, usually such an alarm is installed on the front door. We advise you to attach the contacts to the inner door between the rooms (it will always need to be closed before leaving). If an intruder enters the house, then in any case he will move from one room to another and, therefore, will open the “alarming” door. After that, a subscriber known to you will call your number, and you will be informed about the hack.

Having certain knowledge in radio engineering, such a security system can be improved to make it look more presentable, as well as to make an alarm for a car based on it.

An important point to be aware of

If an intruder enters a house with such an alarm, he will be able to quickly detect it and turn it off. A homemade security system takes a certain amount of time to operate (often a few seconds), that is, to establish a connection with your mobile phone.

If the door closes quickly, the call will be dropped. Remember this.

As a conclusion

The indisputable advantage of such a home-made alarm can be considered its non-volatility. You only need to charge the phone battery in a timely manner using a standard power supply. It is advisable to completely integrate this unit into the mains so that the phone is powered by the battery only during power outages.

We also note that today it is more expedient to install a video surveillance system. It has a lot of advantages, but it is very expensive, so in most cases people get by with conventional GSM alarms.

Installing a GSM security alarm in a country house, garage or private house allows you to ensure the safety and security of property. Management is carried out by phone, and for installation with your own hands you need to master all the features of the system.

The principle of operation of the GSM-alarm system

GSM signaling is a set of devices that are interconnected by a GSM network and interact through a signal. The elements of the complex are installed at the facility, and the control and reception of signals is carried out using a fixed or mobile phone, which is with the owner. So you can receive alarm notifications about the penetration of unauthorized people into the protected object. The system is controlled according to the same principle, but for this you need to send the necessary signal from the phone. As a result, it is possible to activate fire extinguishing systems, control electronic locks and other elements at the facility.

Scope of the security system

Security systems operating over the GSM network are diverse and widely used in private houses, garages, summer cottages. The use of alarms for cars is effective, but such a system differs significantly from the complex for real estate. Small remote warehouses, industrial premises or other structures can easily be equipped with such devices. Functional alarm allows you to respond in a timely manner to a fire or damage to property, to prevent other unpleasant actions of intruders.

Devices, depending on the model, perform the following functions:

  • ensuring fire safety of a dacha, garage or other facility;
  • control of the presence of electricity in the network;
  • control of leaks and overlapping of water valves;
  • gas pipeline leakage control and shutdown of the system;
  • activation of the siren, as well as heating or irrigation on the site;
  • listening to the premises;
  • room temperature control.

Various sensors can be included in the complex of devices, for example, for monitoring the integrity of window panes or smoke detectors. This allows you to vary the functionality of the security system. Therefore, the GSM complex is optimal not only for summer cottages, garages or private houses, but is also used for greenhouses, private facilities under construction and other structures.

Device components for home and garden

A simple version of the alarm system does not require the presence of complex devices, which allows you to create a security system yourself. In this case, it is necessary to understand the principle of operation of the entire complex. As a result, you can create an effective GSM alarm system for your summer house or garage with your own hands. It is so easy to avoid the cost of acquiring expensive equipment.

The following components are required for signaling:

  • a simple push-button mobile phone in working order;
  • finished sensor or reed switch + magnet;
  • switch;
  • mounting wire;
  • soldering iron and solder;
  • SIM card.

Do-it-yourself system assembly

The complex of the security system assumes the presence of a control unit with outputs for sensors and annunciators. The occurrence of emergencies triggers commands that are pre-programmed. For example, in case of violation of the integrity of the window panes in the house, the system is able to send an SMS message to the owner. Listening to everything that happens in the house is also possible when calling to the unit located in the guarded house.

First you need to determine what type of sensors are needed at the facility. Devices that detect damage to window glass, as well as those sensitive to smoke and rising air temperature, are in demand. Special motion sensors are also installed on the front door. After determining the types of devices, their location is selected.

The complex of works includes the following stages:

Video: alarm with motion sensor

A simple system with a minimum of detail is convenient, but a more effective signaling that responds to movements. The system is easy to create with your own hands, and video recommendations allow you to master the process.

Time relay system

GSM alarm schemes with a time relay are different, but simple options are easy to create with your own hands. In this case, the relay is necessary for the siren to sound, and the design may contain either two or one such element. In the first case, one relay activates the sound alert, and the other element turns it off after a set time period. The element has two groups of contacts. If there is one relay, the shutdown is carried out manually, that is, the alarm off button.

Video instruction for creating a time relay

GSM alarm system equipped with a time relay is functional and convenient. To master the rules and principle of operation of the relay allows the video, which presents the features of the installation.

Disadvantages of a homemade system

Simple assembly, economy, easy operation and the possibility of increasing functionality are the advantages of a home-made alarm for a summer house, garage or private house. The system is not without drawbacks, which are expressed in the following:

  • easy blocking of the alarm by unauthorized persons;
  • malfunctions occur quite often;
  • a large set of functions requires the correct installation of each element;
  • a complex system requires careful planning.

Expert reviews

The opinions of experts about the effectiveness of home-made devices are different. The location of the object is important, as well as the type of system. The presence of a siren often makes the alarm a method of scaring off intruders, but before creating a system, it is worth considering the reviews of specialists. Comments on the effectiveness of homemade devices are few, but contain some key points.

When installing an alarm in an apartment with pets, it is worth considering the reviews of experts:

Motion sensors can be adjusted to a specific response height. If your cat does not effortlessly jump to a height of 2 meters, and the intruder does not climb like a plastun (in this position, you can’t even open the closet!), Then the alarm is fully justified. The main thing is that the installation is carried out by specialists who understand the subject well.

Andrey Kotousov

Motion sensors can be configured to trigger only if an object larger than a certain size moves in the room. It can be configured so that when moving an object less than 10 kilograms there will be no triggers. My relatives have an alarm system in the apartment, including motion sensors. They have 2 cats that walk all over the apartment, while there were only 2 false positives, and both times when the cats knocked over massive objects (once their 4-story house) the 2nd carpet twisted in the corner. So the main thing is to set up correctly ...

Mikhail Karpov


Project for homemade devices: yes or no?

There is no need to create a project when installing a home-made GSM alarm system. This is due to the fact that the system includes a minimum number of elements that are easily connected and interact with each other. At the same time, it is worth determining the location of the main unit, as well as the areas for placing all sensors. A schematic representation of the entire system allows you to quickly make an alarm with your own hands.

Laser signaling

A homemade laser alarm is an effective security system that is easy to operate. This uses more complex components than for GSM signaling. For example, a laser source, resistors and other elements are needed. The principle of operation of such a security system is that when the laser beam is interrupted, the voltage at one of the outputs drops below the reference voltage at the other output. At the same time, the degree of voltage increases at the output of the first operational amplifier, and the resulting pulse can be used to turn on the siren, searchlight and other devices.

Schema selection

The alarm, the action of which is based on a laser beam, is created according to the scheme. There are many options of varying complexity. The choice depends on skills in the field of electronics. For example, an effective system with a timer is quite simple and is actively used to protect private objects.

System creation

To install a laser alarm with your own hands, you need to prepare a BT169 thyristor, a laser, an LED light bulb, a capacitor, 47k resistors, a photoresistor or an LDR. Installation includes the following stages of work:

Advantages and disadvantages

Laser signaling is distinguished by such advantages as efficiency, long range, reliability and prompt response to emergencies. To create a system with your own hands, you need simple elements that are easy to purchase. The source of the laser beam is an ordinary pointer that gives a beam of red or another color. The finished device makes the assembly process simple.

The signaling has disadvantages such as the complexity of the assembly circuit, requiring knowledge and skills in the field of electronics. Additional elements in the form of a timer or other devices are important to properly mount and connect to the system.

Video: installation of a laser alarm

Detailed video instructions allow you to master all the features of self-assembly. At the same time, the alarm system will be economical, high-quality and efficient in use.

The GSM security system or a laser complex allows you to ensure the safety of property and the safety of the facility. For a summer house or a garage, it is easy to create a system with your own hands, but it is important to follow the installation rules and use high-quality components.

The Russians have always been famous for their ability to do all the housework on their own, without involving specialists. Most men are decently versed in plumbing, electrics, installation work and in the device of the car. Therefore, do-it-yourself burglar alarms, for many, are not a myth, but a reality. Of course, this will require certain skills, knowledge of electrical engineering and the availability of the right tool.

Security alarm for an apartment

Self installation options in your own apartment there are only two effective burglar alarms. The first option involves the purchase of a ready-made kit, which has everything you need for a small home alarm. And if you purchase a wireless system, then you do not need to do anything. Enough to place sensors in the right places and set up the device according to the instructions. This option has its weaknesses. First of all, the price, which cannot be called too low, then, for some reason, the proposed device and security sensors may not be satisfied. The proposed equipment may not be sufficient to organize a security alarm in a particular apartment.

Therefore, many prefer the second option, when all components are purchased independently and installation work is also carried out without the help of specialists.

Security alarm kit

Every burglar alarm, no matter is it simple or complex, should effectively protect all premises of the apartment and give a signal in case of any violations of the protected area. The main elements of the security system are sensors, each of which responds to a specific action or event. According to their purpose, the number of sensors is limited.

There are only a few varieties:

  • Magnetic sensors
  • Motion detectors
  • Sound sensors
  • Vibration sensors

A pair of "magnet-reed switches" is installed on doors and window sashes. When everything is closed, the magnetic field keeps the contact plates closed.

It is worth slightly opening the door or window, as the magnet will move away from the contact pair, and it will open. This is the most inexpensive and fairly reliable sensor included in all security alarm systems.


A reliable burglar alarm scheme also uses motion detectors that are triggered as soon as an object enters the detection zone of the sensor. These devices come in many types, but PIR motion detectors are used for private burglar alarm systems. They are cheaper than radio wave microwave sensors and more reliable than ultrasonic ones. Each sensor has a clearly defined detection zone.

Most infrared motion sensors have a zone length of 10-12 meters, and a capture angle of 90 0 .

Typically, such devices are installed according to the principle - one room - one sensor, but there are exceptions. If there are several windows in the room on the same wall, then an infrared “curtain” detector is installed, which forms a narrow vertical, but extended horizontal zone that blocks all windows along the wall.

Sound (acoustic) sensors react to the sound of breaking glass. They form an additional security line. As a result of installing three types of sensors, the room will be completely blocked and penetration into it through the window and through the door is almost impossible. Vibration sensors react to attempts to dig or destroy (break) the wall and are rarely used in domestic security alarms.


In addition to sensors, any burglar alarm must have a warning device. Most often, a low-current siren is used, combined in one housing with an LED indicator. Such a device, in case of violation, gives a sharp signal with a sound pressure of 90 to 115 dB, which will simply frighten off the intruder. In addition, the sound of the siren along with the red flashes of the LED indicator will attract the attention of neighbors.

Power alarm

For reliable and uninterrupted operation of the security alarm, you should take care of the correct power supply. Power outages require the use of power supplies with built-in batteries in security systems. Such devices allow the alarm to function normally for several hours.

To perform installation work, you will need wire, cable duct and fasteners. The wiring of the security alarm is carried out with a wire KSPV 4 X 0.5. Two of the four wires are used to supply power to the sensors, and two more form a signal loop. To connect the network, a SHVVP wire or similar is used. Installation of sensors and laying of the cable channel is carried out using dowels and self-tapping screws.

PKP - the heart of the burglar alarm

The basis of the burglar alarm is control panel - PKP. For a simple security system, it is enough to use a device with one or two loops. Such a device is inexpensive, but has a well-developed functionality and is perfect for a small apartment alarm.

Common devices with one loop:

  • Quartz
  • Astra 712/1
  • VERS-PK 1

The cost of devices does not exceed 1900 rubles. Each device has a place to install a battery in the case. Arming and disarming is carried out with the help of electronic keys "Touch Memory", which are included in the delivery.

Video how to make an alarm from the phone:

Self-installation of a security alarm

Before purchasing everything you need for a security alarm, it is recommended that you complete the entire installation plan on paper. This will help avoid errors in sensor placement and will help determine the exact number of elements required.

To make a simple burglar alarm yourself, you also need to have the following tool:

  • Perforator
  • Hammer
  • pliers
  • wire cutters
  • Screwdriver Set
  • Tester

Choose a place

First you need to choose a place to install the main unit (PKN). It is usually installed on the wall of the hallway, next to the front door. It is desirable that an electrical panel or junction box be located nearby. In standby mode, the device must be constantly, so the power switch is usually not set. Then security sensors are installed, depending on the number of rooms, and a loop is laid. If the apartment is located above the second floor, it is not advisable to use glass break sensors. All sensors are included in one loop.

The performance of magnetic contact sensors, before being connected to the line, is easy to check with a tester. When the door is closed, the circuit is closed, and opening it by 1-2 cm, you can see how the contacts open.

Installing sensors

Infrared motion detectors are installed at a height of 210-220 cm in the corner formed by the walls. The specific installation location is selected according to the size and configuration of the room. Such sensors are equipped with a swivel bracket, which makes it easier to choose the optimal angle horizontally and vertically.

If the room is small, then the sensor must be oriented so that the window enters the trigger zone, which is indicated in the passport, and if it works out, then the door. There is a red LED on the body of the motion sensor, the glow of which shows the state of the sensor. In standby mode, the diode is constantly on, and when the protected zone is violated, it flashes.

We mount

Installation of a security alarm is carried out with a four-wire KSPV wire, as this allows the design of an apartment or house. It can be laid in a cable duct, run under the baseboard and door jambs. After completing the installation and checking the functionality, you can choose a place to install the signaling device. A triggered siren will force the offender to abandon their intentions, as well as inform the neighbors that something has happened in the apartment or house. The security alarm is controlled by electronic keys, the reader of which is installed next to the device.

Currently, ready-made burglar alarm kits with. Such innovative devices, in case of violation of the protected space, can not only notify the owners of unauthorized entry, but also call a quick response service. Of course, the cost of such devices is somewhat higher than that of conventional alarms, but this is justified by their capabilities.

Video with a non-standard solution for creating an alarm:

Burglar alarm simulators

Do-it-yourself home security alarm system does not have to include expensive control devices and sensors. One of the most or at home would be to install a standard motion sensor that is used to turn on the lights.

The cost of sensors starts from 300 rubles.

Sensors of this type have a large detection area and can switch loads up to 2.0 kW, which allows turning on a powerful siren and lighting in case of violation of the protected area. Such security systems are often installed in garages. This is convenient because, unlike complex devices that can be operated under certain conditions, outdoor motion sensors are operable over a wide temperature range.

In the market of security systems, you can already buy ready-made imitators (models) burglar alarms, which can be self-powered. The simplest ones are a regular red LED that operates in a pulsed mode. In conclusion, we can say that the range of security devices is currently very large, and everyone can choose the best option for themselves.