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What is distilled water, how is it obtained and where is it used? Can you drink distilled water? What is the difference between distilled water and drinking and boiled water? Where can you buy distilled water? Where to get distilled water for drinking.

Distilled water

To get distillate (distilled water) for home use, it is not at all necessary to buy complex installations or study a lot of technical literature, because there are many simple and effective ways that do not require much time. Since distillation occurs when the state of aggregation of water changes, it is enough to provide it with the necessary temperature difference - and the purification process will be successful.

It is worth noting that before making homemade distillate, you should prepare the water for purification. To do this, you just need to let it stand for 6-8 hours, then carefully pour the top layer into another container (about 2/3 of the total volume) or remove the lower third with a tube. Since the molecular weight (distilled water) of impurities is higher than that of hydrogen oxide, during this time they will settle into the lower layer of water, which is subsequently not used for distillation due to the high content of minerals and other components. Well, then you can act at your discretion, heating or cooling the water for further purification. Taking note of one of the proposed methods, you can get as much fluid as you need in your daily diet.

How to get distilled water?


This method is based on long-term boiling of prepared water, which will gradually turn into steam. To distill water using high temperatures, you should pour it into a saucepan (preferably use enameled variations), filling it to about half. Then, a grid stand (similar to the one used in a deep fryer) should be placed in the water, placing a cup on it to collect distilled water.

As soon as the liquid begins to boil, you should close the pan, putting the lid with the convex side inward, so that the steam that has settled on it flows down to the center and drips into the cup. And any cold object (for example, an ice pack or a mug of ice water) placed on top of the lid will help speed up this process - this will increase the contrast between the temperatures inside and outside the pan, which means condensation will be more efficient. It will not take much time to clean 2-3 liters of water by evaporation, but absolutely pure distillate will be waiting in the bowl.

How to distill water at home using freezing?

To purify water from impurities by freezing, you will need a plastic bottle or jar of the required volume. After filling it with prepared water, you just need to place the container in the freezer until it is partially frozen. When about half of the water freezes, it is necessary to pour out the liquid residues - it is in them that most of the salts and chemicals are concentrated. After that, melt the ice at room temperature. The melt water obtained in this way will be the distillate.

The distilled water obtained by freezing at home is stored for a long time, but it is recommended to replenish stocks daily, especially since it does not take so much time (mostly the duration of freezing depends on the volume of the container and the power of the freezer). It is especially convenient to purify water in this way in winter, when the thermometer drops below zero. By leaving the bottles outside or on the balcony, you can make a distillate without worrying about free space in the freezer.

lazy method

One of the great wonders of mother nature is the ability to self-purify. The water that has evaporated under the influence of sunlight is collected in clouds, from where it falls again in the form of rain, which has already been cleared of harmful impurities after being converted into a vapor state and vice versa. All that is needed to get distillate in this way is to place a bowl under large drops of crystal clear water falling from the sky during the rain.

And if there is snow on the street, you can put it in a saucepan and melt it at room temperature - you get the same distilled water. Naturally, this method is relevant, provided that the snow lay somewhere in the forest or at least in the village, on ecologically clean land, and not on the highway of a noisy and gassed city. Of course, stocking up for the future with a large volume of liquid in this way will not work, but to quench your thirst (and, if successful, for cooking), the resulting water will be quite enough.


What liquid to drink - everyone decides for himself. You can continue to use tap water or packaged pseudo-juice, turning your body into a dumping ground for toxins and pesticides, or you can spend a little time to get clean water, devoid of harmful impurities. Yes, its chemical composition will be a little poorer than spring water, however, it already practically does not exist in nature - a person destroyed this natural gift with his own hands, polluting the earth with chemicals. However, this slight disharmony of salts is difficult to feel, since it is more than compensated for by proper nutrition and plant foods. But the liquid purified from harmful components will not bring unnecessary ailments to the body, preserve the functioning of organs and systems, and help cleanse itself of toxins and toxins.

Concepts such as proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are meaningless in the absence of safe and clean water. You can calculate the balance of trace elements in the diet as much as you like, follow diets and carefully monitor your health, but if you drink tap water at the same time, everything will be pointless - the body will fail sooner or later. Worrying about the quality of water today, tomorrow you will not have to think about how to recover from ailments!

In industry, water is purified from salts and impurities by evaporation in special distillers. At home, complex equipment is replaced by an ordinary saucepan with a lid or an ice mold.

About how to make distilled water at home, fans of a healthy lifestyle argue without stopping. Pots, homemade distillers and much more are widely used to remove hardness salts and chlorine compounds.

According to the definition, distillation is the process of transition of a liquid to another phase state. A distinction is made between the distillation of water, followed by the condensation of vapor into a liquid (evaporation) or into a solid phase (freezing).

Preparation for distillation

At the first stage, the water is defended for at least six hours. This removes volatile components (chlorine, hydrogen sulfide) and heavy impurities (calcium carbonate, some heavy metals).

After settling, the precipitate is drained, and the resulting water is evaporated and condensed or frozen.


In order to separate the liquid from the dissolved impurities at home, you can use an ordinary saucepan, which is filled with water and put on fire. Cover the container with a conical lid.

After the water boils, the condensed steam will begin to settle on the surface of the lid. The resulting droplets are collected in a separate clean dish.

This process does not require special equipment. The disadvantages of distillation through the vapor phase include very significant time costs.

Freezing method

In order to get distilled water at home, you can use the usual ice mold, which is filled with liquid purified during settling. After the water is about half frozen, the ice is removed and thawed, and the remaining turbidity is poured out.

This technique is based on the difference in solidification time of impurities and liquid. Freezing is a much less labor intensive process than evaporating. However, the water consumption of this technology is much higher than that of vapor phase distillation.

It is believed that distilled water is not only cleaner, but also healthier. According to the majority of supporters of alternative methods of water treatment, the phase transition allows you to restore the natural energy-informational structure of any substance.

If you have a humidifier, a steam mop, an iron with a steamer or similar equipment at home, then you know that they need clean, and best of all, distilled water, since tap water in such devices forms scale, and they are out of order.
By distillation is meant the conversion of water into steam, which, during the cooling process, condenses into pure H2O without additional impurities. Today I will tell you how I put together a simple but reliable distiller to get distilled water in my own kitchen.

What will be required

I used the following materials:

Additionally, you will need a pot or other container for boiling water in a steam bath, as well as for cooling the second jar of condensate.
From the tools you will need:
Knife or hacksaw with fine teeth.
Hot glue gun.

Assembling the distiller

I had two rings that are used to screw on the jar, I used them to fix the lids. If there are no such rings, fixing rings can be made independently by cutting the top part from a regular cover.
From the cocktail tube, I cut two small pieces about 5 cm long each. I put a flexible tube on them: I used a tube for an aquarium, as it fits perfectly in diameter and a tight connection is obtained. I sealed the gap in the lid with hot glue. It turned out solid and tight.

Then he immediately put on two fixing rings, directed by twisting in different directions.

Then he assembled the same structure from the other end of the flexible tube, poured water from the tap into one of the jars and screwed on the lids. This is how the design turned out.


To cool the steam, I placed an empty jar in a glass decanter so that you could pour cold water or pour ice into it.

He placed a jar of water to be heated in a saucepan, poured water into it and placed it on the stove burner.

When the water in the first jar was heated, water vapor began to form, which entered the second container through the tube, where it condensed into pure distilled water.

It turned out very slowly, since the water in the pan boiled more than the liquid in the jar evaporated. Here I realized my mistake: it was necessary to use not a glass jar heated in a water bath, but a metal container that could be placed directly on the burner to quickly get a large amount of steam.
I hope my experience will help you make a practical distiller for your home and avoid some mistakes.

Well, we figured it out - (whether from a tap, filter or boiled) it is IMPOSSIBLE into the battery (this will lead to its death). You say - that you can buy distilled in a car shop, pharmacy, and even in large retail chains and add as much as you need. This is true, but now there are a lot of fakes on the markets, my readers write to me about this (sellers can pour “ordinary from the tap” into bottles and you won’t know about it), and then the battery fails again. Therefore, today we will make distillate with our own hands at home, and you can make it very easily and quickly, and most importantly, almost for free, without having any special devices for distillation. As usual there will be a text version + video ...

It is worth noting that today we will not only be a manufacturer of distilled water, but we will also check it in a fairly simple way, again without having practically any specialized testers and other things. Well, let's go.

Distillate and bidistillate

As I already wrote in the article (you can follow the link above), ordinary water is not suitable for our battery. Nevertheless, it is full of various impurities (salts, minerals, metals, etc.), all this adversely affects the operation of the battery as a whole (up to the point that the plates can collapse and bridge with each other). Therefore, it is worth using distilled water (also called - distillate ) there are practically no impurities in it and it is it that is needed to prepare the electrolyte.

However, there is another concept bidistillate - this is already a highly purified liquid, which is obtained as a result of double distillation of distilled water and it is PREFERABLE with the use of glassware (metal is not used, because it can leave “traces”). Such water is mainly used in medicine, in the preparation of reagents in chemistry.

You can also use bidistillate for the battery (it will only be a plus for it), but ordinary distillate is also suitable, yet the difference between them is not so global.

How to get distilled water

As we know from physics, water has three states: gaseous (steam), liquid and solid (snow or ice). So, when heated and then evaporated, the purest substance is released. This is due to the fact that - salts, metals, minerals do not evaporate and settle at the bottom of the vessel.

Thus, if you "gather steam", this will be the distillate. It remains only to do this, well, as I think it is not so difficult (there are several fairly easy ways). According to this principle, all "moonshine" devices work. This is the easiest and most efficient way.

DIY at home

Well, let's move on to production. What we need: - ordinary glass glasses. Preferably 4 large ones (beer ones are suitable) - they are needed for steam condensation, and one regular one for collecting. Well, of course, the main culprit is the kettle that needs to be put on the stove.


  • To begin with, we need to wash all the glasses well, we do this under ordinary tap water, wash off all stains and so on, so that they are really clean. BUT you don’t need to wipe the inside - this is important! Any rag will not be perfectly clean, it will leave a bunch of different sediment on the walls (which you won’t even see with your eyes)

  • We pour water from a conventional tap, let it stand for about an hour or two (it is necessary for chlorine and hydrogen sulfide to evaporate). If the kettle was on the stove (boiled water), then this is even better, which means that chlorine has not been there for a long time. Turn on the stove and let the kettle boil.
  • Now we remove all sorts of “whistles” and so on from the spout so that the steam comes out and nothing interferes with it. We pour this steam over the insides of our glasses - EVERYONE! Drops should collect on the walls, which will flow down, hold for a minute so that this steam removes all sediment from the walls. All of our glasses are now all clean (by the way, you need to “wash over” the container, where we will collect distilled water later).
  • Next, 4 large glasses, set to cool on the balcony, so that they are right here cold.
  • After they have cooled down, we start the kettle again so that steam starts, put it on the middle position so that the steam is intense, but not so much. Down under the "spout" we put a glass (or container) in which we will collect. Now we alternately bring large glasses over the spout, drops begin to form on the walls and they will flow down in a stream (into our container).

  • I’ll answer right away why exactly 4 pieces, but simply because the glasses are warmed up, it’s inconvenient to hold them, and the condensation process for hot ones is not so effective. Therefore, you need to alternately bring one or the other (while the others cool down). Thus, the steam that condenses and enters the lower tank is the distillate.
  • In half an hour, you can gain about 250 grams, which is enough to add to the battery.

Of course, this is not industrial production, but you are sure that this is not a fake and you will not kill your battery.

How to test distilled water

Making it is certainly good, but we need to be sure that we really got a distillate, because if there are additives, this will negatively affect our battery.

The check is really not difficult, from the course of physics we remember that in distilled water, there are no impurities - salts, minerals, metals and other things. This means that it practically does not conduct electricity.

To check, we need a wire, a light bulb connected to it (that is, in a cartridge), and a “plug” into a 220V socket (of course, we remember safety precautions, this is a must). We cut one wire (make a break), expose two ends - if they are bridged, the bulb will light up. If you lower them into ordinary water (from the tap), the bulb will also burn.

BUT IF I lower it into the "distillate" then the lamp will not burn.

When water is heated, distilled water evaporates, mineralized water remains. Hence the method of obtaining distilled water - trapping steam, cooling it and transferring it to a liquid state.

If you need a little distilled water and the need arose in the summer, then turn on the air conditioner and substitute the container under the outside, where the water drips.

The air conditioner will drip distilled water for you.

Cooking distillate

Getting distilled water at home is based, one way or another, on the transition of water from one state of aggregation to the next. In order to transfer water from a gaseous state to a liquid state, it is necessary to pour water into the pan, which must first be subjected to settling. At the bottom of the pan you need to put a grate, and on it - a glass or porcelain vessel protruding above the water poured into the pan.

Bring the water in a saucepan to a boil over high heat, then keep it boiling over low heat. We choose a flat lid for the pan, because after boiling water, you need to put ice on it. Due to the temperature difference on the lid, the steam will condense and fall down as rain, collecting in the installed bowl.

When the vessel for collecting distilled water is filled, the fire must be turned off, and the vessel must be taken out - the distillate is ready.

There is also a less hassle way:

  • Place an enamel pot of water in the freezer. Let it stay there for 4 hours.
  • Then remove the pan, drain the unfrozen water into another pan and put it back in the freezer.
  • When two-thirds of the water is frozen, remove the pan, drain the unfrozen water.
The remaining frozen water is similar in composition to distilled water.