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Perpetual motion machine at home. Creation of a perpetual motion machine

Perpetual motion technology has attracted people at all times. Today it is considered more pseudo-scientific and impossible than vice versa, but this does not stop people from creating more and more outlandish gizmos and gizmos in the hope of breaking the laws of physics and causing a world revolution. Here are ten historical and extremely entertaining attempts to create something similar to a perpetual motion machine.

In the 1950s, the Romanian engineer Nicolae Vasilescu-Carpen invented the battery. Now located (although not on display) at the National Technical Museum of Romania, this battery still works, although scientists still disagree on how and why it even continues to work.

The battery in the device remains the same single-volt battery that Karpen installed in the 1950s. For a long time, the car was forgotten until the museum was able to display it well and ensure the safety of such a strange contraption. Recently found that the battery works and still produces a stable voltage - after 60 years.

Having successfully defended his doctorate on the topic of magnetic effects in moving bodies in 1904, Carpen certainly could have created something out of the ordinary. By 1909 he was engaged in the study of high-frequency currents and the transmission of telephone signals over long distances. Built telegraph stations, researched environmental heat and advanced fuel cell technology. However, modern scientists have not yet come to unanimous conclusions about the principles of operation of his strange battery.

Many conjectures have been put forward, from the conversion of thermal energy into mechanical energy in the process of a cycle, the thermodynamic principle of which we have not yet discovered. The mathematical apparatus of his invention seems incredibly complex, potentially including concepts like the thermosyphon effect and the temperature equations of the scalar field. Although we have not been able to create a perpetual motion machine capable of generating infinite and free energy in huge quantities, nothing prevents us from enjoying a battery that continuously works for 60 years.

Joe Newman Energy Machine

In 1911, the US Patent Office issued a huge decree. They will no longer issue patents for perpetual motion devices, since it seems scientifically impossible to create such a device. For some inventors, this meant that the fight to have their work recognized as legitimate science would now be a little more difficult.

In 1984, Joe Newman got on the CMS Evening News with Dan Rather and showed something incredible. People living during the oil crisis were delighted with the idea of ​​the inventor: he presented a perpetual motion machine that worked and produced more energy than it consumed.

Scientists, however, did not believe a single word of Newman.

The National Bureau of Standards tested the scientist's device, which consisted mostly of batteries charged by a magnet rotating inside a coil of wire. During the tests, all Newman's statements turned out to be empty, although some people continued to believe the scientist. So he decided to take his energy machine and go on tour, demonstrating how it works along the way. Newman claimed that his machine gave out 10 times more energy than it absorbed, that is, it worked with an efficiency of over 100%. When his patent applications were rejected, and the scientific community literally threw his invention into a puddle, his grief knew no bounds.

As an amateur scientist who didn't even finish high school, Newman didn't give up even when no one supported his plan. Convinced that God had sent him a machine that would change humanity for the better, Newman always believed that the true value of his machine was always hidden from those in power.

Water screw by Robert Fludd

Robert Fludd was a kind of symbol that could only appear at a certain time in history. Half scientist, half alchemist, Fludd was describing and inventing things around the turn of the 17th century. He had rather strange ideas: he believed that lightning was the earthly embodiment of the wrath of God, which strikes them if they do not run. At the same time, Fludd believed in a number of principles that we accept today, even if most people in those days did not accept them.

His version of a perpetual motion machine was a waterwheel that could grind grain by constantly spinning under the action of recirculating water. Fludd called it "the water screw". In 1660, the first woodcuts appeared depicting such an idea (the appearance of which is attributed to 1618).

Needless to say, the device did not work. However, Fludd was not only trying to break the laws of physics for his machine. He was also looking for a way to help farmers. At that time, the processing of huge volumes of grain depended on flows. Those who lived far from a suitable source of running water were forced to load their crops, haul them to the mill, and then back to the farm. If this perpetual motion machine could work, it would make life much easier for countless farmers.

Wheel of Bhaskara

One of the earliest references to perpetual motion machines comes from the mathematician and astronomer Bhaskara, from his writings of 1150. His concept was an unbalanced wheel with a series of curved spokes inside filled with mercury. As the wheel turned, the mercury began to move, providing the push needed to keep the wheel spinning.

Over the centuries, variations of this idea have been invented a huge number. It is quite understandable why it should work: a wheel that is in a state of imbalance tries to bring itself to rest and, in theory, will continue to move. Some designers believed so strongly in the possibility of creating such a wheel that they even designed brakes in case the process got out of hand.

With our current understanding of force, friction and work, we know that an unbalanced wheel will not achieve the desired effect, because we cannot get all the energy back, we cannot extract it much or forever. However, the idea itself was and remains intriguing to people unfamiliar with modern physics, especially in the Hindu religious context of reincarnation and the circle of life. The idea became so popular that wheel-shaped perpetual motion machines later entered Islamic and European scriptures.

Cox's watch

When famed London watchmaker James Cox built his perpetual motion clock in 1774, it worked exactly as described in the accompanying documentation explaining why the clock did not need to be re-wound. The six-page document explained how the watch was created based on "mechanical and philosophical principles."

According to Cox, the watch's diamond-powered perpetual motion machine and reduced internal friction to almost no friction ensured that the metals that make up watches would decay at a much slower rate than anyone had ever seen. In addition to this grandiose statement, then many presentations of the new technology included mystical elements.

In addition to being a perpetual motion machine, Cox's clock was an ingenious clock. Encased in glass that protected the internal working components from dust while allowing them to be looked at as well, the watch was powered by changes in atmospheric pressure. If the mercury rose or fell inside the hourly barometer, the movement of the mercury turned the inner wheels in the same direction, partially winding the watch. If the watch was continuously wound, the gears would come out of the slots until the chain loosened to a certain point, after which everything fell into place and the watch began to wind itself again.

The first widely accepted example of a perpetual motion clock was shown by Cox himself in the Spring Garden. Later, he was seen at the weekly exhibitions of the Mechanical Museum, and later at the Clerkenville Institute. At that time, the display of these watches was such a miracle that they were captured in countless works of art, and crowds regularly came to Cox who wanted to gawk at his wonderful creation.

"Testatika" by Paul Baumann

Watchmaker Paul Baumann founded the spiritual society Meternitha in the 1950s. In addition to abstaining from alcohol, drugs, and tobacco, members of this religious sect live in a self-sustaining, environmentally conscious environment. To achieve this, they rely on the marvelous perpetual motion machine created by their founder.

A machine called Testatika can take supposedly unused electrical energy and turn it into energy for the community. Due to its secrecy, the Testatic was not fully explored by scientists, although the machine was the subject of a short documentary film in 1999. Not much was shown, but enough to show that the sect almost idolizes this sacred machine.

The plans and features of Thestatica were sent directly to Baumann by God while he was serving a prison sentence for seducing a young girl. According to the official story, he was saddened by the darkness of his cell and the lack of light for reading. Then he was visited by a mysterious mystical vision, which revealed to him the secret of perpetual motion and infinite energy, which can be drawn directly from the air. Members of the sect confirm that the Thestatica was sent to them by God, noting also that several attempts to photograph the car revealed a multi-colored halo around it.

In the 1990s, a Bulgarian physicist infiltrated the sect to ferret out the design of the machine, hoping to reveal the secret of this magical energy device to the world. But he failed to convince the sectarians. After committing suicide in 1997 by jumping out of a window, he left a suicide note: "I did what I could, let those who can do better."

Bessler wheel

Johann Bessler began his perpetual motion research with a simple concept, like the wheel of Bhaskara: apply weight to the wheel on one side and it will be constantly unbalanced and constantly moving. On November 12, 1717, Bessler sealed his invention in a room. The door was closed, the room was guarded. When it was opened two weeks later, the 3.7-meter wheel was still moving. The room was sealed again, the scheme repeated. When they opened the door in early January 1718, the people found that the wheel was still turning.

Although becoming a celebrity after all this, Bessler did not expand on the principles of the wheel, noting only that it relies on weights that keep it unbalanced. Moreover, Bessler was so secretive that when an engineer sneaked in to take a closer look at the engineer's creation, Bessler freaked out and destroyed the wheel. Later, the engineer said that he did not notice anything suspicious. However, he saw only the outer part of the wheel, so he could not understand how it works. Even in those days, the idea of ​​a perpetual motion machine met with some cynicism. Centuries earlier, Leonardo da Vinci himself had scoffed at the idea of ​​such a machine.

Yet the concept of the Bessler wheel has never gone completely out of sight. In 2014, Warwickshire engineer John Collins revealed that he had been studying the design of the Bessler wheel for years and was close to cracking the mystery. Bessler once wrote that he destroyed all evidence, drawings and drawings about the principles of his wheel, but added that anyone who was smart and quick-witted could understand everything for sure.

Otis T. Carr UFO Engine

Included in the Register of Copyright Objects (third series, 1958: July-December) objects seem a little strange. Despite the fact that the US Patent Office long ago ruled that it would not grant any patents for perpetual motion devices because they could not exist, OTC Enterprises Inc. and its founder Otis Carr are listed as the owners of the "free energy system", "peaceful atom energy" and "gravity engine".

In 1959, OTC Enterprises planned to make the first flight of its "fourth-dimensional space transport" powered by a perpetual motion machine. And while at least one person had a brief look at the erratic parts of the heavily guarded project, the device itself was never opened or "lifted off the ground." Carr himself was hospitalized with vague symptoms on the day the device was due to depart on its maiden voyage.

Perhaps his illness was a clever way to get away from the demonstration, but it wasn't enough to put Carr behind bars. By selling options on technology that did not exist, Carr interested investors in the project, as well as people who believed that his apparatus would take them to other planets.

To get around the patent restrictions of his crazy designs, Carr patented everything as an "entertainment device" that simulated trips to outer space. It was US Patent # 2,912,244 (November 10, 1959). Carr claimed that his spacecraft worked because one had already left. The propulsion system was a "circular free energy foil" that provided an infinite supply of energy needed to carry the vehicle into space.

Of course, the strangeness of what is happening has opened the way for conspiracy theories. Some people have suggested that Carr actually assembled his perpetual motion machine and flying machine. But, of course, he was quickly pressed by the American government. Theorists could not agree, either the government does not want to disclose the technology, or it wants to use it on its own.

"Perpetuum Mobile" by Cornelius Drebbel

The strangest thing about Cornelius Drebbel's perpetual motion machine is that although we don't know how or why it worked, you've definitely seen it more often than you think.

Drebbel first demonstrated his car in 1604 and amazed everyone, including the English royal family. The machine was something like a chronometer; it never needed winding and showed the date and the phase of the moon. Driven by changes in temperature or weather, Drebbel's machine also used a thermoscope or barometer, similar to Cox's clock.

No one knows what provided movement and energy to Drebbel's device, since he spoke of harnessing the "fiery spirit of the air" like a real alchemist. At that time, the world was still thinking in terms of the four elements, and Drebbel himself experimented with sulfur and saltpeter.

As stated in a letter dated 1604, the earliest known representation of the device showed a central globe surrounded by a liquid-filled glass tube. Gold arrows and markings tracked the phases of the moon. Other images were more elaborate, showing the car adorned with mythological creatures and ornaments in gold. Drebbel's Perpetuum mobile also appeared in some paintings, notably those by Albrecht and Rubens. In these pictures, the strange toroidal shape of the machine does not at all resemble a sphere.

In his self-proclaimed "incredibly true story of life," David Hamel claims to be an ordinary carpenter with no formal training who was chosen to be the custodian of an eternal energy machine and the spacecraft it is supposed to work with. After an encounter with aliens from the planet Kladen, Hamel claimed to have received information that should change the world - if only people would believe him.

Although all of this is a little discouraging, Hamel said that his perpetual motion machine uses the same energies as spiders jumping from one web to another. These scalar forces cancel out the pull of gravity and allow us to create a device that will allow us to reunite with our Claden relatives, who provided Khamel with the necessary information.

According to Khamel, he has already built such a device. Unfortunately, it flew away.

After working for 20 years to build his interstellar device and drive using a series of magnets, he finally turned it on and this is what happened. Filled with the glow of colorful ions, his anti-gravity machine rose into the air and flew over the Pacific Ocean. To avoid a repeat of this tragic event, Khamel builds his next car out of heavier materials like granite.

To understand the principles behind this technology, Hamel says you need to look at the pyramids, study some forbidden books, accept the presence of invisible energy, and imagine scalars and the ionosphere almost like milk and cheese.

The explanation that the inventor himself tried to make directly in the patent does not explain anything in principle, since it is more aimed at avoiding the accusation of creating a “perpetual motion machine”, because Howard Jones introduces and calls for help the phenomenon of unpaired electrons , which is allegedly observed in magnetic materials. And that it is unpaired electrons that supply energy to this motor.

Meanwhile, not everything is so simple. For even such an explanation runs counter to the provisions of official science. Therefore, the Howard Jones motor works, according to official science, with an incomprehensible violation of the law of conservation of energy for them. And official science, as always, acts “wisely” and simply pretends that such a motor does not exist, or it only works for Howard Jones himself, who knows a secret with which he does not want to share. Meanwhile, Howard Jones provided information about his motor for everyone with a detailed description of all the details of this motor, and everyone with his head on his shoulders and straight hands can assemble such a motor.

Thanks to Dragons'Lord, we have the opportunity to get acquainted with the patent US 4151431, which Howard Jones received for his motor. The quality of the translation is high, but I think that the translator suffered with the so-called unpaired electrons, about which nothing is written even in official physics textbooks, at least Russian ones. I also disagree with Dragons'Lord's condescending tone that Howard Jones' motor is a toy that violates the law of conservation of energy. A toy based on the competent control of ethereal flows is no longer a toy, but an inexhaustible source (generator) of energy obtained from an environment whose possibilities we still do not even fully imagine. Or sometimes we get an idea of ​​it when we get into a car or a plane crash, when a rocket falls on our houses, or when someone breaks someone's nose. And if someone thinks that there is no smell of ether here, they are greatly mistaken.

Below, in green text, is material on US Patent 4,151,431. I hope that the reader will master this material in order to subsequently understand that Howard Jones accomplished the same feat that Tesla did when he created a polyphase AC motor. For both types of motors are rotated by a magnetic field. Only with Tesla, the rotating magnetic field is set by the stator coils, and the field already drags the rotor along with it. And in the Howard Jones motor, a properly “curved” magnetic field is created initially due to the interaction of the magnets of the rotor (armature) and the stator, and initially it is rigidly connected with the magnets of the rotor (armature), therefore the curvature of the “magnetic” field of the rotor rotates the rotor and rotates together with him. In the patent itself, there is no concept of a rotor, but there is an armature that rotates around a fixed stator. And if you understand the principle of "deformation" of the magnetic field, which made it possible to rotate the armature in the Howard Jones motor, then it will become possible to make magnetic motors based on this principle of various designs. And we must also understand that the magnetic field is a specific form of ethereal vortices, in which the ethereal pressure drops are similar in shape to an Archimedes screw closed on itself, which rotates clockwise, if you look along its course from the north pole to the south outside the magnet and from the south pole to the north inside the magnet. But we will discuss this in more detail after we get acquainted with the patent.

US Patent 4151431 Howard Johnson Motor

Yes, of course - this patent can be found (if you thoroughly delve into the "ru-zone"), but, of course, in English. And most often, in general, in PDF format, which often lies broken. This also applies to other equally interesting patents. I do not like it. I think you too. Starting today, we will translate, design and comment on such projects. Well, of course, post it here. If a few more people join at will, the case will boil faster.

Johnson motor in pair with a generator. The drawing was published in SCIENCE & Mechanics in 1980.

My comments: Very many - 99 percent of all inventors of "perpetual motion machines", including myself, of course, are trying to build a model of the engine using ONLY permanent magnets. There have been only a few successful attempts over the past century, including this invention. The difficulty lies, first of all, in the compensation of the magnetic forces of a permanent magnet (they are closed on themselves). Here we managed to get around this "harmful" property by changing the configuration of magnets, in which the north and south poles do NOT strictly lie on the same straight line. Of course, it is naive to believe that you will get such an engine, even if you repeat the design to the millimeter. The point is the different magnetization of your magnets and Johnson magnets. With a change in magnetization, the gaps in the system also change (although the proportions are given correctly). For Johnson himself, the model works. And of course, it should be remembered that in such motors only a hundredth of the power of the magnets is used, i.e. The device is only suitable as a toy. Although such "toys" directly violate the law of conservation of energy. And this is already interesting;) .


The invention is based on the method of using the energy of rotations of unpaired electrons in ferromagnetic and other materials - sources of magnetic fields, to create an energy source without an electron flow, which occurs in normal conductors; and is aimed at using this method to create permanent magnet motors as energy sources.

In the practice of the invention, the rotation of unpaired electrons that takes place in permanent magnets is used to produce motive energy solely through the superconducting characteristics of the permanent magnet, and the magnetic flux created by the magnets orients the magnetic forces in such a way as to produce useful continuous work, such as moving the stator relative to rotor.

The location and orientation of the magnetic forces in the rotor and stator components created by the permanent magnets to make the motor work are made with the proper geometric relationships of these components.


The invention belongs to the field of permanent magnet devices using exclusively magnetic fields to generate propulsive energy.


Conventional electric motors use magnetic forces to produce any kind of rotational or linear motion. Electric motors work on the principle of creating a motive force by a current-carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field.

In a conventional electric motor, the rotor, stator, or both, are wound in such a way that the magnetic fields created by the electromagnets create attraction or repulsion between structural elements, which is what causes the movement.

Ordinary electric motors can have permanent magnets in the stator or rotor components, but in addition, electromagnets with a switching and process control system must be used to create a driving force by the orientation of the magnetic fields.

It is my belief that the full potential of magnetic forces existing in permanent magnets has not been recognized or exploited due to incomplete information and theory regarding the atomic motion occurring in permanent magnets. I believe that, hitherto unrecognized, atomic particles are associated with the movement of electrons in a superconducting electromagnet, and with the lossless flow of ampere current in permanent magnets.

The flow of unpaired electrons is the same in both situations. This small particle is obviously opposite in charge and at right angles to the moving electron, and this particle can be small enough to penetrate all known elements in their various forms and compositions, unless they have other unpaired electrons to neutralize them. .

Ferro-electrons differ from most similar elements in that they are not connected, and when disconnected, they rotate around the nucleus in such a way that they react to magnetic fields, just as they create such fields themselves. If they were connected, their magnetic fields would cancel out. However, being unpaired, they create a measurable magnetic field if their rotations are oriented in the same direction. Rotations are carried out at right angles to their magnetic fields.

In niobium superconductors in the critical state, the magnetic lines of force cease to be at right angles. This change is due to the presence of certain conditions for unpaired electrons to spin, instead of electron flow in a conductor, and the fact that the very powerful electromagnets that can be formed from superconductors illustrates the enormous advantage of creating magnetic fields by spinning unpaired electrons than by ordinary electron flow.

In a superconducting metal, where the electrical resistance becomes greater than the proton resistance, the flux turns into spinning electrons and positive particles flow in parallel, similar to what is found in a permanent magnet, where a powerful flux of magnetic positive particles, or magnetic flux, causes unpaired electrons to spin under right angles.

In cryogenic superconducting states, freezing of the crystals allows continued rotation, and in a permanent magnet, the orientation of the grains of the magnetized material allows parallel flow to continue as a result of these rotations.

In a superconductor, first the electron flows and the positive particle rotates; later, under critical conditions, a change occurs, that is, the electron rotates and the positive particle flows at a right angle. These positive particles will permeate or work their way through the rotation of the electrons present in the metal.

In a sense, a permanent magnet can be considered a superconductor at room temperature. He is a superconductor, because. the flow of electrons does not stop, and this flow of electrons can do work through the magnetic field that it creates. Previously, this energy source was not used because it was not possible to change the electron flow to perform the functions of switching the magnetic field.

Such switching functions are present in a conventional electric motor, where an electric current is used to equalize the much larger electron flow into the iron poles and concentrate the magnetic field in the right places, creating enough thrust to move the motor armature. In a conventional electric motor, such switching is accomplished by means of brushes, commutators, alternating current, or other known means.

In order to perform the switching function in a permanent magnet motor, it is necessary to block the magnetic leakage so that it does not become a loss factor. The best method to accomplish this is to use the superconductor's magnetic flux and concentrate it in a place where it will be most effective.

Timing and switching can be achieved by flux concentration and by using proper motor rotor and stator geometry to achieve the most efficient use of the magnetic fields created by the rotation of the electrons. With the right combination of materials, geometry and magnetic concentration, it is possible to achieve a high ratio mechanical device, greater than 100 to 1, capable of generating a continuous driving force.

As far as I know, previous work related to permanent magnets and propulsion devices using them has not achieved the desired success in practice, but with the right combination of materials, geometry and magnetic concentration, the presence of magnetic rotations in permanent magnets can be used as a driving force.


The purpose of the invention is to use the phenomenon of rotation of unpaired electrons found in a ferromagnetic material in order to produce a mass movement in a certain direction, which will allow a motor to be completely powered by permanent magnets. In the practice of inventive concepts, motors of any linear or rotary type can be created.

The purpose of the invention is to provide the proper combination of materials, geometry and magnetic concentration in order to use the force generated by the rotation of unpaired electrons existing in permanent magnets as a power source.

Whether the motor is intended for a linear variant or a rotary variant, in each case the stator may be composed of a plurality of permanent magnets arranged relative to each other in a spatial relationship to determine what form of motion the motor is intended for.

The armature magnets are spaced in relation to the stator magnets so that there is an air gap. The length of the armature magnets is defined by poles of opposite polarity, and is located relative to the track defined by the stator magnets in the direction of the armature magnet's travel path, as replaced by the magnetic forces.

The stator magnets are mounted with poles of the same polarity towards the armature magnets and since the armature magnets have poles that either attract or repel, both attractive and repulsive forces act on the armature magnets creating a relative displacement between the armature and the stator magnets.

The driving force producing displacement between the armature and the stator magnets depends on the ratio of the length of the armature magnets in the direction of its movement path, as well as the dimensions of the stator magnets, and on the spacing in the direction of the movement of the armature magnets.

This ratio of magnets and magnet spacing, and with an acceptable air gap between the stator and armature magnets, creates a net force that displaces the armature magnets relative to the stator magnets along their travel path.

The movement of the armature magnets relative to the stator magnets is the result of the interaction of attractive and repulsive forces existing between the stator and armature magnets.

By concentrating the magnetic fields of the stator and armature magnets, the driving force applied to the armature is strengthened, and thus the magnetic field concentration is unfolded.

The magnetic concentration means includes plates of high permeability material located adjacently on one side of the stator magnets. This high permeability material is thus adjacent to similar polarity poles of the stator magnets.

The magnetic field of the armature magnets can be concentrated and oriented by bending the armature magnets, and the magnetic field can be further concentrated by shaping the pole ends of the armature magnets to concentrate the magnetic field on a relatively limited area at the pole ends of the armature magnets.

It is preferable to use several armature magnets offset relative to each other in the direction of movement of the armature magnets. This offset distributes the pulses of force applied to the armature magnets and as a result, there is a smoother application of forces as well as smoother movement of the armature components.

In a rotary version of a permanent magnet motor, the stator magnets form a circle and the armature magnets rotate relative to them. The operating elements are so arranged as to create a relative axial displacement between the stator and the armature magnets, which allows the axial alignment of this to be adjusted, and thus to adjust the magnitude of the magnetic forces applied to the armature magnets. Thus, the rotation speed of the rotary variant can be adjusted.


The foregoing is best understood by the following description and accompanying drawings, where:

Rice. 1 is a schematic representation of an electron flow in a superconductor indicating rotations of unpaired electrons,

Rice. 2 - cross section of a superconductor in a critical state, illustrating electronic rotations,

Rice. 3 is a view of a permanent magnet illustrating the movement of the flow,

Rice. 4 is a cross section illustrating the diameter of the magnet in Fig. 3,

Rice. 5 - projection representing a linear version of a permanent magnet motor, illustrating one position of the armature magnet relative to the stator magnets, and indicating the magnetic forces acting on the armature magnets,

Rice. 6 is a view similar to Fig. 5 illustrating the displacement of the armature magnet relative to the stator magnets, and the effect of magnetic forces in this position,

Rice. 7 is a projection similar to Fig. 5 and 6, illustrating the further displacement of the armature magnet to the left, and the influence of magnetic forces,

Rice. 8 is a plan view of a linear version of the invented concept illustrating a pair of armature magnets in connection with stator magnets,

Rice. 9 is a diametrical view of the rotational version according to the invention as adopted in sections IX-IX. 10,

Rice. 10 is a projection of the rotational variant as taken from X-X fig. 9.


In order to better understand the theory of the invented concept, references are made to Fig. 1-4.

In Fig. 1 superconductor 1 has a positive particle flux as represented by arrow 2 and unpaired iron conductor electrons 1 that rotate at right angles to the proton flux in the conductor as represented by a spiral line and arrow 3.

According to the theory of the invention, the rotation of unpaired electrons is a result of the atomic structure of iron materials, and this rotating atomic particle is likely to have an opposite charge and is located at right angles to the moving electrons. Presumably, being very small in size, this particle is able to penetrate other elements, unless they have other unpaired electrons to neutralize them along the way.

It has long been thought that there is a lack of electrical resistance of conductors in the critical superconducting state and that they have been used to produce high performance electromagnets. On Fig. 2 shows a section of a superconductor in a critical state, and the rotations of electrons are indicated by arrows 3.

A permanent magnet can be considered as a superconductor, since the electron flow does not stop there, and is without resistance, and the rotation of unpaired electrical particles exists and, according to the invention, is used to create a driving force. Rice. 3 illustrates a horseshoe-shaped permanent magnet 4 and the passing magnetic flux is indicated by arrows 5; magnetic flux flows from the South Pole to the North Pole through the magnetic material. The rotation of electrons takes place on the entire diameter of the magnet 5 and is represented by position 6 in Fig. 4, and the spinning electron particles rotate at right angles in the metal while the flux passes through the magnetic material.

By realizing the theory of rotation of electrons in magnetic materials, it became possible, with the help of suitable materials, geometry and magnetic concentration, to use rotating electrons to produce a driving force for continuous movement, i.e. a motor capable of doing work.

It appears that variants of motors using the concept of the invention may be of various forms, and in the above forms, the main ratios of the components are illustrated to reveal the concept of the invention and the principles.

The interaction of the magnets forming the stator 10 is better shown in Fig. 5-8. The stator magnets 12 have a rectangular configuration, Fig. 8 and magnetized so that the poles cover a large area of ​​the magnets as shown from North to South. The stator magnets are limited to sides 14, 16 and 18. The stator magnets are mounted on a plate 20, of a metal that has a high magnetic permeability, such as from the Netic CoNetic Perfection Mica Company of Chicago, Illinois.

Thus the plate 20 will be positioned in the direction of the South Pole of the magnets of the stator 12, and preferably in direct contact, although the bonding material may be between the magnets and the plate, since precise placement of the magnets on the plate relative to each other is required.

It is necessary that the spacing of the stator magnets12 be slightly different between adjacent stator magnets, so that changing the spacing will change the forces applied to the ends of the armature magnets at any given moment, and thus allow smoother movement of the armature magnets relative to the stator magnets. Thus, the stator magnets are placed relative to each other so that track 22 has a longitudinal direction from left to right as shown in Fig. 5-8.

On Fig. 5-7 only shows one armature magnet 24, while in Fig. 8 shows a pair of armature magnets. For the purpose of understanding the concepts of the invention, the description here will be limited to the use of a separate armature magnet as shown in Fig. 5-7.

The armature magnet has an elongated configuration from left to right, Fig. 5 and may be rectangular in cross section. For the purposes of concentration and orientation of the magnetic field, the magnet 24 is formed in an arc shape by a concave surface 26 and a convex surface 28, and the poles are concentrated at the ends, as seen from Fig.5.

To further concentrate the magnetic field, the ends of the armature magnet are chamfered 30 to reduce the cross-sectional area of ​​the ends of the magnet 32, and magnetic flux takes place between the poles of the armature magnet, as indicated by light dotted lines. Similarly, the magnetic fields of the stator magnets 12 are indicated by light dotted lines.

The armature magnet 24 is positioned with a certain clearance from the stator 22. This spacing can be achieved by mounting the armature magnet on a sled located above the stator magnets, or the armature magnet can be mounted on a wheeled trolley or sled supported by a non-magnetic surface or guides located between the stator magnets and armature magnets.

For better illustration, means for supporting the armature magnet 24 are not shown and such means are not part of the invention, and it is to be understood that the means supporting the armature magnet prevent it from moving relative to the stator magnets, but allow free movement of the armature magnet to the left or straight in the direction parallel track 22 defined by the stator magnets.

It should be noted that the length of the armature magnet 24 is slightly greater than the width of the two stator magnets 12 including spacing. The magnetic forces acting on the armature magnet when it is in position as in Fig. 5 will be repulsive forces 34 due to the proximity of forces of the same polarity, and attractive forces 36 due to the opposite polarity of the South and North poles of the armature magnet. The relative power of this force is represented by a thick line.

The resultant force vectors applied to the armature magnet as shown in Fig. 5 generates the primary force vector 38 to the left, Fig. 5, by moving the armature magnet 24 to the left. On Fig. 6, the magnetic forces acting on the armature magnet are represented by the same numbers as in Fig. S.

While the forces 34 constitute repulsive forces and tend to move the armature magnet N Pole away from the stator magnets, the attractive forces applied to the armature magnet South Pole, and at the same time some repulsive forces, tend to move the armature magnet further to the left, and since the resultant force 38 continues to be directed to the left, the armature magnet continues to move to the left.

Rice. 7 shows further displacement of armature magnet 24 to the left from the position in Fig. 6, and the magnetic forces acting thereafter are represented by the same figures as in Fig. 5 and 6, and the stator magnet will continue to move to the left, and this movement continues along the track 22 defined by the stator magnets 12.

If the armature magnet is turned so that the N Pole is oriented to the right, as seen in Fig. 5, and the South Pole oriented to the left, the direction of movement of the armature magnet relative to the stator magnets will be to the right, and the theory of movement is identical to that described above.

On Fig. 8 shows a number of armature magnets 40 and 42, which are connected by links 44. The armature magnets have the same shape and configuration as in Fig. 8. 5, but the magnets are adjacent to each other in the direction of movement of the magnet, that is, in the direction of the track 22 determined by the magnets of the stator 12.

By interlocking a plurality of armature magnets, a smoother movement of the associated armature magnets is achieved in comparison, since there is a variation in the forces acting on each magnet as it moves along the path due to changes in the magnetic forces.

The use of multiple armature magnets tends to "smooth" the application of forces applied to the associated armature magnets, resulting in smoother movement of the entire assembled armature of the magnets. Of course, any number of armature magnets can be included, limited only by the path width of the stator magnets 22.

On Fig. 9 and 10 reflect the concept of the rotational version. In this embodiment, the principle of operation is identical to that described above, but the orientation of the stator and armature magnets is such that the rotation of the armature magnets occurs about the axis, and not linear movement.

The base 46 shown in Figures 9 and 10 serves as a support for the stator part 48. Part 48 is made of a non-magnetic material such as synthetic resin, aluminum, or the like. The stator includes a cylindrical surface 50, an axle, and a threaded part 52.

The structure of the stator includes an annular recess 54 , an annular sleeve 56 made of high permeability material such as Netic Co-Netic and a series of stator magnets 58 attached to the sleeve 56 at a certain interval, as shown in Fig. 10. The stator magnets 58 are in the form of a radial shape, having a curved inner surface for connection with the sleeve 56, and a convex pole surface 60.

Armature 62, in the embodiment shown, has a dish-shaped configuration having a radial portion and an axially protruding portion 64. Armature 62 is formed from a non-magnetic material, and an annular belt having a recess 66 serves to transfer power from the armature to a generator, or other power-consuming , device.

Three armature magnets 68 are mounted on armature piece 64, and have a configuration similar to that of the armature magnet in Fig. 5-7. The magnets 68 are circumferentially adjacent to each other but not at 120 degrees to each other.

Rather, a slight angular displacement of the armature magnets takes place to "smooth" the magnetic forces applied to the armature were simultaneously applied to the armature magnets. Circumferential displacement of armature magnets 68 produces the same effect as offset of armature magnets 40 and 42 as shown in Fig. 8.

The armature 62 is attached to the threaded shaft 70 by means of wear resistant lugs 72, and the shaft 70 is screwed into the threaded hole of the stator 52, and can be rotated by the button 74. This way of rotating the button 74 and the shaft 70, axially displaces the armature 62 relative to the stator magnets 58, and this axial displacement will be very large due to the magnetic forces applied to the armature magnets by the 68 stator magnets, thus controlling the rotation speed of the armature.

As noted in Fig. 4-7, 9 and 10, there is an air gap between the armature magnets and the stator magnets and its size affects the magnitude of the forces applied to the magnets. If the distance between the armature magnets and the stator magnets is reduced, the forces applied to the armature magnets by the stator magnets are increased and the resulting force vector tends to increase the displacement of the armature magnets in their path.

However, decreasing the spacing between the armature and the stator magnets creates a "ripple" in the movement of the armature magnets, which is undesirable, but can be minimized to some extent by increasing the number of armature magnets. Increasing the distance between the armature and the stator magnets reduces the tendency for the armature magnet to pulsate, but also reduces the magnitude of the magnetic forces acting on the armature magnets. Thus, the most efficient spacing between the armature and the stator magnets is that which produces the maximum vector of force in the direction of movement of the armature magnet, with the minimum creation of unwanted ripple.

In the embodiments discussed, the high permeability plate 20 and bushing 56 are selected to concentrate the magnetic field of the stator magnets, and also the armature magnets are curved and have shaped ends for magnetic field concentration purposes. While such a magnetic field concentration means obtaining higher forces applied to the armature magnets for a given magnetic intensity, the concept of the invention is not limited to the use of such means to increase the magnetic field concentration.

As follows from the above description of the invention, the movement of the magnet armature or magnets is the result of the described relative position of the components. The length of the armature magnets, related to the width of the stator magnets, the spacing between them, the air gap and the configuration of the magnetic field, produces the desired result of movement.

The concept of the invention is that these ratios can be varied within certain limits, and the invention is intended to consider all dimensional ratios that can achieve the desired goal of armature movement. By way of example, Fig.4-7, the indicated dimensions were used to create the prototype:

Armature magnet length 24 - 3.125", stator magnets 12:1" width; 0.25" thickness and 4" length. The air gap between the armature magnet poles of the stator magnets is approximately 1.5", and the gap between the stator magnets is approximately 0.5" (inches).

In effect, the stator magnets determine the direction of a magnetic field of distinct polarity crossed at intervals by the magnetic fields generated by the lines of force existing between the poles of the stator magnets and the non-oriented force exerted on the armature magnet - the result of the repulsive and attractive forces that take place when the armature magnets cross. this flux of the magnetic field.

It should be understood that the concept of the invention implies that the armature magnet component is constant and the stator assembly is supported to move. Other variations of the concept of the invention depend on the creativity of the manufacturer.

With regard to the term "stator", it implies a linear or circular arrangement of fixed magnets, and the "direction" or "length" of the stator is that the direction is parallel or circular relative to the direction of movement of the armature magnets.

I declare:

1. A permanent magnet motor includes, as an assembly, a guiding stator having first and second sides and consisting of a plurality of permanent magnets each having first and second poles of opposite polarity located adjacent to each other and spaced between adjacent magnets. ; an elongated armature of permanent magnets located on one of the named sides of the path of movement with a certain interval and in the presence of an air gap between the armature magnets and the stator magnets, assembled in such a way that, by means of geometric ratios of lengths, widths and intervals, a continuous force is applied to the armature magnets in the indicated direction .

2. In a permanent magnet motor, as indicated in point 1, the distance between the named poles of the armature and the adjacent guide stator is the same.

3. In a permanent magnet motor, as mentioned in point 1, the distance between the stator magnets is changed.

4. In a permanent magnet motor, as described in point 1, the armature magnets are located on the common side of the guide stator and are mechanically fixed.

5. In a permanent magnet motor, as indicated in paragraph 4, the armature magnets are offset relative to each other in the direction of motion.

6. In a permanent magnet motor, as mentioned in paragraph 1, the means of concentrating the magnetic field are the stator magnets.

7. In the permanent magnet motor as described in claim 6, the field concentration means include a sheet of magnetic material having high permeability connecting the side and pole of the stator opposite to that side and the pole located in the direction of the armature magnet.

8. In a permanent magnet motor, as mentioned in paragraph 1, the armature magnet has an arcuate configuration in its longitudinal direction, curved in the direction of the stator, and has ends of a certain shape to concentrate the magnetic field at these ends.

9. In a permanent magnet motor as described in claim 1, the guide stator has an overall linear configuration and means to support the armature magnets, relative to the stator, for the linear movement of the armature magnets.

10. In a permanent magnet motor as described in claim 1, the guide stator magnets form a circle having an axis, and the armature has concentrically and coaxially arranged armature magnets mounted on the armature.

11. In a permanent magnet motor, as indicated in paragraph 10, the axial adjustment means represent the axial ratio of the armature magnets and stator magnets, which can be varied to adjust the degree of rotation of the armature.

12. In a permanent magnet motor, as indicated in paragraph 10, the armature contains a certain number of magnets.

13. In a permanent magnet motor, as indicated in paragraph 12, the armature magnets are arranged in a circle and not evenly.

14. The permanent magnet motor assembly has a stator containing bipolar stator magnets arranged in a circle, which means that the magnets are assembled in such a way that they form a circle having an axis and the poles of the magnets are directed radially relative to the axis and have the same polarity; has an armature capable of rotating about an axis and a stator, where at least one magnet of the armature has an opposite pole with a gap in relation to the stator and everything is located so that an axial force is created to rotate the armature.

15. In a permanent magnet motor, as indicated in paragraph 14, the armature consists of several magnets.

16. In a permanent magnet motor, as indicated in paragraph 14, the armature magnets are arranged asymmetrically around the circumference.

17. In a permanent magnet motor, as indicated in paragraph 14, the poles of the armature magnets are specially shaped to concentrate the magnetic field.

18. In a permanent magnet motor, as indicated in paragraph 14, the magnetic field concentration means are associated with the stator magnets concentrating the magnetic fields in the space between the stator magnets.

19. In a permanent magnet motor, as indicated in item 18, the magnetic field concentration means includes a ring of high magnetic permeability material concentric with the axis and firmly connected to poles of similar polarity of the stator magnets.

20. In the permanent magnet motor, as described in item 14, the armature magnet forms an arcuate curved shape in the direction of the poles defining the concave and convex sides, while the concave side is in the direction of the axis, and the poles of the armature magnets are shaped in a certain way to create a larger magnetic fields.

21. In a permanent magnet motor, as indicated in paragraph 14, the means for axial displacement of the stator and armature are juxtaposed with respect to each other.

22. The method of generating non-oriented propulsive force by permanent magnets uses a plurality of permanent bipolar stator magnets forming the direction of movement and armature magnets having a length determined by poles of opposite polarity movably fixed to move in the direction formed by the stator and their geometric arrangements creating a magnetic field through the stator magnets having a magnetic field of common polarity interrupted by gaps in the transverse direction in the direction of action of the magnetic fields created by the magnetic field lines of the magnetic field created by the magnetic forces existing between the poles of the stator magnets and guiding the armature magnets in spatial relation to the magnetic field longitudinally related to the direction of the magnetic field in this way . that the forces of attraction and repulsion applied to the armature magnets by means of a magnetic field create a non-oriented force on the armature magnets in the direction of the magnetic field.

23. The method of generating a non-oriented propulsion force, as indicated in paragraph 22, uses the concentration of the magnetic field created by the magnetic lines of force existing between the poles of the stator magnets.

24. The method of generating a non-oriented propulsion force, as indicated in paragraph 22, uses the concentration of the magnetic field existing between the poles of the armature magnet.

25. The method of generating a non-oriented propulsion force, as indicated in paragraph 22, uses the concentration of magnetic fields created by magnetic field lines between the poles of the stator magnets and the concentrated magnetic field existing between the poles of the armature magnets.

26. The method of generating propulsive force by permanent magnets by the rotation of unpaired electrons existing in permanent magnets is used to generate a propulsive force, including the formation of a directional magnetic field of the stator by at least one permanent magnet, creating a magnetic field of an armature by means of a permanent magnet, and arranging the magnetic field so that to create a relatively continuous non-oriented continuous movement between the stator and armature fields created by the magnets.

27. The method of creating a driving force by permanent magnets, as indicated in paragraph 26, uses a stator magnetic field formed by a completely uniform polarity.

28. The method of creating a driving force by permanent magnets, as indicated in paragraph 26, involves the concentration of the magnetic field of the guide stator and the magnetic field of the armature.

I hope the reader understands the essence of the Howard Jones patent. But most importantly, I noticed that the magnets of the armature (rotor) “repel” from the magnetic field of the stator and move in the direction from the south pole to the north, provided that the stator magnets are turned to them by the north pole. He also noted that changing the polarity of only the stator magnets or the rotor (armature) magnets leads to a change in the direction of rotation. Why this is so, we will try to understand on the basis of ethereal ideas. Although it is not entirely correct to say that armature magnets repel from a magnetic field. It is more correct to assume that due to the interaction of the magnetic fields of the stator magnets and armature in the area of ​​the north pole of the armature magnet, the ether pressure (magnetic field strength) decreases, and in the area of ​​the south pole of the armature magnet, the ether pressure (magnetic field strength) increases, and this leads to that under the action of the differential pressure of the ethereal pressure, the armature magnet begins to move, dragging the armature along with it. Incidentally, magnetolets could fly on this principle in the magnetic field of the Earth or the magnetic field of the Sun, if it were possible to create magnets or electromagnets with sufficiently high rates of the magnetic field strength created in them.

The whole Universe, surrounding any person (observer), and the person himself is an ether in various phase states and manifestations. The world is an ether under high pressure and in constant motion. The world is streams and whirlwinds of ether. The world is a vast space between galaxies filled with solid ether, the particles of which oscillate like those that make atoms in the crystals of matter. Each galaxy, including our Galaxy (the Milky Way or the Milky Way of a celestial cow), is an ether, predominantly in a liquid state, in which clusters of matter float as peculiar chips (foam, steam) - stars, planets and their satellites, asteroids , interstellar dust and gas accumulations, mainly hydrogen. One can even consider the substance as a kind of liquid ether foam, but a special foam, for example, like foam, which, being foam, has high rigidity due to the cellular structure and the peculiarities of manufacturing technology. In addition to the three main phase states, the ether can also be in intermediate states, in the form of a kind of jelly as an intermediate form between crystalline and liquid forms, and in the form of a structureless unstable vapor, ready for crystallization, transformation into a liquid or substance. Everything depends on the state of the surrounding ether.

There are practically no flows and vortices in the crystalline ether, but there are fluctuations between the particles of the ether and waves propagating through it from sources, which are processes in galaxies, stars, planets, etc. Liquid ether and its foam (substance) can freely move through the crystalline ether, since there is practically no friction between its particles, and the particles themselves are in constant vibration, due to which the crystalline ether behaves like quicksand. In addition, the introduction of liquid ether or a substance into the crystalline ether leads to a kind of melting of the crystalline ether around the flow of liquid ether and thereby creates a certain surface layer in which liquid ether and particles of crystalline ether (ethereal emulsion) are mixed, and this layer acts as a kind of bearing , relying on which the liquid ether penetrates into the thickness of the crystalline ether, without encountering practically any resistance.

Liquid ether behaves almost like an ideal liquid, but with a very high density, and only when the flows of liquid ether and its foam (substance) collide does a slight viscosity occur, which allows the substance to rotate and move with flows in liquid ether on the one hand, as well as beyond Due to this viscosity, the substance can involve the liquid ether in rotation, i.e. the substance, when interacting with liquid ether, is capable of generating substance from liquid ether. That is, the Universe that we can observe is also an emulsion, but an emulsion of liquid and vapor (gas). But liquid ether can also act on matter in such a way that the substance breaks up and the foam (vapor) of liquid ether again becomes liquid ether. It is the rotation of the liquid ether that generates such phenomena as gravitational, electrostatic and magnetic fields. But more on that later.

Etheric foam (ethereal polystyrene) is a set of ethereal vortices, which already due to their high rotational energy lead to the fact that inside the ethereal vortices, and the vortices themselves are ethereal vapor. Since the speed of rotation of the walls of the ether vapor vortices is very high, the walls of these vortices are very rigid compared to the "rigidity" of liquid and solid ether. Due to this, ethereal constructions of matter with little friction against liquid ether can exist for a long time from seconds to billions of years. Depending on how the vortices are twisted in the foam (foam, steam) of the ether, the substance can also exist in a solid, liquid and gaseous state. And if we can only guess about the variety, for example, of liquid forms of ether, then about the variety of atoms, molecules, etc. we already know very well, because we have developed sense organs to interact with this form of matter, or we have already managed to create an abundance of devices - a microscope, a telescope, an electron microscope, electromagnetic, electrostatic and magnetic sensors, a dosimeter for measuring hazardous radiation, chemical test kits and much more.

Superfast, on the one hand, and superfine, on the other hand, ether vortices tend to interact with each other, which leads to the fact that molecules are created from atoms, and larger formations, such as mountains, oceans, are created from molecules. The accumulation of various kinds of matter gives rise to planets, stars and galaxies. But in any case, the vortices, from which one way or another material composites are built, are surrounded by liquid ether, which plays the role of a medium in which all material manifestations known to us flow, liquid ether acts as a lubricant for matter, creates a boundary between accumulations of matter, serves as a medium , within which material formations exchange matter, energy and information with each other. The liquid ether itself can create powerful flows, in which it involves accumulations and flows of matter. It is the vortex of liquid ether that forms the Galaxy itself, it is liquid ether, at least for us, being under high pressure, due to its ability to interact with matter, is a source of energy. And the medium in which it "dissolves" condenses the substance after it has used up the energy of rotation of its elementary vortices.

Several assumptions about the nature of the pressure under which at least liquid ether is located. It can, firstly, be the surface tension of that drop of liquid ether in which we exist. This drop has a huge size, hundreds and millions of light years. The second source of pressure is the substance itself, which is a vapor for the liquid ether. As you know, when a liquid passes into vapor, the volume occupied by the liquid increases by about 1000 times. And if at least 0.1% of the liquid ether turns into steam (foam, polystyrene), then the volume of such a substance will be comparable to the remaining liquid ether. And in general, the volume of the mixture of liquid ether and its vapor will increase by 2 times. Or the pressure will double in the volume occupied by liquid ether before its insignificant part (0.1%) turns into steam. And taking into account the incompressibility of liquid ether, the pressure increase can be much higher. And, most likely, the ether in the form of a substance exists in a much smaller "volume", no more than 0.001%. Then the substance will no longer occupy 50% of the volume, but only 1%. This is closer to real figures, although a more correct ratio between the volume of matter and liquid ether can be estimated by comparing the volume of stars with the volume of the space in which these stars form our Galaxy. It should also be taken into account that even inside the substance, part of the volume is occupied by liquid ether, although its proportion decreases from gases to heavy metals.

Apparently, all the arguments of the mountain theorists about dark matter and energy can be connected with this. We see the substance, we can measure it, etc. But we cannot directly perceive liquid, let alone crystalline ether, except for some unique ones. But 99.9% or more of matter, which can give rise to anything, is already very serious. And it's time to stop spending people's money and compose dissertations that no one needs to substantiate Einstein's SRT and GR or find a non-existent Higgs particle. Otherwise, we will not understand why one fine day a wave or whirlwind of an ethereal tsunami will destroy our beautiful world. Blind people who do not see 99.9% of matter, and even more so do not recognize its existence, cannot be our guides.

From ethereal positions it is easy to explain such a phenomenon as explosions of supernovae. This is only an assumption so far, but I admit that after the substance of the star has used up its energy resource, when all the vortices in the star begin to crumble and turn into liquid ether, this will be equivalent to the collapse of the cavitation bubble. But in this case, such a cavitation bubble will be a star, in which the ether vapor will condense into liquid ether. The volume of the star will immediately decrease by 1000 times. And if the rate of collapse is high, then the star, having collapsed, will give rise to a sharp drop in the pressure of the ether in the volume and center of the already dead star. The liquid ether surrounding the star will rush to where this star has just been. And there will be an ethereal dynamic impact of monstrous force, the power of which, most likely, will be able to give birth not only to a new star, but also to form the substance for a new galaxy. For, according to the law of interference, in the very center of the former star, the pressure of shock waves directed from all sides will be summed up, but the energy that will give rise to a response will already be proportional to the square of the total amplitude of the final shock wave. And under the influence of this powerful response shock wave of the liquid ether, the substance newly created due to the vorticity of the ether involved in the process will scatter in all directions until, under the influence of friction with the flows of the surrounding liquid ether and the masses of the crystalline ether, the outgoing ethereal flows and the flows of matter begin to roll together. with accumulations of matter into a new star system or a young galaxy, into a new rather large vortex. Although it may not be lucky, and then the newly formed substance will be dismantled for building materials by the nearest star systems and galaxies. So those who believe in the Big Bang theory are partly right when they model the situation, but only after the explosion, although they do not understand that the Big Bang was not alone. And above all, they do not understand how these explosions and due to what occur. For the Universe, a supernova explosion is equivalent to a rupture of a follicle in the ovary of a woman who releases an egg in order to give birth, if she is lucky to get pregnant, a new life, because a supernova explosion will most likely lead to the creation of a new star system, on which, if lucky, it can form life and mind. And if you're lucky, then the energy of a supernova explosion may be enough to bake a new and beautiful galaxy out of the surrounding ether.

Since we are talking about the fact that much in this world is not at all what it seems to us, then it is impossible to bypass such a phenomenon as mass and inertia. According to my ideas, if we measure the mass by the presence of ether in the occupied body or ether of space, then the heaviest ether will be crystalline ether, then liquid ether. Although it is possible that liquid ether may turn out to be the heaviest, just as ice turns out to be lighter than water. But the lightest in ethereal units will be substance, since substance is ether vapor, although twisted into vortices, but vapor, foam and no more.

But for our sense organs and measuring instruments tuned to our sense organs and in accordance with our naive ideas about the Universe, it turns out the opposite - a substance is heavier than ether. And among the substance, metals are heavier than gases, although from the ethereal positions, gas is a slightly swirling liquid ether with a small number of vortices, and metal is a space almost completely filled with a huge number of vortices of gaseous ether, which means that it practically does not contain liquid ether. Why do we think so?

And it seems to us so because we are accustomed to trust our senses, which indicate to us that the movement of metal with acceleration in the ethereal medium will cause more noticeable resistance from the liquid and crystalline ether than the movement of the same volume of gas, which is practically liquid ether and filled. Therefore, the same volume of metal seems to us heavier than the volume of gas. The same applies to weight. For the same volume of metal will be pressed against the Earth more strongly than the same volume of gas. For the ether freely passes through the gas, and liquid ether is forced to pass through the interweaving of vortices of its own foam with great resistance. Hence the difference in weight in the Earth's "gravity field" of metal and gas occupied by the same volumes.

Therefore, taking into account these factors, which led to the current false ideas, the mass of material bodies should be calculated as the product of the volume of matter and the difference in ether densities outside and inside this volume of matter. Therefore, future researchers will have to seriously break their heads both over the definition of what is the density of the ether, and over the methods of its measurement in crystalline and liquid ether, as well as in various variants of matter, ethereal foam. If you follow the formula, then there is no such parameter as mass in the modern sense for crystalline or liquid ether, because acceleration in the collision of matter with ether occurs in material bodies, but we simply do not know how the ether itself behaves, because the methods of recording what is happening on the air, except for some cases, we do not yet have. Or you will have to consider the mass of any volume of crystalline and liquid ether equal to zero, which will explain many oddities in our world. In short, physics is in need of an ethereal revolution, which, in terms of consequences, will be more significant than the revolution made in astronomy by Nicolas Copernicus.

Let's return to the so-called gravitational, magnetic and electrostatic fields. All these are streams of a special form in the liquid ether outside the material bodies or the liquid phase of the ether inside the material bodies.

The gravitational interaction between material bodies will become clear if we imagine ethereal flows and vortices, primarily liquid ether, from which, in fact, galaxies or star systems are formed. To an observer, for example, sitting on the Earth, it seems that the Sun attracts the Earth, and the Earth attracts the Sun. And even the formula for "attraction" between the Sun and the Earth can be created, which is known to everyone. But this is an illusion. In fact, both the Sun and the Earth are parts of a giant ethereal vortex, more precisely, ping-pong balls in the flows of a vortex of liquid ether, the diameter of which is several tens of astronomical units, in which, along with liquid ether, there is a high proportion of vaporous ether (substance) twisted into its vortices. And the laws of rotation of such a vortex are such that in this stream the substance present in it in the form of the Sun, planets, asteroids and comets are pressed against each other by a stream of liquid ether. That is, the situation is such that material formations are “pressed” by liquid ether to each other, therefore the cause of “gravity” manifests itself in time before the movement that characterizes the very fact of “attraction”. Therefore, it seems that the speed of gravitational interaction is infinitely high. For, what can be the speed of interaction between material bodies, if this interaction is essentially the bodies themselves and is not regulated, determined and controlled. Any planet floats in space and describes its ellipses by the will of liquid ether waves and no more. Well, the tenacious floats to itself in a stormy rotating stream, and let it think that it is it that is attracted to the center of this whirlwind. So it is somehow calmer, otherwise we will have to look for an explanation in some Divine power, we do not see the ether or do not recognize it.

We speak of electrostatics when we observe the interaction of so-called charges. The phenomenon itself manifests itself during friction, for example, glass and silk, amber and wool. This leads to the fact that worn glass or worn amber begin to attract charged bodies of a different polarity, or induce the creation of opposite charges on uncharged bodies and attract them. From the ethereal standpoint, this is how it works. We accept that the elementary charge is a vortex. And if the atom is twisted clockwise, then this is a positive charge, if counterclockwise, then it is negative. In an uncharged body, atoms are twisted into vortices, half of which rotate in one direction and half in the other, vortices twisted in different directions form sparks, which under normal conditions, as it were, automatically ensure that the charge of the body is neutral. But it is worth rubbing the body, as part of the vortices breaks and partially passes from one body to another. An excess of vortices of one direction of rotation is created in the body. Let it be vortices with clockwise rotation. The body will acquire a positive charge. Unpaired "positive" vortices will be pushed by paired vortices to the surface of the body, and already on the surface, in accordance with the principle of least action, these vortices will be evenly distributed, of course, taking into account the radius of curvature of the body surface, vortices are distributed only on convex parts of the body and the density of vortices is higher there , where the radius of curvature of the body surface is smaller.

An unpaired vortex squeezed out (or created) on the surface of the body during rotation will, due to friction, involve the liquid ether adjacent to the body in rotation, forcing it to form a vortex. The vortex flow that has arisen in the liquid ether will resemble a mushroom with a large hat on a thin stalk. The radius of the "cap" of such a vortex will be proportional to the square of the distance from the "center" of the charged body, so the "tension" in such a vortex will fall inversely proportional to the square of the distance (radius) from the center of the charged body. If now in space, or rather in the same liquid ether, two such vortices meet, then they will begin to interact. Vortices from "charges" with different signs will "twist" into each other, and vortices from charges of the same name "twist out of each other. Where the vortex flows will twist into each other, the ether pressure will decrease, and where the flows will “get out”, the ether pressure will increase. As a result of such an interaction, the liquid ether surrounding the charges will, in the first case, press the charges against each other, and in the second case, the “ether cushion” with increased pressure in it will push the charges apart. And the force of interaction between the charges will be directly proportional to the product of the magnitudes of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the charges.

The attentive reader noticed that nowhere is there any talk of electrons as a kind of unit of electricity. There is no need for this yet. But the fact that electric charges consist of certain units suggests that there is a deep meaning in this, the world of ether is arranged in such a way that a certain standard parameter acts as a unit of vortex motion, as a reflection of laws unknown to us so far. And from the standpoint of the ethereal theory of the electron as such, perhaps not, but there is a certain ethereal vortex surrounding the total vortex of the atom, and which, depending on the circumstances, can take on a variety of forms as variants of the volumetric Lissajous figure, a kind of standing ethereal wave from ethereal foam ( ether vapor), as a reaction to nucleon vibrations or external influence on the atom itself. And this ethereal vortex surrounding an atom or molecule in many cases is the carrier of the so-called thermal energy. And the more such a “fur coat” an atom or molecule has, the more thermal energy can be removed from such an atom or molecule, if you find a way to combine such an atom or molecule with another and as a result, a new connection will force the original atoms or molecules to throw off the ethereal coat, as interfering this association. To create such a coat, you need to take energy somewhere, and when the ether coat disappears (destructs), as a variant of ether vapor condensation into liquid ether, energy will be released.

For example, a hydrogen or oxygen atom is surrounded by an ether coat. But when two hydrogen atoms create a hydrogen molecule, they turn towards each other so that the direction of rotation of their vortices is opposite, i.e., an electrically neutral pair of vortices is created. Therefore, the extra ethereal coat will be discarded as unnecessary. And the appearance of this fur coat in the surrounding space will be perceived as an increase in temperature. So it is with oxygen when it enters into an oxidation reaction, for example, with carbon. As a result, an electrically neutral molecule is created, which no longer needs a compensatory ether coat, the ether discharged from oxygen and carbon is used to heat and illuminate the surrounding space. This is how gas, gasoline and all types of hydrocarbons burn, in which, in addition to carbon, there is a lot of hydrogen. And when 2 hydrogen atoms meet with an oxygen atom, they all throw off their extra protective compensating ethereal shell with the release of huge energy in the form of light and thermal radiation. Thank God that it is so that there is no gamma radiation or atomic transformations with the release of protons and neutrons. It is on these laws that you can create an energy source that works, for example, exclusively on water, which will be used in a closed cycle. It is only important to correctly calculate where the atoms will be able to acquire an ethereal coat at the expense of the ether of the surrounding space, and at what stage this ethereal coat can be usefully removed. Here is the Golden Fleece. It is also necessary to check for what actual Golden Fleece the Argonauts went under the leadership of Jason. Maybe they were sent for some alternative power generator? There is something to think about.

Now let's see what a magnetic field is. The so-called magnetic field is also a vortex in liquid ether, but the peculiarity of such a vortex is that it is already created not by a single charge, but due to the effect of an electrostatic field of moving charges on the liquid ether. Most often we observe a magnetic field in permanent magnets. This field has a part inside the magnet and a part outside. Inside a magnet, a magnetic vortex is created by the coordinated rotation of the magnet's atoms or the electron shells of the magnet's atoms. Ampère called such rotations elementary currents. Due to the synchronous rotation of some of the atoms of the magnet, which coherently form an ethereal pump, flows of liquid ether are formed in the volume of the magnet, first from the liquid ether that is in the magnet as a substance, and then the magnet sucks in from one pole (south) and ejects from other (northern) liquid ether of the surrounding space. And from the moment the closed magnetic lines of force are formed, similar to the screw of Archimedes, we can assume that the magnetic field does not belong to the magnet. But this is only if we rotate the magnet around the axis of symmetry. But as soon as we rotate the magnet around the other axis, both the position of the magnetic field of the magnet will change accordingly. Magnetic lines of force in the form of "Archimedes screws", but built from liquid ether, are closed on themselves. And such a field is created by the coordinated rotation of the Ampere currents, which drive the liquid ether through themselves, while the ether is twisted clockwise. So, in fact, the charges that rotate the liquid ether exist, but they are located inside the magnet. And, perhaps, that is why Howard Jones called such currents unpaired electrons, correctly determining the nature of the rotation of the magnetic field inside the magnet as a result of the rotation of closed currents or internal unpaired charges. It can even be assumed that internal unpaired charges are a signature feature of a magnet. Since, having arisen, such charges cannot, for some reason, migrate to the surface of the magnet, and cannot simply disappear like that. We must also remember how permanent magnets are created. And they are created under the influence of a powerful electromagnetic pulse on the magnetic workpiece, which, possibly, separates the atomic sparks (double atomic vortices rotating in different directions) and throws some of them out of the magnet. The remaining unpaired atomic vortices get stuck and are fixed inside the magnet in a position that is given by the direction of the electromagnetic pulse. And immediately they begin to pump the ether from one end of the magnet to the other. And they will do this until another powerful reason remagnetizes the magnet or completely deprives it of its magnetic properties. And apparently in the latter case, the unpaired vortices inside the magnet will be supplemented by vortices with the opposite direction of rotation, and the so-called Ampère currents will cease to exist.

There is a very close connection between the movement of liquid ether inside a permanent magnet and the movement of direct current in a conductor. Only in the first case, the circulation of the liquid ether is created by unpaired vortices, created earlier with the help of an electromagnetic pulse, and the movement of liquid ether as a direct current is provided by dynamically arising and disappearing unpaired vortices under the action of a ether pressure difference on the conductor, which is called voltage in electrical engineering. The greater the voltage, the more paired vortices are destroyed and unpaired vortices are formed, driving the ether from plus to minus. The mechanism of the destruction of paired vortices is connected with the removal from some of the atoms of a certain ethereal shell, a certain ethereal vortex, which is weakly connected with the nuclei of atoms. The vortex removed and moving from atom to atom is called an electron and is associated with the presence of an electric current. So they write, electric current is an ordered movement of electrons. But in fact, the movement of electrons is a consequence of the passage of a powerful flow of liquid ether along the conductor, supported by voltage at the ends of the conductor. And if the conductor is copper, then after removing the current, the movement of liquid ether along such a conductor stops, and the destroyed vortices again form electrically neutral pairs of vortices. But if the conductor is iron or steel, shorter than a ferromagnet, then such a conductor after removing the voltage remains residual magnetization. Those. By passing an electric current through an iron wire, a permanent magnet can be obtained. This fact was noted in his work “Magnetic Flux” by Ed Leedskalnin, the architect and the only builder of the Coral Castle, in which the total weight of blocks of coral limestone is 1100 tons, and the largest blocks reach 50 tons in weight, and Ed Leedskalnin coped with such blocks alone and even managed to drill perfect holes over three meters long into them.

When an electric current is passed through a conductor, the rotation of the flows of liquid ether in it leads to the fact that the liquid ether adjacent to the conductor is involved in rotation and thus creates the so-called magnetic field of the current-carrying conductor. This field is cylindrical, it rotates in the same direction as the ether flow in the conductor, therefore, a current-carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field interacts with this current through the interaction of magnetic fields. The magnetic field of a conductor with current is a kind of spiral wound on a cylinder, more precisely, many spirals with different radii, and if such a magnetic spiral is placed in a uniform magnetic field, then the magnetic field of the conductor with current, together with the conductor itself, is pushed out of the field or moves in it under the action of a force whose origin is associated with the Magnus effect. Thus, using the example of a conductor with current, we are convinced of the importance of the Magnus effect.

But even Ed Liskalnin noticed that there is no difference between electric current and magnetic flux inside a permanent magnet. A material agent that moves in a conductor with current and along (inside) a permanent magnet is the same material substance - liquid ether, twisted into a spiral with a clockwise rotation direction. So from the ethereal positions one can easily say what an electric current is, and that the difference between the magnetic flux and the electric current lies only in the mechanism of creating the ethereal flow.

If the permanent magnet has axial symmetry, then the magnetic flux, leaving the north pole, where the pressure of the ether will be increased, will begin to move towards the south pole, where the pressure of the ether will be reduced. In general, a toroidal axisymmetric magnetic field will appear inside and outside the magnet. And even if we place such a magnet in a uniform magnetic field of another more powerful magnet, then such magnets, or rather their magnetic fields, will not interact so that forces are created that can move the magnet in the magnetic field of a stronger magnet. For how much ether will pass per unit of time inside the magnet, the same amount of ether will move in the opposite direction, but already around the magnet. And such a magnet will not rotate around the axis for the same reason, because the moment of rotation of the ether inside the magnet is equal to the moment of rotation of the ether outside the magnet, but with the opposite sign.

In order to create conditions for the interaction of magnetic flows (magnetic fields), one must understand that the same laws are valid for the flows of liquid ether, which are subject to the flows of the same water, only the parameters of the liquid ether are different, as a practically incompressible liquid capable of vaporization under certain modes, i.e., cavitation. For the ether, a cavitation bubble, and even swirling to speeds at the level of the speed of light and higher, is a substance. And therefore, as long as the parameters of the electrostatic or magnetic field are such that the ether does not turn into vapor, there is no danger of the liquid ether turning into matter. And vice versa, with certain parameters of vortices in liquid ether, conditions are created under which the vortex ether vapor will condense and this will lead to a sudden transformation of matter into liquid ether, which for the observer will be similar to the evaporation of matter into nowhere. But in this article, we do not need to consider these two extreme cases. We will assume that the magnetic field does not violate the structure of the magnet, and the magnet does not lead to a change in the phase state of the liquid ether flowing through it.

In order to be able to control the magnetic flux of a permanent magnet, it is necessary to give the magnet such a shape in which the magnetic flux would mainly be closed in a ring. And for this, a straight magnet must be bent, for example, as Howard Jones did, using boomerang-shaped magnets for the rotor (armature) of his motor.

Fig.1. A diagram explaining the operation of the Howard Jones motor.

What happened when a permanent magnet was bent in the form of a boomerang or a banana? And the symmetry of the magnet has disappeared. And now some directions for lines of force (ethereal magnetic spirals) turned out to be preferable. In Fig.1, on the example of the upper rotor (reinforcing) magnet, the red line shows the direction of the ether movement in the so-called magnetic field. Howard Jones himself showed this in his patent, but I specifically highlighted part of his drawing, cleared it of "garbage", marked the poles of the permanent magnets of the stator and armature, so that the mechanism that makes the armature rotate around the stator is clear.

According to Howard Jones himself, even a small curvature of the reinforcing magnet turned out to be enough for the main part of its magnetic flux to be closed in the form of a ring (shown in red in Fig. 1). True, the radius of curvature of the magnet must be less than the radius of the reinforcement in the area of ​​the magnet. Of course, some lines of force will try to go around the magnet of the rotor (armature) along the convex side, but according to the principle of least action, most of the lines of force of the magnetic field of such a magnet will try to connect the north and south poles along a shorter path, i.e. along the concave side. And since such a magnet has a magnetic field twisted into a ring, this immediately changes the nature of the interaction of such a magnet with the magnetic fields of the stator magnets.

In fairness, it should be noted that the magnetic field of the stator magnets is very inhomogeneous, so Howard Jones, for the smooth rotation of the armature, had to place the armature magnets in pairs, shifting one relative to the other by several degrees. On the one hand, this doubled the power of the motor, and on the other hand, it allowed the armature (rotor) to rotate more smoothly, at least at the acceleration stage. It was the twisting of the magnetic field of the reinforcing magnets that allowed the Magnus effect to manifest itself. In my other articles, I strongly emphasized this feature of closed magnetic fluxes. And he showed that it is a magnet with a closed magnetic field that is the very element that will make it possible to create a "perpetual" motion machine. For example, in the article “A variant of a unipolar magnetic motor”, I, trying to simplify the solution proposed by Kalashnikov Yu.Ya., drew attention to the long-known variant of a permanent magnet as a horseshoe.

Fig.2. Horseshoe magnet.

In such a magnet, as shown in the figure, the magnetic lines will close on the left between the north (blue) and south (red) magnetic poles "through the air", but the remaining sections of the magnetic lines (on the right side of the magnet) will pass inside the magnet, and, thus Thus, they will be protected from the influence of the magnetic field of the same magnet, when, for example, two or more such magnets are lined up in a chain (Fig. 3).

If a horseshoe magnet is placed between the poles of a powerful permanent magnet as shown in Figure 4. then as a result of the interaction of magnetic fields, a force will begin to act on the horseshoe magnet, which will tend to move the horseshoe magnet to the right. It is quite possible that the location of the rotor magnet above the stator magnets is more correct for Howard Jones than for me in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4, since Howard observes a certain symmetry of the magnetic field of the rotor magnet relative to the magnetic fields of the stator magnets, which, most likely, guarantees that the rotor (armature) will rotate. Since, to create a pressure difference, the elliptical shape of the magnetic field of the rotor magnets is not as important as the power of the magnetic fluxes, which are directed towards the stator at the north pole of the armature magnet and away from the stator at the south pole of the armature magnet. Therefore, in this circuit, the motor creates the power that the used magnets are capable of maximum. And this power must be significant. Here it is important to bring the rotor (armature) magnets as close as possible to the stator magnets and to choose the right angle of “sharpening” of the ends of the armature magnets so that the magnetic lines of this magnet are assembled into a ring to the maximum extent and pass under the magnet, and not over it.

Fig.4. Horseshoe magnet in the magnetic field of a powerful magnet.

As Tesla said, the energy of the ether is around us, the main thing is to learn how to extract it in the least costly and environmentally friendly way. But the creation of magnets that allow the creation of closed magnetic fields interferes with some of the features of magnets. The lines of force of their magnetic field are not always located in space as the inventor would like. Therefore, the shape of the magnet has to be slightly modified. The way Howard Jones did it, for example. Perhaps he did it intuitively, but it is possible that he understood, like me, the mechanism that generates power through the Magnus effect, but did not advertise his know-how.

For example, Fig. 5 shows an ideal version of the Siberian Kolya Magnet, in which the magnetic field is supposed to be closed in a kind of ring. But in a real Siberian Kolya magnet, part of the lines of force, instead of moving from the north poles to the south through the center of the magnet, will try to do this through bending around the edges of the magnets. And this will already violate the strict picture of the magnetic field and, possibly, will not allow the formation of the necessary force through the Magnus effect.

Fig.5. A variant of the unipolar engine Kalashnikova Yu.Ya.

But there is an opportunity to correct this if we “butt up” the Siberian Kolya magnet from above and below with semi-cylindrical plugs made of soft iron. Something like this (Fig. 7).

Fig.7. Magnet Siberian Kolya with "plugs" made of magnetically soft ferromagnet.

The red and blue colors in this figure indicate the halves of the Siberian Kolya magnet, and the gray ones are the iron plugs that will loop the magnetic lines of force. One of Nikolaev's associates was talking about exactly the same magnet when he described his meeting with Stefan Marinov, who paid Nikolaev's friend, I think, 400 dollars or euros for this invention.

Now such a “magnet” can not only be used as a power element of a “perpetual” magnetic motor, or a source of a scalar magnetic field, but also an element with which it will be possible to create a magnetolet to move in the Earth’s magnetic field. We must not forget that the Earth is a large and powerful magnet. And nothing prevents using this field, for example, to create powerful power plants like Ferris wheels. To do this, it is sufficient to use large elements as the spokes of such a wheel, similar to the one shown in Fig. 7, and the wheel itself should be placed with the axis along the direction of the Earth's magnetic field lines on a specific section of the earth's surface. Indeed, in addition to the direction to the Earth's magnetic poles (magnetic declination), it is also necessary to take into account the slope of the field line relative to the Earth's surface (magnetic inclination).

Fig.8. Engine variant of Vlasov V.N.

Figure 8 shows a diagram of a variant of a unipolar magnetic motor, which I called the Vlasov V.N. motor, because I believe that the idea of ​​​​using horseshoe magnets or pairs of two horseshoe magnets was expressed by me for the first time in the world and until that moment I did not know anything about the motor Howard Jones. The justification for this was given in the article "A variant of a unipolar magnetic motor". Only there the horseshoe magnet is located a little differently. Although with the same success such a variant of a magnetic engine can be called a variant of the Yu.Ya. Kalashnikov engine, for this it is enough to close its magnetic twin on one side with a ferromagnetic plate or put the twin directly on the ferromagnetic rotor. But in the end, you can call such a magnetic motor a modification of the Howard Jones motor, since in principle a horseshoe magnet is not much different from the boomerang (banana) magnet that Howard Jones installed on the rotor (armature) of his motor. There is only one principle, only Howard Jones created his motor based on intuition, and I proposed my own version of the motor quite meaningfully, based on the theory of liquid ether.

You can suggest a modification of the Howard Jones motor. This modification consists in the fact that a large stator magnet is taken, similar in shape and arrangement of poles to a magnet from a speaker, including one with a hole in the center. An axis is drawn through the center, on which rotors are installed in the form of circles on both sides of the stator, and magnets are placed around the circumference on these rotors, curved in the same way as Howard Jones suggests in his patent or U-shaped magnets are taken. Since there will be a north pole on one side of the stator, and a south pole on the other, then on one side in the direction of the rotor, the curved magnets must be placed with the north pole forward, and on the other rotor, these magnets must be turned with the south pole in the direction of travel. The axis of such an engine could be placed both vertically and horizontally.

If you use a modification of the Siberian Kolya magnet with iron "plugs", then the magnetic motor may look like this (Fig. 9). This design is even preferable, as it will have less air resistance when the rotor rotates.

Rice. 9. A variant of the Siberian Kolya magnetic motor with magnets, with “plugs” made of soft iron.

Instead of permanent magnets on the rotor and stator, electromagnets can be used. And if necessary, provide biasing with direct or constant modulated current. Or feed, for example, the rotor magnets with direct current, and apply a strictly positive meander to the stator magnets, adjusting the maximum current strength, frequency and duty cycle. At the same time, the energy costs for magnetization will be less than the energy received from the engine itself, since the force that makes the rotor rotate will not be formed directly, but as a result of controlling the ethereal (magnetic) flows, as a manifestation of the Magnus effect for liquid ether flows.

I would like to note how Howard Jones solved the problem of protecting the motor from resonance. Although it seems to have solved a different problem. He wanted to ensure the smooth running of the rotor of his motor. To do this, he placed the stator magnets with unequal spaces between them. The magnets on the rotor (armature) had different lengths and were slightly offset relative to each other. All these measures, indeed, smoothed out the course of the rotor (reinforcement), but at the same time it ensured that practically at any frequency of rotation of the rotor (reinforcement), beats that could destroy the motor could not occur. This is another plus for Howard Jones as an inventor and designer. Not every inventor thinks about such mundane problems.

Now you can finish the article. I think that I managed to convey the basic principles of my understanding of the ether as the only world environment that fills all the space accessible to our gaze, and which is this very space, and which consists of the entire diversity of matter, as a form of matter. There is nothing in the world but ether, its crystals, liquid flows and vortices, in which both liquid ether and its vapor participate. And what we call the weak and strong interactions: gravity, electromagnetism and the forces of nuclear interaction - all this is easily modeled literally on the fingers, if we rely on ethereal principles. All the so-called fields are a reflection of the distribution of pressure in the ether for certain types of interaction. And by changing the pressure of the ether with the help of some methods, it is possible to form a force to control the process, in which completely different patterns operate. So the force of gravity can be balanced by the force of magnetic or electrostatic. The magnetic force can be balanced by the force of gravity or the force of the nuclear force. It is important to choose the right conditions for the generation of certain forces. And it is also very important to understand that the so-called law of conservation of energy in the world of ether is not something that is not observed, this law is observed always and everywhere, you just need to apply it with feeling, sense and alignment, correctly understanding which environment is involved in the process except for everyone known substance.

As the analysis of Howard Jones' motor patent US 4151431 showed, this inventor created his motor in full accordance with the provisions of the ether theory. Apparently Howard Jones understood perfectly well why and why he created his motor, he just did not want to show the whole truth in the patent, and kept the know-how for himself. Now this secret can be considered revealed. And the author will be happy if this article helps those who want to assemble a generator of "free" energy. That's pretty simple for every sage. The main thing is to know where to take and put where, we are always the place find.

Scientists and not only for many years tried to create a perpetual motion machine. Not all attempts were successful, but some definitely deserve attention. Many are interested technology of inexhaustible energy and want to try to make a perpetual motion machine with their own hands. It is always interesting to learn about what a perpetual motion machine is, whether it is possible to assemble it and how to do it.

What it is

Any device that works at the expense of any energy will stop working if it is disconnected from the source of this very energy. A perpetual motion machine solves this problem: once you turn it on, you don’t have to worry that the battery will run out or the gas will run out and it will turn off. The idea of ​​creating such a device excited the minds of people for quite a long time, and there were a lot of attempts to create a perpetual motion machine.

Such a device should have an efficiency of more than one hundred percent. That is, the amount of energy produced must be greater than the amount received, so that the engine can maintain itself in working order and at the same time give out some energy for third-party tasks.

Since such a system should work forever (or at least for a very long time), then to it there are special requirements:

  • Full time job. This is logical, because if the engine stops, then it is not so eternal.
  • Parts that are as durable as possible. If our engine is to run forever, then its individual parts must be as wear-resistant as possible.

Scientific hypotheses

The scientific community does not deny the creation of such a device. True, in the eyes of scientists, it is not just a set of moving parts or cones with mercury inside. It must be a more complex device, powered by aether or vacuum energy. Ether is a kind of all-penetrating medium that vibrates and generates electromagnetic waves. The existence of the ether, by the way, has not been proven.

It's no secret that gravitational forces act in our universe. Now they are at rest, as they are balanced by each other. But if the balance is disturbed, all these forces will come into motion. A similar principle can theoretically be used in a gravitational perpetual motion machine. True, so far no one has succeeded in doing this.

Magnetic gravity engine

Everything is a little simpler here than in the previous version. To create such a device, permanent magnets and loads of certain parameters are needed. It works like this : at the center of the spinning wheel there is a main magnet, and around it (at the edges of the wheel) auxiliary magnets and weights are located. Magnets interact with each other, and the loads are in motion and move either closer to the center of rotation, or further. Thus, the center of mass shifts, and the wheel rotates.

The easiest option

To create it, you need simple materials:

  • Plastic bottle.
  • Thin tubes.
  • Pieces of wood (boards).

The bottle must be cut into two parts horizontally. Insert a wooden partition into the lower part, in which make a hole in advance and come up with a plug for it. After that, a thin tube is taken and installed in such a way that she passed from bottom to top through the septum. Any gaps in the component parts must be sealed to prevent air from entering the bottom of the bottle.

Through a hole in the tree, you need to pour into the lower part of an evaporating liquid (gasoline, freon). In this case, the liquid level should not reach not to the tree, but to the cut of the tube. Then the plug is closed, and a little of the same liquid is poured on top. Now you should close this design with the top of the bottle and put it in a warm place. After a while, liquid will begin to drip from the top of the tube.

The thing is that the liquid seeps through the tree. The air inside is "locked" and begins to heat the liquid around it. It, in turn, evaporates and goes up, cools and settles on the tree, which closes the circle. Thus, the liquid simply circulates within the system.

Water version of a perpetual motion machine

This is a fairly simple design that can be built even at home. You will need a couple of flasks, valves for them, one large container of water and several tubes. Based on the picture, you can assemble such a device - it will pump water.

This theme very interesting and captivating. Scientists all over the world puzzled over this mythical device. There were many charlatans who passed off their ingenious machines as eternally running engines. To date, no one has been able to create such a device. Many scientists deny the possibility of the existence of such a machine, as it violates the fundamental laws of physics.

Since ancient times, Homo sapiens has been trying to invent a perpetual motion machine - a simple source of infinite energy. There are more than 1000 different schemes and proposals. And every engineer would like with my own hands invent perpetual motion machine. However, so far no one has succeeded. Tesla came close to this, but all his ideas went with him. And here is one of the implementations of such engine described in Likhachev's article "How to build a perpetual motion machine with your own hands", published in the magazine "Young Technician". Likhachev tried to explain the operation of the engine by a violation of the second law of thermodynamics. It seems to me that he made a mistake in this matter, and there is no violation of thermodynamics here, but the gravitational field works. And the invention itself is easy to manufacture and does not require large investments.

We take an ordinary plastic flask from any drink and cut it into two halves: the lower and the upper. In the lower half we install a wooden partition made of hardwood (if made from softwood, it will work much worse). The fibers in the partition must necessarily go in a vertical direction from the bottom up. There should be a hole in the partition with a plug. There should also be a thin tube running from the very bottom of the flask through the baffle to the top. All places between the tube and the tree, between the tree and the flask, must be securely sealed so that air cannot pass through even the smallest cracks. We open the plug and pour so much easily evaporating liquid into the lower part of the flask so that the lowest section of the tube is already in the liquid, but at the same time the liquid level does not reach the tree. That is, it is necessary to maintain an air gap between the wood and the liquid. We close the hole tightly with a plug, pour a little of the same liquid onto the tree from above and tightly fit the upper half of the flask onto the lower one. We put the structure in a warm place and wait. After a while (it can take from several minutes to several days depending on the liquid used and the ambient temperature), liquid will begin to drip from the top of the tube.

I explain the operation of this construction as follows. The liquid passes through the wood capillaries from top to bottom and then the air layer under the tree is surrounded on all sides by liquid. Under the action of ambient heat, the liquid begins to evaporate into this layer both from above and below. But simultaneously with evaporation, the condensation of already evaporated vapors back into a liquid begins. After some time, equilibrium occurs when the number of evaporated molecules is equal to the number of condensed ones. If no extraneous force acts on the vapor molecules, then each molecule has the same probability of going back into the liquid both downwards and upwards. But if an extraneous force (gravity) acts, then their slow drift towards this force is superimposed on the random Brownian motion of steam molecules. And each molecule becomes more likely to condense down than up. If, say, 100 molecules enter the vapor from the upper and lower layers of the liquid, then 101 molecules will go back to the lower level, and 99 will go to the upper level. In other words, a slow flow of liquid begins through the vapor-air layer down under the action of gravity . The liquid level under the tree rises, the air pressure increases, it pushes the liquid into the tube and it enters the upper compartment through the tube. And then it seeps through the capillaries again, evaporates, passes through the air gap, condenses, etc. This is how the fluid cycle occurs in the installation. If you place a wheel under the drops falling from the tube, it will begin to rotate.

Two processes take place here simultaneously: the transfer of matter by gravity from top to bottom and the transfer of heat by thermal conduction from bottom to top. The predominance of condensation over evaporation at the lower level of the vapor-air layer increases the temperature in this place. And the predominance of evaporation over condensation at its upper level reduces the temperature. There is a temperature difference and a heat flow from the bottom up, which evaporates new portions of the liquid from above. If numerous metal bolts are screwed into the lower surface of the tree so that their heads are in the liquid, then heat will be transferred not through a vapor-air mixture of low thermal conductivity, but through metal of high thermal conductivity. This intensifies heat transfer and the entire evaporation-condensation process.

An even greater improvement in the operation of the installation can be achieved if the air is completely removed from the layer under the tree, leaving only steam here (that is, making the layer purely steam). The fact is that the air will be carried away by the vapor flow and accumulate at the lower level of the liquid. An increase in its partial pressure in this place means a decrease in the partial pressure of the vapor, and then the condensation temperature drops. This means that the temperature difference through the vapor-air layer decreases and the installation works worse. To remove air, it is necessary to make a special tube from the air gap through the wall of the flask to the outside and, even before starting work, slightly heat the lower part of the flask. Then the liquid will evaporate and the vapor will go out through the tube, carrying the air with it. After some time, the air in the layer will not remain.

I used freon as the fluid. And it worked very well, drops began to drip from the tube in the upper compartment within half an hour after the assembly was completed. But freon had an unusual side effect. The plastic of the flask, upon contact with it, began to shrink little by little, and during the night the flask shrank almost twice. Nothing worked in such a flask, I had to throw it away and do it all over again. So then I switched to regular gasoline. It worked much worse than freon, but the plastic did not warp from it. The installation with gasoline began to work at 3-4 o'clock in the afternoon, when the temperature of a summer day rose to 40 degrees, and worked until such a temperature was maintained. And then she stopped and started working again only the next day. Such a feature can lead to the erroneous opinion that the heat of the environment is transformed here, and Likhachev and Veinik made just such a conclusion. In fact, the ambient heat is just a kind of battery to start work (we also use the battery to start the engine in the car). The higher the ambient temperature, the more the liquid will evaporate at the very beginning of operation and the more efficient the installation will operate. And at a low temperature, the initial evaporation does not occur and the installation does not work.

Of course, the power of such an installation is so small that one should not expect any practical application from it. It can only serve as clear evidence of the fact that you can build a perpetual motion machine. But it must be said right away that it will not perpetual motion machine 1st kind, producing useful work in the most real sense from the void, and perpetual motion machine 2nd kind, extracting energy from the environment. In this case, the gravitational field of the planet will be such an environment.

Magnetic-gravitational perpetual motion machine

Modern permanent magnets open up great opportunities for creating various magnetic motors and magnetic generators. Another device claiming to be called " perpetual motion machine"

The work of this perpetual motion machine provides movement of weights and auxiliary magnets alternately around the main magnet. Due to the interaction of magnets, the loads in the zone of one pole approach the axis of rotation of the motor, and in the zone of the other pole, the loads are repelled from the center of rotation. As a result, the center of mass of the entire structure shifts to the right, which allows the engine to rotate almost forever, as long as the Earth's gravity and the magnetic field of the magnets exist.

The principle of its work consists in the fact that using the magnetic forces between 2 permanent magnets, as well as using the force of gravity, it is possible to create a stable rotation of the magneto rotor around the annular stator magnet.
The rotation of the rotor 1 is due to the fact that the moment of rotation of the disk rotor 1 from the total gravitational force and the magnetic repulsion force of the magnets on the accelerating left section of the trajectory of the rotor-rim 1 is greater than the braking moment when lifting the load. Because different radii of rotation of load 5 due to the force of magnetic repulsion of magnets 1 and 3 on the left half-turn of rim 1 (rod 4 extends). And on the return half-cycle-half-turn of the rim 1-right, magnets 2, 3 tend to be attracted and therefore the radius and moment of rotation of the load in this interval becomes smaller.

Invent and you will succeed.

Since the discovery of magnetism, the idea to create a perpetual motion machine on magnets has not left the brightest minds of mankind. Until now, it has not been possible to create a mechanism with an efficiency greater than one, for stable operation of which would not require an external energy source. In fact, the concept of a perpetual motion machine in its modern form does not require a violation of the basic postulates of physics at all. The main task of the inventors is to get as close as possible to one hundred percent efficiency and ensure long-term operation of the device at minimal cost.

Real prospects for creating a perpetual motion machine on magnets

Opponents of the theory of creating a perpetual motion machine talk about the impossibility of violating the law on the conservation of energy. Indeed, there are absolutely no prerequisites for obtaining energy from nothing. On the other hand, a magnetic field is not a void at all, but a special kind of matter, the density of which can reach 280 kJ / m³. It is this value that is the potential energy that a perpetual motion machine with permanent magnets can theoretically use. Despite the lack of ready-made samples in the public domain, numerous patents speak of the possibility of the existence of such devices, as well as the fact of the presence of promising developments that have remained classified since Soviet times.

Norwegian artist Reidar Finsrud created his own version of a perpetual motion machine on magnets

Famous physicists-scientists put their efforts into the creation of such electric generators: Nikola Tesla, Minato, Vasily Shkondin, Howard Johnson and Nikolai Lazarev. It should be noted right away that the engines created with the help of magnets are called “perpetual” conditionally - the magnet loses its properties after a couple of hundred years, and the generator will stop working with it.

The most famous analogues of perpetual motion magnets

Numerous enthusiasts are trying to create a perpetual motion machine on magnets with their own hands according to a scheme in which rotational motion is provided by the interaction of magnetic fields. As you know, like poles repel each other. It is this effect that underlies almost all such developments. Proper use of the energy of repulsion of the same poles of the magnet and the attraction of opposite poles in a closed circuit makes it possible to ensure long-term non-stop rotation of the installation without the application of external force.

Anti-gravity Lorentz magnetic motor

You can make a Lorenz engine yourself using simple materials

If you want to assemble a perpetual motion machine on magnets with your own hands, then pay attention to the developments of Lorenz. The anti-gravity magnetic engine of his authorship is considered the easiest to implement. This device is based on the use of two disks with different charges. They are half placed in a hemispherical magnetic screen made of superconductor, which completely pushes out the magnetic fields. Such a device is necessary to isolate the halves of the disks from an external magnetic field. This engine is started by forcing the disks to rotate towards each other. In fact, the disks in the resulting system are a pair of half-turns with current, the open parts of which will be affected by Lorentz forces.

Asynchronous magnetic motor of Nikola Tesla

Asynchronous "perpetual" permanent magnet motor, created by Nikola Tesla, generates electricity due to a constantly rotating magnetic field. The design is quite complex and difficult to reproduce at home.

Perpetuum mobile with permanent magnets Nikola Tesla

"Testatika" by Paul Baumann

One of the most famous developments is Bauman's "testatics". The device resembles in its design the simplest electrostatic machine with Leyden jars. "Testatik" consists of a pair of acrylic discs (ordinary music records were used for the first experiments), on which 36 narrow and thin strips of aluminum are pasted.

Still from a documentary film: a 1000-watt lamp was connected to the Testatika. Left - inventor Paul Baumann

After the discs were pushed with fingers in opposite directions, the running engine continued to work indefinitely for a long time with a stable speed of rotation of the discs at the level of 50-70 revolutions per minute. In the electrical circuit of the Paul Bauman generator, it is possible to develop a voltage of up to 350 volts with a current of up to 30 amperes. Due to the small mechanical power, it is rather not a perpetual motion machine, but a generator with magnets.

Sweet Floyd Vacuum Triode Amplifier

The difficulty in reproducing Sweet Floyd's device lies not in its design, but in the manufacturing technology of the magnets. This engine is based on two ferrite magnets with dimensions of 10x15x2.5 cm, as well as coils without cores, of which one is a working one with several hundred turns, and two more are excitatory. To run a triode amplifier, a simple pocket 9V battery is needed. After turning on, the device can work for a very long time, independently feeding itself by analogy with an autogenerator. According to Sweet Floyd, it was possible to obtain an output voltage of 120 volts at a frequency of 60 Hz from a working installation, the power of which reached 1 kW.

Rotary ring Lazarev

The scheme of a perpetual motion machine on magnets based on the Lazarev project is very popular. To date, his rotary ring is considered a device, the implementation of which is as close as possible to the concept of a perpetual motion machine. An important advantage of Lazarev's development is that even without specialized knowledge and serious costs, you can assemble a similar perpetual motion machine on neodymium magnets with your own hands. Such a device is a container divided by a porous partition into two parts. The author of the development used a special ceramic disk as a partition. A tube is installed in it, and liquid is poured into the container. Volatile solutions (e.g. gasoline) are ideal for this, but plain tap water can also be used.

The mechanism of operation of the Lazarev engine is very simple. First, the liquid is fed through the baffle down the tank. Under pressure, the solution begins to rise through the tube. Under the resulting dropper, a wheel with blades is placed on which magnets are installed. Under the force of falling drops, the wheel rotates, forming a constant magnetic field. On the basis of this development, a self-rotating magnetic electric motor was successfully created, on which a domestic enterprise registered a patent.

Motor-wheel Shkondin

If you are looking for interesting options on how to make a perpetual motion machine out of magnets, then be sure to pay attention to the development of Shkondin. Its linear motor design can be described as "a wheel within a wheel". This simple, but at the same time productive device is successfully used for bicycles, scooters and other vehicles. The impulse-inertial motor-wheel is a combination of magnetic tracks, the parameters of which are dynamically changed by switching the windings of the electromagnets.

The general scheme of the linear motor Vasily Shkondin

The key elements of Shkondin's device are the external rotor and the stator of a special design: the arrangement of 11 pairs of neodymium magnets in the perpetual motion machine is made in a circle, which forms a total of 22 poles. There are 6 horseshoe-shaped electromagnets installed on the rotor, which are installed in pairs and offset to each other by 120°. The distance between the poles of the electromagnets on the rotor and between the magnets on the stator is the same. Changing the position of the poles of the magnets relative to each other leads to the creation of a magnetic field strength gradient, forming a torque.

The neodymium magnet in the perpetual motion machine based on the design of the Shkondin project is of key importance. When an electromagnet passes through the axes of neodymium magnets, a magnetic pole is formed, which is the same with respect to the overcome pole and opposite with respect to the pole of the next magnet. It turns out that the electromagnet is always repelled from the previous magnet and attracted to the next one. Such influences provide the rotation of the rim. The de-energization of the electromagnet when reaching the axis of the magnet on the stator is ensured by placing a current collector at this point.

A resident of Pushchino, Vasily Shkondin, did not invent a perpetual motion machine, but highly efficient motor-wheels for vehicles and power generators.

The efficiency of the Shkondin engine is 83%. Of course, this is not yet a completely energy-independent neodymium perpetual motion machine, but a very serious and convincing step in the right direction. Thanks to the design features of the device at idle, it is possible to return some of the energy to the batteries (recuperation function).

Perpetual motion machine Perendeve

A high quality alternative engine that produces energy solely from magnets. Base - static and dynamic circles, on which several magnets are located in the intended order. A self-repelling force arises between them, due to which the rotation of the moving circle occurs. Such a perpetual motion machine is considered very profitable in operation.

Perpetual magnetic engine Perendeve

There are many other EMD, similar in principle of operation and design. All of them are still imperfect, because they are not able to function for a long time without any external impulses. Therefore, work on the creation of perpetual generators does not stop.

How to make a perpetual motion machine using magnets with your own hands

You will need:
  • 3 shafts
  • 4" Lucite Disc
  • 2 x 2" lucite discs
  • 12 magnets
  • aluminum bar
The shafts are firmly connected to each other. Moreover, one lies horizontally, and the other two are located at the edges. A large disk is attached to the central shaft. The rest join the side ones. The discs are located - 8 in the middle and 4 on the sides. An aluminum bar serves as the basis for the structure. It also provides acceleration of the device.

Disadvantages of EMD

When planning to actively use such generators, care should be taken. The fact is that the constant proximity of the magnetic field leads to a deterioration in well-being. In addition, for the normal functioning of the device, it is necessary to provide it with special working conditions. For example, to protect against external factors. The final cost of finished structures is high, and the generated energy is too small. Therefore, the benefit of using such structures is doubtful.
Experiment and create your own versions of the perpetual motion machine. All perpetual motion development options continue to be improved by enthusiasts, and many examples of real success can be found on the net. The World of Magnets online store offers you to buy neodymium magnets at a profit and assemble various devices with your own hands, in which the gears would spin non-stop due to the effects of repulsive and attractive magnetic fields. Choose in the presented catalog products with suitable characteristics (sizes, shape, power) and place an order.