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Import cannot be banned: what happens with the import of used foreign cars. Era-glonass hits the budget Is it possible to import cars without glonass

Already after the appearance of this publication, AO Glonass added an important disclaimer to its website. She reports that the documents we mentioned, which describe the procedure for the off-site installation of ERA-GLONASS terminals, apply only to vehicles that are already in use on the territory of Russia. That is, this is a procedure for the voluntary installation of "Era" by car owners. The position of JSC Glonass is that it is incorrect to talk about the application of the same procedure for installing Era on used cars imported into the Russian Federation. The Ministry of Industry and Trade did not answer our question about how exactly the installation of Era on used imported cars will be organized and declined to comment. However, the sum of semi-official and unofficial explanations is as follows: it is premature to say that Russia has a simplified procedure for used cars imported into the country - such a decision has not yet been made. At the same time, we cannot help but pay attention to the fact that signals about the upcoming simplification of the procedure came from government officials both at the end of February and at the beginning of March. Thus, until the appearance of an official decision on this issue, our publication remains in the rank of a hypothesis based on an analysis of information from official and unofficial sources.

In Russia, a simplified procedure for equipping cars with ERA-GLONASS devices in non-factory conditions has appeared: it is intended both for those used cars that are imported into the Russian Federation for the first time, and for any other cars that are already in operation. JSC Glonass, which is the operator of the ERA-GLONASS system, has published on its website a package of documents from which it follows that a network of specialized services should appear in Russia - in fact, "Era dealers" - gaining the right to install emergency call terminals on used cars . Installation will be paid, car owners will be charged for the device itself with the SOS button, for its installation and activation, but after that you will no longer have to undergo any additional certifications or tests: the operation of the button will be checked directly in the service with one test call.

According to unofficial estimates, the entire procedure for a motorist can cost around 30 thousand rubles, of which 18-25 thousand is the price of the device itself, three to four thousand is installation, and another 950 rubles is the fee for entering car data into the database of the Era ". However, amid the hype, prices may be higher.

An important nuance: in this case, the vehicles will not be equipped with a “call system for emergency operational services”, but with a “call device”, abbreviated as UVEOS. The difference is that the “system” assumes the possibility in case of an accident to send an SOS message in automatic mode, based on a signal from shock sensors. It is the “ERA-GLONASS system” that requires equipping new cars with the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union on the safety of wheeled vehicles, and the integration of the “system”, as a rule, is possible only in the factory.

The "device" has a simplified functionality - only a manual call. That is, in order to send an SOS signal after an accident, there must be at least someone in the car who can press the Era button. According to the technical regulations, such “devices” (UVEOS) must be installed from the factory on commercial vehicles and large SUVs. Now used cars are added to these categories. From their terminals, "Era" will not be required to respond to a blow or rollover, so crash tests are not needed, and an acoustic test (that is, the quality of two-way voice communication with a call center operator) will be empirically carried out during a test call, roughly speaking "by ear", without measurements.

In addition, during such a test call, the car will be identified: data about the car, including license plate, VIN, brand, model, color, location, information about its “SIM card”, etc. will be sent to the general Era database .

The terminals themselves will be officially supplied to “Era dealers” by the same manufacturers of “systems” and “devices” that supply “Era” to the factories of Russian and foreign automobile companies. Thus, these will be relatively the same type of serial devices that have already been certified for electromagnetic compatibility, vibration resistance, protection against dust and moisture, and many other tests.

A simplified “Era” will be inevitable for all used cars imported into Russia, since the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union on the safety of wheeled vehicles do not allow issuing titles for cars without an emergency warning system. But for machines already in use, equipping the Era remains voluntary.

It is interesting that the documents describing the new procedure were published on February 21, but this information did not become public, since GLONASS JSC posted it only in the section of the site intended for partners. Neither the Era operator nor the Ministry of Industry and Trade have yet published any official announcement about the creation of a simplified procedure. Obviously, this is due to the fact that the procedure for relations between GLONASS JSC and partners does not affect the operation of the technical regulations, therefore, in order for the simplified procedure for installing Era to work de jure, an official decision of the Ministry of Industry and Trade on amending the official documents of the Customs Union is necessary. At the time of publication of this article, the Ministry of Industry and Trade has not yet responded to the request of the Autoreview, however, according to our information, an official briefing of the ministry and JSC Glonass on this issue should take place in the coming days.

At the same time, the features of the new scheme are already clear. As Vladimir Makarenko, development director of one of the Era terminal manufacturers of Fort Telecom, explained, the mechanism for launching the new procedure boils down to two conditions. Firstly, companies wishing to act as partners of JSC GLONASS (that is, “Era dealers” for installation) must conclude agreements with JSC, according to which they fulfill a number of requirements and get access to the information base of the ERA-GLONASS system with the right to enter there vehicle data. Secondly, the personnel of these “partner-dealers” must receive technical training from the supplier of the UWEOS terminals.

For car owners who import a used car into Russia, the procedure, according to Vladimir Makarenko, may look like this:

1) import a car;

2) contact the local installation center, which has an agreement with JSC GLONASS;

3) the center performs installation, test call and performs all interaction with JSC GLONASS;

4) after confirming the registration of the vehicle in the ERA-GLONASS system, you can apply to the customs office to obtain a Title.

For those car owners who voluntarily wish to install Era on a car that is already in use, the procedure will naturally be reduced to just two steps.

Recall that the need to create a simplified procedure arose after the Federal Customs Service stopped issuing vehicle passports (PTS) for used imported cars imported into Russia that were not equipped with Era at the beginning of this year. The basis for this is the same Technical Regulations of the Customs Union, which does not make a difference between new and used cars when released into circulation (that is, when issuing a title). Officially, only oldtimers over 30 years old are exempted from Era by the technical regulations.

Thus, the private import of used cars into Russia has been actually banned since January, because car owners, along with car manufacturers, were asked to go through the full certification procedure, including crash tests, to install Era, and its cost reached 800 thousand rubles.

Naturally, the most acute problem arose in the Primorsky Territory, where about 1,500 non-cleared foreign cars without Era accumulated in the parking lots of the Federal Customs Service. Things were heading towards popular unrest, so Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev instructed to find a way out of the situation, and in mid-February a temporary moratorium on Era was introduced in Primorye: from February 17 to February 27, the local customs service issued 1,100 titles for cars without an SOS button .

And at the end of February, acting. General Director of JSC Glonass Andrey Zheregel said that a simplified procedure for installing Era will be adopted in the coming days and that 11 companies in Vladivostok have already announced their readiness to equip used cars with SOS buttons. At the same time, two Russian manufacturers of in-vehicle emergency call devices will start deliveries of certified terminals in Primorye: Fort Telecom from Perm and Moscow-based Santel-Navigation.

In other regions of Russia, a simplified procedure and “era dealers” may appear a little later. In addition, the entry of more UHEOS manufacturers and installers into this market may help to reduce prices.

The import of used cars was not so long ago one of the few logical and reasonable decisions for purchasing vehicles. It is becoming more and more difficult to find a decent option in the Russian secondary market, so many people prefer European or Japanese options imported across the border and cleared at customs. And if earlier it made economic sense and was generally possible, now such an opportunity is not the most pleasant. The fact is that from January 1, 2017, every car imported into Russia must be equipped with the ERA-GLONASS system. Until recently, motorists and business representatives expected a change and a delay from the government, but this did not happen. So now lovers of foreign transport are forced to live by the new rules. So far, only minuses for all parties to the conflict are visible in this.

The flow of used cars decreased significantly immediately after the beginning of the year, which means that the state is losing money on customs payments. Potential car owners did not get the opportunity to buy a car, many are holding money until there is more clarity in the situation. Today we will consider all possible workarounds, talk about the need for such a rule for cars. There are many features to look at. The import of used foreign cars had to be regulated one way or another, since sometimes completely unreliable and environmentally friendly vehicles were imported into the Russian Federation. But this way of regulation came as a shock to everyone and generated incredible discussions in professional circles. Let's take a closer look at all the features of the new rule and analyze its pros and cons.

What is the essence of the innovation of necessity ERA-GLONASS on a car?

Since 2005, Russia has been actively developing a system of rather dubious transparency, which is designed to protect Russian citizens and reduce the number of deaths on the roads. The bottom line is that a certain device is installed in the car, which is directly connected to the mobile network or satellites. In the event of an accident, it automatically sends signals to the call centers of the ERA-GLONASS system, from where the ambulance and police services are called. Experts talk about such hidden motives:

  • the ability to track cars, while using satellite communications it will be easy to find out all the data about the car, since the unique subscriber number is indicated in the TCP;
  • intelligence agencies will have the ability to simply turn off cars remotely, this is a separate system being developed that is designed to give more power to the police;
  • the monopolistic structure of the ERA-GLONASS organization is also considered, which is far from the state, but receives huge money from the budget of the Russian Federation;
  • this is a way to influence the sales of cars of the Russian car industry, many foreign manufacturers refused to contact such a very strange system for their cars;
  • most potential buyers don't like breaking privacy laws because a private company will monitor your movements.

All these are quite reasonable arguments, and in the courts it would be possible to prove the correctness of the experts by canceling all this bacchanalia. But, unfortunately, the Russian justice system is not yet ready for such drastic steps against the state. The fact remains that while the import of foreign cars into Russia is very difficult, and this applies not only to used cars. Importers of new cars also face the problem of narrowing the model range due to the reluctance to use such satellite trackers.

Can I install ERA-GLONASS on a car myself?

In connection with such innovations, the question became natural: is it possible to independently install such a cunning system and make the car ready for various legal challenges? That is, the idea is to go to that same Europe on your own, equip the ERA-GLONASS machine, and then import it to Russia. The idea is good, but its implementation is simply impossible. The legislation provided for this option and brought out several obstacles:

  • to equip the car with such a system, you need to obtain a certificate for the installation of satellite communications, this can only be done after two successful crash tests;
  • during a crash test, a trust organization must crash at least two cars and draw conclusions about whether the system works properly on cars, this will cost from 20 million rubles;
  • without such a certificate, you will not be given a Title when you try to register a car on the territory of the Russian Federation, and without a Title, as you know, it is impossible to register a car with the traffic police;
  • even if you are a large importer of used cars, you will not be able to get a certificate for self-installation of ERA-GLONASS for all cars, but only for one model;
  • there are no workarounds that could help change the situation and get rid of such a requirement, but legislative initiatives are always present.

Appeals to the Duma with a request to revise the law or postpone such an innovation for several months constantly come to the legislature. This question has already been postponed several times, so today the Duma is unlikely to be inclined to make concessions. This suggests that there is no point in hoping for improvements in the import of used foreign cars into Russia. Importers of new cars also had problems.

Features of ERA-GLONASS and the cost of the module

By the way, another unpleasant moment for car owners in Russia will be the rise in the cost of transport in the new market. And if many cars have already used the satellite notification system for emergency services to this day, then many cars began to do this in 2017. And this means that they will add at least 20,000 rubles to the cost. That is how much one set of equipment for equipping a car costs. There are other problems too:

  • many manufacturers do not want to integrate such equipment into their electronic system, so some cars may simply disappear from the Russian market;
  • AvtoVAZ benefits from this, but for an ordinary Russian motorist the situation turns out to be completely deplorable, since without competition, Russian cars will rise in price;
  • elite vehicles sold in Russia in units of copies per year may completely leave the market, there is no point in conducting crash tests and fulfilling other requirements of the project;
  • the new car market may freeze even more, since the population does not have much confidence in the ERA-GLONASS project, since there is unauthorized tracking;
  • there are other problems that are not yet obvious, but will inevitably appear due to the very inaccurate work of the Russian special services in the interior of the country.

It is worth considering that your car falls into the police control zone. And this creates real difficulties in operation. At any time, your car can be stopped until the circumstances are clarified, there is a real danger of an error. Given the unprecedented attitude of the security forces towards citizens, such cases will be frequent and will become a new round of hatred between the authorities and the people. However, there are already enough such factors.

Are there any positive features in the adopted rules?

If we consider the explanations of the government to the current situation, one can find some pluses in this whole system. The reports are silent about the total monopoly of the service company and the state’s billions of dollars in support of the system since 2005. Certain positive features exist, but so far their work leaves much to be desired. It is worth highlighting such positive points:

  • you can use ERA-GLONASS to easily call emergency services at any time by simply pressing one button, this is convenient, but few people use the system;
  • in case of an accident, the call to services occurs automatically, which means that the death rate on the roads should really decrease, but in reality the satellite module does not always work;
  • the positive is clearly visible in terms of crime detection, the arrest of car thieves and the stopping of cars during police pursuit, which increases the safety of the population as a whole;
  • there are really good features that allow you to remotely track a car with a specific satellite system number in case of emergency;
  • Potentially available is an excellent and ready-made tracking system for public transport, the use of company resources, and there is a commercial component.

Theoretically, from the entire ERA-GLONASS system, it would be possible to make a project beneficial for the whole country. But the implementation turns out to be rather dubious. The idea makes good sense and can claim to be a really useful innovation. It should be noted that satellite communication capabilities do improve security, but they should not be personalized. In this case, this system will not conflict with the basic laws of the Russian Federation. We offer you to watch a video with the news about the ban on the import of a car into Russia without the coveted satellite button:

Summing up

Despite more than 10 years of development of the ERA-GLONASS idea, the project turned out to be too raw and unfinished. Lawyers obviously paid little time to it, there is no clear study of a quick and easy installation on imported cars. Most likely, the import of used foreign cars would not have been reduced if only a simple installation of satellite communications on the car. But while the state is losing its money, and citizens cannot buy the cars they so dreamed of. If you did not have time to buy a car before 2017, today you should wait a bit. It is possible that soon the work of a crude and unfinished system will be necessarily postponed again for a certain period of time.

Undoubtedly, this innovation has certain advantages. The detection of crimes may increase, there is a chance to reduce mortality, increase the efficiency of the ambulance to the scene. All this is an important priority in the direction of satellite communications by car. But the implementation in Russia turned out not to be what an ordinary citizen would like. The costs were shifted to the shoulders of citizens, although initially the state planned to independently cover all the costs of equipping cars with such a system. What do you think about the innovation in the ERA-GLONASS system?

Today at a press briefing, acting. Head of the Vladivostok customs Oleg Anufriev said that since the beginning of the year, the customs has issued and released more than a thousand vehicles for free circulation. Over 600 of them received a technical equipment passport (PTS) on the basis of last year's documents - they have already been taken out of the port, about 400 more remain in temporary storage places. Anufriev noted that the innovations related to the entry into force of amendments to the Technical Regulations on the BKTS (certificate of the safety of the vehicle structure) do not change the customs clearance procedure. The car can still be imported, declared and taken out of the temporary storage warehouse in the form prescribed by law. However, all CBKTS, for which passports of technical equipment were issued, were valid only until January 1, 2017, that is, customs processed the old delivery. Since now people are at a loss, no one knows how such cars will be processed according to the new rules, there is currently a strong decline in used car imports, so the customs is not worried about the capacity of warehouses. In February, only 25 used cars were imported.

Since January 1, the rules for registering foreign cars have changed in Russia - the availability of the ERA-GLONASS system has become a prerequisite. To obtain a technical equipment passport, the owner needs to complete a number of additional procedures, however, there are no companies in the Far East that, by law, can engage in this type of activity. The customs officers did not clarify this issue either.

“Today, there is no procedure for issuing a TCP in case of retrofitting with the ERA-GLONASS system. This issue is not within the competence of the customs authorities and should be addressed to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, ”the Interfax agency reports the words of Pavel Tulupov, spokesman for the Vladivostok customs.

In the meantime, residents of the region are writing appeals to officials and petitions on the Internet demanding either to cancel the introduced rule, or to provide the opportunity to install ERA-GLONASS on their cars. After all, it turns out a vicious circle: the customs does not issue titles for cars not equipped with the ERA-GLONASS system, and the procedure for issuing titles for cars without GLONASS (new or used) is not spelled out in the law. Now everyone is waiting for an explanation from the Ministry of Industry and Trade on how to act in such situations.

  • Recently, during which they tried to clarify issues on installing an emergency response system in case of accidents. The meeting participants agreed to develop and submit to the government in the first quarter of 2017 a simplified procedure for the voluntary retrofitting of a car emergency call system.
  • We wrote that because of the requirement that came into force in January to equip vehicles with the ERA-GLONASS emergency response system, which customs officers cannot issue to owners due to the lack of mandatory equipment.
  • Yuri Trutnev, presidential envoy to the Far Eastern Federal District, promised to sort out the current situation. However, no progress has been observed in its activities so far.

As Life has established, from January 1, 2017, private motorists, as well as legal entities, will not be able to obtain a title at customs for the import of used cars according to new vehicle design safety certificates (SBKTS). The reason for the refusal will be the absence in the imported cars of the Russian Era-GLONASS emergency response system in case of an accident. In addition to Russia, this applies to Belarus and Kazakhstan. With the gradual reduction of customs duties within the framework of membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2019, a sharp return to the mass import of used vehicles was expected. Imports went up already this year, but this measure is intended to become a protective barrier.

From the New Year, real hell will begin at customs, the whole problem is that no one warned people that the Era requirements apply not only to new, but also to used cars. In the regulation ("On wheeled vehicles." - Life) it says in black and white that cars should be equipped with an emergency call device, ”an interlocutor close to the Ministry of Industry and Trade told Life.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade did not answer questions. TO how the ban will work, told in Federal Customs Service (FCS) of Russia.

From January 1, 2017, information about the in-vehicle emergency call device for newly put into circulation vehicles must be entered in the "Special Marks" section of the TCP. This requirement also applies to used vehicles equipped with an in-vehicle emergency call device, information about which is contained in the SBKTS, the FCS said in response to Life's request.

SBKTS is needed in order to clear the car. The customs officials stressed in the letter that with the old SBKTS used cars from January 1 will be able to get a title, and for those motorists who will receive new certificates, without ERA-GLONASS it will no longer be issued.

The Union of Automobile Industry Enterprises of Kazakhstan - Kazavtoprom also informed Life that the union state, according to the general agreements, actually closes the borders for the import of used vehicles that are not equipped with Era-GLONASS since the New Year.

An individual will actually not be able to import into the territory of the countries of the Customs Union a car that is not equipped with an emergency call button. To do this, an individual importer will be forced to conduct two crash tests of the model he imports at his own expense. It is unlikely that anyone will go to these troubles, - explained Oleg Alferov, Chairman of the Board of Kazavtoprom.

JSC GLONASS (Era's operator) avoided answering these questions. Actually, the technical regulation of the Customs Union "On wheeled vehicles" also gives a completely exhaustive answer to this question: in the 13th chapter, in particular, it is said about the need to equip cars of category M (cars) and N (trucks), issued for the first time, emergency call system. There is no discount for cars from the secondary market.

So far, it will be possible to import old models under the old BKTS certificates, if progressive import tariffs allow it from the point of view of economic feasibility. But new modifications and new models, or cars for which a certificate has not been previously issued, will no longer be on the roads of Russia.

Purely in theory, citizens, of course, can individually try to equip a used imported car with a portable Era-GLONASS device. For example, the domestic company Fort Telecom has a special block for private traders. The price of the device is about 19 thousand rubles. But now, in order to obtain a certificate, it is necessary to assess compliance by conducting crash tests with Era sensors on board. In total, obtaining a certificate for customs for a car with two crash tests (minimum) will cost about 40 million rubles, not counting the cost of the broken cars themselves. This makes it impractical to import any used car.

In general, this innovation will not be noticeable in the secondary car market, which is filled due to domestic production and the import of new cars by importers, Vladimir Bespalov, an auto industry analyst at VTB Capital, is convinced.

Since about 2012, with the introduction of a recycling fee and high customs duties, the import of used foreign cars has fallen to such small values ​​that they do not play a fundamental role, says Bespalov.

At the same time, the statistics of the analytical agency "AUTOSTAT" shows that the import of used foreign cars in Russia is gradually growing. In 2015, 7.1 thousand cars were imported into Russia. But for the incomplete year 2016 (from January to October), imports have already reached 11.8 thousand units, and taking into account cars aged from 1 to 3 years inclusive, the annual volume, according to some estimates, is close to 35 thousand units.

The growth of imports is directly related to the fact that this year customs rates for used cars have decreased on average from 25% to 23% of the customs value of the car and in terms of engine size - from 2.35 euros / cm 3 to 1.57 euros /cm 3 . This process is connected with Russia's obligations to reduce customs barriers within the framework of WTO membership. Experts predicted that by 2019, when the average customs rates will drop to 12.5%, second-hand foreign cars could be massively imported into Russia again. Among other goals, Era is precisely aimed at protecting domestic automakers from competition with imported secondary products.

Among those cars that will be hit, for the most part, American models that are rare for Russia and, less often, right-hand drive Japanese foreign cars. The innovation will hit cars such as the Ford F-150 pickup truck, the Ford Mustang muscle car, the Dodge Ram pickup truck, the Chevrolet Express minibus, the Tesla Model S electric car; Toyota Mark X sedan, Probox and Sienna minivans and more.

For oldtimers over 30 years old with original engine, body, frame (if any), preserved or restored to the original state, the requirements of the technical regulations in this part do not apply.



You can import any cars without ERA-GLONASS!!! Watch here or download the document from here documentation\TR and GOST.pdf and go to customs. Of course, the customs officers will pretend to be fools (or it really is) and will say: "you don't understand mine" - then to the lawyers. Let them explain to them.

If you like this and want to import cars at WTO rates (as for legal entities), without paying a wild recycling fee, so that used cars are considered no older than three years, and any that have been in operation for at least one day ... at the top details, help financially and I will bring everything to its logical end !!!

from January 1, 2017, customs is not issued.n Title for cars without the "panic button" ERA-GLONASS. Below is the FCS press release, you can read it. In principle, it is not clear from it whether the requirement applies to everyone, but customs will think that this is "for everyone."

To the attention of owners whose cars are stuck at customs due to ERA-GLONASS!!!

P file claims in court for compensation for real damage, in the amount of the cost of the car and delivery costs, lost profits, which should be calculated as the difference between the market value of the car and your costs for it, taking into account customs duties, as well as compensation for moral damage.

The reason is the lack of a mechanism that allows you to independently install ERA-GLONASS on a purchased car, that is, the actual unpreparedness of the authorities for the entry into force of the law. Who needs help, please contact.

More food for thought.
1. The import of used cars, and even new ones without the ERA-GLONASS system, is not prohibited. That is, you can import, clear customs and pick up a car from customs.
2. "Putting into circulation" is prohibited. That is, a ban, in fact, on the use and disposal of property (part 2 of article 35 of the Constitution).
3. At the same time, there is no complete ban on the use of cars without this miraculous unit. That is, not everyone is equal before the law (part 1 of article 19 of the Constitution).
4. By law, anyone has the right to put the necessary miracle device on their car, but there is no way.
Conclusion: this is another move by the authorities (the Putin government, conceived back in 2011) to ban the import of cars into Russia. That is, this is a disgrace in favor of the Russian automobile industry. And what to do with it - you decide, dear. Or do nothing at all. I have already filed a lawsuit on this issue, but the court stubbornly wants to return the application to me and does not want to understand this matter. Here are the documents.

ADMINISTRATIVE STATEMENT OF CLAIM dokumenty\AIZ.pdf. I deliberately wrote it briefly, in the hope that the judges would not be afraid to take it into production. However, they already know me well and I know them too. Therefore, the judge decided to play a two-move and, just in case, to make sure with the New Year holidays, so that I would not have time to correct the situation.


But I did. I just went right after the holidays and asked what's new with us? I had to show them, although I didn’t want to. Therefore, I managed to compile this document dokumenty \ ANSWER TO DEFINITION.pdf

move 2. DETERMINATION ON THE RETURN OF THE APPLICATION. In principle, the judge doesn’t care what I wrote there, she takes out without looking dokumenty \ DEFINITION ON REFUND.pdf

Again I had to guard him in court. But I also managed to dokumenty \ PRIVATE COMPLAINT.pdf

Now we are waiting for the answer from the regional court. As will be - lay out. But, probably, even now it is clear that even the court to achieve

about this is a tricky thing.

I could file an administrative claim in defense of an indefinite circle of persons, but, firstly, knowing how to solve the problem, I do not have the right to do so - I do not have a higher legal education and, by law, I do not have the right to file a claim in defense of an indefinite circle of people. So you need to hire a lawyer. Should I do this for my own money? Secondly, I talked with the Far East, including those who import used foreign cars - a business. They don't want to deal with it. More precisely, they want to stand on the sidelines and look at the fool who will fight for them with the government. Correct solution. Only look for fools in the mirror.

A rally is planned for Sunday in Vladivostok. And today, on Friday, they began to issue TCP. Much fewer citizens will come to the rally now. The authorities came up with a good move - and the rally, if it happens, will be blown away quietly, and there will be no more cars imported. Well, who will risk their money now?

But if there are those who want to solve the problem, but do not want to shine in front of the authorities, send money to solve this problem using the details indicated at the top of the page. But I’ll say right away that if the help is symbolic, I won’t take up the case. And I'm more interested not in large injections from large players in this market, but in many small injections from many citizens. There is no need to sit behind the backs of others, we must also participate in solving our own problems.

And how difficult it will be to solve this problem, see here http://referendumrf.ru/how_ks_rf_deceives.htm and try to understand. And look at the whole site, maybe something else will become clearer.

And for sweets. PTS will give you. And will the car be registered with the REO and will they give numbers? IS NOT A FACT!!! They will say that without a mark in the TCP this cannot be done !! So the problem will have to be solved taking into account this aspect.

So why did the Government introduce ERA_GLONASS?

Let's take a little history. I will not specify the exact dates, that is not the point.

1.2008 year. Putin temporarily raises duties for 9 months. The reason (more precisely, the reason) is the crisis, which did not particularly affect Russia. I (and no one else) sue, but, having no legal education, I lose the court.

In Vladivostok, rallies are being sent there, OMON outside Moscow.

2.2009 year. Putin extends crisis duties for another 9 months. Silence, no rallies, no courts.

3.2010 year. Almost a day on the day of the temporary end of the crisis duties, the Customs Code of the Customs Union and the Agreement on the Movement of Goods by Physicists come into effect. Crisis duties remain for life. By the way, what do you think, how much time has passed since the submission to the State Duma of the draft law on the ratification of the Customs Code of the Customs Union and its adoption in three readings? Taking into account the fact that the Labor Code of the Customs Union is an application of more than three hundred and fifty pages, and it should also be studied by deputies. Do not know? I give a hint - the Federal Law "On Customs Regulation" was discussed in the Duma for 6-8 months, I don't remember exactly ... So, the agreement on the ratification of the Customs Union in three readings was approved in 4 or 5 days !!!

4.2012 year. Accession to the WTO. Fees for legal entities Persons are sharply reduced, but for them a recycling fee is introduced to compensate for these losses. Again, as soon as I sue, I lose the court, but I am already achieving a decision, albeit disguised, but the answer I need, in fact, to the question. Thanks to him, I was able to formulate a complaint to the Constitutional Court, and in 2014, changes appeared in the law on the utilization fee. Also quiet and camouflaged.

5. In the intervals, requirements for environmental classes of cars are introduced.

6.2017 year. New technical regulations and ERA-GLONASS.

Do you still have doubts that ERA-GLONASS was introduced not for a person, his salvation on the roads, but so that you do not import cars?

If there is, read more.

1.How much is the cheapest smartphone with a navigator? I think thousands of 2000 rubles. Well, let's say 2500.

2.Many FORD vehicles are equipped with inertial fuel pump switches in the event of an accident. The device is cheap, reliable, it works even if you hit it with a hammer not on it, but somewhere not very far from it.

That is, connecting a smartphone and a similar sensor is not a cosmic task. By the way, on this smartphone, you can also set up an alarm and a search system in case of car theft.

3. How much does a standard ERA-GLONASS system cost in a car? As the manufacturer of these systems told me - 26,000 (twenty-six thousand) rubles. The price of a very good tablet or not so good laptop.

What else do you need to make sure that you need to fight not with a single phenomenon, such as ERA-GLONASS, but with the system?

There are two well-known Russian questions:

1. Who is to blame?

2 What to do?

You can deal with the first question, but it is long and expensive. Simply put, our smart government, which acts in the interests of the GLONASS lobby.

The second question can be dealt with more quickly.

A simple option, not very expensive compared to the cost of the car.

step 1. We submit the declaration to the customs. We get cars without PTS.

step 2. Install the "panic button", give a document on its installation.

step 3. We get the title at the customs.

difficult option.

We prove in court that the technical regulations do not apply to physicists when importing a car for personal use. In some cases, this will be more beneficial.

In any case, if you want to import a car, we will help you.

quick transition to calculated (including delivery and customs clearance) cars, motorcycles and other vehicles