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Fallout 4 walkthrough Infiltrate the castle's armory.

Fallout 4. How to complete the "Old Cannons" quest?

    The task Old Cannons is not particularly difficult.

    Here is a video of his walkthrough:

    We return to the castle, penetrate into the armory, install guns in the castle and find an arrow there.

    At the end, we report on the work done to Preston Garvey.

    It is not always possible to quickly, accurately, and most importantly, correctly complete this or that quest in Fallout 4. You can find a lot of tips on the network.

    For example, you can go through a video walkthrough of the quest that interests you, in this case it is the Old Cannons quest:

    And here you can find a detailed written description of the passage of this quest.

    Quest Old guns, walkthrough:

    1. The first thing to do return to the castle.

    Just teleport to the captured fort.

    Ronnie will tell you that she was previously a Minuteman, this was before the former General Joe Becker died. Now Ronia wants to join your ranks again, but first you need to scout the old arsenals of the fort, they used to store equipment: weapons, ammunition, as well as blueprints.

    3. After, infiltrate the armory of the castle.

    You cannot open the large metal door from the outside.

    You need to approach the marker on the radar, there will be a blockage. You need to switch to the construction mode with the V button, remove the blockage and go into the dungeon.

    In the dungeon, you will need to defeat the boss - Sergeant. After that, you will be taken to the weapon storage.

    4. Let's go talk to Ronnie Shaw.

    With Ronnie, you will talk about how an artillery cannon can be in the fort.

    You need to go outside, enter the build mode from the special section, build a weapon part and assign it to a non-shooter.

    6. Need again talk to Ronnie Shaw.

    Ronnie will tell you that the range of such guns is impressive.

    7. Find Ronnie Shaw.

    You just need to run after Ronnie Shaw.

    8. After you need get to the target.

    Here you need to go down to the house.

    9. Here you will need Leave the radio on on the wave of freedom, this task is optional.

    You need to throw a smoke grenade towards the trucks.

    11. Talk to Preston Garvey.

    You need to return to Sanctuary and turn in the quest Garvey, for which you will receive 372 experience.

    Quest Old guns in the game Fallout 4 players rate as not very difficult - there is a video walkthrough (here you can find it), there is also a detailed description of all the actions, we will consider them point by point, we start by returning to the castle, then we follow the recommendations of the player who passed the task - so, here's what you need to do:

    To successfully complete the Old Cannons quest, the most important thing after building artillery is to find army smoke bombs. Take them and put the man behind the gun. Then you need to go to the point that is marked on the map (it's about 50 meters from the fort). In equipment, select a checker, and throw it into the marked area. Then the cannon fires and you successfully complete the quest. Well, something like this.

    This quest is quite easy, but there may be difficulties with how to put a person in control of artillery installations. There are already hints on how to do this. Complete walkthrough of this quest:

    Teleport to the captured fort

    Talk to Ronnie Shaw in the castle.

    Ronnie will say that she used to be a Minuteman until the former General Joe Becker died. Now she wants to join our ranks again, but first she offers to reconnoiter the fort's old arsenals in which better equipment was stored: weapons, ammunition and blueprints.

    Infiltrate the castle armory.

    First, we approach a large metal door and understand that we cannot open it from the outside. We need to find another way to get in.

    Walkthrough Fallout 4: quest Old guns

    We go to the marker on the radar and see that there is a blockage. We switch to the construction mode (by holding the V button), remove this blockage and go into the dungeon.

    First, you will stumble upon several weak enemies there, who die from a couple of hits, and then there will be a boss - Sergeant. It took me two mines, a grenade, a couple of Molotov cocktails, about 20 shotgun shells and a few stims to heal Ronnie and Nick.

    After the boss, you will still get into the weapon storage. There really is something to enjoy. Please note that there are turrets and traps. You can use them to defend the fort, but you can only move them in build mode.

    Talk to Ronnie Shaw.

    We tell Ronnie that an artillery cannon will not interfere with us in the fort

    Build an artillery mount in the castle and assign an operator.

    We go outside and in the construction mode from the special section we build a part of the gun.

    Then we assign an arrow to it. This is done in the same way as assigning a sentry to a sentry post.

    Talk to Ronnie Shaw.

    Ronnie will say that at close range such guns are useless, but their range is impressive.

    Find Ronnie Shaw.

    We run after her.

    Get to the target.

    Get down to the house.

    (Optional) Leave the radio on for Liberty.

    In the pip-boy, on the radio tab, turn on the Freedom channel.

    Throw a smoke bomb at the target area.

    Throw a smoke grenade at the trucks, move away and admire the explosion :)

    Talk to Preston Garvey.

    We return to Sanctuary and turn in the quest Garvey. He will thank us and give 372 experience. Quest completed.

    The gamer shows the chips when completing the quest:

    Quest called old guns in the game Fallout 4 is not so difficult. All we need is to set up our own artillery at our base. But there is a small snag here, after building artillery installations, you need to find a person who will manage all the installations, while not leaving the construction mode.

    Also now I found one video on YouTube on the passage of this quest, here it is:

    To complete the Old Cannons quest, you must first return to the castle. Then you need to find smoke bombs (army). Then put your comrade behind the cannon and then head to the red fat dot, it will be marked on your map. Then throw a smoke bomb where it is marked and sun. You completed the quest.

    Of course, in order to pass this crvest, you need to work hard. But, there are two options for considering tips: the first is to read the tips with photos, as the authors did above, or the second is to watch the video that I added below. It’s easier for me to watch the video, otherwise you won’t always understand what the person wrote there.

    For a long time in this quest I could not figure out how to install artillery. But I dug a little on the forums and I was prompted. It turns out you need to use smoke bombs after the construction of artillery. We put a person behind the cannon, with a smoke bomb we designate for him the place where he should shoot. He starts to shoot. After that, you can go to report.

Having returned Fort Independence to the Minutemen, after some time Preston informs us that we need to meet with Ronnie, the Commonwealth Minuteman. We leave for the Castle to talk with her. According to Ronnie, the arsenal is located in the western bastion of the Castle, the best equipment is stored there - weapons, ammunition and blueprints.

The door in the west wing is closed, but you can go to the arsenal in another way, through the tunnel near the general's room - in the northeast bastion. It is blocked by a pile of stones, which can be cleared using the workbench menu.

The construction mode can be found in the guide "Settlements".

Having descended into the tunnel, you must act carefully, because. ahead of us is waiting for the guard of the bastion - a robot that will attack the Survivor.

Having dealt with the aggressor, we go into the closed room of the dungeon, Ronnie will open the door with a password. Inside we find the body of the former general of the Minutemen McGunny, apparently, he was filled up when the Womb of the Swamps attacked the castle. We take away his form, because there is no point in being sentimental about what happened 40 years ago.

We open the door using the terminal and go into the arsenal of the Castle. In addition to weapons and ammunition, there are blueprints for an artillery mount here. We take the blueprints and smoke bombs with us, now we have everything we need.

To build an artillery mount, select the "special" tab in the workshop menu. You can install guns on the location of old installations on the walls of the Castle. At close range, they are useless, but their range is impressive. Hefty cannons blow enemies to shreds from a distance of several miles. How do you like that? If the Survivor is attacked by enemies, then you should throw a saber at them, and confirming the request via the radio (it is necessary to provide power to the transmitter, this task was performed in the assault on Fort Independence quest), one of the artillery installations located at a distance of covering the target will fire at specified position.

To make sure that the Minutemen can hit the target, a test must be carried out. Ronnie suggests choosing a dilapidated building as a target, in which the Minutemen gathered before the assault on the Castle. You need to turn on the radio and tune in to Radio Liberty so that the Minutemen will report their readiness. We assign an operator to the installation using the workshop menu and throw a smoke bomb at the desired target, after which we observe the fireworks.

The deed is done, we go to a meeting with Preston Garvey. He is delighted, because the Minutemen again have artillery support, and in order to expand the coverage area, it is necessary to build such guns in all settlements.

Upon completion of the quest, you can buy ammunition, weapons and a unique carbine "Last Minute" from Ronnie.

Discover the secrets to crafting powerful weapons in the Minuteman arsenal in Fallout 4. Read on to learn how to assemble and use an artillery mount effectively in battle.

Artillery in Fallout 4

Despite minor changes in terms of graphics compared to the previous game series, Fallout 4 has attracted a lot of interest from gamers due to the wide possibilities of the game plan. Those who love to create and build can build new villages in the war-torn territory, provide residents with resources and gather supporters around them. For those who prefer to shoot, there is a wide selection of weapons. For example, artillery in Fallout 4 is designed to deal damage to superior enemy forces.

In order to build Fallout 4 artillery, you need to get into the arsenal of the Minutemen during the mission "Old Guns". It is located in a settlement codenamed "Castle".

We build and install artillery installation

We set off on a journey to build artillery in the Minuteman Fort in Fallout 4. First you need to chat with Ronnie Shaw. The purpose of the task is to invite her to join the ranks of the resurgent Commonwealth of Minutemen. Upon learning of this noble goal, Ronnie offers to break into the armory of the castle, which contains the weapons of the rebels and important drawings. The path to the vault lies through the western bastion, as the armory's armored gates are blocked.

About how to build an artillery installation in Fallout 4, you can not bother much. The main task of the player is to get to the arsenal through the labyrinth of tunnels leading into it, and then take the blueprints of the Minutemen. With their help, Fallout 4 artillery is being built.

After you managed to build an artillery installation in the Fallout 4 Castle, you can use it where necessary. You can find it in the "Special" tab, in the same place where the teleporter is located. To understand the principle of installing weapons, in Fallout 4 we use the Castle, where you can put artillery in an open space. Having understood the principle of placement, in the future you can easily find a platform sufficient for installing a gun.

Use of artillery

Placing a cannon is just one step in its effective use. Activating it is possible only after an operator has been assigned to the Fallout 4 artillery. We select the character most suitable for this purpose, and select “Team” from the menu, approach the cannon and select the “Assign” item.

Artillery can now fully fire in our Fallout 4 mission. In order for our operator to be able to shoot from a cannon, you just need to indicate to him the place of fire with the help of smoke bombs. We take a saber, throw it at a cluster of enemies or where something needs to be destroyed, and the Fallout 4 artillery mount will fire a salvo if you tune in to Radio Liberty on the radio.

The firing range of an artillery mount in Fallout 4 is 6 cells, if you navigate the map. For its successful application, it is required to conduct training shots in order to understand the principles of shelling from a cannon. Carefully use smoke bombs so as not to mistakenly indicate the wrong place that you want to destroy. If artillery does not work in Fallout 4, then check the radio settings so that the operator can catch the battle team. When used correctly, artillery in Fallout 4 delivers massive targeted fire that destroys the most impregnable fortifications.

In addition to a huge number of story quests, there are many additional missions from different factions in Fallout 4. "Old Guns" is a small task, after completing which you can earn respect from the Minutemen faction, as well as additional experience and replenishment of first-aid kits and ammo. You will find the full passage of the quest in this review.

Where to get the quest?

As is common in Fallout 4, the Old Cannons can be unlocked in several ways, but the quest can only be obtained after capturing the castle in the Assault on Fort Independence quest. Some time after clearing the object from the swamp family, Preston Garvey will contact the player. If this did not happen, then you should listen to Radio Liberty. In one of the broadcasts, a note about the capture of the castle will sound, and the “survivor” will be invited to a meeting. A task will appear, and in order to continue it, the player needs to make a short journey through the wasteland of Fallout 4.


We're heading to our destination. Inside, we will find Ronnie Shaw, who will tell you that once in the past she was one of the Minutemen and served under former General McGann. Now she wants to return to the ranks of the faction back, but Ronnie does not want to go there empty-handed. Then she will offer the hero to explore the old dungeons and arsenals of the castle, which we will do later in the Fallout 4 game.

"Old Guns". Walkthrough

First, Ronnie and I will go to the old door. It will not work to open it from this side, so we are looking for an alternate entrance. We explore the castle with a woman and find the office of the commander in chief. There is a hidden passage in this room. To find it, enter the construction mode and clear the blockage. Now the path to the castle tunnels awaits you.

In these dungeons, which are a labyrinth of rooms and corridors, devastation reigns: many rooms are littered, garbage and dirt are everywhere, but can such a picture scare a Fallout 4 researcher? "Old Cannons" is a quest that will take you through the tunnels of the castle, but be careful - there are booby traps in some places. If Ronnie Shaw gets blown up by one of them, she will not die, but will say that she can't see well in the dark and ask the player to go ahead. There is also a turret in one of the rooms.

The exit from the catacombs is guarded by a robot sergeant who will start attacking the player as soon as he notices him. This quest boss is quite dangerous, and you will have to spend a fair amount of ammo on it. He can be lured to the door, in which the robot will get stuck. In this case, the player will be able to kill him quite easily and quickly. If this did not happen, then it is better to stock up on impulse and explosive grenades. After all, this is the most difficult enemy in the Fallout 4 task "Old Cannons", the passage of which we analyze.

Western Bastion

After defeating the sergeant, the player, along with Shaw, should go to the last room, which contains the corpse and personal terminal of the previous Minuteman General McGann. The computer cannot be broken, but Ronnie knows the password from it, so the girl can easily crack the program that opens the door to the arsenal.

The armory of the castle is a real treasury. Here you will find a large number of different weapons and ammunition that will be very useful during the passage of Fallout 4. Items that will be needed soon are a few smoke bombs lying on the table. Do not forget to take them before leaving the arsenal.

Now you need to talk to Ronnie. She will tell you about the scheme of the weapon, and also explain what materials you will need for it. Now take the instructions and go to build mode. You can install a tool in any available place, and then assign a settler to it.

Artillery testing

Now, in order to continue the passage of the quest in Fallout 4 "Old Guns", you need to check the operation of the gun. Talk to Ronnie: the character will offer to tune in to Radio Liberty. Now throw the one mentioned earlier into the firing zone. If the radio was on at that moment, then the broadcast will be interrupted, and Shaw will announce the beginning of the shelling. After a couple of seconds, the bombardment will begin, so the player should move away. When the cannonade is over, Shaw will speak about the success of the operation.

Sometimes it happens that the saber was thrown, but the shelling never started. Many players are talking about this bug. If this happened to you, then try to move away from the castle, for example, to Andrew's Station, and then return to your destination. This time, Ronnie will talk about the completion of this stage of the task. It remains only to return to the Minutemen and talk with Preston Garvey, after which the quest in the Fallout 4 game "Old Guns" will be over.

Completing this quest will earn you 372 experience points. You will also get the opportunity to buy from Ronnie Shaw a unique one that deals increased damage to the enemy’s limbs, as well as ammunition for it. But you can make such a purchase only after 10 am. Also, the player should take into account that if he is at enmity with the Institute, then the quest to protect the base from synthetics will immediately begin.

We pass the quest (task, mission) "Old guns" in Fallout 4. What is the use of an old fort without suitable weapons? After the capture of Fort Independence, it's time to get weapons. War veteran Ronnie Shaw will help you in this matter. He will show you the armory and the underground area. Follow the marker on the map to a pile of gravel blocking one of the paths. Activate the workbench to remove this obstacle. Walk down and go through the door. Once inside, move with caution. Here you can collect supplies, which are guarded by mines and bots. When you eliminate the robot, Ronnie will open the door leading to the armory.

What to do inside?

Once you're inside, pick up all the weapons and equipment you need. You can also pick up smoke grenades. Switch to workshop mode and craft artillery turrets. Then select any Minuteman soldier and put him in charge of the turret. Follow the marker to the next checkpoint and throw a smoke grenade in that direction. Ronnie would also like to field test the turret. Please note that you can use these smoke grenades not only in this quest. Complete this quest by talking to Garvey Preston.