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Parking near water bodies. Is it possible to drive up to the river by car? Competent advice and reliable legal assistance

January 11, 2018 12:49 pm Vasily A. sent a question via the feedback form: mis it possible to drive up to the river by car, becausethe other day I came fromwith my girlfriend on the banks of the Don River to get some air and admire nature, and I was fined three thousand rubles, is this legal?

Oleg Rukavitsyn answers:apparently, Vasily, you were brought to administrative responsibility for driving a car to the river, which is prohibited by the water legislation of the Russian Federation. If you think that you have been fined unlawfully, then within 10 days you have the opportunity to appeal this decision in court. To clarify all the circumstances and determine the prospects for an appeal, I recommend that you come to our office with administrative material.

In general, I can explain the following from a situation similar to Vasily A.:

According to paragraph 4 of Part 15 of Article 65 of the Water Code of the Russian Federation, the movement and parking of vehicles (except for special vehicles) is prohibited within the boundaries of water protection zones, with the exception of their movement on roads and parking on roads and in specially equipped places with a hard surface.

That is, if Vasily A. stopped next to a river or, for example, a lake where there is an asphalt road or a parking lot, then the employees of ROSPRIRODNADZOR, namely, they monitor compliance with water legislation, would have no reason to involve our the hero to administrative responsibility under Article 8.42 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation: namely, the use of the coastal protective strip of a water body, the water protection zone of a water body in violation of the restrictions on economic and other activities entails the imposition of an administrative fine:

  • for citizens in the amount of 3,000 to 4,500 rubles;
  • for officials - from 8,000 to 12,000 rubles;
  • for legal entities - from 200,000 to 400,000 rubles.

It should also be borne in mind that the boundaries of water protection zones depend on the type of reservoir and its size:

  • rivers and streams up to 10 km long - 50 meters;
  • rivers and streams from 10 to 50 km long - 100 meters;
  • rivers and streams with a length of 50 km - 200 meters;
  • lakes and reservoirs (except Lake Baikal) - 50 meters;
  • Lake Baikal - since 2015, the water protection zone has been expanded from 200 meters to 60 kilometers;
  • sea ​​- 500 meters (water protection zone is counted from the point of maximum tide);
  • channels - according to the width of the right-of-way.

Let's look at the situation of our hero Vasily using the example of the Don River. Its length is 1870 km. Therefore, the width of the water protection zone is 200 meters. Those. You can move or park your car no closer than 200 meters from the bank of the Don River.

Let me remind you that water protection zones are territories that are adjacent to the coastline (boundaries of a water body) of seas, rivers, streams, canals, lakes, reservoirs and on which a special regime for economic and other activities is established in order to prevent pollution, clogging, siltation of these water bodies. objects and the depletion of their waters, as well as the preservation of the habitat of aquatic biological resources and other objects of the animal and plant world.

Coastal protective strips are established within the boundaries of water protection zones, on the territories of which additional restrictions on economic and other activities are introduced.

I note that in the presence of centralized stormwater drainage systems and embankments, the boundaries of the coastal protective strips of these water bodies coincide with the parapets of the embankments, and the width of the water protection zone in such areas is set from the parapet of the embankment.

And in conclusion, I note that judicial practice shows that the absence of a special information sign "Water Protection Zone" is not a basis for exemption from liability under Part 1 of Article 8.42 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, because in this case, administrative responsibility arises not in case of violation of the requirements of signs, but precisely for violation of the restrictions established by Part 15 of Article 65 of the Water Code of the Russian Federation.

P.S.Attention!!! Special offer!!!

Employees of the Voronezh Legal Center "Zakon" will remotely online help any resident of the Russian Federation, regardless of his location, cancel a court order to recover a loan debt from a debtor, including with the restoration of a missed appeal period.

If you need our help - write to us in the chat on the site, we will definitely help you!

The material was prepared by lawyer Danila Bagrov

This article describes various cases that may entail fines when traveling to the forest, to water bodies, making a fire in 2020. You will also learn what you can do to avoid penalties.

Recently, innovations have appeared in the Law of the Russian Federation on approaching a water protection zone by car closer than 200 meters. If earlier it was possible to come by car to the forest, to water bodies, to the ice, now you can get a fine for this. Read more below.

Penalties for leaving the forest and the entrance to the reservoir 2020: new in the Law

It's warm and sunny outside, which means it's time to relax in nature. Where do people try to go after hard gray working days? To the forest or to water bodies to take a break from the city. And in order not to get into an unpleasant situation, you need to know the new amendments to the Law of the Water Code of the Russian Federation. Fines for access to the reservoir 2020 :

  • You can familiarize yourself with the ban on the movement and parking of any transport in the water protection zone in Art. 65 of the Water Code of the Russian Federation (clause 15, part 4).
  • It says that it is forbidden to drive off the road and parking a car off the road or specially equipped places that have a special hard surface.

IN 2020 penalties under Art. 8.42 of the Code of Administrative Offenses have increased and now are:

  • from 2000 to 5000 rubles ordinary citizens
  • 8500-12000 rubles for officials and legal entities
  • 200 000-400 000 rubles for organizations

Before you go on vacation in the forest, you need to know what status this territory has.
Entry is prohibited and there is a fine for leaving:

  • In the area where there are natural monuments.
  • In places where there are natural, state and national monuments.
  • In botanical and dendrological gardens.
  • In nature reserves.

According to Art. 8.32 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for entry into a limited forest area, depending on the type of violation, a fine is provided in the amount of from 1000 to 4000 rubles.

Where, after all, to leave the car by the river, and how to launch the boat without a fine in 2020?

With the onset of the long-awaited heat, we all love to go out into nature, to the river, to go fishing or just relax. Before you do this now, you need to familiarize yourself with the innovations in the field of nature conservation:

  • With the beginning of the fire hazard period, it is forbidden to make fires not only in the forest, but also in areas adjacent to the house (building).
  • Moreover, entry into a restricted forest area is punishable by a fine of 2000-5000 rubles with confiscation of the car.
  • Such territories include natural monuments, nature reserves, arboretums, national and state parks and other zones (see above for more details).

It is important to know: Such areas are usually marked with special signs. Therefore, you should pay attention to such signs.


  • When leaving for the reservoir, you must remember that it is forbidden to park the car directly on the shore.
  • Depending on the size of the reservoir, you can leave the vehicle for 50-500 meters to the coast.
  • The shore of any reservoir belongs to the water protection zone, violators of the law of the VK RF will be fined 3000-4500 rubles.
  • Along with patrols, violators will be tracked using video surveillance.

It should be noted: The water protection zone is also marked with signs.

Where, after all, to leave the car by the river, and how to launch the boat without a fine in 2020? Here is the answer:

  • Access to the shore will not be considered a violation if the time spent by the car is no more than 5 minutes.
  • This time is enough to unload (load) a large-sized swimming facility (boat) without worrying about punishment.

As you can see, the Environmental Protection Law is harsh, but there is still a chance to launch a boat. If you just drive up to the reservoir, unload your things and leave immediately to leave the car in the permitted area, then no one will write you a fine.

How to come fishing to a pond in 2020 without breaking the Law: rules

Here are a few more rules that will help, according to the Law, to leave the car by the river, or come fishing to the reservoir without breaking the law. So, going to relax in nature, do not forget that you can get a fine for driving to the river or driving into the forest.

If the vehicle is not removed within 5 minutes- this will be a violation of the Law and entail a fine.

Remember: The fine for entry into these territories in accordance with Article 8.39 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation varies from 2000 to 5000 rubles, with the removal of the vehicle. There will also be a fine for making a fire, which is equal to the fine for entering forbidden lands.

Here are some more rules to help you relax without fear:

The law is still new and not in all regions it has come into force:

  • It should be worked out at the regional level.
  • Therefore, it is worth finding out if this Law is in force in your region.
  • If not, then you can rest easy without worrying about being fined.

For 5 minutes you can drive up to the reservoir to unload things:

  • However, nature guards cannot be on duty around the clock near water bodies or in the forest.
  • Therefore, if they overtake you near the water, you can say that you just drove up and now you will remove the car to the permitted territory.
  • Another thing is if video surveillance is installed in this zone, then it will not work to deceive the inspectors.

You can drive to the reservoir on bicycles:

  • This method is suitable if you have a large car and it is possible to put bicycles in it, or on top of the roof.
  • 500 meters is a long distance, and in 5 minutes You may not have time to unload all things. If you carry heavy things in your hands for half a kilometer, then it is very difficult.
  • Therefore, for example, a boat can be brought by car, and then leave to leave the car in the permitted area.
  • Now load the rest of the things on the bikes and take them to the pond. Nobody will tell you anything.

Remember: Inspectors of the nature protection zone should only ride on special equipment. If they drove up in an ordinary car, then in this case, they also violate the Law. Therefore, you can photograph them against the background of the car, so that you can see the river, and then attach it to the protocol. With these documents, you can even go to court. Why are security guards allowed to drive around in cars, but ordinary citizens are not? Perhaps, for the first time, the charge against you will be dropped.

Now the fine for barbecue, making a fire near the river, in the country, in the park, in the courtyard of a residential building, on the site of a private house, in the private sector and in the forest is from 2 to 5 thousand rubles: who will be fined in 2020?

Camping in 2020, along with a good mood, can bring grief in the form of a fine. Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, environmental inspectors and other employees of forestry and water management have the right to impose a fine for cooking shish kebab not only in the forest and near the river, but also at their own dacha.

Important: When going to relax in nature, remember that cooking on an open fire can lead to a fine. from 2 to 5 thousand rubles. The Ministry of Emergency Situations explains the introduction of such measures as a way to prevent fires in forests and settlements.

Now a fine for barbecue, making a fire by the river, in the country, in the park, in the courtyard of a residential building, on the site of a private house, in the private sector and in the forest, will be fined. An outlet for lovers of hot meat in the open air can be a barbecue installed on a safe site:

  • The site must be cleared of grass and other vegetation. at 2 m from mangal.
  • It is forbidden to choose a place under the barbecue on peat soils.
  • The removal of the site from the buildings should reach 5 meters but from trees and shrubs at 10 meters.
  • If the site is surrounded by coniferous trees, then resting in your own dacha is not compatible with making a fire.
  • Fried meat will also have to be abandoned if a fire regime is announced or there is a strong wind, the speed of which more 10 m/s.

Who will be fined? Sanctions are imposed on everyone:

  • Who breaks the Law and drives a car close to the water or drives into the forest.
  • He builds a fire near houses, in the yard, near a private house, and so on.
  • Sets a brazier in prohibited areas, even if the fire has not yet been lit.
  • Even for setting fire to autumn leaves and garbage in the territory of your dacha, a fine may be imposed. Garbage and leaves will now have to be removed manually.
  • Makes a fire for fumigating bee hives.

When relaxing by the river, remember that parking and driving a car near the shore are prohibited. The machine should be parked on paved areas. When going to the forest, find out if this territory is classified as a specially protected natural zone, for entry into which a fine from 3 to 4 thousand rubles.

Everyone has the right to rest away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Knowledge of the laws will help to spend time usefully and enjoy the contemplation of natural beauty.

What is considered a water protection zone in 2020: how to legally drive closer than 200 m to water, a reservoir?

Before you go on vacation with family or friends in 2020, you need to think over your route in such a way that it is legal to drive closer to the reservoir than at 200 m. Restrictions on stopping a car at the entrance to water, a reservoir are prescribed in the Law of the Russian Federation. After reviewing it, we can conclude that there are three ways to leave the car near the reservoir:

  • Directly on the road
  • On special areas with a hard surface
  • Not near water protection zones

Conclusion: If there is a road or special parking near the reservoir, then the car must be parked in these territories.

According to paragraph 4 of Art. 65 in paragraph about protected areas describes the different width of water protection zones depending on the size of the reservoirs themselves:

  • Streams and rivers up to 10 km– water protection zone 50 m
  • Streams and rivers from 10 to 50 km– water protection zone 100 m
  • Streams and rivers from 50 km– water protection zone 200 m
  • Reservoirs and lakes - 50 m
  • Seas - 500 m.

It is important to know: The distance of the water protection zone is calculated from the coastline.

If you carefully read the Law itself, it is clear that not every body of water is subject to restrictions when approaching at 200 m.

Advice: Before you go to the water, check the length and type of water to know your rights.

Penalty for leaving the ice by car 2020: new in the Law

Winter time is considered a dangerous time of the year, as the number of victims increases, and this is not only due to road accidents. Such a hazard may be associated with ice fishing or other activities where motorists take to the ice in their vehicle. Therefore, the government of the Russian Federation decided to amend the Law related to the entrance to ice reservoirs.

An innovation in the Law in 2020 concerns penalties if people with a car are in unspecified places. Dangerous places are marked with special warning signs. Motorists can be punished in such cases:

  • If a motorist drove a vehicle to a place where there is no crossing and to places that are not organized according to safety regulations.
  • If a person follows on foot to a place where information is indicated on the prohibition of such actions.
  • Responsibility will be borne by motorists who arrived by car to a place where the ice had gone and there was a sharp warming, due to which the ice began to melt.

There are fines for going on the ice in 2020. Here is the amount of such sanctions:

  • Ordinary citizens will pay a fine of 500-1000 rubles.
  • People holding certain positions and legal entities from 1500 to 5000 rubles.
  • Businesses or organizations will pay a fine from 5000 to 8000 rubles.

Remember: Penalties will vary from region to region.

Violating the laws, a motorist should be afraid not only for the amount of the fine, or for the fact that he will be held accountable. But it’s also worth taking care of your health and life, as well as the lives of those people who are in the same car with you.

If you are fishing, picnicking, or ice fishing and don't want to leave your car too far, then this article will help you. Each person strives to drive as close as possible to the place of rest. As mentioned above, now this is a crime, because this is a water protection zone. The car must be at a distance 200m from the reservoir. Keep this in mind so as not to pay fines and not spoil your holiday. Good luck!

Video: Driving into a water protection zone

Since the beginning of this year, there has been a lot of indignation among the fishermen of the Russian Federation about the fine for approaching water bodies by car and the problem that has arisen of how to launch a large boat into the water and bring fishing equipment. A lot of frankly crazy articles on this topic have appeared, after reading which you can easily get fined.

We will not reflect and discuss anyone's articles on this topic, but simply analyze the current legislation and try to find out how to avoid a fine and whether it is possible. And you draw your own conclusions.

History of the Water Protection Zone

The concept of a water protection zone in Russia was introduced on July 2, 1936 by a decree of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. At that time, it was introduced to protect water bodies from deforestation. Further, over time, many amendments and changes were introduced, but they did not particularly concern fishermen, vacationers and tourists, and this lasted until 2006.

On April 12, 2006, the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted and signed by the President of the Russian Federation Putin of the Russian Federation a new Water Code, which entered into force on January 1, 2007 and by which we all now live. (Federal Law of June 3, 2006 No. 73-FZ “On Enactment of the Water Code of the Russian Federation”).

Since that moment, in the Water Code, in Article 65, a ban on the movement and parking of vehicles in the water protection zone appeared, and the designation of the width of the water protection zone appeared, but there were no serious fines.

In general, we see from history that the problem of the water protection zone is quite ancient, there were attempts to change it by individual deputies in the State Duma, even amendments were made for discussion, but to no avail.

Video from the discussion of amendments dated July 15, 2016 to the law on the water protection zone at the initiative of the deputy of the State Duma Shein O.V.

Is it possible to circumvent the law on the water protection zone

In the last six months, this topic has again inflated to a strong hype in the media and among bloggers, many articles and tips have appeared on how fishermen can get around the problem of the water protection zone, we decided to deal with this topic and also study this issue carefully.

The Government Decree states that the boundaries of water protection zones and the boundaries of coastal protective zones of water bodies are considered established from the date of entering information about them in the state real estate cadastre.

Many recent articles on the Internet refer to these two points and offer as an option to bypass this law and a way to avoid a fine.

The whole problem is that the designated width of the water protection zone is included in its border, while the established border in some cases can be much larger than the width established by law, this is why signs and changes in the state cadastre are needed, so if you are at a distance of less than 50 - 500 meters from the reservoir, then you definitely violated the border of the water protection zone and will receive a fine, regardless of whether there are signs there or information is entered in the real estate cadastre. The courts interpret in the same way, examples at the end of the article.

Also, the absence of special information signs at the parking lot does not exempt the citizen from compliance with the requirements for environmental protection.

As you can see, there are no options to avoid liability in case of violation of the boundaries of the water protection zone, if they violated, they will have to pay a fine of 3 to 4.5 thousand rubles.

Nevertheless, sometimes it is still possible to avoid liability, but in rare cases and only in court, read about it further.

How to avoid fines

Unfortunately, if a fish protection inspector drove up to you and you are in a car or bicycle in a water protection zone, then he is obliged to draw up a protocol and issue a fine, otherwise he should be held liable for failure to perform his duties.

In this situation, it is possible to avoid a fine only in court, and only if there is a kind judge and gross errors of the inspector, but in reality it is practically impossible, it’s still worth trying, the more citizens start suing, then perhaps they will still make some changes in the law. of the committed administrative offense, the judge, body, official authorized to decide the case of an administrative offense may release the person who committed the administrative offense from administrative liability and confine himself to an oral reprimand.

From the decisions of the courts (at the end of the article, references to them) it makes no sense to refer to the absence of signs indicating the boundaries of water protection zones, since this does not cancel the composition of the offense and the minimum boundaries of the zones are established in the Water Code in specific meters, here you can only complain separately about officials who were supposed to install these signs.

Theoretically, if you drove up to a reservoir to unload the boat, and after that you wanted to drive off to a safe distance, this is an offense, but it is insignificant and did not cause damage, on the basis of this, the judge has the right to cancel the fine, the inspector should also pay attention to this item, so how he also has the right to confine himself to an oral warning on the basis of Art. 2.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. The same should be indicated in the protocol and not admit your guilt.

But if you drove to the river bank in an SUV, began to ride on the water, wash cars and throw out garbage, then this is no longer a minor offense.

In any case, the degree of insignificance will be decided by the court, and the fish protection inspector must prove the guilt and damage, so complicate this process for him and make him do it.

There are positive court decisions on the basis of these two points, if you wish, you can find it on the Internet and see, although this does not mean that yours will be positive, but all the same, the more courts on this topic, the faster they will amend the Water Code and clarify the existing law, so be sure to go to court and disagree with the protocol, but never point out the inspector's mistakes when he fills it out, write about them in a separate explanation that is attached to the protocol.

I would like to tell a real case from life about how one savvy fisherman avoided a fine from a cunning representative of the authorities.
Its history will be useful to everyone - fishermen, hunters, and ordinary vacationers.

All Russians have already heard about the ban on leaving the car on the banks of water bodies, closer than 200 meters. For this, a substantial fine is provided, the amount of which ranges from 3,500 to 5,000 rubles.

However, the law contains several mandatory conditions, only if they are observed, the regulatory authorities can draw up a protocol and issue a fine.

Well, this happened just last week. One angler came to his favorite fishing spot to pass the evening with his favorite hobby.

Knowing perfectly well that it is possible to “get” a fine for parking a car, I parked as far as possible from the coastline.

Naturally, I didn’t measure with a tape measure, but by eye 150-200 meters.

The spring sun is warm, the fish are biting actively, the mood is wonderful. But, unexpectedly, unexpectedly, the traffic police inspector distracts him from his favorite pastime.

Themselves parked next to the car of the angler

The police officer did not bother to introduce himself, but immediately asked if his car was parked over there and was pointing at the fisherman's car.

Yes, this is my car. What's wrong? asks the hero of our story.
— Why is your vehicle parked very close to a body of water? We will draw up a protocol and issue a fine.
- Is it close? It is no less than 5 - 7 minutes to walk to it, - the fisherman insists on his point.
- According to the law of the Russian Federation, a car cannot be parked closer than 200 meters from a reservoir. You have a direct violation, which means I have to issue a fine.
- If I violated something, then we will draw up a protocol, no questions asked. Just why are you sure that the car is at a distance of less than 200 meters. Have you measured?

The traffic police inspector was already taken aback, did not expect such resistance and perseverance.

- And so it is visible and even fixed on the photographic carrier.
— Can your camera measure distances? If you want to make a report, then first measure the distance from the river to my car. And then make up if there is a violation.

The inspector turned purple with anger.

I will measure steps.

And walked to the fisherman's car. From there he began to walk, counting his steps aloud. The fisherman did not interfere with the inspector, only smilingly glanced in his direction.

When the inspector reached the river, he solemnly announced:

- One hundred and twenty! This is clearly less than the required 200 meters. I am writing a protocol.
— Does the device with which you measured the distance have all the necessary certificates prescribed by law? Submit your certificate!

In response, the police representative squealed:

- Then I call the official representatives of Rosprirodnadzor and we will wait until they arrive. They have all the necessary and certified devices at their disposal.
- Great, wait. And it's time for me to go home. The wife is waiting for dinner.
- You can't leave. I'm detaining you.
- On what grounds? You have no rights to this. If you want, draw up a protocol, for what reason I cannot go home.

Always parked on the beach - and no problem

The only thing left for the inspector was to spit in the direction of the quick-witted opponent with regret and walk sadly to his official car, which, by the way, was parked next to the fisherman's car.

Even though our hero didn’t fish enough, he emerged victorious from this “battle”, which warmed the soul and cheered up. And he shared his story on social networks, so that the rest would know how to “reject” cunning authorities.

Now you can only go fishing in a wheelchair! Any transport cannot be placed closer than 200 meters from the river.

What if I need to launch a boat weighing 100 kilos into the water? What, also a fine?

And at what distance from the river, lake, reservoir can fishermen and vacationers leave their vehicles now?

What is the penalty for improper parking of a car in a water protection zone next to a river?

I was puzzled by these and other questions (and not only me, many familiar fishermen) with today's alignment of innovations in the law on fishing.

How far from a body of water can you legally park your car while fishing?

It turns out that since 2010 in the rules and the law on fishing there is a special article - the 65th or something, which says where and at what distance you can move and stand in transport near the reservoir.

The parking distance of transport, in particular a car, is regulated by the length of the river.

So the width and boundaries of the water protection zone are determined by the length:

  • up to 10 km - 50 meters,
  • from 10 to 50 km - 100 meters,
  • from 50 and more - 200 meters.

Those who decide to swim in the sea should leave their car as much as half a kilometer from the tide line.

Even in this article of the law it is said that the movement seems to be allowed - I will quote:

“Within the boundaries of water protection zones, it is prohibited:

movement and parking of vehicles (except for special vehicles), with the exception of their movement on roads and parking on roads and in specially equipped places with a hard surface;

That is, you can’t drive along country roads along the river?! And not only by car, but also by any other transport - even by bicycle!

A fisherman on a bicycle is also a driver, and a big one is his transport, according to the rules of traffic rules.

Now, except that in a wheelchair you can drive close to the river - it is an exception to the rules of the traffic police.

And now about the patient himself - if he violated the above law - get a fine - this is Article 8.42 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

And today it is 3-4.5 thousand rubles for ordinary fishermen!

And again an extract-quote from the law:

“The use of the coastal protective strip of a water body, the water protection zone of a water body in violation of restrictions on economic and other activities ...

shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of three thousand to four thousand five hundred roubles; for officials - from eight thousand to twelve thousand rubles; for legal entities - from two hundred thousand to four hundred thousand rubles.

Yes, fishing in the summer is not bad for pumping up muscles! With a boat, but with a motor, if you leave the car for 200 meters, you will have to go to the river 2-3 times.

And then back again - all this is overshadowed by a good rest and communication with nature!

By the way, it is also forbidden to wash the car! And before you wash your own car by the river, think about it. But the penalty is the same...

And yet, about the ban and admission to the shores of the water protection zone

But what about castles, palaces and cottages built right on the banks of the river? What about the lands of reservoirs, bought out and taken on a long-term lease from the state?

You can’t approach the river from their side! Everything is covered with high fences with barbed wire and barriers.

Again, I repeat, today money rules in Russia! The law is like a drawbar!

And what about ecology?

And what motivates the prohibition of transport access to the river? Like we violate the ecology of the country's bioresources? So what?

Allegedly, every kind of chemistry from a car is like a bucket. Isn't a two-stroke outboard motor more harmful (gasoline and exhaust into the water)?

Real fishermen will never harm nature!

And what about the garbage that vacationers leave behind here and there?

And now, even 200 meters away, not everyone wants to take a trash bag with them and then look for where to adapt it.

And the ukhari that wash cars - they certainly harm nature! I agree that they should be punished with a ruble and flogging!

It is necessary to change (finish) not only crude laws, but also those ties that created and approved them. After all, honestly, they do not understand anything in fishing - and not only in it!

The law is idiotic, any outboard gas engine with exhaust into the water is hundreds of times more harmful than a car standing at the water's edge.

And yet, some said that if there is no sign, then they cannot be fined. And here they can. There is a judicial practice where such non-believers were punished with a fine. They seem to say, the sign is not visible. And the court answered them - the law will be more important!

And ignorance of the law is no excuse! So that…

That's all I have for today - comment on what you think about this.

But such fish inspectors themselves need to be punished and not with a ruble, but with a whip on the fifth point!

All NHNCH (No tail, no scales)!