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Fallout 4 addition far harbor walkthrough. Away from home

As you already understood, when passing through Fallout 4 Far Harbor, you are given many different options for passing the game and many branches in the scenario. That is, all actions can really lead to several fundamentally different endings, and how exactly Fallout 4 Far Harbor can end, we will try to tell you.

Your choice in the end can lead to the complete destruction of all the inhabitants of the island, as well as to the fact that peace will reign on the island between all factions. Also, you can destroy each faction individually and give the surviving factions huge benefits.

Not only the fate of synths, Far Harbor and the Children of the Atom, but also specific game personalities such as Dima, Avery, Tekta and Kasumi . Also, the receipt of some bonuses, as well as the specific outcome of the game, will depend on your specific decision.

We have collected for you all the endings in the Fallout 4 Far Harbor add-on, and specifically, the key events that will affect the distribution of forces at the end of the game and further life on the island. We would like to remind you that as you progress through the game, you will be able to take a specific side or one of the sides.

peaceful ending

The mission "Reformation" is suitable for adherents of the peaceful end of the game. This mission will be available to you if, in the quest "What should life be like", you tell Dima about Captain Avery, who is the leader of the Far Harbor settlement and emphasizes that Dima can do justice to the High Confessor of the Children of the Atom. In this case, after completing the Reformation mission, peace will reign on the entire island. Under these conditions, Dima will be able to control what is happening on the island with the help of his people. You will also get the Defender of Acadia perk.

Destructive ending

Also, as we said in the previous part, the game also has an ending in which none of the factions survive. No chance will play a role here anymore, here all actions will be done consciously and you will be fully aware that all life on this island will be destroyed. That is, there will be no one to blame for this. To be honest, this turn of events would be completely pointless and give you absolutely no advantage. What advantages can we talk about when you are left all alone on a miserable piece of land?!

In this option, you will need to first destroy the Children of the Atom. To do this, you will need to use the key to launch missiles from the submarine of the High Confessor of the Children of the Atom. Next, you will need to destroy Far Harbor. To do this, you will need to turn off the fans that protect the settlement from the deadly fog. You can get the fan shutdown code during the passage of the mission "It's better not to remember" and after that go to the "Cleansing the Earth" task. And finally, you will need to deal with the synths. To do this, you will need to go to the Commonwealth and tell the Institute, or the Brotherhood of Steel, about the location of Acadia, it all depends on which side you are on at the end of Fallout 4. Also, you can deal with Acadia with the help of the inhabitants of Far- Harbor, but for this, they will need to be left alive.

With these options, you can destroy factions and selectively. Depending on the decisions you make, certain settlements will be destroyed.

Destruction of Far Harbor and its citizens

In the mission "Cleansing the Earth", you will need to infiltrate the building of the wind farm. At terminal 03, you will need to select Tempest, which will give you the option to turn off the capacitors. To carry out this action, you must have a code in your hands, which you could get during the passage of the mission "It's better not to remember." After you destroy Far Harbor, you will receive the Atom Inquisitor perk from Tekt, as well as the Atom Bastion armor. And as a bonus you will receive the achievement "Cleansing the Earth".

Destruction of the Nucleus and Children of the Atom

If you choose the side of Far Harbor, you will have the opportunity to destroy the Core and with it all the Children of the Atom in the mission "Cleansing the Earth". To do this, you will need to sneak into Tekt's house in a submarine and use the missile launch key in it. The core will be completely destroyed, and the Children of the Atom on this island will remain history. You will also be given the Far Harbor Resident perk, as well as the "Cleansing the Land" achievement, as was the case in the first case.

Destruction of Acadia and the Synths

If synths bother you with their sense of self-importance, then you can do away with them. To do this, you will be given several options. The first option is in the mission "What should life be like" to tell the inhabitants of Far Harbor about the substitution that Dima made at one time. The inhabitants of Far Harbor will definitely not be happy about this. The second option is to go to the Commonwealth and tell the Institute or the Brotherhood of Steel (depending on which faction you chose in the original Fallout 4 game) about synths. For destroying Acadia, you will receive the Lucky Eddie sniper rifle, as well as the Acadia Bane perk. Plus, you'll get the "The Way Life Should Be" achievement.

The fate of Kasumi

Also, do not forget about why we came here. In order for Kasumi to return home, at the very least, she needs to stay alive. If you decide that Acadia must die, then Kasumi will die with her, which will block the completion of the Close to Home mission. So if you decide to finish this quest and send the girl home, then you need to choose a peaceful solution, or choose an ending in which Acadia will not suffer. All in your hands.

Indeed, having become acquainted with such a phenomenon as Fallout 4 Far Harbor, one comes to understand that DLC is a rather useless thing and that this thing should be given attention. The storyline, the presence of intrigue and other elements that make us worry and sometimes start going through these additions anew. In addition, the presence of various additional quests and a serious branch in the storyline, each playthrough of the game can be different from each other and you will play a new game every time. So it's safe to say that Fallout 4 Far Harbor is not only the biggest addition from Bethesda to Fallout 4, but also one of the most interesting.

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Far Harbour, like the original RPG, has multiple endings. The main task of the latest DLC to date is find Kasumi's girlfriend on a distant island. Similar to what happened in the Wasteland, on The island also has different factions and it is in the power of the Hero to help some of them, to prevent someone from achieving their goals. One way or another, but the actions of the player will affect the development of the world and the plot.

Below in the guide, we'll take a closer look at All endings and important decisions in Far Harbor.

In DLC Far Harbor exists three factions: Children of the Atom (Core), Far Harbor and synths (Acadia). Despite the fact that at first glance it seems that they have little effect on the world, this is absolutely not the case. They can be made to live in the world, they can be destroyed, you can ... a lot of things.

Choice of Acadia and synths

Basic Solution regarding synths of Acadia: destroy them or not. You can report them to the Institute or the Brotherhood of Steel (whom you joined in the original game), you can even report them to Captain Avery in Far Harbor or Allan (arms dealer).

If you decide to destroy, then get a unique weapon Lucky Eddie sniper rifle, Acadia's Bane perk, and The Way Life Should Be Achievement.

Kasumi will die during the massacre.

If you want to help synths– just help DiMa, complete his tasks. Kasumi will survive. We talked about her fate below.

Far Harbor Choice

If you want to destroy settlement on the pier Far Harbor, then the easiest way is to play around with the wind farm in the task " Cleansing the earth". As soon as on assignment It's better not to remember find Capacitor trip code, you can immediately deal with the destruction.

Go to the Wind Farm Service Building and at Terminal 03 select Tempest and then report to High Confessor Tekt in the Core. You will also receive perk "Inquisitor of the Atom", the title "Inquisitor" and the armor "Bastion of the atom" (1 pc) and the achievement "Cleansing the Earth".

If you decide to help them, then after finding Avery's corpse in DiM's medical lab, you can tell the truth about Avery or not. Tell- the inhabitants will get excited and rush to destroy Acadia, which will lead to the first item of the material on the destruction of Acadia (the same rewards). keep quiet- everything will be calm.

Choice Children of the Atom

Destroying a faction is easy, if you use the key to launch the missiles that are on the submarine where they settled down Children of the atom and name the place Core. Go to the center of the submarine, where the High Confessor Tekt lives and insert the USB flash drive into the terminal behind him. Then briskly leave the Core.

Accordingly, get Perk "Far Harbor Resident" by +5 to all resistances and achievement "Cleansing the Earth". But, if you decide to help them, you will have to destroy Far Harbor, and the rewards are described just above.

Peaceful (best) ending

But you can do it like this so that the three factions live in peace with each other. During the assignment What life should be there is a moment for the Hero to tell DiMa about Captain Avery. Tell him that DiMa did everything right, and he can do the same with the head of the Children of the Atom. As a result quest will appear - Reformation. Upon completion of all conditions, DiMa will control the entire island through new proxies and there will be no more bloodshed. Hero receives perk "Defender of Acadia"(in case of a severe injury, with some probability, you can get a temporary large bonus to energy and normal damage).

Kasumi will live.

Ending Genocide (bad)

There is a way to destroy all factions. As a result, you will receive only one perk and no more rewards.

  1. Use launch codes to destroy atomic nuclei and explode the Nucleus.
  2. Go to the wind farm and destroy Far Harbor (at terminal 03, select Tempest).
  3. Go to the Commonwealth of the Brotherhood of Steel and tell them about Acadia. They will send a squad and destroy the synths.

It goes without saying that Kasumi will die.

The fate of Kasumi

The story of Kasumi will end after you decide what to do with the island as a whole. She will return to her parents and tell the truth. Chat with her back on the island(before leaving for the mainland) and help me decide whether she wants to return at all or would prefer to stay on the island.

The Survivor is required to help DiMA replace the High Confessor. First you need to get the records of Confessor Martin in his old hideout. We head to the place marked with a marker on the map of Pib-Boy. Next to the wagon we are looking for the entrance to the tunnel, along the way fighting off the distraught Ghouls. In the pump control room we find the records that DiMA spoke about and take them to Acadia.

Returning, we give them to Synth DiMA. That should be enough, he insists, to pique Tekt's interest. To meet with the confessor, he gave the Survivor a fake holotape, now you need to meet with him one on one.

Tekt is very cautious, in order to enter into his trust, it is necessary to prove devotion to the family.

We go to the "Core" and tell Tect a bike about the fact that the former confessor Martin is going to return and overthrow him. Now we need to draw up a plan of action, but away from prying ears. The tunnels under the control center are perfect for this. For greater reliability of our words, we give Tekt a fake recording with Martin's voice to listen to. After convincing him, we go into the tunnels.

We kill the confessor and wall him up in the wall.

If you do not want to take drastic measures, then with the help of high charisma we convince him to run away.

DiMA is waiting for us in Acadia and the new Tekt is a synthetic creation of DiMA.

Peace has finally reigned on the island... Now the Children of the Atom will shine with happiness in their irradiated bastion, the Harbians will continue to fight the fog for the land, and the synths will finally be able to live in peace.

Immediately after entering the game, you will automatically activate the first quest of the Far Harbor add-on for Fallout 4 with only one condition - you must have completed the "Revelation" story quest.

Listen to a message from Valentine's Detective Agency

Your Pip-Boy has received a radio message from the Valentine Detective Agency. Listen to it. To do this, open your Pip-Boy in the "Radio" tab and select "Valentine Detective Agency Radio".

In the message, Ellie Perkins, Nick Valentine's assistant, whom you met for the first time while looking for Nick (the Valentine's Day story quest), says that they have a new business and need your help. Go to Diamond City, she will be waiting for you at the agency office.

Talk to Ellie

While you were gone, a new client appeared - Kenzi Nakano, a fisherman living on the outskirts of the Commonwealth. He had someone missing, he was very alarmed and quickly left.


You can ask Ellie more about Mr. Nakano and his mumbling (the level of persuasion is easy).

Agree to help in this matter. If you haven't had a chance to take a closer look at Valentine's Agency before, then be sure to do it now. Read more about what you can find here in the passage of the quest "Revelation".

Reach the Nakano residence

Kenzi Nakano and his wife will be waiting at their house, where they will tell you everything in more detail. They live in the northeast, near the coast, and in your case, on the very edge of the Pip-Boy map. The path is not close, so be on the lookout. Along the way, you may encounter wild creatures, raiders, and God knows who else.

Talk to Kenji Nakano

Approaching the house, you will hear the alarmed cries of Kenzi Nakano coming from inside, rather talk to him. They have lost their daughter Kasumi.


You have a chance to learn a grain of Detective Nick's long past. Ask Kenzi Nakano how he and Valentine met (easy persuasion).

The crux of the matter is that Kasumi, Nakano's missing daughter, has fixed her old walkie-talkie and someone has contacted her. After that, she disappeared, she could have been kidnapped, or maybe she left on her own, it is only known that the boat disappeared with her. Agree to take this job.


You can, if you wish, ask Nakano about a monetary reward (level of persuasion - easy, medium, difficult), which will depend on your impudence and ability to convince.

View Nakano Residence

You have several opportunities to get leads on this case. The first option is to look around the Nakano residence, and especially Kasumi's room. In the kitchen, you can refresh yourself with Cherry Yader-Cola. But the most interesting is up the stairs. On the chest of drawers in the back room, Kasumi's room, you will find her diary. In it, she announces that she will go to her grandfather's boat house to fix the radio. Perhaps there are clues.

Ask Kenji and Rei for more details (Optional)

The second option to find clues in this case is to ask Ray and Kenji Nakano in more detail about their daughter. It's strange, one thinks that she was kidnapped, and the other that she left on her own. Ask all of the questions provided.


They do not agree on something, but every detail is important. Try to talk to Kasumi's parents (level of persuasion - medium).

Explore the boathouse

One way or another, you'll find out about Grandpa's boathouse, where Kasumi spent most of her time. She must have left something there that would tell her where to find her. The boat house is located a little further along the shore.

In Kasumi's note, something was mentioned about a safe. He stands on the floor at the far end of the house. On the safe, you'll find a note from Grandpa that tells you where to find the key to it.

An image should appear before your eyes.

With love, grandfather

On the writing table at the entrance there is just a picture with a landscape of a lighthouse, it seems to be out of place here, isn't it? You can find the key to the safe by examining the painting. To do this, click on the picture and select the appropriate action. Inside the safe will be the last holotape of Kasumi.

Listen to Kasumi's latest holotape

From Kasumi's holotape, you will learn that she picked up a signal from the north, and she managed to establish contact with a group of synths. Kasumi has doubts about who she is, as she doesn't feel at home, she doesn't remember some facts from her childhood, and she has strange dreams... is she a synth? She decided to leave and go north to find out who she is. She sailed away to a city called Far Harbor.

Talk to Kenji Nakano

Return to the Nakano residence and tell us what you found out. Ask Kenji about Far Harbor. When asked if their daughter Kasumi is a synth, they unequivocally answer no. Well, that remains to be seen.

After listening to the radio station (from the Valentine detective agency), we go to the office of a private detective in Diamond City.

Nick's assistant - Ellie Perkins will tell the Survivor about a certain client of Kenji Nakano and offer to investigate his case.

Nakano is a fisherman who lives on the outskirts of the Commonwealth. He promised to tell all the details at a personal meeting, Nakano was very alarmed and in a hurry, muttering something unintelligible under his breath. Having a high charisma skill, you can find out the details that Nakano's daughter and the walkie-talkie are involved in the case. In any case, we will find out all the details by talking with him in person. We leave for the Nakano residence in the northeast of the Commonwealth. On the way to the customer's house, disturbing speeches of its inhabitants are heard, it is time to find out the details.

If you take Nick Valentine with you, he will comment on our actions and give advice.

From a conversation with Kenji Nakano and his wife Rei Nakano, it is revealed that their daughter Kasumi has gone missing.

Having a high Charisma skill, Nagano will talk about how he and Nick Valentine became friends.

It turns out that Kasumi loved to tinker with all kinds of technology and her latest project was a walkie-talkie. Parents' opinions differ: the father is convinced that his daughter has been kidnapped and is in danger; and her mother thinks that Kasumi herself decided to leave, because she is 19 years old, and live her life. Both parents agree on only one opinion - their daughter sailed away on a boat.

It is possible to convince Kenji to pay more than 300 caps to find Kasumi, Nick will support this initiative by citing travel expenses. Initially, 350 caps will be offered for our services, but you can bargain and get 400 or even 500 caps. Do not forget to save before each step of increasing the cost of our services :)

Kasumi's room is upstairs, we can inspect it or ask both parents. We go to the girl's room and examine it, we find several holographic records with a description of the projects. On the dresser is Kasumi's diary, from which we learn about the boat house where the late grandfather worked and the mention of the key to the safe.

If you choose the option to ask the parents (you need a high charisma skill), you can find out that their daughter spent a lot of time with her grandfather in the boat house, unfortunately, the grandfather recently died and the whole family began to swear more often.

In any case, our path lies in the boat house, which is located near the residence of Nakano. Entering the house, a photograph standing on the table catches your eye, we examine it and find the key to the safe, which is located in the same room. By the way, next to the safe is a note in which there is a hint where to look for the key. We unlock the safe in anticipation of good loot, but a bummer awaits us, except for the last holotape of the girl and a couple of fuses in the safe, nothing. We listen to the holotape and new details are revealed to us, Kasumi says that she received a strong signal from the north from a group of people who call themselves synths. They are trying to build a home there and live side by side with people. But further questions from the synths made the girl think about her childhood, about dreams and thoughts that she did not belong here and she should meet these synthetic people. To do this, you need to sail far north, to a city called Far Harbor, and from there you can already get to them.

It's time to talk to Kenji, because he knows better than we do about the local waters. If we tell the Nakano couple that Kasumi thinks that she is a synth, her parents will react with indignation to this statement and in every possible way will assure that she is a person and no one has replaced her. Mentioning in a conversation that their daughter went to the settlement of Far Harbor, the father of the family understands why his daughter needed a boat and offers to take another boat that his father built. By the way, the boat has a navigation system and it was built for long-distance navigation and we will be able to get to Far Harbor safe and sound. If we asked for money for the work, Kenji will give the agreed amount and promise to throw it on top when Kasumi returns home.