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The State Duma will raise fines for non-passing pedestrians. Penalty for not allowing a pedestrian to pass - an explanation of the nuances

If until now such drivers were threatened with a fine of 1.5 thousand rubles, then next week they will be issued orders for 1.5 - 2.5 thousand rubles. Recall that last year the president gave instructions to strengthen the responsibility of drivers for violations on the zebra. This was due to an increase in the number of downed pedestrians at the crossings. The Ministry of Internal Affairs then developed amendments, and now they have become.

Under Article 12.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, they will be punished so severely for "failure to comply with the requirement of the rules to give way to pedestrians, cyclists or other road users (with the exception of drivers) who have priority in traffic." However, experts argue that this is not enough.

As Vladimir Sokolov, head of the Union of Pedestrians of Russia, told the RG correspondent, only an inspector who himself identified this violation and issued it on the spot can issue the maximum fine to a driver. If the violation is detected with the help of photo-video fixation systems operating in automatic mode, then the fine will be minimal, that is, as before, 1.5 thousand rubles. At the same time, you can pay for it within 20 days with a 50 percent discount. And this is already 750 rubles. You can't put inspectors at every unregulated pedestrian crossing. They have many other more important tasks.

We hope that a decision will be made to provide citizens with the opportunity to film violations on their gadgets and send such filming to the traffic police,” says Vladimir Sokolov. In addition, there is another problem: parking at pedestrian crossings and closer than five meters from them. For this we have a fine of a thousand rubles. And such a violation is no less dangerous for pedestrians.

For not allowing pedestrians to pass at the crossing, they will now be fined 1.5-2.5 thousand rubles

By the way, at a seminar held in Orel traffic police leaders, experts complained that in the rules, the paragraph concerning the obligation of drivers to give way to pedestrians is written confusingly. Because of this, his misunderstanding arises both among drivers and among some inspectors. First we see that it is necessary to give way, and then we go to the very beginning of the rules and find out what the term "give way" means.

It means that a road user should not start, resume or continue driving, carry out any maneuver if this may force other road users who have an advantage over him to change direction or speed. That is, if a pedestrian has entered the crossing, this does not mean that all cars should stand in their tracks. If the pedestrian is far from the car, then the driver can pass. And it won't be a violation.

That is why the work of some photo-video fixation complexes for preventing pedestrians from passing is not entirely correct. They often fine even if the trajectories of the car and the pedestrian cannot intersect.

However, the leadership of the traffic police at the same seminar recalled that in Germany the rules simply say "to skip the pedestrian." And everyone misses. And we have some drivers looking for wording so as not to miss a pedestrian.

Vladimir Sokolov also recalled that 33 percent of all collisions with people occur at pedestrian crossings. According to the traffic police, only for 9 months of this year, 11,833 collisions with pedestrians occurred at pedestrian crossings. This is 2.7 percent less than in the same period last year. They killed 624 people, which is 11.6 percent less than a year earlier.

As we wrote earlier, in some situations, drivers are required to provide an advantage in traffic to pedestrians, cyclists and other road users. From November 10, 2017, the fine for a “pedestrian” will increase and range from 1,500 to 2,500 rubles.

Penalty for a pedestrian at the crossing from 11/10/2017

The amount of the fine is prescribed in Art. 12.18 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, here is its new edition:

Article 12.18. Failure to give priority to pedestrians or other road users
Failure to comply with the requirement of the Rules of the Road to give way to pedestrians, cyclists or other road users (with the exception of drivers of vehicles) who have priority in traffic, -
shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one thousand five hundred to two thousand five hundred.

The minimum fine remained at the same level, but the maximum was increased to 2,500 rubles. Caught for a violation for the first time - you will receive a minimum fine for a pedestrian, if you have several fines for pedestrian crossings - they will issue a maximum fine of 2,500 rubles.
As can be seen from the text of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the fine increases not only for not allowing a pedestrian to pass at an unregulated pedestrian crossing, but also for not allowing it to pass in any other situation, when this is provided for by the Rules of the Road (SDA). Therefore, we recall in what cases it is necessary to let pedestrians pass.

When is a driver required to yield to pedestrians?

The rules of the road provide for a number of cases when the driver is obliged to give priority to the pedestrian. All of them need to be known and followed, otherwise one day a pedestrian may be seriously injured under your wheels.
So, the driver is obliged to give way to the pedestrian in the following cases:

How to give way to pedestrians according to traffic rules

Let's analyze these cases in more detail. Below you will find quotes from the traffic rules that are responsible for each specific case. It should be recalled here that, according to the clarification of the Supreme Court of Russia, the driver has the obligation to give way to a pedestrian only in the case when the trajectories of the pedestrian and the car intersect, i.e. a pedestrian due to the movement of the car will be forced to change the speed or trajectory of his movement. It often happens that they try to hold the driver accountable for not allowing a pedestrian to pass, when the pedestrian has just entered the pedestrian crossing, and the car drove through this crossing at a distance from the pedestrian, for example, for 4 lanes. The presence of a DVR in this case will help to prove the innocence of the driver.

Obligation to give way to pedestrians at a pedestrian crossing

14.1. The driver of a vehicle approaching an unregulated pedestrian crossing must give way to pedestrians crossing the road or entering the carriageway (tram tracks) to make the crossing.

All drivers are aware of their obligation to give way to pedestrians crossing the carriageway at an unregulated crossing. We recommend that you slow down in advance so that if a pedestrian suddenly appears, you do not have to resort to emergency braking. The smoother you stop, the less likely it is that the hurried person from behind will drive into the stern of your car.

Do I need to give way to pedestrians when turning at an intersection?

13.1. When turning right or left, the driver must give way to pedestrians and cyclists crossing the carriageway onto which he is turning.

Everything is also simple here: regardless of the presence of a traffic light and its signals at the intersection, on the relative position of the main and secondary roads, when turning, we always give way to pedestrians and cyclists who cross the carriageway onto which we are turning.

We pass pedestrians at the entrance and exit from the adjacent territory

8.3. When entering the road from the adjacent territory, the driver must give way to vehicles and pedestrians moving along it, and when leaving the road, to pedestrians and cyclists whose path he crosses.

"Adjacent territory" - the territory directly adjacent to the road and not intended for through traffic of vehicles (yards, residential areas, parking lots, gas stations, enterprises, etc.).

Mandatory pass for blind pedestrians

14.5. In all cases, including outside pedestrian crossings, the driver must give way to blind pedestrians signaling with a white cane.

Passing public transport passengers

14.6. The driver must give way to pedestrians walking towards or away from the shuttle vehicle standing at the stopping place (from the side of the doors), if boarding and disembarking are carried out from the carriageway or from the landing site located on it.

Stops of public transport (usually trams) are often located to the left of the passing lanes, in such a way that passengers need to cross the roadway from the waiting area to the place of direct boarding to get on and off. In this case, the driver must give way to pedestrians crossing the road for boarding or after disembarking.

Adopted in the second reading a government bill that provides for an increase in fines for drivers for not allowing pedestrians and cyclists to pass. About it informs RIA News".

The bill provides for amendments to the sanction of Article 12.18 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (failure to provide an advantage in traffic to pedestrians or other road users). The authors of the amendments propose to increase the fine from the current 1,500 to 2,500 rubles,

but at the same time, introduce the so-called “fork” - the minimum amount of the fine will not be changed and will remain at the level of 1,500 rubles.

The explanatory note to the draft law states that the need for tougher administrative punishment is due to the ineffectiveness of existing regulations and the high degree of public danger of such acts.

The authors of the draft law confirm their position by the increase in the number of administrative cases initiated in this category. However, the figures given in the explanatory documents show only a slight increase in the number of such cases.

“For 12 months of 2015, 1 million 664 thousand cases were initiated, while for the same period in 2014 - 1 million 645 thousand cases,” the explanatory note says.

The chairman of the Union of Pedestrians believes that these amendments will not improve road safety.

“The bill in its current form will not be able to positively affect security, it is necessary to remove this “fork”, which provides for a minimum penalty of 1,500 rubles. Taking into account the discount, this is generally 750 rubles. Well, what is a fine of 750 rubles. for not allowing a pedestrian? That's less than for illegal parking."

Sokolov told Gazeta.Ru.

The expert also claims that employees, due to their workload, cannot constantly monitor compliance with these rules, and advocates the installation of special cameras on the zebras.

“All hope is for the cameras. But they are expensive, so if drivers pay minimal fines, there simply won’t be enough money to maintain this equipment. If the “fork” of the fine is removed and the maximum penalty of 2,500 rubles is left, it will be quite realistic to keep the cameras,” Sokolov summed up.

A similar camera was installed in mid-February of this year near the house at 14 Nizhegorodskaya Street in Moscow. It is aimed at an unregulated pedestrian crossing and captures vehicles passing through it. When a person starts to cross the road, the equipment measures the speed of the cars, their distance to the zebra, and then calculates the length of their stopping distance. If the vehicle does not have time to stop, the camera sends information about the vehicle to .

At the same time, Pyotr, coordinator of the Blue Bucket Society movement, in an interview with Gazeta.Ru, noted that the appearance of cameras at pedestrian crossings could lead to drivers receiving fines en masse.

“The problem is that today unregulated pedestrian crossings often “draw” through multi-lane highways, which in itself is very dangerous. Designers are not responsible for this subsequently, those who accept the work are also not responsible. I shift all the responsibility to the drivers,” says Shkumatov. - Mass installation of cameras has nothing to do with security.

For comparison: installing a traffic light costs about a million rubles, and such a camera costs about three million rubles. A traffic light is much more effective in terms of safety, but it does not bring money with which to close holes in the budget. Ultimately, this can only lead to an increase in accidents and deaths on the roads.”

The bill was approved by the government commission in January 2017, in February it was submitted to the State Duma for consideration, in June of this year, the deputies approved the amendments in the first reading.

According to the official traffic police statistics, in eight months of 2017, more than 29.5 thousand accidents involving pedestrians occurred on Russian roads, in which almost three thousand people died and slightly more than 28 thousand people were injured. At the same time, most of the dead pedestrians - 1.9 thousand people - were under the wheels of cars through their own fault.

Good afternoon, dear reader.

This article will focus on the failure to provide benefits to pedestrians. This violation is quite popular, and the traffic police often conduct raids on pedestrian crossings.

Consider situations in which pedestrians have an advantage, as well as fines that can be imposed on the driver. Let me remind you that the last time the punishment for not allowing pedestrians, cyclists or other road users to pass was increased November 10, 2017.

Article 12.18. Failure to give priority to pedestrians or other road users

Failure to comply with the requirement of the Rules of the Road to give way to pedestrians, cyclists or other road users (with the exception of drivers of vehicles) who have priority in traffic, -

entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one thousand five hundred to two thousand five hundred.

In 2020, the fine is 1500 - 2500 rubles.

The choice of a fine in the specified range is performed by the traffic police officer. At the same time, he must take into account. Thus, if the driver has committed a violation for the first time, then, as before, he will receive a minimum fine of 1,500 rubles.

In addition, I suggest you download and print the current table of fines:

Situations in which the pedestrian has the advantage

At the pedestrian crossing

14.1. The driver of a vehicle approaching an unregulated pedestrian crossing must give way to pedestrians crossing the road or entering the carriageway (tram tracks) to make the crossing.

The most common situation that does not raise questions from drivers is a pedestrian at a pedestrian crossing:

It is with crossings that drivers associate a fine for not allowing a pedestrian to pass, but this is far from the only situation in which a penalty can be imposed.

When turning at an intersection

13.1. When turning right or left, the driver must give way to pedestrians and cyclists crossing the carriageway onto which he is turning.

The situation that raises the most questions is the turn at the crossroads:

Please note that the driver must give way to the pedestrian. when turning at an intersection in all cases. Including if:

  • Pedestrians are on a red traffic light.

The only case when you do not need to give way is when driving straight at the intersection and at the same time there is no marked crossing.

When entering and leaving the adjacent territory

8.3. When entering the road from the adjacent territory, the driver must give way to vehicles and pedestrians moving along it, and when leaving the road, to pedestrians and cyclists whose path he crosses.

Blind pedestrians in all cases

14.5. In all cases, including outside pedestrian crossings, the driver must give way to blind pedestrians signaling with a white cane.

On the way to public transport

14.6. The driver must give way to pedestrians walking towards or away from the shuttle vehicle standing at the stopping place (from the side of the doors), if boarding and disembarking are carried out from the carriageway or from the landing site located on it.

In this case, you need to give way only if the following conditions are simultaneously met:

  • At a public transport stop.
  • Pedestrians go to the route vehicle. If passengers get off the bus, which, for example, transports employees of the enterprise, then the driver is not obliged to yield to them.
  • Pedestrians go to the bus from the side of the door.

I will give an example of a common accident that all drivers should be aware of. On the opposite side of the road (on the left) there is a public transport stop. An oncoming bus stopped on it. Seeing this, pedestrians to the right of the road begin to run across the road without looking at the cars. As a rule, people of retirement age suffer from this.

From the point of view of traffic rules, the driver is not obliged to give way to these pedestrians. Nevertheless, it is much easier to slow down than to be a participant in an accident (albeit innocent) and deal with the traffic police for several hours.

on the sidelines

Moped drivers are allowed to move along the side of the road, if this does not interfere with pedestrians.

25.2. Horse-drawn carts (sledges), mounts and pack animals should only move in one row as far to the right as possible. Driving on the side of the road is allowed if it does not interfere with pedestrians.

Well, one more situation is the permitted movement on the side of the road. Mopeds and horse-drawn carts on the side of the road must give way to pedestrians. Violation of this rule may also result in a fine.

How to give way to a pedestrian

Another important question that should be addressed in this article is "How to give way to a pedestrian?". The fact is that the text of the traffic rules related to this issue has changed several times in recent years. At first, the rules required giving way to a pedestrian, then letting him through, then giving way again. Multiple changes have led to the fact that many drivers simply do not remember how to actually act.

So, if you look at the points above again, you will notice that in almost all cases (except for blind pedestrians), the driver must give way:

"Give way (do not obstruct)" - a requirement meaning that a road user must not start, resume or continue moving, perform any maneuver, if this may force other road users who have an advantage over him to change direction movement or speed.

Thus, the driver must drive through the crossing so that the walking pedestrian does not change speed or direction of movement.

For example, if a pedestrian is walking along the adjacent lane in the direction of your car, then you should definitely stop.

However, if the road is wide (6 lanes) and the pedestrian is just starting to walk along the carriageway from the opposite side, then it is not necessary to stop. Even if the driver passes through the crossing, it will not affect the speed and direction of the pedestrian in any way.

The same applies to a situation where a pedestrian is walking in the adjacent lane away from your vehicle. It makes no sense to wait until the pedestrian reaches the sidewalk, the rules allow you to drive through the transition.

As for blind pedestrians signaling with a white cane, they must be let through. Those. you just need to stop and wait until the pedestrian leaves the roadway.

In conclusion, I want to note that over the past few years, the culture of driving has improved markedly. As a rule, drivers pass pedestrians at crossings without any problems. Accordingly, fines were imposed less frequently.

Good luck on the roads!


Quote: "Including if:

there are no markings at the intersection;

the driver is driving on the main road;

the driver has a green traffic light, allowing the turn;

a red traffic light is on for a pedestrian.

Question: when a red man lights up for a pedestrian, at a traffic light with a dedicated pedestrian phase. Also skip when turning?

when a red man is lit for a pedestrian, at a traffic light with a dedicated pedestrian phase. Also skip when turning?

Yes. Because otherwise, at best, there will be a fine for both, each for their own violation, and at worst, a criminal offense for harm to health.


1.3. Road users must know and follow relating to them requirements of the Rules, traffic signals, signs and markings, as well as comply with the orders of traffic controllers acting within the rights granted to them and regulating traffic with established signals.

So a burning red pedestrian does not affect the driver's duties in any way.

13.3. The intersection, where the order of movement is determined by the signals of a traffic light or a traffic controller, is considered regulated. 14.1: ** The concepts of regulated and unregulated pedestrian crossings are similar to the concepts of regulated and unregulated intersections, established in paragraph 13.3. Rules.

Your statement is wrong Keeper_Riff. In this case, the pedestrian crossing is considered regulated, with a "red man" the driver is not required to let pedestrians through.

In this case, the pedestrian crossing is considered regulated, with a "red man" the driver is not required to let pedestrians through.

We are not talking about a controlled crossing, but about the obligation to give way to pedestrians when turning at an intersection. Regulated intersection or not, the rules in this case are the same. Now the driver is not obliged to "skip" at all, thank God this concept has been removed. Just give way.

Just give way.

Absolutely right.
We are not talking about a controlled crossing, but about the obligation to give way to pedestrians when turning at an intersection. Regulated intersection or not, the rules in this case are the same.
No, they are not the same. Exactly on unregulated intersection, and adjustable when pedestrians have a "little green man", 13.1. When turning right or left, the driver must give way to pedestrians and cyclists crossing the carriageway onto which he is turning.

In the case of a controlled intersection and a controlled pedestrian crossing, when there is a "red man" for pedestrians, the driver is not obliged to yield to pedestrians.


Our GAI officers interpret the term Give way like this: "Thus, the very creation by the driver of a situation that MAY force road users to change direction or speed of movement is regarded by the traffic rules of the Russian Federation as not fulfilling the requirement" Give way ", while not necessarily the onset of consequences in in the form of a change in the direction of movement or speed of movement by another road user. that is, they say that they are obliged to provide an advantage and then pass .... 12/01/2017 there will be a court but I think there will be no sense ((((


so everything is correctly interpreted. You shouldn’t force them, otherwise it will be too late, because ALREADY forced to slow down (turn away), but unsuccessfully (reacted late, nowhere to turn away, slippery, etc.), will lead to an accident (and you can even not get hit, but you provoked him).



so everything is correctly interpreted. You shouldn’t force them, otherwise it will be too late, because ALREADY forced to slow down (turn away), but unsuccessfully, will lead to an accident (and you may not even get into an accident itself, but you provoked it).

What are you talking about ???))))))))) We are talking about a complete ban on any actions, if they hypothetically can lead to a change in speed or direction of movement. Examples No. 1 the pedestrian entered an unregulated pedestrian crossing 20 meters before him and he goes very slowly, the driver passes first (without interfering) and both are fined. Example No. 2 you are ahead of a passing vehicle and then you change lanes to its lane (without creating interference) and again a fine. Example No. 3 When leaving a residential area, drivers must GIVE ROAD to other road users, that is, we wait until ALL who take advantage pass and pass and exit is prohibited even if you do not interfere. here is their explanation


The term has been used all my life like this. If you do not interfere, then pass, and with such a formulation, it turns out that it is necessary to provide an advantage in any case, even when it is not objectively required.

Today, at pedestrian crossings, drivers will be required to provide an advantage to those moving "on their own" course. Causes of accidents involving ordinary pedestrians can be very different.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to solve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


It's fast and FOR FREE!

Very often, this is precisely the imprudent behavior of other road users directly on sections at a high permitted speed of the vehicle.

That is why drivers should be as careful as possible at special pedestrian crossings.

Even if the fault for the traffic accident lies with the pedestrian, the responsibility will still be borne by the driver. That is why you need to familiarize yourself with the fines for such situations in advance.

Moreover, in some regions there is an automatic fixation of violations of this kind. There is a discount on the amount of the fine - if it is paid in the first 10 days.

Main Aspects

Today, the causes of road accidents are extremely diverse and there are more than a few dozen reasons. Usually this is the inattention of the driver himself, other situations.

Separately, it should be noted that a significant part of the accident occurs due to the fault of pedestrians or their participation.

Most of these accidents occur precisely because of non-compliance with the rules of the road by the latter.

The maximum care of the driver on the road is the best protection against such situations.

The statistics for 2016-2017 are as follows:

Number of times of occurrence How many died as a result There were injuries as a result of the accident
Pedestrian-vehicle contact 38 500 4 567 35 687
Injury to a pedestrian on footpaths 12 250 780 12 234
In low visibility conditions 13 871 2 780 11 870
Through the fault of those outside the vehicle themselves 16 400 4 000 14 545
Due to the fault of the vehicle managers 20 877 1 890 20 100

Additional lighting is used at pedestrian crossings, underground tunnels are being installed - with the help of which it will be possible to cross to the other side of the street.

Another important point is to increase literacy in terms of knowledge of traffic rules among pedestrians. Today, many schools hold special classes for teenagers (it is this age category that becomes involved in accidents more often than others) - where the rules of behavior on the roads are explained, as well as many other points.

Important Concepts

The causes of accidents involving not only drivers and their passengers, but also random citizens outside the vehicle are varied. Again, information regarding this matter is subject to change.

All such accidents can be divided into two main categories according to the type of person responsible for the accident:

  • when the driver is at fault;
  • It is the pedestrian who is at fault.

At the same time, relatively infrequently, there are any third-party factors that in any way affect the occurrence of a traffic accident. Drivers are often the cause of accidents.

First of all, because the car itself is initially an object that carries an increased danger to all the people around. Drivers often disregard the rules of the road.

The most frequent violations that lead to situations of this kind, when the driver becomes the culprit of an accident, are as follows:

  • there is an excess of the maximum permissible speed;
  • the absence of the fact of speed reduction before the pedestrian crossing;
  • there is a vehicle malfunction.

It is the malfunction of the car that should be attributed just to random factors. At the same time, the traffic police inspector, who arrives at the scene, may think differently.

Accordingly, statistics compiled on the basis of data obtained from the traffic police are far from always objective.

This will reduce the likelihood of various complex situations related directly.

It will be possible to reduce the likelihood of an accident precisely due to compliance with all traffic rules, as well as maximum care on the road.

What new rules should a driver follow?

Quite often, traffic accidents occur precisely through the fault of the pedestrian himself. Common reasons for this type of situation are:

  • alcohol intoxication of the pedestrian;
  • lack of compliance with traffic rules;
  • transition to a red traffic light or something else.

It is alcohol and other intoxication that most often causes accidents, and often fatal.

Since in this state, in most cases, a person simply does not adequately perceive reality, space and time.

Relatively often, an accident happens simply because a pedestrian falls from the sidewalk under the wheels of a car moving at high speed - the driver simply does not have time to react to what happened.

Another common cause of an accident is a pedestrian crossing the roadbed in a place where the movement of vehicles is carried out at a speed of 60-90 km/h.

Accordingly, again, the driver does not always have time to apply the brake, even if he noticed the presence of a pedestrian relatively far away.

It should be noted that the judicial practice regarding accidents involving pedestrians is very extensive, complex and ambiguous.

That is why the best solution is to simply avoid such situations.

Separately, it is worth noting that in most cases the driver will still be punished - since he initially uses a means of increased danger (car).

Video: how to avoid a fine for not letting a pedestrian pass

The court always takes this factor into account. With all the features, nuances will need to be dealt with in advance.

And if you need to protect your interests, it is best to contact a qualified lawyer. This will prevent various kinds of problems, difficult situations.

Current regulations

The measure of responsibility for such an accident, again, is determined only in court. At the same time, the judicial body focuses primarily on the existing practice on this issue, as well as on the legislation - the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Since in the event that there are serious injuries or the death of a participant in an accident, criminal liability necessarily arises.

How much is the traffic police fine for a pedestrian at the crossing in 2017

The fine for not allowing a pedestrian to pass at a pedestrian crossing in 2017 has been increased relatively recently. Today, in some cases, it is about 2,500 rubles.

The amount of the fine directly depends on how exactly the violation was recorded. If the driver did not yield to the pedestrian and this was recorded by the traffic police, then such a traffic violation implies a maximum fine.

Who will be responsible

Cases where it is the pedestrian who is responsible for the incident are not so rare. Accordingly, such necessarily bears responsibility for their actions on the road, deeds.

In each case, liability is determined individually by the court. Usually the maximum that threatens a pedestrian for violating traffic rules is 1,000 rubles.

But if, through the fault of such, damage or serious harm to the health of other road users occurs, then the punishment will be many times more serious.

At the moment, such a punishment is as follows:

Accordingly, pedestrians should be no less careful than drivers. Since the responsibility of the latter implies serious penalties. Up to the placement in places of deprivation of liberty.

How violations are detected

Today there are two ways to fix violations:

  • directly by the traffic police officer;
  • special automated systems.

Amount payable

The driver, when hitting a pedestrian or otherwise causing injury to him in an accident, also bears serious responsibility.

It will fall under a certain legal document, depending on a variety of factors.

At the moment, the punishment is determined as follows:

If there is a violation of traffic rules - due to which a pedestrian was hit A fine of 1.5 thousand rubles will be imposed
Administrative or criminal punishment in cases specified by law Slight harm was caused to the health of a pedestrian - a fine of 2.5 to 5 thousand rubles will be imposed
Infliction of moderate harm to the health of the victim - a fine is imposed in the amount of 10 thousand rubles to 25 thousand rubles
If serious bodily harm is caused, then in addition to monetary compensation, the driver will also need to incur a criminal penalty
There is a death of a pedestrian - a prison sentence of up to 7 years in prison is assigned

Can a motorist challenge a penalty?

If you didn’t let a pedestrian pass, then what is the fine in 2017? The answer to this question depends on the method of fixing the violation itself, as well as many other points.