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What is the fine in Russia for installing special signals on a car, using strobe lights & nbsp. How are misuse of special signals punished? Illegal use of special signals

A car equipped with special flashing lights has some advantages on the roads. All motorists know about it. According to the traffic rules, in 2016 such vehicles must be passed without fail. As practice shows, a large number of fines, one way or another, are associated with special signals. In what cases you can get a fine and how you can avoid it - the topic of our today's article.

What is a special signal?

A special signal is a combination of sound and light warning (siren and flasher), which is designed to announce the approach of special equipment - an ambulance, police, fire brigade, etc. Special signs also include color schemes that are applied to the surface of such a machine. As for the sound accompaniment, everything is clear here, but with regard to light signals, everything is not so simple. They may vary in size, shape and color. An example is the flashing lights of the traffic police and the police. In the first case, red-blue colors are used, in the second - only blue. The fire department and ambulance also use beacons exclusively in blue. As for the shape, in 2016 there can be a variety of options: from the classic “cylinder” to large “blocks”.

In addition to red and blue colors, the driver can also ask for yellow and orange beacons to give way. Cars with such a light signal have a special legal status. Traffic rules provide for permission to install such signals on vehicles that perform construction and repair work, evacuation, and transportation of hazardous substances. Unlike other special equipment in 2016, this one does not require you to clear the road. Light beacons here are designed to attract the attention of cars on the road, nothing more.

There is another category of vehicles, the passage of which in 2016 may be accompanied by a light signal. This is a car of a civil servant or law enforcement agencies. As a rule, they receive permission for a special series of license plates and are painted in dark colors.

Skip or not?

If you do not go into the details of Russian traffic rules, then you should always let a car with special signals pass, even in cases where the siren and beacons are turned off. In favor of this behavior, we present the simplest case when you can earn a fine, as they say, out of the blue. Imagine the following situation: you are driving along a city road, right behind you you can see a traffic police car, all special signals of which are turned off. You do not give way, as there are no signals for this. If they are still included, there is a high probability that you may not immediately respond to them. And the authorities have every right to write you a fine in 2016, since the driver did not respond to the traffic police demand and did not give way. In addition to a monetary penalty to the state budget of 2016, such behavior can lead to the deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for 3 months. Therefore, to the question “to give way or not?”, We answer - to give way.

As for the vehicles of civil servants and law enforcement agencies, the situation is somewhat different. Such a vehicle has the right to give way to it only if the flashing beacon and siren are working.

It should also be noted here that such vehicles can take advantage of their priority position when they give way.

The main situations in which you must give way to special equipment:

  • if you pass an intersection;
  • when there is a change to another road lane;
  • if the vehicle is turning or turning.

If you take into account all of the above points, then you will not face a fine.

What is the fine in 2016 for not allowing special equipment to pass?

For those who nevertheless risked ignoring traffic rules and did not let a car with special signals pass, we suggest that you get acquainted with the administrative punishment that will threaten you. In 2016, penalties are provided for 2 types of violations. The first case - the driver did not give way to special equipment with a working siren and beacons. Moreover, the body of the car is distinguished by a special color scheme. In this case, the negligent driver will be fined 500 rubles. The second case - a non-passage of vehicles with special signals on, but without a color scheme, was recorded. We are talking about the transport of law enforcement agencies and civil servants. Here the driver faces a fine of 100 to 300 rubles. These figures are current in 2016.

It is important to understand that according to the law of the Russian Federation and traffic rules, the driver is not limited by any time frame during which he must give way. That is, if for some reason, the driver did not immediately pass, then according to the law they do not have the right to fine him. This moment is one of the most controversial. Suffice it to recall the situation described above with the traffic police car.

Deprivation of rights for not letting special equipment through is possible only if this fact was recorded by the traffic police. Such a measure can be applied if a vehicle with special signals turned on has not been missed. Otherwise, you always have the opportunity to challenge the legality of such actions.

Installation of special signals on your car

Road congestion is a problem that is familiar to every motorist. Sometimes, to avoid many hours of standing in traffic jams, drivers go to different tricks. Perhaps the most popular solution is to install a siren on your car. Here, rather, there is a calculation that not all motorists are familiar with the intricacies of traffic rules regarding the installation of such signals and simply do not know which car has the right to have a sound quack. The first successful passage with such devices gives the car owner reason to believe that now this is the only way to solve the problem of standing in traffic jams. Just do not forget about the most important thing - it is illegal, which means it is fraught with certain consequences.

Let's look at 3 situations when you have a car equipped with special sound and light signals at your disposal:

  1. You inherited a car that has a beacon, a siren and a color scheme, but you do not use it. There is no question of punishment here. Firstly, you didn’t paint it and install the flasher. The mere possession of such transport does not entail administrative responsibility. If such a car is constantly in your garage, and does not go out onto the road, then it will not bring you any problems.
  2. You independently designed your car with all the attributes of special equipment. Responsibility for your actions is determined by your intentions. So, the decorated car is safely in the garage (as in the first case), then you will not face any fines. It's a completely different question if you want to ride it. To do this, you will have to obtain special permission.
  3. At your disposal vehicles with special signals, which you safely use in everyday life. Without special permission, your behavior will be regarded as a gross violation of the law and traffic rules. And this is a penalty. Even if you drive with the signals turned off, you cannot avoid punishment.

What threatens the unauthorized installation of special signals on a car?

As an argument in favor of you abandoning the idea of ​​arbitrarily equipping your car “for special equipment” and complying with traffic rules, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of punitive measures that you subject yourself to.

Driving a vehicle on which light and sound signals of special equipment are installed without authorization is punishable by deprivation of the right to drive any vehicle for a period of 1 to 1.5 years. At the same time, the disputed car is confiscated. If a car from the listed special devices has only a color scheme typical for operational services, the driver may be deprived of the right to drive vehicles for up to 3 years. If you drove onto the road with the signals turned on (except for security ones), then you will be deprived of the right to drive a car for a period of 1.5 to 2 years. The disputed car will be confiscated. The fine for applying color schemes for a civilian in 2016 is 5,000 rubles. The fine for unauthorized installation by a private person on a car of special signals is 5 thousand rubles. For legal entities, this amount is multiplied by 100. It makes sense to think about getting permission.

A common offense among car owners is the use of a sound similar to the sound of special services cars. The appearance does not give out the presence of an installed signal, since most often it is hidden behind the grille or under the hood. It is worth knowing that this is an offense, the punishment for which is established in the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. In the article, we will figure out what types of special signals are distinguished and consider the penalties for their illegal installation.

What is the fine for special signals in 2018

The Administrative Code of the Russian Federation is responsible for regulating the requirements related to the installation of special signals, namely: Article 12.4, paragraphs 1-2 and Article 12.5, paragraphs 3-5. Let's consider each of the punishments for the use of special signals in more detail.

  • 12.4 part 1

    Installation on the front of the vehicle of lighting devices with red lights or red retroreflective devices, as well as the light of devices, the color of the lights and the mode of operation of which do not comply with the Basic Provisions for the admission of the vehicle. Penalty: for citizens 3,000 rubles, for officials from 15,000 to 20,000 rubles, for legal entities from 400,000 to 500,000 rubles.

  • 12.4, part 2

    Installation on the vehicle without the appropriate permission of devices for supplying special light or sound signals (with the exception of burglar alarms). Penalty: for citizens 5000 rubles; for officials, 20,000 rubles. for legal entities - 500,000 rubles.

  • 12.5 part 3

    Driving a vehicle, on the front of which there are light devices with red lights or red retroreflective devices, as well as light devices, the color of the lights and the mode of operation of which do not comply with the Basic Provisions for the Vehicle Admission. Punishment - deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle for a period of six months to a year.

  • 12.5, part 4

    Driving a vehicle on which devices for giving special light or sound signals (with the exception of a burglar alarm) are installed without an appropriate permit. The prescribed punishment is deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle for a period of one to one and a half years. Devices will be confiscated.

  • 12.5, part 5

    Use of devices for giving special light or sound signals (with the exception of burglar alarms) during the movement of the vehicle, installed without an appropriate permit. Punishment - deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle for a period of 1.5 to 2 years.

It is possible to get a fine for flashing lights even if the car was in the garage and was not in use.

Signals of the first type

Typical for ambulances, police, fire department and military traffic police. Colors - blue or a combination of blue and red. Accompanied by the sound of a siren. On such transport it is required to apply special color schemes and inscriptions.

Regardless of whether there are color schemes on the vehicle, the driver at the time of the performance of the official assignment has the full right to deviate from the implementation of almost any traffic rules, with rare exceptions.

The main condition is to ensure overall road safety. The advantage in movement is expressed by the following features:

  • Other drivers must give way to such a vehicle even if it does not comply with the established rules;
  • It is strictly forbidden to overtake a car with a beacon, however, you can use priority only after it has been accurately established that vehicles are giving way;
  • Vehicles with a beacon and appropriate coloring have the right to accompany other vehicles or be in front / behind an organized transport column. Other vehicles are not allowed to take a seat in the convoy or cross it.

At the moment of approaching a stationary vehicle with a flashing beacon of this type, the driver is obliged to slow down so that, if necessary, immediately stop.

Signals of the second type

They are inherent in vehicles performing road construction / repair work, as well as for tow trucks, trucks with extra large or dangerous goods. Color is yellow or orange. There is no sound accompaniment. They have the following rights:
  • May deviate from the restrictions of road signs (with rare exceptions);
  • Can ignore road markings;
  • They may not comply with the rules on the location of vehicles on the roadway.

Ignoring the established rules is possible only if the general safety of other road users is observed. The beacon of the second type does not provide an advantage in moving along the road as such and is intended only to notify other participants of the danger.

Signals of the third type

This type is typical for the transport of collectors. Coloring - closer to white, accompanied by a special signal. The signal does not apply to traffic and is intended only to notify of an attack on the vehicle.

If you have any questions on this topic, please contact a competent specialist. A lawyer specializing in resolving issues regarding the requirements established in the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and traffic rules will give you a full consultation and help in solving problems.

It is prohibited by law to install special devices for giving sound and / or light signals on cars without the permission of the traffic police. Not allowed to use them. The legislation of the Russian Federation allows the use of such equipment only for burglar alarms. The installation of signaling devices by an individual entails a penalty in the form of a fine.

What is the offense

Ambulances, police, federal postal services and fire engines use special state-standard light and sound signals when driving on roads. With their help, cars (including buses, special equipment) of services identify themselves, warning other road users about the need to take certain measures - skip special vehicles, do not cross the street, etc.

Installation of signaling devices entails a monetary penalty

Even special services can use privileges only after obtaining permission from the traffic police. Without permits, you will have to pay a fine for a special signal for a car and bear administrative or criminal liability. The penalties and requirements for the installation of special signaling devices are regulated by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, namely:

  • Part 1 of Article 12.4 - for the installation of blue and red lighting devices on the front of the vehicle, individuals will face a fine of 3,000 rubles, officials - 15,000-20,000 rubles, legal entities - 400,000-500,000 rubles;
  • Article 12.4 part 2 - a fine for fixing sound devices without permission will be 5,000 rubles for individuals, 20,000 rubles for officials and 500,000 rubles for legal entities.

Important! The given amounts of monetary penalties are valid at the time of 2018. You also need to remember that a fine for a flasher can also be issued if the vehicle simply stood in the garage and was not in use (that is, the signaling device was not used while driving).

The amount of penalties is defined in the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation

What other penalties are provided for by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation

Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation regulates the penalties for driving a vehicle with SGU installed on it, flashing lights and for their use while driving. You can't get away with a fine for using special signals. Measures to prevent the offense:

  • Part 3 - driving a vehicle with red light devices, retroreflective devices will be punished by deprivation of rights for a period of 6 to 12 months;
  • Part 4 - driving a car with devices for supplying special light / sound beacons without a permit is not allowed. The offense is punishable by deprivation of rights for a period of 12 to 18 months with confiscation of devices;
  • Part 5 - the use of special signaling devices during the movement of a car, the installation of which was carried out without permission, is punishable by deprivation of rights for a period of 1.5 to 2 years.

Features of paying a fine for special signals

Law enforcement officers can detect special signals by stopping the car in violation of traffic rules or in the parking lot. In the first case, a fine for using a flashing beacon will be issued on the spot and handed over to the offender, and in the second case, sent by mail. In both cases, it can be paid:

  • in any Russian bank (in person or via Internet banking);
  • at an ATM or terminal;
  • through the State Services portal (online payment);
  • on the website of the traffic police;
  • through electronic payment systems WebMoney, Yandex.Money, QIWI wallet.

Important! Through the Internet, it is easier and faster to pay an administrative fine for an SGU (loudspeaker signal device), installing flashing beacons, but you need to be careful when filling out the payment form, otherwise repayment will not occur, and funds will be withdrawn.

The punishment for the offense will follow immediately

How to pay a fine online

If a cracker was found on a car, the fine for it is quickly and simply paid through the Internet bank. You should act like this:

  • enter the "Personal Account" on the website of the bank where the account is opened or the card is received;
  • find the "Payments" section ("Payment for services", "Transfers and payments" - the option depends on the bank);
  • choose a service (payment of fines, duties, etc.);
  • fill out the proposed form (all data is in the receipt) and click "Continue";
  • confirm the operation;
  • wait for the SMS to arrive.

Important! If there is no receipt, then you can first use the search for a fine. When using a special signal for a car, the fine will be immediately entered into the State Information System on Payments. It won't be hard to find him.

New rules for paying traffic fines

The issued fine for SSU in 2018 must be paid within 60 days. The countdown begins from the moment the decision on the violation comes into force. These frameworks do not apply to the entire territory of Russia, and not only to Moscow and the region. According to Art. 20.25 part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, an untimely paid fine for a special signal will entail:

  • new fine;
  • civil arrest for 15 days;
  • Compulsory work for a period of 50 hours.

When paying funds within the first 20 days, the offender can count on a discount of up to 50%. Starting from 2015, payment is carried out without commission.

As you can see, the installation of devices for giving special sound or light signals entails a rather serious punishment, so it is better not to break the rules. Only in this case it will be possible to avoid unnecessary expenses, both financial and moral.

The signal of an ambulance, police or fire service, perhaps, cannot leave anyone indifferent. After all, such machines are not always, but often in a hurry to help someone. And what a surprise it is for us when, turning around and paying attention to such special signals, we find an ordinary car hiding in a stream of its own kind, but under the guise of a car of special services. As a rule, this is the installation of sound special signals. When unscrupulous drivers use a sound signal similar to the sound of the signal used on special services cars. You can’t immediately identify such machines, nothing seems to give out the established signals. That is, before the use of special signals, such a car is almost impossible to distinguish from others. After all, the signals are hidden somewhere under the hood or behind the grille. In fact, the illegal, unauthorized use of signals from special services is an offense that is punishable in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

The same offense is the use of stethographic bands of special services and even a taxi sign and checkers on board your car without proper documents. It is about what kind of fine threatens for unauthorized special signals (sound, light, stripes, checkers, taxi lights) that we will talk in this article.

What article regulates the fine for the unauthorized installation of special signals: a taxi lamp, reflective bands of special services, taxi checkers, sound signals

Such an offense is regulated by Article 12.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation "Violation of the rules for installing devices on a vehicle for supplying special light or sound signals or illegal application of special color schemes for emergency vehicles, a color scheme for a passenger taxi or illegal installation of an identification lamp for a passenger taxi." This article in part 1 prescribes a fine for installing lighting devices on the car with the wrong light or in the wrong place. Let's say if you put xenon, which should not be on the car.
But in parts 2 and 3 of the same article 12.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, just the options that interest us are prescribed, namely fines for the unauthorized installation of special signals: a taxi lamp, reflective bands of special services, taxi checkers, sound signals.
I must say that Article 12.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation does not provide for liability for driving a car with such signals. In fact, this is the second action, that is, another offense. Machine control with special signals, etc. already qualifies as a violation under Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Now let's deal with all this according to the chronology given here of mentioning each of the articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Penalty for installing special signals (taxi lamp, sound and light signals of special services) and reflective stripes and taxi symbols on the sides of the car

So, let's finally talk in detail what awaits the driver in the case when special signals are installed on his car, no matter what (sound or light) or special services bands are pasted on the sides. Also in case he installed a taxi lantern to attract potential customers without permits or pasted a taxi checkered strip.
Such an offense, as we have already mentioned, will be punished under article 12.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, parts 2 and 3 ...

2. Installation on a vehicle without an appropriate permit of devices for supplying special light or sound signals (with the exception of a burglar alarm) or illegal installation on a vehicle of an identification lamp for a passenger taxi or an identification sign "Disabled",
- entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of 5,000 rubles with confiscation of the subject of the administrative offence; for officials responsible for the operation of vehicles - 20,000 rubles with confiscation of the subject of an administrative offense; for legal entities - 500,000 rubles with confiscation of the subject of the administrative offense.
3. Illegal application on the outer surfaces of the vehicle of special color schemes of vehicles of operational services or a color scheme of a passenger taxi
- entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of 5,000 rubles; for officials responsible for the operation of vehicles - 20,000 rubles; for legal entities - 500,000 rubles.

Here it is necessary to clarify a few points that logically follow from the article itself, but still ...

First, special signals, no matter sound or light, are confiscated. That is, they will remove it from the car and take it away, and it does not matter that it was once the property of the violating driver. Secondly, and perhaps more significantly, the article provides for responsibility for INSTALLING special signals, etc., and not for driving a car with them. This means that even if there are such signals on the car and the driver did not drive further than his garage, then such an action already provides for liability.
However, we are also interested in the option when special signals and others like them are not only installed, but the driver drives the car with them. More on this...

Fine for driving a car with special signals (taxi lamp, sound and light signal of special services signals) and reflective stripes and taxi symbols on the sides of the car

Let's go in order. Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation describes cases of driving a vehicle with special signals, as well as cases of using such special signals, and driving a vehicle with illegal color schemes (stripes, checkers) on the sides of the car. Here is what is written in the article starting from part 4.

4. Driving a vehicle on which devices for giving special light or sound signals (with the exception of burglar alarms) are installed without an appropriate permit - entails deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of one to one and a half years with confiscation of these devices.
4.1. Driving a vehicle on which an identification lamp of a passenger taxi or an identification sign "Disabled" is illegally installed,
- entails the imposition of an administrative fine on the driver in the amount of 5,000 rubles with confiscation of the subject of the administrative offence.
5. The use of devices for giving special light or sound signals (with the exception of burglar alarms) installed without an appropriate permit while the vehicle is moving,
- entails deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of one and a half to two years with confiscation of these devices.
6. Driving a vehicle, on the outer surfaces of which special color schemes of vehicles of operational services are illegally applied,
- entails deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of one to one and a half years.
7. Driving a vehicle on which the color scheme of a passenger taxi is illegally applied,
- entails the imposition of an administrative fine on the driver in the amount of 5000 rubles.

Let's summarize. If it concerns driving a vehicle with illegally applied taxi lanes (checkers), or with a taxi lamp, then in this case a fine of 5,000 rubles is threatened. If the driver drove a car with illegally installed signals, used them while driving, or drove a car on which stripes of special services were illegally applied, then this is deprivation of a driver's license up to 1.5 years, with confiscation of all illegal special means.

Is it possible to avoid a fine or get a discount on it, for installing special signals, etc. or for driving a vehicle with them

If you carefully read our article before, then even without our explanations you realize that installing special signals and managing them is a serious offense. To put it more briefly, it will not work to avoid a fine, if it is provided for. Articles 12.4 and 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation do not provide for warnings.
However, any of these articles provides for the possibility of paying a fine at a 50 percent discount, that is, half the fine. This is provided for in accordance with Article 32.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, and we have considered it in more detail in the article "How to pay a fine with a 50 percent discount".
There is only one thing left to say. If the responsibility does not provide for a fine, but only the deprivation of a driver's license, then, accordingly, the proposal to get off with a fine, as a possible alternative, will not work here!

Question - answer on the topic "Penalty for illegal installation of special signals and deprivation of rights for driving with them"

Question: Can a fine be issued for installing special signals, drawing stripes, taxi checkers, without driving a car?
Answer: Yes, even if the driver does not leave the garage anywhere, a fine of 5,000 rubles is provided for individuals.

Question: What is the penalty for driving a car with special signals or taxi identification marks?
Answer: If this is a control with special signals, then this is a deprivation of rights up to 1.5 years. If there are signs of a taxi, then a fine of 5,000 rubles.

Question: Can they issue a fine (s) and deprive of rights when installing special signals and when driving a car with them?
Answer: Yes, in fact, these are different actions, which means they can issue a fine for installation, and then also deprive you of your driving license.

Russian drivers sometimes encounter on the roads such a phenomenon as installing special signals not on a special service car, but on an ordinary car. Who can set such signals, and who violates traffic rules in this way, is described in detail in the article.

Who is allowed to set special signals What is the penalty for special signals Signals of the first type Signals of the second type Signals of the third type Is it possible to avoid punishment var index=document.getElementsByClassName ("index-post"); if (contents.length>0) (contents=contents ; if (localStorage.getItem ("hide-contents") === "1") (contents.className+=" hide-text")))

Who is allowed to set special signals

There are 2 types of special signals that vehicles (TS) are equipped with - light and sound. A light device or a flashing beacon, a flasher is required to give a signal with a light of a certain color, with a certain frequency and duration. So, special services vehicles are equipped with blue and red flashing lights, yellow or orange - vehicles transporting unsafe cargo, children, or serving the road, white - collection and postal services.

Did you know? The first rules for driving on the roads were developed by Julius Caesar and introduced in ancient Rome. In particular, they included categories of vehicles and a ban on women driving chariots.

Flashing beacons are stationary and removable. The light device can be supplemented by a signal loudspeaker - SGU, or in the popular "quack". This is a system that can give loud alerts while driving. With it, the driver of a special vehicle can convey information or a request to stop to other drivers. The alarm device is not standard. It is mounted on the machine additionally. Light fixtures should be installed on or above the roof. If this is not possible, then they should be clearly visible to all road users.

The legislation contains a certain list of services and persons entitled to equip vehicles with special signals. The installation rules are regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 548 of July 30, 2007 and Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 14 of January 22, 2019. According to the latest document, the use of special signals in Russia is allowed for 569 cars. Permission to install flashing lights and sound devices with the obligatory addition on the body of special inscriptions, color schemes have cars of the fire service, police, ambulance, emergency service, military automobile inspection, investigative authorities, drug control services, which are used to protect health or save people's lives.

Important! For violation of the requirement to pass vehicles with blue or red beacons and a sound device turned on, they face a fine of 2.5 thousand rubles. or deprivation of a driver's license for 1-3 months.

Vehicles with built-in and switched on special signals, in accordance with paragraph 3 of the SDA, have a number of advantages when moving, among which is the permission to ignore traffic lights, if this does not provoke a dangerous situation. Other road users are required to let pass the vehicle equipped with a red or blue flashing light. At the same time, for machines that have the right to an advantage, the body must also be pasted over with special color schemes, inscriptions and symbols.

Yellow beacons, according to clause 3.4. SDA, can put cars carrying out work on the roadway, carrying children, large or dangerous goods, accompanying columns of cyclists. There is no requirement to pass such transport. They turn on flashing lights only to draw the attention of other participants to the possibility of danger. A permit to equip yellow beacons is not required. White beacons, in accordance with clause 3.6. SDA, may include cash and postal services, but only in a situation where they are attacked. So they can report it to the police.

What is the penalty for special signals

A driver who has installed a device on his car that gives sound or light signals, and does not have the right to do so, violates the law. Responsibility for violation is provided for in Art. 12.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. A driver driving a vehicle illegally equipped with a flasher or siren is punished under Art. 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. Thus, there are different responsibilities for equipping special signals and driving vehicles equipped with such devices.

Checking and paying fines through the portal "Gosuslugi"

Checking for fines on the registration certificate in the Russian Federation Deprivation of a driver's license by video recording

Video camera fine

Signals of the first type

Signals of the first type - blue / red - can be equipped with a car only after receiving the appropriate permit from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. For illegal installation of special signals that emit blue and red light and make a sound, a fine of 5 thousand rubles is prescribed. In addition to the fine, the administrative code provides for the confiscation of appliances as a punishment. If the special signals were mounted on the car by an official, then he may be fined 20 thousand rubles, legal - 500 thousand. At the same time, the flasher and SSU are also subject to seizure.

Driving a vehicle illegally equipped with light and loud-speaking devices is punishable by deprivation of a driver's license for 12-18 months with the removal of devices. Illegal use of beacons and DGS while driving leads to the suspension of the driver's license for 18-24 months and these devices. Measures are also provided for the use of a stroboscope, regardless of what color it transmits and where it is placed - on the body or in the cabin. In part 1 of Art. 12.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses states that the driver who installed such a device will have to pay 3 thousand rubles.

Signals of the second type

The use of yellow beacons is not a violation and is not punishable by law. A driver who uses signals of the second type when driving will be brought to punishment only in a situation if he violates traffic rules. Its type and size will depend on which rule the driver of the vehicle violated.

Important! If the driver of the car did not turn on the yellow beacon at the time of road work, transportation of large or unsafe goods, escort of a bicycle column, he faces a warning or a fine of 500 rubles. (Article 12.20 of the Code of Administrative Offenses). Failure to turn on the yellow signal when transporting children is punishable by a fine of 3 thousand rubles. (part 4 of article 12.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses).

Signals of the third type

Permission is not required for the installation of white beacons. They can be equipped with cars of the Russian Post, cars of collectors and vehicles transporting valuable cargo. There is no point in installing such devices for ordinary motorists, since they do not provide any advantages, but, on the contrary, attract the attention of the police. The law does not provide for punishment for the installation of white beacons.

Is it possible to avoid punishment

Illegal installation of special signals is a serious offence. This is evidenced, in particular, by the fact that the government and the President pay increased attention to it, regulating this issue by resolutions and decrees, therefore, it is impossible to justify a driver who has installed and moves in a car with a flashing light or SGU, but does not have the right to do so. Such a person will not be able to avoid a fine or confiscation of rights. The only circumstance that can mitigate the punishment is Art. 32.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, which provides that if the penalty amount is paid within 20 days from the day the decision was issued, then the driver can pay only 50%.

So, it is forbidden to mount and use special signals without having the right to do so. Punishment will follow for the misuse of blue and red flashing lights and loudspeakers. Sanctions have been established not only for driving a car with signaling devices, but also for installing such devices. How much you have to pay for a violation depends on whether the driver is an ordinary citizen or an official, and whether the car belongs to a legal entity.