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What does your driving style say about you? Driving styles of motorists What kind of driving style.

Driving style and car. Is there a connection between these components of the movement? A certain “provocative” factor really exists, and it cannot be discounted. But the correspondence between a car and its driving style is not trivial.

For example, a convertible (roadster) provokes a “sporty style”, an Audi A6 is rather a kind of “middle”, and a Mercedes CL, although it is a coupe, does not at all force you to switch to a fast pace. With SUVs, everything is more clear - you can generally move there, “like on rails”. And all these styles can be demonstrated by the same driver.

What is "sporty driving style"?

This concept is uniquely defined. "Sports style" includes only a few components:

Fast acceleration at every opportunity;

No less fast sharp braking;

Any turn will be completed without slowing down.

This driving style is common among a certain category of motorists, mostly young. So you can drive a Porsche or a Jaguar, but not a VAZ classic (which looks a little ridiculous).

There is also a direct opposite to this style: it is called “on rails”. Some cars (for example, GAZ-24) in modern conditions can move safely when driven in a similar manner. At a time when some cars were being designed, traffic with such intensity as it is now could not even be imagined.

Driving style dictates the road

Once in a fairly fast and dense stream on a road with several lanes, you will have to drive in the style that is customary for most. True, there is a choice - to let everyone go forward. But this choice is not the best (and not the safest). So, the best driving style is not to get out of the flow, taking an example from others. Which allows the GAZ-24 (although there will be a problem in fuel consumption).

How you can drive a car, and how not - is determined by the situation on the road. And the car itself, having an individuality no less than its owner, can only slightly impose its style on the driver. The main thing is that this style is appropriate for the situation.

We are trying to determine his character in the manner of carrying on a conversation.

However, a lot about a person can be told by how he sits behind the wheel and drives a car.

Pay attention to how people behave while driving and how they hold the steering wheel.

Take a look at the images, recognize yourself, your friends or acquaintances in them, and find out what this or that driving position means.

Naturally, there are no identical people, so you should not take this test too seriously, it is more of a joke, but everyone knows that even in a joke you can find some truth.

Take a look at these images, choose the style of driving that suits you best and learn more about your character.

What driving style

Driver character


You like to do everything by the rules and you try to make others obey the rules. You pay attention to details. Perhaps this trait of your character helps you achieve success in life. Other than that, you are quite a calm person.

You clearly know what you want and strive for it. Arguments are not for you, but you will always be able to defend your point of view. At work and in friendships, some people look up to you and draw on your useful qualities.


You don't take many things too seriously, and you take many situations lightly. Sometimes it seems like you don't care at all. In difficult situations, you exude confidence, but at the same time show indifference. Every day is like a day off for you. Friends turn to you when they want to have a good time.


You are trying to make your life as easy as possible. You do not surround yourself with little-known acquaintances, but prefer real friends. For you, "better less is more" than vice versa. In clothes, you try to choose not too bright colors, most likely, put on something black. But just because you like simple things doesn't mean that you are a simple and boring person yourself. Many people like your simple approach to life and style in clothes.


You like to take risks and want to make the most of every moment of life. If you have not tried something, you will definitely want to try it, for example, bungee jumping, skydiving or skydiving. When it comes to love, you are not afraid to plunge into it with your head. Beloved people respect you for recklessness and the desire to live to the fullest.


You are a born leader and are able to take the situation under your clear control. People may turn to you for advice, they trust you more because of your confidence and your abilities. You have few real friends, but pseudo-friends are more than enough, so you should be more careful who you trust. In work, you show your leadership talent, while in love it is not easy for you to find that half that will complement you. However, when you find it, you are convinced that the long search was not in vain.


People like you. You can cheer up your friends and family members well. When others achieve success, you sincerely rejoice for them and do not hesitate to support and praise them. You know how to listen, which attracts friends to you, thirsty for advice. You are not always ready to take the bull by the horns; sometimes you are even glad when someone else takes on leadership responsibilities. You prefer to spend time enjoying life while staying positive.


You are, so to speak, "Switzerland" among your friends and family members. You do not like to argue, as conflicts make you feel uncomfortable. If you raise your voice, you will surprise your loved ones a lot, who will understand your seriousness. You do not tolerate enmity between others, and try to reconcile people in order to come to a successful solution.

  1. Lazy person
    You are trying to simplify your life as much as possible - no complicated ways and worries. These people are also called minimalists. And also you throw out everything superfluous from your life - this applies to both things and people.

    You prefer not quantity, but quality. You communicate with several people, but at the same time you are sure of their sincerity. But this does not mean at all that your life is devoid of bright colors. On the contrary, such a simple approach to life is understood by others and always gives you fun.

  2. merry fellow
    You are an optimist, and there are simply no black bars in your life, or rather, in your mind. You always come up with crazy ideas and can turn any tragic situation into a comedy. You are a welcome guest in any company, your charisma and artistry attract people like a magnet. Everyone adore your wit and at the same time beware of it.

  3. pacified man
    Your calmness is to be envied. Your life is quite monotonous, you know what you want and go for it without wasting time on unnecessary emotions, people and things. You practically do not swear and do not argue, but on any occasion you have your own opinion. Also, you do not tolerate scandals between loved ones and do not just turn a blind eye to them, but help solve problems.

  4. excellent student
    You strive to do everything exemplary, without mistakes and better than others. You pay special attention to details and are of the opinion that if you really do something, then only good. You can safely be called a perfectionist. You strive for perfection in everything. Success accompanies you, and many envy him.

  5. alarmist
    You panic in any incomprehensible situation. Feelings of fear and insecurity often haunt you. You can return home several times to make sure that you have turned off the TV, iron, water. You are very responsive and good-natured, and you have such a rare quality as compassion. Your life knows no risk, you trust only trusted people. But when you feel confident and protected, then the merry fellow is still the same.

  6. Adventurer
    You cannot imagine your life without exciting adventures. Boredom seems to you an unbearable torture, so you love to take risks and get into funny situations. You love extreme sports and prefer to live to the fullest. Relatives do not share your hobbies, as they are often deadly. If you see a crocodile, you will take a selfie, kissing him on the nose, and if you fall in love, you will surrender to the feeling completely.

  7. Boss
    You love to lead people and give orders, you easily lead people behind you and you have the necessary determination and organizational skills. You are confident and love to be praised for your accomplishments. But at the same time, it is quite difficult for you to get along with people, because you strive to command and do not tolerate giving in.

  8. strong shoulder
    Your friends adore you. You are a support for any loved one, be it a wife or a comrade. You know how to support in difficult times and always rejoice in the achievements of others. You have clarity of mind and can always give useful advice. And you also accept life as it is, and you don’t strive to be a leader, but you don’t let yourself be offended either.

  9. big bump
    You exude confidence and serenity. You are used to taking only the best from life and getting what you want. Many people around you even think that you do not care about everything, but their opinion does not interest you. Every day of your life is a real holiday. You have a lot of fake friends who love to have fun in your company.

  10. strong-willed man
    You know what you want from life and you can't be stopped. On your way, you do not notice obstacles and always go ahead. Everyone around admires your perseverance and determination. You easily reject people who are no longer of interest to you, and easily make useful acquaintances.

Approximately the concept of driving style can be defined as a set of techniques, signs and characteristic actions of the driver when driving. Driving style is made up of experience, temperament, driver mood and vehicle condition. What is your style?

Does driving style depend on mood?

Yes, it depends. The mood of a person is the consequences of his state of health, the state in the physiological and psychological sense. A sleepy, irritated person in the morning behaves accordingly, therefore, he will drive the car just as nervously, irritably and inattentively. The more active the temperament, the more it affects the behavior, which is manifested in the style, manner of driving.

For your own safety, it is good to learn to leave the mood outside the car so that it does not affect the character of the movement.

Professional or amateur?

Driving style depends on the driver's experience and habit of being behind the wheel for a specific purpose. A professional driver behaves rationally on the road, because he earns money. He is not up to status, impressions, adrenaline. Often he is dismissive of amateurs - in his eyes this is a road evil, inevitable, like pits or hatches.

Amateurs do not always understand professionals with their habit of getting into the narrowest places, not accelerating and not braking sharply, never making unnecessary movements. A professional feels the dimensions of the car like his shoulders, so sometimes he crawls where an amateur will not go. Vast experience and a rational attitude to movement can irritate others: “Can’t it be faster ?!” - but there is a traffic light ahead, every second of which is known to the driver of the minibus. You can't get past it faster.

Classic, sport or aggression?

The safest for an amateur is the classic driving style. Leisurely smooth acceleration, high-speed mode, which allows you to confidently stay in the turn, the reasonable use of the brakes, the absence of unnecessary maneuvers and following the rules - all these details bring the classic style closer to the professional one. The most experienced masters drive almost classically, they are distinguished on the road only by a high average speed. The car of the master moves evenly, but at a good pace, which is felt by the results - he arrives on time and safely.

A professional and master of driving is calm about standing at traffic lights and in traffic jams. His car does not twitch in front of the marking line, does not roar the engine and does not frighten pedestrians. Why is this? we'll still get there...

The style that is called sports is most distinguished by aggression that is not related to sports. A lot of unnecessary movements and the desire to impress are the main signs of such a manner. This type of driver is usually dismissive, because he considers everyone around him to be just random obstacles in his bright path. An inexperienced but ambitious driver who considers himself an athlete is extremely dangerous with unpredictability in his decisions. He can easily take everyone standing at the traffic lights for rivals in his personal race and arrange a spectacular start, celebrating the victory.

Masters of sports driving drive very fast, but their every step is calculated to the smallest detail, so they are completely safe on the road.

The arrogant style of “golden” drivers is very close to aggressive, believing that their very appearance on the road is the basis for great respect, therefore ignoring even obvious dangers and simple logic.

Beyond all styles

Summer drivers and beginners are special categories. The first ones go extremely calmly, not at all caring about being in time somewhere. Getting to the dacha and calmly returning is their main task, but this category can create a danger on the road with a lack of experience and strict adherence to the rules, often without taking into account the real situation.

Throwing beginners do not need comments - we all went through this state.

Test yourself for aggressive driving:

17 / 3.7

In my youth, I dated guys whose names among friends were synonymous with speed. We flew around the city, overtaking everyone and everything, aggressively changing lanes, hitting the brakes at traffic lights. I really liked it, I was sure that it was necessary to drive the car that way. Time passed, I began to like a different style of driving and other men.

I realized that the approach to driving a car, like handwriting, can even say about a person what he would prefer to hide. Character traits, attitude to life, fears, doubts. Of course, any driver can change his behavior on the road from time to time, adjusting to weather conditions, the situation on the road, his mood, but most of the time he will drive his horse the way he feels, and therefore the way he lives.

Psychology is a sophisticated lady and does not like broad strokes, but if you are just looking at someone and want to know more about him, then my advice is: take a ride with him in a car, and we will tell you what to look for during an autotrip.


In his free time, he reads Carnegie and follows his advice in everything.

Such drivers are very diligent and thoughtful. They do not accelerate above 80 km / h and do not forget about the turn signals, even if there is no one to show them to. Ride smoothly, quietly and boringly. Never, you hear, they never park where it is impossible or where they can interfere with someone at least a little, and also where the car will simply stand ugly. How they manage to do this today, I don't know. Perhaps this magical ability is given out along with the ability to keep the foot on the pedal in the region of the norm. They always carefully monitor the car, it is clean, well-groomed, superbly serviced and stands in a warm parking lot.

In life, such car owners can hold high positions, have their own business, a good stable income and expensive exquisite hobbies. They are responsible, cloyingly intelligent and righteous. Oh, how righteous! So it seems at first glance and so they know the majority. With a bit more luck, you might be able to see them for real when one day you disagree with their opinion with a strong argument. You just let the genie out of the bottle. I recommend to try. Everything that has been hidden behind the mask of piety for so long is now open to you. God forbid, you will also break the indicated rules, they are for them, like a sacred cow for the inhabitants of India ... Do you remember that they do not break on the road? So in life they also do not violate and do not allow others. For example, instead of working on an evening project together, you decide to have a fun evening with friends. You do not have a deadline, you can easily do everything in the morning, but by setting priorities in this way, you simply risk breaking the robot and releasing the genie again. I really do not advise you to quarrel with such people, they are vengeful, bilious, demanding of people and expect only ideal and correct actions from them.


He loves expensive toys and himself - himself more than anything else.

On the road, these guys firmly assert themselves. This is not about those who just sometimes like to drive at good speed and enjoy the sound of the engine, but about those who are trying to prove something on the road. Therefore, if another scorcher cut you off, just forgive him for it. Most likely, he has nowhere else to prove his superiority, to be more precise, the level of development of volitional qualities is not high enough to be recognized in ordinary life. They do not hold high positions, are not responsible for employees, business, and perhaps even family. On the road they are, of course, winners. Aggressive, confident, fast, sharp and sexy as hell. These are the guys who rush past you in high-speed cars, manipulating the flow as they please. They hate to be treated the same way and can get out of the car for a serious conversation.

With their driving style, car cost and high speed, they shout to the world about their importance, coolness and loneliness. Believe me, in fact, they are deeply lonely and unhappy. You can be friends with them and not know it. They are quite closed in personal terms, showing only what they want to show. Unlike the righteous, they often break the rules not only on the road, but also in life. We can say that they live by breaking the rules. They can be responsible if they really want to, or rather, when they press. But don't be fooled, it's only temporary. They will always be the players who are given the red card. Such a driving style, such a lifestyle.


Always rushes to the club when he drinks a lot

Cautious, slow, a little careless, sometimes frightened by the sound of their own turn signal. Most will think that it is only about girls or beginners. But no, we are talking about an established style of driving a car and a certain type of character. And let's not be sexist. This type of driver will loom in front of you at a speed of 40 km / h, perhaps preventing you from overtaking, but not with malicious intent. They are simply unsure of their maneuvers and intentions. They do not always understand what is happening and what they need to do, while you are frantically signaling them, hinting in no uncertain terms about their mental abilities. Such drivers may turn on the turn signal and not turn, or vice versa.

"But what about in life?" - you ask. It's simple: family, work and eternal self-doubt. With a close acquaintance, you will see a person who works at an unloved job, does not strive for career growth or a change in the field of activity. Perhaps he himself does not know what he would really like to do, he can rush about in opposite areas, dreamily sorting out. They are dreamy and romantic in everything, they want fairy tales to just happen, and they did not have to try hard for this. You will not believe it, but such drivers have a direct connection with reckless aggressors, and there are the same problems with responsibility. The only difference is that they do not want to take it upon themselves, and these are simply afraid, so they do not even try.


Has quivering feelings for the Korean auto industry

It doesn’t stand out in the stream, it doesn’t prove anything, if it violates traffic rules, then it’s on trifles. The passenger is not fastened or the frame from the number has burst, he took off the number, and then the traffic police. Such drivers usually drive at the speed of the flow, they can, if necessary, press the gas, but rather, for a warm-up - in a couple of minutes they will return to the average rhythm and merge with everyone. They are quite tolerant on the road, they can grumble at reckless drivers, but they will not chase them. The car is considered solely as a means of transportation. Therefore, they do without tenderness in the form of stylish discs or amplifying music in the cabin.

In life, you do not have to solve them like a complex riddle. They have an even, calm character, they are simple and understandable in their actions. Usually they do not seek big job or career changes. Do not experience problems with responsibility or self-confidence. They do not overestimate their capabilities, being content with what they have. They know everything about themselves, accept and just live.


Likes to give expensive gifts to loved ones, thinks about the eternal

You will notice them, you will definitely notice them. They attract attention, attention, hope. They love speed, but they don’t show it everywhere, but on a country road you will see the full power of their engines. In the city, with a free road, they will also slip forward, they will do it easily, without cutting, without aggression. Attentive, kind and tactful. Traffic cops stop such people infrequently, they do not catch law enforcement officers. Serious accidents usually do not have such drivers either. They try not to violate and want others to behave correctly too. At the same time, they can jokingly chase you, as they usually drive a good, high-speed, above-average class car. But if the race is even a little unsafe, they will immediately abandon this idea and the next minute they will not even remember. They like to listen to music in the car, creating a separate world for themselves. They float around the metropolis to the sounds of their universe, which is inside their road ship, only sometimes they turn their eyes to neighboring cars, thinking about their own, being far away. Their main principle on the road is the same as in life - to really be kind and decent. They are one of those who always thank "emergency gang", they are pleased to give a good mood, they just like to do it.

In life, such drivers do what they love and become successful in their field by middle age. Usually they have everything they need, that is, exactly that, nothing else. That family, that job, that car. They like to give generous gifts and do not save much. In life, they create their own magical world around them, just like in their favorite car, when they drive to their favorite music, dissolving in it. In this world, everything is a little unusual. At the same time, they are incredible workaholics, attentive and caring family men, albeit very jealous. They just know about their exclusivity and want to completely own the attention of the object that they have chosen as their partner. You will rarely meet such reliable people. Strong, strong-willed and, of course, demanding. Next to them, too, will have to be unique, otherwise they do not know how.