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Driving style reflects personality. How does the driving style of a car affect its condition?

In the 20th century, the automobile became an integral part of the everyday life of a large number of people. The culture of the behavior of drivers and their emotional state has become the subject of study by psychologists. In 1985 Dr. Leon James, professor of psychology at the University of Hawaii, first used the term "psychology of driving". James writes that drivers can exhibit three levels of emotional intelligence: oppositional driving (aggressive driving, suggesting a habit of road rage), defensive driving (a tendency to be on the alert, a habit of assuming the worst), and favorable driving (tolerance and indulgence).

How does this relate to personality traits?

Argentine scientists Fernando Pu and Ruben Daniel Ledesma conducted a study on the relationship between personality and driving styles. They looked at five personality traits (thrill-seeking, aggression, neuroticism, activity, sociability) as well as four driving styles (risk-taking, aggressive, anxious, and cautious). It turned out that people who consider themselves aggressive and thirsty for thrills most often choose a risky or aggressive driving style. Neurotic drivers often exhibit an anxious driving style. But the connection of such character traits as activity and sociability with any driving style was not found.

Scientists from the Bar-Ilan University in Israel published a study in 2011 called Driving Styles and Their Associations with Personality and Motivation. The survey involved 320 drivers (150 men and 170 women). It turned out that driving styles are associated not only with personality traits, but also with socio-demographic ones. In particular, reckless and aggressive driving styles are used more frequently by men than women. Also, corresponding driving behavior, according to the survey, is demonstrated by younger drivers who are open to seeking thrills and have lower levels of conscience and conscientiousness.

Anxious driving style is more characteristic of women than men. In general, such drivers note the presence of a high level of neuroticism. The survey showed that people who use an anxious style perceive driving as a big risk to life and an annoyance.

Cautious driving style was most often noted by women. Often it is associated with such driver qualities as conscientiousness and openness, as well as a low desire for thrill. Respondents who use a careful driving style noted that they tend to enjoy the process of driving (especially among young drivers).

6 types on the road

AiF.ru also spoke about the relationship between personality traits and driving behavior psychologist, transactional analyst Stanislav Shishkanov. For analysis, he used a personality classification called the Process Communication Model. It includes 6 personality types:

— First type — doer. This is a person whose key needs are activity, some kind of movement, incentives and recognition of his significance. Accordingly, such a person will choose a fashionable car. On the roads, he makes sharp turns and disregards the rules and the convenience of other road users. The doer will never take responsibility, if something goes wrong on the road, others will always be to blame. He is very quick-tempered, swears, even ready to lure physical force.

The second type is logician, a person for whom certainty and rules are important. He will buy a car that is rational, for example economical, or well suited to the task for which he is buying it. He is careful and follows the rules. In a difficult situation, the logician will defend himself, blaming others for not following the rules.

The next personality type is persistent. Values, beliefs, recognition of his contribution and his opinion are important to him. Such a person will choose a car in retro style. He is quite careful, attentive on the road. Stubborn will not break the rules, as it is not safe. In a difficult situation, he will blame others and strongly insist on being right, this moment is fundamental for him.

soulful- a person for whom feelings, sensations, comfort, positive recognition of his personality are important. It is physically comfortable in his car, nothing should be distracting. The soulful one will always give way on the road, he can be cut 10 times, he will endure everything. He doesn't break the rules and doesn't drive fast. In a conflict situation, the first will take the blame.

Dreamer- a person for whom his personal time and space are important. He may have a complicated relationship with the car. On the one hand, his car is his personal space, and on the other hand, it claims his time and resources. Therefore, such people do not like to drive very much. If the dreamer still starts the car, for him it will not be very important, paramount. In a difficult situation, he will take the blame.

The last personality type Rebel. His key need is to play. The car of this person should be cool, bright color. He can break the rules, but not as an actor, but for the game, because it's fun. If there is a conflict on the road, the rebel will relieve himself of responsibility and will blame others.

I have a question here. Are the character of a person and the way he drives a car connected? I often drive a car with my father, I don’t have my own car, and probably won’t be in the near future, but oh well. For a long time he drove a UAZ, which was shaking and throwing in all directions, which jumped on every pebble and where I always clung to everything that was possible so as not to fly around the cabin. "Well, okay, I thought, it's all the fault of the old car..." In the spring, he bought himself a new car, a suzuki grand vitara, and although the car was new, it was practically unrolled. It shakes me and my child, throws it like pinocchio from a well-known joke, then it presses on the gas, then it presses on the brake, horror, and we hang out like rags. The most interesting thing is that he has a huge driving experience, there are no accidents behind him. But he himself is a very quick-tempered person, a scorpion by the sign of the zodiac ... It seems that I ask him to drive more quietly, but it's useless.

I dug up another horoscope of Motorists, but I didn’t find anything similar =(

He can be recognized "by his gait" on the road. Everything is done quickly and very accurately. You always know when he will start a maneuver and when he will finish and then start the next one. Aries is good both in pair skating and in groups. But in dense slow streams he gets bored, and he becomes a "goat provocateur". Then - from him an eternal headache. All his positive qualities as a hand removes.

Aries is a creative person. If he sees that it’s hard for someone on the road and you did something wrong, he will forgive you and even help you get out of a difficult situation. He is not indifferent to the general problems of road safety, benevolent only to those who give themselves, completely to create comfort and safety on the road for everyone.

Aries has great willpower. This is one of the most attractive features. He does not pay attention to small conflicts, but he knows how to overcome large ones with success.

Aries, with their clear thinking, quite constructive, sometimes saves people from accidents even in a seemingly hopeless situation. Once I had to watch how Aries saved children from apparent death by substituting his car for a motorcycle with a sidecar that lost control.

Aries cannot even imagine that some dangerous accident on the road will happen to him. And it is transmitted somehow to other drivers. Apparently, there is road telepathy or a system of imitation of heroes.

Aries is the bearer of rather rigid principles, sometimes up to a certain stubbornness, which affects his professional inclinations behind the wheel. He often wants to make his image as a super driver himself and only by himself. He does this only in too free conditions with one or two cars on the road and knowing in advance about complete safety. This is a kind of selfish flirting - not because of a bad character, but because of the desire to get pleasure from traffic on the road.

Just don’t talk to me about a harmless calf, or about that sexless creature that, as the saying goes, “sucks two queens.” Having bothered to be born at the moment, overshadowed by the sign of a herbivore, does not at all resemble his image, which has long been associated with softness and, frankly, even with a certain narrow-mindedness. Because (to return to the proverb just quoted) the use of several udders at once is an act, although often useful, but disrespected by society. Genuine Taurus in the form of a driver does not do this .. At least according to our astrological observations.

Let's start with the bad, though. Everything always annoys him. I would like to quickly pass a single passing car, and a pedestrian frozen in the way, and a cow sticking out by the side of the road, and in the city - of course, the line at the traffic light, the traffic jam, the traffic police inspector and, in general, if it were possible, the flow of traffic itself. That's the kind of impatience.

Advantages, they say, are the reverse side of disadvantages. Knowing their weaknesses, Taurus is able to successfully deal with them. From the synthesis of temperament and patience, that desired phenomenon, which we call professionalism, can be formed. And then maneuvers that are not devoid of chic and speed, the ability to jump out of a dangerous cramped situation in time will make Taurus an enviable role model for many. Which, in fact, often happens in reality.

Taurus, as a rule, gets behind the wheel already well prepared and grasps the best skills from the first independent trips. By the way, from Taurus with experience, you can listen without offense and with benefit to any characteristic in relation to yourself (the driver, of course).

By the way, it is unusual for Taurus to take risks not because of his completely cowardice, but because of a healthy conservatism in relation to the standard set of maneuvers, methods for assessing situations.

Generally speaking, a lot can be said about Taurus. He is annoyed by the neighborhood of an untidy, unkempt car and by "stuck" who, without any reason, love to sit on their tail during a passing ride. Alone, sometimes abusing maneuvers using drift inertia. The lines between the positive and negative qualities of Taurus are so sharp that he probably needs to educate himself more so as not to remain morally alone among other drivers.

Taurus is a real highlight in traffic. Already his degree, non-fussiness, accuracy in handling the requirements of traffic rules give a hundred points ahead of any representative of the antipodes. Taurus love pastel colors in car paint, they will never “offend” their car with crappy care.

This is a rather peculiar road user. He is ready to ride like all the best drivers. But that's how his character works; fifty-fifty (50% to 50%). Either he is punctual on the road - he sees everything, keeps track of everything, even when this is not necessary; in another section, he withdraws into himself and does not notice anything at all what is happening on the road. Operates on some kind of autopilot, known only to him.

Even if you meet Gemini on the road every day and in opposite and passing directions, know that every day he is different - twofold. That's why he's a Gemini! You can recognize the Gemini driver by different levels of fussiness. Either a slightly noticeable fussiness, or a clear relief, protruding and noticeable to everyone. This is perceived by other associates on the road as interfering with normal driving. Watch, and after a short period you will determine the Gemini without errors.

If the Gemini driver suddenly appeared in a group of cars, expect changes immediately. Gemini is characterized by some bifurcation. A good mind, insight, good character, talent and giftedness of nature make it possible to be safe on the road of life. But these same qualities in traffic do not allow Gemini to find a leader in the stream from whom to learn. But if this appears, an atmosphere of safety, trust and learning reigns on the road.

Gemini has a character trait that is very necessary on the road - to keep the presence of mind in stressful situations and make the right decisions.

The fussiness of Gemini can be very useful when you need to make lightning-fast decisions and execute these decisions just as quickly.

If the Gemini driver rides in a convoy and the ride gives him pleasure; then you can be calm for the safety of him and others. But if you push him to the opportunity to show the originality of being inherent in Gemini, he can “slide” to a dangerous non-standard, which is fueled and regulated by dishonest associates along the way and in life.

The Twin Driver does not withstand monotonous traffic. It causes him short-term attacks of rabies and the possibility of creating a nervous breakdown. It should be noted that Gemini drivers on the road require some guardianship in the form of traffic rules and traffic police officers for safety, or at best, the shout of a wife sitting next to him.

It is not so easy to recognize and notice the Cancer driver right away. In automobile1 flows of varying intensity, their maneuvers are quiet and inexpressive. But that is their good quality. They can leave the stream very softly and imperceptibly, as well as merge into it, without violating the mode of movement of any group of cars.

Cancer's driving style calls for a lived-in and cozy group of cars that oh? Cancer will never be uncomfortable.

The Cancer driver, even after making some mistake, does not like to admit his weaknesses when driving. If a traffic partner gets bored in traffic and cannot be got rid of in any way, he becomes capricious, irritable, rude.

Cancer has a great sense of humor, but on the road he forbids himself and others jokes and fun. He knows that the road does not forgive, especially hacks and loafers.

In summer, Cancer drivers should be especially careful on long journeys. Cancer long trips are sometimes not very helpful.

If you see a car that avoids bright packs and finds “solitude” among white or pale blue mastodons and babies on wheels, consider that the driver is Cancer in front of you.

Cancer represents traffic and the purpose of driving on the road not as the satisfaction of pride or some kind of vague chimeras and not for the sake of fame, but only in the name of their own well-being. Each flight should bring benefits, most often money.

Cancer, both in life and on the road, “doesn’t carry it to the spirit” when they cross or cross the road in the literal and figurative sense. A silent war begins until the intruder "climbs" onto a pole or curb. He does this with enthusiasm and mystical perseverance.

Cancer believes that the car and traffic allow him to increase his wealth, prestige, luxury and, of course, power.

But do not think that he is greedy, stingy, powerful on the road. He gladly shares his experience, shows others "do it", but only to those who are nice to him in the stream.

Cancer works very hard on the road to keep the traffic safe. He does not consider it shameful to do any work, any maneuvers, to follow unquestioningly any instructions of employees of administrative bodies and signs, so that everyone and he would be safe. But the Cancer driver, if something threatens him, his family, his family, will first of all create safe conditions for them, forgetting about the safety of others. Cancer driver should beware of gas stations, avoid traffic jams for more than 40 minutes.

The lion considers himself the main one on the road, and the rest should be modest and ensure his safety. Even when he is the root cause of a critical situation and the other members ensured his salvation.

In addition, he will say that he would make a car racing champion, since he has all the necessary data for this. In fact, they are not there or they are weak, but Leo does not want to develop them. He believes that everything is given to Leo by Mother Nature, and he is the Crown of nature - the King of motorists.

All the merits of the comfort and safety of the movement of others are appropriated by himself and, God forbid, someone will encroach on his lies.

A distinctive feature of Lviv is vanity, they adore, if not titles, then trinkets, overlays, curtains, antennas and much more.

The lion-driver on the road of life moves from one group of cars to another and tries to become a leader in order to only amuse his pride. And nothing more! It is impossible in this group - I will go to another.

It is not so difficult to recognize Virgo while driving a car. Both female and male Virgo drivers in traffic are at worst invisible, at best they, as it were, maternally or paternally do all kinds of services to everyone.

On the road Virgo-drivers are reliable, if there is no flow of cars of great intensity. Since Virgo is the keeper of the hearth (of course, there are exceptions that only confirm the rule), Virgo chooses a local group in the stream, and for some time a not very calm and happy “family car life” begins in one separately taken externally safe cell of the road movement.

Unlike other participants in the movement, Virgo-drivers are not two-faced, although they are recognized as such by narrow-minded people. This is because the Virgo driver's driving technique is completely incomprehensible, but reliable due to the fact that they work not for the public, but for safety.

Virgo drivers are especially modest on the road and often convince themselves that modern traffic is too tough for them, since they are not natural leaders in life and on the road.

Virgos rarely prevaricate and do it very reluctantly when sorting out conflicts, when communicating with traffic police officers. True, if Virgo considers herself right, then “this strong road”, and any seducers and seductresses will receive what they deserve, since her patron planet is Mercury. Virgos do not forgive others for mistakes on the road, inaccuracies, lazy, slow, sloppy, slow-witted, vulgar, frankly unceremonious.

The Virgo driver is also safe in that it detects false or deceptive maneuvers before they are carried out by one of the other road users.

Virgos require proper understanding and respect on the road, which they deserve, and then a soft, subtle, noble savior angel will appear on the road. They require courtesy, a courteous manner of communication. They give pleasure to traffic police officers with their disciplined ride.

The girls take care of the car. The body both outside and inside always shines like new. They spend a lot of time on this and will not put an unwashed car in the garage, no matter how tired they themselves are.

It is advisable not to drive in icy conditions, in fog, with heavy dew and “liquid chocolate” from clay on the road surface.

The driver under this sign on the road is always balancing, dreaming of finding a stable balance between driving comfort, pleasure from risky driving and traffic safety.

And this Libra-drivers succeeds very well due to the simultaneous combination of a very large activity of movement and calmness of thinking. Libra-drivers “lay out the developing” situations on the road on two plates, on one of which everything is good, and on the other - everything is bad.

Driving on the road in partnership with Libra drivers is a pleasure, provided that Libra has achieved harmony in the unity of mind and emotion. Scales are good on the road because they are "both yours and ours." They make it clear to everyone: “And you are right too!”

But the dangerous and frequent mistakes of Libra drivers suddenly appear if they have hidden discontent inside. If something irritates, upsets, upsets Libra-drivers, you will feel it on the road right away. Beware of these moments: Libra is out of balance.

Even the color scheme of the flow of cars, if it is “torn” and flashy, annoys Libra. Because of their vulnerability, Libra from discomfort on the road sometimes begins to hurt and age prematurely.

A useful quality of Libra for everyone on the road is their need to collect as much information as possible from everyone and everything before making a responsible decision: from other drivers, from signs, markings, traffic police officers, the road and many others. Libra is afraid of responsibility, and if something happens, they do not blame others, but find some excuse for themselves.

Libra-driver, as it were, was created to provide comfort, an atmosphere of calmness, the stability of good relationships, goodwill, beauty and harmony.

Scorpio wants to know everything and do everything very carefully, even when it is not required.

The philosophy of almost all Scorpios is: "Speak softly, but keep a stick behind your back." So it is behind the wheel - he drives calmly, and suddenly such an unexpected maneuver as a blow with a whip.

Scorpio has been trying all his driving life to learn (understand) the professional secrets of the skill and mistakes of road users. He sometimes gets so carried away by this that he himself becomes a participant in the incident.

Scorpio is his own coach and educator on the road. He believes in his abilities and strength that he can avoid an accident, since everything is in his hands and head. But if something happened and an error was his fault, he does not blame other road users for this.

The strength of Scorpio is that he determines the level of their danger, comfort, partnership by just a few maneuvers of other drivers on the road. He sees the skill level of each driver. Scorpio's gaze at the road situation, and he instantly determines the trajectory of its development.

Feeling Scorpio on the road, be careful. If you seem likeable to him, he will follow your movement and provide any possible assistance. If you seem unsympathetic to Scorpio, he will very skillfully get rid of you by any means, up to the most cruel ones, or at best he will move without noticing you, considering you an empty place. Scorpio is a brilliant tactician on the road. Under normal conditions, a calm and calm partner on the road, who rarely shows violent emotions.

If you show Scorpio any kind of respect on the road and he feels your goodwill, he will become your "guardian" for many kilometers. But do not try to outdo him, go around him clumsily or impudently, and even worse hurt his car. This can cause a lot of trouble, including the loss of your health.

On the road, Scorpio does not suffer from an inferiority complex and in any situation never considers that he is a pawn on the road, and the rest are queens and officers. He is equal to anyone on the road.

"Do not step on his tail" - he will definitely avenge this. He has many opportunities for this.

If Scorpio meets a clear “steering wheel favorite” - strong and tough, with pronounced characteristics of the “master of the road”, then he will respect him, but only until the moment when it becomes possible to take your trajectory. Scorpio, unlike some other drivers, is the master of his fate on the road.

A feature of the Scorpio driver is that sometimes his maneuvers on the road remain a mystery to many, although they do not interfere with anyone.

Sagittarius on the road is so diverse that it is difficult to recognize him immediately. He drives like a genius and sometimes like a fool.

Sagittarius on the road or Don Quixote, or rude rude. Either clumsy, like an elephant, or graceful, like a thoroughbred Horse.

Sagittarius is a traveler by nature. For him, 100 km of run is not a “hook” and not a distance. His friendliness, optimism, energy, contact, sociability are sometimes replaced by an unexpected outburst of bad mood towards everyone on the road and even to traffic police officers.

On the road and in life, Sagittarians love compliments and respond to gallantry with even greater gallantry. Sagittarius honestly determine the level of their qualifications. And they do it quite often.

Sagittarius-driver often does not make major mistakes on the road due to his pronounced intuition. The strategy and tactics of Sagittarius both at work and on the road are very reliable. But since the Sagittarius driver, relying on his qualities of insight, is often uncollected and inattentive, he gets into situations that cause cold sweat on the forehead and trembling in the body, and sometimes wadding in the arms, shoulders and legs. And only a sharp mind and an instant reaction of Sagittarius-driver allow him to avoid a large number of small "scars" on the car body. He knows how to cheerfully and accidentally spill coffee on the tablecloth.

Capricorn is difficult to recognize on the road. With it, you have to drive many kilometers to distinguish it from others. Outwardly, he is calm and calm, smooth, safe in almost any traffic situation. The motto of such a driver: "I rule on the road, not you."

But make some drastic maneuver or try to show monstrous inattention - and you will immediately recognize Capricorn. In such situations, be afraid of the traffic police-Capricorns. I don't envy you. I will feel sorry for you.

The Capricorn driver will try to solve any problem that arises in traffic calmly and imperceptibly. Which is very important. Capricorn sometimes saves people from accidents and possible tragic consequences at the very last moment, when everyone else closed their eyes in fear.

And yet it is possible to recognize the driver - Capricorn: it slows down proactively and only when necessary, moves off from the Stop line, does not flash before your eyes from one lane to another, does not burst into the intersection as a "pioneer" and before taking some that place, make sure that it will be free and that he will not interfere with anyone.

The Capricorn driver is very stable on the road and does not like to wag and change lanes.

Capricorns are very businesslike people. And in road traffic, their efficiency is aimed at creating a reliable situational reserve (like a boss's chair) for their own complacency, self-affirmation and behavior - as he wants within acceptable limits.

The Capricorn driver must beware of high speeds. From this, he quickly ages and "the roof can go."

Aquarius on the road can be recognized immediately. He does not like car crowding and tightness, but, ingeniously maintaining space both in front and behind, he manages not to embarrass others. According to the behavior of Aquarius, unless you "step" on his "heels", you can guess the danger. He begins to rebuild into the next row even when not all the front ones realize that a traffic jam begins after a hundred or two meters. If Aquarius instantly changes the trajectory of movement, immediately returning to its original place, it means that he has successfully passed another pit or pothole on the road.

In relation to you, Aquarius behaves kindly, because the spirit of mentoring is inherent in his character. Self-confidence makes him gentle with respect to clumsy pedestrians and even rude traffic police officers. Aquarius, as a rule, manages to live life without drinking a single drop of wine, not only "at the wheel", but also the day before the trip, although he does not like to read morality to others, differing in his breadth of views. At the same time, violators of unwritten driving rules can wait for a reproach from him. Aquarius is able, with some maneuver behind the wheel, to surprise the “letter-eater” driver, who understands the rules of traffic too strictly and does not know that it is possible to calculate the traffic situation for 4-6 “moves” ahead. However, he himself has a negative attitude towards colleagues who do not comply with traffic rules due to negligence or laziness. He especially does not like drivers who sluggishly perform maneuvers, while detaining Aquarius himself and the rest. According to Aquarius, this is "dishonest." Not out of malice, but for the sake of a lesson, he can slow down the movement of some “cool” intruder with such a maneuver that you can’t find fault with.

Aquarius likes to play the same situations on the road, finding minor differences in them and beating it in their decisions. This expresses his propensity for professionalism. Brain training helps him get out of such positions, after which they usually say about a person “born in a shirt.” Aquarius may not realize himself, but feel that on the road the smart one survives more often than just the fast one in the movements.

Most of all, Aquarius personally likes me because he is a real altruist behind the wheel and tries equally for himself and for others. It's a shame when others suspect either excessive haste or "show off" in this. Take a closer look at Aquarius, and you will understand that almost any of his actions while driving is expedient and helps the general order in movement.

If you were born under the sign of Aquarius, but do not notice these qualities in yourself, this does not mean that your horoscope is wrong. Most likely, you have some of these traits, while others were suppressed or undeveloped due to “wrong education”. Try to "let them loose" and become a real Aquarius.

One born under this sign has one eternal advantage; they will not say about him that he is neither fish nor meat. In addition to jokes, "fish" habits are characteristic of him. The Pisces driver, with his “fish bubble”, somehow earlier feels the beginning of a cramped situation on the road and tries to slip out of it before others ask about it. He has a mystical vision of the current situation and very subtly feels the intentions of others on a subconscious level. This sometimes manifests itself even in those Pisces that do not yet have much driving experience and have not reached normal professionalism. As a result, it seems to be already a traffic accident, but somehow it suddenly resolved.

The self-perception of the Pisces driver is belonging to the elite. And the group in which he moves, selects for himself according to this principle. And since he is afraid of the claims of other drivers to his place in the traffic flow, he chooses mainly Taurus and Capricorns as neighbors. They serve the Pisces as a kind of "body armor". Despite everything, the Pisces driver is often unlucky. The reason is that he is fond of playing life roles, and his memory is not aimed at remembering the surrounding realities. Knowing how to cope with road "tricks", they are often caught on a simple situational hook. Especially when the actions of others do not coincide with the scenario conceived by the director Fish. By the way, in scripts and other art. If you are a Pisces - a celebrity of sports, theater, cinema, stage, etc. - be especiallyware of colleagues born under your Zodiac sign, pay for driving frivolity with your life or at least health. You can check.

What does the Pisces driver like and dislike? There are those who cannot stand the neighborhood and the limited “space-aquarium”, but there are also those who feel normal in the “jamb”, Can not stand the traffic regimes associated with detours. He loves the radio or tape recorder in the car to the point that there are cases of skidding and overturning the car from inattention. The character is inconsistent. The Pisces driver has enough modesty not to climb out of his skin, say, in the struggle for the “privilege” to come first to the stop lines at the intersection. He is ambitious and quick-tempered, but he can force himself to be balanced. There is something in Fish that makes the traffic police pay attention to him. Maybe a tendency to suddenly suddenly change direction during a smooth ride, “wagging its tail”? I must say that some of our heroes resemble piranhas, because their car almost pokes into the bumpers and fenders of their neighbors, as if “gnawing” them. Sometimes it doesn't end well.

What should Pisces beware of because of their inclinations, habits and character? Without going into details, just please remember: T-junctions and Y-junctions. Fish-woman - driving at night, especially having "fry" in the car. For beginners behind the wheel - so that when braking, do not poke your nose into an obstacle. Note that side clearances are easier for you to determine than distances on sharp curves. So be careful not to steer too fast in corners.

In my youth, I dated guys whose names among friends were synonymous with speed. We flew around the city, overtaking everyone and everything, aggressively changing lanes, hitting the brakes at traffic lights. I really liked it, I was sure that it was necessary to drive the car that way. Time passed, I began to like a different style of driving and other men.

I realized that the approach to driving a car, like handwriting, can even say about a person what he would prefer to hide. Character traits, attitude to life, fears, doubts. Of course, any driver can change his behavior on the road from time to time, adjusting to weather conditions, the situation on the road, his mood, but most of the time he will drive his horse the way he feels, and therefore the way he lives.

Psychology is a sophisticated lady and does not like broad strokes, but if you are just looking at someone and want to know more about him, then my advice is: take a ride with him in a car, and we will tell you what to look for during an autotrip.


In his free time, he reads Carnegie and follows his advice in everything.

Such drivers are very diligent and thoughtful. They do not accelerate above 80 km / h and do not forget about the turn signals, even if there is no one to show them to. Ride smoothly, quietly and boringly. Never, you hear, they never park where it is impossible or where they can interfere with someone at least a little, and also where the car will simply stand ugly. How they manage to do this today, I don't know. Perhaps this magical ability is given out along with the ability to keep the foot on the pedal in the region of the norm. They always carefully monitor the car, it is clean, well-groomed, superbly serviced and stands in a warm parking lot.

In life, such car owners can hold high positions, have their own business, a good stable income and expensive exquisite hobbies. They are responsible, cloyingly intelligent and righteous. Oh, how righteous! So it seems at first glance and so they know the majority. With a bit more luck, you might be able to see them for real when one day you disagree with their opinion with a strong argument. You just let the genie out of the bottle. I recommend to try. Everything that has been hidden behind the mask of piety for so long is now open to you. God forbid, you will also break the indicated rules, they are for them, like a sacred cow for the inhabitants of India ... Do you remember that they do not break on the road? So in life they also do not violate and do not allow others. For example, instead of working on an evening project together, you decide to have a fun evening with friends. You do not have a deadline, you can easily do everything in the morning, but by setting priorities in this way, you simply risk breaking the robot and releasing the genie again. I really do not advise you to quarrel with such people, they are vengeful, bilious, demanding of people and expect only ideal and correct actions from them.


He loves expensive toys and himself - himself more than anything else.

On the road, these guys firmly assert themselves. This is not about those who just sometimes like to drive at good speed and enjoy the sound of the engine, but about those who are trying to prove something on the road. Therefore, if another scorcher cut you off, just forgive him for it. Most likely, he has nowhere else to prove his superiority, to be more precise, the level of development of volitional qualities is not high enough to be recognized in ordinary life. They do not hold high positions, are not responsible for employees, business, and perhaps even family. On the road they are, of course, winners. Aggressive, confident, fast, sharp and sexy as hell. These are the guys who rush past you in high-speed cars, manipulating the flow as they please. They hate to be treated the same way and can get out of the car for a serious conversation.

With their driving style, car cost and high speed, they shout to the world about their importance, coolness and loneliness. Believe me, in fact, they are deeply lonely and unhappy. You can be friends with them and not know it. They are quite closed in personal terms, showing only what they want to show. Unlike the righteous, they often break the rules not only on the road, but also in life. We can say that they live by breaking the rules. They can be responsible if they really want to, or rather, when they press. But don't be fooled, it's only temporary. They will always be the players who are given the red card. Such a driving style, such a lifestyle.


Always rushes to the club when he drinks a lot

Cautious, slow, a little careless, sometimes frightened by the sound of their own turn signal. Most will think that it is only about girls or beginners. But no, we are talking about an established style of driving a car and a certain type of character. And let's not be sexist. This type of driver will loom in front of you at a speed of 40 km / h, perhaps preventing you from overtaking, but not with malicious intent. They are simply unsure of their maneuvers and intentions. They do not always understand what is happening and what they need to do, while you are frantically signaling them, hinting in no uncertain terms about their mental abilities. Such drivers may turn on the turn signal and not turn, or vice versa.

"But what about in life?" - you ask. It's simple: family, work and eternal self-doubt. With a close acquaintance, you will see a person who works at an unloved job, does not strive for career growth or a change in the field of activity. Perhaps he himself does not know what he would really like to do, he can rush about in opposite areas, dreamily sorting out. They are dreamy and romantic in everything, they want fairy tales to just happen, and they did not have to try hard for this. You will not believe it, but such drivers have a direct connection with reckless aggressors, and there are the same problems with responsibility. The only difference is that they do not want to take it upon themselves, and these are simply afraid, so they do not even try.


Has quivering feelings for the Korean auto industry

It doesn’t stand out in the stream, it doesn’t prove anything, if it violates traffic rules, then it’s on trifles. The passenger is not fastened or the frame from the number has burst, he took off the number, and then the traffic police. Such drivers usually drive at the speed of the flow, they can, if necessary, press the gas, but rather, for a warm-up - in a couple of minutes they will return to the average rhythm and merge with everyone. They are quite tolerant on the road, they can grumble at reckless drivers, but they will not chase them. The car is considered solely as a means of transportation. Therefore, they do without tenderness in the form of stylish discs or amplifying music in the cabin.

In life, you do not have to solve them like a complex riddle. They have an even, calm character, they are simple and understandable in their actions. Usually they do not seek big job or career changes. Do not experience problems with responsibility or self-confidence. They do not overestimate their capabilities, being content with what they have. They know everything about themselves, accept and just live.


Likes to give expensive gifts to loved ones, thinks about the eternal

You will notice them, you will definitely notice them. They attract attention, attention, hope. They love speed, but they don’t show it everywhere, but on a country road you will see the full power of their engines. In the city, with a free road, they will also slip forward, they will do it easily, without cutting, without aggression. Attentive, kind and tactful. Traffic cops stop such people infrequently, they do not catch law enforcement officers. Serious accidents usually do not have such drivers either. They try not to violate and want others to behave correctly too. At the same time, they can jokingly chase you, as they usually drive a good, high-speed, above-average class car. But if the race is even a little unsafe, they will immediately abandon this idea and the next minute they will not even remember. They like to listen to music in the car, creating a separate world for themselves. They float around the metropolis to the sounds of their universe, which is inside their road ship, only sometimes they turn their eyes to neighboring cars, thinking about their own, being far away. Their main principle on the road is the same as in life - to really be kind and decent. They are one of those who always thank "emergency gang", they are pleased to give a good mood, they just like to do it.

In life, such drivers do what they love and become successful in their field by middle age. Usually they have everything they need, that is, exactly that, nothing else. That family, that job, that car. They like to give generous gifts and do not save much. In life, they create their own magical world around them, just like in their favorite car, when they drive to their favorite music, dissolving in it. In this world, everything is a little unusual. At the same time, they are incredible workaholics, attentive and caring family men, albeit very jealous. They just know about their exclusivity and want to completely own the attention of the object that they have chosen as their partner. You will rarely meet such reliable people. Strong, strong-willed and, of course, demanding. Next to them, too, will have to be unique, otherwise they do not know how.

The car is considered to be the second, after the acquisition of real estate, the most important financial investment that requires a special approach. And it doesn't matter whether you drive an old wreck or the latest model, just driven from the salon, everyone has the desire to enjoy the benefits of a car for as long as possible. However, there is a whole list of bad habits that drivers constantly sin, thereby causing irreparable damage to their car. Of course, it is impossible to guarantee the full performance of the vehicle for all ages, but still, some points should be remembered so as not to waste time and money on diagnosing and repairing a car.

brake pads

Sometimes you have to resort to movement with frequent stops and starting off. This is a very common phenomenon in heavy traffic, when drivers start off and immediately brake. Unfortunately, this leads to premature wear of the front brake pads. To solve this problem, it is necessary to master a smoother braking technique. This will save on frequent replacement of consumables of the brake system and additional vehicle maintenance.

If you need to brake often, then you are likely to press the gas pedal more than necessary. If you learn to do it right, you can also reduce fuel consumption. In addition, sometimes it is better to brake with the engine, rather than frequently depressing the brake pedal, for example during icy conditions.

Simultaneously pressing the brake and gas pedals (so-called "driving on the brakes") is the easiest way to "kill" the brake system. This not only wears out the brake pads, but also significantly increases fuel consumption. This usually happens when nervous drivers try to control their speed when going down a hill. In this case, a more reliable way to control the speed is to press only the brake pedal. When parking, it is better to use the parking brake, even if your car is on a level surface.

Steering and suspension

Suspension is generally designed to allow the vehicle to handle an excessively heavy load and provide passenger comfort when needed. However, do not neglect this, and unnecessarily overload the machine. You may not immediately feel the consequences of excessive workload, but in the long run they can be very sad. The steering is very sensitive to braking on road pits and potholes. If the driver resorts to braking while the vehicle is moving at speed over large road irregularities, the steering and suspension system will experience very large overloads. As a consequence of such overloads, the need for parts and repairs may arise.


If you want to reduce the wear and tear on your vehicle, the correct use of the transmission is paramount. When starting a vehicle with an automatic transmission, abrupt shifting between first and reverse gears without stopping can damage the transmission. If you are not using the shift lever, remove your hand from it. If you are using a manual transmission, do not put your foot on the clutch pedal unnecessarily. Even a slight pressure can adversely affect the condition of the clutch disc. This element is very sensitive, do not forget about it when using the clutch.

Moreover, avoid sloppy driving. Then the machine will tell you not only “thank you”, but will serve you faithfully for a long time. Even when behind the wheel of a Toyota Corolla you want to feel like in a Formula 1 race, resist the temptation, the steering system and brakes of this car are simply not designed for too aggressive driving. Any car should be used for its intended purpose, and if your car is an inexpensive sedan, you should not drive like in the movie “Taxi”.

On the road, speed bumps and rails deserve special attention. If you drive over them too fast, there is a chance of serious damage to the car's suspension. Therefore, keep an eye on the road and slow down to 8-10 km/h when crossing them.


Check your car's tires regularly. If you constantly inflate tires and, if necessary, replace them, you can avoid many troubles on the road. Flat tires increase fuel consumption by 15%. It would be great to develop the habit of checking tire pressure about once a month. In addition, you need to make sure that your tires are suitable for the type of terrain you ride. If you live in a rural area where the roads are mostly gravel, urban tires will wear more than those that are suitable for these conditions. Weather conditions, such as snow, should also be taken into account.

Frame and car body

If a dent in your car has started to rust, fix the problem as soon as possible. Do not ignore this problem, otherwise corrosion will spread to the nearby surface of the body. The process can be significantly slowed down with paint or sealant. Of course, you can tint at home here and there, temporarily eliminating the problem, but it’s still better to go to a repair shop to renew the paintwork locally. You can extend the life of your car by washing it regularly. For example, bird droppings are not only ugly, but also dangerous, since the acid it contains can corrode the paint of your car. Therefore, do not delay with its elimination, repairing or polishing the paintwork will cost dozens of times more than washing.


Leaving the electronics (stereo or headlights) on when the engine is off can drain the battery. Then the car will have to be reanimated using the battery of another car. But, if you cannot live without music and you constantly want to listen to it, start the engine every 15 minutes. If you do not plan to use your car for a long time (for example, in winter), do not forget to visit it from time to time and start the engine regularly, at least a couple of times a month. In this case, the battery will be gradually recharged. Since batteries are not cheap pleasure, it is foolish to wear it out with a careless attitude. If any problem occurs, you should pay attention to the on-board diagnostic fault code that is displayed on the dashboard. Or make computer diagnostics of the car to find out the fault code. And this applies to any element of the vehicle, not just electronics. Not only careful driving, but also prompt resolution of problems will help extend the life of your vehicle and its parts.

Difference between driver and rider

It is in order to insure buyers from car owners-riders that the Test Driver service was created. Auto experts behave independently during the inspection of the car, and consider it their main task to detect and record the actual condition of the car at the time of the inspection. Cars that are not looked after usually have a number of shortcomings, which are fixed by Test Driver experts during a photo report. The photo report consists of 20-50 photos depending on the condition of the car.

Take care of your car, and you will not only be able to drive it longer without problems, but also sell it more expensive and faster. Not a nail, not a rod on the road!

We are trying to determine his character in the manner of carrying on a conversation.

However, a lot about a person can be told by how he sits behind the wheel and drives a car.

Pay attention to how people behave while driving and how they hold the steering wheel.

Take a look at the images, recognize yourself, your friends or acquaintances in them, and find out what this or that driving position means.

Naturally, there are no identical people, so you should not take this test too seriously, it is more of a joke, but everyone knows that even in a joke you can find some truth.

Take a look at these images, choose the style of driving that suits you best and learn more about your character.

What driving style

Driver character


You like to do everything by the rules and you try to make others obey the rules. You pay attention to details. Perhaps this trait of your character helps you achieve success in life. Other than that, you are quite a calm person.

You clearly know what you want and strive for it. Arguments are not for you, but you will always be able to defend your point of view. At work and in friendships, some people look up to you and draw on your useful qualities.


You don't take many things too seriously, and you take many situations lightly. Sometimes it seems like you don't care at all. In difficult situations, you exude confidence, but at the same time show indifference. Every day is like a day off for you. Friends turn to you when they want to have a good time.


You are trying to make your life as easy as possible. You do not surround yourself with little-known acquaintances, but prefer real friends. For you, "better less is more" than vice versa. In clothes, you try to choose not too bright colors, most likely, put on something black. But just because you like simple things doesn't mean that you are a simple and boring person yourself. Many people like your simple approach to life and style in clothes.


You like to take risks and want to make the most of every moment of life. If you have not tried something, you will definitely want to try it, for example, bungee jumping, skydiving or skydiving. When it comes to love, you are not afraid to plunge into it with your head. Beloved people respect you for recklessness and the desire to live to the fullest.


You are a born leader and are able to take the situation under your clear control. People may turn to you for advice, they trust you more because of your confidence and your abilities. You have few real friends, but pseudo-friends are more than enough, so you should be more careful who you trust. In work, you show your leadership talent, while in love it is not easy for you to find that half that will complement you. However, when you find it, you are convinced that the long search was not in vain.


People like you. You can cheer up your friends and family members well. When others achieve success, you sincerely rejoice for them and do not hesitate to support and praise them. You know how to listen, which attracts friends to you, thirsty for advice. You are not always ready to take the bull by the horns; sometimes you are even glad when someone else takes on leadership responsibilities. You prefer to spend time enjoying life while staying positive.


You are, so to speak, "Switzerland" among your friends and family members. You do not like to argue, as conflicts make you feel uncomfortable. If you raise your voice, you will surprise your loved ones a lot, who will understand your seriousness. You do not tolerate enmity between others, and try to reconcile people in order to come to a successful solution.