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Fighting traffic jams in cities. Fighting traffic jams in cities Traffic jams on Ryazan Avenue to the center now

In those areas where the Barmashstreet device will be installed, the formation of "traffic jams" is impossible in principle: the device will not allow the number of cars in the area to exceed the limit value determined by the calculated value. On them, cars can move at the maximum speed allowed in the city.

The proposed device allows you to create a city map of the network of sections, where at any time the absence of "traffic jams" is guaranteed. The network map will be published in the media, including the Internet. According to it, each driver will be able to choose a route along which a significant part of the journey will occur within the network, thereby protecting himself as much as possible from getting into traffic jams. The movement of the car within the network allows you to freely, at the estimated time, reach the final destination. The use of this traffic light device, which guarantees the complete absence of "traffic jams" on the roads, creates good prerequisites for the creation of a fully automated traffic control system in the city in the future. The entire road transport system of a large metropolis (however paradoxical it sounds at the present time) can be transferred to control from a single console.

The formation of "traffic jams" on the roads leads to high costs.

Many firms and government agencies are willing to invest heavily in the construction of additional roads and facilities that would eliminate traffic jams.

The main goal is to create such a system of urban traffic, which would be guaranteed the absence of "traffic jams". At the same time, the question of whether this system will be simple or complex, and, accordingly, cheap or expensive, is not even raised. The main requirement is a guarantee of the absence of "traffic jams" on the roads. The proposed measures (creation of surveillance systems, restriction and prohibition of entry at certain times of certain types of vehicles, creation of reverse lanes, allocation of special routes for public transport, simple expansion of existing roads and other similar measures) are not able to guarantee the absence of "traffic jams" on the roads. Currently, there are no universal ways to prevent traffic jams.

At the same time, the trend of exceeding the production of cars relative to the trend of building urban roads will continue in the coming years.

The creation in the foreseeable future of a mode of transport alternative to road transport is unlikely.

Impact of the global economic crisis on traffic congestion.

Let's analyze the impact of the global economic (including financial) crisis, which threatens to seize Russia as well, on the state of traffic jams.

The crisis will cause a reduction in car production at a number of enterprises. This will make cars more expensive. Due to financial difficulties, both organizations and individuals, there will be a tendency for a slight reduction in the sale of cars on credit. This will contribute to some reduction in the release of cars on the roads. The factor can be considered as positive for reducing the number of traffic jams.

At the same time, the consequence of the financial crisis will be a reduction in funds allocated for the reconstruction, expansion and construction of new roads. This will have a negative impact on traffic jams.

It is difficult to accurately calculate in advance which of these factors will prevail. However, past experience with the state of roads in Russia suggests that road construction and reconstruction will continue to lag behind demand and, consequently, the financial crisis will deal another “blow” to traffic congestion.

Let's analyze what impact the volcanic dust that came out of an active volcano in Iceland in 2010 had on traffic jams. This led to the temporary closure of almost all airports in Europe. At the same time, the load on ground passenger transport services has increased, especially on intercity road (and rail) transport. Part of the passengers and cargo, which had previously been preferred to be transported by aviation, now had to be moved by road. The result is an increase in traffic congestion.

The situation can only get worse over time. In order to avoid ever-increasing and without that large material and other losses, it is urgent, already now, to take “fire measures” that would not allow bringing the situation with the movement of motor vehicles in cities to a crisis.

Traffic flow control system

At present, in the reports and reports of leaders in the field of transport, the expression “traffic flow control system has been created” is widely used.

In fact, we are talking only about a system for monitoring traffic flows, since the control system necessarily includes regulation of the traffic flow, and this, in turn, implies the presence of a feedback system.

It is necessary to constantly take into account the actual number of vehicles in the regulated area and constantly adjust the burn time of the enable signal depending on various variable factors.

Variable factors that during the working day as well as the season must be taken into account and for which the burn duration in the green signal duty cycle must be adjusted are:

Times of Day

road illumination

atmospheric phenomena (snow, rain, fog, ice)

grip on the road.

Now, when switching the traffic light signal only after a certain (mostly constant) time, such an adjustment does not occur. This negatively affects the optimality of the traffic flow. In the absence of flow controllability and the absence of data on the actual load of the site at the moment, making such an adjustment manually for each site is very difficult.

Elements of automatic adjusting the burning time of the permissive traffic light signal. What is the Internet for?

For the operation of the traffic flow control device (URTP), it is necessary to know the value of the maximum allowable throughput for each section.

This value is variable and depends on a number of constant and variable factors. This value must be in the comparison block. With it, the actual number of cars on the site is compared with the allowable number. If this value is exceeded, the green signal of the traffic light (letting cars into the area) switches to a red signal.

The value of the throughput of each section is not constant.

It depends: on the relief of the site; on the number of turns (turns); from the width of the plot; on the quality of the road surface.

These parameters are constant for a given section; they can be taken into account in advance and, using tables or coefficients, taken into account when calculating the theoretical throughput of a given section.

A number of parameters are variable: the grip of the wheel with the road (depending on the weather - ice, fog, rain).

These parameters cannot be taken into account in advance, they can change during the working day. The throughput of the section will also change. This variable must be transferred to the comparing element - after all, it depends on whether the green or red light will be on at the traffic light for the entry of cars into the section.

This variable is most conveniently transmitted to the comparison element using the Internet (or GLONASS, GPS). To do this, a receiving device is installed in the comparing element, and the signal is transmitted to it from a separate transmitter. It contains a program for accounting for variable factors depending on weather conditions.

For this purpose, the Barmashstreet device is specially equipped with an element for automatically adjusting the burning time of the permissive traffic light depending on changes in the above factors.

When installing this traffic light device on the ring road, it will also not form "traffic jams". At the entrance to each section, a counter of the number of incoming cars is installed.

"Extra" cars that could create "traffic jams" on the ring road will not be allowed on the regulated section.

With the use of this device, it can be purely technical (and not administrative-prohibitive) measures to solve the problem of restricting entry into the territory of the metropolis and its environs for non-resident vehicles at certain intervals. Only such a number of cars are allowed through that will not create traffic jams. For each section of the ring road, the most favorable time for entering the ring road is determined (and published in advance).

The existing rules of the road, in essence, do not impose any restrictions on the maximum number of cars that can be simultaneously on a given site. At the same time, exceeding this number leads to the formation of a "plug".

Drivers entering this section are not aware of whether they are "extra" or not. Perhaps, knowing this, they would not currently seek to enter this section, which is at the limit in terms of throughput. But no one can provide them with such objective indicators at the present time. A "traffic jam" is formed when a large number of cars tend to enter the site at the same time. If this process is “spaced” in time, then a “plug” will not form in this area.

The Barmashstreet device allows you to determine the degree of loading of the site at any time and, if necessary, make its adjustment.

In order to prevent the formation of traffic jams due to the simultaneous start of traffic from the peripheral areas of the city in the direction of the center, the city authorities are taking measures, for example, to shift the start time of the working day for institutions located in the center. However, this quite reasonable measure still has little effect on the general state of traffic jams in the city. It is impossible to legally prohibit the start of traffic in any direction in the city. It is necessary to take measures to ensure that drivers themselves refuse to start a trip at an “inconvenient” time.

Now, in the absence of regulated sections, drivers are trying to travel around the city as little as possible during the so-called "rush hours", i.e. hours of the greatest probability of getting into the "traffic jam". However, such "peak hours" are currently uncertain for each region, and even more so for each site. The range of their action over time is wide.

Non-contact car counting sensor

The proposed traffic light device for regulating the flux density barmashstreet uses a proximity sensor to count the cars that have entered the lot. This monitor is installed from above, above the flow of moving cars. For this sensor, it does not matter whether a car or a truck drove under it. Each of them will be recognized by the sensor as "one transport unit". The number of units matters. If this device is installed, there is no need to issue special, often legally insufficiently justified restrictions (or prohibitions) on the entry of trucks into the city center (except for environmental reasons), since now the presence of trucks in the regulated area does not create additional conditions for the formation of a “traffic jam”. If there is an extensive network of density-controlled sections, a city map of such sections can be compiled and published, indicating the most favorable time for traffic for each of them. Drivers themselves (or with the help of appropriate computer programs) will be able to calculate and choose the optimal time to reach the final destination. The density-controlled network may only be operational for a limited time, at certain times of the day, or under certain weather conditions. The rest of the time, these sections can operate in the mode of conventional traffic lights. Only such a number of cars is allowed on the regulated section, which does not exceed the calculated throughput of the section.

We will break down the entire road system into separate sections.

Since the number of cars and the number of roads is very large, it is advisable to switch to a virtual system when characterizing each of these objects.

Each site is assigned a personal identification number.

Each site is assigned a personal name - a personal identification number. For each section, the main indicators (length, maximum throughput) must be predetermined. Each site can be found at any time using the Internet and its main parameters are indicated.

The location of each vehicle on the site at any point can be accurately determined using the GLONASS system.

Each car, except for the usual number (for registration with the traffic police), must have an officially registered, individual number on the Internet, by which it can always be found in order to receive or transmit the required information to it.

Each car has a device that allows signal transmission to the Internet, and allows you to receive a signal from the Internet. This device starts working when the car engine is turned on. It comes with the car when it is sold.

The following information is received from the car: the location of the car (determined, for example, using the GLONASS system);

technical data of the car (brand, registered number in the traffic police);

driver information;

vehicle speed at the moment.

Each site was previously assigned a personal name - a personal identification number.

At any time, on each site, the location of any car registered on the Internet can be found and its main parameters indicated.

Information is sent to the traffic light at the entrance of cars to this section: whether additional cars will be “superfluous” in terms of the throughput capacity of this section.

To be able to determine (to generate) this information, the Barmashstreet device is used, equipped with entry registration elements, as well as automatic means of quantitative accounting of transport units in a given section, allowing at any time to determine the actual number of vehicles in a given section, compare it with the allowable number and adjust the flow density.

After determining the number of cars that have entered a given section and comparing it with the allowed number, it becomes clear whether it is possible at the moment to allow additional cars to enter it or no more, i.e. allow further burning for admission to the site green traffic light or not.

All of the above restrictions apply only to areas where traffic jams can form. The remaining sections do not have to be included in the system. They can work as usual.

The transport system of the city will have a fundamentally different character.

After the installation (introduction) of the Barmashstreet traffic light device on the roads, the transport system of the city will have a fundamentally different character.

On those roads where the Barmashstreet traffic light device will be installed, the formation of "traffic jams" is impossible in principle: the device will not allow the number of cars on the site to exceed the limit value determined by the calculated (design) value. "Extra" cars will not be allowed on the site. This is ensured by a counter of the number of incoming cars and a device that constantly compares the total number of cars in the area with their allowable number.

Thus, the use of the Barmashstreet device on a large scale (for the entire transport system of the city) will allow the city to:

create a network of regulated flow sites;

create and publish a city map of the network of sections, where the absence of "traffic jams" is guaranteed at any time;

to create in the future in the city a fully automated traffic control system for road transport;

it is possible to solve the problem of restricting entry into the territory of the metropolis and its environs of non-resident vehicles at certain intervals by purely technical (rather than administrative-prohibitive) measures;

the system of road transport of a large metropolis can be transferred to control from a single console.

This will not reduce the overall capacity of urban roads.

The network of density controlled sections will not reduce the overall capacity of urban roads.

Due to the absence of “traffic jams” and the increase in the number of sections capable of operating in the “green wave” mode, the average speed of vehicles will increase and may approach the maximum allowable speed for urban conditions. This significantly improves road performance. Using the "green wave" mode improves the ecology of the city. The risk from the experimental introduction of the device is minimal (or reduced to zero). Implementation is carried out using currently working traffic lights. When this device is connected to them, these traffic lights, in addition to regulating traffic in the traditional way, get the ability to carry out their work, taking into account the workload of those sections to which they belong.

What can be a consequence of the introduction of the device?

Let's consider what will happen to transport, which, due to congestion, will temporarily not be allowed through by traffic lights to areas where traffic jams can form. When will this vehicle be able to reach its destination?

Traffic jams on the M4 Don are now displayed on the online map and show the situation on the road today in real time. This function becomes especially useful with the beginning of summer holidays, when tens of thousands of tourists from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine rush by car towards the south and the Black Sea.

The Don highway will be in a state of local-permanent road construction work for several more years, incl. I strongly recommend that you monitor the situation on the road, otherwise it is likely to spend from 5 to 20 hours for the entire trip on useless traffic jams, especially in the Rostov Region and the Krasnodar Territory.

The data collected in the article is relevant for 2019, and as new information becomes available, the article will be supplemented and corrected.

Traffic jams on the M4 Don highway now on the online map

The online map of traffic jams on the Don highway allows you to assess the scale of the traffic jam, see the current speed of the flow in a particular place and understand exactly where you should turn off the road in order to bypass a large congestion of cars and not stand idle under the scorching sun, practically without traffic, for several exhausting hours.

The maps are interactive and allow you to move around the entire area, as well as zoom in and out using the mouse scroll or the "+" and "-" buttons on the left side.

Yandex traffic jams

A map with Yandex traffic jams online shows the operational situation on the roads today and within the next week. The information is updated every 4 minutes and is automatically corrected on the diagram without requiring any action from you.

Above the problem area in the upper right corner, the degree of its workload in points and the time of the last check are displayed.

If you click on the gear, a window with a slider will appear, with which you can predict the probability of an increase in traffic flow in the next hour. Under the slider, it is possible to check the "Road events" checkbox - in this case, the map will immediately display all the places where repairs are being carried out, an accident has occurred or the passage has been closed.

The "Statistics" tab accumulates information about traffic jams by day of the week for the past 2 months. By selecting the desired day and moving the slider to the desired time of day, we will see a traffic situation simulated with a high degree of probability, which should be expected in the near future.

By clicking on the button in the upper left corner in the form of a black arrow, you will move to your current location.

Traffic congestion avoidance scheme

Below we will consider the most problematic sections of the M4 highway, where protracted traffic jams are observed during the holiday season. In addition to traffic avoidance routes, online maps with current traffic conditions have been added.

The village of Losevo is located on the M4 "Don" in the Pavlovsky district of the Voronezh region. Below is a detailed description of how to bypass the traffic jam in Losevo from and to Moscow.

Method 1 - any direction

Residents of Voronezh and the region have studied the bypass routes best of all and, in their opinion and experience, today the Sredniy Ikorets - Liski - urban-type settlement (not to be confused with the neighboring village) Kamenka - Pavlovsk is considered the undisputed leader. The bypass road is good, takes 1 hour and adds an extra 90 km.

If you go in the direction of Moscow, then, before reaching Upper Mamon, you can leave the toll road a little earlier and stick to the following settlements: Derezovka - Novaya Kalitva - Rossosh - Liski.

Vladimirovka - Gran - Pokrovka - Losevo - frankly not the best route, passing through villages with rather poor asphalt coverage and through forested fields on a rolled primer (10-12 km) with deep puddles. But, despite this, vacationers go here and do it often. In dry weather, Astra, Mazda 5 and 2110 level puzoters pass without problems. Total 50 km, hook 25 km, time - 1 hour.

M4 - Berezki - Poddubny - Losevo - the road is generally tolerable, without gravel roads and forced marches across the field. In Poddubny, the asphalt is good, but outside it, as usual in the village.

Video with alternative routes

Under the video player is a playlist where you can choose the appropriate way to bypass.

Traffic jam around Kamensk-Shakhtinsky (Kalinovka)

The city of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky and the Kalinovka farm in the Rostov region in the summer become another obstacle for tourists seeking to quickly get to warmer climes or return to their favorite work.

But it doesn’t matter, I’ll tell you how to safely bypass the traffic jam in the Kamensk-Shakhtinsk area.

Option 1 - South

In Kamensk-Shakhtinsk itself, we turn right in front of the interchange from the M4 highway to the street. Geroev Pionerov, after about 3 km we run into another interchange, where you need to drive into it from the back to go left through the railway track, immediately to the right and go around the park along the street. Likhovskaya, on the circle we keep the main (straight) along the street. Profile, we pass the next circle, to the right onto the A-250 highway, soon it will sharply bend by ~ 45 degrees, leading to the street. Marine.

After about 5 km, do not miss the turn to the Volchinsky farm, followed by Svetly, past Uglerodovsky, through the railway, through the Likhovskaya microdistrict along the street. Pushkin, at the end to the right and, slightly wagging, this road will take you back to the Don highway after ~ 8.5 km. Total mileage 55 km, time - 1 hour.

In the village of Molodyozhny we turn off the M4 and keep along the railway tracks, we pass the railway station Bozhkovka, after 1 km to the left, past the village of Topolevy, through the village of Bozhkovka and x. Volodarsky. Hook 40 km, takes ~40-50 minutes, the coverage is fine, with a few exceptions, but nothing to worry about.

We go around the traffic jams of Rostov-on-Don

In the Rostov region, toll sections of the M4 Don highway will be built for a long time, so there is no full-fledged ring road yet, and in the summer the entrance to Rostov is catastrophically overloaded with transit cars of tourists. In order not to waste precious vacation time, breathing the exhaust gases of hundreds of smoky cars, use the suggested recommendations.

Traffic jams in Rostov now on Yandex map

We leave the M4 for Novocherkassk-Bolshoy Log-Aksai.

Direction to Moscow - we leave the Don highway at Vodyanaya Balka.

Moving towards the capital, if you slipped through a stationary traffic police post and drove into Tsukerova Balka, you will have to move onto a well-rolled field road. Local "entrepreneurs" offer uninformed travelers escort for 500 rubles.

If the final (intermediate) point of the trip is planned in the Anapa region, i.e. it can be the Kerch ferry and Gelendzhik, then the traffic jams of Rostov-on-Don can be bypassed from the other side of the city and keep the path to the sea along the Azov highway.

It will look like this: on the M-4 "Don", after the Red Kolos, before reaching the village of Rassvet, we turn right to the Red Crimea, through the Leninavan farm past Koisug we get to the Novoaleksandrovka farm. We continue to drive past the dacha non-profit association (DNT) Michurinets-3, through Peshkovo to the villages of Starominskaya and Staroderevyankovskaya (Kanevskaya). The further path to the South is described below under the spoiler "Scheme 2".

How to bypass the traffic jam in Timashevsk?

Through Timashevsk, a dense flow of cars of vacationers travels towards the Kerch crossing, but the city greets guests with serious traffic jams due to the railway lines passing there.

The current state of affairs on the roads

In order not to get into a transport collapse on the road to the sea, use the proposed scheme of detours.

Moving from Bryukhovetskaya on the ring in front of Timashevsk, we ignore the turn to the right and continue straight ahead (to Krasnodar). We are looking for a turn into the city on the street. 50 years of October, we drive to the street. Shevchenko, where we again leave to the right to the intersection with the street. Brothers Stepanov, at this intersection turn left towards the street. profile. We cross the railway crossing and turn left onto the street. Victory or Voroshilov.

The described option, although it eliminates certain troubles, is still not without some disadvantages due to driving around the city.

This route involves completely eliminating Timashevsk and driving past it: the Don highway - the village of Kanevskaya - Bryukhovetskaya - Novodzherelievskaya - Grechanaya Balka - Slavyansk in the Kuban.

We leave behind Kanevskaya and in Pereyaslavskaya we leave for Bryukhovetskaya, through the Pody farm we reach the village of Novodzherelievskaya and through Rogovskaya we get to Grechanaya Balka. Next will be the villages of Novonikolaevskaya, after it Starodzherelievskaya, Poltava and at the end of Slavyansk-on-Kuban. I draw your attention to the fact that it is forbidden to go through it to transit transport, so we use the ring road. The hook turns out to be only 15 km, but there are no unnecessary unplanned long stops.

Video of Timashevsk detour according to scheme 2

Dzhubga - traffic jams and their detour

The Krasnodar Territory during the holiday season is famous for its epic traffic jam Goryachiy Klyuch - Defanovka - Dzhubga. But tourists go on vacation to Gelendzhik, Tuapse, Sochi, Adler and Abkhazia along this section of the M4 Don highway. In order not to waste your nerves and irreplaceable hours of a long-awaited vacation, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with an alternative route to the sea, passing through the Shahumyan Pass.

Current online congestion level

I’ll clarify right away that for the most part there is no asphalt surface, and you have to drive along a normal gravel road at an average speed of 20-40 km / h, it takes 25-30 minutes to do everything about everything. In rainy weather with low ground clearance, it is better not to meddle in the pass, but in dry weather, lowered cars with a ground clearance of 10 cm calmly pass.

I describe the direction towards the sea: before reaching the Goryachiy Klyuch, we leave the M4 highway to the village of Saratovskaya and Kubanskaya, we pass Apsheronsk and Khadyzhensk, we fly over Shaumyan and get to Tuapse.

How to drive along the M4 Don without wasting time?

To minimize the chance of getting stuck in traffic jams for a long time, try to follow simple tips based on the experience of tourists who are personally "lucky" to survive all this torment.

You will need

  • - smartphone with internet access;
  • - the tariff of a mobile operator with unlimited traffic;
  • - navigation application for a smartphone, indicating the traffic situation;
  • - video recorder.


Select time of year and day of arrival

Summer roads in Moscow become more unloaded, with the onset of the holiday season. And the most attractive days for a trip are the New Year holidays and. If you have such an opportunity, then first of all give preference to holidays and weekends.

Choose the time of day for a trip to Moscow

At any time of the year, you are guaranteed to get stuck in a traffic jam at the entrance to Moscow from 7:00 to 9:00. If it is not a public holiday or weekend, the best time to enter is from 11 am. The reverse outflow of transport starts around 18:00 and dissipates from 21:00. In the summer, do not risk visiting Moscow on a Sunday evening. Starting from lunchtime, the roads are filled with summer residents who return home and stay in traffic jams until late at night. The same situation at the exit from Moscow occurs every Friday and Saturday, only in the morning.

Choose a route

If it is possible to choose between directions, then it is better to move along the least congested road, avoiding the chance to catch a traffic jam in Moscow already at the entrance:
- in the north - the renovated Leningrad highway;
- in the west - the reconstructed Novorizhskoe highway;
- in the south - Warsaw highway;
- in the east, the workload is approximately the same.
Transport interchanges at the intersection with the Moscow Ring Road are operating within their capabilities. Do not be upset when you meet a traffic jam on Warsaw highway late at night. And this is possible if there is a road repair ahead or an accident occurs.

Download traffic navigator

For owners of smartphones, there are many applications with navigation on the roads of the country. Some of them can connect to services that control the traffic situation. How not to get into, any navigator for a smartphone with Internet access will tell you. The most common and convenient applications:
- Yandex Navigator;
- Google Maps;
- Sygic: GPS Navigation & Maps;
- MapFactor: GPS Navigation;
- Maverick: GPS Navigation;
- CityGuide for iPhone;
In addition to traffic congestion, these applications will show the location of road traffic police ambush, the location of speed cameras and roadworks along the route.

Use car DVR

As a precaution, especially for solo drivers, the use of a recorder is recommended. The traffic density on the roads of the capital is high, there is always a chance to get stuck in a traffic jam in Moscow. And when people stand for a long time, not everyone can stand their nerves. Someone behaves not quite adequately, rebuilds and cuts, in such an environment not far from an accident. In this case, it is better to have an extra witness.


Navigation programs use your Internet connection, consuming your traffic. In order not to be without a card in the middle of the road, deposit a sufficient amount in advance.

Helpful advice

Have in the car means for the administration of natural needs. No matter how sad it may sound, if you are stuck on a flyover, there will be no toilet nearby.


  • Yandex maps
  • Application for navigation from Yandex

On weekends and holidays, a trip to the country by car can turn into a real test. Huge traffic jams occur at the exit from the city on Friday and the entrance to it on Sunday. Sometimes, you can stand in them for several hours, which, of course, spoils the whole impression of the rest.


Try to avoid traveling at the time of traffic jams at the exit from the city. In small towns, their peak usually occurs at 5-7 pm. In megacities, they can stretch to a later date. Find out when a traffic jam is at its peak in your area and try to avoid it by leaving an hour early or late. It is better to go late at night or early in the morning than spend half a day in a car.

Look for detours. Perhaps you can get to your dacha by another road, which is not so busy with transport. Study the map carefully or ask taxi drivers and local watchmen about it.

Follow the traffic situation on the local radio. Today, broadcasts about existing traffic jams, broken traffic lights or road repairs are quite relevant on the air. You can also find out about this on the Internet at http://maps.yandex.ru. This will allow you to better navigate the path and avoid many problems. After all, traffic jams can occur at the quietest time due to a serious accident or roadworks.

Purchase a special GPS navigator that reads information from the satellite about existing traffic jams and plots a route that avoids them. True, information about this quickly becomes outdated and cannot protect against unforeseen situations.

Use public transport. If you do not need to bring a bunch of things and huge bags to the dacha, use the train. Riding in it is less comfortable, but given the existing traffic jams, you can get to the cottage much faster.

Be careful and careful along the way so as not to cause traffic jams yourself. Avoid driving on the side of the road and never cross into the oncoming lane.

If traffic jams still could not be avoided, try to spend time usefully. Talk to your family and friends who are traveling with you in the car, because it is often not enough free time for simple communication. Listen to your favorite music or an audiobook recorded on a disc.

It is believed that in megacities the main number of traffic jams is associated with the operation of traffic lights. But any Moscow motorist is well aware that on the Moscow Ring Road, although there is not a single traffic light, you can sometimes stand in traffic jams for more than three hours. I wonder why?

“Who invented, tell me, these traffic jams?”

The ring highway around Moscow was created in order to unload internal routes and give drivers the opportunity to quickly and comfortably get to the desired point in the city, bypassing numerous traffic lights on the streets. However, despite all the efforts of the authorities, the road justified its purpose only partially. It is really possible to get there, but it is not always faster and easier. During rush hour on the Moscow Ring Road, you can lose more than one hour, and turning off it, unlike the inner city highway, is almost impossible. So why is the Moscow Ring Road suffocating from traffic jams?

Wrong interchanges

The Moscow road is a multi-lane highway. This allows a large number of vehicles to move at high speed. And everything would be fine, but the architects clearly did not take into account some points. For example, in order to exit the Moscow Ring Road onto the desired internal road, drivers are forced to wait long and painfully for their turn - exits and interchanges from a wide highway are 1-2 lanes. It turns out a bottleneck, near which a large number of cars regularly gather. It also makes it very difficult for everyone else to move.

Freight transport

Trucks and heavy trucks are simply not allowed on many internal roads in Moscow. Nevertheless, they need to somehow get to their destination. So these cars are driving along the ring road. Of course, you can understand them. Truck drivers are the same road users as everyone else. However, it is often large heavy vehicles that cause congestion and accidents on the highway.

By the way, according to the observations of experienced drivers, accidents are often associated with elementary illiteracy of car drivers. Not everyone knows that the truck has a zone on the right - the driver simply does not see the cars driving from this side. Therefore, those wishing to rebuild or jump forward are in for an unpleasant surprise. All other road users will experience traffic jams and loss of time.

Lack of information

Today, almost every driver has the opportunity to learn about the state of the road and its congestion in the direction he needs. However, not everyone uses it, but in vain. By planning their route taking into account information about traffic jams, drivers could make life much easier not only for themselves, but also for others. After all, everyone has to stand in traffic jams at the same time.

Related videos

The mobile application Yandex Probki provides reasonable prerequisites for analyzing traffic congestion in Moscow. The formation of constant traffic jams on the roads of the capital is associated with both the seasonal factor and the imperfection of the organization of road traffic.

For an example of assessing the congestion of Moscow roads using Yandex. Traffic jams will focus on the autumn period of 2013-2014. We focus on the months that are characterized by average traffic congestion, September and October. For analysis, we will take the application data for the Moscow Ring Road, Third Ring Road and the Garden Ring.

Moscow road congestion indicators for the current year

Current congestion time

We have identified a good period for analysis - most of the road users have returned from vacations, and favorable weather conditions make it possible to often use personal transport. So, Moscow roads begin to fill with traffic at 6.00 am, the active operation of the roadway continues until 00.00 am.

The main time of congestion during active traffic falls between 8.00 - 10.00 (everyone rushes to work) and 18.00 - 20.00 (everyone returns home). Evening traffic jams are more concentrated than in the morning, when everyone tends to get into the center more or less systematically. The accumulated transport for the whole day inside the Garden Ring, between the Third Ring Road and Sadovoye, is trying to leave the center at the same time, due to which it is locked.

Positive congestion dynamics during the week

The graph of traffic congestion in Moscow during the week shows that the busiest day is Monday, but the peak of weekly traffic jams falls on Thursday.

On weekends, especially on Saturdays, there are practically no morning and evening traffic jams, but lunch traffic jams prevail, on Sundays the center and areas close to it rest from the influx of traffic.

Congestion trend on major highways

Congestion on radial routes

Radial routes are characterized by the morning flow of traffic to the center and the evening flow in the opposite direction. The most problematic highways for morning trips to the city center are Volgogradsky Ave., Yaroslavskoe and Entuziastov highways. In the evening, traffic jams are created along the route Novy Arbat - Kutuzovsky Prospekt - Mozhayskoye Highway. A few minute movement drags on for several hours.

The freest route is the Barrikadnaya highway - Zvenigorodskoe highway - Marshal Zhukov Avenue.

Congestion of ring highways

The trend of congestion of the ring roads of the Moscow Ring Road and the Third Ring Road is approximately at the same level. If it is compared with the Garden Ring, then it is obvious that its outer side is prone to traffic jams, since it is used to rebuild radial roads, but traffic is more or less free on its inner side.

Passability of transport to the center of Moscow

According to data received from Yandex. Traffic jams managed to calculate the time of movement of vehicles to the center of Moscow from various parts of the city. A visual map shows that the center of the capital is more accessible to residents of the western regions, while residents of the eastern and southeastern regions have problems.

Comparative characteristics of Moscow road congestion indicators for 2013-2014

After analyzing the indicators of traffic congestion in the capital for two years (2013-2014) obtained through the Yandex. Traffic jams, we managed to find out that the situation with congestion, although not by a little, improved by 5%. Over the past six years, this is the first positive trend in unloading traffic.

The construction of paid parking lots and road junctions made it possible to partially reduce the load on the main highways. Evidence of this is the improvement in traffic along the Garden Ring and between the Moscow Ring Road and the Third Ring Road.

And this is only the beginning of the organization of free movement of cars in Moscow, the merit of which is largely the work of the creators of the Yandex application. Traffic jams, which allows you to track problematic sections of roads.

The 360 ​​TV channel found out at what hours and on what routes it is better to drive so as not to get stuck in traffic jams.

The season of country traffic jams is officially open. The slowest directions do not change from year to year. There are eastern highways in the direction of Zhukovsky, Ramenskoye, Lyubertsy, Lytkarino, Reutov - these are cities with dense buildings, whose residents go to work in the capital. Yaroslavka, beloved by summer residents, freezes, traffic jams are formed there even at night (from 0:00 to 04:00) sometimes they stay around 7 points, on Dmitrovsky - 6 points, Nosovikhinsky - about 5. But on the M4 "Don" from Moscow, fly with a breeze - the evening speed before the weekend is 70 kilometers per hour.

When there are no traffic jams in the direction of the region

It is best to leave on Friday before lunch, or closer to midnight. Although on some roads traffic jams persist until late at night: these are the Yaroslavskoye, Dmitrovskoye and Nosovikhinskoye highways. On Saturday, traffic jams start at 12:00 and end around 16:00.

The busiest are the directions where the number of lanes leading to the region decreases after crossing the Moscow Ring Road. These are Schelkovskoe and Altufevskoe highways, Enthusiasts highway, Ryazansky Prospekt. In the evening it is also difficult to drive along Profsoyuznaya Street, Leninsky Prospekt and Leningradskoye Highway to the region.

When there are no traffic jams on the roads towards Moscow

The most "cork" day in the summer when traveling to Moscow, of course, is Sunday. Traffic begins to grow already at 12:00, by 14:00 the roads are worth 5 points. The movement accelerates only by 23:00, at which time you should go back.

There are those who move to the capital in the early morning on Monday. But there is always a risk of being late for work. Summer residents start at 7:00: traffic reaches 4 points, and drops only by noon. The fastest way to return to Moscow on Sunday evening and Monday morning is along the M4 Don, Simferopol highway, the highway from Domodedovo airport and Kyiv highway.

Some Muscovites make a deal with an employer in the summer - they take a day off on Friday and go to work on Sunday. This option can save up to six hours of life in a traffic jam, because on Thursday evening the traffic from the capital is free, as well as in the opposite direction on Saturday evening.

Road repairs in 2016

Rublevskoe highway will be partially closed. This is due to the construction of the southern section of the North-Western road. The restriction of traffic to two lanes around the clock will operate on the following sections: the exit from Rublevskoye Highway to Yartsevskaya Street - from April 25 to July 5, the exit from Yartsevskaya Street to Rublevskoye Highway - from July 8 to August 24. Until August 11, there are restrictions from house No. 109 to the intersection with Akademika Pavlova Street.

In addition, repair work will be carried out on the overpass over the highway at the 35th kilometer of the Kashirskoye Highway in the Domodedovo District, and the Moscow Ring Road is already being actively repaired at 86 sections, including interchanges and straight sections. Repair work is being carried out on the Entuziastov Highway, Varshavskoye, Mozhayskoye, Dmitrovskoye and Altufevskoye Highways and Ryazansky Prospekt - all in the sections between the Third Ring Road and the Moscow Ring Road, there are traffic jams even during "non-cork" times.

On the Leningradskoe shosse at the exit from Khimki towards the region, the asphalt is being replaced, so the road is "red". On the Minsk highway, in the section along Odintsovo, the roadway in the middle lane is being replaced, motorists recommend driving around this section along the Kyiv highway.