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Where to get boxes for moving - advises Gazelkin. Where can I get moving boxes? Where to get empty cardboard boxes

Moving is a nervous and time-consuming process that requires maximum responsibility, consistency and, of course, patience. Someone compares it to a natural disaster, as well as repairs. But look at this situation differently. A change of housing is a great opportunity to conduct a complete audit of the household, throw out unnecessary trash. You need to prepare for it carefully and in advance. First of all, you need to find where to get moving boxes in the right quantity and in the right size.

What do you need to pack your things?

Packing is easier if you are prepared in advance, consider what this will require.

  • Large wide adhesive tape, several rolls will come in handy.
  • Large masking tape. Unlike the previous one, it holds worse, but it does not leave marks when peeling off.
  • Rope.
  • Marker.
  • Big trash bags.
  • Plastic bags of various sizes.
  • Newspaper, napkins, paper towels - for packing breakable items.
  • Lots of boxes and boxes of various sizes.

The subtleties of moving

Pack things, equipment, electronics, products you need consistently and logically. We advise you to make a special list. This will significantly reduce your time when unfolding and searching for things.

When preparing for a change of housing, you should not postpone the fees for the last day, you can simply not have time and forget something important. And they need to start with things that are not essentials.

In preparation glass, dishes and other fragile items wrap each of them individually in paper, cloth, or something else. When folding breakable objects in a box, you need to put them tightly to each other, larger ones down, smaller ones up. Fill gaps between objects with paper or cloth.

Both boxes and packages must be closed with something on top and sealed, preferably with tape. Be sure to pack household appliances and electronics in a box, this way you will protect them from damage. And soft toys and things can be put in large trash bags.

When packing books, do not put them in one place - the burden will come out too heavy.

Where can I get cardboard boxes for moving for free?

Acquiring containers for packing all things is an expensive pleasure. When changing housing, there will always be more necessary and important purchases. Therefore, people are looking for places to get cardboard boxes for moving for free.

First of all, this is supermarkets or hypermarkets. The turnover of goods in them is very large, therefore, there are also a lot of empty containers. Come and ask the administrator or store manager if this is possible. For example, in a chain of stores "Metro" immediately after the cash desks there are racks with free disassembled cardboard packages of various sizes. You can also take cardboard boxes for moving in them. for free .

In addition to large centers, be sure to visit smaller shops. Don't just focus on grocery stores. A large assortment of waste containers can be found in stationery, book, flower, and hardware stores.

Talk to the staff ahead of time. They often meet your requests, suggest when it is better to approach and choose what is required.

Where can I get moving boxes for free online?

When searching for containers "live", unfortunately, more and more people are refused. It's simple, shops and supermarkets have agreements with paper recycling companies.

Do not forget that you have in your hands a valuable source of information - the Internet.

Put a notice on the bulletin board in your city that donate moving boxes. Also, do not forget to put such a status on social networks. You will be surprised, but these requests receive a response and “work”.

On the sites of announcements of the all-Russian or urban type, look for notes: I'll give it for free. In these categories, ads are posted by those who have already faced a change of housing and understand the essence of the problem. Also, do not forget to visit forums of interest, they also contain announcements of a similar plan.

If you plan the change of housing to the smallest detail, do not postpone the fees for the last minute, then it will be completely painless for you and your family. Be sure to make a list of boxes, namely which one contains what. Fold breakable, fragile items especially carefully, and be sure to mark on the packaging that the product is fragile.

If you have already moved, do not throw away the used container. After all, recently you yourself asked the question: Where to get moving boxes. Help those who are currently searching, place your ad. We are sure that gratitude for such an act will follow immediately.

Video on where to get cardboard boxes to move

You can also watch a video on the topic - moving with cardboard boxes:

Impossible without advance packing of cargo in safety material, namely cardboard boxes for moving. Of course, you can load furniture and other accessories into the car without packaging, but then you can only dream of the safety and safety of things in their original form.

For safer transportation, boxes, cardboard, bubble wrap and other packaging materials are usually used. Most often, the first material is needed - corrugated boxes. But where do you get these boxes? There are two ways to resolve the issue:

1. Paid

2. Free but labor intensive.

Boxes for money

This solution does not imply anything complicated, however, it requires certain investments. There are several places where you can find moving boxes:

The best option is relocation packing stores. Today there are such in any big city, it will not be difficult to find them. The advantage of such stores is the variety of dimensions.

Mail. In any city there is such an institution, but, unfortunately, the size of the boxes that are sold there often does not correspond to the required size for moving.

Commercial shipping companies often sell boxes of a wide variety of sizes to their customers, but not every city has such an establishment.

In construction chain stores (Leroy Merlin, OBI, IKEA), you can also often find a department with packaging products, including the boxes you are looking for.

Contact a moving company. They always have a service for selling packing boxes, cartons and everything in which your belongings will be protected from scratches and chips.

The paid method of searching for boxes for moving is faster, but still requires money. A guaranteed advantage is the quality of the purchased boxes.

Free boxes

This path is much more sophisticated than the previous one and requires some resourcefulness on the part of the seeker. You will need to analyze the area in which you live and find the following objects:

household stores;

Cosmetics stores;

Any other large shops and enterprises.

Next, you will have to make direct contact with the shop assistants and tell them about your request. Many will understand you, but the same number of those who will not do this. But, if you are persistent, you will definitely be able to agree on the supply of a certain batch of boxes for your move.

And some stores have special places for discarding used boxes so that customers can take them. But with the free method, you can spend much more time searching than the packaging itself.

Good afternoon friends!
The decision to move has been made, now the question is where to get the boxes for moving? Packing is your main concern. I'll tell you where and how to find the boxes. And why is it important?

Let's make your move easier

It's hard to imagine how many things you have at home. You'll understand when you start packing your bags. Large boxes are needed and preferably a lot to pack everything of value. And where to get them? Ok, there's one left on the balcony from the new TV, but she'll only solve one hundredth of the problems.

You can put some things in suitcases. Appliances, crystal, dishes - only in boxes.

By the way, the service can be wrapped in soft sweaters, jackets. So you save space and protect the glass. It won't hurt the clothes.

Buy, borrow, search?

Where to get boxes? If you live in Moscow, there is an Ikea in the city - everything is simple. They have special folding cardboard boxes. Thick, comfortable, can be used many times. The only downside is the cost.

Looking for reliable packaging for your things? Then I advise you to visit the obi website. Not only boxes, but also other useful things for home and construction.

There is a free option. Then, we go to a hypermarket like "Metro". Feel free to ask the administrator. They usually have a container that they just throw away. Many administrators will gladly give you an empty container - less worries later.

  1. It is better not to load cardboard boxes too much - they will tear;
  2. Then it's hard to open them. If you stick it, put the tape parallel to the sashes. Then cut with a clerical knife;
  3. You can simply tie up with twine, especially small ones;
  4. Better square than rectangular. They are easier to fold in the car;
  5. Choose the same dimensions. It's like Tetris;
  6. Sign each;
  7. Experiment.

Don't leave packaging for the last minute. And don't try to pack everything in one box. It's better to dedicate a whole day to it. Create a system with signatures, distribution of things.

For example, you can not only write what is in the box, but also where to put it. That's what I did with . For example - "balcony", "pantry", "kitchen". Thus, all the boxes will immediately stand in their room. And you can start sorting out things on the balcony or in the pantry later and there will be less blockage.

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If you are faced with a move, then one of the first questions that you will have is how to pack it all?! And this is the right question. I want everything to be delivered to the new place of residence intact. The safety of its delivery depends on the careful packing of luggage.

If you are moving for the first time, then this article is just for you. About how not to break your favorite service and drag all the books to the car - further.

Moving Packing - What do you need?

Let's start with what you'll need when moving. To pack things you need:

  • boxes
  • bags
  • boxes
  • scotch
  • air bubble film
  • polystyrene, etc.

All this inventory is easily purchased in online and offline stores, but you can save money on some items. So, bubble wrap and polystyrene can be easily replaced with newspapers, blankets, clothes, rags - and other materials that can be used to lay fragile things. With containers, everything is a little harder, you can’t replace it with anything, but sometimes you can get cardboard boxes for free or cheaper. You just need to know where.

Where to find moving boxes. Moscow

First of all, you should contact the network super- and hypermarkets. Often they provide the container for free. You can find moving boxes at Leroy Merlin, moving boxes at Auchan and other chain stores. The Metro usually has a counter where you can pick up unwanted boxes.

Do not write off other stores. Call bookstores, children's goods stores, go to the grocery near the house - sometimes they still have unnecessary cheap boxes.

If you need home delivery of boxes, you can use the services of online stores and buy containers there. Packing for moving in Moscow costs from 30 rubles per box, delivery is usually paid separately. The sizes of boxes and boxes, as well as their price, vary depending on the dimensions of the luggage.

Shops that provide cardboard boxes:

  • Leroy Merlin
  • Pyaterochka
  • Ribbon
  • Metro
  • Magnet

How to pack luggage?

In this case, the main thing is to be careful. All fragile items should be tightly wrapped with protective material and fixed in boxes to avoid shock during transportation. Voids can be filled with any materials at hand or with foam and construction foam. Containers with fragile goods should be marked with special markings.

The important thing is the tape. Boxes tend to open when shaken and this should be avoided. Wrap the box with tape at all joints and make two full turns crosswise. If you do not trust the adhesive tape, then you can wrap the box with a film on top, as they do with suitcases at airports.

A special conversation is the packaging of dishes. Each item should be wrapped separately in paper or newspaper to avoid friction during transportation. Particular attention should be paid to forks and knives. They will not break, but may damage the cardboard boxes. Wrap the point in several layers!

Another practical tip: don't overdo it. No need to put all the books in one box, even if they fit perfectly in it! This box will become unbearable. Distribute the load evenly by weight. Ideally, the box should not weigh more than 30 kg.

If you need help

If you need help, then contact Lucky Everyone for it. On our website, you leave an application online, and the carriers themselves respond to it. You can quickly navigate the prices, view the profile of the carrier, choose a reliable and profitable offer in just a couple of minutes.

We will not only find you a cheap carrier, but also provide the services of packers and movers. Many carriers themselves offer containers for transportation. If you don't have time either to search for boxes or to pack your luggage, "Lucky Everyone" is definitely for you! Specify all the necessary services in the application, and your carrier will find you.

Getting ready to move? You need to take care of the transportation of things! Proper packaging will ensure the safety of your belongings during loading, transportation and unloading, and will also allow you to quickly and without hassle put things in their places on arrival.

Cardboard boxes are excellent packaging. You can put any household items and clothes in them. In addition, it is convenient to sort things into boxes of different sizes. In such a container it is safe to transport children's things and food.

Advantages of cardboard boxes:

  • Reliability;
  • Affordable price;
  • The difference in shapes and sizes;
  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Protection of cargo from damage and dirt;
  • Possibility to stack boxes compactly during transportation in several tiers.

Before you think about packing methods, you need to carefully sort things and get rid of unnecessary trash. Estimate the approximate volume of cargo by eye to calculate the number of boxes. It is advisable to conduct such an audit in advance, without postponing to the last day.

Most of us keep the original packaging of household and electronic appliances. At the time of the move, this habit will serve you well.

Where to buy moving boxes

The natural desire to save money on packing for things when moving involves two solutions:

  • Go to the nearest store (supermarket, pharmacy, home appliances store, etc.) and ask for unnecessary boxes from under the goods. In most cases, they will gladly help you.
  • Carry things in large bags.

In either case, there are many pitfalls. Used boxes from the store can be unreliable: packaging that falls apart at the wrong time can ruin things. And it is not known what was stored in such a box earlier.

Many people carry things in large garbage bags. Cheap, but inconvenient and unreliable - tested in practice.

You can buy clean boxes in companies that manufacture and sell containers and packaging, for example, in Velar, BK - Upakovka, Petrokorob, etc. Well, Yandex and Google to help those in need.

Cargo taxi Gazelkin has many years of experience in packing and transporting any cargo, including fragile ones. Why is the right packaging so important when moving?

  • When transporting dishes, it is important to pack each item separately, pre-wrapping it with a protective film, and then putting it in a box. The voids are filled with paper.
  • Be sure to label the boxes. This will greatly facilitate the dismantling of things on the spot.
  • To transport clothes, curtains, blankets and other textiles, it is advisable to buy large moving bags. They are durable, comfortable and roomy.
  • If you want to save yourself from unnecessary trouble, Gazelkin will help you pack any things with the provision of containers. Will pack, load, carefully deliver and unload on the spot!