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How to change the lock on a bicycle chain. How is a bicycle chain replaced? The chain consists of individual links, each has

  1. Task 1 of 15

    1 .

    Are the Rules violated in the situations depicted?


    f) tow bicycles;


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. The cyclist is prohibited from:

    d) hold on to another vehicle while driving;

    f) tow bicycles;

  2. Task 2 of 15

    2 .

    Which cyclist does not break the rules?


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. The cyclist is prohibited from:


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. The cyclist is prohibited from:

    b) move on motorways and roads for cars, as well as on the carriageway, if there is a bicycle path nearby;

  3. Task 3 of 15

    3 .

    Who must give way?


    6. Requirements for cyclists


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.5. If the cycle path crosses the road outside the intersection, cyclists must give way to other vehicles moving on the road.

  4. Task 4 of 15

    4 .

    What loads are allowed to be carried by a cyclist?


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    22. Shipping


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.4. A cyclist may only carry loads that do not interfere with the cycling and do not obstruct other road users.

    22. Shipping

    22.3. Carriage of cargo is permitted provided that it:

    b) does not violate the stability of the vehicle and does not complicate its management;

  5. Task 5 of 15

    5 .

    Which cyclist violates the Rules when carrying passengers?


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. The cyclist is prohibited from:


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. The cyclist is prohibited from:

    e) carry passengers on a bicycle (with the exception of children under 7 years of age who are transported on an additional seat equipped with securely fastened footrests);

  6. Task 6 of 15

    6 .

    In what order will the vehicles pass through the intersection?


    16. Passage of intersections


    16. Passage of intersections

    16.11. At the intersection of unequal roads, the driver of a vehicle moving along a secondary road must give way to vehicles approaching this intersection of carriageways along the main road, regardless of the direction of their further movement.

    16.12. At the intersection of equivalent roads, the driver of a non-rail vehicle must give way to vehicles approaching from the right.
    This rule should be guided by each other and tram drivers. At any unregulated intersection, a tram, regardless of the direction of its further movement, has an advantage over non-rail vehicles approaching it along an equivalent road.

    16.14. If the main road changes direction at the intersection, the drivers of vehicles moving along it must be guided by the rules for passing the intersections of equivalent roads.
    This rule should be guided by each other and drivers moving on secondary roads.

  7. Task 7 of 15

    7 .

    Cycling on sidewalks and footpaths:


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. The cyclist is prohibited from:


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. The cyclist is prohibited from:

    c) move along sidewalks and footpaths (except for children under 7 years old on children's bicycles under adult supervision);

  8. Task 8 of 15

    8 .

    Who has the right of way at the intersection with the bike lane?


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.5. If the cycle path crosses the road outside the intersection, cyclists must give way to other vehicles moving on the road.


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.5. If the cycle path crosses the road outside the intersection, cyclists must give way to other vehicles moving on the road.

  9. Task 9 of 15

    9 .

    What distance should be between groups of cyclists moving in a column?


    6. Requirements for cyclists


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.3. Cyclists, moving in groups, must ride one after another so as not to interfere with other road users. A column of cyclists moving along the carriageway should be divided into groups (up to 10 cyclists in a group) with a distance of 80-100 m between groups.

  10. Task 10 of 15

    10 .

    Vehicles will pass the intersection in the following order


    16. Passage of intersections

    16.11. At the intersection of unequal roads, the driver of a vehicle moving along a secondary road must give way to vehicles approaching this intersection of carriageways along the main road, regardless of the direction of their further movement.


    16. Passage of intersections

    16.11. At the intersection of unequal roads, the driver of a vehicle moving along a secondary road must give way to vehicles approaching this intersection of carriageways along the main road, regardless of the direction of their further movement.

    16.13. Before turning left and making a U-turn, the driver of a non-rail vehicle is obliged to give way to a tram in the opposite direction, as well as to vehicles moving on the same road in the opposite direction straight or to the right.

  11. Task 11 of 15

    11 .

    The cyclist passes the intersection:


    16. Passage of intersections


    8. Traffic regulation

    8.3. The signals of the traffic controller take precedence over traffic signals and traffic signs and are mandatory. Traffic lights, except for flashing yellow, take precedence over road signs of priority. Drivers and pedestrians must comply with the additional requirements of the traffic controller, even if they contradict traffic signals, traffic signs and markings.

    16. Passage of intersections

    16.6. When turning left or turning around at the green signal of the main traffic light, the driver of a non-rail vehicle is obliged to give way to a tram in the same direction, as well as vehicles moving in the opposite direction straight or turning right. This rule should be guided by each other and tram drivers.

  12. Task 12 of 15

    12 .

    Flashing red signals of this traffic light:


    8. Traffic regulation


    8. Traffic regulation

    8.7.6. To regulate traffic at railway crossings, traffic lights with two red signals or one white-moon and two red signals are used, having the following meanings:

    a) flashing red signals prohibit the movement of vehicles through the crossing;

    b) a flashing white-moon signal indicates that the alarm system is working and does not prohibit the movement of vehicles.

    At railway crossings, simultaneously with a prohibitory signal of a traffic light, an audible signal may be turned on, additionally informing road users about the prohibition of movement through the crossing.

  13. Task 13 of 15

    13 .

    Which vehicle driver will pass the intersection second?


    16. Passage of intersections

    16.11. At the intersection of unequal roads, the driver of a vehicle moving along a secondary road must give way to vehicles approaching this intersection of carriageways along the main road, regardless of the direction of their further movement.

    16.14. If the main road changes direction at the intersection, the drivers of vehicles moving along it must be guided by the rules for passing the intersections of equivalent roads.

    This rule should be guided by each other and drivers moving on secondary roads.


    16. Passage of intersections

    16.11. At the intersection of unequal roads, the driver of a vehicle moving along a secondary road must give way to vehicles approaching this intersection of carriageways along the main road, regardless of the direction of their further movement.

    16.14. If the main road changes direction at the intersection, the drivers of vehicles moving along it must be guided by the rules for passing the intersections of equivalent roads.

    This rule should be guided by each other and drivers moving on secondary roads.

    16 Crossings


    8. Traffic regulation

    8.7.3. Traffic lights have the following meanings:

    A signal in the form of an arrow, allowing a left turn, also allows a U-turn, if it is not prohibited by traffic signs.

    The signal in the form of a green arrow (arrows) in the additional (additional) section (sections), turned on together with a green traffic light, informs the driver that he has an advantage in the direction (directions) indicated by the arrow (arrows) over vehicles moving from other directions;

    f) a red signal, including a flashing one, or two red flashing signals prohibit movement.

    A signal in the form of a green arrow (arrows) in the additional (additional) section (s) together with a yellow or red traffic light signal informs the driver that movement is allowed in the indicated direction, provided that vehicles moving from other directions are allowed to pass unhindered.

    The green arrow on the plate, installed at the level of the red signal of a traffic light with a vertical arrangement of signals, allows movement in the indicated direction when the red traffic light is on from the rightmost lane (or the leftmost lane on one-way roads), subject to the provision of an advantage in traffic to its other participants moving from other directions to a traffic light signal allowing movement;

    16 Crossings

    16.9. While driving in the direction of the arrow switched on in the additional section at the same time as the yellow or red traffic light, the driver must give way to vehicles moving from other directions.

    While driving in the direction of the green arrow on the table set at the level of the red traffic light with a vertical arrangement of signals, the driver must take the extreme right (left) lane and give way to vehicles and pedestrians moving from other directions.

The chain is a key element of the bicycle transmission unit. Sequentially passing through the teeth of the drive stars, it transmits torque to the rear wheel, thanks to which the bike rides. In the process of movement, the chain mechanism is subjected to dynamic loads, which eventually leads to its wear.

On single speeds, as a rule, the chain is designed for the entire period of its operation: when moving through the stars, it runs smoothly and straight, without deviations. The situation is more complicated with chains on multi-speed bicycles: there is no right angle between the front and rear stars, which is why it is always located at an angle relative to the frame. The impact on the chain mechanism increases several times compared to parallel transmission, which leads to periodic wear. To avoid damage to the entire transmission assembly caused by chain wear, it must be changed in a timely manner.

Not only do "speed" chains need to be removed, it is quite common to remove them from single speed bikes for periodic repairs or cleaning. How to remove the chain from the bike and put it back, we will tell in this article.


First of all, it is worth paying attention to the malfunction of the chain on multi-speed bikes. Traditionally, travel time is determined by mileage, but these values ​​​​are too approximate, because everything depends on the conditions of cycling: the quality of the roads, the selection of gears, speed, the load on the pedals and, accordingly, on the front stars.

The first signs of bike chain failure are inaccurate gear changes and suspicious sounds (provided that the chain has not lost lubrication). The following method will surely help to determine the malfunction: bend away from the largest star and see the number of free teeth. If the chain freely moves away from three or more teeth, then replacement is required urgently. Two teeth “warn” that wear is not far off, but you can still ride.

Using the same method, you can see the weakening of the chain on a single-speed bicycle: we bend it from the front star and look at the number of teeth.

Determination of the degree of attenuation

Another way to determine wear is to measure the length:

  • 304.8 mm is the optimal chain length.
  • 306.5 - 307.5 - average wear, suitability for repair. As long as you can ride.
  • 308 mm - a high degree of wear and tear of both the chain and stars.
  • More than 308 mm - damage to the entire transmission.

Measuring elongation requires the chain to be completely removed from the bike.

Lock and continuous chains

The lock chain is equipped with a special clamping device. Unhooking and putting it on is not difficult - just disconnect the lock. To find it, we carefully examine the chain on both sides and find a detachable link. In principle, it will not be difficult to find it on a clean chain: a tick is put on top, which fixes the link and does not allow it to move apart. Also, the inscription of the manufacturer is usually stamped on the lock link. If you can’t find the lock for a long time, then either the chain is dirty, or it is lockless, or solid.

Bike chain with lock

You can’t just disconnect a bicycle chain without a lock: all the links on it look the same, however, they are also hooked together. This causes great inconvenience during cleaning, for example, it is necessary to carry out a “general cleaning” in a solvent. In the case of the lock, everything is simple - he pulled it off and put it in kerosene. A solid bike chain, even removed from the stars, will remain hanging on the frame.

In terms of removing a chain with a lock, of course, it is more convenient than its counterpart. However, for some reason, the fastening may become loose: the tick will fly off, and the link itself will disengage. There are no such weak points on bicycle chains without locks, and if it is torn, then it is only a matter of its quality.

Opening the lock and squeezing the axis of the link

Opening the lock is quite simple: with a screwdriver or other object (for example, a knitting needle), we pry off the tongs. The main thing here is not to damage it, and even better not to lose it, otherwise it will not work to fix the chain later. Next, we disengage the entire link. That's it, you can remove the chain and do whatever you want with it: clean it, throw it away or shorten it. However, we will talk about this a little later.

Lock in disassembled state

You can only disconnect a continuous chain with a special tool - squeeze. With its help, it will be easy to disassemble the link without damage. The procedure is simple, but you should not rush:

  • First, select the link for disassembly.
  • We insert the chain into the position of pressing out and pressing in the pin (link axis).
  • Turn the screw with the handle and pull out the axle. The direction of extrusion is towards the squeeze screw, that is, towards itself.

You should not remove the pin completely, as it will not be easy to return it later to its place.

Gall chain release device

The squeeze slightly loosens the axle, so when re-disengaging, you should choose another link.
Pressing the axis into the link is carried out in the opposite order: connect adjacent links to each other and press the pin with a screw.

Elimination of defects

A common type of wear is chain slack, when the length of the chain increases from its original length. Previously, the critical values ​​\u200b\u200bof the length of the bike chain were considered, at which it cannot be used. That's right, but the chain does not have to be thrown away immediately, but can be repaired. Under prolonged loads, the axles become loose, which causes longitudinal and transverse expansion. It is impossible to eliminate the transverse one, but it is quite possible to tinker with the longitudinal one.

It is necessary to remove the extra links in such a way that the chain runs calmly, without tension, along the large star. With the help of a squeeze, excess links are removed, the axial shafts are completely pulled out from the removed elements. The main thing here is not to make a mistake and not pull out too many links.

If you have to ride with a stretched chain, then in order to avoid it coming off, you can install the so-called parts that prevent the chain from flying off when driving. There are several types of such devices:

  • Roller with two clamps.
  • With wide rollers.
  • Frame (or rollerless).

This is what bicycle dampers look like

Using dampers as protection is, of course, good, but it would be better to think about changing the chain.

Installing the chain on the bike

To put the chain on single speed, just hang it on both stars, press in a pin or snap the lock. With high-speed bikes it will be a little more difficult:

  • Fix the switches on the small stars.
  • Put the chain on the sprockets, taking into account the location of the tension rollers.
  • Combine links.
  • Clamp the chain and press in the axle. If the bike chain is with a lock, we do without squeeze.

After the installation is completed, it is necessary to check the course of the chain: cycle the pedals several times. If there is no slack or difficulty in twisting, then the chain is of the optimum length and is installed correctly.

Every owner of a two-wheeled horse can cope with the removal and installation of a bicycle chain. A simple and simple procedure will not take much time, but it will help a lot on further trips!

If you ride a bike for many kilometers, then the parts will wear out sooner or later. After a long run, the bike chain will "stretch" and will need to be replaced.
Technically the chain does not stretch, but the pins that connect the links wear out, which increases the length of the chain.

stretched chain accelerates the wear of the cassette and the chainrings on the sprocket, so getting a new chain when the stretch is already noticeable is a good idea. It is recommended to replace the chain every 1000-1500 kilometers. By the way, replacing a chain is much cheaper than replacing cassettes or gear chain rims on an asterisk.

The information on repairing and shortening the chain below will be very helpful.

Bicycle chain parts and necessary tools

Chain wear indicator: A typical chain wear indicator hooks onto a pin in the chain while the other end is inserted between two pins or rollers. The numbers on the tool will show how worn the chain is and whether it is time to change it.

New chain: The type of chain depends on the number of speeds of the bike. So, for example, if the bike is 9-speed, you need to buy a 9-speed chain. More advanced chains include a special coating that will delay the appearance of rust, or they are already made of stainless steel.

Replacing pins or connecting link: New chains immediately come with a new pin or special link called a connecting link that connects the 2 ends of the chain together.

If you are repairing an existing chain, you will need to purchase replacement pins or connecting links separately - they must be compatible with the chain speed and brand.

pomace: If you have a chain with standard links, you will need a compatible clutch that will allow you to easily remove the old pin and put in a new one when disconnecting and connecting the chain.

Pliers: If you have a chain that connects to a connecting link, you will need pliers to make it easier to separate and connect the connecting link.

How to check a bicycle chain

To test the chain for significant stretch, use. Hook one end to a roller or pin in the chain. The other end will either come to the drive wheel itself, or you can place it between two rollers. If it falls out of this gap, then the chain is so stretched that it should be replaced.

The chain wear indicator has numbers showing the amount of wear on the chain. A value between 0.5 and 0.75 indicates that the chain needs to be replaced. A value of 0.75 or higher means that not only should the chain be replaced, but the condition of the cassette and sprockets should also be checked, as stretching the chain could cause significant damage to the cassette and sprockets.

You can check the chain in another way - measure the chain with a ruler or tape measure. On unworn or new chain, 12 full links (measured pin to pin) should equal 12 inches (30.48 cm). If the 12 links are 31 cm long or more, then the chain needs to be replaced.

How to remove a chain from a bicycle

To remove the chain from the bike, you will need to disconnect (break) it. There are several ways to do this, depending on whether the chain has a connecting link or not.

Before you begin, move the chain to the smallest sprocket and smallest cog.

It will be even better if you remove the chain from the front drive sprocket or remove the rear wheel from the bike. Both of these methods will take the tension off the chain.

If you have a standard chain without a connecting link: Install the squeezer so that the pin of the squeezer aligns with the pin in the chain. Rotate the squeeze knob so that the pin is pulled out far enough to break the chain.

If you have a chain with a connecting link: To find a connecting link, look for a link that is markedly different from the others.

This is where you can break the chain.

The connecting link has a pin on one side, inserted into a notch on the other side.

Use pliers, squeeze the connecting link on both sides so that it opens.

How to determine the length of a new chain?

Usually the new chain is too long, so it will have to be shortened by removing the links. There are several ways to do this. The easiest and best way to determine the length of a new chain- attach it to the old chain. Then you just need to shorten it to match the old one (to be sure, you should count the number of links).

Another variant. Pass the chain through the front derailleur and drape it over the large sprocket in front and over the large cog in the back. Do not run the chain through the rear derailleur yet. Tightly connect the two ends of the chain. If the chain connects and there are still 2 whole links on the overlap (the floor of the link is still left at the end - the place where you connect the chain), the chain length is chosen correctly.

Note: many full-suspension mountain bikes use a scheme that moves the rear axle further away from the bottom bracket while the bike is riding, through the suspension; it is called " chain growth". To accommodate chain growth, you will need to compress the rear suspension hard when using the method above.

Before removing unnecessary links, make sure that the two ends of the chain will connect. The chain can only connect if the outside of the link connects to the inside of the connecting link. Then disconnect the remaining links.

Installing a bicycle chain

It's time to thread the chain through the rear derailleur and connect it. Pay attention and make sure that the chain goes exactly through the drive wheel on the rear derailleur.

Use of pins: If the chain does not have a connecting link, then use a pry to connect the chain to the pin that is already in the new chain.
If you are repairing an old chain, always use a new pin instead of the old one. The new pin must be compatible with the chain, its speed and brand. The new pin must be inserted halfway with a squeeze, then pulled out from the other side with the help of pliers.

Using connectors: If you are connecting the chain with a connecting link, put one half on each end of the chain, connect the ends of the chain, assemble the connecting link with a tool to put it in place.

It is also possible to connect the connecting link without a tool. Connect it and pull the chain in different directions to block the connecting link as much as possible. Then loosen the derailleur clutch, if equipped, pedal so that the connecting link is on top of the drive chain. Using the brakes, stand firmly on one pedal, the voltage will go to the chain, and it will fall into place.

How to replace a chain on a bicycle - video

It happens that you need to remove a bicycle chain - for example, to clean it, replace it, or adjust the length (the latter is done if your new cassette has a different number of teeth, and you need to change the length of the chain accordingly by adding or removing a certain number of links) .

How to remove a chain lock

Examine the chain: if you find a link that is different from all the others, then you are lucky - you have a chain with a lock. In order to separate it, move the pins (pins, axles) on each half-link (cheek). The chain will open. The whole operation will take just a minute. No special equipment is needed: if you suddenly cannot move the pins with your hands, use pliers. Assembly is also done without any tricks, in reverse order.

How to remove a chain without a lock

If you have a chain without a lock, then you will need a special tool - a squeeze for the chain. It is inexpensive, takes up little space, so we recommend you always carry it with you, along with a set of hexagons and a repair kit for cameras. Anything can happen on the road - if the chain suddenly breaks, you can easily remove the damaged links with the squeeze and reconnect the chain.

How to remove the chain without squeezing? And is it worth it?

How to remove the chain without squeezing is a topical issue. But no matter how often it is asked, it is better to remember one life rule. For good repair and maintenance - it is better to use a specialized tool! In this case, it is a chain squeeze.

There are two types of pomace, most have two seats. One of them is for assembling and disassembling the chain, the second is for adjusting the position of the axle in the chain link bushing. If your squeeze is just that, with two seats, then insert the chain link so that it is on the side closest to the adjusting screw. If you lay the chain in the wrong place, you can accidentally break the partitions between the squeeze seats or crush the link cheeks during operation.

Let's assume that the chain is laid correctly. Now carefully turn the handle. You may need to apply a lot of force, so try to work carefully so that the link in the squeeze does not warp, otherwise you can damage it. Make sure that the tip of the squeezer presses exactly on the pin. You do not need to turn the screw quickly, you should stop at the moment when the pin is squeezed out of the entire link, but remains on the far cheek. If you squeeze it out completely, then, believe me, it will be very difficult for you to insert it back. Also, be careful not to accidentally knock the pin out of the cheek: this way it can roll off in an unknown direction and get lost.

When assembling, you will not need anything other than the same pomace. I remind you again: be careful, do not get carried away, so as not to squeeze the pin out of the link.

Two important notes:

  • If your chain is equipped with a lock, then you should not disassemble it with a squeeze
  • If you have to disassemble the same chain many times, then each time you choose a new link: if you extrude the same pin over and over again, this will degrade the strength of the chain

After using the bike for a long time without maintenance, it is not uncommon for the chain to begin to sag. How to shorten a bicycle chain at home? What is required to determine its correct length? We will look for answers to these and other questions in the presented material.

What factors affect the elongation of a bicycle chain?

A number of points lead to the wear of the axles, the so-called pins, of a bicycle chain. Firstly, deposits in the form of old oil accumulate between the structural elements, on which dust and small contaminants stick. In addition, stretching can cause on the chain in case of steep climbs on the bike. Another reason is the end of the chain's service life, the destruction of its elements as a result of impacts, metal corrosion. To avoid discomfort during the operation of the bike, you need to figure out

How to determine the optimal length?

Before you figure out whether it is possible to shorten the chain on a bicycle with your own hands, you need to find out how long it should have for comfortable movement. To understand this issue, it is enough to throw the chain on the largest stars both in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe rear and front chassis of the bike. Next, you need to open one of the links. Finally, tighten the chain as much as possible. It is enough to add a couple of centimeters to the resulting length so that the chain is not overstressed during the ride.

Preparation for dismantling

To make it easier to work with the chain, you should first clean it. The easiest way is to wipe it with a regular piece of material soaked in kerosene. You can also use a special wash, in particular AB-80 or WD-40 liquid.


How to shorten the chain on a speed bike or mountain bike? There are several tools you can use to break the links. First of all, you should pay attention to the special pomace. The latter is a simple device resembling a manual frame with a rod that exerts pressure on the axes (pins) of the links. You can buy such a tool at any point of sale of sports equipment. Its acquisition will cost in the amount of 500 to 1000 rubles.

If it is not possible to buy a pomace, in this case you will have to use improvised means. We are talking here about a hammer and a metal bar, which will serve as a punch to extract the axes of the links. You will also need a couple of nuts that will fit under the chain links.

How to shorten a chain on a bicycle with a squeeze?

To do the job, resorting to the operation of a special tool, you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. Set the squeeze to a position in which its rod will be in the center of the axis of the chain link.
  2. Perform rotational movements with the tool until the axis is almost completely out of the link.
  3. Disconnect the chain and, if necessary, perform similar operations with its remaining sections.
  4. Remove unnecessary links and connect the structure.

Having figured out how to shorten the chain on a bicycle, you need to figure out how to connect it. A narrow half-link must be inserted between the cheeks of a wide one. Then the axle should fully enter the hole in the hub. Next, you need to evaluate the mobility of the links. If it is insufficient at the junction, the hinge can be developed using pliers.

How to shorten a chain on a bicycle without squeezing?

The absence of a specialized tool designed to disconnect chain links is not a critical moment. As mentioned above, a metal pin, nail, etc. can serve as an alternative to squeeze. Also here you will need a hammer, with which the axles will be knocked out of the links.

With this approach to business, the main thing is to be careful. After all, inaccurate, too strong blows can lead to deformation of the link plates. To prevent this from happening, ordinary nuts must be placed under the chain elements in advance.

For those who first resort to shortening a bicycle chain without the use of a special squeeze, it is recommended to pre-train. For these purposes, it is worth using an old chain or separate, unnecessary links. Such work requires some skill. Therefore, before acting on a working chain with a hammer and a punch, you need to perform the above steps several times and evaluate the result of your own work.


So we figured out how to shorten a bicycle chain. As you can see, it is possible to cope with such a task not only with the help of a special squeeze. To do the work, sometimes it is enough to use the tools at hand, which can be found in every home.

What could be better than a day out on a bike ride! However, the pleasure can be overshadowed by an unexpected chain breakage. If domestic bicycles for the most part consist of detachable sections of the chain, the locks between which can be easily divided, then the chains are often one-piece. We will talk today about how the chain is removed, and what devices exist for this.

When is a chain removed from a bicycle?

Experienced cyclists remove the chain regularly. For example, in the case when the replacement of the system or only the cassette resulted in a change in the number of teeth, the chain will have to be shortened by removing the teeth, or lengthened by adding additional ones. In addition, the chain is removed in order to:

  • wash;
  • boil in grease;
  • replace (if repair is no longer possible).

Instructions for self-replacing the squeeze chain

Removing the chain by pressing.

Usually, an auxiliary tool is used to remove the chain from the bike - squeeze. With it, it is easy to remove even one-piece chain. The sequence of work in this case is as follows:

  1. Determine the section of the chain to parse. In the case of repeated disassembly of the chain, it is preferable to take a non-repairable section of the chain.
  2. Insert the chain into the squeeze so that the pin is opposite the clamping axis.
  3. Secure the chain with a knurled screw.
  4. Turn the handle, squeezing the pin out.
  5. Remove unnecessary links with a squeeze, pressing out the entire pin.
  6. Connect chain links. In this case, the pin located in the cheek should look outward towards you. First you need to pass the chain through the rear and front derailleurs. Then put the chain links one on top of the other so that the pin coincides with the sleeve.
  7. Unclench the "cheeks" with pliers. After the ends of the chain have taken their place, the pin coming out will not allow the links to separate.
  8. Insert the squeeze into the link so that the axes of the pin and the rod match perfectly, and rotate the funnel, pressing the pin into the hole.
  9. Check the symmetry of the position of the pin and the “cheeks” of the links. Adjust their position if necessary.
  10. Check the links for mobility relative to each other. If necessary, increase mobility with pliers.

Important! On a high-speed bike, the chain is installed along the switch rollers at the rear in accordance with the broach pattern. In order to be able to replace the chain many times in the future, it is best to lock the chain.

The sequence of actions for removing the chain from the bike without squeezing with your own hands

The squeeze is a useful tool. However, it is not always available. What then to do? The prospect of staying in the middle of pristine nature somewhere many kilometers from the city does not look attractive. You can remove the chain from the bike without squeezing. Doing it yourself will not be easy, but it is quite possible. Let us consider in detail the options for parsing a chain with and without a lock.

Model with lock

How to check if a chain has a lock? As easy as pie! A quick inspection to see if the chain has a link that is different from its neighbors. This is the castle. You can disconnect it by moving the pins on each of the links with your hands or pliers. To assemble the chain, you need to do the same steps in reverse order.

Model without lock

In this case, without squeezing it will not be easy. And the result will be unpredictable. But, if there are no other options, we choose the lesser of 2 evils. So, we remove the chain without a lock from the bike with improvised means in this order.

  1. Screw an ordinary vise to the table.
  2. Fix the chain in a vise by placing a nut on one side, the hole of which corresponds to the pin.
  3. Stick on the other side a small screw with a hat.
  4. Clamping the vise, push the pin into the nut hole with the ball.

Important! In order to open the circuit, it is not enough to release one side. You need to move the link and remove the chain, or add another ball and continue trying.

Summing up, we can confidently say that pomace is an indispensable thing on the road for every cyclist. And if a broken chain with a lock can still be removed from the bike without this device, then, as for the chain without a lock, it will be difficult to do without it. However, in case of form-major circumstances, you can use the above instructions.

As I already wrote, bicycle chain - consumable to be replaced in a timely manner. You can extend its life by regular maintenance. By the way, when installing a new system and cassette, be sure not to save on a new chain - it will come out more expensive!

If you still have a question: “Why do I need to change the chain?” Read about and why it is necessary. If there are no more questions, let's get started.

Bicycle chain with lock

Often, special locks for the chain are installed on the chain, designed for its quick removal / installation. Locks are produced by almost all chain manufacturers and differ only in chain width (depending on the number of stars in the cassette). Using a chain lock has its pros and cons.

+ Advantages of a chain lock

  • Removal / installation of the chain does not require an additional tool;
  • Easier chain cleaning

    It is easier to flush a chain that has been removed than a chain that has been installed on a bike. This is especially critical for those who like to paraffin the chain instead of lubrication;

  • Spare lock

    It's good to have a spare chain lock on the road in case the existing one breaks as the weakest link;

  • No repair pin needed

    Manufacturers of some chains (for example, shimano) explicitly indicate in the instructions that after removing the chain, the pulled out pin cannot be reused for installation. You need to use special repair pins, which cost a lot and are not sold everywhere in Russia;

  • - Cons of a chain lock

    • Tight movement of multi-speed locks

      Not every lock in reality can be removed by hand, without pliers or a special tool for removing the lock. This is especially true for 10- and 11-speed locks;

    • Lock breakage

      The strength of the lock is usually inferior to the strength of conventional links, and therefore there is a risk of breaking the chain exactly at the place where the lock is installed;

    • Broken chain links

      Unfortunately, the chain will not always break at the lock, and even in this case, adjacent links may be damaged. In this case, it is no longer possible to do without squeezing the chain or artisanal methods;

    • A certain number of removal / installation of the lock

      So, in the instructions for the KMC lock, it is directly written that it needs to be changed after three installations / removals.

    • By the way! It makes sense to do any operation with the chain, especially on the road, in disposable rubber / latex gloves. To change the chain and not get dirty - it will not work, unless you boil it in paraffin.

      Bicycle chain without lock

      The main tool for changing the chain is a bicycle chain squeeze. It is a simple device designed to disconnect and connect chain links by squeezing / pressing the pin.

      How to remove the chain with a pry bar

      Everything is very simple. Recently I did this operation in just a few minutes with a simple squeeze as part of a multitool. For some reason, the native KMC chain on the bike was without a lock, although the new similar KMC X9-73 came with a lock.

      By the way, before installing a new chain, I had to remove 4 extra links, for which, in any case, a squeeze is needed. The remaining links should be left as spares or make such a thing.

  1. To disconnect the circuit, it is necessary to press out one selected pin using a squeeze. In this case, it should be noted that it is impossible to press out the connecting pin, which is available in some circuits. The connecting pin is different from the rest - so it's quite easy to distinguish it.

    Insert the chain link into the tool and secure with the screw. Please note that in some chain squeezes there are two seats, one place for pressing the axle (it is closer to the fixing screw), and the second place is used only for adjusting the axle. The chain should be laid close to the adjusting screw. Tighten the squeeze screw carefully, thereby squeezing out the pin.

  2. In the process of pressing out, it is worth checking the alignment: does the adjusting screw allow the link to bend, and the squeeze tip presses on the pin, and not on the link.

    In this case, there should be no distortions or any strange positions of the chain in the squeeze.

  3. Do not push the pin all the way out if you want to assemble a link with it, otherwise it will be difficult to install it back!
  4. The chain has been removed.

    Remember that each time a new pin should be selected for pressing out, since the strength of the disconnected and reassembled link is significantly reduced!

  5. How to install a squeeze chain

    1. The chain to be installed must be suitable in length and width.

      The width of the chain depends on the number of stars on the cassette: the more stars, the narrower the chain. Therefore, be careful not to buy a 10-speed chain for a 7-speed cassette!

      Length adjustment is carried out by removing extra links from the chain in the manner described above. Please note: if you are going to use a chain lock, you need to remove 1 more link.

      If a repair pin was included with the chain, or you bought it separately, use it. Otherwise, we press in the existing pin.

    2. To install the chain, move the front and rear derailleurs to the smallest sprockets.

      Then thread the chain through the derailleur frame. Be careful not to confuse the directions: the top roller of the chain runs on the right, and the bottom one on the left.

    3. We connect the open links, set the pin.

      We insert the link into the squeeze of the chain and fix it with a fixing screw. Turn the chain release knob to press the pin into place, it should line up with the edges of the chain. Remove the chain from the squeeze, if necessary, break off the end of the repair pin.

    4. Check that this chain link is free to bend.

      If it goes tight, you need to adjust the link with a squeeze. Insert the link into the second squeeze seat (farthest from the adjusting screw) and push the pin back a little. If there is no second seat in the squeeze, just knead the link with your hands.

Removing the chain from the bike with a special tool is a matter of seconds. When starting to dismantle a bicycle chain, remember that there are two types of chain connection:

  • using a special "pin" - this technology is most often used by Shimano and Campagnolo;
  • using a special lock - this type of connection is used by Sram and KMC.

You can often find a Shimano chain with a lock. Despite the fact that the manufacturer himself uses pins, our people put locks, and rightly so - installing locks is simple and takes less time.

How to remove a bicycle chain without a squeeze lock

To remove a chain without a lock from a bicycle, we need a special tool - squeeze. The procedure is extremely simple: insert the chain into the squeeze and squeeze out the pin - that's it, the chain is removed.

When installing the chain on the bike, the new pin is pressed into place of the old one. We do not recommend using the same pin twice - as practice shows, most often the chains break in these places.

How to remove a chain from a bicycle with a lock

It is much easier to remove a chain with a lock from a bicycle than without it. The presence of a special tool is desirable for your convenience, but not necessary, since the chain with the lock can be removed by hand. To remove the lock from the chain, you will need a key that resembles pliers. By the way, the latter can also be used when dismantling the chain with a lock.

With a little skill, the lock can be removed from the chain using pliers - then you will free yourself from buying a special tool.

The photo shows three steps to unlock the lock with pliers:

The following shows how to remove the lock from the chain with your own hands, using a regular thread:


How to remove a chain lock

As already mentioned, this process is very simple and in most cases no special tools are required. Despite the wide variety of types of locks, all of them are separated in almost the same way. If you still can’t disconnect the lock manually, then you can use a special tool (see the figure below).

How to remove a chain from a bicycle without a lock

If the chain does not have a lock, then a tool is needed to remove it - squeezing the chain. Without squeezing, it is quite difficult to disconnect the chain and the chance of damage to the chain links is very high, and it is almost impossible to connect the chain opened in this way. If the chain has to be removed often enough, then it is better to have such a tool in your arsenal, squeezing the chain makes it much easier to work with a chain without a lock.

In order to disconnect the chain without a lock, it is necessary to press out one of the pins (link axis), just for this procedure we need a squeeze. Any link is suitable for this operation, but it should be borne in mind that the next time you press out, you should choose another link, since each time the pin loosens more and more. Ideally, a connection lock should be purchased and installed.

So, we proceed to the direct riveting of the chain. The chain link must be inserted into the squeeze (as in the figure below). It is worth considering that most marcs have two grooves for placing the chain, in this case, you need to install the chain in the groove closer to the fixing screw. The second groove is needed solely for adjustment.

After the chain is installed and fixed, turn the handle slowly and smoothly, so as not to squeeze the axle to the end. The important thing is that you do not need to squeeze out the axis (pin) to the end, one end must remain in the link, otherwise it is almost impossible to insert it back later. There are chains with disposable connecting pins from Shimano, in which case the pin must be squeezed out to the end, and additional pins come with such chains. If you do not have a spare pin available, then before disconnecting the chain, you need to purchase it in a specialized store.

How to put a chain on a bike without a lock

Before reconnecting the chain on mountain bikes and sports bikes, it must be correctly pulled through the rollers, see fig. below, marked with a red line:

Next, proceed to the direct connection of the chain link. To do this, you need to carry out the same operation, only in reverse order. We place the chain in the groove near the fixing bolt so that the protruding pin looks at the pomace spout. Turning the handle, gently push the pin back until it fully enters the link. After this procedure, the links into which the pin was pressed should move freely, if this does not happen, then you need to use the chain squeeze adjustment groove. Having placed the desired link in the adjusting groove, it is necessary to ensure that the ends of the pin protrude equally from both ends.

If the chain is from Shimano with a disposable connecting pin, then with the help of a squeeze it is necessary to press it into a link and break off the tip with a rounded end. This tip is needed to simplify the process of pressing the pin.

Service: do-it-yourself bicycle chain repair

Two-wheeler repair skills will help riders deal with difficult issues quickly and efficiently. The most frequently asked question is how to remove the chain from the bike. At any time, unforeseen situations or the need for maintenance of equipment can arise, and therefore a few recommendations will be of help.

In what cases is it necessary?

This procedure may be needed for the following:

  • Replacing an old part with a new one;
  • Installation of new speed switches on vehicles;
  • To make the chain shorter;
  • To clean the element.

Work process

Removing the element with the lock does not take much time and effort. To date, there are several varieties of this bicycle chain fixture, but the principle of opening them is similar. It is necessary to close the axles and remove the cover. For convenience, you can use pliers, it is also good if you have pliers for opening on hand. Thus, the whole procedure will not take much time and it will be possible to quickly remove the malfunction, change the part or remove the chain from the bike.

If the lock is missing, then you need to make some effort. To work, you need a special squeeze. It is a tool with which it is very convenient and easy to extrude a pin. To work, it is necessary to place the chain link so that the release axle is directly opposite the pin. Then you need to twist the handle and squeeze out the pin itself directly. It is very important not to let it pop out, otherwise it will be very difficult to insert the pin into place correctly. Further, the bicycle chain can be replaced or repaired.

There are some points that should be considered when working. For example, if the same bicycle chain was repeatedly removed, then the next time it is necessary to open another link and segment, because after this process it loosens a little. Also, some squeeze models can have two seats and you need to fasten the link carefully, correctly and carefully.

Modern models of equipment have a special lock in their design, which simplifies the procedure. For some chains, you will need a special tool - squeeze. It will provide convenience when removing extra or damaged links and will allow you to properly remove the bicycle chain. Without the use of such a device, it is quite difficult to remove the chain from the bicycle, although it is possible.

Design and features

A bicycle chain is a fairly simple metal structure that is designed to transfer the transmission from a leading star to a driven one. Constituent elements:

  • The plate is external;
  • Inner plate;
  • Pin (roller);
  • Video clip;
  • Sleeve.

The main difference between different types is the distance between the rollers and the width. For some modes of transport, this part may be part of the gearshift system. This detail is important and requires special attention.

Bicycle chains require regular maintenance, cleaning and repair in order to function properly.
Periodic lubrication and flushing will ensure good operation of the equipment, and every few thousand kilometers the chain must be replaced with a new one. There is also a certain degree of elongation (0.5%), that is, pores when a new part is needed. Without special measurement tools, you can determine the degree of wear as follows: you need to install the element on the largest star (leading) and pull it away, moving it away from the teeth. If more than 4 teeth fit into the resulting space, then the bicycle part must be urgently replaced.

Preparation for dismantling



The chain is a key element of the bicycle transmission unit. Sequentially passing through the teeth of the drive stars, it transmits torque to the rear wheel, thanks to which the bike rides. In the process of movement, the chain mechanism is subjected to dynamic loads, which eventually leads to its wear.

On single speeds, as a rule, the chain is designed for the entire period of its operation: when moving through the stars, it runs smoothly and straight, without deviations. The situation is more complicated with chains on multi-speed bicycles: there is no right angle between the front and rear sprockets, which is why it is always located at an angle relative to the frame. The impact on the chain mechanism increases several times compared to parallel transmission, which leads to periodic wear. To avoid damage to the entire transmission assembly caused by chain wear, it must be changed in a timely manner.

Not only do "speed" chains need to be removed, it is quite common to remove them from single speed bikes for periodic repairs or cleaning. How to remove the chain from the bike and put it back, we will tell in this article.


Lock and continuous chains

Bike chain with lock

Elimination of defects

  • With wide rollers.
  • Frame (or rollerless).

Installing the chain on the bike

  • Combine links.

Or for a replacement when it's already out.

With a lock

To remove the chain, you need to open the lock. There are several types of locks, but their opening processes are similar, for this you need to close the axis of the lock and remove the cover.

If you have problems opening the locks, you can use tools, such as special pliers to open the locks.

without lock

If the bike has a chain without a lock, then you will have to press the axle out of the chain link. Also, this process will need to be carried out in order to reduce the number of chain links when necessary.

To press out the chain axle, you need a special tool - a chain squeezer. For this operation, you can choose any link in the chain, the only condition is that it is better to use a new one when re-pressing it, since after the operation the link loosens a little.

Insert the chain link into the tool and secure with the screw. Please note that in some chain squeezes there are two seats, one place for pressing the axle (it is closer to the fixing screw), and the second place is used only for adjusting the axle. Tighten the squeeze screw carefully, thereby squeezing out the axle.

Do not push the axle all the way out if you are planning to assemble a link with the same axle, otherwise it will be problematic to install it back!

The chain has been removed.

How to install a chain on a bike

Before installing the chain, you need to make sure that it will fit your bike. Complete with a chain, a special axle is usually sold, with a pointed end. It serves to facilitate installation, after pressing the axis, this end must be broken off with pliers. Also, the axle may already be in place if the chain is supplied without a special axle.

We connect the open links, set the axis. We insert the link into the squeeze of the chain and fix it with a fixing screw. By turning the chain squeeze handle, press the axle into place, it should line up with the edges of the chain. Remove the chain from the squeeze, if necessary, break off the end of the axle.

Check that this chain link is free to bend, if it runs tight, then it is necessary to adjust the axle with a squeeze. Insert the link in this case into the second squeeze seat, then you can see both ends of the axle.

The chain is set.

home » Repair and care » Video of unraveling a bicycle chain. How to shorten a chain on a bicycle: practical recommendations.



First of all, it is worth paying attention to the malfunction of the chain on multi-speed bikes. Traditionally, travel time is determined by mileage, but these values ​​​​are too approximate, because everything depends on the conditions of cycling: the quality of the roads, the selection of gears, speed, the load on the pedals and, accordingly, on the front stars.

The first signs of bike chain failure are inaccurate gear changes and suspicious sounds (provided that the chain has not lost lubrication). The following method will surely help to determine the malfunction: bend away from the largest star and see the number of free teeth. If the chain freely moves away from three or more teeth, then replacement is required urgently. Two teeth “warn” that wear is not far off, but you can still ride.

The same method can be used to see the weakening of the chain on a single-speed bicycle: we bend it away from the front chainring and look at the number of teeth.

Determination of the degree of attenuation

Another way to determine wear is to measure the length:

  • 304.8 mm is the optimal chain length.
  • 306.5 - 307.5 - average wear, suitability for repair. As long as you can ride.
  • 308 mm - a high degree of wear and tear of both the chain and stars.
  • More than 308 mm - damage to the entire transmission.

Measuring elongation requires the chain to be completely removed from the bike.

Lock and continuous chains

The lock chain is equipped with a special clamping device. Unhooking and putting it on is not difficult - just disconnect the lock. To find it, we carefully examine the chain on both sides and find a detachable link. In principle, it will not be difficult to find it on a clean chain: a tick is put on top, which fixes the link and does not allow it to move apart. Also, the inscription of the manufacturer is usually stamped on the lock link. If you can’t find the lock for a long time, then either the chain is dirty, or it is lockless, or solid.

Bike chain with lock

You can’t just disconnect a bicycle chain without a lock: all the links on it look the same, however, they are also hooked together. This causes great inconvenience during cleaning, for example, it is necessary to carry out a “general cleaning” in a solvent. In the case of the lock, everything is simple - he pulled it off and put it in kerosene. A solid bike chain, even removed from the stars, will remain hanging on the frame.

In terms of removing a chain with a lock, of course, it is more convenient than its counterpart. However, for some reason, the fastening may become loose: the tick will fly off, and the link itself will disengage. There are no such weak points on bicycle chains without locks, and if it is torn, then it is only a matter of its quality.

Opening the lock and squeezing the axis of the link

Opening the lock is quite simple: with a screwdriver or other object (for example, a knitting needle), we pry off the tongs. The main thing here is not to damage it, and even better not to lose it, otherwise it will not work to fix the chain later. Next, we disengage the entire link. That's it, you can remove the chain and do whatever you want with it: clean it, throw it away or shorten it. However, we will talk about this a little later.

Lock in disassembled state

You can only disconnect a continuous chain with a special tool - squeeze. With its help, it will be easy to disassemble the link without damage. The procedure is simple, but you should not rush:

  • First, select the link for disassembly.
  • We insert the chain into the position of pressing out and pressing in the pin (link axis).
  • Turn the screw with the handle and pull out the axle. The direction of extrusion is towards the squeeze screw, that is, towards itself.

You should not remove the pin completely, as it will not be easy to return it later to its place.

Gall chain release device

The squeeze slightly loosens the axle, so when re-disengaging, you should choose another link.
Pressing the axis into the link is carried out in the opposite order: connect adjacent links to each other and press the pin with a screw.

Elimination of defects

A common type of wear is chain slack, when the length of the chain increases from its original length. Previously, the critical values ​​\u200b\u200bof the length of the bike chain were considered, at which it cannot be used. That's right, but the chain does not have to be thrown away immediately, but can be repaired. Under prolonged loads, the axles become loose, which causes longitudinal and transverse expansion. It is impossible to eliminate the transverse one, but it is quite possible to tinker with the longitudinal one.

It is necessary to remove the extra links in such a way that the chain runs calmly, without tension, along the large star. With the help of a squeeze, excess links are removed, the axial shafts are completely pulled out from the removed elements. The main thing here is not to make a mistake and not pull out too many links.

If you have to ride with a stretched chain, then in order to avoid it coming off, you can install the so-called parts that prevent the chain from flying off when driving. There are several types of such devices:

  • Roller with two clamps.
  • With wide rollers.
  • Frame (or rollerless).

This is what bicycle dampers look like

Using dampers as protection is, of course, good, but it would be better to think about changing the chain.

Installing the chain on the bike

To put the chain on single speed, just hang it on both stars, press in a pin or snap the lock. With high-speed bikes it will be a little more difficult:

  • Fix the switches on the small stars.
  • Put the chain on the sprockets, taking into account the location of the tension rollers.
  • Combine links.
  • Clamp the chain and press in the axle. If the bike chain is with a lock, we do without squeeze.

After the installation is completed, it is necessary to check the course of the chain: cycle the pedals several times. If there is no slack or difficulty in twisting, then the chain is of the optimum length and is installed correctly.

Every owner of a two-wheeled horse can cope with the removal and installation of a bicycle chain. A simple and simple procedure will not take much time, but it will help a lot on further trips!

If you ride a bike for many kilometers, then the parts will wear out sooner or later. After a long run, the bike chain will "stretch" and will need to be replaced.
Technically the chain does not stretch, but the pins that connect the links wear out, which increases the length of the chain.

stretched chain accelerates the wear of the cassette and chainrings on the sprocket, so getting a new chain when the stretch is already noticeable is a good idea. It is recommended to replace the chain every 1000-1500 kilometers. By the way, replacing a chain is much cheaper than replacing cassettes or gear chain rims on an asterisk.

The information on repairing and shortening the chain below will be very helpful.

Bicycle chain parts and necessary tools

Chain wear indicator: A typical chain wear indicator hooks onto a pin in the chain while the other end is inserted between two pins or rollers. The numbers on the tool will show how worn the chain is and whether it is time to change it.

New chain: The type of chain depends on the number of speeds of the bike. So, for example, if the bike is 9-speed, you need to buy a 9-speed chain. More advanced chains include a special coating that will delay the appearance of rust, or they are already made of stainless steel.

Replacing pins or connecting link: New chains come with a new pin or special link called a tie link that connects the 2 ends of the chain together.

If you are repairing an existing chain, you will need to purchase replacement pins or connecting links separately - they must be compatible with the chain speed and brand.

pomace: If you have a chain with standard links, you will need a compatible clutch that will allow you to easily remove the old pin and put in a new one when disconnecting and connecting the chain.

Pliers: If you have a chain that connects to a connecting link, you will need pliers to make it easier to separate and connect the connecting link.

How to check a bicycle chain

To test the chain for significant stretch, use. Hook one end to a roller or pin in the chain. The other end will either come on its own to the drive wheel, or you can fit it in between the two rollers. If it falls out of this gap, then the chain is so stretched that it should be replaced.

The chain wear indicator has numbers showing the amount of wear on the chain. A value between 0.5 and 0.75 indicates that the chain needs to be replaced. A value of 0.75 or higher means that not only should the chain be replaced, but the condition of the cassette and sprockets should also be checked, as stretching the chain could cause significant damage to the cassette and sprockets.

You can check the chain in another way - measure the chain with a ruler or tape measure. On unworn or new chain, 12 full links (measured pin to pin) should equal 12 inches (30.48 cm). If the 12 links are 31 cm long or more, then the chain needs to be replaced.

How to remove a chain from a bicycle

To remove the chain from the bike, you will need to disconnect (break) it. There are several ways to do this, depending on whether the chain has a connecting link or not.

Before you begin, move the chain to the smallest sprocket and smallest cog.

It will be even better if you remove the chain from the front drive sprocket or remove the rear wheel from the bike. Both of these methods will take the tension off the chain.

If you have a standard chain without a connecting link: Install the squeezer so that the pin of the squeezer aligns with the pin in the chain. Rotate the squeeze knob so that the pin is pulled out far enough to break the chain.

If you have a chain with a connecting link: To find a connecting link, look for a link that is markedly different from the others.

This is where you can break the chain.

The connecting link has a pin on one side, inserted into a notch on the other side.

Use pliers, squeeze the connecting link on both sides so that it opens.

How to determine the length of a new chain?

Usually the new chain is too long, so it will have to be shortened by removing the links. There are several ways to do this. The easiest and best way to determine the length of a new chain- attach it to the old chain. Then you just need to shorten it to match the old one (to be sure, you should count the number of links).

Another variant. Pass the chain through the front derailleur and drape it over the large sprocket in front and over the large cog in the back. Do not run the chain through the rear derailleur yet. Tightly connect the two ends of the chain. If the chain connects and there are still 2 whole links on the overlap (the floor of the link is still left at the end - the place where you connect the chain), the chain length is chosen correctly.

Note: many full-suspension mountain bikes use a scheme that moves the rear axle further away from the bottom bracket while the bike is riding, through the suspension; it is called " chain growth". To accommodate chain growth, you will need to compress the rear suspension hard when using the method above.

Before removing unnecessary links, make sure that the two ends of the chain will connect. The chain can only connect if the outside of the link connects to the inside of the connecting link. Then disconnect the remaining links.

Installing a bicycle chain

It's time to thread the chain through the rear derailleur and connect it. Pay attention and make sure that the chain goes exactly through the drive wheel on the rear derailleur.

Use of pins: If the chain does not have a connecting link, then use a pry to connect the chain to the pin that is already in the new chain.
If you are repairing an old chain, always use a new pin instead of the old one. The new pin must be compatible with the chain, its speed and brand. The new pin must be inserted halfway with a squeeze, then pulled out from the other side with the help of pliers.

Using connectors: If you are connecting the chain with a connecting link, put one half on each end of the chain, connect the ends of the chain, assemble the connecting link with a tool to put it in place.

It is also possible to connect the connecting link without a tool. Connect it and pull the chain in different directions to block the connecting link as much as possible. Then loosen the derailleur clutch, if equipped, pedal so that the connecting link is on top of the drive chain. Using the brakes, stand firmly on one pedal, the voltage will go to the chain, and it will fall into place.

How to replace a chain on a bicycle - video

It happens that you need to remove a bicycle chain - for example, to clean it, replace it, or adjust the length (the latter is done if your new cassette has a different number of teeth, and you need to change the length of the chain accordingly by adding or removing a certain number of links) .

How to remove a chain lock

Examine the chain: if you find a link that is different from all the others, then you are lucky - you have a chain with a lock. In order to separate it, move the pins (pins, axles) on each half-link (cheek). The chain will open. The whole operation will take just a minute. No special equipment is needed: if you suddenly cannot move the pins with your hands, use pliers. Assembly is also done without any tricks, in reverse order.

How to remove a chain without a lock

If you have a chain without a lock, then you will need a special tool - a squeeze for the chain. It is inexpensive, takes up little space, so we recommend you always carry it with you, along with a set of hexagons and a repair kit for cameras. Anything can happen on the road - if the chain suddenly breaks, you can easily remove the damaged links with the squeeze and reconnect the chain.

How to remove the chain without squeezing is a topical issue. But no matter how often it is asked, it is better to remember one life rule. For good repair and maintenance - it is better to use a specialized tool! In this case, it is a chain squeeze.

There are two types of pomace, most have two seats. One of them is for assembling and disassembling the chain, the second is for adjusting the position of the axle in the chain link bushing. If your squeeze is just that, with two seats, then insert the chain link so that it is on the side closest to the adjusting screw. If you lay the chain in the wrong place, you can accidentally break the partitions between the squeeze seats or crush the link cheeks during operation.

Two important notes:

After using the bike for a long time without maintenance, it is not uncommon for the chain to begin to sag. How to shorten a bicycle chain at home? What is required to determine its correct length? We will look for answers to these and other questions in the presented material.

What factors affect the elongation of a bicycle chain?

A number of points lead to the wear of the axles, the so-called pins, of a bicycle chain. Firstly, deposits in the form of old oil accumulate between the structural elements, on which dust and small contaminants stick. In addition, stretching can cause excessive stress on the chain when climbing steep hills on the bike. Another reason is the end of the life of the chain, the destruction of its elements as a result of impacts, metal corrosion. To avoid discomfort during the operation of the bike, you need to figure out

How to determine the optimal length?

Before you figure out whether it is possible to shorten the chain on a bicycle with your own hands, you need to find out how long it should have for comfortable movement. To understand this issue, it is enough to throw the chain on the largest stars both in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe rear and front chassis of the bike. Next, you need to open one of the links. Finally, tighten the chain as much as possible. It is enough to add a couple of centimeters to the resulting length so that the chain is not overstressed during the ride.

Preparation for dismantling

To make it easier to work with the chain, you should first clean it. The easiest way is to wipe it with a regular piece of material soaked in kerosene. You can also use a special wash, in particular AB-80 or WD-40 liquid.


How to shorten the chain on a speed bike or mountain bike? There are several tools you can use to break the links. First of all, you should pay attention to the special pomace. The latter is a simple device resembling a manual frame with a rod that exerts pressure on the axes (pins) of the links. You can buy such a tool at any point of sale of sports equipment. Its acquisition will cost in the amount of 500 to 1000 rubles.

If it is not possible to buy a pomace, in this case you will have to use improvised means. We are talking here about a hammer and a metal bar, which will serve as a punch to extract the axes of the links. You will also need a couple of nuts that will fit under the chain links.

How to shorten a chain on a bicycle with a squeeze?

To do the job, resorting to the operation of a special tool, you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. Set the squeeze to a position in which its rod will be in the center of the axis of the chain link.
  2. Perform rotational movements with the tool until the axis is almost completely out of the link.
  3. Disconnect the chain and, if necessary, perform similar operations with its remaining sections.
  4. Remove unnecessary links and connect the structure.

Having figured out how to shorten the chain on a bicycle, you need to figure out how to connect it. A narrow half-link must be inserted between the cheeks of a wide one. Then the axle should fully enter the hole in the hub. Next, you need to evaluate the mobility of the links. If it is insufficient at the junction, the hinge can be developed using pliers.

How to shorten a chain on a bicycle without squeezing?

The absence of a specialized tool designed to disconnect chain links is not a critical moment. As mentioned above, a metal pin, nail, etc. can serve as an alternative to squeeze. Also here you will need a hammer, with which the axles will be knocked out of the links.

With this approach to business, the main thing is to be careful. After all, inaccurate, too strong blows can lead to deformation of the link plates. To prevent this from happening, ordinary nuts must be placed under the chain elements in advance.

For those who first resort to shortening a bicycle chain without the use of a special squeeze, it is recommended to pre-train. For these purposes, it is worth using an old chain or separate, unnecessary links. Such work requires some skill. Therefore, before acting on a working chain with a hammer and a punch, you need to perform the above steps several times and evaluate the result of your own work.


So we figured out how to shorten a bicycle chain. As you can see, it is possible to cope with such a task not only with the help of a special squeeze. To do the work, sometimes it is enough to use the tools at hand, which can be found in every home.

What could be better than a day out on a bike ride! However, the pleasure can be overshadowed by an unexpected chain breakage. If domestic bicycles for the most part consist of detachable sections of the chain, the locks between which can be easily divided, then the chains are often one-piece. We will talk today about how the chain is removed, and what devices exist for this.

When is a chain removed from a bicycle?

Experienced cyclists remove the chain regularly. For example, in the case when the replacement of the system or only the cassette resulted in a change in the number of teeth, the chain will have to be shortened by removing the teeth, or lengthened by adding additional ones. In addition, the chain is removed in order to:

  • wash;
  • boil in grease;
  • replace (if repair is no longer possible).

Instructions for self-replacing the squeeze chain

Removing the chain by pressing.

Usually, an auxiliary tool is used to remove the chain from the bike - squeeze. With it, it is easy to remove even one-piece chain. The sequence of work in this case is as follows:

  1. Determine the section of the chain to parse. In the case of repeated disassembly of the chain, it is preferable to take a non-repairable section of the chain.
  2. Insert the chain into the squeeze so that the pin is opposite the clamping axis.
  3. Secure the chain with a knurled screw.
  4. Turn the handle, squeezing the pin out.
  5. Remove unnecessary links with a squeeze, pressing out the entire pin.
  6. Connect chain links. In this case, the pin located in the cheek should look outward towards you. First you need to run the chain through the rear and front derailleurs. Then put the chain links one on top of the other so that the pin coincides with the sleeve.
  7. Unclench the "cheeks" with pliers. After the ends of the chain have taken their place, the pin coming out will not allow the links to separate.
  8. Insert the squeeze into the link so that the axes of the pin and the rod match perfectly, and rotate the funnel, pressing the pin into the hole.
  9. Check the symmetry of the position of the pin and the “cheeks” of the links. Adjust their position if necessary.
  10. Check the links for mobility relative to each other. If necessary, increase mobility with pliers.

Important! On a high-speed bike, the chain is installed along the switch rollers at the rear in accordance with the broach pattern. In order to be able to replace the chain many times in the future, it is best to lock the chain.

The sequence of actions for removing the chain from the bike without squeezing with your own hands

The squeeze is a useful tool. However, it is not always available. What then to do? The prospect of staying in the middle of pristine nature somewhere many kilometers from the city does not look attractive. You can remove the chain from the bike without squeezing. Doing it yourself will not be easy, but it is quite possible. Let us consider in detail the options for parsing a chain with and without a lock.

Model with lock

How to check if a chain has a lock? As easy as pie! A quick inspection to see if the chain has a link that is different from its neighbors. This is the castle. You can disconnect it by moving the pins on each of the links with your hands or pliers. To assemble the chain, you need to do the same steps in reverse order.

Model without lock

In this case, without squeezing it will not be easy. And the result will be unpredictable. But, if there are no other options, we choose the lesser of 2 evils. So, we remove the chain without a lock from the bike with improvised means in this order.

  1. Screw an ordinary vise to the table.
  2. Fix the chain in a vise by placing a nut on one side, the hole of which corresponds to the pin.
  3. Stick on the other side a small screw with a hat.
  4. Clamping the vise, push the pin into the nut hole with the ball.

Important! In order to open the circuit, it is not enough to release one side. You need to move the link and remove the chain, or add another ball and continue trying.

Summing up, we can confidently say that pomace is an indispensable thing on the road for every cyclist. And if a broken chain with a lock can still be removed from the bike without this device, then, as for the chain without a lock, it will be difficult to do without it. However, in case of form-major circumstances, you can use the above instructions.

Video. How to disconnect, rivet, open, a bicycle chain. Remove the lock


The need to remove the bicycle chain occurs when it needs to be replaced, washed thoroughly or boiled in grease (in the case of a single-speed chain). Therefore, a small guide for beginners.

It is possible to remove the chain from the bicycle only by removing the axle connecting the links (pin). You can squeeze out the pin without a tool, right in the field - by placing the chain on the edge of a solid object and tapping the axis with a thin knitting needle.

Unfortunately, this method will not allow you to assemble the chain back, because there will be nothing to press the pin with. Therefore, to remove a bicycle chain, you need to have a special device - a squeeze, it is best to take a multitool, which includes all the main bicycle keys, including a squeeze. I have like this, very satisfied.

The chain link must be placed on the squeeze so that the pin is directly in front of the release axle of the tool. Then it's simple - gently twist the handle, and the pin is squeezed out.

The main thing is to stop at the end so that the pin does not pop out completely, otherwise then your vocabulary will not have enough swear words to push it back.

Below is a video where you can see what I'm talking about (1:05).

When installing the chain on a multi-speed bike, you need to follow the scheme of pulling along the rollers of the rear derailleur, I drew it in red in this picture:

Everything is very simple, and there is absolutely no need to go to the bike master because of some minor problem with the transmission.

Do not forget that the bicycle chain needs to be properly lubricated, so buy a bicycle lubricant right away.

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  • How to repair a bike on the road
  • What to drink on a long bike ride
  • How to edit figure eights on wheels and change spokes


Sometimes you need to remove a bicycle chain - for example, to clean it, replace it, or adjust the length (the latter is done if your new cassette has a different number of teeth, and you need to change the length of the chain accordingly by adding or removing a certain number of links) .

How to remove a chain lock

Examine the chain: if you find a link that is different from all the others, then you are lucky - you have a chain with a lock. In order to separate it, move the pins (pins, axles) on each half-link (cheek). The chain will open. The whole operation will take just a minute. No special equipment is needed: if you suddenly cannot move the pins with your hands, use pliers. Assembly is also done without any tricks, in reverse order.

How to remove a chain without a lock

If you have a chain without a lock, then you will need a special tool - a squeeze for the chain. It is inexpensive, takes up little space, so we recommend you always carry it with you, along with a set of hexagons and a repair kit for cameras. Anything can happen on the road - if the chain suddenly breaks, you can easily remove the damaged links with the squeeze and reconnect the chain.

How to remove the chain without squeezing? And is it worth it?

How to remove the chain without squeezing is a topical issue. But no matter how often it is asked, it is better to remember one life rule. For good repair and maintenance - it is better to use a specialized tool! In this case, it is a chain squeeze.

There are two types of pomace, most have two seats. One of them is for assembling and disassembling the chain, the second is for adjusting the position of the axis in the chain link bushing. If your squeeze is just that, with two seats, then insert the chain link so that it is on the side closest to the adjusting screw. If you lay the chain in the wrong place, you can accidentally break the partitions between the squeeze seats or crush the link cheeks during operation.

Let's assume that the chain is laid correctly. Now carefully turn the handle. You may need to apply a lot of force, so try to work carefully so that the link in the squeeze does not warp, otherwise you can damage it. Make sure that the tip of the squeezer presses exactly on the pin. You do not need to turn the screw quickly, you should stop at the moment when the pin is squeezed out of the entire link, but remains on the far cheek. If you squeeze it out completely, then, believe me, it will be very difficult for you to insert it back. Also, be careful not to accidentally knock the pin out of the cheek: this way it can roll off in an unknown direction and get lost.

When assembling, you will not need anything other than the same pomace. I remind you again: be careful, do not get carried away, so as not to squeeze the pin out of the link.

Two important notes:

  • If your chain is equipped with a lock, then you should not disassemble it with a squeeze
  • If you have to disassemble the same chain many times, then each time you choose a new link: if you extrude the same pin over and over again, this will degrade the strength of the chain


Removing a chain from a bicycle is a common procedure for experienced cyclists. It is carried out periodically, using a special tool. Most often, the reason for dismantling is the need to replace the element. On a bicycle chain, the price is at an affordable level, and therefore such a purchase is not expensive.

Options with and without a lock: action algorithms

In addition to the situation when the wear of the part precludes repair and only a complete replacement is possible, there are other reasons to remove the chain. Among them:

  • lengthening or shortening (with the addition or removal of teeth);
  • the need to boil the product in grease;
  • the need to wash, lubricate, clean, etc.

On modern models of bicycles, two types of chains are installed - without a lock and with it. Traditionally, it is customary to remove the chain from the bike with the help of a special device - squeeze. She is able to cope even with an integral part of the structure. Such bicycle chains in Moscow can be purchased online on the websites of specialized resources. To remove those on which there is a lock, squeezing is absolutely not needed.

It is easy to determine the presence or absence of a lock by visual inspection. This link is different from the rest. It is disconnected by shifting the pins on each of the links, using pliers or simply by hand. Connect the part in reverse order.

The case where there is no lock appears to be more complicated. If you decide to buy a chain for a bicycle without it, then along the way it is worth buying a squeeze, which would greatly facilitate the removal procedure. But if it is missing, you will have to do it with improvised tools, adhering to a certain scheme:

  • ordinary vise is screwed to the surface;
  • fix the chain with a nut as a substrate on one side so that the hole coincides with the pin;
  • a small screw with a cap is attached on the other side;
  • squeezing the vise, squeeze the pin with the help of a ball into the hole from the nut.

Releasing one side to open the circuit is not enough. You must move the link to remove it, or continue to manipulate using an additional ball.

Is a squeeze needed?

Having bought a one-piece chain for a bicycle in an online store, you should keep in mind that the squeeze will be indispensable on the road in case of force majeure. You can solve the problem without it, but it is better to be prepared for unpleasant surprises. In addition, with the help of a special tool, it is much easier to carry out work than manually.

vamvelosiped.ru - online store of bicycles and bicycle parts.


Every vehicle needs maintenance. Bicycles are not included in the exception. Their key element in the transmission unit is the chain. High-speed bikes are inherently more "finicky" for normal functioning. The frequency of replacement or maintenance of the chain mechanism is largely determined by the style of riding. For example, bike trial enthusiasts do this while riding. When and how does the chain change on a speed bike?

Chains for bicycles are lockable and solid. Disconnecting the lock variation is not difficult. It is convenient to do this with an ordinary thread (wire), threading it into neighboring links (before and in front of the lock) and tightening the loop. The main thing is to avoid damage to the lock and not lose it.

Disclosure of a continuous chain is possible only with a special squeeze, although the procedure itself also cannot be classified as complex tasks:

  • It will be necessary to install the chain in the position of pressing-in-pressing the axle.
  • Tightening the screw to pull out the pin.

Axial pressing is inherent in the opposite sequence: the connection of the links and the indentation of the pin by means of a screw.

What tools is important to have to replace the chain:

  1. A wrench to remove the rear wheel.
  2. Pliers to hold segments and pin.
  3. Squeeze. As noted above, this device presses and presses the pins.

Cyclists who do not have sufficient experience in such matters are advised to memorize the general scheme, reflecting the location of the chain on the system, cassette, switches. Then the procedure for its subsequent installation will not cause difficulties.

Once all the nuances are fixed in memory (or on paper), you can proceed to the next steps:

  • Cleaning links from mud accumulations. If this is not done, the dirt will be a significant obstacle to the next steps.
  • Removing the rear wheel. The absence of this detail simplifies all actions, although experienced craftsmen safely skip this stage. In fact, it does not apply to mandatory measures.
  • Extrusion of a pin present in all links (a metal cylinder that closes the link). This is where squeeze is applied.
  • Separation of one link.
  • Derivation of extreme links from the system of switches.

On this, the extraction of the chain (worn or requiring cleaning) can be considered complete. The procedure itself is quite easy if you have the tool and basic knowledge. The accuracy of execution and the absence of forceful actions in the process of pressing out are very important.

With bikes that have one gear (single speeds), everything is limited to hanging the chain on the parts of the star configuration and locking or pressing the pin. The design of high-speed bikes involves some difficulties in this matter.

They can be identified as follows:

  1. Derailleur lock on small chainrings.
  2. Next, a chain is put on the teeth of the stars. It is important to take into account the location of the rollers involved in its tension.
  3. Then the chain links are combined.
  4. The chain is clamped and the axle is pressed in or the lock is closed.

At the final stage, the progress is checked. For this purpose, the pedals are scrolled. Incorrect installation is characterized by sagging of the installed element and difficult torsion. If this is not observed, the installation of the circuit is done according to all the rules.

In what cases, except for wear, is the chain removed:

  1. For deep cleaning when it is necessary to remove lubricating compound and accumulated abrasive.
  2. To replace damaged links.

A failed chain stretches, its links shift, damaging the sprockets, which negatively affects the switches. It is quite difficult to visually determine the degree of wear.

Therefore, they use a simple measurement, that is, you need to measure twenty-four links, or rather their total length:

  • With a value of 30.5 cm, we can talk about the normal state of the chain.
  • An indicator of 30.65-30.75 cm indicates the need for replacement.

By the way, cutting the stretched chain does not solve the problem. Stretching tends to be evenly distributed. In this case, damage to the stars cannot be avoided. As you know, "star" parts are not repairable. It is cheaper to change the chain than to replace more expensive components.

Video story will tell you how to replace the chain on a bicycle

Edited: 03/10/2017

In the last article, we considered the question of how .

One method involved removing the chain from the bike. A natural question arises - how to quickly and easily remove the chain from the bike.

The first thing I want to say right away is that it is best to work with the chain with gloves - there is less chance of getting your hands dirty with oil and then washing them for a long time. But, in general, this advice is not for everyone.

Here you need to understand the following: chains come with a special lock and chains without a lock.

Locks and chains differ in the type of lock. In a multi-speed chain, the rivets should practically not protrude above the side plates, otherwise they will interfere. The lock link for a multi-speed chain consists of two halves, each of which is a cheek with a pin pressed on one side.

Even if your chain does not initially have a lock, it is better to put one on the first time you remove the chain, when you decide to wash it. Believe me, it will be much easier to remove and install the chain in the future. There are many locks sold separately on the Internet for a variety of chains, both for single-speed and multi-speed models.

Removing a chain that has a special lock

Removing such chains is easy and simple, it takes 1-2 minutes. You simply open the lock and the chain is removed.

There are even special tools for this and can be purchased online or at specialized bike shops. They work both for expansion and compression, so that they can be removed and put on the lock.

But our man is not looking for easy ways, and not every bicycle lover agrees to spend money on such tools, so all this can be done with ordinary pliers or round-nose pliers with narrow noses.

If the lock is tight and does not give in just like that, you can try to remove it with an old brake or gear cable, a strong rope or wire. To do this, the wire is threaded between the lock links, as shown in the figure. With a pair of pliers, we take both edges and pull sharply to opposite edges, unclenching the lock.

Video how to remove the chain lock with a rope

Some chains are removed at all manually. How it's done is shown in this video.

Removing the chain without a lock using a chain squeeze

Here everything is not as simple as in the previous case, although this does not present great difficulties either.

In this case, a special tool called chain squeezing (bike squeezing). They come both in a separate version and in the form, which is much more convenient on a trip or at home.

How to use the squeeze chain, we will now consider.

To begin with, we select the link that we will disassemble. If the chain is being disassembled for the first time, it can be any link, but it is better to look for the link that the chain was assembled at the factory when assembling the bike. Usually this pin stands out from the rest. If the chain has already been disassembled in this way, then it is better to choose another link, and not what happened last time. This is due to the fact that the squeeze loosens the pin a little.

Now just slowly twist the handle, squeezing out the pin. And here is the most important thing: constantly check that the pin does not pop out completely. If it jumps out, it is very difficult to insert it back (even using all the possibilities of the great and mighty Russian language).

Another small point: be careful not to lose the roller from the link in which the pin was squeezed out. Otherwise, there will be problems later.

The assembly of the chain then occurs in the reverse order. You connect the links, insert the pin, not forgetting the roller, and press the pin back with the squeeze screw.

Video how to remove the chain using a chain squeeze.

Is it possible to remove a bicycle chain without squeezing?

Of course you can. Nothing is impossible for our man. In early childhood, when there were no all these devices and tools, in order to remove a chain or link from a bicycle chain, we used an ordinary hammer and a thin bolt or nail.

The chain was placed on a nut or so that the axis was in a narrow gap between the stones on the curb (so that it had somewhere to squeeze out), put a nail to the axis and, slowly tapping on it with a hammer or just another stone, knocked out the pin. The main thing was not to knock out the pin completely. The chain was also put back together.

The Soviet ones withstood such treatment, but modern chains for models are unlikely to withstand. They are too soft for that. You can just bend the chain link. So it's better to use a chain squeezer for all these jobs.