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We make a mini tractor from a VAZ: step by step instructions. How to make a mini tractor from Zhiguli? Tractor based on Zhiguli

Owners of farms, summer residents who have fields larger than 10 acres, need the help of agricultural machinery. Of course, not everyone can afford to buy a factory mini tractor.

However, in the villages you can often find old Zhiguli, which have already outlived their usefulness, but which still have hope for a second life.

It is on the basis of this car that a wonderful mini-tractor can be constructed, which, in terms of its characteristics, will not be inferior to purchased specimens.

Do-it-yourself minitractor from Zhiguli is a great option for those who do not want to spend money on expensive equipment. In this case, the motor can be taken from different car models - VAZ 2101, VAZ 2106, VAZ 2109, and many others.

Where to begin?

As a rule, the design of any homemade product begins with the creation of a drawing. The diagram will help you accurately calculate all dimensions, mark the connection nodes, outline the shape and number of parts. Without a drawing, by eye, you are unlikely to be able to do everything correctly and efficiently the first time. So don't skip this step.

When working on a drawing of a mini tractor from a Zhiguli, consider the following points:

  • the front suspension should be made reinforced;
  • the engine must be placed under the driver's seat;
  • be sure to indicate changes in the chassis;
  • the motor in a minitractor from a Zhiguli must be covered with a casing;
  • mark the place where the fuel tank will be located;
  • if you create a shortened frame, the tractor will be compact and economical in fuel consumption;
  • if you decide to reduce the frame, then consider the moment that the bridge will also be displaced.

Work process

If you decide to make a minitractor from a Zhiguli, then in the end you will get a fairly powerful machine with excellent performance. Such a unit will become a real assistant in the performance of any work on the cultivation of the land and caring for plants.

So, a mini tractor can be made with an engine from a VAZ 2106 or an internal combustion engine VAZ 2101, but you will also need the following parts, which you can definitely borrow from other machines:

  1. The gearbox can be taken from the GAZ-53;
  2. The rear wheels will fit from the MTZ-82, and the front wheels can be from an old cultivator or walk-behind tractor;
  3. From the same VAZ 2106, you can take the steering and driver's seat;
  4. From the Zhiguli, the front and rear axles are taken. However, it is important to adjust their dimensions to the dimensions of the future homemade product.

Stages of creating a mini tractor from VAZ:

  • A kinetic scheme is created. An important step that should not be skipped;
  • Frame manufacturing. After adjusting its dimensions, it is necessary to carefully process the welding seams. If you do not have a finished frame, you can easily make it from channels and corners. It is important after its manufacture to inspect the metal for rust. You will also need to prime the frame in several layers;
  • Let's get to work on the manufacture of the chassis. You need to inspect all components very carefully, as well as carefully check the brake system;
  • If you change wheels to more bulky ones, you will need to find suitable axles and brakes;
  • The engine is mounted;
  • A protective casing for the engine is being created;
  • Mounted seat for the driver;
  • Steering is installed;
  • Attachment points are created for future mounting of attachments.

Important Points

If you decide to make a homemade mini tractor from Zhiguli, you should know some important points. Such a technique will be a great helper, and at the same time you do not have to spend a lot of money on its manufacture. But you must consider some legally important points:

  1. If you buy an old Zhigul for homemade, then a re-registration procedure must be carried out;
  2. After this procedure, you must notify the traffic police about the planned work. There will be issued an act on the delivery of rooms;
  3. After you create a Zhiguli minitractor, you need to register it and get new license plates. But most often, farmers use such transport exclusively within their own plot or between fields, so such registration can be avoided.

As you can see, making a mini tractor from Zhiguli is quite simple. It is only important to think over every moment, prepare all the necessary details and tools. Many owners of such homemade products note the excellent performance of the machine, its ability to work in the fields. But the important thing is that you assembled it yourself, and, therefore, if a breakdown occurs, you can easily find and fix it.

Source: http://pro-traktor.ru/minitraktory/samodelki-iz-minitraktorov/iz-zhigulej.html

How to make a tractor with your own hands (homemade)?

The advantages of homemade tractors are obvious. Each person can make them on their own, the cost of parts for such devices is lower than for factory ones, they do an excellent job of processing small plots of land. In addition, many parts for a homemade tractor can be found on your farm.

Let us consider in detail the question of how to make a tractor with your own hands.

Preparation of drawings

Despite the fact that any tractor, whether it is a standard size or a motor-tractor, consists of at least hundreds or even thousands of parts, anyone who can master the diagram shown in the form of a simple drawing can assemble it on their own. Thanks to the schematic drawing, assembling a tractor with your own hands is similar to a standard constructor, where element A is connected to element B, then part AB to element C, and so on in a chain.

Drawing of a homemade mini tractor with a breaking frame

Although, it is worth noting that in our country there are probably enough self-taught masters who can “keep the drawing in their heads”, that is, perform the same sequential actions as with the drawing, just follow the imaginary instructions. However, this does not apply to everyone. Anyone who does not have such experience is unlikely to be able to assemble any kind of structure without turning to a pre-blackened scheme for help.

In case you had a “bad relationship” with drawing at school and you are not able to organize a drawing of a full-fledged home-made tractor, ask your acquaintances, friends or relatives who understand this business better than you. In extreme cases, Google-search will help you find any information.

Before you start drawing the diagram yourself, decide what kind of tractor you want to make, on the basis of what it will be made. So, for example, homemade tractors can be:

They are made on the basis of:

  • motoblocks. A tractor from the Niva is very popular in Russia (one of the most famous walk-behind tractors in the Russian Federation);
  • automotive engines. Moreover, motors of both passenger cars and trucks, cargo-passenger can be used. By the way, the engine from the GAZ-66 is very suitable for making a homemade tractor with your own hands, which will have high power. Often there is a tractor from the UAZ;
  • UD-2 - a universal engine used as an additional motor in installations that are equipped with an electric generator, as well as as an engine in a home-made tractor;
  • popular among the people homemade tractor 4 × 4. Homemade tractor 4 × 4 is also called a break.

Having decided on the above question, you can safely proceed to the drawings. At the same time, after creating the scheme, be sure to make a list of the available parts and assemblies, and a list of those items that need to be purchased, after which, buy the missing parts. Only after the entire list of parts is in your garage, you can begin to assemble the structure.
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Design features

How to assemble a tractor with your own hands? There are no great difficulties in this. If you correctly drew the diagram and prepared all the necessary details, making a tractor with your own hands goes into the practical part. The difference between modifications and options depends on the means and skills that you have. Below we describe the most optimal design:

  1. Frame. Its main elements are spars (left, right) and traverse (rear, front). The front steps are made of channels No. 10, the last one is made of a square-shaped steel pipe with sides of 8 × 8 cm.

    Preparing a frame for a homemade mini tractor

  2. Engine. It is worth choosing a power plant that is suitable in terms of torque and power. Make no mistake if you take a 4-cylinder water-cooled machine with diesel fuel.
  3. The gearbox and PTO transfer case, as a rule, are taken from the GAZ-53, and the clutch, or rather its mechanism, from the GAZ-52. In order for the clutch basket to properly dock with the motor, you need to weld a new casing, remake the flywheel. The latter is processed on a lathe, the back plane is cut off, an additional hole is machined in the center.
  4. The bridge is usually integrated without much change. Fastening to the frame is carried out thanks to 4 ladders. A variation of the compound driveshaft from any car is allowed.
  5. Steering. Hydraulics require an oil pump to provide pressure. It is placed near the drive shaft. It is better if each wheel of the drive shaft is controlled by a gearbox. Distributor for 4 workers. positions of the standard type will set the direction of rotation (these are mounted on the MTZ-80).
  6. Installing the wheel part on the hubs is not difficult. The central part is cut out of the disk with mounting holes, the center of the ZiL-130 disk is welded in its place. The front axle is made independently, because. he is not leading and does not require special knowledge. Many rearrange the finished bridge from other vehicles.

If you have opted for making a caterpillar tractor with your own hands, because it does not damage the upper fertile soil layer during operation, to simplify, buy a new module equipped with wheels and a seat.

Alternatively, all elements can be assembled independently at home. However, such a design will be deprived of a drive. The assembled, do-it-yourself caterpillar tractor is controlled by turning the transmission-motor unit.

The walk-behind tractor should be supplemented on a hinge with a module with a seat; for earthworks, it is also necessary to take care of the hitch. To implement this option, assemble the frame using a wheelset and rolled metal. Then install two trailer knots, a seat on it. Do not equip the wheels with shock absorbers, this will negatively affect the speed of the device.
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There is no single recommendation on what to take as the basis for the future unit and how to make a home-made tractor, which is affected by the presence of this or that equipment in your household, from which a home-made product will be constructed. Therefore, it is advisable to consider various options. If you do not have a walk-behind tractor made on the basis of the Zhiguli, the tractor will become a much better assistant.

Homemade tractor with a motor from Zhiguli

Tractor based on Zhiguli

To build a tractor from a Zhiguli with your own hands, first of all, develop a kinetic scheme that takes into account the balance of the structure.

The device will include: engine, rear and front axle, reverse gear, driveline. The engine will drive the front wheels.

Through the chain, the torque will be transmitted sequentially to the gearbox, driveline, etc. The driving rear wheels, as a result, will rotate.

The frame is made of pipes and corners. Make sure the fork and bushing are correctly positioned to allow the trailer to turn. The body is made from sheet metal. The height of the sides should not exceed 30 cm.

Many craftsmen prefer to complete a homemade tractor with a Chinese engine. Lifan, Forza, Zonshen are taken as a basis. However, experienced designers recommend installing a reliable UD-2 or D-21 motor.

In the first case, the engine develops power up to 8 hp, in the second - up to 25 hp. Together with a 4-stroke system and air cooling, such equipment is not only successfully used for agricultural activities, but also for transporting goods.

Consider the option with a D-21 diesel engine.

To create a frame, take a pipe from a stacker. Pre-cut the half-frame borrowed from the T-25, weld a pipe to its front part, and a metal sheet 3.5 × 50x50 cm to the back.

A hydraulic tank and a hitch with a hydraulic cylinder, which is also taken from the T-25, are attached to the sheet with the help of bolts. It is better to purchase the front axle in the factory version, otherwise there may be problems with the axle shafts.

Take rims from GAZ-52, tires from Belarus 82 (8.3 × 20), which is manufactured by the Minsk Tractor Plant.

Homemade tractor with diesel engine

The front wheels on a homemade tractor with a D-21 engine are installed from T-25 (6.00-16). The hood, the beam are native, but you need to take care of the fuel tank. To do this, weld a 40-liter container from a 3-mm sheet.

Place the finished product on the back of the tractor under the seat. Turn the adapter plate under the GAZ-52 gearbox. As a clutch, they take a basket, a fork and a release bearing from the Yenisei combine. First remove half of the springs.

Any disk included in the clutch is suitable (both from GAZ and from UAZ).

Turn a 3 mm seat under the basket in the flywheel. The input shaft of the gearbox must be lengthened by 12.5 cm, shorten the driveline from the GAZ-52. The connection must be collapsible. Buy a steering column from GAZ-52.

Hydraulics for a home-made tractor is assembled from a R-80 hydraulic valve with a floating effect, an NSh-10 pump. It is placed through the fork connection at the front of the engine.

First replace the standard bolt responsible for fastening the motor pulley.

It is not necessary to install the pump on the gearbox through the power take-off, because when the clutch is pressed, the hydraulic system will turn off, the rotation speed will be unsatisfactory.
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Tractor based on Oka

Do-it-yourself tractors from Oka are made according to the same principle as from other Soviet cars. It all starts with the construction of the frame. Stock up on sheet metal and metal beams of the channel.

Tractor with breaking frame based on Oka

The design is a standard rectangular shape welded from metal corners. The front and rear axles are assembled from the constituent parts of the Oka. The device is assembled with an engine from Oka. However, before installing the motor, the wheel clearance is increased to improve cross-country ability.

The rear and front spars are reinforced as they bear the brunt of the load. A hitch mechanism for mounting attachments should be provided.

Drawings for further assembly can be found on the Internet.

If you do not have the specified machine, it is not necessary to buy a new vehicle, the unit will also work in a non-working state, since its individual elements are used.
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Many farmers are interested in how to make a tractor from a Zhiguli with their own hands. Farms or owners of large plots of land need the help of agricultural machinery. However, not everyone has a large amount, because a factory tractor costs a lot of money.

In many farms you can find old Zhiguli, which have already served their time, but have a chance for a second life. On the basis of this machine, you can create a home-made tractor from the Zhiguli, which will have the same characteristics as the purchased copies. And the motor can be taken from the VAZ 2109 or VAZ 2106 model.

How to make a mini-tractor from Zhiguli with your own hands

Consider how to make a homemade tractor from a VAZ, what materials and tools you will need. First of all, you need to complete the drawings and diagrams of all structural units. To make a mini tractor with your own hands, you need the exact dimensions of the parts and calculations. Each component must be listed separately. And you need a drawing with a tractor assembled. It depends on the diagrams and drawings made, what will be a home-made tractor with a VAZ 2106 engine.

When working on a drawing, the following points should be considered:

  • it is necessary to determine the location of the gearbox;
  • the engine must be covered with a protective casing;
  • where will the fuel tank be installed;
  • if you shorten the tractor frame, then a home-made mini tractor from the VAZ will consume less fuel;
  • front suspension should be reinforced.

If you decide to create a tractor from a VAZ 2109 or VAZ 2106, then as a result of the work done, you will get a fairly powerful unit that will cope with many agricultural works and help take care of the garden and plants.

So, they proceed to the very development and assembly of a home-made tractor based on the VAZ. A mini-tractor can be made with an engine from a VAZ 2019 or VAZ 2106, borrow additional parts from other models of machines.

For example, the gearbox can be borrowed from the GAZ-53, the rear wheels can be taken from the MTZ-82 tractor, but the front wheels can be removed from an already idle or unnecessary walk-behind tractor, or a motor cultivator.

You can also buy them in the store. From any Zhiguli model, you can take the steering and driver's seat, or make it yourself. The front and rear axles are taken from the Zhiguli unit.

See » Characteristics and device of the universal tractor MTZ-80

Stages of work on the manufacture of homemade

The next thing to do is to highlight the individual stages of work:

  1. The kinetic scheme is an important stage in the creation of a mini-tractor with a VAZ engine.
  2. Creating a tractor frame. It can be made from channels and corners. All frame joints are carefully welded. Now you should inspect the metal for rust and cover the frame in several layers with a metal primer.
  3. Starting to finalize the running gear of the project. It is imperative to check the brake system, if necessary, replace its components.
  4. Wheel mounting. If you are going to put large wheels in diameter, then you need to take care of the axles and brakes by redoing their device.
  5. After that, the engine is mounted on a previously prepared frame, which is already completely dry after painting with a primer, a protective cover for a VAZ minitractor is welded and mounted.
  6. Install the seat, steering and create platforms for mounting attachments.

But you can not make platforms for hanging, but immediately make a snow plow. But you still need to attach a 50 kg counterweight to the front so that the unit does not roll over under heavy loads from the rear. You also need to attach headlights of your choice.

The hole for the trailer will also not be superfluous. With it, you can attach a cart or other cargo. The next important element, without which the mini-tractor from the VAZ 2106 will not move, is the battery. You can use an ordinary car battery. For it, you need to weld or make a storage department out of plywood. It is better not to attach the battery tightly in place, but to make it removable so that you can charge it. After all, it is much more convenient to take the battery and bring it to the garage than to drive the car. Think over every detail to create a mini tractor with a VAZ gearbox with a Zhiguli engine.

As you understand, the name of the mini-tractor is a joke, in fact, components from VAZ-2102 and UAZ cars were used.

How long did it take to build a tractor?

The tractor was built from scratch, having spent almost two years on work. For its construction, a working VAZ-2102 car and an abandoned ZAZ-968, a decommissioned and half-rotted frame of a UAZ truck, had to be destroyed. Instead of the cut back of the frame, segments of 100 mm channel are welded on.

The photo shows bushings welded to the bottom of the frame, those above the fenders of the front wheels. This is a fastener for a pusher knife, for example, for cleaning snow. For heavier purposes, it is hardly possible to use it due to the low weight of the tractor (about 700 kg).

Three arcs are welded on the hood panel. They serve as handles if you need to climb onto the hood or bumper. They are also limiters when carrying cargo on the hood. It is designed in such a way that it can withstand a weight of 100-150 kg. For example, several bags of potatoes.

What exactly is used from the VAZ-2102?

From the VAZ donor, the entire power unit was used as an assembly: engine, gearbox, clutch control, pedal assembly, electrical equipment, instruments, lighting equipment.

To reduce the speed of the tractor, a reduction gear with a reduction number of 3.5 was used. This is an onboard gearbox from an electric car. The connection of the gearbox with the gearbox using a shortened UAZ cardan. On one side of the cardan is a VAZ connection with a rubber clutch, on the other side is a UAZ cross. Connection of two fragments of cardan shafts by welding after preliminary adjustment on a lathe. The connection of the gearbox with the rear axle is direct "flange to flange". Operational practice has shown that this is not the best solution. It would be necessary through a rubber clutch.

What is used as a rear axle?

Rear axle used from UAZ. The long stocking is shortened to the length of the short stocking so that two standard short half shafts can be used. It is quite simple to make a short one from a long axle shaft: a flange is cut off, a hole is drilled in the center on a lathe, a cut of the axle shaft is processed and inserted into the hole and scalded from the outside, the excess is cut off.

The cut stocking is connected by welding, the chamfer is preliminarily removed on the cut. Boil in a circle several times until the chamfer is filled, then boil from above until a good weld is obtained. Then a gas burner warms up the place of welding to a dark red glow and cool in air. For insurance, a caliper is superimposed on the welding site, indicated by the number 2 in the figure. This is in case there is an impact on the rear axle. In fact, the stocking must be removed from the crankcase of the bridge, but there are problems with drilling the plug, knocking the stocking out of the crankcase, then somehow shortening and turning it on such a lathe, which are not very common.

Attaching the axle to the frame using a V-shaped structure (number 3), supported by standard rear axle cushions and fastened to it with stepladders.

How is the front axle.

The front axle is welded from thick-walled pipes, the wall thickness is 8 mm. Probably drilling. (See the picture below) At the top of the side racks, there is a swivel device made of VAZ wheel bearings. Bearings top and bottom. From above it is closed by a cover, through it there is a rotary axis. It is fixed with a Zhigulev hub nut. The front hubs from ZAZ-968 are embedded in the lower - swivel part. How to do this is clearly visible in the figure on the right. Here it should be noted that it is necessary to install both long pivot pins. In addition, the fingers are made motionless by welding. It's rude, but they won't be needed anywhere else. Sleeves are made to pass through the pipe rack, which are welded there, and the fingers are simply inserted into them and fastened with nuts and locked.

The lower figure shows the steering rod. There originally stood from Zaporozhets, but it turned out to be rather weak. I had to replace it with a GAZ-53. Now you can tow it for it. Steering levers are welded into movable pipe racks. Also from GAZ-53. For durability, they are fixed with scarves.

Fasteners for the wings of the front wheels are welded onto the front axle racks. Mounting levers - two.

The swing axis of the front axle is made on the steering knuckle from the GAZ-53. It is better to do it on a fist from ZIL. It is more powerful and does not deviate to the side when turning, because. the GAZ beam has a bend, while the ZIL does not have this bend. The fist is made removable from the beam of the bridge. It is welded into the crossbar of the frame.

In the figure above the front beam, you can see the fenders, which are cut off from the rear of the frame.

What about the brakes and steering, the radiator?

The main brake cylinder was used from UAZ (GAZ-53). Zhigulevsky turned out to be small because of the rear UAZ working cylinders. It is clearly visible in the picture on the right. Next to it is the clutch master cylinder.

The steering gear and steering column are from UAZ, and the steering rod is also from it. A crossbar is welded into the frame for mounting the steering gear.

The engine cooling system works with a VAZ radiator. It is mounted in front of the engine with an inclination.

How was the cabin made?

The cabin was made separately and fixed to the frame with eighteen bolts through welded bosses. There is a seat on the cab.

A pedal assembly, an instrument panel, brake and clutch master cylinders, and electrical equipment parts are fixed on the front wall of the cab.

The rear wall of the cab is a gas tank. Tractor rear light boxes are welded to the left and right of the gas tank.

It's no secret that agricultural work takes a lot of time and effort. Some save themselves from such loads by buying walk-behind tractors, cultivators or mini tractors. But, unfortunately, many do not have the opportunity to purchase such equipment, so they are looking for ways to make it on their own. To date, there are plenty of options for its manufacture, the main thing is to have at least minimal technical skills and abilities. Now we will talk about one of these methods, namely, we will tell you how to make a mini tractor from a Zhiguli with your own hands.

Principles and all the nuances of homemade

It is not so difficult to make a minitractor from a VAZ. The main thing is to understand what you are doing and clearly adhere to all schemes and drawings. Now we will tell you in more detail about all the stages of work.

Mini tractor drawing

As mentioned above, the drawing and diagram of the future unit is of great importance in the manufacture. After all, having missed something from the view or memory, it will be very difficult to restore the entire structure. Be sure to start drawing and calculating schemes, consider the following nuances:

  • the engine must be placed in front of the driver's seat;
  • the motor must be covered with a manufactured casing;
  • a shortened frame will make the equipment compact and economical in fuel consumption;
  • if you reduce the frame - do not forget about the displacement of the bridge;
  • determine the location of the fuel tank;
  • remember that the front suspension needs to be made reinforced;
  • be sure to indicate the changes in the chassis.

The project implementation consists of the following stages:

  • Work on the kinetic scheme.
  • We make a frame.
  • We make a body.
  • Installation of the engine and other systems.
  • We fix the steering.

Now we will analyze what specific parts will be needed to work using the example of a VAZ engine model.

With engine from VAZ 2106

The mini tractor from the Zhiguli 2106 will please its owner with good endurance and will become an indispensable assistant for performing various kinds of agricultural work. To make such a unit, you will need not only an engine from this brand of car, but also parts from other faulty cars, namely:

  • with GAZ-53 you can borrow a gearbox;
  • we take the front and rear axles from the Zhiguli, only in this case it will be necessary to adjust everything to the dimensions of the homemade product;
  • steering and driver's seat can be borrowed from VAZ 2106;
  • the rear wheels will give us MTZ-82, and the front wheels can serve from a motor cultivator or a motor block.

Stages of work

  • We carry out a thorough inspection of the frame. If there is rust, we remove it with sandpaper and do a primer in 2 layers.
  • According to the scheme, we shorten the frame, having previously cleared the place of its trimming. After welding, all seams are cleaned and degreased, primed and treated with an anti-corrosion coating. If there is no finished frame, it can be made using channels and corners.
  • We take care of the running gear. First of all, we check all the nodes, carefully examine the brake system.
  • When replacing wheels from automobiles to more bulky ones, you will need to install the appropriate brakes and axles.
  • Installing the engine.
  • We weld the protective cover.
  • Install seat and steering.
  • We attach attachment points for future use of attachments.

Such a step-by-step work is suitable for creating a mini tractor from a VAZ of any brand: VAZ 2101, VAZ 2109, VAZ 2106, with an internal combustion engine VAZ 2101. So draw a diagram of your dream mini tractor and get to work.

The situation can be saved by a tractor from a Zhiguli, assembled with your own hands, when a special machine is required to work in the field. This is especially felt by farms (both small and large), summer residents who have a plot of more than 10 acres. It is worth noting that in the villages there are often old cars that have outlived their usefulness. However, they can be brought back to life in a new role.

A self-made tractor from Zhiguli allows you to solve absolutely all tasks in the field and at the same time does not require special spare parts and components - standard AvtoVAZ spare parts can be found in any corner of the former CIS. The only drawback that a homemade Zhiguli tractor will have is that the fuel is relatively expensive gasoline (almost all industrial tractors run on diesel fuel), which makes such homemade products more expensive to operate, but this disadvantage is covered by cheaper spare parts for Zhiguli, and most importantly - cheap manufacturing.

The VAZ-2121 Niva is best for making a tractor, you can make a good mini tractor from UAZ. In the latter case, it is possible to use a diesel engine, which makes its operation more economical (that is, the disadvantage of such a modification is actually eliminated). However, in the absence of a Niva or UAZ, engines from other models can also be used: VAZ-2101, VAZ-2103, VAZ-2104-2105, VAZ-2106, etc. You can also buy engines of the latest Zhiguli models on the auto parts market - they are more economical than their predecessors, which will significantly save energy during operation.

Some aspects of the rework

When the need arose for a tractor, you can always implement the idea of ​​​​your own version of this machine from improvised materials. At the same time, the cost of rework will be significantly lower than the cost of the finished product. So, a minitractor from the Niva will be the best assistant in the garden, since the car has a 4x4 drive formula. However, there are some legal points to keep in mind:

  1. If an old car is purchased, it should be re-registered in accordance with applicable laws. The same applies to the transfer of a car under donation agreements.
  2. After the re-registration, it is necessary to notify the traffic police about the planned alterations. At the same time, they are obliged to inform the mechanism for handing over state numbers from an old vehicle (car).
  3. Upon completion of the manufacture of the minitractor, it is necessary to register a new vehicle (tractor) with a license plate. Moreover, if this vehicle will be used only in rural areas, then a simplified registration procedure for this vehicle can be carried out.

However, people do not comply with these requirements and actively use their alterations for their intended purpose. To be fair, it should also be noted that law enforcement officials often turn a blind eye to these offenses, since they are minor (especially if the tractor does not leave the village and does not become a participant in a traffic accident).

But in order to avoid and significantly reduce the likelihood of problems with law enforcement officers, it is recommended to go through the re-registration procedure. If a home-made tractor with a VAZ engine is used only on one plot of land, it is recommended that you first write off the engine numbers of the car and the body number - this will simplify the engine identification procedure in the future (in case of problems with the traffic police).

What is a mini tractor

A mini tractor is understood as a multifunctional universal machine that can perform a fairly large number of tasks on processing an agricultural plot, sowing, harvesting and some utility work on medium-sized land plots. Among the work performed are: arable work on light soils, cultivation with harrowing, inter-row cultivation of crops, spreading fertilizer on the site, haymaking and grass mowing, clearing the area from snow, debris, debris, using a mini tractor as a bulldozer when filling holes and leveling surfaces .

Another task of the minitractor is the transportation of various goods. When installing additional equipment (modules) on the tractor, it can also solve a number of other tasks: woodworking, drilling, digging holes, etc.

The layout of the minitractor is almost the same as that of its larger counterpart, but the main difference is the internal combustion engine of less power. Typically, mini tractors use internal combustion engines with a capacity of 8 to 50 hp. With. However, a minitractor with a VAZ engine (from a car, for example, a VAZ-2106) will be more powerful, although it is performed in small dimensions. According to the classification of the state traffic inspectorate, tractors that have an engine power of more than 50 hp. s. are subject to registration.

By itself, the minitractor will not perform the above tasks, for this it is necessary to install additional devices and units: mowers, plows, graders, etc. Some of them are also made independently, but there are industrial samples of such units.

If you have an engine and a frame with a chassis from a car, you can make a mini tractor with your own hands quickly and cheaply. However, if there is no old car, then it makes sense to purchase an industrial-made mini tractor, their cost is low, about 2-5 thousand dollars. Almost the same will cost the old car.

However, if a decision is made to convert an old car into a tractor, then you should use the tips below.

Independent production of a tractor from SUVs (Niva, UAZ)

The first thing to do after receiving a used car for conversion is to remove the engine from it, sort it out and carry out other preventive work. This will significantly increase the life of this engine. The same should be done for other vehicle components (transmission, running gear, etc.).

It is important to have detailed diagrams of the future mini tractor, because some elements can then be difficult to find from memory.

When drawing up a diagram, it should be remembered that the engine must be placed in front of the driver's "seat" (similar to the tractor arrangement). However, to avoid additional costs and significant alterations, it can be left in its original place. You should think about how to close it: make a casing or use it ready from an old tractor, having previously “optimized” it for your model.

To reduce fuel consumption and make the tractor more compact, it may be necessary to shorten the frame. It is important to remember that it is necessary to scald it according to future dimensions. It should also be remembered that if the frame is reduced, it may be necessary to move the bridge. All these structural alterations must be taken into account when drawing up the drawings.

Next, determine the location of the fuel tanks. Usually the fuel tank is located behind the driver's seat, which allows you to guarantee quick access to it. It should be remembered that the front suspension needs to be strengthened. Changes should also be made to the drawings that will affect the chassis. It is optimal to replace the wheels of the car with wheels of a larger diameter to ensure better tractor patency. However, such a replacement will cause a sharp increase in power consumption for the rotation of the wheels and the movement of the tractor.

When the drawings are ready, you should start implementing the mini tractor project.

Execution of work

The first step is to thoroughly check the frame. All rusty parts must be treated with sandpaper to bare metal (remove rust), and then primed in 2 layers. If necessary, the frame is welded.

Further, if you want to shorten the frame, then you must first remove the coating from it at the place of trimming, mark it and divide it with a grinder or a gas cutter. After that, new stiffeners are welded at the place of trimming (usually the trimmed frame is cut into metal, which can be used later). If necessary, the bridge is also transferred.

It should be remembered that the welds must be cleaned, the welding points must be degreased, and then primed in 2 layers or apply a special anti-corrosion coating.

This will significantly increase the service life of the product due to the organization of additional protection for the metal. In the absence of a finished automobile frame, you can weld it yourself using channels and corners for this purpose.

A do-it-yourself tractor should be made carefully and carefully, since any vehicle is a source of increased danger, and an error in its manufacture can be fatal for a driver or an accidental person.

The next stage of production is the installation of the chassis. Since the described version uses a frame from a car, it is more logical to take the chassis from the selected car. It is important to check all nodes and its functioning. Particular attention should be paid to the braking system, because the safety of the vehicle depends on it.

It should be remembered that when replacing automobile wheels with wheels of a larger diameter (for a tractor or minitractor), the brakes from the old running system will not work. It will be necessary to purchase new ones for the hubs of the selected diameter (the diameter of the hub depends on the diameter of the wheel). It may also be necessary to replace the bridges if the hubs and wheels are much heavier than the previous ones, but this is extremely rarely required, since the wheels for a minitractor are not significantly heavier than the wheels of SUVs, and in addition, domestic designers put a large margin of safety into their cars.

In order for the minitractor, assembled on its own, to perform the functions assigned to it, an already sorted engine is installed on it. It is more logical to install it in the same place where it stood. At the same time, it is important to weld a protective cover for it, because the standard car body will not be able to provide it with proper ventilation - the engine will work with increased load, and it needs additional cooling. To do this, in addition to installing a radiator, you should open the engine from the sides - this will be quite enough to provide cooling. The minitractor with the engine is almost ready, it remains only to install a place for the driver, controls and determine the attachment points for additional units.

The next step is to arrange the controls in a convenient place. Their place of installation is determined at the design stage according to personal desire. The driver's seat is also installed there. To do this, you can use both chairs from the car, and homemade products. After that, the place is closed with a makeshift cabin. For its manufacture, you can use the metal left over from the car body.

The last stage is the installation of attachment points for additional equipment. Usually they are installed in front and behind the tractor.


Similarly, mini tractors are made from other VAZ models, the only difference is only the need to strengthen the frame.

It should be remembered that before you make a mini tractor, you must first coordinate the alteration with law enforcement agencies - this will avoid problems in the future.