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Chinese scooter with an engine from a Ural chainsaw. How to make a homemade moped from a bicycle? How to make a moped from a chainsaw

Today, many residents of the private sector have old saws with internal combustion engines gathering dust in their closets, such as the Ural or Druzhba. This is not surprising, because progress does not stand still, modern equipment is much lighter and more convenient to use. Today, the editors of the site have prepared a review for those who know how and love to give seemingly old things a second life. The material will tell you about what homemade chainsaws you can do with your own hands, how to do it and what you need to work. Along the way, it is worth disassembling the methods of self-production of equipment in short step-by-step photo and video instructions.

Read in the article:

What you can do with your own hands from a chainsaw: several options

There are a huge number of homemade products. Here everything is limited only by the imagination and skills of the home master. The editors of the site have collected 10 options for using chainsaws, which we will consider in today's article:

  1. Snow blower for the local area.
  2. Homemade snowmobile from a chainsaw.
  3. A small sawmill that will be very useful in the private sector.
  4. An ice drill is a good help for winter fishing.
  5. Boat motor.
  6. Moped from a bicycle with a chainsaw engine.
  7. Karting, which will be a good helper in the comprehensive development of the child.
  8. Generator - for those who like to relax in nature with comfort.
  9. Winch - it will help pull the car out of the mud in the forest.
  10. Petrol cutter.

Need to know! Any of the listed equipment is easy to purchase in specialized stores, however, many readers will agree that making it yourself is much more pleasant and cheaper.

Let's explore these options in more detail.

Chainsaw snow blower: manufacturing features and necessary materials

Consider how to make a snow blower, from which (in the manufacture of accessories for a chainsaw) in the summer you can easily mount a walk-behind tractor.

Important! Even if the home master does not have welding experience, with an inverter apparatus and some training on unnecessary metal parts, such work is quite doable.

To begin with, let's take a step-by-step look at the manufacture of the main assembly of the snowplow - the auger, without which throwing snow is not possible.

IllustrationAction to take

The first thing that is needed is to cut such blanks from sheet metal. The thickness of the sheet should not be less than 2 mm. The outer diameter is 300 mm, and the width of the working surface is 70 mm. You will need 4 such blanks: 2 on each side (the dimensions are given approximately, it all depends on what the screw casing will be made of). After they are welded (two each) and mounted on the shaft. The most time-consuming work here can be called the stretching of metal rings to the state of a screw (spiral).

Two parts are mounted on the shaft in different directions, and “blades” are welded in the middle, which will throw snow. It is rational to make them from a metal pipe with a diameter of 100 mm. The chain drive gear can be taken from any old motorcycle (driven, from the rear wheel).

Frame. It can be made independently from sheet iron with a thickness of at least 1 mm, however, it is more convenient for this purpose to use an old gas cylinder or a barrel of fuel and lubricants.

Please note that the assembly of the casing and the frame of the auger-rotor can be done on bolts. This saves the home craftsman from performing welding work after the auger is made (welding is indispensable in its manufacture).

The frame is assembled on skids or wheels - it all depends on the wishes of the home master, but it is worth noting that the design on wheels is more maneuverable.

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“The higher the auger handle and the greater the angle of inclination, the more the snow blower will dig into the snow. This should be taken into account during production. It is better if the handle is adjustable in height and angle.

It remains to install the engine and tension the chain (also from any faulty motorcycle). We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the approximate drawings of such equipment.

How to make a snowmobile from a chainsaw with your own hands: the nuances of work

To make a snowmobile, you will need factory-made tracks, a brake or gas cable from a car, and a children's snow scooter. The main thing here is to correctly calculate the dimensions of the engine mount frame. Let's try to figure out in detail how to make a snowmobile out of a chainsaw.

IllustrationAction to take

As you can see in the photo example, the chain transmission is performed similarly to the previous option. To increase the power of the unit, we increase the driven sprocket, and for greater speed, we decrease it.

The frame with the engine is attached to the children's snowscooter. By the way, if you install wide wheels instead of skids, and fix a plow or cultivator at the back, you get a full-fledged walk-behind tractor from a chainsaw.

The chainsaw is mounted on the frame without changing the design. Only the saw blade is removed.

The cable is pulled from the gas supply of the chainsaw and is fixed together with the handle on the snow scooter handlebar.

Such a snowmobile from a chainsaw (“Friendship” is preferable than “Ural”) is capable, in addition to an adult, of carrying a load of up to 100 kg.

Is it possible to mount a homemade sawmill from a chainsaw

It's pretty simple. There is no need to remove anything from the saw itself. It is necessary to weld the stand on which the chainsaw will be fixed with rollers (on which the installation will slide along the rails) and, in fact, install the rails themselves. What the design looks like can be seen in the next photo.

Important! All parts of the frame must be firmly fixed. The same applies to logs - you need to consider their fastening between the rails. Remember the safety rules. Their non-observance is dangerous for life and health.

Making a motor drill from a chainsaw with your own hands: how difficult is it

In order to understand how to make an ice drill out of a chainsaw with your own hands, you need to understand the drive shaft device, determine its dimensions and the attachment points of the drive gear. For the manufacture of an adapter for auger auger, you will need the services of a professional turner. Otherwise, problems with combining the auger of the drill (the handle is not needed) should not arise.

Do-it-yourself chainsaw ice drill schemes

To make it easier for the reader to understand how the work is done, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with several diagrams and photo examples.

It is convenient to use a gearbox from an old puncher as a connector.

Do-it-yourself boat motor from a chainsaw

Here, the only difficulty may be the manufacture of fasteners for the boat and the installation of the gearbox. For a technically competent master with education, this will not be a problem, but for a novice home craftsman it will be difficult. However, there is an alternative - to purchase a screw with a gearbox in a specialized store, and turn to turners for an adapter. In any case, it will be cheaper than buying a factory-made outboard motor assembly.

How to make a moped from a chainsaw and a bicycle: an algorithm of actions

IllustrationAction to take

First, remove the cover and dismantle the canvas. Next, you need to make just such a gear and weld it to the chainsaw disk. You should be careful - the asterisk must be fixed perfectly evenly. Otherwise, a chain that has flown off at high speeds may cause injury.

We have the engine behind the seat. This is the most optimal place. The attachment to the bike frame must be strong. Pay attention to the position of the stars. On the rear wheel, in addition to the small one, there is also a large one. This is done so that the torque is transmitted evenly.

We start testing. We pedal as if we were riding a bicycle. But we are tired and...

... we start the engine, and the rear wheel begins to rotate already with the help of the motor, the legs rest.

Now it remains to install the gas handle on the steering wheel, and on the road - a do-it-yourself moped from a chainsaw is ready.

Not to say that it is simple, but there are no particular difficulties in this work. By simple calculations, you can understand that the maximum speed of such a vehicle is 113 km / h. However, it should be understood that the person sitting on it adds load, and the speed decreases. On average, 65 kg of weight will reduce it to 60 km / h. Therefore, the best option would be a moped from the Druzhba chainsaw, as more powerful than foreign counterparts.

Assembling a kart from a chainsaw with your own hands: a repetition of the past

The essence of the work is identical to the previous version, except that the engine is mounted on a kart frame, and there is no need to mount a gearbox from sprockets and two chains. Everything is much simpler here. If a respected reader has mastered the algorithm of actions for creating a moped, there will be no questions about assembling a kart.

How to assemble a gasoline generator from a chainsaw with your own hands

This work is even easier than all the previous options. It is only necessary to think over the frame on which the chainsaw will be fixed (without the blade), and the generator itself, as well as the belt drive. Here, not sprockets with a chain are already used, but pulleys with a belt. In this case, you need to install the generator so that it can be adjusted to tighten the belt as needed.

Chainsaw winch: manufacturing and applications

The areas of application of such a unit are very extensive - from construction to pulling cars out of mud or pits. For manufacturing you will need:

  • old hand winch;
  • chainsaw;
  • a rigid frame on which everything will be installed;
  • two sprockets and a durable motorcycle chain to transfer torque from the saw engine to the gear of the gearbox.

Having familiarized with the device of the snowmobile and the auger-rotor, it will not be difficult for the reader to imagine how such a unit should look like. But just in case, we will provide below a few photo examples.

Making a chainsaw from a chainsaw with your own hands

A petrol cutter or trimming - that's what can be done from the Druzhba chainsaw if you have drawings, photo examples and some free time. Such a unit will be useful not only for woodworking. By installing a diamond blade on it, you can cut tiles, porcelain stoneware or paving slabs. Below are photos of the finished units. Such attachments for chainsaws are inexpensive, and you can purchase them at any specialized store.

Features of creating homemade products from the Ural chainsaw

Such saws are more suitable for powerful units - a sawmill for example. However, despite the high power, it is clearly not worth installing an engine from the Ural on a bicycle to improve driving performance. The fact is that the increased power is compensated by strong vibration, which can lead to the fact that the chain will fly off on the go. And this is fraught with trouble.

Helpful information! The undoubted advantage of the Ural is that the new device can be found on store shelves today. This means that for newer models there will be no problems with service and spare parts. The main thing is to keep your hands in place.

Features of making do-it-yourself homemade products from the Druzhba chainsaw

You can make any homemade products listed in our today's article from the Druzhba chainsaw with your own hands. Vibrations from the engine are minimal, and if you need to increase the power, you can upgrade the gearbox. However, there is a significant minus in Druzhba - the saw has long been discontinued, which means that maintenance and spare parts may be difficult.

Given the relatively low prices for chainsaws in the Russian market, it would be more acceptable to use modern equipment for the manufacture of various homemade products.


Making equipment with your own hands from old technology is a rather exciting experience. It's nice to give a second life to devices that have served their time. Having trained on Druzhba or Ural, you can begin to remake newer models of foreign firms. In any case, it will cost much less than purchasing specialized factory-made equipment. At the same time, the home master will also receive satisfaction from the work done as a bonus.

We hope that today's article was useful to our dear reader. We will be glad if you share your experience in making various homemade products in the discussions below - this can help novice home craftsmen. There you can also ask questions if they arise in the process of reading .. Write, share, ask. And finally, according to the established good tradition, we offer you to watch a small but very informative video on the topic of chainsaw alterations.

Homemade bike: tips for making. How to make a bike with your own hands?

Many people very often think about how great it would be to at least try to make your bike with your own hands, without resorting to the services of salons, craftsmen, etc. How to make a motorcycle is a chainsaw motor. Make a motorcycle out of. But often such a desire remains unfulfilled due to the uncertainty of the motorist about the success of the project he has conceived. That is why it is worth figuring out how to make a bike without anyone's help.

Preparing to assemble the motorcycle

To begin with, it is necessary, of course, to determine what configuration the future “steel horse” will have, and also resolve the issue with all the parts and tools necessary for work. With some experience, some elements can be made without the help of others, for example, on milling and turning machines or by welding.

If an old bike acts as the basis during the assembly process, then you should not start work with the installation of small parts, universal joints, brake rods, etc. The best solution would be to start puttying and painting the tanks and wings. So that there are no problems with the motor or the details of the bridge of the box, they must be placed in kerosene for some time. A homemade bike will look even more expressive and beautiful if its crankcases, covers, boxes and ignitions are perfectly polished.

The motor of an old device must be completely sorted out, and only then proceed with the installation of accessories, which usually include two main materials: leather and chrome.

Bicycle as the basis for a motorcycle

It is no secret that often the basis for a bike is just a big one, which is equipped with all the necessary equipment. When thinking about how to make a bike out of a bike, it is important to figure out what specific materials should be used, and also know their technical properties.

Quite often you can meet such an option when the engine of a motorcycle bike is a motor from a chainsaw. In this case, it is also worth carefully studying its power, weight and size.

Possible list of materials for creating a motorcycle from a bicycle

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So, turning a bike into a homemade bike, the most common option for a set of parts is the following:

  • engine;
  • pulleys;
  • drive belt and tension roller;
  • fasteners.

A moped from a chainsaw and a great one with your own hands! —

?Beast Moped from Chainsaw?? Surprised not childishly?? Do-it-yourself Snow-Moped

StartCom: Invest in the future - ? Powerful chainsaw, buy here -.

One way or another, but making a bike out of a bike is far from cheap pleasure, so from time to time it’s better to think about whether it would be purposeful to do this or whether it’s better to buy a new moped or at least a ready-made bicycle motor.

Cross motorcycle do it yourself

Despite the high technical characteristics of such a type of bike as a cross bike, it is quite possible to assemble it with your own hands. Of course, nothing prevents you from simply purchasing a ready-made model, but factory standards are far from always able to satisfy all the desires of a certain motorist, moreover, such a purchase will probably be expensive, and a home-made bike will save a significant amount of money. a moped from a chainsaw and a great arseny as they made a motorcycle from a wooden one. But here you need to correctly comply with all the requirements for installation, otherwise the final result may turn out to be very disappointing.

The procedure for self-assembly of a motocross motorcycle

The best thing to do would be to start the assembly with wheels, which can be freely purchased at any bike parts store. There are two more common options for mounting these parts: purchase a rim and replace the spokes, or simply install cast sports wheels on the unit.

A cross bike fork should be traditional and have a full range of adjustments. A good size for her would be 43 mm.

In order to increase the reliability of the brake system, it is necessary to increase their power. How to make a winch from a chainsaw with your own hands - read a simple step-by-step instruction on our website! Alternatively, the diameter of the brake disc simply increases from time to time.

Read also

Increased attention should be paid to the suspension, which is installed on a homemade motocross bike. More suitable for it will be stock springs, which can be ordered specifically from the manufacturer, but with all this, it is important to indicate the probable mass of the device so that the suspension elements are equipped with the proper springs.

If we talk about the engine, then it is certainly worth mentioning that its traction can be increased by reducing intake losses. To ensure this, the standard paper filter in the ancient engine is replaced with foam rubber, after which the refreshed motor is installed in the system of the upcoming motocross bike. In addition, the carburetor is also subject to change, which should ensure good engine performance at maximum speed.

How to make an all-terrain vehicle from a motorcycle?

Recently, the designs of all-terrain vehicles, which are made from ordinary motorcycles, have gained wide popularity. In addition to the entertainment functions that such a device carries, it is also a very reliable means of transportation.

So, home-made all-terrain vehicles from motorcycles can be divided into several categories, the main of which are, of course, ATVs. These transport models combine the mobility of a motorcycle and the stability inherent in cars in an amazing way. Due to the fact that each of the wheels of the ATV has its own suspension, the device is able to overcome almost any, even the steepest bumps in the road.

Another category is motorcycles equipped with huge wheels. Homemade walk-behind tractor from a chainsaw with the same as in others, how can you make light. They are not afraid of absolutely any obstacles, but their stability leaves much to be desired.

The idea of ​​​​building a small moped based on this "toy" motor came to me last year, although it also turned out to be realized, I was not completely satisfied ..

The main idea was to create something beautiful, more elegant, no longer like a homemade product, but like a cool purchased moped - a chopper, and this bobber became an ideal for me!

As a basis, I took my last year's creation, by the way, I already wrote about this stool :)

At first, a small sketch was drawn, well, or an instruction, everything was thought out
As you can see in the picture, the frame, namely two profiles, remained, the fork and the lower part of the frame were also from the old version. For bicycle wheels, there was a slight lengthening of the frame, and for greater rigidity, almost the entire top was made from parts from the bike. The tank, headlight, seat - all this is from one more donor, namely the Minsk 103 motorcycle.

The motor was the same at first, and oddly enough, he drove off for almost a year. The gearbox of bicycle stars and chains has been slightly changed.
After the first day of working on the frame, I got this:

I was pleased!
But the appearance, namely welds, multi-colored parts, already old wheels, did not suit me, so it was decided to paint everything beautifully!
For this, 4 bottles of graffiti paint "Montana" and a bottle of matte varnish were bought.
The frame was painted in two colors, I also updated the wheels by painting the rims, spokes and .. rubber :)

Well, after assembly, the moped began to look like this:

Then I threw on the previous motor, gearbox, connected all the hoses, cables, screwed the throttle, and other little things
The engine started almost immediately, the rear chain failed a little, but after I fixed it, I went! And how! the traction was excellent, the speed also exceeded 60 km / h for sure !! Considering that earlier I could only accelerate to 35, now I was driving 2 times faster !!

Approximately in this spirit, I spent a few days, but over time, the motor, alas, died.

And it was replaced by a newer, more reliable engine, which I had in store since the winter. An hour of work, and he took his rightful place:

But again, I ran into the problem that the motor is heating up, and as a result it pulls poorly! For this, the gear ratio of the gearbox was changed.

But again - overheating after 20 minutes of operation! For this, a very simple, though not the most beautiful, water cooling system was invented. The principle of its operation is simple, namely: A bottle of cold water, from which two hoses go, one up to suck air, and the other down, into a special hole to access the engine head. The second hose has a conventional dripper that sprays cold water, thereby cooling the motor very effectively.

Well, that's where my improvements ended, the moped rides, pleases others =)

P.S.: I apologize for being off-topic, but as far as I know, many modellers will be interested in this :)

At first glance, a moped and a saw are absolutely incompatible things that cannot interact in any way. But this is erroneous and numerous craftsmen have proven that it is quite possible to make a moped from a chainsaw. But it’s not enough to do this, this unit also drives and also transports its owner. The speed, of course, is not very high, but it's still better than walking. You can take a bicycle as the basis for the design or do everything completely on your own. The bike motor impresses with its endurance, but this is what everyone expects from time-tested saws.

The older generation is familiar with self-propelled structures in the form of a bicycle with a motor. This technique is difficult to attribute to mopeds, but they no longer fall into the category of bicycles. Sort of a middle ground. A significant advantage of such a unit is low fuel consumption and the ability to drive without a license. You can’t ride it on public roads, but you can move along rural streets and lanes.

The frame has undergone changes, which has been lengthened for bicycle or other wheels, depending on what is available. A fuel tank is also attached, a motorcycle seat is installed and a headlight is attached for riding in the evening. A water system has been developed as a cooling system for the bicycle motor. This was done so that the engine does not overheat quickly and power does not drop.

Which saw is suitable for use?

The most optimal gasoline saws for rework are Druzhba, Ural, Calm and similar models with a large power reserve. It is this parameter that you should pay attention to when converting a bicycle into a moped. Some German chainsaws with high power lend themselves very well to alteration. The device should be selected with a power of at least 2 hp. and an engine capacity of not more than 50 cm3. Bicycle motors from such units are the most durable.

Photo chainsaw Ural 2T Electron Chainsaw Stihl 260-MS

In order to make a motorbike, it is not necessary to have a special technical education, but it is desirable to understand diagrams and drawings, as well as have the skills to repair garden equipment. The skills to work with a welding machine will not be superfluous.

What details are needed?

In order to assemble the design of a motorbike, you will need the following materials:

  1. chainsaw motor
  2. bicycle wheels 2 pcs.
  3. tank, lighting headlight, seat from a motorcycle or other suitable unit
  4. paint cans 4 pcs. and masking tape
  5. metal pipe 16-20 mm.
  6. bicycle stars
  7. front and rear bike forks
  8. hose
  9. plastic bottle
  10. dropper
  11. throttle stick

It should be noted that on the modern market there are ready-made kits that include all the necessary details for homemade. But the question here is price. If you want to save money and use unnecessary parts lying around in the barn, you will have to try on your own.

What tools will be needed?

To assemble all the constituent parts, you will need the tools that are listed in the following list:

  1. welding machine;
  2. Bulgarian (UShM);
  3. drill;
  4. set of wrenches;
  5. hammer;
  6. screwdriver;
  7. pliers;
  8. yardstick;
  9. sandpaper.

Assembly principle

The first thing that is paid attention to is the design of the frame, which is made of a pipe and on which the power unit will subsequently be placed. Then the tank, headlight and wheels are installed. If you are using old parts, then they must first be cleaned of rust. This is especially true for seams. After the initial stage is over, the frame is covered with several layers of paint. Be sure to dry each layer thoroughly to avoid corrosion. As a recommendation, it is best to use spray paint so that there are no smudges. You can paint not only the frame, but also the wheels, having previously sealed the rims with masking tape.

Moped from chainsaw Druzhba-4

After all the parts are dry, you can proceed to install the engine from the chainsaw. Make sure the motor is well installed and secured. Without a cooling system, such a bike motor will overheat after 30 minutes of operation, so it is advisable to make a water cooling system. Homemade fixture looks like this. 2 flexible tubes are connected to the plastic bottle. One is attached at the top for air to enter, the other at the bottom and through it, using a drip system, water enters the engine cylinder head. It turns out uncomplicated home-made drip irrigation and effective cooling.

Fenders can be installed as additional comfort for the driver, because clods of dirt and water can get on the engine. The resulting unit is capable of speeds up to 60 km / h.

Below is an approximate drawing that can be used to convert a bicycle into a moped.

Tips and Tricks for Building a Chainsaw Motor Bike

Anyone who is going to make such a motorbike should heed the advice of the owners of such equipment. First of all, you need to choose a chainsaw with a powerful engine. But it is not necessary to take a saw, it can be a trimmer.

A do-it-yourself unit has a lot of advantages, which were mentioned above. But the disadvantage can be considered a small endurance, especially without water cooling. Air cooling alone will not be enough for a moped and the engine will quickly overheat.

Video reviews of a homemade bike with a chainsaw motor

Below are video reviews of masters who dared to make a real moped out of their old trash.

A moped, like a bicycle, is an economical and convenient means of transportation. This vehicle travels faster due to the presence of a drive. The dream of every cyclist is to move quickly without effort. It is possible to make a dream come true: you just need to equip the bike with an engine.

Consider how to properly design a moped from a chainsaw from improvised means and parts.

How to make a moped from a chainsaw and a bicycle

You should start by finding the right motor. The heart of a chainsaw is suitable for this role. Use Friendship. Be mindful of power. A homemade moped will not be able to move if the engine power is less than 2 liters. With.
To create a bicycle with a motor from a chainsaw with your own hands, you will need other components:

  • battery;
  • pulleys, gears;
  • transmission belt or chain;
  • drive cable;
  • clamps for fastening;
  • tools: screwdriver, pliers, etc.

The main place where the elements of the future unit will be placed is the bicycle frame. Here, with mounting clamps on the upper pipe, the battery is mounted, at the junction of the pipe passing under the saddle and the front lower one, the engine, next to the gas tank.

The next step in assembling a bicycle with an engine from a chainsaw is the manufacture of transmission wheels-pulleys. With the help of these elements, the force generated by the motor will be transferred to the rear wheel.

Use wheels with an external stop the size of a music disc to create pulleys.

Do not forget about the strength and reliability of fastening parts.

The assembly of the moped continues, we mount the assembled parts:

  1. We connect the front transmission unit to the engine shaft.
  2. We fix the second pulley on the rear wheel hub.
  3. We put a belt on the transmission units. If using a chain, use gears instead of pulleys.

Putting the chainsaw motor on the bike, we proceed to the connection. We connect the working compartment of the engine to the battery, mount the ignition mechanism. An integral step in assembling a moped is a bunch of handles for the brake and motor. Adjust the tension of the connecting cable so that the engine starts easily with the handle.

See » How to independently make a snowmobile and other homemade products from a Druzhba chainsaw

Ignition from a chainsaw on a motorcycle

Chainsaw parts are also used to upgrade obsolete or in need of repair vehicles, such as a motorcycle. To improve this vehicle, a saw ignition system is often used.

You will need:

  • flywheel;
  • flywheel spacer with key;
  • fan;
  • coil with high voltage wire;
  • aluminum plate for mounting the coil;
  • bolts, nuts.

Ignition from a chainsaw is suitable for motorcycles Ant, IZH Planet. Unlike magneto, such ignition is reliable and durable, it is not afraid of shaking and water.

For the correct assembly of a moped with your own hands, reliable service, for alteration and design of other equipment, heed the advice:

  1. Before assembling the motorbike, make sure that the main part, the bicycle, is in optimal technical condition. Modernization will increase the load on all its parts.
  2. Check the condition of the petrol tank carefully. Fuel must not be spilled outside as this may cause a fire.
  3. In addition to engine power, do not forget about volume and weight. The volume should not exceed 50 cm³, weight - no more than 6 kg.
  4. When installing the belt, make sure that the part is held firmly on the wheels, otherwise the accuracy of the impulse transmission from the motor to the wheel will decrease.
  5. With the help of a chainsaw motor, you can independently design other equipment: karting or a tricycle. You will have to make an effort: weld a strong metal frame, prepare a working gearbox.
  6. With a strong frame, gearbox, driver's seat, wheels with a diameter of at least 35 cm and a saw engine, try to build an ATV.