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Do-it-yourself steam engine: detailed description, drawings. Mini internal combustion engine - is it functional? Miniature internal combustion engines

Engines are different. Some of them are the size of a five-story building, while in order to see others, you have to look for a microscope. We recently presented you with a list of the largest engines in the world, now it's time to rush to the other extreme.

DKW 49cc

While this DKW single-cylinder engine may seem gigantic compared to others on this list, the 49cc is still special because it is used in the automotive industry. Or rather, in the car Peel P50. The smallest engine in the world used in the production of mass-produced cars has only 4 hp. And this, in general, is enough, because the car weighs only 56 kg.

Smalltoe motorcycle - ethanol engine

Unfortunately, we do not have data on the volume of the engine, but there is data on power: 0.3 hp. This engine is used in the world's smallest motorcycle Smalltoe, which has a wheelbase of only 80mm. This powerful engine accelerates the motorcycle to an incredible speed of 2 km / h. And yes, you can ride it. Watch the video.

The smallest V12 in the world

Manuel Hermo Barriero, a retired Spanish Navy mechanic, builds small, working engines. Not a bad job for a retiree, right? This V12 engine is recognized as the smallest in the world. Its construction took Manuel 1220 hours of painstaking work.

The smallest W32 in the world

If you were shocked by the previous engine, then get ready to see another creation of Mr. Barriero - the smallest W32 in the world. Work on the engine took 2520 hours, and 850 different parts were used in the construction process. Like the V12, this engine is perfectly balanced, and the engineer offers to watch the video to prove this fact.


Ronald Valentin has been building small engines for his model airplanes for 30 years. The smallest of them - Nanobee - exists so far only in the form of a prototype. Engine displacement is 0.006 ml. The most amazing fact is that this engine actually works! It is recognized as the smallest diesel engine in the world.

The smallest steam engine in the world

In the image you see a fully working steam engine, but its dimensions are not quite familiar. Indian engineer Iqbal Ahmed managed to create a functioning steam engine that is 6.8mm high, 16.24mm long and weighs 1.72g.

Microscopic internal combustion engine

What, you're still not surprised? OK then. Take a look at this engine. By the way, to look at it, you need a microscope, since its diagonal is only 0.0001mm. The engine consists of a water tank through which two electrodes pass. Current is applied to the electrodes, due to which oxygen and hydrogen decompose. As a result, gas nanobubbles are formed, the volume increases and energy is generated. Oh, this science!

Despite the similarity of names, the modern Mini has nothing in common with the famous British car, produced from 1959 to 2000. The current model was created when the German company BMW became the owner of the brand. For this reason, many fans of the first Mini refused to accept the next model as a successor. However, the updated model retained its heredity. Mini under the sign of BMW was called "New Mini", and the first copies rolled off the assembly line in 2001. The model, like its predecessor, immediately received cult status. She attracted with her extraordinary beauty and original forms.

The interior looks to match the style. The front panel with two round indicators - one in front of the driver and one in the center, looks beautiful. But the appearance is one thing, and the quality of workmanship and functionality is another. Mini, regardless of version, can comfortably carry only two people. The rear is cramped, and the trunk has a symbolic size - 150 liters. Interior quality is average.

The technical side of the car is no less interesting than the appearance. First of all, the chassis deserves attention, thanks to which the Mini runs like it's on rails. This is definitely one of the most important benefits. However, do not forget about a small ground clearance, otherwise you can damage the body orexhaust system components.

Petrol engines also make an excellent impression. Except for the smallest one. He is a little sleepy. Driving pleasure is greater, the more powerful the engine under the hood. The turbodiesel is not as dynamic and is more suitable for calm drivers.

Mini sets the bar high when it comes to running costs. You have to pay a lot for maintenance and repair work, especially in official service centers. Repair bills serve as an additional reminder that we are dealing with an expensive and less popular car. Therefore, it would be nice to find a good unauthorized service familiar with Mini. Then the cost of maintenance will be less.

In 2001, at the time of Mini's release, the engine line-up included only two petrol engines. Engines with a working volume of 1.6 liters developed a power of 90 and 115 hp. The weak one went to the Mini One version, the powerful one went to the Mini Cooper. In 2002, the Mini Cooper S saw the light with a 1.6-liter turbo engine producing 163 hp. In 2003, for the first time, a diesel engine got under the hood of the Mini. The Mini One D version received a 75-horsepower 1.4-liter turbodiesel. A year later, the power of the Cooper S engine increased to 170 hp. In 2005, the model range was replenished with a sports modification of the Cooper S John Cooper Works Kit with a 1.6-liter engine with 210 hp. In the same year, turbodiesel power increased to 90 hp.

All gasoline engines are a joint development of Rover and Chrysler engineers. Turbodiesel is the brainchild of Toyota. The weakest of petrol engines struggles to keep up with the little Mini. Its 115-horsepower version is most preferable. More powerful motors give the car good dynamics, but will require additional operating costs. And it's not just high fuel costs, but also maintenance and repair costs. Sports modifications are often mercilessly exploited, so after the acquisition, you will most likely have to invest a little in repairs. Diesel versions do not amaze with dynamics, but they are economical and do not cause trouble.


Mini gasoline engines are not considered problematic. All ailments are most often associated with an electronic ignition system (replacement of high-voltage wires is necessary) or a clogged filter in the fuel tank. In the case of gasoline engines, it is important to regularly check the oil level. Leaks are usually found in the crankcase area. Turbodiesels are considered very reliable.


In the New Mini, the clutch and engine mounts wear out pretty quickly. If these elements are not replaced on time, then repair of the box is inevitable. Particularly prone to failure is the Midland Gears box used in 2001-2004 cars. Since 2004, the box has been replaced by the more reliable Getrag. A continuously variable variator was used as an automatic transmission. Practice shows that the life of the variator is extended by regular maintenance. In the event of a CVT failure, you need to prepare for high costs. Sometimes repairs just aren't worth it. But if the decision to restore the variator is made, then it is better to contact only proven services.


New Mini's suspension is sensitive to operating conditions. Frequent driving on bumpy roads leads to rapid wear of the suspension elements. As a result, you will have to change silent blocks, ball and tie rods. Parts and repairs cost a lot.

The most serious problem occurs in the steering. The hydraulic booster electric pump closes, and it starts to work without stopping. A number of sounds that occur when turning the wheels will tell you about problems with the pump. Owners, as a rule, do not pay almost any attention to this, since they do not notice any consequences for a long time. In the end, the pump provides and you can’t do without a visit to the service. Fortunately, the car remains manageable, which allows you to get to the place of repair on your own.


The electrics of the New Mini are capricious, which can be seen not only in the electric power steering pump, but also in the engine control unit. Owners also note causeless failures of power windows and central locking. Failures also occur in the system of automatic xenon light corrector. It should be noted that problems with electronics are often the consequences of handicraft repairs after an accident. The vast majority of Minis have been involved in traffic accidents in the past.


Factory corrosion protection is good. Even in the oldest copies, it is not easy to detect rust. In extreme cases, traces of corrosion may appear in the rear lower part of the body. As mentioned above, most of the copies have already been in an accident, and therefore corrosion in repair areas is inevitable. Among the typical malfunctions, the owners note the trunk lid lock and the mechanism for folding the backs of the front seats.


1959 - launch of the first Mini.

2000 - premiere of "New Mini".

2001 - Start of production of the One and Cooper series.

2002 - Cooper S version released.

2003 - diesel version of One D.

2004 - small upgrade (new bumpers and headlights, front panel changes, new gearbox). Convertible and Cooper S Jhon Cooper Works Kit versions.

2006 - premiere of "New Mini" of the second generation.


Attractive exterior and interior

Excellent chassis

Dynamic petrol engines


cramped interior

Small trunk

small ground clearance

High cost of operation

Specifications Mini (2000-2006)

Engine version

Displacement (cm3)

Maximum power (hp / rpm)

Max torque (Nm / rpm)

Max speed (km/h)

Acceleration 0-100 km/h (s)

Average fuel consumption (l/100 km)

Gasoline engines














Diesel engines









190 / 1800-3000



Mini is a car that allows its owner to stand out from the crowd. But you will have to pay well for this. The original body is a really weighty argument in favor of the Mini. But do not forget that at the same time you get an excellent chassis and frisky gasoline engines. It is incorrect to compare the New Mini with an ordinary city car, since the Briton has a much higher technical and aesthetic level. Unfortunately, the reliability let us down. In addition to numerous minor malfunctions, there are also very serious ones, the elimination of which is expensive.

It began its expansion at the beginning of the 19th century. And already at that time, not only large units for industrial purposes were being built, but also decorative ones. Most of their customers were rich nobles who wanted to amuse themselves and their kids. After steam engines were firmly established in the life of society, decorative engines began to be used in universities and schools as educational models.

Steam engines of today

At the beginning of the 20th century, the relevance of steam engines began to decline. One of the few companies that continued to produce decorative mini-engines was the British company Mamod, which allows you to purchase a sample of such equipment even today. But the cost of such steam engines easily exceeds two hundred pounds, which is not so little for a trinket for a couple of evenings. Moreover, for those who like to assemble all kinds of mechanisms on their own, it is much more interesting to create a simple steam engine with their own hands.

Very simple. The fire heats the cauldron of water. Under the action of temperature, the water turns into steam, which pushes the piston. As long as there is water in the tank, the flywheel connected to the piston will rotate. This is the standard layout of a steam engine. But you can assemble a model and a completely different configuration.

Well, let's move on from the theoretical part to more exciting things. If you are interested in doing something with your own hands, and you are surprised by such exotic machines, then this article is just for you, in it we will be happy to tell you about the various ways to assemble a steam engine with your own hands. At the same time, the very process of creating a mechanism gives joy no less than its launch.

Method 1: DIY mini steam engine

So, let's begin. Let's assemble the simplest steam engine with our own hands. Drawings, complex tools and special knowledge are not needed.

To begin with, we take from under any drink. Cut off the bottom third. Since as a result we get sharp edges, they must be bent inward with pliers. We do this carefully so as not to cut ourselves. Since most aluminum cans have a concave bottom, it needs to be leveled. It is enough to firmly press it with your finger to some hard surface.

At a distance of 1.5 cm from the upper edge of the resulting "glass" it is necessary to make two holes opposite each other. It is advisable to use a hole punch for this, since it is necessary that they turn out to be at least 3 mm in diameter. At the bottom of the jar we put a decorative candle. Now we take the usual table foil, wrinkle it, and then wrap our mini-burner on all sides.

Mini nozzles

Next, you need to take a piece of copper tube 15-20 cm long. It is important that it is hollow inside, as this will be our main mechanism for setting the structure in motion. The central part of the tube is wrapped around the pencil 2 or 3 times, so that a small spiral is obtained.

Now you need to place this element so that the curved place is placed directly above the candle wick. To do this, we give the tube the shape of the letter "M". At the same time, we display the sections that go down through the holes made in the bank. Thus, the copper tube is rigidly fixed above the wick, and its edges are a kind of nozzles. In order for the structure to rotate, it is necessary to bend the opposite ends of the "M-element" 90 degrees in different directions. The design of the steam engine is ready.

Engine starting

The jar is placed in a container with water. In this case, it is necessary that the edges of the tube are under its surface. If the nozzles are not long enough, then you can add a small weight to the bottom of the can. But be careful not to sink the entire engine.

Now you need to fill the tube with water. To do this, you can lower one edge into the water, and the second draw in air as if through a tube. We lower the jar into the water. We light the wick of the candle. After some time, the water in the spiral will turn into steam, which, under pressure, will fly out of opposite ends of the nozzles. The jar will begin to rotate in the container quickly enough. This is how we got a do-it-yourself steam engine. As you can see, everything is simple.

Steam engine model for adults

Now let's complicate the task. Let's assemble a more serious steam engine with our own hands. First you need to take a can of paint. You need to make sure that it is absolutely clean. On the wall, 2-3 cm from the bottom, we cut out a rectangle with dimensions of 15 x 5 cm. The long side is placed parallel to the bottom of the jar. From the metal mesh we cut out a piece with an area of ​​​​12 x 24 cm. From both ends of the long side we measure 6 cm. We bend these sections at an angle of 90 degrees. We get a small “platform table” with an area of ​​​​12 x 12 cm with legs of 6 cm. We install the resulting structure on the bottom of the can.

Several holes must be made around the perimeter of the lid and placed in a semicircle along one half of the lid. It is desirable that the holes have a diameter of about 1 cm. This is necessary in order to ensure proper ventilation of the interior. A steam engine will not work well if there is not enough air at the source of the fire.

main element

We make a spiral from a copper tube. You need about 6 meters of 1/4-inch (0.64 cm) soft copper tubing. We measure 30 cm from one end. Starting from this point, it is necessary to make five turns of a spiral with a diameter of 12 cm each. The rest of the pipe is bent into 15 rings with a diameter of 8 cm. Thus, 20 cm of free tube should remain at the other end.

Both leads are passed through the vent holes in the lid of the jar. If it turns out that the length of the straight section is not enough for this, then one turn of the spiral can be unbent. Coal is placed on a pre-installed platform. In this case, the spiral should be placed just above this site. Coal is carefully laid out between its turns. Now the bank can be closed. As a result, we got a firebox that will power the engine. The steam engine is almost done with his own hands. Left a little.

Water tank

Now you need to take another can of paint, but of a smaller size. A hole with a diameter of 1 cm is drilled in the center of its lid. Two more holes are made on the side of the jar - one almost at the bottom, the second - higher, at the lid itself.

They take two crusts, in the center of which a hole is made from the diameters of the copper tube. 25 cm of plastic pipe are inserted into one crust, 10 cm into the other, so that their edge barely peeks out of the corks. A crust with a long tube is inserted into the lower hole of a small jar, and a shorter tube into the upper hole. We place the smaller can on top of the large can of paint so that the hole at the bottom is on the opposite side of the ventilation passages of the large can.


The result should be the following design. Water is poured into a small jar, which flows through a hole in the bottom into a copper tube. A fire is kindled under the spiral, which heats the copper container. Hot steam rises up the tube.

In order for the mechanism to be complete, it is necessary to attach a piston and a flywheel to the upper end of the copper tube. As a result, the thermal energy of combustion will be converted into mechanical forces of wheel rotation. There are a huge number of different schemes for creating such an external combustion engine, but in all of them two elements are always involved - fire and water.

In addition to this design, you can assemble a steam one, but this is material for a completely separate article.

Since oil products are constantly rising in price (after all, oil tends to run out), the desire to save on fuel is quite understandable, and mini engine could be a good solution.

How economical is a mini internal combustion engine?

As you know, internal combustion engines are divided into gasoline and diesel, and both the first and the second are undergoing significant changes today. The reason for the modernization of both the mechanisms themselves and the fuel is the significantly worsened ecology, the state of which is also affected by the emissions of equipment running on liquid fuel. So, for example, eco-gasoline appeared, diluted with alcohol in a ratio of 8:2 to 2:8, that is, alcohol in such fuel can contain from 20 to 80 percent. But that's where the upgrade ends. There is practically no tendency to reduce the volume of gasoline engines. The smallest samples are installed in aircraft models, larger ones are used on lawn mowers, outboard motors, snowmobiles, scooters and other similar equipment..

As for today, a lot has really been done to make this engine truly microscopic. The concern is currently Toyota created the smallest minicars Corolla II, Corsa and Tercel, they are equipped with diesel engines 1N And 1NT only 1.5 liters. One trouble is that the service life of such mechanisms is extremely low, and the reason for this is the very fast depletion of the resource of the cylinder-piston group. There are also very tiny diesel internal combustion engines, with a volume of only 0.21 liters. They are installed on compact motor vehicles and construction mechanisms, but one cannot expect great power, the maximum that they give out is 3.25 hp. However, the fuel consumption of such models is small, as evidenced by the volume of the fuel tank - 2.5 liters.

How efficient is the smallest internal combustion engine?

A conventional internal combustion engine, which is based on the reciprocating movement of the piston, loses performance as the displacement decreases. It's all about a significant loss of efficiency when converting this very movement of the CPG into rotational, which is so necessary for the wheels. However, even before the Second World War, self-taught mechanic Felix Heinrich Wankel created the first working example of a rotary-piston internal combustion engine, in which all components only rotate. Logically, this design, which is very reminiscent of an electric motor, reduces the number of parts by 40% compared to standard motors.

Despite the fact that until today all the problems of this mechanism have not been solved, the service life, efficiency and environmental friendliness correspond to the established world standards. Productivity exceeds all conceivable limits. Rotary-piston internal combustion engine with a displacement of 1.3 liters allows you to develop a power of 220 horsepower. The installation of a turbocharger increases this figure to 350 hp, which is very significant. Well, the smallest internal combustion engine from the Wankel series, known under the brand name OSMG 1400, has a volume of only 0.005 liters, but at the same time it produces a power of 1.27 hp. with its own weight of 335 grams.

The main advantage of rotary piston engines is the absence of noise accompanying the operation of mechanisms, due to the low mass of operating units and the precise balance of the shaft.

The smallest diesel engine as a source of energy

If we talk about a full-fledged one, then today the brainchild of engineer Jesus Wilder has the smallest size. This is a 12-cylinder V-type engine, fully consistent with the internal combustion engine Ferrar i and Lamborghini. However, in reality, the mechanism is a useless trinket, since it does not run on liquid fuel, but on compressed air, and with a working volume of 12 cubic centimeters it has a very low efficiency.

Another thing is the smallest diesel engine developed by British scientists. True, it does not require diesel fuel as a fuel, but a special mixture of methanol and hydrogen that spontaneously ignites with increasing pressure. With the clock movement of the piston in the combustion chamber, the volume of which does not exceed one cubic millimeter, a flash occurs that sets the mechanism in motion. Curiously, microscopic dimensions were achieved by installing flat parts, in particular, the same pistons are ultra-thin plates. Already today, in an internal combustion engine with dimensions of 5x15x3 millimeters, a tiny shaft rotates at a speed of 50,000 rpm, as a result of which it produces a power of about 11.2 watts.

So far, scientists are facing a number of problems that need to be solved before producing diesel mini-engines for mass production. In particular, these are enormous heat losses due to the extremely thin walls of the combustion chamber and the fragility of materials when exposed to high temperatures. However, when tiny internal combustion engines do roll off the line, just a few grams of fuel will be enough to make a 10% efficient engine work 20 times longer and more efficiently than batteries of the same size.

Surprisingly, there are in the automotive industry, the volume of which can be less than 1 liter of a bottle of Coca-Cola. If you now think that such motors are rare in our time, you will be surprised, in fact, small displacement engines are widely used today by many automotive manufacturers. With the constant tightening of environmental regulations in the world, in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, most automakers are forced, but at the same time they are trying to maintain a certain level of adequate car power. Thus, if someone tells you that reducing the size of the engine necessarily leads to a loss of its power, then they are mistaken. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the Top 10, which, by modern standards, have a rather small engine size, but they just prove and refute those unconfirmed rumors that the trend to reduce cylinders in the engine is harmful to the car.

Smart 0.9L turbocharged three-cylinder engine

Presented by us here, which is currently available for purchase at the car market. The parameters of this machine are as follows: Length - 2.69 m, Width - 1.56 meters. Accordingly, it turns out that there is no need to install a large and powerful motor on such a mini-car. Under the hood of the microcar is a turbocharged gasoline engine with a volume of 0.9 liters and a power of 84 hp. (maximum torque 120 Nm). This is quite enough for the car to accelerate from 0 to 100 km / h in 10.7 seconds. It is clear to everyone that the Smart Fortwo car will lose any race on the road, but its main advantage is fuel economy, in the combined cycle the car consumes only 4.9 liters per 100 kilometers.

Three-cylinder Ford 1.0L EcoBoost engine

It has been several years since Ford introduced its first . Even today, in our time, this power unit can be seen on many cars of the American brand. The power of such a motor is 100 hp. (depending on the model of the car), the torque of its turbo engine is 170 Nm. Thanks to its small volume three-cylinder engine and the start-stop system, the car's engine in the combined cycle consumes only 4.6 liters per 100 km.

Mitsubishi 1.2L three-cylinder engine

This 1.2 liter engine with 78 hp. is installed on the car, which allows it to consume in mixed mode about 5.2 liters per 100 kilometers.

This fuel consumption can be compared with the fuel consumption of certain hybrid vehicles. The power of the machine is less than 100 hp, and the maximum torque is 100 Nm.

Fiat Chrysler 1.4L Turbo MultiAir four-cylinder engine

This four-cylinder 1.4-liter power unit is used on many Fiat models, including and. The turbo engine has a power of 135 hp. The dimensions of this engine allowed the company's engineers to install it in a compact Fiat 500 car. Also, due to its technical characteristics, this engine makes this small car quite high-performance. Fuel consumption in the combined cycle is also quite adequate - 7.8 liters per 100 km.

General Motors 1.4L Turbo Ecotec four-cylinder engine

General Motors has introduced its new 1.4-liter turbocharged four-cylinder engine to the market. For example, this motor is also installed on a new one. The power of this engine is 153 hp. The average fuel consumption declared by the manufacturer is 6.7 liters per 100 km, which makes such a car, agree with us, simply amazing.

Non-turbo General Motors 1.4L Ecotec four-cylinder engine

For those who do not really like turbocharged engines, GM has created a similar four-cylinder engine, but without a turbine, the volume of which is 1.4 liters, respectively, and the power is 98 hp. For example, this power unit is installed on a car with an engine power of 98 hp. (128 Nm).

Volkswagen 1.4L turbo four-cylinder engine

Late last year, Volkswagen unveiled its 1.4-liter turbo four-cylinder engine. The code designation of the motor is EA211. This engine was specially created for the car model. Its power is 150 hp, and the maximum torque is 240 Nm. In mixed mode, a car with such a power unit consumes only 6 liters per 100 kilometers.

MINI 1.5L three-cylinder turbo engine

This engine was included in the Top 10 best engines in the world in 2015, according to WardsAuto. This 1.5-liter engine is based on TwinPower Turbo technology, which is used in the creation of their engines. The power of this three-cylinder Mini engine is 136 hp, and the maximum torque is 220 Nm. Fuel consumption in combined mode is 5.3 liters per 100 kilometers.

Honda 1.5L four-cylinder turbo engine

Finally, Honda introduced its turbocharged 1.5-liter engine, which will be installed on a new one in the future. There are many chances that this power unit will become the most popular of all the presented engines on the world market. The turbocharged engine of a Honda car has a power of 174 hp, its maximum torque is 220 Nm. In a combined cycle with a CVT, the fuel consumption of the engine is 6.7 liters per 100 km. With a manual transmission, this fuel consumption will be significantly lower.

Toyota 1.5L four-cylinder engine

This 1.5-liter four-cylinder engine, unlike the engine on a Honda car, is not equipped with a turbine. The power of this engine is 106 hp and the maximum torque is only 139 Nm. But this is quite enough and enough, since this power unit is mainly installed on a car. Fuel consumption - 7.1 liters per 100 km.

By the way, Honda and Toyota car engines are very similar to each other in their design. The only and significant difference between the cars is the presence of a turbocharger in the Honda engine. When comparing the power of two Japanese engines, one can notice and note the benefits of a turbine, which gives a Honda car a significant advantage.