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Wash the car in winter in 20 degree frost. How to wash your car in cold weather

Every new driver who has tried to wash their car in the cold has experienced instantaneous freezing of the liquid on the surface of the car.

This is especially inconvenient for front glass. There is no visibility, the image is blurry and poorly guessed.

In this case, you can start the engine and turn on the blowing of the windows, after a while they begin to thaw. Or use glass scrapers.

Therefore, the process of washing a car must be taken much more seriously than other cleaning procedures, like or.

How to properly wash a car in winter, and what mistakes do novice drivers most often make when washing a car in winter?

When asked how to wash a car in cold weather, auto mechanics recommend not washing cars when the outside air temperature is below -12°C.

The ubiquitous water in the process of washing gets into various gaps, cracks, with significant frost (colder than -10 ° C), water freezes very quickly, it does not have time to evaporate and, expanding, breaks the metal.

There are cases of serious car breakdowns after an illiterate car wash in the cold.

Everyone knows that during snowfalls or black ice, roads are sprinkled with salt and chemicals.

Getting on the bottom of the car and the lower parts of the side surfaces, these reagents contribute (accelerate) the corrosion processes.

This effect is especially destructive for those machines on the surface of which there are chips, peeling paint, dents, any violation of the protective paintwork. However, one must know that the rate of chemical reactions is determined by the temperature of their occurrence.

At a cold of -10 °C, the corrosion reaction almost completely stops. Corrosion continues at -5°C.

Therefore, in case of significant frost exceeding -10 ° C, it is not worth washing the car in order to prevent corrosion damage.

Internal cleaning of the car can be carried out as usual.

If your car is very dirty and you still want to wash it despite hard frost, what rules must be observed when washing and where to wash the car in winter?

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Winter car wash rules

Wash the car in a warm (above 0°C) box. Before washing, the machine should stand for 10-15 minutes and slightly warm up and thaw.

Such a waiting time will prevent a strong temperature difference (-10 outside and +30 - water for washing), often causing a network of cracks on the polished paint surface.

The hose for washing the car should discharge water at room temperature, preferably around 30°C. Foam for washing a car should be designed to wash off winter pollution, be frost-resistant and contain anti-frost additives.

The used car wash pumps, which dispense water at a pressure of about 200 bar, will ensure sufficient cleanliness of the car surface.

Before washing, before the sponge for washing the car touches your vehicle, treat the keyholes, hinges and openings, glass and rubber seals with anti-freeze liquid. This will help you to open doors or windows after washing without problems.

Do not wash during winter washing engine compartment, running units and the inner part of the wheels.

After washing, thorough drying is required. First, a rag for washing the car carefully wipes openings, seals, wipers. Then all possible cracks are blown with compressed air, preferably heated.

The main rule of winter washing is that there should be no moisture left anywhere - neither in openings, nor in surface microcracks. Otherwise, headlights, mirrors, a radiator, any parts into which or into the gaps between which water has got can crack.

Winter car wash precautions

How to wash a car in winter is clear, now we need to add some rules for handling a car after a winter wash.

You can only go outside with a dry surface. Even if you need to transfer the car to an underground parking nearby, wait 10-15 minutes. Sudden freezing of moisture on glass and surfaces can cause cracks.

It is advisable not to keep the car in the cold for two hours after washing. If the sink allows, hold the car in a heated box.

If not, consider options - put the car in an underground warm parking lot, or a drive-in cinema, give it for inspection in a heated service station, or operate it with the engine on and interior heating for two hours.

It is not advisable to put the car on the handbrake. This recommendation is important not only in the first hours after washing. With any snow, moisture gets into the brake discs and the cable, which, when the handbrake is depressed after freezing, blocks the free wheeling of the wheels.

You will have to thaw with a fan heater or take the car on a tow truck to warm garage.

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Do not close wet or damp doors and do not leave in such a state in the cold. Everything will freeze thoroughly and your exit from the car will be blocked.

You will have to warm the openings or go to the underground car park.

Following the rules and precautions will help you avoid problems after the necessary car wash in the cold.

"Cleanliness is half health"- this proverb is applicable both to a person and to what surrounds us in the modern world. Including it can be applied to modern technology. But not every technique benefits cleanliness. For example, this proverb is unlikely to be true for And what about the numerous tips that you need to wash your car as often as possible?After all, everyone knows that the more often you wash your car, the longer the paintwork and bodywork will last.But, unfortunately, frequent washing of the car is not a panacea for corrosion and damage to the paintwork of the body.Especially in winter, when it is very cold outside.Do not believe.We will try to explain how frequent car washing can damage the varnish, paint of the car body in a short time, and even cause premature corrosion of the body.

"Although there is no object to be found all over the world,

which would be weaker or softer than water,

however, she herself will be able to destroy

even the hardest thing"
(Lao Tzu, ancient Chinese philosopher )

Water is an amazing organic chemical compound., which can exist in several states (in liquid form, in the form of ice crystals and in a gaseous state). Water plays a major role for all life on our planet. But, like everything in our nature, water can serve us, both for good and for harm. This also applies to cars.

It's important to know:

That is, water can, how to help the car serve its owner as long as possible or literally destroy vehicle for a short time. So, is it possible to wash the car in winter or not?

Is it really better to postpone washing until the spring? Of course, these questions cannot be answered unambiguously.

Yes, yes, winter car washing is definitely dangerous in some cases. But, this does not mean that the owner of the car should completely refuse to wash it in the winter. But, nevertheless, in everything you need to know the measure. This also applies to washing the car in the cold season. Of course, everything depends on the region of your residence, the mode of operation of the car and, of course, on the weather and temperature changes on the street.

Typically, car wash employees advise washing the car as often as possible, telling us “scary stories” of how cars literally turn into “dust” in one winter. According to them, from the aggressive effects of chemicals and salt, which are sprinkled on roads in winter.

And it's really not a myth. In this, car washers are not cunning. After all, we know from school that chemical salt compounds accelerate the process of metal corrosion. So, logically, the more often you wash the car, the less aggressive impact of salts contained in anti-icing road reagents will be on all metal parts of the car.

But that's in theory. In practice, everything is much more complicated.

Firstly, all modern cars are more resistant to corrosion of metal parts, due to the presence of a factory galvanized layer on body elements or due to special metal alloys that are less. Also, do not forget that many parts of the body of modern cars are covered with a reliable paintwork that protects metal parts of the body from the effects of water, ultraviolet radiation and salt compounds.

Thanks to modern technologies, automakers in recent years have significantly increased the life of car paintwork, as well as increased the warranty on through corrosion body.

So if you own a modern car, then if you do not wash the car often, it is unlikely that this will lead to corrosion of the body in a short time. However, this certainly does not mean that you should simply forget about car washes.

Of course, every car needs to be washed periodically. And even in winter. But there are a lot of truth...

The fact is that in winter, very unstable weather conditions are observed in many regions of Russia. For example, we all know natural gifts, when it rained during the day, and in the evening everyone is taken by surprise by a 20-degree frost, which, as a rule, turns everything around into a continuous ice rink.

Usually, with such temperature fluctuations, road services massively go onto roads and treat them with anti-icing reagents, which, due to their chemical composition, lower the freezing threshold of water.

Unfortunately, despite modern technologies in the field of chemistry, anti-icing agents are not as effective as we would like, and are also very aggressive to cars. Especially to the metal parts of the body. True, it should be noted that the concentration of salts in modern anti-icing road facilities significantly less than in the old reagents used 5-7 years ago. But, despite this, it has not yet been possible to completely get rid of salt compounds in chemical industry reagents. Without salts, road treatment with reagents would not be effective.

So in winter, protecting your car from reagents will not work. Therefore, in order to reduce their harmful effects on the car, it is necessary to wash it at least 1 or 2 times a month. You've probably heard something similar before. But few people know that this recommendation is valid only when the temperature outside is either positive or not.

If the operation of the machine takes place in severe frost, then it is often impossible to wash it in any case. Also, in severe frost, in no case should car washers thoroughly wash the bottom of the car. Surprised? After all, many of the drivers specifically ask car washers to direct a jet of water under pressure under the wheel arches and the bottom in order to knock down lumps of snow soaked in reagents, with full confidence that in this way the service life of the car body increases.

In fact, in most cases this may be more dangerous than exposure to reagents. And that's why.

Firstly, frequent and thorough car washing in winter is dangerous due to a sharp temperature drop. Imagine you drove into a warm box of a car wash, where, as a rule, a positive temperature is observed even in severe frost. After the "water procedures" your "beauty" all polished goes out into the cold, where she freezes in the blink of an eye.

Moreover, naturally, the water remaining on the body (especially under the arches, under the bottom of the car) turns into ice, which can damage the plastic elements of the arches, as well as various rubber seals for the suspension, exhaust and brake systems.

So if frosty weather has settled on the street, forget about frequent car washes and thorough washing of the wheel arches and the bottom of the car.

This is especially true for those drivers who like to wash their car. in 20-30 degree frost.

Also remember that the lower the negative temperature, the more often road services treat roads with anti-icing reagents, because due to their chemical composition, the effective action period does not exceed 3-5 hours. As a result, even if you perfectly washed your car, then in a short time the reagent will again settle on the body of your car. And you will have to go to the car wash again.

Also, remember that professional chemicals that help in a short time to corrode the dirt that has eaten into the body. But, unfortunately, such products can also be very aggressive to the rubber components of the car. As a result, frequent washing can damage various rubber seals, and even wear rubber seals. brake calipers. So as you can see, very frequent car washes, especially in the winter, are not very vehicle friendly. But that's not all. All the most interesting next.

How do sudden changes in negative temperatures affect the paintwork of a car body?

We all know that the thickness of the factory paintwork of any modern car averages from 80 to 165 microns. In order for you to more accurately imagine what this thickness is, let's translate it into millimeters:

1 micron = 0.001 mm

Accordingly, the thickness of the factory paintwork of most modern vehicles is on average 0.08 to 0.17 mm. So, probably, no one will doubt that the paintwork of cars is very thin and therefore very fragile.

Also, no one will argue that the strength of any materials on the planet depends on the ambient temperature, since when the weather changes, the chemical properties of any materials change. But most of all, the impact on various materials has a sharp temperature drop. Especially from positive to negative.

For example, for brittle materials, the temperature difference is very destructive, since due to a change in the chemical properties of such a material, its strength deteriorates dramatically. As we have already noted, the car paintwork is a fragile material. Accordingly, due to sudden temperature changes, the paintwork becomes brittle.(especially if the age of the car is more than 7-10 years, since over time the chemical compounds of the paintwork change, and the strength of the paintwork on the body deteriorates).

Imagine what kind of paintwork after you drove from a 20-degree frost to a warm car wash, where the temperature can often be 10-20 degrees. As a result, the temperature difference will be 30-40 degrees. If, after washing, the car is still dried with warm air, then the temperature difference may increase if you drive out into the cold immediately after washing.

Naturally, for any paintwork (even a new car), such a temperature difference leads to paint shrinkage at the molecular level. As a result, microscopic cracks begin to form in the layers of paint over time, which in the future will go sideways to the owner of the car. The fact is that sooner or later water and a reagent will begin to get into these cracks, which will accelerate the corrosion of the body.

Especially it concerns domestic cars, whose metal and the quality of the paintwork leaves much to be desired.

That is why on many old cars, if you pour boiling water on the body, the paintwork can crack almost instantly.

Even worse if your car was not factory painted. Let's say . For example, in the case of applying putty and primer to even out dents and scratches, frequent washing of the car in cold weather can lead to rapid flaking of fresh paint from the body.

So if your car was repainted or some body parts were painted, or if your car is more than 5-7 years old (at this age, as a rule, it begins to slowly lose its properties and peel off at a microscopic level), then we do not recommend frequent visits to the car wash in the winter time at temperatures below -12 degrees.

Otherwise, you will not only not save the car from the aggressive effects of road chemicals, but also accelerate the likelihood of corrosion due to peeling of the paintwork.

So wash the car in the cold or still not?

As we have already said, this question cannot be answered unambiguously. Everything, of course, depends on the age, make and model of your car, as well as on the region of your residence and the conditions of its operation.

But what to do, because anti-icing reagents really harm the car? Yes, of course, any, even the most expensive and modern reagent contains salt, which has an aggressive effect on the entire car.

But in severe frost, the chemical oxidation of the reagent that has fallen on the car body slows down. So if it's cold outside -12 degrees or more, then you have nothing to fear. The reagent that got on the car will not actually cause harm to the body. But remember that as soon as the air temperature rises and falls below -12 degrees, the process of oxidation of reagent salts on the car body will begin to grow, which will damage the metal parts of the car.

The fact is that for the harmful effects of the reagent on the car, it is necessary that the chemical salt compounds on the body begin to melt.

In cold weather, these chemicals cannot begin to melt. But in a slight frost, the process of aggressive action on the car body of the chemicals contained in the reagent will resume.

So, as soon as it warms up, be sure to visit a car wash if your car is seriously soiled with snow mixed with reagent.

True, remember that the smaller the temperature difference when entering or leaving a car wash, the better. So you keep the integrity of the paintwork of the body as long as possible.

In conclusion, here are some tips to help you extend the life of your paintwork and prevent premature corrosion of the body:

1. Wash your car every 10-15 days (at least).

2. Wash the car only when the ambient temperature is above zero or down to -12 degrees. Remember that at high sub-zero air temperatures, road salt or reagent does not actually harm the car. In order for the reagent to begin to act aggressively on the car body, it is necessary that it warm up.

3. Avoid driving in deep snow on the road. Especially in urban areas, where the snow on the road contains high concentrations of road chemicals and salts. Frequent driving in deep snow in the city is fraught with chemical compounds of the de-icing agent on the bottom of the car and other unprotected places under the car,.

4. Avoid driving in winter through deep puddles, where there is often a large accumulation of reagent salts. Driving through puddles in winter, water containing a high concentration of salts gets on many metal elements under the car body. This will contribute to the rapid corrosion of the car.

5. In the event of even a slight damage to the paintwork (even in the case of a small chip or scratch), you must repair it as soon as possible so that the exposed metal of the body does not start to rust.

6. Apply to wax at least once every three months. Thus, you will provide the car body with a strong protective coating.


Some wash, but rarely, others like their car to always shine, and therefore wash it often at any time of the year.

Those who often wash their car in winter say that this helps to wash away all sorts of reagents that are sprinkled on the roads and that damage the car body.

There are people who think that washing a car in winter is not worth it, but driving for several months in a dirty car is also not acceptable, comparing it to wearing dirty clothes.

As a rule, motorists associate winter not with white snow, but with slush on the roads and with reagents that can harm the car.

Because of this, many people try to wash their car more often in order not only to clean it of dirt, restoring its original appearance, but also to prevent reagents that have soaked into snow and dirt from harming the body, namely, causing corrosion.

So is it worth it to wash the car in winter or not? The answer to this question will be given by experts.

Do you wash your car in winter?

Opinion of auto experts

To begin with, drivers should monitor their car and treat the car with the necessary preparations in time to avoid rust.

Automotive experts and journalists approach this issue from a chemistry point of view. Corrosion is the electrochemical or chemical destruction of a metal.

Corrosion usually oxidizes the metal and forms metal ions. As a result of subsequent transformations, they give corrosion products.

It is known that such chemical reactions occur more intensively when high temperature, i.e. the higher the temperature, the faster the process. This means that at sub-zero temperatures, the car almost does not rust, even if it is completely covered with a thick layer of dirty snow with reagents.

Only during the thaw does rust begin to sharpen car body, which means that frequent washing of the car at low air temperature outside the window will not save the car.

Moreover, in order to properly clean the car from reagents, you need to wash the bottom of the car, and many people do not do this when washing the car.

Can you wash your car in winter?

Opinion of scientists chemists

If even a small part of the body is not covered with paint or varnish, then sooner or later it will become covered with rust, regardless of whether water, salt or a reagent has got on the body.

Chemistry classes teach that the rate of chemical and electrochemical reactions is affected by temperature. The oxidation process is a chemical reaction.

At what temperature should you wash your car in winter?

If the temperature is below -8 degrees, all reactions that can destroy the metal "freeze". If the temperature rises above -5 degrees, then these chemical processes resume.

But washing, not only will not save the car from corrosion, but can also harm the body.

Imagine that it is freezing outside and you decide to wash your car with warm water. The lacquer coating experiences a strong temperature difference.

Inside the paint applied to the body, internal stresses begin to arise, which can lead to various destructions of the paint, for example, microcracks may appear.

Despite the small size of the crack, after washing, moisture remains in it, no matter how much the car is wiped with dry rags. In the cold, this moisture freezes, thereby causing even more damage to the car body.

frozen doors

Of course, those who have washed their car in winter at least once know that seals of doors, windows and locks can freeze after washing. Therefore, they pre-dry these places and process with special means. But it is worth noting that such methods do not always help.

Should I wash my car in winter?

Opinion of auto mechanics

Auto mechanics also say that the sudden change in temperature when washing a cold car with warm water can damage the paint on the car's bodywork. As a result of washing, microcracks appear, but the most unpleasant thing occurs when the car leaves the car wash in the cold.

In the cracks of the paint on the body, in the gaps of the headlights and windows, water remains, which turns into ice in the cold, tearing the paint of the car. As you know, when water turns into ice, it expands.

In addition, the brakes begin to work worse, the handbrake freezes, and the shock absorbers at best begin to creak, and at worst completely fail.

Door seals may come off and locks may stop working. Even when treated with the right drugs, the door can freeze and these are just a few of the troubles that a car owner can expect.

Here is one example given by an auto mechanic:

The young man decided to wash his dear german car, and in the yard -30 C. Immediately after his car was washed, and he left the car wash, the right headlight of an expensive car burst.

As it turned out, the washers simply did not get rid of the water in the gaps, and when this water froze, the ice simply broke the glass. However, the problems didn't end there.

The next morning, the radiator of the same car burst. The cost of repairs cost the owner a lot, but even after repairing the noticed breakdowns, the car rumbled while driving until the air temperature rose and the streets dried up.

Should you wash your car in winter?


Reagents (including salt) are, of course, harmful. But when the same salt settles on the car, a coating appears that acts as a protective film against new chemicals. When the air temperature drops below -5, it is not recommended to wash the car.

It turns out that in winter you shouldn’t wash your car at all, but if you just can’t drive a dirty car, then there are two options:

1. Wash the car at a suitable air temperature.

2. Wash the car in a well-heated area where it can be left for at least 30 minutes to warm up the paint and dampen the glass. If after washing you notice drops of water somewhere on the body, ask them to be wiped.

* After washing, do not forget to process door hinges, openings and lock cylinders. This can be done with a water-displacing spray such as WD-40.

Washing my car in winter (video)

Winter. It is logical that many car owners have a question: how to wash a car in winter? And in general, is it worth it, because at sub-zero temperatures with a rag in your hands and a bucket of water at the ready, you don’t really run around?

And under the wheels are chemical reagents, which are generously sprinkled on roads from ice in the cold season. Needless to say, what the car body turns into after each trip in such conditions.

Let's turn to the experts and find out what they advise.

To wash or not to wash?

Let us briefly summarize the arguments of both sides so that you yourself decide for yourself whether this cosmetic procedure is necessary.

The reagents that are sprinkled on roads have an extremely negative effect on the paintwork of the car.

So, fans of car washing in cold weather, as a rule, are clean people who do not like dirt in general.

The main argument for their choice is the fact that the reagents that are sprinkled on the roads have an extremely negative effect on the paintwork of the car, therefore, if you do not want your four-wheeled friend lost its gloss and color, it must be washed regularly.

In addition, chemicals that have fallen on the suspension elements and other open mechanisms contribute to their corrosion. You can’t argue here, besides, a dirty car will dirty you too - is it really nice to take a hand on stained door handles or wipe thresholds with your pants.

Chemicals that have fallen on the body are not terrible if the outside temperature drops below -8 degrees

There is another opinion as to whether it is worth washing the car in winter. A number of experts claim that all those chemicals that have got on the body are not terrible if the temperature outside drops below -8 degrees.

This is the first fact, and the second concerns water. The fact is that if you wash a car that arrived from frost with warm water (namely, this is the only one that is found in car washes in cold weather), then the temperature difference can cause disastrous consequences for the paintwork. In addition, undried water in the cold will turn into ice and can do things in the most unpredictable places.

How do you wash your car in winter?

If you are a clean person and in any case are not going to leave your vehicle with dirt adhering even in the cold, then the following tips will be useful to you.

Well, how to wash a car in winter? Let's clarify this issue and, perhaps, for those who are afraid to do this, they will become a factor that will convince them.

The first logical question is: how to wash a car in the winter on the street on your own? Actually, no way!

How to wash a car in the winter on the street on your own? Actually, no way!

Forget about it if the temperature is minus or close to that. Nothing good will come of it, except for a cold for yourself. You will also get a headache in the form of a damaged paintwork, and from water that has got into all possible cracks, which will definitely turn into ice.

The only way to make your car cleaner is to visit a car wash. And here it is important to remember the series important nuances about how to wash a car in winter at a car wash.

That's how:

  • supply water under pressure only and only warm;
  • the water temperature should not exceed 30-40 degrees, if it is higher, then there is a high risk that, due to the temperature difference between the car body, which is just from frost, and the water itself, the glass may crack and the varnish may deteriorate;
  • it is advisable to warm up the interior before starting bath procedures so that condensation does not form inside;
  • drying is a mandatory procedure in the cold season. Choose only those sinks where available special devices for this, they will blow the vehicle with air at a speed of 200 km / h, which will not give even the smallest drops of moisture a chance to exist;
  • after the bath, treat the rubber seals in the doors and trunk with special anti-icing compounds;
  • after leaving the sink, squeeze the brake pedal several times on the go so that the pads finally get rid of moisture, it is also advisable to work with the handbrake.

Now, friends, you know how to properly wash your car in winter. In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that it will be a special success to wash the car at the moment between near-zero air temperature and frost, then you will wash off all the adhering dirt, and the new one will simply not be able to stick at minus degrees.

Good luck and only have a nice New Year holidays, dear subscribers and readers of our blog!

It is known from a school chemistry course that the rate of chemical and electrochemical reactions strongly depends on temperature.

Corrosion of metal - similarly. Moreover, at temperatures below -7 ... -10, the reactions that oxidize and destroy the metal practically stop. Therefore, in severe frosts, there is no technical and economic feasibility in washing. The only problem in body pollution during frost is only aesthetic.

So if a dirty body "torments" your eyes in very frosty weather - refrain from washing! Hang on to the thaw! Why?

Imagine that it is minus fifteen outside, and you drive into a car wash. What is the temperature of the car body from the street? That's right, it is equal to the ambient temperature. And what is the temperature of the water with which the body will be washed? This is the problem: even if the washers are patient and managed to cool the water to +10, still +10 for the water and -15 for the body is too big a difference.

From such a contrast shower for paintwork and anticorrosion protection, NOTHING GOOD! And after washing, after all, again on the street, right? Therefore, from washing in frost, along with “beauty”, you will get the likelihood of microcracks in the paintwork and zinc-containing protective primer under the paint, which leads to their delamination from the metal. And rust sooner or later.

That's when the temperature rises to -5, the destructive processes will "come to life" again, then it is not only possible, but you need to wash the body. Carefully, with cold water, knocking dirt out of the wheel arches and, if possible, from the bottom. Once a week is better if the thaw is prolonged. At least once every two weeks.

It still does not hurt to lubricate the door seals after washing special formulations so that the doors do not freeze, “blow” compressed air into the keyholes so that the locks do not freeze, then spraying there with a composition that displaces water, if necessary. To stand and dry the car after washing for at least half an hour in the heat would also be very good. But this is with an opportunity that is not always there.


What else can not be done with the car in the cold

It is not necessary to fully warm up the car. But after starting it should work for about five minutes on Idling.

Do not immediately turn on the stove at full power, let the engine warm up a little.

Does not start? Look for the second key, close the car and do not turn off: fuel consumption at idle is about a liter and a half per hour.

Drive the first kilometers slowly: everything freezes - both the oil in the shock absorbers and the rubber in the silent blocks. Even the tires do not work well immediately after the start, they also need to be “warmed up”.

After a short stop, if the motor is hot, do not turn on the stove at full power. The windshield may crack.

Don't clap back door for hatchbacks and station wagons: glass may burst.

Be careful with door handles: plastic becomes brittle in cold weather. Therefore, the demand for door handles is growing dramatically.

Don't make sudden movements. After minus 20 it even dubs winter tires: the car stops and is driven very badly.

Park always facing "to the exit" so that in which case, the car can be pulled with a cable.

Do not drive on the side of the road: anything can be under the snow.

Do not thaw a frozen castle with hot water: it will freeze again very quickly.

Do not turn on the wiper blades and do not use the power windows: they may be frozen.

Pay no attention to extraneous sounds: every car creaks and crackles in severe frost.

Do not turn on all electrical appliances: the battery is already hard. Stove + heated glass + heated seats and running music = dead battery in city driving.