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Crossing a solid line fine rf. Penalty for crossing a double solid line

One of the main and important regulators of traffic on the road for absolutely all cars is a continuous marking that is applied to the road surface. It is no longer a secret for anyone that the crossing of a solid line by any vehicle in most cases is punished very severely and entails in 2018 not only a fine for overtaking, but also the deprivation of a driver’s license.

The main task of this marking line is to divide the flows or directions of vehicles into oncoming and passing, and, accordingly, to prohibit any exit beyond the continuous one. If any car owner, with the exception of the special services, crosses the continuous line, then he will be severely punished, at best a fine. It is worth noting that a violation will be not only the departure of the entire body of the car into the oncoming lane with a perfect intersection of a solid one, but also half of the body or one wheel.

A solid line can be of two types:

  • permanent - a line that is applied for a constant time and has a white or yellow color,
  • temporary - this is a line that is temporary in nature, applied during repair work, etc. It has an orange color.

On our roads this year you can find two types of "solid" ones that have essentially the same responsibility:

1. One line

  • separation of the direction of movement of opposite directions,
  • the border of the road, for which it is forbidden to travel,
  • parking limit,
  • edge of the road.

2. Double line

  • a line that separates traffic from the opposite direction, the number of lanes in each direction is more than two.

A continuous one is applied both within the city and outside it, prohibiting crossing and overtaking by vehicles.

As a rule, all crossings are regulated by articles 12.15 and 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. The result is severe administrative fines and disqualification of drivers.

The most common situations of crossing solid lines

So, crossing one or two solid lines on cars is prohibited by the rules of the road. If the intersection is associated with a direct exit and movement on the opposite side, then for such a maneuver the driver will definitely be left without his rights. If the driver crosses a solid line in case of turning into a yard or makes a detour of a broken car, then he will get off only with a fine.

What kind of fine will be imposed on the car owner and when he will have to give up his rights, we will analyze in detail below.

1. Turn through the solid left or U-turn.

A very common situation is when drivers do not reach the beginning of a broken line or intersection, but turn through a solid line or simply turn around. In this case, there is no oncoming traffic, so there will only be a fine.

If a driver of any vehicle turns left or makes a U-turn in the middle of the carriageway or at an intersection across a solid line, then this is a violation. So, on the basis of article 12.16 of part 2, a fine of 1000 - 1500 rubles is threatened for this violation.

2. Departure to the lane of oncoming traffic.

The most serious punishment and a fine awaits car owners who cross the continuous line while overtaking, thereby making an oncoming traffic. There are several possible situations with this maneuver, and with all of them there will be no longer a fine, but deprivation of the VU.

A) Overtaking, the maneuver of which ends with crossing a solid line.

b) Turn left into the opposite lane.

V) Overtaking through a continuous line.

G) Departure to oncoming tram tracks.

So, all these four types of violations are regulated by article 12.15 of part 4. As a result of these violations, the driver of the car makes an exit to the oncoming lane, as well as to oncoming tram tracks. This exit to the oncoming lane is punishable by a fine of 5,000 rubles or deprivation of rights for 4-6 months.

If this violation is recorded on video cameras, a fine of 5,000 rubles will be issued.

3. Detour obstacles through a solid.

The only case when a ride will be made through a continuous and oncoming lane, which will not entail deprivation of rights, is a detour of a standing obstacle. In this case, there will be only a fine.

When driving around any obstacle, whether it is ongoing repair work, a broken car with the alarm turned on, or the like, crossing a continuous line and driving into oncoming traffic or driving into oncoming tram tracks, Article 12.15 part 3 will be violated. The fine in this case will also be 1000-1500 rubles.

4. Departure from the yard through a continuous one.

Often there are such traffic situations when, when leaving a yard or less significant road to the left, there is a sign on a section of a two-way road - only to the right. At the same time, the two-way road is divided by a solid line. Based on traffic regulations, only right turns are allowed. If you make a left turn, then a solid line will be crossed, which, accordingly, will become a traffic violation. It is worth noting that here, as such, there will be no oncoming traffic, so the violator will get off only with a fine.

So, for leaving the highway and making a perfect turn to the left from the yard or adjacent territory through a solid line, the violator faces a fine of 500 rubles.

This maneuver is worth considering and remembering. Many drivers still believe that the inspector will draw up a protocol for him and deprive him of his rights. In 2018, in accordance with Art. 12.16 part 1 of the code of offenses of the traffic police provides only a fine.

Summing up, you can do following conclusion:

Any crossing of solid lines is a violation for which one of three penalties is possible: a fine of 500 to 1500 rubles, a fine of 5000 rubles or deprivation of rights from 4 to 6 months. Before committing any maneuver, you must first consider all the possible consequences, including serious punishment.

A huge number of cars exacerbates the difficult situation on the roads, which leads to frequent violations of traffic rules by drivers. Despite the tightening of responsibility, cases of crossing the continuous line have become especially frequent, the fine for such non-compliance with the rules is growing year by year, and fluctuates in the amount of 1000-5000 rubles. What fine for crossing the solid line in 2018 will be assigned to the driver depends on the method of committing the offense.

Double and single solid

If the road has 2 lanes, a single continuous marking is applied to the canvas, which separates oncoming traffic flows. A similar task is performed by a double continuous marking, its presence means that the road is intended for traffic in 4 lanes or more. Therefore, the intersection of a double or single continuous marking, in fact, means that the transport has entered the oncoming lane, the exceptions include solid for marking parking lots.

Why was the law relaxed?

The condition of the roadway and, often, thoughtless organization of traffic force drivers to sometimes deviate from traffic rules. Pits, hatches, potholes, which are more reasonable and safer to bypass, violating the rules, continuous markings, contrary to all logic, for many kilometers, hence the inability to turn around, or the "turtle move" behind the tractor - all these circumstances lead to controversial issues. Therefore, in the revised Code of Administrative Violations, softer articles appeared for crossing a solid line by transport. In connection with the new rules, the Road Safety Department clarified which articles are applicable in different situations when a car passes through a solid dividing line, how to qualify a violation, and what a fine should be imposed.

Violations and penalties

Previously, by definition of the Court, any maneuver that led to the crossing of the wheel of a car of a solid line was considered to be a vehicle exit into the oncoming lane. After the easing in the Law, the situation has changed dramatically, now it is clearly regulated what will result in the deprivation of the driver’s license, and what crossing of a double or single solid is punishable by a fine.

Penalty for crossing a solid line while overtaking

According to statistics, overtaking involving the crossing of a dividing solid line is the most frequent violation on the roads. Article 12.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses provides for the responsibility of the driver. When overtaking and at the same time crossing a solid marking line, the fine 2018 is clearly spelled out in part 4 of this article: a maneuver is punishable by deprivation of the driver's license for a period of 4-6 months. No reasons will save you, even if you explain your actions by overtaking a barely crawling tractor.

The driver of a slow-moving vehicle will be responsible for not leaving the lane to the side of the road, interfering and not letting cars pass, but this will not save you from punishment for an offense.

Overtaking, crossing during a separating solid maneuver and, as a result, driving into an oncoming lane, is punishable under the Law by deprivation of the driver's license for six months

Haste when turning

If it is necessary to turn left, drivers are often in a hurry and do not rush to intermittent markings, this violation and responsibility for it is also determined by article 12.15, paragraph 4. Drivers have a simple excuse, there is nothing left, just think, I will cross the road for a meter or two early, and call on a continuous line. Such a maneuver is regarded by law as driving into the oncoming lane and creating a dangerous situation on the road, for this violation the driver is punished by deprivation of rights.

There is also a milder penalty for crossing the separating solid markings. Next, we will consider cases for which violations of the rights of drivers are not deprived, but you can get off with a fine.

For a premature left turn with a collision with a continuous one, the driver will have to say goodbye to the rights

Detour of standing transport

Often there are cases when a parked car blocked the road. According to the rules, you can go around this obstacle on the right. If this is simply not possible, drivers are allowed to go around the standing obstacle on the left, crossing the dividing solid line. When making a maneuver, you should give way to traffic moving towards you. Under these circumstances, the inspector should not regard the crossing as a violation.

But, if the driver had the opportunity to go around the standing car on the right, but he wanted to go around it on the left, because it seemed easier to him, then part 3 of Article 12.15 comes into effect, which states that the violation is regarded as the exit of the vehicle into the oncoming lane, due to the detour obstacles, for which the driver is entitled to a fine of 1000 to 1500 rubles.

When bypassing a standing vehicle and forced to cross a solid marking line, a fine in 2018 is charged in the amount of 1000-1500 rubles

U-turn through a solid

Drivers believe that a U-turn through a dividing solid line will be followed by an immediate deprivation of rights, traffic inspectors support this misconception. Here you should turn to the new Law, which states that if a driver hit a continuous road and drove into an oncoming traffic lane to turn around, then the violation is qualified by part 3 of Article 12.15, liability here is provided not for depriving the driver of his rights, but for a fine in the amount of 1000- 1500 rubles.

Penalty for crossing a solid line when turning around in 2018 is a fine of up to 1,500 rubles

Turning to the left through a continuous dividing line is equivalent to crossing a continuous marking, and even with the departure of vehicles into the oncoming lane. Here part 3 of article 12.15 comes into force, for this violation, according to the Law, you will be fined 1000-1500 rubles.

If a solid line is crossed when leaving the yard

Often, a solid line is drawn on the road, and the driver needs to leave the lane or from the yard. According to the rules, a left turn in this case is a gross violation, but the rights for this maneuver are also not taken away. In this case, article 12.16 on violations of the requirements prescribed by markings and signs comes into force, and for such a crossing of a solid marking line, a fine of 2018 is only 100 rubles.

When leaving the alley or from the yard and when crossing the maneuver, a continuous fine in 2018 is 100 rubles

Good afternoon, Maxim. I try not to miss your releases and carefully study them. Lots of useful and much needed information. And let me ask you a question: what to do if there is a fine for a violation that I did not commit and even physically could not be in this area. but with a different order number. It seems that my data was entered into someone else's protocol intentionally (I don't want to believe it) or they made a mistake when entering it into the database, which is also somehow unbelievable.

Hello Maxim. In your article, I don’t understand this, where the traffic rules say that when leaving the yard, you can cross solid marking lines, especially with the exit into the oncoming traffic lane when turning left. Please indicate this paragraph of traffic rules. Sincerely, Boris


Good afternoon, Maxim. I have a question. Do traffic police officers have the right to film from a moving private car and then attach it to the protocol on administrative violations. And then, without reading the material, send it to the court. Thank you in advance.

Good luck on the roads!

Boris, Hello.

Solid markings (single 1.1 and double 1.3) separating traffic flows of opposite directions cannot be crossed.

Lines 1.1, 1.2.1 and 1.3 must not be crossed.

For crossing these types of markings, the driver in any case will receive a fine. This article is about fines.

Good luck on the roads!

Magomed, Hello.

If we are talking about a specific traffic situation, then I recommend consulting with a competent lawyer. Most likely he will find violations after studying all the materials of the case.

Good luck on the roads!

Maxim, I don’t understand why a 90% turn qualifies as something like a through passage through an oncoming lane, but not as an exit into an oncoming lane, but an oblique trajectory as an unambiguous exit into an oncoming lane. It seems to me that not everything should be so clear. Can you make an argument in terms of traffic rules?

Igor, the lane is oncoming only if the traffic on it is carried out towards your car. If you are driving on a road at a right angle, the lanes are perpendicular. Those. none of the lanes is opposite.

In general, you do not need to cross solid marking lines, then there will be no problems.

Good luck on the roads!


I had a slightly different situation. I turned left at the crossroads and a little missed the intermittent markings, but I didn’t go to the solid one. turned onto a one-way street. The traffic cops threatened me with deprivation for six months, but then they let me go. What threatened me in reality? What are the penalties?

Tatiana, did the car end up driving on a continuous line or on a broken one?


Sorry, I misspoke. I didn't go out for a ride. The solid turns out to be crossed in a meter from the intermittent one.

Tatiana if you crossed a continuous marking within the intersection of carriageways, then the punishment could be from 1,000 to 1,500 rubles (part 2 of article 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses).

If the markings were crossed outside the intersection of the carriageways, then the driver could be punished under part 4 of Article 12.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (5,000 rubles or deprivation of rights for 4-6 months).

Good luck on the roads!


Good afternoon My son is a citizen of Russia, has a residence permit in the Republic of Belarus, in connection with this he received rights in the Republic of Belarus, at the moment he lives in Moscow. Recently, an incident happened to him: he turned around on the 2nd solid line, the traffic cops immediately stopped him, they said that he would be deprived of his rights, the question is: can they deprive the Belarusian rights in the Russian Federation ??? PS: as a result, they took 20 thousand from him into his pocket !!!

Svetlana, Hello.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, they can, among other things, deprive a driver's license issued in another state. In this case, in order to return the rights, you will also have to pass an exam on Russian traffic rules.

Good luck on the roads!

Wowochka, if the markings are not visible, then they should not be punished for crossing them. However, the rest of the requirements of the rules must be observed.

Good luck on the roads!

Good afternoon Leaving the yard, turn left, marking 6.1 (intermittent, turning into a solid one before the traffic light). They stopped the traffic police, drew a diagram that I drove in the opposite direction and turned already at the crossing, and I turned at a right or maybe slightly beveled angle. I didn’t sign the protocol and the scheme, a subpoena came to court. St. 12.15 part 4 is pressed. Is it legal? How do I behave in court?

If you can’t think of anything, then go to court, where you repent of the offense you committed. This will be a mitigating circumstance and the deprivation of rights will be replaced by a fine.

Good luck on the roads!

I am alarmed by this definition - a competent lawyer. In fact, from my little judicial practice, I concluded that this is either an informal visitor to the judge to "resolve the issue", or an ordinary illiterate swindler who fights money for his "services" (there is zero sense from him). This "literate" - does he know any other traffic rules or what? Maxim will answer that he (the lawyer) has more practice in courts, etc. Anna, I recommend that you google (I prefer Yandex) your question and select the necessary material. I assure you - no lawyer after that will be more competent than you on this issue.

GDW nik, in this case, you need to study all the available materials (documents, diagrams) and understand what the author of the question (Anna) has already managed to do correctly / incorrectly. With the same violation, the driver may behave differently and the decision of the court depends on this. Therefore, it is easier (faster) to resolve the issue with a personal appeal to a lawyer than through a forum to "pull out" intermediate data for several weeks.

Good luck on the roads!


Dear Maxim!

Today I provoked by inattention, (very in a hurry) an accident.

I turned left from the local area to the left through a double solid line. To then immediately turn right into the garages., That is, the adjoining roads on both sides of the main one are offset from each other along the axis by five meters. On the left, there were no 300 meters of cars. But on the other side of the traffic, I let a minibus pass along the second lane, but I didn’t notice it coming along the first lane, because I was looking at the entrance to the garage. I crossed almost a double lane at a right angle, because there were also 2 lanes on the other side of the traffic. Thus, a Nissan crashed into the right door on the first lane. and the adjoining part at an angle towards the movement. I refused to sign such a protocol, saying that I was guilty of inattention - an accident and that I drove in a straight line violating the rules under article 12.16 - for non-compliance with the requirements prescribed by road signs or markings. In general, the case was handed over to the investigator on March 31, and the traffic cops tell me that I went to the oncoming lane, ALTHOUGH no one saw this, they can’t say. How can you comment and what would you advise me

Alexander Your interpretation in this case is correct. You were not driving in the opposite lane. Insist on this to the end, if necessary, challenge the possible punishment in higher authorities (court).

Good luck on the roads!

Any motorist knows that there is a penalty for crossing a solid marking line on the road. Sometimes this is a fine, and in some situations the driver may become a pedestrian for a while.

In the article, you will learn about what punishment for crossing the solid line is provided for by the Code of Administrative Offenses and whether changes will be made to this code in 2017.

Before analyzing the question of what penalty for crossing a solid line is provided for by the current legislation, it is necessary to find out the varieties of this markup. It can be of two types:

  1. permanent - this is a marking line, which is drawn, as a rule, in white, less often in yellow, applied to the carriageway on a permanent basis;
  2. temporary - this is a marking line, which is drawn in orange, applied for a certain time period, for example, at the moment while the roadway is being repaired.

In addition, there are 2 more types of solid marking lines. Here they are:

  • One line.

A single lane marking is applied to the road for:

  1. separating the lanes of oncoming traffic of cars;
  2. designation of the border of the carriageway where the car cannot go;
  3. marking the boundaries of parking spaces;
  4. road edge markings.

For crossing one line, a penalty is due, which will be discussed below.

  • Double line.

Such markings are applied to separate oncoming lanes of cars. A penalty is also due for moving two solid ones. What punishment is provided for crossing a double solid marking line will also be discussed below.

Penalty for crossing a solid marking line

Some motorists believe that crossing one solid lane threatens with a less severe punishment than crossing a double solid lane. However, this is an erroneous opinion. The penalty for crossing a double line will be the same as the penalty for crossing a single line. The penalty of deprivation of rights will also be the same in both cases.

What fine a traffic police officer can assign for crossing a solid marking line depends on the situation in which the offense occurred, namely:

  1. Crossing the carriageway through a continuous marking line when driving from a yard or lane. Such violation of traffic rules is subject to a fine, the amount of which is 500 rubles. This is the lowest fine for such an offense.
  2. Avoiding an obstacle in front of a moving vehicle. This is considered a gross offense, therefore it is subject to a fine of 1500 rubles. In this case, an obstacle should be understood as a broken car that is located on the roadway and interferes with the movement of other vehicles, any flaw on the road, for example, a large pit, as well as other foreign objects (felled tree, etc.). However, a penalty for crossing a solid marking line will only be imposed if it was possible to bypass the obstacle on the right. If this action is impossible, then the motorist cannot be punished, since this will not be considered an offense.
  3. A turn made through a solid marking line. In this case, the amount of monetary recovery is 1500 rubles.
  4. Crossing a solid marking line at an intersection. In this case, the amount of the fine is more than 1500 rubles. The fact is that the intersection is a place of the roadway where any maneuvers are prohibited. Therefore, the traffic police officer can issue a fairly large fine for this offense.
  5. Overtaking the vehicle in front through a continuous line of markings. This is considered the most flagrant offense of this kind. It is regarded not only as a crossing through a continuous marking, but also as an exit into the lane of oncoming traffic. Accordingly, the size of the penalty for this offense is quite impressive. The fine for crossing a solid marking line by a car when overtaking in 2017 will be 5,000 rubles. It is also an offense to complete overtaking through a line on the road that is marked with a solid stripe. Even if a maneuver is started on a broken line, it must not end on a solid line. The amount of recovery in this case is also 5000 rubles.
  6. Crossing over a continuous line on the bridge. This offense is one of the grossest, since the bridge is a place of increased danger. Therefore, the fine in this case will be at least 5,000 rubles.

In addition to a fine, a motorist may receive a more severe punishment for this offense. He can become a pedestrian for a period of 4 to 6 months. Deprivation of rights for crossing a continuous follows if the motorist tried to overtake the vehicle in front.

In addition, the rights can be lost and crossing the solid marking line on the bridge. The fact is that the bridge is a place of increased danger for road users. The term of punishment will also be from 4 to 6 months.

However, if such an offense is committed again, then the motorist may be deprived of the right to drive a car for a longer period. In this situation, he will become a pedestrian for 12 months. A repeated offense is considered if it is committed again after the punishment within a year. Only the court can deprive the rights of a motorist. Traffic police officers do not have such powers.

When can't there be a penalty for crossing a solid line?

Penalty for driving across a continuous line is not provided for in several situations, namely:

  • If the line itself is drawn along the road of poor quality, and it is impossible to determine whether this line is continuous or broken.
  • Poor road condition. The traffic police officer cannot impose a fine if there are potholes, pits, etc. on the roadway.
  • Too long solid line.

In addition, a driver cannot be fined for driving across a continuous line if he performed this maneuver at the direction of a traffic police officer. For example, a traffic police officer stopped a motorist, then he is obliged to park at the edge of the road, even if a continuous line is drawn on the side of the road.

Penalties for crossing this type of road markings are very difficult to avoid. When arguing with a traffic police officer, you need to have weighty arguments so that he does not issue a fine. As for the deprivation of rights, in 99 cases out of 100 the court will take the side of the traffic police officer and make the motorist a pedestrian. The surest way to avoid punishment is to follow traffic rules.

The information on the site is relevant in 2018, to find out the latest information for 2019, fill out the form below ⇓⇓⇓.

Each road marking line on highways and in cities obliges drivers to comply with specific requirements so that all road users are safe. The onset of administrative responsibility cannot be avoided if you decide to ignore the traffic rules and cross the solid line. What is the penalty for crossing a continuous road, depending on the type of violation, and can it be avoided?

There are several types of solid lines on roadway markings.

  1. Single is designed to divide the roadway into two parts, where the movement is carried out in opposite directions. Applied with yellow or white paint.
  2. The double serves the same purpose, however there will be multiple lanes in each direction to the right and left. For its application, white or yellow paint is also used.
  3. Temporary solid is applied in orange during the repair of the roadway.
  4. The permanent is applied in yellow or white.

Penalty for crossing the solid will follow regardless of its type. Such lines are applied both within the city and beyond it to prohibit crossing or overtaking other vehicles.

Types of violations and their corresponding penalties

So, what is the fine for crossing the solid line under the Code of Administrative Offenses, depending on the type of violation? Let's consider them.

  1. Turning or turning through a solid line is punishable by a fine of 1,500 rubles. A penalty for turning through a double solid line is issued more often than others (read also about).
  2. Driving into the opposite lane will result in a fine of 5 thousand rubles. or deprivation of a driver's license for a period of 4 to 6 months. There can be several problematic situations, for example, the driver decided to enter the oncoming tram tracks, the oncoming lane after the turn, or cross the continuous lane to overtake another vehicle.
  3. Detour of an obstacle with a U-turn through a solid one is punishable by a fine of 1 - 1.5 thousand rubles. A stalled car or a fallen tree can act as an obstacle.
  4. Leaving the yard with a left turn and crossing a solid marking will result in a fine of 500 rubles. Previously, for such a violation, the driver was deprived of his rights. It is worth noting that according to the rules of the road, you should turn right.
  5. Rebuilding at an intersection with a continuous intersection leads to a fine of up to 1,500 rubles (read also about). In this case, administrative punishment is provided not only for crossing a continuous line, but also for maneuvering at an intersection, which is prohibited.
  6. Crossing a solid line when overtaking, even if the maneuver began with a broken line, is punishable by deprivation of rights or a fine of 5 thousand rubles. (read also about punishment for).
  7. Restructuring into the second row with the intersection of a solid one leads to a fine of 1,500 rubles.
  8. Hitting a continuous line, even if there was no crossing, is also regarded as a violation. The number of driven wheels does not matter. Fine - 5 thousand rubles. or deprivation of rights for 4 - 6 months. The choice of punishment by the traffic police depends on the severity of the violation. If you refer to part 1 of Art. 12.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, you can get by with a fine of 1,500 rubles, however, the driver must have irrefutable evidence of the fact of a collision, and not an intersection.

You will find even more useful information regarding when it is appointed in the material of our expert.

Read additionally a very interesting and useful article by our specialist, in which he talks about.

Automatic fixation of the intersection of a solid

The crossing of a solid marking line is recorded by photo and video cameras automatically. The practice of using these tools to monitor compliance with traffic rules on the road was introduced in 2008. We are talking about the following types of fixation.

  1. Traffic police inspectors use mobile complexes.
  2. Radars with video recording function, for example, "Vizir".
  3. Stationary cameras that transmit the collected information to centers where the data is processed. Further, materials sent to drivers are formed (notification letters about the need to pay a fine).

New models are being developed and put into practice on an ongoing basis. The most modern models are designed to detect violations at night, and are additionally able to control barriers and traffic lights remotely.

Among the key shortcomings of the currently used technical devices for fixing violations, it is worth highlighting the inability to clearly fix numbers in conditions of poor visibility or in the dark. False positives often occur.

How to avoid administrative punishment

A driver who has been issued a fine for crossing a solid marking line has every right to appeal against the punishment in court or through the leadership of the local traffic police, focusing on the following circumstances.

  1. Fuzzy markup. The fact must be confirmed with photographs, preferably with a link to your car and transport of traffic police officers.
  2. Wrong markup. A continuous solid line does not start immediately after a broken line, there should be a section of a broken line between them, but with shorter intervals and long strokes so that the driver has time to orientate. If there is no such crossing, the road is not marked according to GOST, and the driver has the opportunity to challenge the punishment by providing a photo or video as proof.
  3. Forced crossing of a solid line when absolutely necessary, for example, to prevent an accident.
  4. The presence of another driver at the wheel. This fact will need to be documented (your absence in the city or country at the time of the offense, the presence of a power of attorney to drive a vehicle by another person). If you can prove that you were not driving at the time of the misdemeanor, the driver who violated the law will be liable to pay the fine.
  5. Incorrect identification of the number is a frequent sin of automatic means of fixing, and to confirm the error, it is enough just to provide your own numbers.

If the violation on your part was recorded not by means of automatic fixation, but by a traffic police inspector, you have the right to demand a filming of what happened. Pay attention to the sealing of the device, the presence of the date of verification, calibration, license. Any violations can save you from having to pay a fine or lose your driver's license. It has long been impossible to shoot with household video cameras; video recording devices must be specially prepared and allowed for operation. If there are doubts about this fact, then you have every chance to challenge the punishment.

Remember that success in court is possible only if the driver has evidence of his own innocence in the form of a photo or video.

Punishment for non-payment of a fine

The types of punishments that rely on refusing to pay a fine are listed on the official website of the traffic police.

It is worth preparing for several scenarios:

  • imprisonment for 15 days;
  • doubling the previously imposed fine;
  • 50 hours of corrective labor for the benefit of the state.

Summing up, it is worth paying attention to the possible size of the fine, which can vary between 500 - 5000 rubles. depending on the nature of the violation and the associated risks with which road users were burdened. It is also possible to be deprived of the right to drive a car for up to 6 months.