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Passage of the game angry bad and sober. Angry, Bad and Sober (Walkthrough)

Game: Platform: PC Genre: adventure Release date: January 23, 2008 Developer: Litera Laboratories Publisher in Russia: Akella / Hunt the Wild West, by all means, almost all people associate with gunfights, mustang chases, intoxicated skirmishes in saloons and fearless cowboys doing all of the above. If you ask a player what game genre would be best suited to recreate the atmosphere of a western, the answer would be action. At the thin end - an arcade. In any case, a leisurely and thoughtful problem solving, like a quest, is an unsuitable format for implementing a project about the Wild West. In general, it may seem so only at first glance. Upon close acquaintance with the latest adventure game called "Evil, bad and sober" from the Russian team Litera, questions about a more successful form for the realization of a real western should not remain.

We loot a little.

Well, a very wild West

An ordinary South American peasant Jack quite by chance gets into trouble. He would live for himself, but not grieve, he worked during the day, in the evening he rested with a bottle, but here a horse with a dying red-skin comes to his ranch, right behind which a gang of bandits appears. The thugs, angry, burn the entire household of our hero. The young man, without thinking twice, sails off to Westtown, to the competition of shooters. There he will have to fight offenders and, by the way, get a hefty prize for the reconstruction of the affected ranch. It would seem that there is something complicated here - a little practiced - that's William Tell? But there is an aspect. We are, after all, in the wild, wild West. And the competition here is also not home! Only bandits can participate, and only if there is a place in the cemetery. Guess what's going on?

The plot of the adventure is not tormented by either realism or adequacy. But, you can’t refuse him the originality of the transitions. Our character will begin his journey with looting - he will search the corpse of a traveling salesman gnawed by a vulture. Later, he will do a good deed: he will release the priest, who, in turn, will give Jack a "tip" on the gang robbing the train. And so on: each subsequent plot turn turns out to be quite sudden, given the incidents of the previous one. The Wild West is a place where surprises are found at every turn. And with all this, they keep their tail with a gun.

With this guy you have to speak in his language. I mean, punch your face.

Did the developers drink the wrong tequila?

Guys from Litera obviously they did not suffer from a lack of a sense of humor, as well as from a lack of "what to drink" or "what to smoke." Such conclusions are prompted by virtually all the dialogues and comments that delight us in "Evil, bad and sober" with enviable regularity. Perhaps this adventure is one of those rare cases when statements and discussions are really willing to listen, and not to squander quickly to get to the next task. The comments of Jack himself, with enviable persistence, given by him to each object, character or phenomenon, seem especially cute. Often the hero not only shares his thoughts about what he sees in front of him, but also sends the attentive player to some funny parody or allusion. You can run into a statement like: "These are incorrect cacti. Incorrect tequila is being made from them" you can almost at the very beginning of the game, on the way to the stagecoach. Further - more. The armor in the office of the 1st of the opponents will receive Jack's certification "Power Armor MK3", which is especially touchingly mixed with the appearance of the steel ingot. Who watched the movie "Metal Man", he will learn where the dog is buried. By the way, about burials. One of the brightest places in the game is the cemetery. Among others, a certain Harry Houdini is buried there, on whose grave it is written: "Maybe I'm here, or maybe not."

Snoopy, the charming tomboy. Dreaming of a real gun.

A real cowboy is not afraid of bulls!

The riddles in The Evil, the Bad, and the Sober are occasionally difficult, and the correct solution is almost always reasonable. The developers were not very successful in implementing the idea of ​​including arcade parts in the adventure game. We will have to fight with a bandit, jump on a killer bull and, in the end, shoot at the competition. All three problems - on the speed of reaction. Unfortunately, the controls in these mini-games are not very comfortable, and you cannot save during the passage of such an episode, which can cause significant irritation for a player who is used to the leisurely and measured rhythm of completing quests.

Excellent hand, almost brand new.

You can only partially say a good word about the poor schedule. Here we are dealing with an ordinary move used by developers of low-budget projects: supposedly a three-dimensional adventure game, in fact, can only boast of 3D models with one hundred percent static backs. If interiors with landscapes fit perfectly into the atmosphere, then very moderate animation, on the contrary, destroys the charm of a good game in general.

In general, one way or another, "Evil, bad and sober" is one of the few Russian worthy adventure games released in the near future. With some obvious shortcomings, the game, nevertheless, captures, perfectly recreates the spectrum of the western and simply delivers pleasant moments thanks to its own liveliness and wit.

Pros: live story; lovely humor; Wild West atmosphere.
Minuses: awkward controls in mini-games; average graphics.

Publisher in Russia: "Akella"

System requirements

Pentium-III level processor with a frequency of 1.3 GHz

256 RAM

DirectX9-compatible 3D video card with 32 MB RAM (GeForce 4 or higher, excluding MX-series and integrated video cards)

DirectX compatible sound card

Approximately 1.5 GB of free hard disk space


Operating system Windows XP with SP2 and DirectX 9.0c set (the game also works under Windows Vista)

Keyboard, mouse.


Attention: there are "spoilers" in the article - text and screenshots, revealing the details of the plot and solving game problems. If you like to go through the game on your own and without prompts, be careful!

So, in the person of "Evil, bad and sober" a quest with the use of 3D technologies awaits us - when heroes and rare objects are three-dimensional models, and "backs" are two-dimensional, and almost always static.

There is no patch for the game, but it seems that it is not needed - after going through the entire quest to the end, I did not notice any crashes or any errors.

The main menu simply and concisely offers us to change the graphic resolution (the range is from 800x600 to 1280x1024), enable or disable volumetric shadows, adjust the brightness, overall volume and music volume. By the way, my music greatly interrupted the "voicing" of the dialogues, so I still had to use the sound adjustments ...

We choose a new game. The screensaver begins... A horse with an exhausted Indian drives up to the farm of old Jack, the main character of the game.

Our hero spends his time in the traditional way - quietly and peacefully drunk on whiskey, without touching anyone or making a fuss.

However, the idyll (tete-a-tete of a man with a bottle) is broken by two bandits. Jack is beaten and his farm is set on fire. The game begins the way Mondays begin for many of our compatriots - with a hangover turned into the ruins of a home and thoughts about what you want or don’t want, you need to start acting ... Jack is starting to come around.

The first thing that made a positive impression on me personally was the musical arrangement. It does not strain, does not distract, but at the same time it is very harmoniously woven into the gameplay, creates the right atmosphere. Since we're talking about sound design, I'll jump ahead a bit and talk about voice acting in general. Music is really a strong point, but the actors who spoke the dialogues deserve in most cases the rating "satisfactory". Categorically did not like the voice acting of Padre Sanchez.

Perhaps the best success was the main character, the sheriff, the boy Snoopy. In general, of course, I would like more, especially in quests, dialogues are the cornerstone, voice acting is the most important detail in the product.

"Evil, bad and sober" - in general, a classic quest (albeit with arcade mini-games, which will be discussed later). The main character moves in space by clicking the mouse, double-clicking the mouse makes Jack start running.

As is usually the case in quests, when you get to the next scene, you begin to carefully examine it with the mouse cursor. Alas, the headache of many fans of the genre - the so-called "pixel-hunting" (painstaking examination of each nook and cranny on the screen with the cursor) is also present in "Evil, Bad and Sober". In fairness, such problems are not so common, but they do occur. So, for example, you see a neck (the active object on the stage), but if you move the cursor down, it turns out that the snag on which the neck sits is also the active object.

The same can be said about the van (from which you need to separately find the wheel roller), the same can be said about the mailbox (during the study of which I did not immediately successfully click on the advertisement for the shooting tournament). Be that as it may, a positive point should also be noted here - the scenes are by no means overloaded with objects and key objects, which is really pleasing and significantly narrows the scope of possible searches.

When studying some objects, the main character gives several of their characteristics at once (in order, after additional mouse clicks on the object). Don't be lazy, and click on the objects as you examine them a few times until Jack starts to repeat himself. The fact is that in one of the scenes, the key will fall out of the umbrella after Jack examines the object three times!

There is humor in the game, although the bearded joke about the recommendation to cut down the fly and jokes in the style of "these are the wrong cacti, the wrong tequila is being driven from them" are quite neutral. Sparkling wit of the authors of the texts, of course, cannot be called, but in general, nothing depressingly primitive is found. Separately, I would like to note a joke with an unambiguous allusion to the Russian-Ukrainian problem with gas supplies, where Ukrainians are represented by "Indian pig farmers pumping out all the gas along the road" :). Definitely the best joke in the game!

The main character's inventory is called by clicking on the top menu, but it's easier to open and close it with the right mouse button. This is especially useful if you are trying to use an item on an object hidden by the expanding inventory panel. By the way, do not forget to use items one on top of the other in your inventory - often as a result of combinations you get new items and devices.

In the arsenal of the protagonist there is not only inventory, but also a map of the area (moreover, the entire area covering the scenes presented in the game). To be honest, I didn’t feel much benefit from the card - it’s more like another decoration for the game.

Saving the game is carried out after exiting the main menu, in special slots. In total, you are given 10 slots, but each can be overwritten. Saved games cannot be saved or loaded during mini-games.

The main character sometimes tells you what to do - gives hints. A typical example - after receiving a rusty razor, Jack characterizes a certain object with the phrase "looks like a grindstone." Unfortunately, hints are given very rarely and rather lengthy. With nostalgia, I remember quests in which, when solving any problem, at first a lengthy hint was given, then a more specific one, and for the third time you were given almost step-by-step explanations. This approach is simply mandatory, since the creation of puzzles is a creative process, and developers are subjective, and sometimes their logical and mental apparatus does not fully correspond to the logic of the player (and the player can be of any age, nationality and, no doubt, there is a dependence on gender - there are legends about female logic).

Personally, in "Angry, Bad and Sober" I lacked such an opportunity as a detailed study of an item in the inventory (again with Jack's thoughts on how to use the item). Of course, this is compensated by a small number of items and objects, but trite to sort through the options is not quite the correct construction of the gameplay in the quest (although it is an integral part of the game, where without it).

Let's move on to mini-games. There are only a few of them. First you will encounter a fight.

Left key - strike, right - dodge. The fight is not so easy: after a successful blow, you almost always miss the blow yourself. I found one way out - feverish clicking on both mouse buttons at once leads to the fact that the character is covered by "shaking", but the enemy's AI starts to miss, and you periodically hit, and the victory goes to us. However, later on I learned to constantly dodge and strike immediately after successfully dodging an enemy cuff.

The second type of mini-game is the rodeo. Complete primitive - press the right or left mouse button in time, following the arrows that appear on the screen.

Next, there is a variant of a duel with pistols. In the first case, you shoot at a scoundrel protruding from the windows (periodically an innocent woman jumps out of the window).

In the second case - you are trying to shoot first at the bandit standing on the other side of the screen. First, you click on the holster, and then instantly move the cursor exactly to the bandit figure and click a second time. I was able to go through this stage from about the fifteenth time, and even then - by changing the sensitivity of the mouse (so that the cursor moves more sharply).

Another type of mini-game is the exploration of a large picture with a small spyglass lens. Having found the desired object, you click with the mouse and further events unfold.

Overall, I didn't really like the mini-games. Even if mini-games are included in the quest, they should be implemented in such a way that they bring pleasure, and do not annoy the player with feverish clicks. In the end, the audience of many quest games is calm people who like to sit at the screen with a cup of coffee, thoughtfully solve some problems and puzzles.

The transition between scenes is carried out as follows: you bring the cursor to the edges of the screen, and if it turns into a red arrow - click and go to the next scene. Unfortunately, sometimes you have to move the mouse across the screen for several seconds to "catch" the transition arrow. I would like a clearer and more explicit implementation.

In the dialogues, there are sometimes several continuations of the conversation. I didn’t notice any ramifications, usually you can always continue the conversation later, and ask a question that you didn’t have time to. In a couple of moments - the development of the quest is impossible without talking with the right character, so do not be lazy to chat with everyone several times (especially after various plot actions).

In the end, I would like to separately talk about the cases when I "got stuck" when passing the game. Such situations usually characterize the quest very well, and the less they occur, the more playable the project becomes. So, I really "stuck" during the passage, so much so that after several tens of minutes of fruitless attempts I went to read the walkthrough of the game. In total, I encountered 4-5 such situations, but I could avoid a couple of them if I were engaged in "hunting for pixels" and applying all items on all objects. Unfortunately, I am ready to say that 99% of players will definitely get stuck for half an hour or an hour in two or three places in the game, and will be forced to turn to the description of the passage. Ideally, the quest should do without such negative moments, but a few of them in "Angry, bad and sober" still inspires restrained optimism...


Before us is a quest with three-dimensional character models and a two-dimensional landscape, unpretentious in terms of system requirements and to some extent deserving of the epithet "classic". First of all, arcade mini-games, the implementation of which I personally did not like, prevent this quest from becoming fully classic.

The game is "easily digestible" due to its implementation - point-and-click gameplay - and also due to the small number of key objects on the stage and inventory items. The player is not overloaded with either items or information, and everything looks easy and unobtrusive.

The game was completed in 8 hours, but a couple of times I got stuck and peeped into the passage. Unfortunately, there were some dead ends, and the hint system in "Angry, Bad and Sober" was not implemented.

The music in the game very harmoniously sets off the gameplay (a solid "five"!), But the voice acting of the characters, in my opinion, deserves a "three plus". The graphics are very nice for a project of this class and this genre, although it would be nice to introduce the ability to highlight active objects in the scene with some kind of "hot key".

In general, there was a feeling of a good project, without systemic errors and frank "bugs" (thanks for a decent quality control). It seems that more scenes were originally conceived (I personally thought so), so perhaps in the near future we will see the continuation of Jack's adventures...


Graphic arts: 80%
Sound: 75%
Game process: 70%

General impression: 74%

There lived Jack. Former shooter - and the shooter, I must say, is simply excellent. He fell into disgrace and changed military service to tillage and garden work. He did not touch anyone, practically did not communicate with anyone, while away his single days in the company of beds, manure and a bottle of tequila. Oh yes - even with a morning hangover ... But secretly, Jack, of course, dreamed of a completely different, risky life. With suitcases full of gold, plump burlesque singers and chases, excitement and adrenaline.

Jack's fantasies soon materialized in the form of an old Indian horse and its half-dead, bleeding passenger. And after that, a whole gang of robbers came to the ranch. The guys were looking for a wounded Indian, and when they didn’t find it, they simply burned the estate along with all the garden equipment. Finding himself in such a sad situation, Jack decided to seek his fortune on the side, in the town of Westtown, where you can participate in a shooting tournament for the prize of James Starr himself, the legendary bank robber and a very worthy person.

One is a cowboy, two is a cowboy

Developers from Litera I have to give credit - they made a simple and funny cowboy-style quest, a parody western a la "The Quick and the Dead". Although the name itself "Angry, Bad and Sober" makes you remember about a completely different movie - Sergio Leone's masterpiece with Clint Eastwood in the title role. Our Jack is somewhat similar to this actor. Accident? It is unlikely, because the game is replete with such hints. You only need to have a certain erudition to get real pleasure from the gameplay.

Scenery - the most typical. A sleepy provincial town: a bank, a saloon, a court, a pharmacy and a cemetery - a gathering place for all the local losers. The streets are empty. And only the hot wind drives the "tumbleweed". Longing is mortal. It's time to have fun, arrange another shootout for the elimination. But, before getting into the city, Jack will have to pretty brainwash and find a way to get out of many dangerous situations. For starters, get a ticket for a stagecoach going to Westtown, free the preacher, and then - fill the face of uncultured crooks who kidnapped the local sheriff.

The ability to think outside the box is a quality that is mandatory for every quest writer. Where can I find a grindstone in the desert? What is hidden in a dead salesman's boot? How to divert the attention of the thugs, to cope with which there is no way? Unlike many other Russian quests, everything here is based on simple worldly logic. It is enough to be attentive and witty to realize that you can use an old wheel as a grindstone, and you need to act on a robber with a coin. Bandits are greedy people and greedy for money.

And - the further, the more interesting. Admittedly, the introduction is slightly disappointing, but then there is no trace of this. The characters are also good, because in almost everyone the heroes of the films “about cowboys and Indians” beloved since childhood are guessed. We knew Gojko Mitic, but we didn't even know what this adventure genre was called. The authors of the game managed to preserve the atmosphere of those naive films, for which many thanks to them.

"Face about the table"

What western and without shootouts? In "Evil, bad and sober" you will shoot plenty, one of the episodes of the game is a real interactive shooting range where you need to quickly shoot from the chest and from the waist. And here the count is already going on for seconds: I managed to pull the colt out of the holster - live on, no - cover yourself with a sheet and crawl towards the churchyard.

There were no mini-games. There are not as many of them here as in the same "Golden Compass" but they are all on point. First of all, it is important to learn not only to swing your fists, but also to dodge the opponent's slaps. Of course, it doesn’t smell like a serious fighting game: we hit with the left mouse button, we block with the right mouse button - that’s all love. Another fun is bull riding. Here you need to press the buttons in the correct order, and this is not as easy as it might seem at first.

The interface is made very convenient. There is a voluminous inventory with scroll arrows and there is a map with which you can navigate the city streets. Even so, it is very difficult to get lost. There are only thirty-five game screens in the game, but this is quite enough for a good story. I am glad that the world is very "alive" - ​​birds flutter outside the windows, a broken gate creaks in the wind.

Well, a few words about the graphics in general. Models at first seem to be rickety, but then you realize that this is such a style. Landscapes look pretty, and all items are drawn with great care and love. Full 3D, of course, is not observed, but, to be honest, it is not particularly needed.


"Evil, bad and sober" - adventure in the most classic sense of the word. A fun adventure in the Wild West. A parody Western that satirizes many Hollywood films. Feel like Clint Eastwood!

Name: Angry, bad and sober
Developer: Litera
Publisher: Akella
System requirements:
P4-1.3, 256MB RAM, 32MB 3D Card
Genre: Adventure
Rating: 7.3

A resilient farmer gets into a bind, from which he tries to get out. The house is destroyed by robbers, there is no money ... Another will complain about the vicissitudes of fate and sit down to drink bitter, but our Jack is not one of those. From that moment on, he does not take a single drop into his mouth, simply because everything has already ended a long time ago. After the introductory scene, inspect the ruins, admire the leaflet from the box - this is an invitation to the shooting competitions. Here is an opportunity to improve your financial situation! Talk to Ben, he will give you a map of the area. Then proceed to the next screen and take the rusty razor and business card from the bag next to the skeleton. Poor, poor salesman ... Then walk along the road - chat with the driver of the stagecoach that has arrived. He would be happy to take you to the city, but without a ticket in any way. Give me a business card, it won't help. Sharpen the razor on the grindstone (in the right corner of the screen - a round wheel with a hole). You can click on the iguana crawling out onto the rock to remind yourself of Fallout. Return to the skeleton and chase the bird away. You need to lift the snag on which she sits. Take the boot. Open it with a sharp razor, the inventory will be replenished with a stagecoach ticket. Give the ticket to the coachman - let's go!

However, they didn't go very far. The wagon will stop near the tree to which the priest is tied. Free the holy father with a razor, he will tell you about the bandits who planned to rob the train. The same train that carries a bag of money for the competition. Go to the station. Talk to the saint, pick up a bottle and a coin next to him. Proceed to the wagons. Distract the first thug with a coin (clever trick, bravo!), then remove the black mask from him and put it on your nose. Now no one will recognize you. Have a few words with the guard near the entrance and go to the room with the captive sheriff. Here will begin an arcade insert - a fight. Right-click to block, left-click to strike, it's simple. The faster you move your hands, the better. After beating the enemy, free the sheriff - you need to strike the rope with a blade. The fat man will give a welcoming speech, outline his plans for the future, and you will find yourself in the city.

Blind Mike, leaning against a post on the right, can get some information about local attractions and the upcoming test. Go through all the dialogue items. Go straight, chat with the sheriff at the hotel, its owner (a very strange type, according to rumors) decided to shoot himself, so no one dares to disturb him. Rumors don't lie. We go to the right - there is a locked station, the sheriff's office and a boy on a barrel with whom you can chat. Back to the sheriff and to the left. At the entrance to the saloon, talk to Maiden (a famous robber who wants to teach another raider a lesson - Jack has his own account with him). The quick lady also wants to participate in the tournament. Go inside the eatery, contact the bartender. It turns out that to take part in the competition, you need three things: a revolver, a grave in the city cemetery and proof that you are a criminal. Strange orders ... Well, it’s not for us to change them. The bartender will also tell about one visitor, who is also the owner of the newspaper - he urgently needs a reporter to replace Black Bill, who left due to the fault. Talk to the newspaperman, he will hire you and give you an editorial certificate and a camera. The first task is to interview the crazy innkeeper.

Stomp to the hotel, tell the sheriff about the new duties and go inside. Benjamin Peck will gladly answer all questions and at the same time ask you to do him a favor - to certify the will with the judge. Take the scissors from the table and go outside. Escape to the courthouse, bypassing several screens, and wake up the judge. He would be glad to sign the will, but there is nothing - there is no pen. Examine the umbrella carefully (several times), you will receive a key. Grab the box from the table and open it with the key - that's the first fifteen bucks in your pocket! At the cemetery, talk to the priest, he will agree to allocate a place in the cemetery in exchange for the missing parish book. It is noted there who owns which piece of cemetery land. Come to the grave of Billy B., whose last words were: "Hey you ass, give me my tobacco!" Click on the board, a bone hand will appear, we will deal with it later.

Stomp to the bank and talk to the one-legged robber. Offer him a drink and give the bottle. The old man will drink, but he will not free the passage, he will have to use a trick. Go to the pharmacy and talk to the owner. She cannot give medicine, because the key to the display case has disappeared, in addition, her moonshine still has broken down - now it makes sugar from whiskey. To fix it, you need a wrench. Perhaps it is in the store? No, although the seller will agree to sell you a revolver for thirty dollars. As a load, he will tell a funny story for free, albeit with a beard. Buy $5 worth of tobacco from Blind Mike, then place the box of tobacco in the hand of the skeleton in the graveyard. Click on the hand - it will disappear, click on the piece of wood again - the hand will appear back along with the parish book. Take the book and take it to the padre. He has two news for you. First, there are free graves. Secondly, they all belong to the banker Sanchez. It remains only to deal with the nasty robber-grandfather in order to get into the bank...

But first, let's finish with the judge. Cut off the feather from the headdress of the Indian in the saloon and give it to the judge. Now return the signed will to the innkeeper. He will gladly shoot himself. Take back the camera and Peck's picture. Give the photo to the newspaperman in the saloon. He'd pay for the job—just enough money to pay for the revolver at the store, and five dollars left. Visit the sheriff, he will order to remove the body of the unfortunate Peck. Go to the pharmacy and split the skull on the table with a revolver, there will be a key under it. Take the key and open the showcase. Get a "vial with something incomprehensible" and sleeping pills. Mix sleeping pills in whiskey and give the intoxicating drink to the one-legged bank ripper. The passage is free! Yes, do not forget to pick up the old grandfather's revolver that fell out. Talk to the banker, he also participates in the tournament, but this is not the main thing - the financier will give the grave in exchange for a small favor. You will have to ride a rodeo bull. Accept the offer. Go to the hotel and spend the night on the bed in the room where Peck said goodbye to life. Have wonderful dreams...

The next morning, go to the entrance to the city, from there you can get to the rodeo. Talk to the drunken old man and give him the bottle from the pharmacy. The bull-calf has completely realized something, let him cheer up. A new mini-game starts, in which it is required, by pressing the mouse buttons according to the arrows that appear, to stay in the saddle, that's all. Chat with the old man again, then stomp to the banker and take the document to the grave from the box behind the stepladder. Immediately climb the ladder and take a note and a lighter from the top drawer (be sure to grab it, otherwise you can get stuck tightly further down the story). Go to the sheriff's office. He will only sign you up for the tournament if he gets evidence of your criminal activities. The grave is booked, the weapon is also available, the reputation of the bandit is missing. It's time to use the scraps of the old poster that has been hanging around in the inventory for the time being. Speak to the editor at the saloon and ask him to do a series of reports about the shooting competition. He will give you a wanted poster for Black Bill.

Return to the sheriff and take out the rod and adjustable wrench from the box to the left of him. Give the key to the pharmacist's widow, she will allow you to go behind the counter. Take acid from the box, and a magnifying glass from the table. Burn the poster with Beale with acid and use the stubs of your own poster on it. It will turn out just what is required: "Wanted Jack." Go to the sheriff to register, he won't have any more nit-picking. Then go to the gallows, where the sheriff and Black Bill are waiting for you. Talk to the sheriff, you will have your first duel with Lester Orano. In fact, this is an ordinary virtual shooting range: aim at the banker looking out of the windows, and try not to accidentally hit the girl. After the victory, talk to the sheriff and go to sleep in the hotel. When you oversleep, you will again go to the gallows to the sheriff, and then to the saloon - to shoot with Chuck. The second duel will take place according to different rules, here you must first click on the holster and only then shoot at the opponent. Chat with the sheriff, you will receive a new task from Parker in the saloon (find Mad Dog). Talk to an Indian. The great silent will open his mouth and even give a scalp. Show the scalp to the blind Mike - gee, he is the Mad Dog, who has done a lot with the Starr gang! One Indian treasure was worth something. In that gangster sharashka, both the priest and the banker were still hanging around ...

Talk to the priest. Dad will not deny it, but will advise you to look for papers related to the treasure of the Indians in the bank. The door of the money vault is locked, talk to the sheriff. The lawyer believes that someone stole the key. Talk to the boy Snoopy, apparently, what he is looking for, but in return the boy wants a weapon. Give him the rusty revolver - you will receive the long-awaited key. Open the bank for them and go up to the second floor. Open the drawer under the head of the boar, take the sheet. Light a candle on the table with a lighter and carry a piece of paper to it. So it is, in front of you are clues to the code that opens the safe! But where is the safe itself? Unscrew the carpet and press the floorboard, the boar's head will move to the side. Now open this metal box using the hint. What does it mean - bad hint? Normal, well, at least partially ... Press the left button 5 times, then the right button 6 times, the left button again 1 time, the right button again 3 times, the left button 2 times, finally, the button in the center, the door will open. Take the Orano banker's dossier. Contact Parker at the bar and give him the documents, you will receive a new task. Find and photograph Black Bill himself...

Run to the station and talk to the boy Snoopy, he will tell you about a strange house in which ghosts roam. In a second, night will come, and you will be transported to a mystical mansion. Look through the illuminated window, pick up the rope in the grass to the left of the steps (between the boulder and the stairs). Find a beam just above the stairs and tie a rope to it. On the second floor, look through the window and take a picture of Bill. Why show such gestures to everyone? Children can see. Go downstairs, then they will grab Jack, they will stuff him (judging by the sounds) with everything that is possible, they will tie him up and put him in the basement. Only the rod and the cigar will remain in inventory. Throw a cigar (hmm, rather, spit) into the red can on the right shelf, it will fall down. Pick up a piece of glass and cut the tight bonds. Next, pick out the board from the wreckage of the barrel on the right and push two barrels on the rack to the left with it - they will perfectly cope with the role of a battering ram, easily knocking out a heavy door.

Step into the next room and look out the small window. A stick of dynamite will fly out from there, fortunately, not ignited. Screw the dynamite to the door, take the crowbar out of the haystack (so what if you can't see it?), unlock the barrel with the crowbar. Maiden will flutter out of it and give you a delicious slap in the face. Ask the girl for a lighter and set fire to her dynamite. On the street, talk to an Indian, he will tell you a lot of interesting historical facts about bandits and treasures. Go look for the sheriff... Black Bill found him early and then fled with the loot. Here's the bandit. Talk to the official and you will find yourself next to the destroyed bridge over the canyon.

Crossing the bridge looks like this. First you need to collect the parts - an Indian bow and arrow on the left, a roller from a van and a rope from a stone on the right. In inventory, tie a rope to an arrow, climb the stairs to the observation deck and shoot the bow at the post on the other side of the abyss. Now use the rod on the roller, and the roller on the rope - the obstacle is passed.

I wonder what the river steamer forgot in this desert? Pick up the hose near the boxes and go up to the wheelhouse. Jack will get there perfectly without unnecessary gestures, just click on the red arrow next to the destination. The captain is dozing, it would be necessary to wake him up, but how? Very simple - light the stove with a lighter, steam will come out of the kettle. Connect the kettle and the speakerphone with a hose. From the noise, the sea wolf will wake up, tell you about the bandits and ask you to return the telescope to him. Get off the rusty battleship, it's time to go to the native village. Grab the Indian pants drying by the fire, grab a shirt from a nearby perch. Connect the clothes in inventory to get a piece of rope. Tie a rope to the well, our ancient Indian will crawl out from there. Talk to him and agree to return the treasures of the tribe, he will give you a telescope. Climb up the stairs in the rock and use the pipe on the stone throne, then move the eyepiece across the horizon until you come across a small black dot in the cave. Talk to the Indian and leave the village.

Here is the treasure cave. We've got it! You will not have time to rejoice, as a fight with Black Bill begins. Dodge and strike until the villain falls into the abyss. The sheriff will appear along with the Indian. The first will report that the prize money in the suitcase is fake, and the second will take his treasure. Pretty, just lovely ... True, the sheriff will mutter something about the reward that is due. Watch the final video, in which clouds are gathering over Jack. It seems that he was paid 10,000 dollars, but was immediately taken back as taxes, fines, etc. Maiden, who arrived in time, will save the hero, after which they, together with a plump bag, will gallop towards the horizon. The adventure is over, all the secrets are revealed, the happy ending is reached - what more could you want? Is it a continuation...

The plot in this game is very twisted, try it, because not every day in games you meet such a combination - evil, bad and sober. The main character is Jack (who is now so bad), in the past a good shooter, and now a farmer. A wounded Indian comes to his house. Jack left him, and the Indian told him about the competition of stalkers, which is located south of the state. There, the winner is given a suitcase of money and a portrait of Starr, who came up with these tests.

Further in the story, bandits burn Zhdek's farm, and the main character goes to the competition to win a suitcase of money and restore the farm. With the help of his friends, he wins. But intruders steal Starr's portrait. And on its back is a map that leads to the untold wealth of its owner. Having learned this, Jack and his Indian friend rushes in pursuit of the bandits. The game has a lot of exciting missions. There are tasks with a logical connotation, but there are also pure shooting and chasing. Great wild west atmosphere and all sorts of adventures. The game has over forty missions and two campaigns.