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Magnetic generators that run without fuel. Adams-Vega generator: the most efficient magnetic engine Perpetual electric generator without fuel

Ecology of knowledge. Science and technology: The fuelless free energy generator of the American physicist-inventor Lester J. Hendershot was first demonstrated to the general public in 1981 in Toronto.

The fuelless free energy generator of the American physicist-inventor Lester J. Hendershot was first demonstrated to the general public in 1981 in Toronto, at a congress dedicated to the energy of the gravitational field. In his speech, one of Hendershot's followers said that this principle of operation of the device is based on interaction with the Earth's magnetic field, so its operation is strongly influenced by the location and orientation in space relative to the north and south poles of the planet.

Lestor J. Hendershot himself did not live to see this Congress, the official cause of his death in 1961 was suicide.

Unfortunately, there is practically no information about this device on the Russian-speaking Internet.

The first mention of this generator is found in the works of Hendershot, dated 1927-1930s. The author claimed that he was able to obtain a usable free energy generator with a power of 200-300 watts. At first, Hendershot was treated as a national hero, but soon this attitude changed and he was accused of fraud and quackery, and the inventor himself allegedly received a severe injury from electric shock and never publicly demonstrated his inventions, and subsequently did not even mention them .

According to his son, Laster received $25,000 for not disclosing further details about his invention. It is also noteworthy that Hendershot had only a secondary education. It is known that the son, Mark Hendershot, tried to continue the work of his father. Due to the lack of specialized knowledge, Mark Hendershot failed to improve his father's invention, but at the same time, we should be grateful to him for information about the invention and many of his father's working documents, thanks to him information about the generator appeared in the press and became available to the public.

On the Internet in English, you can find a lot of materials on the theory and assembly of this generator. A complete methodological guide for assembling the generator will be published a little later on the Zaryad.com project website, this article introduces the generator, its principle of operation and assembly methodology.

General scheme of the Hendershot generator

Schematic diagram of the Hendershot generator

List of tools and materials for making a fuelless Hendershot generator

In order to build a Hendershot generator, you need to purchase the following materials:

  • Wooden panel, size 100x60cm. Could be plywood or chipboard
  • Coil of copper enameled wire 50 meters long, 0.95 mm diameter
  • Copper single-core wire in PVC insulation, 18 meters long, 1.5 mm core diameter (two of these wires of different colors are needed)
  • 150 wooden rods, diameter 3 mm
  • 2 unipolar capacitors, 500 microfarads each
  • 4 unipolar capacitors 1000 microfarads each
  • 2 transformers with a transformation ratio of 1:5, voltage 110-220 volts
  • 1 PVC insulated copper wire, 10 meters long, 1 mm core diameter
  • Power supply (socket) for 110-220 Volts
  • Cardboard sheet 10x10cm (can be plexiglass, wood, everything except metal)
  • Two guide rails from furniture fittings, without wheels
  • Two cylindrical steel rods, 2 cm diameter, 8 cm length
  • Rectangular steel bar, 10x0.5x2 cm
  • One magnetic bar (rectangular or cylindrical) 10x1.5 cm

Tools needed to build a Hendershot Generator

  • Ruler (30 cm long)
  • Pencil
  • Non-erasable marker
  • Pair of pliers
  • Screwdrivers - flat and curly
  • Drill
  • 3mm drill
  • Insulating tape
  • Epoxy adhesive
  • 10 screws - self-tapping screws 2 cm long
  • Double-sided adhesive tape
  • 12 screws 2 cm long for fixing capacitors (if you have mounting holes on the pins)
  • soldering gun
  • Solder and soldering flux
  • Wrench (for screwing capacitor contacts)
  • Stationery knife

The fuelless Hendershot generator is not only one of the most efficient free energy generators today, but also one of the easiest to replicate at home. You can see this from your own experience.

Tutorial video for assembling the Hendershot Generator

The proposed video shows how, from improvised materials, without special equipment and the use of machines, you can assemble a fuel-free Hendershot free energy generator.

Collection instructions (subtitles for training video)

  • 00.08: On a 1 x 1 m wooden board, make a mark with a pencil.
  • 00.14: Using a hand drill, drill a hole in the marked area using a 3 mm drill bit.
  • 00.24: Take a ruler, hold it against the board to draw a straight line, and drill a second hole symmetrically to the first.
  • 00.55: Take two wooden barbecue sticks and place them in the drilled holes.
  • 01.06: Take a pencil and a copper wire. Wind some wire around the pencil and then measure another 7.5 cm of wire.
  • 01.39: After the 7.5 cm mark, wind some wire around the barbecue stick. Insert this stick into the drilled hole and draw 2 circles as shown in the video.
  • 02.38: Using a ruler, draw two perpendicular diameters in each circle (divide the circle into 4 parts). This will help break up the circles into smaller pieces later on.
  • 04.00: With a pencil or marker, mark 57 points around the perimeter of the circle. The distance between the points must be the same.
  • 04.09: Don't leave large spaces between dots. If you were unable to dot the first time, delete them and try again.
  • 04.48: With a hand drill, using a 3 mm drill, drill holes at each of the points you marked on the circle.
  • 04.55: The depth of the holes should be no more than 2 cm, depending on the thickness of the wooden board. Do the same with holes in a circle on the second circle.
  • 06.29: Insert a barbecue stick into each drilled hole.
  • 07.22: Next you will need a marker and a ruler. Mark on each stick a 7 cm distance from the base up, as shown in the video. Do the same with the sticks in the second circle.
  • 07.44: After you have marked 7 cm on each stick, start cutting them, focusing on the marks you have made. Use pliers, scissors, or any other item on hand that will help you get the job done.
  • 08.31: Take an ordinary household or industrial hair dryer and use it to heat the sticks if they are tilted and not standing upright. Do not overheat them or they may break.
  • 08.41. The heated sticks become more flexible and can be straightened. Do this for all the sticks that are not even in both circles.
  • 08.56: Now comes an important moment in the process of creating a generator. This is the winding of two capacitor coils.
  • 09.03: Follow the pattern shown in the video. First, wind 12 turns of 0.95 mm enameled copper wire on the installed sticks, and then 6 turns of 1.5 mm PVC-insulated copper wire.
  • 09.15: After you have wound 6 turns of wire, take the same wire but in a different color and wind 6 more turns on the winding section.
  • 09.22: Do the same with the other coil, following the procedure and specifications.
  • 41.13: After wrapping both coils, wrap PVC tape around the top of the coils. This will reduce unwanted outside interference. This way you can be sure that the winding will NOT slip off.
  • 43.40: Now you need to make a resonator. To make two small coils, you will need an iron rod and a magnet.
  • 43.46: Wind the coils as shown in the video. To do this, wind 40 turns of enameled copper wire with a diameter of 0.95 mm on an iron cylindrical rod.
  • 46.39: When the winding is ready, secure the edges of the coils with electrical tape. Thus, the winding will not be able to weaken.
  • 50.58: The two small spools you just made should be placed on the sled. This is the main condition under which the generator can start its work.
  • 51.40: Fasten two rails to a small piece of cardboard, and then connect the rails to the wooden base board. Make sure the guides can move at least 15-20 cm.
  • 56.26: Two small spools to be glued onto a piece of cardboard. To do this, use an epoxy adhesive.
  • 57.14 Mix the ingredients of the glue and apply it to the coils in the way shown in the video.
  • 58.48: Place the spools on the cardboard and leave them for 10 minutes for the glue to set.
  • 59.25: Using epoxy adhesive, glue the bar magnet to the base wood board. Check that the small coils placed on the sled can collide with the bar magnet as it moves.
  • 61.47: For the metal bar, you will again need epoxy. Glue the iron rod to the wooden base board right in front of the magnet. The magnet and the rod should be parallel. The distance between the bar magnet and the iron bar should not be more than 0.5 cm.
  • 63.11: Take the capacitors and stick double-sided electrical tape on their bottom. Follow the algorithm shown in the video.
  • 64.58: Place two 500 microfarad capacitors in the center of the coil basket, and place four 1000 microfarad capacitors on the outside of the coil baskets, as shown in the video.
  • 70.20: Using a hand drill, attach two transformers to the base board.
  • 71.10: If there are threaded holes on the capacitor contacts, insert bolts into them and tighten them with a wrench, pliers, or any other object suitable for this purpose.
  • 76.25: Now connect all the parts of the generator together. First, solder two 500 microfarad capacitors to the winding section of the coil (with enamelled copper wire).
  • 76.26: After that, using the provided diagrams and video material, you need to solder together all the necessary parts of the generator.
  • 76.42: Keep the coils on the sledge as far as possible from the magnet and the iron rod while soldering the parts.
  • 138.51: Once again check the correct soldering of the parts of the generator according to the scheme.
  • 139.37: For safety reasons, it is better to place the socket on a wooden board - the base. Connect the socket to the mains and secure it.
  • 143.13: To turn on the generator, plug the device into the socket on the wooden base board. Next, move the sled with two small generators to the magnet. Adjust the position of the sled so that the power output is as high as possible. Be careful not to touch the iron rod with two small coils with your hands. published

Electrical energy generation devices can be divided into several categories, depending on what type of energy is used for conversion:

  • thermal;
  • hydraulic;
  • wind;
  • sunny.

All of these devices are currently the main providers of electricity. The disadvantage here is the dependence on convertible sources.

CE Tesla Amplifying Transmitter

Disadvantages of Energy Sources

Thermal power generators use the energy of burning coal or oil products, the reserves of which in the bowels of the earth are coming to an end. Nuclear power plants also belong to the same type. The stocks of radioactive elements are still quite large, but also not infinite. Thermal power plants bring the greatest harm to the environment. These are emissions of incompletely burned hydrocarbons and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, as well as a high probability of radioactive contamination (for nuclear-powered devices).

Hydraulic devices include hydroelectric power plants, which use the energy of river water stored in reservoirs, and tidal power plants, which use the energy of the tides. The normal operation of hydroelectric power stations depends on the water level in the reservoir and, if it drops significantly, is excluded. In addition, hydroelectric dams have an extremely negative impact on the existing ecosystems of rivers and coastal areas. Tidal power plants have less negative impact on the environment.

Wind generators depend on the movement of air and can only be built in areas with steady winds. With climate change, the performance of wind turbines may be in question.

The situation is similar with solar energy conversion devices. Solar power plants are installed only in areas with a large number of sunny days per year. At night and in cloudy weather, such power plants do not work.

These shortcomings force us to actively search for alternative energy sources.

Alternative energy sources

Among enthusiasts, the most extensive attention is paid to the use of free energy and the Earth's magnetic field. Since there is still no scientific basis for determining free energy, there are disputes about what free energy is. Most research is carried out in the field of application of radiant energy, vacuum energy and magnetic field. Do-it-yourself free energy generators are inspired by the work of Serbian scientist Nikola Tesla.

All devices that use the principle of free energy in their work are divided into:

  • radiant generators;
  • blocking generators with permanent magnets without moving parts;
  • blocking generators with permanent magnets;
  • transgenerator;
  • mechanical heaters with an efficiency greater than one;
  • implosion (Potapov vortex generators);
  • electrolysis of water without sources of external energy;
  • heat pumps;
  • cold nuclear fusion.

Of all the listed devices, only heat pumps have a strict scientific justification. More precisely, they are not free energy generators, since they use the temperature difference in different layers of the earth in their work.

Radiant CE generators

Radiant energy is similar to electrostatic energy, and therefore confusion often arises. Radiant energy is obtained from the environment or an external source of electricity with subsequent return to the external circuit of its excess.

The best-known radiant energy devices are the Tesla amplifying transmitter, the self-powered CE oscillator, and the T. Henry Morray oscillator. All new schemes use their principles of operation in their work.

Tesla amplifying transmitter

The Tesla amplifying transmitter is a resonant transformer with special flat-shaped windings, which are powered from an external source of electricity through special capacitors and arresters.

A feature of the transmitter is the generation of standing waves of radiant energy in the environment, which did not weaken with distance. The field of application of the amplifying transmitter was supposed to be remote wireless transmission of electricity. Unfortunately, Tesla did not have time to fully complete the experiments on energy transfer, and the drawings and descriptions of the experimental installations turned out to be classified after his death. A photo of the transmitting and receiving tower of the Tesla amplifying transmitter is shown above.

Assembled with their own hands, the new installations, if they worked, gave out extremely low efficiency. The only device that you can assemble and test with your own hands is the Tesla transformer, which has a huge transformation ratio and is capable of outputting voltages of tens and hundreds of thousands of volts at an insignificant cost of input electricity.

Generator T. Henry Morray

T. Henry Morrey's generator is based on the conversion of radiant energy through specially designed capacitors and diodes. Structurally, the capacitors were similar to vacuum tubes, however, unlike the latter, they did not require additional heating of the electrodes (Fig. below).

Capacitor T. Henry Morrey

A self-powered CE generator is a self-oscillation generator that requires energy from an external source to start generation. In the future, power is supplied from the output voltage of the generator under the influence of the Earth's magnetic field. If the self-assembled generator is started from a battery, then when the self-powered blocking generator is operating, excess energy can be used to recharge the battery (Fig. below). The operation of the generator is based on the interaction of the magnetic field of the transformer with energy from various sources.

Self-feeding CE generator circuit

One of the options for a self-powered free energy generator is a transgenerator (Fig. below). This generator uses the action of the Earth's magnetic field on the transformer windings and is very simple to assemble with your own hands.

Scheme of a transgenerator - a free energy generator with self-feeding

Free energy generators

By combining the physical processes of self-powered CE generators and permanent magnet generators, a circuit of a magnetic blocking permanent magnet generator is obtained (Fig. below). Such a blocking oscillator also requires a pulse from the input source to start generation. Powerful magnets are used here to create a magnetic field.

Scheme of blocking generator CE on permanent magnets

Implosion (vortex) generators

When talking about power generators, one cannot fail to mention heat sources that allow generating heat with an efficiency of more than 100%. We are talking about vortex generators designed by Yu. S. Potapov. The operation of the heat generator is based on the interaction of coaxial vortex fluid flows. The principle of operation of the Potapov vortex generator is shown in the figure below.

Scheme of the Potapov vortex generator

Water is supplied by a centrifugal pump through the pipe (2). Moving in a spiral along the outer wall of the housing (1), the liquid approaches the reflecting cone (4), where it is divided into two streams. The external, heated flow returns to the pump, and the internal one, reflected from the surface of the cone, forms a vortex of smaller diameter, which passes inside the primary vortex and enters the outlet pipe (3), to which the heating system is connected.

The heating of the liquid occurs due to heat exchange between the vortices. The absence of moving parts in the heat exchanger provides the heat generator with ultra-high efficiency.

It is difficult to assemble Potapov's vortex heater with your own hands, since it requires the use of factory equipment for metal processing.

New versions of heat generators use the phenomenon of cavitation - the formation of microscopic vapor bubbles in the liquid volume and their collapse. This process is accompanied by the release of a large amount of thermal energy.

water electrolysis

New areas of research that deal with the problem of water electrolysis without the use of third-party energy sources are very promising. Water is the simplest reversible source of energy. Everything is very simple. Water molecules are made up of oxygen and hydrogen atoms. Electrolysis produces oxygen and hydrogen gases, which can be used as a replacement for any hydrocarbon fuel.

The interaction of oxygen and hydrogen occurs with the formation of water molecules and the release of a large amount of heat. The problem of electrolysis is the need to supply a large amount of energy for the reaction to proceed. By changing the configuration of the electrodes and the composition of the catalyst, as well as the energy of the magnetic field, it is possible to achieve a significant reduction in power consumption. A number of experiments have already been carried out, which prove the possibility of decomposing water into its constituent elements without energy supply and creating new energy sources.

Cold nuclear fusion

Traditional nuclear and thermonuclear reactions, during which the transformation of some elements into others, require a huge amount of energy to initiate the process. This is due to the fact that for the transformation of elements it is required to bring their nuclei closer to a very small distance, at which the forces of mutual repulsion are so great that they require huge expenditures of energy.

Such reactions take place in nuclear reactors, atomic bombs, and particle accelerators under high magnetic field strengths.

An atomic reactor works on the same principle as an atomic bomb, except that the reaction can be controlled. Reactors require specific fuel and are extremely dangerous in terms of radiation contamination and exposure.

The problem of cold nuclear fusion is to find the possibility of carrying out nuclear reactions without the supply of external energy and without the release of radioactive radiation. As with water electrolysis, new research is already showing positive results.

The problem of free-energy generators is the active opposition of supporters of traditional sources, since the entire world economy is based on hydrocarbon fuels and radioactive materials. Cold fusion has been declared pseudoscience and all funding in this area has been cut off. All work is carried out only by enthusiasts.

Video. Self powered generator

Many references can be found on the Internet for designs of various types of CE generators, such as a transgenerator or a blocking CE generator. Descriptions and technical characteristics, calculation methods and do-it-yourself assembly are given. However, there is not a single link indicating where a working prototype free energy generator can be seen. Also, many people assembled free energy generators, blocking generators with their own hands, but their characteristics did not correspond to the declared ones, or the devices did not work at all.

Ecology of consumption

Electricity generators are becoming more and more popular every year not only among private users, but also in industry. This is directly related not only to the savings in the funds spent, but also to a decrease in the extraction of exhaustible minerals.

However, the most common fuel for them is still gasoline and diesel fuel. Their decay products are toxic and cause environmental pollution. Another thing is fuel-free generators, which have a lot of advantages over their fuel counterparts. Which ones, we will find out later.

Saving minerals for many states occupies a key place in the economy. This is successfully achieved through the use of fuel-free generators, whose operating principles are based on elementary physical phenomena of magnetic induction current. Of the most successful and effective today, the following types of BG are used:

  1. Rotor Dudyshev - based on a magnetic current that is converted into an electrical impulse.
  2. The Minato magnetic motor has an increased efficiency of 100%, which is achieved through power amplifiers.
  3. Johnson motor - has a compensator, but is not effective in industry due to low power.
  4. The Adams generator is the most popular and efficient magnetic motor with a simple design but a high level of efficiency.
  5. Solenoid motor Dudyshev - has an external magnetic rotor, which is effective only when using low power (in the presence of a "wet" design).

Let's take a closer look at Adams generators, which are most often found on the market for alternative sources of electricity.

Fuel-free generators operate on the principle of generating free energy, converting it into an induction current. Such great physicists as Adams (after whom the device is named) and Bedini devoted their research to this physical phenomenon. These units are widely used as an autonomous power supply for private houses, as well as:

  • in shipping;
  • in the automotive industry;
  • farm and forest land;
  • in aircraft construction and astronautics.

They are effective where there is no possibility of transporting fuel (diesel, gasoline, coke, gas, etc.), and the energy of nature (wind, solar energy, tides) is not powerful enough to provide electricity at full capacity.

It is necessary to separate the concepts of "perpetual motion machine" and "energy generator of Adams memory". They are similar in operation, but the latter require constant maintenance and periodic repairs.

Their work does not depend on environmental factors, therefore, the Vega fuel-free generator has the following features and advantages:

  • They can be used away from any sources of electricity, as well as in open and closed areas, under the influence of precipitation.
  • They use kinetic energy as fuel.
  • They have no restrictions in work and energy production.
  • It does not have any negative impact on human health and the environment.
  • The unit is quite compact, if desired, can be assembled independently.
  • Has a service life of at least 20 years.

The most important advantage of Vega generators is no need to give constant movement to the generator shaft. This is done automatically by converting kinetic and electromagnetic energy into momentum.

The motor operates solely on the force of magnetic repulsion from the ends of the electromagnets. To do this, an induction field is created, which allows the production of an electrical impulse from magnetic oscillations.

The most primitive design of Adams generators contains the following elements:

  • Generator - is a hermetically sealed cylindrical container, inside which an electromagnetic field is created due to the action of external coils.
  • Voltage converter - generates electricity by converting magnetic impulses into alternating current.
  • Rechargeable batteries - accumulate the received charge, allowing you to use it at any convenient time.

The main structural element is a gearless direct rotation generator, which is multi-pole in its structure. Along its outer edge are magnets, the number of which is selected individually, depending on the desired power. In the process of creating an electric field, the generator rotates around its axis, generating Efficiency not less than 91%. The generators are well connected to each other, which allows you to get autonomous power grids at absolutely no cost. This is beneficial in the case when the power of one generator does not exceed 5 kW, and at least 10 kW is required to fully provide electricity.

The operation of the generator under load is demonstrated in the video

Consider, for example, the creation of an Adams-type generator, with a small amount of power.

So, for work you will need:

  • Magnets - their size will affect the induction field and the energy generated, so small pieces, preferably of the same size, are suitable for the sample. For a full-fledged generator, 15 pieces will be enough.

Magnets must be installed to each other with one pole - plus. Otherwise, the induction field will not be created.

  • Copper wires.
  • Two coils - you can either take it from ready-made motors or make it yourself by gradually winding two copper wires, starting from the bottom and moving up.
  • Sheets of steel from which the body (frame) will be made.
  • Nails, bolts and washers for fastening small parts.

Getting Started. The first step is to attach the linear magnet to the base of the coil by drilling a hole and securing the latter with bolts. We wind wires (1.25 mm each) with insulation on coils. We install coils on a metal frame in such a way that there are gaps at the ends necessary for torsion of the main element. Actually, the unit is ready for use. Whether it was assembled correctly or not is very easy to check. To do this, twist the magnets by hand, applying maximum force. If voltage appears at the ends of the winding (we check with a special device), then the unit is completely ready for operation.

Naturally, this scheme is primitive, but it reflects the essence of the idea - to create a generator that would work without fuel, using the strength of the magnetic current. Such a generator is hardly suitable for a home, but it will be quite possible to charge a mobile phone.

There are three leaders in the market of manufacturers of magnetic generators:

  • "Vega";
  • "Verano-Co";
  • "U-Polemag";
  • "Energystem".


The manufacturer produces generators operating on the principle of magnetic induction, the idea of ​​​​which was embodied in reality by the scientist physicist Adams. The cost of certain models depends entirely on the output power and dimensions of the unit. The price starts from 45,000 rubles. Some of the clear benefits include:

  • high level of environmental friendliness;
  • silent operation, allowing the generator to be installed in a residential area;
  • compactness;
  • a wide range of models from 1.5 to 10 kW.

Duration of work - at least 20 years. Operation and repair depends on the model. The most frequently replaced parts are batteries, which last for 3-5 years of use.

The operation of the generator is shown in the video


A Ukrainian manufacturer that uses high-quality components for its models. It is based on the production of generators of an alternative energy source, designed not only for domestic needs, but also for generating energy on an industrial scale. The principle of operation is similar to all magnetic generators. The price range for the model range varies from 50,000 to 180,000 rubles.


Chinese manufacturer, leader in the number and variety of models. Efficiency - 93%, while the energy loss is less than 1%. Compact dimensions and light weight are ideal for home use. The low level of noise and vibration allows you to keep it in the house without fear for your health. In the configuration there are modern cooling systems that allow to increase the duration of the service life up to 15 years. It is distinguished by affordable prices, which on average range from 31,000 to 85,000 rubles.


It is engaged in the production of fuel-free vertical type generators that operate on the strength of magnetic current. Many users of such units are dissatisfied, expressing somewhat conflicting opinions regarding the quality and power of the generators produced. A slightly inflated cost of 50,000 rubles or more makes this company the last in the ranking of BTG manufacturers.

Any new generators (and magnetic even more so) cost a lot of money, so before buying it, the question arises: how to buy a cheaper, but high-quality model? Recently, it has been fashionable to buy goods from China, which are famous for their cheapness and relatively tolerable quality. Generators or components for them can also be ordered abroad, but the risks are high:

As you can see, the economy is completely false. Another option is to buy from the manufacturer. But even here there are troubles. Without knowing all the intricacies of the design and operation of the unit, an experienced marketer can “suck in” such a generator that will not meet the requirements. It is not in vain that they say that if armed, then protected! Therefore, before you buy an induction magnetic generator, you need:

The video shows the Vega Adams generator

This question is quite difficult to answer, because, how many people, so many opinions. Remember the main thing - the main task of an induction vertical fuel-free generator is to provide electricity with the power that is required. If there is not enough power, the generator can act as an auxiliary source of electricity. When choosing a model, savings will not be justified, since cheap units are made from cheap materials that will not serve faithfully for ten years, as it should be.

The generator, as well as the car, everyone chooses for themselves, taking into account their personal preferences and requirements. The model, power, dimensions and other technical characteristics completely depend on where, how, when and for how long the fuel-free generator will be used. published

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The purpose of this work is to elucidate the energy features of over-unit permanent magnet synchronous generators, and, in particular, the effect of the load current that creates a demagnetizing field (armature reaction) on the load characteristic of such generators. Two disk synchronous generators of different power and design were subjected to the test. First …

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It is impossible to imagine the modern world without the use of electricity. In connection with its widespread use, fuel-free generators are being developed and produced. The article explains what it is, where and how it is used, highlights the design features, and also provides instructions on how to make the device yourself. Schematic diagrams of different types of generators are attached.

What is a fuelless generator

This simple device is designed to generate electricity without the use of various types of fuel. Works on the principle of neodymium magnets. In a simple motor, the magnetic field is generated by electric coils, usually made of copper or aluminum. These motors constantly need power to create a magnetic field. The energy loss is enormous. But a fuel-free generator does not contain coils made of such materials. Therefore, losses will be minimal. It uses a constant magnetic field to generate the necessary force to move the motor.

This concept of generating a magnetic field from permanent magnets only came into practice after the introduction of neodymium magnets, which perform better at full power than previous ferrite magnets. The main advantage is that the device does not require constant power supply or recharging.

To find alternative ways to generate electricity, there are a number of alternatives from non-traditional energy sources that are also renewable. One such alternative is to generate electricity from a fuelless engine in an isolated power generation system with low maintenance costs.

A fuelless engine (like a generator) is an engine that generates electricity around the clock without fuel (gasoline, diesel, oil, gas, sun). The drive mechanism is a DC motor driven by a battery (12V or more). The battery drives a DC motor which in turn drives an alternator to generate electricity while charging the battery via a diode.

Energy sources that can operate without carbon dioxide include wind, waves, or surges of photovoltaic and osmotic energy. But fuelless power generators are still the most reliable sources of energy with low operating costs, even surpassing solar panels in some cases.

The use of low-cost traditional energy sources such as fuel will remain the main source of energy until the next decades, despite their adverse environmental impacts.

The use of a fuelless engine (or generator) for power generation is limited by the power of the DC motor and alternator. This implies that the presence of a DC motor and a high power generator gives the fuelless engine its capabilities. Studies have shown that the potential of a fuelless engine worldwide is more than five times greater than that of wind and solar because it works 24/7, every day, anywhere on the planet.

Where and how is the BTG generator used?

There are many different ways to generate power from a fuelless engine or generator. In every field of application, this device will undoubtedly benefit. Below are brief descriptions of some of these areas.

On the roads

The fuelless generator can easily replace the diesel engines used in the vast majority of today's heavy vehicles such as trucks, buses, trains, and large portable power engines. And also this list includes most agricultural and quarry vehicles.

In the air

Both gasoline and diesel engines used in aircraft can be replaced with fuel-free electric generators.

On the water

Fuelless generators can also serve as a replacement for the high speed engines found on yachts, ships and lines along the high seas.


Fuelless engines and generators can also replace diesel engines, as well as engines that are used in mining operations around the world. Similarly, fuelless devices are replacing engines that are used for mining and natural resources such as various precious metals, iron ore, coal and associated petroleum gas.

In medical institutions

The devices can also replace the emergency backup generators that every major medical facility or hospital should have due to potential critical situations.

In data centers

Fuel-free generators can be used for computers, and if the phone is not charging, then the generator can serve as a good charger for a mobile device. When servers and systems go down, communication can be lost, a workflow stops, data can be lost, and even an entire workflow can be completely stopped.

Also, fuel-free power generators can be installed on the sides of a two-wheeled vehicle. This must be done in such a way that as the vehicle moves, the fan begins to rotate and generate additional energy.

When DC motors over 500HP With. connected to an alternator whose power is lower than that of DC motors, you can get the maximum output power of the generator.

Design features

A simple fuel-free electric generator consists of a rotor and a stator.

The stator of the machine does not move and is usually the outer frame of the machine. The rotor is free to move and is usually located in the interior of the machine. Both of them, as a rule, consist of ferromagnetic materials. Slots are made along the inner periphery of the stator and the outer periphery of the rotor. The conductors are placed in the corresponding slots of the stator or rotor. They are interconnected, forming round windings. The winding in which voltage is induced is called the armature winding, and this is also the name of the current transmitted through it. Permanent magnets are used in some machines to provide the main flow of the machine.

Stephen Mark's TPU device is fundamentally different from other fuel-free devices with its original design. Such a generator is not the owner of radio frequency resonators. The working part of the device consists of a metal ring (approximately 20 cm in diameter), on which are put coils made of stranded thick wire. The author repeatedly demonstrated his invention to the public, but then the original development was strictly classified.

And yet, thanks to his followers, a new version was released - Ottp Ronette, which already had differences from the original version. She already had two plastic rings, to which a thick twin wire was attached. The wires themselves were connected crosswise.

How to make a fuel-free generator with your own hands

There are two most common ways to make BTG with your own hands:

  • wet;
  • dry.

The wet method will require a battery, while the dry method will require batteries.

wet way

Required components:

  • charger of the required caliber;
  • battery;
  • amplifier;
  • transformer for alternating current.

The battery serves as an energy storage device and also stores it. A transformer is needed to generate constant electrical current signals. The amplifier, in turn, increases the level of current supply, since the initial battery power is about 12 or 24 V. The charger will be needed for the constant and uninterrupted operation of the device.

First you need to connect the transformer to a permanent network or to a battery, and then to a power amplifier. After that, you will need to connect the sensor for expansion to the charger circuit. Then you need to connect the sensor back to the battery.

Dry way

The principle of operation of a dry device is to use a capacitor.

To create such a device you need:

  • transformer;
  • generator prototype.

This method of manufacturing the device is the most optimal, since its life can be at least 3-4 years without charging.

First of all, it is necessary to connect the transformer and the prototype using special conductors (undamped). It is recommended to do this by welding to create the most durable connection. To control the work done, you need to use a dynatron.

BTG scheme:

A working diagram of how to make BTG with your own hands:

Also today, new BTG circuits are being released, which provide for connection to several batteries and other generators.

The use of fuel-free generators is a modern, more economical and environmentally friendly solution, but their manufacture and selection is a task that requires special attention and responsibility.