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Do-it-yourself velomobile for your beloved daughter! Two-wheel drive velomobile. Drawing, description Velomobile steering gear

Every fidget child needs somewhere to direct his unspent energy. An excellent solution is the purchase of a children's vehicle. But there are situations when it is not possible to buy a new bike or a car for a child. A do-it-yourself velomobile is what will become a truly valuable gift for your baby, and most importantly, this option will cost parents for less money.

What is a velomobile?

It is a cross between a bicycle and a car, otherwise it is called a hybrid of a car and a bike. In Europe, this was called velomobiles, and in Holland - yes-cars.

Outwardly, this unit looks like a reduced copy of an ordinary car, the only thing is that it is controlled using pedals. It is economical, environmentally friendly and easy to use, it is comfortable and easy to ride.

Features of the velomobile

This is intended for paved roads. Unlike a bicycle, a velomobile has a car or similar seat. In addition, the hybrid is more streamlined than the bike, allowing it to go faster. What distinguishes a velomobile from a bicycle is the number of wheels, there can be three or four of them, and they are not lined up in one line. Plus, it’s much easier to ride it, you don’t need to keep your balance.

What you need to know about a children's velomobile?

Before making a velomobile with your own hands, you need to understand that the safety of this type of transport is of paramount importance. In order for the kids to ride without falls and injuries, and for the parents to be calm, special attention must be paid to this issue. It is desirable that the frame of the hybrid is made of strong metal, and the wheels are securely fastened. For external safety, the fulfillment of these points will be enough, and even a high acceleration speed will not interfere with your child's comfortable pastime on a velomobile. The internal safety of the vehicle depends on the reliability of the driver's seat, it must be well fixed, this will avoid possible injuries and shocks.

Description of the design of the velomobile

Many parents are wondering: "How to make a velomobile with your own hands?". With careful preparation, review of drawings and specialized literature, this task becomes quite feasible and not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Of course, to get a decent result, you will have to try and combine theoretical knowledge and skills as efficiently as possible.

First of all, it is worth deciding on the model, deciding how many passenger seats, wheels, etc. will be. Do not forget that the body of the velomobile must be quite spacious and roomy.

The basis of the design of the velomobile is a standard carriage, which can be found on any road bike. The drive gear (sprocket) of the base of the structure is connected by a chain to a gearbox, which is located under the driver's seat. It is attached to the frame spars using special brackets. The second gear chain is connected to the multi-speed hub of the rear wheel.

Particular attention should be paid to the driver's seat. It is better to create it from a mesh material, it is pulled over the seat frame and pulled together at the back with a cord. Some prefer faux leather or shawls, but mesh materials are more common.

As for another indispensable part of the velomobile design - the cab, the streamlining of the entire vehicle depends on its installation. Usually it is placed on the pipe, which is located on the frame.

How to assemble a velomobile with your own hands?

To start assembling a transport hybrid for children from two to five years old, you will need two frames, preferably symmetrical to each other. They must be fastened together by a steering mechanism, which will be located in the middle of the unit.

The U-shaped front frame must have supports made of solid wood materials, in which they are fixed with pedals and wheels. By the way, it is better to make a shaft from a metal bar measuring 10 mm. The rear frame should be V-shaped, with the same supports where the wheels and axle are attached. In the middle it is necessary to install a crossbar with a pin, which will be a support for rolling the front frame.

A do-it-yourself children's velomobile can be made from improvised means, for example, take tubes from an old or unnecessary clamshell. The rear axle can be borrowed from the old bike, and the wheels and handlebars of the old bike will make the assembly process even easier. If there are none, then they can be made of plastic. For the attention of builders, welding is practically not needed during assembly, all parts and structural elements are attached to each other with rivets or screws.

The driver's seat must be attached to the front frame, the height level depends on the height of the child. An almost finished velomobile needs to be supplemented with wheels, a steering wheel with a sound signal and a vertical steering shaft.

The proposed detailed instructions will help you easily make a velomobile with your own hands, drawings, diagrams may not even be needed here.

Advantages of a homemade children's vehicle

The main advantage of such a homemade vehicle is the ease of disassembly. All you need to do is detach from the top of the rear frame. It needs to be rotated 45 degrees and pull out all the supports along the crossbar. To ensure that the assembly does not cause problems, the distance between the wheels of the velomobile is chosen so that they do not interfere with each other when folded.

In addition, to make it easy for parents to assemble the velomobile, the front and rear frames are connected so that the pin easily enters the rolling support. If you slightly rotate the V-frame relative to the pin, the latch moves to the steering linkage, and the finished structure can be put on wheels.

The assembled do-it-yourself velomobile is quite compact and takes up little space, it is convenient to store it even in a small apartment. It has a low weight (within 12-15 kg), high cross-country ability and simple operation.

The variety of modern children's products baffles many. A homemade velomobile is the choice of economical parents who care about the quality and safety of their baby's rest. This article will help you create a velomobile with your own hands at no extra cost.

A four-wheeled bicycle is not only a means for teaching children to ride, but also a full-fledged vehicle for adults. Let's learn a little more about him.

Four-wheeled options appeared almost immediately after. Drawings from the middle of the 19th century are known, where engineers tried to combine carriage technologies with a pedal drive. It is interesting to note that half a century later, the first cars also had their own "bicycle" versions, with one or two pairs of pedals.

Later, in Soviet times, the features of mass production excluded various non-standard layouts of bikes, and for us the hero of the article, along with, became exclusively a bike for young children and students.

Use of velomobiles

Bicycle structures with 4 wheels have a separate name - a velomobile. Who would need such an exotic thing? Let's take a closer look:

  • Aged people- the velomobile does not require balance, it can stop at any moment, which, no doubt, will be very to the liking of the elderly and the sick.
  • Couples- if a tandem can be called "sports equipment", then on four wheels and with two chairs you can relax, as many of us relax by renting a pedal catamaran at sea.
  • Adults with children- You can put one or two child seats, and the transport of children will be much safer.
  • Athletes- several manufacturers promote their models for participation in cross-country and trials. The velomobile is stable and has good grip on the softest ground.
  • Travelers- they often choose trikes (large tricycles), but there are also good home-made options with a semi-recumbent driver. Over long distances, the usual bike layout is far from ideal, but the free set of modules, large cargo volume and just enough space of a four-wheel design is an ideal choice.

As you can see, despite the seeming exoticism, this type of bicycle is not only worthy of the right to exist, but can also be of serious interest to certain classes of riders.

Design features

Some knots are completely different from other bikes for adults. For example, the wheels and the brake system - the maximum that changes is the number of driven calipers or frames from one cable - there are two of them. Most often, the brakes remain only on the rear wheels and are also no different.

The drive rarely changes, these are pedals and a chain, often one, but sometimes two speed switches. The force is applied to the shaft of the rear wheels, which is already a difference.

The frame and steering wheel are seriously changing. It is clear that the frame is made for a specific model, taking into account many parameters. Some homemade ones are two ordinary bicycle frames welded with cross pipes, on which the seat is attached and the transmission is mounted.

Very often a bicycle with 4 wheels is a double. The width of the crossing pipes is sufficient to fit two chairs at once. In this case, the drive mechanism can be different - both a common shaft with two blocks of pedals, then combined with one chain, and separate drives for each rider. There are even simpler mechanisms - when only one person pedals, and the other simply remains a passenger.

Advantages and disadvantages

Four-wheeled bicycles are not so popular that it is so easy to visit their owners and ask about the pros and cons of the design. Let's look at the key factors that influence the transition to a "four-wheeled friend." Pros:

  • Maximum stability of any bike currently available.
  • Convenience of the location of the rider.
  • Large payload and loading capacity.
  • Interesting and unusual design.

The cons are also obvious:

  • The complexity of the design - the velomobile is difficult to assemble on your own and not easy to repair.
  • Less reliable - 4 wheels, a complex drive mechanism, additional steering elements, many welded joints - nodes that can break and are subject to increased stress much more than in a conventional bike. Accordingly, the chance of breakage is much higher.
  • High price - few people dare to buy a ready-made trike or velomobile - the cost is high, and there is practically no mass production. Do-it-yourself manufacturing will spend a lot of time and money on non-standard custom parts.
  • Dimensions - it is difficult to put such a bike on a balcony or carry it uphill - you will have to work with transport as with a full-fledged car.

Order or production

A small plan for those who decide to make a 4-wheeled bike with their own hands.

  1. We start with the frame. We fully design it in a 3D editor or by hand, so that the fabricators understand what and how to cut and weld. Take into account the height of the rider, the required space, the size of the wheels that you plan to use. Do not forget about the mass and resistance of materials - the bike will be heavy, and the loads on it will be impressive.
  2. After the drawing, we go to metalworking for the manufacture of the frame. If it is possible to do everything on your own, this is great, but usually a finished drawing with explanations is given to a specialized company or a familiar craftsman.
  3. On the finished frame, it remains to assemble the chassis - first we mount the axle shafts for the wheels.
  4. Then we install the rear block of stars, the pedal assembly and tighten the chain.
  5. We install the brake system.
  6. We install .
  7. Add seat, handlebars, grips and protection elements.

Of course, all the nuances are known only with practice, but the general “to-do list” will remain unchanged. We hope that making a bike with four wheels with your own hands will be successful.


A four-wheeled bicycle is a rarity, but an interesting rarity. For all its disadvantages - price, weight, low reliability - such a bike is very convenient and can be used in many situations where a simple bike is completely inappropriate. The low prevalence of such layouts is a consequence of the high price and low demand, and many take on the manufacture of their own. It is worth noting that a homemade bike is sometimes better than any production model, and the owners are rightfully proud of them.

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  • He cannot stay in one place for a long time and constantly requires new sensations, try to direct his energy in a useful direction! Give your child a velomobile!

    A fidget can feel like an adult if he has his own vehicle, but not with two wheels, like a bicycle, but with four, like an electric car! The Europeans called this type of transport velomobiles, and the Dutch even called them “da-cars”.

    A children's velomobile is a scaled-down car controlled by pedals. In other words, it is a muscle-driven vehicle that combines economy, simplicity and environmental friendliness.

    Inventing the Velomobile

    We design a velomobile with our own hands

    The idea to create a children's velomobile does not arise by chance, because velo- and electric vehicles sold today are not without drawbacks. In addition, their cost is sometimes so high and not justified that it is easier to create such a “toy” for a child with your own hands. A modern children's car must be collapsible, similar to a real car, and also comfortable not only during operation, but also during storage.

    The children's velomobiles found on sale, as a rule, have a non-separable design. Most of them are an open frame, equipped with a movable adjustable seat, a complex drive. The design is non-separable, and the machine itself is not able to overcome even the smallest obstacles. Ultimately, a full repair of such a toy is very expensive.

    When creating a velomobile with your own hands, you can get rid of all the shortcomings.

    Let's invent a children's velomobile!

    Manufacturing features:

    Advantages of a homemade children's velomobile

    The most important advantage is the ability to quickly assemble and dismantle (make sure by watching the video). To quickly dismantle the mini-car, it is enough just to disconnect the leash located on the steering mechanism from the top of the V-shaped frame, and then rotate it to an angle of exactly 45 degrees, push it out of the support located on the crossbar.

    Thanks to the chosen distance between the wheels, even in the folded position, they will not interfere with each other. The “breaking” of the children's velomobile is carried out first around the vertical axis, and after that - around the horizontal one, with a slight downward shift.

    During the assembly process of the machine, the two parts of the frame (front/rear) are connected in such a way that the pin fits perfectly into the rolling bearing. Next, you need to move the latch to the leash on the steering mechanism, turning the V-shaped frame from the pin, and then disconnect it from the frame.

    Ultimately, the design is installed on wheels. Children's velomobile is ready! It boasts good cross-country ability, and the ability to freely overcome obstacles, the height of which is equal to half the wheel! Due to its high strength, it will not need repairs.

    Its small dimensions in a dismantled state, as well as a small weight (about 12 kg) allow you to solve all the problems that are usually associated with transporting a car, as well as its long-term storage in a small-sized one.

    You can also design a children's electric car with your own hands. Of course, the assembly process will be much more complicated and not easy to describe in words, but there are many videos on the net with step-by-step instructions for assembling an electric car.

    Like a velomobile, it is better to assemble an electric car for a child not from scratch, but to use the details of a finished children's car. It is important to have a steering wheel, wheels, as well as an attractive body. If you have the main parts, you can make an electric car with your own hands in a day!

    We present the velomobile as an excellent means of transportation during outdoor recreation. This vehicle is very comfortable.

    Of course, in order to carry out this project, there is a need for some skills, for example: welding, cutting and experience with metal materials. Before starting, it is desirable to have an idea about this project.

    All we need from the materials:
    1) A couple of bicycles for disassembly;
    2) Square pipes with the desired section (3.75 x 3.75cm); (1.35 x 1.35 cm); (2.5 x 2.5 cm);
    3) Steel pipe with a cross section (2.5 cm);
    4) composite material (chipboard);
    5) Cladding elements;
    6) Steel sheet;
    7) Nuts, bolts and various fasteners;
    8) Apparatus for welding, grinder and other tools.

    Let's move on to the work plan:

    Stage 1 We work with the wheel and the front wheel.
    Speaking briefly about the design, I want to note the simplicity and efficiency. The main parts that represent this vehicle are the wheel and axle represented by the frame, then the bicycle pedals and the chain drive represented by the chain.

    Everything superfluous from the frame needs to be cut off and the grinder helps us with this. On the pipe, which is under the saddle, we make a mark for the cut line, a mark in the form of a V, then an incision should be made. The incision makes it possible to bend the pipe and form a slope in the direction opposite to the original one.

    After the fold, a seam is formed that should be welded. The pipe is reinforced with a steel plate about 0.5 thick, which has the shape of a wedge. We saw off the steering column from the pipe that is under the saddle and cut off a piece of size (3.85 x 3.85 cm) from the square-shaped pipe. In length, it should be 2.5 cm less than the steering column.

    We cut off one side of the pipe and get the desired element in the form of a channel.

    Next, the steering tube is placed in this channel and welded. The voids should be filled with small remnants of steel.

    One of the parts of the steering column should be dismantled. We take out the stopper from the saddle and disconnect the connections with the column.

    After making sure that the elements of the tube and the stopper are even, we connect them and weld the seam. We install a pipe section inside the sliding column.

    Stage 2; Frame manufacturing
    First, you should cut a square pipe into segments of 10 cm, 38 cm and the largest segment of 70 cm, while the edges should have an angle of 120 degrees.

    Using the fastening system, we weld the steering column to the frame cap.

    Stage 3. Manufacture of the front fork.

    The next step is to transfer the drive sprocket to the front so that the ratchet mechanism starts working, we turn over the sprockets.

    The front fork is attached to the frame in the original holes, then we cut out a blank (3.8 x 5.5) cm from a piece of steel and drill holes corresponding to the fasteners. The steel plate is attached to the frame.

    We cut a slot in a steel pipe (90 cm), a hole with a diameter (1 cm) is drilled in the steering barrel.

    We compare the steering column with the rod with a recess in the trunk and then weld the bottom of the pipe to a steel plate, and after that the tube is removed. Mounting hinges are welded. Cut off other parts of the plate.

    Stage 4. Return to work on the frame.
    From the pipe (3.85 x 3.85 cm) we weld the rear frame. Segments long (76.2 cm) are welded to 4 segments long (53 cm), we get a square with 2 jumpers. From a steel plate (0.47 cm) cut 4 pieces (5 x 10 cm). In the segments, we drill holes in diameter to the axes.

    We use the wheel as a mark and weld the plates to the pipes. We put the velomobile on wheels.

    Stage 5. Installing the brakes.
    Take the front fork from the bike and cut off the bracket.

    We cut off 2 pieces from the steel plate - these are mounting plates, we drill equal holes in them, we fasten these elements with a brake caliper, when the brakes are installed, we weld the steel plates to the front fork.

    For the manufacture of cable brakes, you need a long nut, which we clamp and drill out the side, and cut along the entire surface of the nut.

    Stage 6. Gear shift
    We install the switch upside down, and the installation guide goes forward by (5.7 cm) and (0.15 cm) up, then we make a bracket from two pieces of the plate.

    To mount the gears, we drill holes with two diameters on the axis. Fasteners are inserted into the smaller one so that the gear shifter does not fall out of the desired position. We install a bracket on the axis and connect it to the switch.

    Stage 7. Seat manufacturing.
    We weld 3 separate sections from a square pipe (2.5 cm).

    We hang the parts of the seat one on top of the other, for this we weld segments of steel loops (2.5 x 5 x 0.50 cm) to the pipes, weld them to the outside of the frame, and fasten the sections to the bolts.