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Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers - device and technical characteristics. Carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, portable How much does a fire extinguisher OU 5 weigh

Carbon dioxide fire extinguisher OU-5is the primary means of fire extinguishing and refers to portable carbon dioxide fire extinguishers. Extinguishable fire class ALL.


Fire extinguisher OU 5 It is designed to extinguish fires of various substances, the combustion of which cannot occur without air access, fires on electrified railway and urban transport, electrical installations under voltage up to 10 kV, fires in museums, art galleries and archives. It is used as a primary fire extinguishing agent in ALL class rooms to eliminate small foci of ignition of various substances, the combustion of which is maintained only under the influence of air. . OU-5 fire extinguisher not used for extinguishing solid combustible substances. After application OU-5 it is necessary to ventilate the room to avoid carbon dioxide poisoning.

Fire extinguishers should be placed in easily accessible and conspicuous places, near the places of the most probable fire, along the paths of passage, and also near the exit from the premises. It is necessary to exclude direct sunlight and direct exposure to heating and heating devices on the fire extinguisher. To place fire extinguishers, wall brackets or special stands are used. To place primary fire extinguishing equipment in production and storage facilities, as well as on the territory of protected facilities, fire shields must be equipped.


Carbon dioxide fire extinguisher OU 5 comprises:

  1. Fire extinguisher housings (high-pressure steel cylinder 5.7 MPa);
  2. Locking and starting device (LPU) of push (pistol) type;
  3. siphon tube;
  4. hose and socket;
  5. handles for carrying a fire extinguisher;
  6. checks;
  7. A charge of carbon dioxide is pumped into the fire extinguisher under pressure.

Device and principle of operation:

Job carbon dioxide fire extinguisher OU-5 is based on expelling the charge of carbon dioxide under the influence of pressure created by saturated carbon dioxide vapor. Carbon dioxide, getting into the combustion zone, lowers the concentration of oxygen, cools burning objects, as a result, combustion stops.

  1. it is necessary to pull out the pin - it protects the fire extinguisher from self-activation;
  2. thus the safety seal will be torn off;
  3. point the socket at the source of ignition and press the lever or open the valve if the valve is installed in the fire extinguisher instead of the lever.

It is necessary to be extremely careful, since when carbon dioxide escapes, the socket and hose are abruptly cooled down to -60-70C (!)


Carbon dioxide fire extinguisher OU-5 put into operation, must be subjected to maintenance, which ensures the maintenance of the fire extinguisher in constant readiness for use and the reliable operation of all components of the fire extinguisher during the entire period of operation.

Maintenance includes periodic checks, inspections, repairs, testing and recharging of fire extinguishers.

Periodic checks are necessary to monitor the condition carbon dioxide fire extinguisher OU-5, control of the place of installation of the fire extinguisher and the reliability of its fastening, the possibility of a free approach to it, the presence, location and readability of the instructions for working with the fire extinguisher.

Maintenance carbon dioxide fire extinguisher OU-5 should be carried out in accordance with the operating instructions and using the necessary tools and materials by a person appointed by order of the enterprise or organization, who has passed, in the prescribed manner, the knowledge of regulatory and technical documents on the design and operation of fire extinguishers and the parameters of fire extinguishers, who is able to independently carry out the necessary amount of work on maintenance of fire extinguishers.

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers OU-5, taken out of service for the period of repair, testing or recharging, must be replaced by backup fire extinguishers with similar parameters.

Before the introduction of carbon dioxide fire extinguisher OU-5 into operation, it must be subjected to an initial check, during which an external inspection is carried out, the complete set of the fire extinguisher and the condition of the place of its installation (the visibility of the fire extinguisher or the indicator of the place of its installation, the possibility of a free approach to it), as well as the readability and intelligibility of the instructions for working with the fire extinguisher . During the external inspection, attention should be paid to:

The presence of dents, chips, deep scratches on the body, control units, nuts and fire extinguisher head;

Condition of protective and paint coatings;

Clear and understandable instructions;

The presence of a sealed safety device;

The mass of the fire extinguisher, as well as the mass of the fire extinguisher in the fire extinguisher (the latter is determined by calculation);

The condition of the flexible hose (if any) and the OTV sprayer (the presence of mechanical damage, traces of corrosion, casting flash or other objects that prevent the free exit of the OTV from the fire extinguisher);

Reliability of mounting the fire extinguisher body on the wall or in the fire cabinet (for a portable fire extinguisher).

Based on the results of the check, the necessary marks are made in the fire extinguisher's passport, it is assigned a serial number, which is applied to the fire extinguisher and recorded in the fire extinguisher register.

The quarterly inspection includes an inspection of the installation site of the carbon dioxide fire extinguisher OU-5 and approaches to it, as well as conducting an external inspection of the fire extinguisher.

The annual inspection of the fire extinguisher includes an external inspection carbon dioxide fire extinguisher OU-5, inspection of the place of its installation and approaches to it. In the course of the annual inspection, the amount of OTV leakage from the gas fire extinguisher is monitored. The fire extinguishers are opened (full or selective), the condition of the filters is assessed, the parameters of the fire extinguishing agent are checked and, if they do not meet the requirements of the relevant regulatory documents, the fire extinguishers are recharged.

In case of increased fire hazard of an object (rooms of category A) or when exposed to carbon dioxide fire extinguisher OU-5 such unfavorable factors as positive (over 40 °С) or negative (below minus 40 °С) ambient temperature close to the limit value, air humidity over 90% (at 25 °С), corrosive environment, exposure to vibration, etc. etc., checking of fire extinguishers and control of fire extinguishers should be carried out at least once every 6 months.

If during the check a discrepancy is found in any parameter of the carbon dioxide fire extinguisher OU-5 the requirements of the current regulatory documents, it is necessary to eliminate the causes of the identified deviations of the parameters and recharge the fire extinguishers.

At least once every 5 years carbon dioxide fire extinguisher OU-5 and the expellant gas cylinder must be discharged, the fire extinguisher body must be completely cleaned of the remnants of the fire extinguishing agent, external and internal inspections, as well as hydraulic strength testing and pneumatic testing for tightness of the fire extinguisher body, starting head, hose and locking device, have been carried out. During the inspection, attention should be paid to:

The condition of the inner surface of the fire extinguisher body (the presence of dents or blisters in the metal, peeling of the protective coating);

The presence of traces of corrosion;

Condition of gaskets, cuffs or other types of seals;

Condition of safety devices, gearboxes, valves, locking devices and their seats;

The state of the surface and attachment points of the socket;

Condition, warranty period of storage and values ​​of the main parameters of OTV;

In case of detection of mechanical damage or traces of corrosion, the body and components carbon dioxide fire extinguisher OU-5 must be subjected to a strength test ahead of time.

The checks and tests carried out are noted on the carbon dioxide fire extinguisher OU-5, in his passport and in the register of fire extinguishers.

Operational certificate for a fire extinguisher

1. Number assigned to the fire extinguisher

2. Date of commissioning of the fire extinguisher

3. Installation location of the fire extinguisher

4. Type and brand of fire extinguisher

5. Fire extinguisher manufacturer

6. Serial number

7. Date of manufacture of the fire extinguisher

8. Brand (concentration) of charged OTV

Fire Extinguisher Maintenance Results

Date and type of maintenance performed

Appearance and condition of fire extinguisher components

Full mass of fireat the sewer

Pressure (if equipped with a pressure indicator) * or weight of the gas bottle

State of the running gear of a mobile fire extinguisher

Measures taken to eliminate the noted shortcomings

Position, surname, initials and signature of the responsible person

Fire Extinguisher Maintenance Log

No. and brand of fire extinguisher

Maintenance (type and date)


about technical


Prinya measures

Job title, surname, initials and signature of responsibilitywow

fire brand sewer

Checking fire knotssewer

OTV quality check

Check and pressure indicator

Perez a row of firefighters

Fire knots testthat sewer

Journal of testing and recharging fire extinguishers

No. and brand of fire at the sewer

Date of testing and reloading; organization that carried out theservice

result tats inspection and testingstrength test

Term c next scheduled test

datereloading the fire extinguisher

Brand (concentration) of charged OTV

result tat inspection after restart rows

Date of the next scheduledre-row

Position, surname, initials and signature fromresponsible person

Complies with GOST R 51057-2001 " Fire fighting equipment. Fire extinguishers are portable. General technical requirements. Test Methods"


One of the most widely used fire extinguishers. Excellent as a car fire extinguisher in trucks, buses and special equipment, for those who want protection more serious than the minimum allowable OU-2. Also, a fire extinguisher is installed in rooms where the use of powder fire extinguishers is not desirable or can damage equipment - in switchboard server rooms and other rooms.

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers not designed to extinguish solid combustible substances !!! Materials such as wood, paper, textiles, etc. after using a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, they will continue to smolder and may catch fire again!

It is preferable to equip with carbon dioxide fire extinguishers electrical panel, server, fire panels in paint shops, gas stations and on the territory of industrial enterprises, as well as in museums, art galleries and archives, due to the fact that a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher does not leave behind a powder (as is the case with a powder fire extinguisher) .

Designed for use:

  • on passenger vehicles - 1 pc, on freight, passenger vehicles - 2 pcs,
  • for extinguishing fires in rooms of category B, public premises, class E fires (electrical equipment) up to 10,000 V, at the rate of 1 fire extinguisher per 200 m 2 ;
  • for extinguishing electrical installations with voltage up to 10,000 V;
  • to extinguish computer technology;
  • extinguishing liquid and gaseous combustible substances


  • body capacity - 6.7 l;
  • CO 2 charge mass - 5 kg;
  • fire extinguishing capacity - 55V;
  • temperature mode of operation - from -40 to +50 °С;
  • OTV jet length - 3 m;
  • working pressure - 5.88 MPa;
  • the duration of the supply of OTV - 8 seconds;
  • fire extinguisher weight (gross) - no more than 16 kg;
  • service life - 10 years.


During the operation of the fire extinguisher, it is necessary to carry out its timely maintenance at specialized stations, in the amount of:

  • re-examination (checking parameters) - annually;
  • recharge - 1 time in five years, after use, when pressure drops;
  • fire extinguishers installed on vehicles must be recharged at least once every 24 months;
  • fire extinguishers mounted on vehicles outside the cab or interior and exposed to adverse climatic and physical factors, must be recharged at least once every 12 months.


On vehicles, fire extinguishers must be located in the cab, in close proximity to the driver or in a place easily accessible to him. Do not store fire extinguishers inplaces, access to which is difficult (trunk, body, etc.).

In buildings, a fire extinguisher is located near the places of the most likely occurrence of a fire, along evacuation routes, and also near the exit from the premises. in such a way that it is protected from direct sunlight, heat fluxes, mechanical influences and other adverse factors. Need to ensuregood visibility and easy access in case of fire.

Typically, a fire extinguisher is hung on a bracket, while the top of the fire extinguisher should be located at a height of no more than 1.5 m from the floor. It is also possible to installin a fire cabinet or on a special stand.


To use a fire extinguisher, you need to follow these simple steps:

  1. Pull out the pin by the ring, which prevents the fire extinguisher from accidentally working, while the safety seal is broken;
  2. Direct the bell to the place of fire and press the lever.
  3. Attention! When carbon dioxide escapes, a sharp cooling of the fire extinguisher bell occurs.

Extinguishing methods:


Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers (also called "CO2 fire extinguishers") are widely used during the implementation of measures to ensure fire protection of enterprises, offices and other facilities where there is a risk of ignition of materials that cannot be burned without air access.

They are also used for extinguishing:

  • local ignitions in archives of documents, art galleries and other similar objects;
  • vehicle fires, including electrified ones (trolleybuses, trams, electric locomotives);
  • ignited liquid substances insoluble in water;
  • fires in electrical installations under voltage up to 10,000 volts.

Specifications and application features

All technical parameters of carbon dioxide fire extinguishers are specified in state standards and specifications for specific models. However, in the variety of existing parameters, one can single out common characteristics inherent in all carbon dioxide fire extinguishers:

  • The duration of the release of the fire extinguishing composition (OTS) is for fire extinguishers:
    • portable - 6 ... 10 sec;
    • mobile -15…20 sec.
  • OTS jet length for fire extinguishers:
    • portable - 2 ... 3 meters;
    • mobile - at least 4 meters.
  • Operating temperature range - from -40 to +50 degrees Celsius.
  • The maximum internal pressure is 15 MPa.

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers have a number of operational features that distinguish them from other similar devices:

  1. All fire extinguishers are used to extinguish fires of classes B (combustible liquids), C (combustible gases) and E (electrical equipment).
  2. When extinguishing electrical installations under voltage, the distance from the fire zone to the fire extinguisher bell-diffuser must be at least 1 meter.
  3. It is not allowed to use these fire extinguishers when extinguishing fires of classes A (solid combustible substances) and D (substances burning without air access), as well as electrical installations under voltage of more than 10 kV.
  4. The fundamental difference between carbon dioxide fire extinguishers and all the others is that their use does not damage objects of fire, and carbon dioxide does not damage or leave marks on paper, fabrics, etc. It is for this reason that they are widely used when equipping warehouses with primary fire protection equipment. , offices, etc.

Attention: too high a concentration of carbon dioxide in relation to the volume of the room where the fire occurred will cause poisoning of the attendants. Therefore, during the extinguishing of a fire, the number of people in the room should be limited, and after finishing work with a fire extinguisher, ventilate the room.

Classification and principle of operation

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers are classified according to the volume of the cylinder. They are divided into:

  1. Portable(useful capacity of the cylinder does not exceed 8 liters).
  2. mobile having a working volume of the cylinder from 10 to 80 liters.

Their principle of operation is built according to the same scheme. Liquefied low-temperature carbon dioxide of a certain volume is pumped into a steel cylinder under high pressure. The fire extinguisher is actuated by a special shut-off and trigger mechanism, after which the fire extinguishing agent is released due to the existing overpressure. The value of this pressure is strictly regulated (it is 5.7 MPa at a temperature of +20 degrees Celsius) and is controlled during the process of filling the balloon.

During the ejection of the charge, its transition from a liquefied state to a gaseous state occurs. At the same time, the volume of carbon dioxide increases by 400 ... 500 times, and the temperature instantly drops to -70 degrees Celsius, due to which partial crystallization (snow) of the fire extinguishing composition occurs. Extinguishing the fire occurs due to the sharp cooling of the fire zone with the simultaneous displacement of oxygen from it and the neutralization of the combustible medium of the flame source with an inert substance.

IMPORTANT: When working with carbon dioxide fire extinguishers, it is recommended to always remember that touching its metal parts leads to frostbite of the hands.


In general, a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher is structurally a steel cylinder, in the neck of which a shut-off and trigger mechanism is installed. The supply of carbon dioxide to this mechanism occurs through a siphon tube placed inside the cylinder. The fire extinguisher is also equipped with a diffuser bell, which is designed to direct carbon dioxide to the source of fire.

However, fire extinguishers have some design differences, depending on what type they belong to:

Portable fire extinguishers

  • They have a wooden carrying handle.
  • Are completed with the locking and starting mechanism of valve or push type.
  • Fire extinguishers with a volume of more than 3 liters are equipped with a hose 0.4 m long, on which a bell-diffuser is installed.
  • For fire extinguishers with a smaller volume of the cylinder, the bell-diffuser with a drop tube is installed directly on the shut-off and trigger mechanism.

Mobile fire extinguishers

  • Are completed with the lever locking and starting mechanism.
  • Equipped with a carbon dioxide supply hose at least 1 meter long.
  • Fire extinguishers with a cylinder volume of 10 liters are equipped with a handle and small wheels for easy transportation.
  • A 20-liter fire extinguisher consists of two 10-liter cylinders connected to each other, having common wheels and a handle for transportation.
  • The fire extinguisher, designed for 40 liters of carbon dioxide, is placed on a special trolley, which is equipped with a wheel at the base of the cylinder and two wheels at its neck.
  • The 80-liter fire extinguisher is a device of two paired 40-liter cylinders. Cylinders are placed in a trolley on inflatable wheels, which, if necessary, is fixed in a horizontal position using a special support stand. Their locking and starting mechanisms are articulated with each other by a special manifold with two hoses at least 3 meters long, equipped with diffuser sockets with pistol-type levers. This system is served by 2 people, and one must control the operation of the triggers.

Terms of use

When storing fire extinguishers, the following requirements must be met:

  • fire extinguishers should be located in easily accessible places, away from heating and heating appliances;
  • exclude the possibility of direct sunlight on fire extinguishers;
  • regularly, at least once every two years, check the mass of the charge.

In the event of a fire, take the following steps immediately:

  • deliver a fire extinguisher to the place of fire;
  • remove the pin or tear off the seal;
  • direct the bell-diffuser to the tanning zone;
  • actuate the locking and starting mechanism, for which, if it refers to:
    • valve type, then unscrew the valve flywheel counterclockwise until it stops;
    • push type, then press the lever;
    • lever type, then turn the lever 180 degrees to failure.

Important information

When deciding to purchase a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, you need to make sure that it has a special marking:

  1. The trademark of the manufacturer, the date of re-examination, the factory serial number, the values ​​of the working and test pressure, capacity and weight of the cylinder, as well as the stamp of the quality control department of the manufacturer. This marking must be indelibly applied to the top of the cylinder (around the circumference).
  2. The weight of the cylinder with the shut-off mechanism (without fire extinguishing agent) must be present directly on the device.
  3. Factory serial number of the fire extinguisher, date of issue and additional information in accordance with current state standards. The data is indicated on the label attached to the fire extinguisher.

In the absence of such data, it is better to refrain from purchasing such a fire extinguisher.

It is forbidden: the use of fire extinguishers that do not have a check and a seal of the company that charged (or recharged) it.

The carbon dioxide fire extinguisher OU-5 is designed to extinguish the fire of substances whose combustion cannot occur without air access, the fire of electrical installations under voltage not exceeding 10,000 V, liquid and gaseous substances (class B, C), fires in archives, museums, art galleries.

The carbon dioxide fire extinguisher OU-5 is not designed to extinguish the fire of substances that can burn without air (aluminum, magnesium and their alloys, sodium, potassium), chemicals and their mixtures, pyrophoric and polymeric materials, as well as other materials prone to smoldering inside the volume of the substance and burning without air access (cotton, sawdust, grass flour, pyroxylin, etc.)

Liquefied carbon dioxide (CO2) is used as a fire extinguishing agent; when carbon dioxide changes from a liquid state to a gaseous state, its volume increases by 400-500 times, accompanied by a sharp cooling to a temperature of -72 ° C and partial crystallization.

The effect of flame extinguishing is achieved in two ways: by lowering the temperature of the source of ignition below the ignition point, and by displacing oxygen from the combustion zone with non-combustible carbon dioxide.

Technical characteristics of carbon dioxide fire extinguisher OU-5

Charge weight, kg, not less than

Leak rate per year, gr, no more

Working pressure, MPa, not less than

Operating time, sec, not less

Throw length, m, not less than

Fire extinguishing ability *

Dimensions, mm

Weight, kg, no more

Operating conditions, ° С

from - 40 to + 50

* 10V - burning 10 liters of gasoline with a layer of 3 cm, located in a baking sheet in the shape of a circle (13V - respectively 13 liters, 34V - 34 liters, etc.)

How to use a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher OU-5

Pull out the check.

Aim the bell at the flame.

Press the locking and starting device lever all the way.

When extinguishing a fire with an OU-5 carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, the following rules must be observed:

do not hold the fire extinguisher in a horizontal position or turn it upside down;

it is impossible to touch the bell with bare parts of the body, because the temperature on its surface drops to 60-70°C;

when extinguishing electrical installations under voltage, it is forbidden to bring the socket to them and the flame closer than 1 m.

Extinguishing is carried out from the windward side. It is allowed to repeatedly open and close the locking and starting device when extinguishing a fire.

Features of the use of a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher

The possibility of the appearance of significant thermal stresses (as a result of a sharp cooling of the extinguishing object).

Reduced efficiency of fire extinguishers at negative ambient temperatures (associated with a significant change in the pressure of carbon dioxide vapor with temperature changes).

Possibility of accumulation of static electricity charges on the fire extinguisher diffuser (especially if the diffuser is made of polymeric materials).

The danger of toxic effects of carbon dioxide vapor on the human body (when it enters the human body in large quantities, it causes dizziness and suffocation with loss of consciousness).

The danger of reducing the oxygen content in the air of the room as a result of the use of a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher (especially mobile ones).

Danger of frostbite due to a sharp decrease in the temperature of the fire extinguisher components.